View Full Version : HA!! <cough> ripoff <cough>

04-13-2004, 09:57 AM
This is why I never go to these damn things

# Starts on Showtime Tickets
1 05/21 09:30 PM (ET) $72.00
2 06/25 09:30 PM (ET) Closed
3 08/06 09:30 PM (ET) Closed

Prices for Dhu Gillywack

I mean come on!

Edit: to make title of thread better.

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by The Edine]

04-13-2004, 10:12 AM
72 bucks for fake enjoyment. Awesome.

04-13-2004, 10:22 AM
I can&#039;t even begin to tell you what $72 dollars would buy you in Thailand...

04-13-2004, 10:23 AM
why dont you fill us in?

04-13-2004, 10:32 AM
There&#039;s lots of websites for that stuff.

I&#039;m sure some of our new junior members have a few recommendations.

Seriously though... you could probably have any article of clothing you designed in text hand made for you.

I think it has to do with people&#039;s needs to have something that nobody else has. It has very little to do with roleplaying anymore.

04-13-2004, 10:40 AM
72 dollars??????? All I can say is WTF..(Pardon my language)

Never in a million years would I spend 72 dollars on a virtual festival. I&#039;m could get a new outfit or something tangible that is worth that.

:flamed: They certainly have a lot of nerve charging that much..Yeesh.


04-13-2004, 10:42 AM
40 bucks a month + 72 dollars for the WillyWack/Gemstone = yeah right.

04-13-2004, 10:43 AM
72 bucks for that ... they better have Jesus there or something.

04-13-2004, 10:51 AM
I take it that is for the premium users? &#039;fraid to see the standards price.

04-13-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
This is why I never go to these damn things

# Starts on Showtime Tickets
1 05/21 09:30 PM (ET) $72.00
2 06/25 09:30 PM (ET) Closed
3 08/06 09:30 PM (ET) Closed

Prices for Dhu Gillywack

I mean come on!

Edit: to make title of thread better.

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by The Edine]

They simply push they luck. Push it and push it and push it. All the raises and those events tell that they took ALL of you for granted.


04-13-2004, 11:07 AM
80 bones for standard.

04-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Of course they&#039;ll show some teasers like an alterator for putting HEAVY crit weighting on weapon, bla bla bla.

Since most of you are money hungry whores, you&#039;ll sign up and wait for that even, only to see it won by someone that is known to be a friend with X or Y gm.



Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Sold my water cannon from the first Dhu for 4M, probably could have gotten 5m. Thats 60 bucks.

04-13-2004, 11:13 AM
I was really looking forward to the Dhu again.

But now, not very enthusastic with the obscene price.

I think it was around $40 last time?

04-13-2004, 11:15 AM
72 dollars my word, thats how much I would probably blow at starbucks in a week if I didnt grind and brew my own coffee!

04-13-2004, 11:16 AM
Gemstone has mastered the art of pimping their players.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-13-2004, 11:17 AM
Oh, my post wasn&#039;t to say that everyone should get alters/items and sell them for cash to cover the event, I guess I&#039;m just saying if the caliber of items is good enough, perhaps they can justify it.

I, will not be going. 80 bucks after repeated insults to their customers is just that, another insult.

04-13-2004, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
I was really looking forward to the Dhu again.

But now, not very enthusastic with the obscene price.

I think it was around $40 last time?

No, this price is around the same arena as last time. Each of the runs cost a little less. But it was like 70 the first run and -5 each subsequent.

04-13-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Sold my water cannon from the first Dhu for 4M, probably could have gotten 5m. Thats 60 bucks.


04-13-2004, 11:45 AM
But it was like 70 the first run and -5 each subsequent.

It wasn&#039;t $70 the first run, or I would of most certainly not have gone.

It couldn&#039;t of been more than $45-$50.


04-13-2004, 12:15 PM
First run last time was 70 dollars. 65 or so for premies.

04-13-2004, 12:17 PM
even if i could afford it, i wouldn&#039;t pay.

04-13-2004, 12:54 PM
Last time was the second Dhu Gillywack, I went on the first one, in the spring of 2001 or 2002, I believe.


