View Full Version : Deathrecover/resting_script issues

09-20-2010, 10:56 PM
I have been running the scripts deathcover and resting_routine in conjunction with each other so that hopefully when I die (afk) it will recover from it. Well, I ran it, I died. It waited to decay, (to lower flasks cost) like it should, then got the flasks. From there, it ran resting_routine. I was up to 3 spirit, and then it started bigshot. Bigshot began hunting, while I was still recovering. The culprit was obvious, I had not set up the spiritcheck on bigshot. So, I put in my max spirit for the spirit check in the box (7). I run it again, I die. Then, it does the same thing, except this time even with the spirit check, it goes back to hunt. Sure enough, I die twice in a row because of this.

The problem doesn't seem to be with deathcover, but rather with resting_routine and/or bigshot. For some reason, bigshot does not seem to be checking the spirit. I have modified the resting_routine script to start up sbounty instead. So my question is, does sbounty have a built in spirit check?

I do not want to wake up the next day seeing I've died 10+ times because of the script messing up.

09-21-2010, 12:10 AM
I use deathrecover and the only script I have setup with it is sbounty.

09-21-2010, 02:29 AM
Thanks Pandin. I set it up with sbounty and it works now.

I don't want to start another thread for this quesiton, so I'll jsut post it here.

Landing hunting areas for me is thinning out. I get a bunch of crappy undead bounties or ones in the monestary that I can't script with sbounty. So I've been trying to rest in the landing, and do bounties in solhaven. What I did was get a task in solhaven, went hunting. It was goning to then get a new bounty (because I dont do herb bounties), I was in solhaven at this time. But instead of going to the solhaven adventurer guild, it went all the way back to the landing.

Is there anyway of making this work? I cannot figure out why it would go out of its way back to landing for a new bounty, especially when the last bounty I had gotten was from solhaven.


09-21-2010, 09:58 AM
Thanks Pandin. I set it up with sbounty and it works now.

I don't want to start another thread for this quesiton, so I'll jsut post it here.

Landing hunting areas for me is thinning out. I get a bunch of crappy undead bounties or ones in the monestary that I can't script with sbounty. So I've been trying to rest in the landing, and do bounties in solhaven. What I did was get a task in solhaven, went hunting. It was goning to then get a new bounty (because I dont do herb bounties), I was in solhaven at this time. But instead of going to the solhaven adventurer guild, it went all the way back to the landing.

Is there anyway of making this work? I cannot figure out why it would go out of its way back to landing for a new bounty, especially when the last bounty I had gotten was from solhaven.


SBounty is configured to use the closest to your configured resting room once the script is in action.