View Full Version : Official: Ta'Illistim Verbs

09-16-2010, 04:35 PM
In what is being called "a long overdue announcement," Ta'Illistim's Office of the Seneschal released the following statement:

The Seneschal of Ta'Illistim Keep is commanded to convey the thanks of Illistim's Argent Mirror to the ladies Rohese and Treeva. Both have contributed greatly to the spread of Illistimi culture and to the preservation of the manners, graces and attributes that distinguish residents of the Shining City. For their acts, the title of Scrivener of Ta'Illistim is bestowed, to be worn with honor.


After a long, long wait, please congratulate Treeva and Rohese for winning the Illistim verb contest! (I'll be contacting each of you to discuss your prizes.)

The following verbs are now available to Illistim citizens and Illistim culture elves: CURTSY, BOW, TURN, EXPRESS, PONDER, SCOLD, GLANCE and SALUTE.

These verbs can be set to their Illistim-specific messaging by typing <VERB> SET ILLISTIM. (So for example, to set SALUTE, you would type SALUTE SET ILLISTIM.)


This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.

Good stuff.

09-16-2010, 04:37 PM
Holy crap!

:heart: Itzel

Nathala Crane
09-16-2010, 04:48 PM
Congrats, Rohese!

Wow, Illistim culture AND Illistim citizens? So my Ardenai elf with citizenship in Ta'Illistim will be able to use them? Pretty sweet!

09-16-2010, 05:04 PM
Verbs by Treeva and Rohese!? I hope my nalfein likes eating whatever banana bread they sell in illistim for 8 hours.

Nathala Crane
09-16-2010, 05:28 PM
Now to hope for such a contest for the Ardenai!

09-16-2010, 06:21 PM
WTF is wrong with you people?

09-16-2010, 07:45 PM
Does anyone mind posting the messaging for these verbs?

09-16-2010, 08:06 PM
Target: Straightening her back, Rohese gives you a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, favoring you with a nod

No target: Straightening her back, Rohese gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.

Self: Rohese surreptitiously cuts her eyes back and forth, as if looking for something.

Target: Rohese's bow to you is graceful, if perfunctory. She follows the bow with a brief nod of her head before straightening to her normal posture.

No target: Rohese's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. She follows the bow with a brief nod of her head.

Self: Rohese surreptitiously cuts her eyes back and forth, as if looking for something.

Target: Rohese studies you closely, pondering some aspect of your self with great consideration.

No target: Rohese mumbles something about texts and references.

Self: Rohese looks suddenly very self-aware.

Target: Rohese tilts her head slightly, turning her attention to you. She regards you in a measured fashion, collecting her thoughts.

No target: Rohese turns away, clearing her throat.

Self: Rohese looks over her shoulder.

Target: Rohese thoughtfully studies you, a satisfied expression quickly reaching her face.

No target: No messaging

Self: Rohese confidently straightens her posture, seemingly well pleased with herself.

Target: Rohese shoots you the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying her disapproval.

No target: Rohese expounds on the value of a good education.

Self: Rohese berates herself for a complete lack of forethought.

Target: Rohese's expression towards you gives the impression that perhaps a different approach is in order.

No target: Rohese's expression is thoughtful, but her furrowed brow indicates she's working something out for herself.

Self: Rohese presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Target: No special messaging.

No target: Rohese cries out in Common, "Bless the Shining City!" Her face alights with pride.

Self: No special messaging.

09-16-2010, 09:04 PM
Those are pretty good.

09-16-2010, 09:09 PM
Heck yes they are. Awesome job, lady. <3

Nathala Crane
09-16-2010, 09:34 PM
So, which ones are yours and which are Treeva's? I only ask out of curiosity; I think they're all great.

09-16-2010, 10:06 PM

09-16-2010, 10:08 PM
WTF is wrong with you people?

My RP of the last 4 years can be summed as follows:

act RPs really fucking well.

Nathala Crane
09-16-2010, 10:33 PM

Nice. EXPRESS is my favorite, followed by GLANCE.

And let me just say that while I'm certainly no stranger to the ACT verb - I use it quite extensively, in fact - there is much to be said for verbs that suitably convey an intended meaning without being flanked by parentheses. Chalk it up to a minor case of OCD, but I hate 'em, which is also why I love the "smile" verb. >_>

09-17-2010, 01:45 PM
My RP of the last 4 years can be summed as follows:

act RPs really fucking well.

act get he RP on.

09-18-2010, 11:15 AM
This makes me wish I had more of an affinity for playing pure Elves; my only "Illistimi" is a Half-Elf. Ah well.

Those are really cool.

09-18-2010, 02:25 PM
The verbs are awesome!:heart: