View Full Version : Reporting makes you a monkey

04-13-2004, 09:30 AM
Y'know, I touched on this topic in the character complaints forum and I thought it would be good to bring it out for an open discussion here. It's always fun.

I hate people that constantly report for what appears to be the smallest infraction comitted against them. It looks as though the second something does not go their way, BOOM, they run to the trust report verb.

1. Someone says a word you deem obscene, REPORT

2. Someone attacks you and you get killed, REPORT (This is never reported if you strike back and kill said person it seems)

3. Someone insults you out of the blue, REPORT

4. Someone is scripting, REPORT

5. People at the boulder? REPORT them.

It's pathetic. The sad part is, I havn't been reported lately (as far as I know) so this isn't a rant incited by that, but I notice on *ANY* message boards reporting seems to be the "be all, end all" solution.

So now you're either saying "Wait for the Fallen, asshole!" or "STFU n00b it's policy!" and I suppose you're all partially right when you say that.

It's just that my opinion REPORT should be reserved for extremely dire circumstances. Bug abuse, hacking, extreme game exploitation (goes together with abusing bugs), but reporting "vulgar" people? Feh.

My solution to it all? Someone irritates you? Insult them back or go blast them either that or don't get offended so damn easy. Someone attacks you randomly? Either you go run and hide, get your revenge or go to the constable. Don't run to the damn GMs. Handle problems yourselves. Their AS too high and you got killed? That CS monterous? DS just too much? Catch them off guard and feras their ass. Simple as that.

I just think we all need to toughen up a bit. If we solved our own problems in game then there wouldn't be as many people starting as much shit as there is now. They're be real problems for murdering people, such as a huge fine or a damn lynch mob after you. Sound like the Fallen? Probably, but let's face it the general population of GS is nothing but people that can't take what they dish out or can't take anything that goes wrong to "their precious character".

Reporting makes me sick.

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 09:39 AM
Blah blah blah. Don't break the rules and you don't have to worry about it. If you don't like the rules, play another game.

04-13-2004, 09:49 AM
not that your stupid but... you get it.

04-13-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Blah blah blah. Don't break the rules and you don't have to worry about it. If you don't like the rules, play another game.

Right, but then "what's breaking a rule" comes in. It appears to be that everytime a person's character is wronged a rule is broken, when in reality it's not.

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 10:00 AM
The GM's know that, and they act accordingly. I get reported all the time for the way my character is. I have yet to get a warning let alone pulled for any of those actions.

04-13-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
The GM's know that, and they act accordingly. I get reported all the time for the way my character is. I have yet to get a warning let alone pulled for any of those actions.

Am I the only one that thinks that a huge waste of GM damn. I still think those that hit the WARN INTERACT verb or the REPORT button need to stop crying and take responsibility for their own actions.

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 10:04 AM
Just walk away from the person if they Warn Interact. It ends the problem right there.

04-13-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
Just walk away from the person if they Warn Interact. It ends the problem right there.

It still leaves us with the problem of too many cry babies in GS IV though..

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 10:09 AM
a lot of people think GMs are babysitters

i never report, i handle my own shit

04-13-2004, 10:11 AM
I've never used report or warn on anyone in the game. So, Im really not sure what type of situation would make it an appropriate time to use the verb. Its basically a personal choice, whether it be wrong or right, its up to the GM to decide, not you or anyone else.

People do need to toughen up however, there are far to many assholes running around the land these days.

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by DarkelfVold]

04-13-2004, 10:17 AM
While I agree with the feelings against warn/report.... I have overheard a few disturbing conversations from people who claim to be "report/warn masters" They feel they are masterfull as using it to their advantage, pushing things to the edge and when they have the upper hand, using warn/report to stay on top, use the system against you by phrasing things certain ways. As many times as im sure ive been reported like Edine, most GM's know theres 2 sides to a story... and its rare a GM will even ask me. One time I got pulled into a lounge with a GM and 2 folk. (This is before warn) they had killed a body, I told em not to touch the guy after I raise em. They hung around, so I sancted, one waited past the door at the only exit (presuibly to kill the guy outside the sanct) They were both informing me, that he was going to die again. Anyhow, bodys up, we walk out (I didnt have fog to town yet so this is a while ago) and the other guys of cource right there, so bam, I stun him.... in walks the other guy, attacks me, I kill him, then I kill the other guy. They report...So the GM (Mhorigan....) pulls us all into a lounge... It only got so far as... Wait a second... Pierat cast... sanct?!? He laughed and told them they were lucky I didnt do worse to them and that by casting sanct I showed my intentions of non-violence. I didnt even get a word in! lol.....
Anyhow, with report/warn masters, sometimes the only recource is to report to state your case. I hate it, I actually start the report with "I hate doing this, I dont want to report, I dont want you to do anything, im doing this to get my side in to protect myself"
sad, but its how it works now :(

04-13-2004, 10:23 AM
And thats how it should work Pierat. The GM was doing their JOB, deciphering whether or not further action needed to be taken. Its also those that will abuse a system to their advantage, taking away from the validity of those who might really need to use report or warn verb.

04-13-2004, 10:34 AM
It's just sad that the GMs still needed to be involved, Pierat.

I remember we went at it for a bit, it wasn't that bad an no one really cried about it. Just ended up becoming a cease-fire on both our parts. You had a few levels on me at the time, but I'll be fucked if I go and hit the REPORT button. It's pathetic.

I don't know how to get people to live with what they did. It just sickens me, but I suppose there isn't *much* that can be done. Just act how your character would. If that leads me to blasting someone, then I do it. *shrug*

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Arkans

Right, but then "what's breaking a rule" comes in. It appears to be that everytime a person's character is wronged a rule is broken, when in reality it's not.

- Arkans

Half the things you posted are things that I would normally fuck someone up for. However, I can't really get too many more warnings so I just report them. If someone's AFK scripting, screw getting warned for killing them, I'll just report them. Like the other day, some guy calls me a fucking asshole out loud. Yeah, I could have just waited till he left the gates, but why? Is it worth me getting warned over? Nah, screw it, I'll just report and go on about my business. Of course, I think it's funnier when people get pulled into the consultation lounge, but I'm an ass like that. I think alot of the rules are stupid, but these days it's alot easier on your record if you let GM's handle the enforcment of rules and just stick to playing the game.

04-13-2004, 11:38 AM
A character's "permanent record" that is only known to GMs (who can add to it) is likely a big factor in any situation when you're doing a Report/Assist, or being Reported/Warned.

So if someone is being constantly reported, it is only going to make them look "worse" the next time a GM has to intervene.

This is why the GMs ask that players report/assist whenever there's a problem... so they can intervene, and appropriately update the characters' "permanent record" so that it can be referred to in any future instance, especially if it is a repeat offender.


Btw, everytime a PC kills another PC, it is logged and tracked.

So don't ever bother lying that you never killed xxxx if you're involved in a dispute... will only further erode any credibility you have.

04-13-2004, 12:24 PM
There are few times where I report... Because normally, in a PvP, I come out on top, and don't get harrassed. Also, because I am a good enough RPer to RP through the many idiocies (sp.. if it's even a word) that people end up throwing out in their ignorance. I think i have only ever reported two people. Hashum and Klaive. I reported Hashum when he killed me for flaming Atheana on these boards. I reported Klaive for advertising the SR in the park. Other times I report, are:

1) To tell the GM's to strike Tayre down with lightning.

2) To inform GM's when I am bored

3) To hurry them up when Im too lazy to wait for an assist or a bug.

4) To start idle chat.

5) To request money.

6) To inform them that the game has crashed, as soon as i get back in.

Other than that, i don't think i ever report.:)

As for Warn, i have never used it, and never will. It's a game, and an RP game at that. I, personally, do not get pissed at the game, and have never had someone harrassing me enough to inturrupt my RP, and so have never seen the warn verb useful.