04-13-2004, 03:54 PM
Man, for eighty bucks in this town I could eat a delicious full-course meal and then excrete it onto a prostitute&#039;s face, what a scam

04-13-2004, 04:06 PM


04-13-2004, 04:08 PM
If enough people are willing to pay that much, then they ain&#039;t.

04-13-2004, 04:11 PM
I wanted to go, till I just saw this thread. I believe I paid around 35 last year, there is no possible way I&#039;d pay double.

04-13-2004, 04:14 PM
Wish there was some way we could turn it into a reenactment of the boston tea party.

04-13-2004, 04:17 PM
They must be offering like free cyber love with the purchase of each ticket or something.

Thats just outrageous to even attempt to charge that much right on the heels of a sizable across the board rate increase.

04-13-2004, 05:32 PM
300 people X $40 = $12,000

200 people X $70 = $14,000

More money
Less crowds

Seems like a good business decision to me.

04-13-2004, 07:21 PM
hmmm for 72 bux they could get a damn nice sack...maybe they are...i&#039;m curious to whose goin...only way i&#039;m goin is if they start handing out elemental bows

04-13-2004, 09:13 PM
Fairly similar to last time. :shrugs: It&#039;s not like folks are forced to go. Sure, I&#039;ll complain about Premium price increases... but I honestly WISH they&#039;d run more events like the Promise.

04-13-2004, 10:20 PM
At this rate, Gemstone is starting to get out of my reach financially, and I&#039;d rather spend 72 dollars on a really nice night out.

Maybe it&#039;s just my priorities have changed.:grin:


04-13-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
I was really looking forward to the Dhu again.

But now, not very enthusastic with the obscene price.

I think it was around $40 last time?

According to the boards, the last one was 70 or some such.


04-13-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Ambrosia
I wanted to go, till I just saw this thread. I believe I paid around 35 last year, there is no possible way I&#039;d pay double.

The Dhu wasn&#039;t here last year, last time it was here was two years ago.


Edited for spelling..., I see too many folks get whacked for their spelling here.

[Edited on 4-14-2004 by FinisWolf]

04-13-2004, 10:26 PM
Insane... some people just have too much money to blow on a text game.

04-13-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
300 people X $40 = $12,000

200 people X $70 = $14,000

More money
Less crowds

Seems like a good business decision to me.

Not sure where you got those numbers. They are selling 300 tickets at 70, with a 20 ticket spacer. The second sailing is 300 at 65, then the third is 300 at 60. So if I follow you, its the same crowd size. Of course I don&#039;t look to see too many folks there.

And yes, I am going, I am just selling off all my extra chars to go.


04-13-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Fairly similar to last time. :shrugs: It&#039;s not like folks are forced to go. Sure, I&#039;ll complain about Premium price increases... but I honestly WISH they&#039;d run more events like the Promise.

I know that you know, that I know, that you are dreaming. Though I am right there with you.


04-13-2004, 10:32 PM
HAHAH what a fucking joke.

I hope everyone who spends 80 bucks on the Fuckwicky has a good time buying 4x brig and 5x torso chain.

04-13-2004, 10:37 PM
Yeah I meant last time, and last time was 3 years ago, not 2.

04-13-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
HAHAH what a fucking joke.

I hope everyone who spends 80 bucks on the Fuckwicky has a good time buying 4x brig and 5x torso chain.

Most people that attend these things really do enjoy themselves on it! Who woulda thunk it!

Not a single one of the prior Dhu runs did NOT sell out. As a matter of fact, there were people complaining that the tickets sold out too quickly.

Now, if you were in management, what would that indicate to you...


The off shelf items aren&#039;t the whole ticket sales force. There were a slew of one piece limited items that could cover half the ticket cost alone.

Some people have never thought ticketed events to be worth it. Others might be priced out by this one, but the next few runs will have a price drop anyway.

04-14-2004, 01:48 AM
$70 I can go out for dinner with 2, take in a hockey game, get primo ice cream in Cambridge after, pay for the train, and still have change left over.

Now someone can go to the best restaurant in Boston, buy playoff tickets at rinkside, get chauffered into down and out. Let em.

