View Full Version : Icemule sucks?

07-29-2003, 06:32 AM
Originaly posted by Semiera's alias in the Elanthian Geography folder. I cross-posted this because it's veering off topic from geography.

<<Just going to clarify something. Yes I've had encounters with folks in Icemule over the years I've played and none of them have struck me well. I was thinking the population *might* have actually grown and changed but it hasn't judging from Tayre's reactions, and the rest of the town to a single loud voice. Semiera is played as being loud, crass and outspoken to name several of her attributes. Of course she's going to bitch and whine when her life doesn't go just right. To further clarify, when I said I hated Icemule it was said through Semiera's standpoint to begin with, but the following interaction turned me off altogether. What I saw in that time was a bunch of petty, silly shit that went on further than needed. Which was the basis behind the posting here where I felt Icemule wasn't the right town for the new persona I would be trying to build. I'm sure there are good people in town and maybe I just saw the ugly side of it. So if you weren't there, please disregard anything said about the town. My dislike of the town is IC and I don't want it to be confused with my feelings as a player. I'm tired and I know I'm not making a lot of sense right now.>>

I don't understand how anyone RPing any character as a "loud, crass and outspoken" individual, say something insulting to the town, then expect the town to respond in a pleasant, soothing manner.

07-29-2003, 06:49 AM
Of course not. But they're NOT going to play like you do. I feel you stepped over a line with your dealings with Semiera and I find that as a person rather... distasteful. I believe I've stated in my other posts that I don't have a problem with character interactions but your misuse of the WARN verb doesn't make me think highly of you. I don't know you, but I feel my first impression is a correct one.
*When I said you, I mean the person behind the keys. Just to be a bitch about it.