Just my opinion:)

04-13-2004, 12:34 PM
I personally liked reasons number 2 and 4 Chad. :thumbsup:

04-13-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Other times I report, are:
5) To request money.

Khaladon paid 2 mil to cover part of Whirlin's fine after one of the "meteor incidents." ;)

04-13-2004, 01:14 PM
Report has a time and a place. If someone is harassing you AND MAKING THE GAME UNENJOYABLE go ahead and report them. I'll agree its stupid for people to complain about reporting if it doesn't go their way but that doesn't mean anyone who reports is a "Monkey."

Removed the 1st part because its just not worth it.

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by Tijay]

04-13-2004, 02:28 PM
The only time I have reported a character is when they were in a large group of people (like waiting for a merchant, on the amulet, or in a open area like TSC or NM) and swearing or speaking about things that shouldn't be heard by those under 18. Or in the same instance being extremely OOC and not stopping after a polite whisper.

If you want to swear at my character, kill (with reason) or whatever, that's fine, I can take it. But I know a few kids that play and they really don't need that kind of BS.

About warn, I dunno, I like warn combat. It lets me know or other characters know that the players have consented to the characters have issues that should be dealt with or might be dealt with an attack. It isn't all that bad, and I appreciate it being there.

Warn Interact I have used....three times. All three reasons were for OOC bullshit being brought in game. I agree with the other posters, Warn and Report are not something that should be used very often, if you are using them a lot against other players, maybe that should be looked at. But they have their uses.

04-13-2004, 02:45 PM
Ditto with HouseofElves. The things I generally reported for were glaring OOCness (after they've been politely asked to stop, for something particularly unignorable) and harrassment. Luckily, that last one only happened once and it was from a RL ex-boyfriend who felt like bothering my characters.

Er.. alright, and some idle chit chat under certain circumstances, like.. why was I bolted that time and what did you do to my clothing?!

Yeah. Report has made me a monkey.

04-13-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I hate people that constantly report for what appears to be the smallest infraction comitted against them.

1. Someone says a word you deem obscene, REPORT

2. Someone attacks you and you get killed, REPORT (This is never reported if you strike back and kill said person it seems)

4. Someone is scripting, REPORT

Reporting makes me sick.

- Arkans

It sounds to me like you are the cry baby here. I report for the reasons listed above. Only one was removed because I don't report for that, unless its totally OOC and involves some sorta RL reference.

For #1 I doubt this could ever happen, but if someone does something completely inappropriate, like acts out a rape or something I would definately report. You wouldn't?

For #2 if you strike back then its no longer reportable. I report unprovoked PvP, always. If I'm just randomly attacked by some fool I report it, if I am involved in some dispute and a third party jumps into it and attacks me I report it, assuming it is random and they haven't RPed any sorta connection. For any other dispute its pointless to report since its not something the GMs care about, that is unless it becomes harrassment. That is when you attack them back its consenting.

And finally if you are an afk scripter you get reported, the reasons for this are many and varied but the only important one is that its against policy and you are a scumbag for doing it. Note however that the reason its against policy is not "to ruin your fun", but most people that do this lack the mental capabilties to understand why its against policy.

04-13-2004, 03:07 PM
The only time I'll ever report is if someone's keeping my character incapacitated (Sleeping, Stunned, Webbed, Bound, Silenced) for an extreme period of time. That shit drives me nuts.

04-13-2004, 03:15 PM
Same as peam.. I rarely have ever reported for anything else.

04-13-2004, 03:26 PM
It sounds to me like you are the cry baby here. I report for the reasons listed above. Only one was removed because I don't report for that, unless its totally OOC and involves some sorta RL reference.

For #1 I doubt this could ever happen, but if someone does something completely inappropriate, like acts out a rape or something I would definately report. You wouldn't?