04-25-2004, 05:33 AM

I&#039;ve only got to pay ($12.50?) a month to see gnomes now.

04-28-2004, 05:47 PM
I&#039;d love to go, not sure I can afford it. I kind of coughed and gagged at the price for the Artisan&#039;s Faire, and I thought it was mostly worth it - this is a huge jump. On top of the registration fee for Simucon, I&#039;m not sure this was a wise choice/time for them to run this event. People probably wouldn&#039;t be wailing if they&#039;d made it $60.


04-28-2004, 06:01 PM
In the Phillipines and in Mexico you can pay a woman $10 and watch her fuck a donkey. She takes it EVERY hole too. Well, that&#039;s what one of my buddies told me during basic training.

So, if I was in the Phillipines, and a Premium member, I could watch 7 women fuck 7 donkies and then get a pack of smokes and a beer afterwards.

If I was not a premium member, I could watch 8 women fuck 8 donkies or 7 women and 7 donkies and then get a 13 year old prostitute.

Now you tell me, what is the better deal here?

- Arkans

04-28-2004, 06:33 PM
Well. since i dont think watching women fucking donkies or a 13 year old prostitute are in any way something I want, I would lean towards going to the fair.

04-28-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
Well. since i dont think watching women fucking donkies or a 13 year old prostitute are in any way something I want, I would lean towards going to the fair.

Fucking fascist.

- Arkans

04-28-2004, 06:41 PM
I just hope you are kidding.

04-28-2004, 06:43 PM
Consider that some people are willing to pay like $1,000 to buy a character in GS. I&#039;d rather just work my own up and technically you don&#039;t need any of the stuff there, so you really don&#039;t need to go anyway.

04-28-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
I just hope you are kidding.

Tone is lost in text.

- Arkans

04-28-2004, 06:45 PM
I&#039;d say it would start to wear thin around donkey number three

04-28-2004, 06:49 PM
I&#039;d say it would wear thin at 0. Personally I think that&#039;s disgusting and, as Edine said, I&#039;d rather go to the festival than ever see that.

04-28-2004, 06:54 PM
Donkey shows are teh funny. $10 too. I think I&#039;ll start a new business. Any female takers?

- Arkans

04-29-2004, 08:39 AM
Man, arkans, you are one sick fuck.

04-29-2004, 09:37 AM
I take pride in my work!

- Arkans

04-29-2004, 09:39 AM
10bucks for a donkey show? It&#039;s much cheaper than that in TJ.... or so I&#039;ve been told.

04-29-2004, 09:41 AM
But with a cheaper donkey show, do I get ALL the excitment that I would get from a $10 one?

- Arkans

04-30-2004, 06:35 AM
I&#039;d pay NOT to see the donkey show, and I&#039;d pay for the cost of three tickets to this event to have the chance to kick anyone&#039;s ass who thinks there&#039;s anything even remotely cool or funny about a 13 year old prostitute.


04-30-2004, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
.... kick anyone&#039;s ass who thinks there&#039;s anything even remotely cool or funny about a 13 year old prostitute.


Remind me to tell you a funny story sometime about something along those lines.

04-30-2004, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I&#039;d pay NOT to see the donkey show, and I&#039;d pay for the cost of three tickets to this event to have the chance to kick anyone&#039;s ass who thinks there&#039;s anything even remotely cool or funny about a 13 year old prostitute.


Remember that South Park where Cartman dressed like a 13 year old prostitute and went on the talk show?
That was funny.
&quot;Whatever, I&#039;ll do what I want.&quot;

04-30-2004, 01:10 PM
I knew a lady who started hooking when she was 14. Ran away from home, got into the situations you&#039;d expect. She was 24 when I knew her, looked 44.

04-30-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

Remember that South Park where Cartman dressed like a 13 year old prostitute and went on the talk show?
That was funny.
&quot;Whatever, I&#039;ll do what I want.&quot;

Whatever, he was just making fun of the kids on Maury Povich and stupid shows like that, like, &quot;my out of control teen.&quot; And yes, that WAS funny. &quot;Where&#039;s my prize?&quot;

Real children prositutes? So not funny.