For #2 if you strike back then its no longer reportable. I report unprovoked PvP, always. If I'm just randomly attacked by some fool I report it, if I am involved in some dispute and a third party jumps into it and attacks me I report it, assuming it is random and they haven't RPed any sorta connection. For any other dispute its pointless to report since its not something the GMs care about, that is unless it becomes harrassment. That is when you attack them back its consenting.

And finally if you are an afk scripter you get reported, the reasons for this are many and varied but the only important one is that its against policy and you are a scumbag for doing it. Note however that the reason its against policy is not "to ruin your fun", but most people that do this lack the mental capabilties to understand why its against policy. [/quote]

For number #1, no. You can't RP a rape unless both parties are consenting to it. They won't get far enough in the act to get really offensive without getting a nice yellow screamer from the GMs telling them to take it into a private room.

For #2 so you report if you killed someone's IG kid and they come in a slam you to the ground? Most of the time this isn't MA'd, so I don't see how that's reportable. Very much how people should react. Also, you watch idly by when your friend gets butchered? Yeesh, I hope not.

I don't see the problem in people getting higher levels by running a script. Not a big deal to me. Also, when the majority of people hunt they arn't really interacting with anyone anyway, robot time.

Fengus = upset that he is in monkey catagory and thus calls me a cry baby for stating an opinion.

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Right, but then "what's breaking a rule" comes in. It appears to be that everytime a person's character is wronged a rule is broken, when in reality it's not.
Yeah, buddy, and look at your list.

Unsolicited PVP is against the rules.

Obscenity is against the rules.

AFK scripting is against the rules.

All this shit that makes the Landing a shitty place to be now comes from people like you. Of course you don't want to be reported for the stuff you and your kind pull, because then you get in trouble and the GMs tell you not to do it any more. So the more you can get others to whine about excessive reporting, the more you can turn Gemstone into a shitbucket like Evercrack.

Seems to be working too. Good fucking job.


04-13-2004, 08:15 PM
I don't see the problem in people getting higher levels by running a script. Not a big deal to me. Also, when the majority of people hunt they arn't really interacting with anyone anyway, robot time.

- Arkans

Course ya don't. The m0nkey! Its you!

04-13-2004, 08:21 PM
see, here is an example of my use of report.

>report *heart* Zilana ::ducks and logs:
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

04-13-2004, 08:25 PM
Course ya don't. The m0nkey! Its you! [/quote]

Can I be one of those cool smoking m0nkies? If not, then fuck you!

- Arkans

04-13-2004, 09:09 PM
Eerily, I'm going to steadfastly agree with Edine here. With the number of people he's killed and the number of people my characters have killed.... and no warnings on either of us?

You can more than get away with a TON of stuff. You have to be purpousely stupid to get in trouble from people reporting you... or have a major potty mouth/like to insult GMs.

04-14-2004, 01:19 AM
I have only warned once, and I only report when things truely get out of control.

I was constantly being harrased a few years ago by one of the 5 variations of Crovennant's out there..don't remember the precise one, so I warned him. Things got so out of control I had to report and he was dealt with accordingly.

One of my peeves are idiots who are invisible and scroll the screen with slapping me, pinching me, or otherwise abusing my character with no way to defend or fight back. In fact I reported for that a few days ago. I don't like doing it but to put up with it is just bullshit.

<---must be a monkey

O O O..eeee eee eee! <scratches under her arm>

04-14-2004, 08:00 AM

Jasae is a monkey. You heard it here first folks.

- Arkans the smoking monkey

04-14-2004, 10:49 AM
Klaive will Warn you, then go searching for you and kill you while your asleep somewhere. After He warned You to stay away from him. I never liked the warn verb. I think it should work both ways. If you warn someone to not interact with you. And then kill that person after. You should get the punishment the person you warned would have goten if they killed you.

04-14-2004, 12:20 PM
If someone warns you, and then initiates ANY contact with you afterwards, the warn is null and void.

04-14-2004, 01:17 PM
Warn combat is a god damn great verb. Warn interaction is pretty pointless.

04-14-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Omens
Klaive will Warn you, then go searching for you and kill you while your asleep somewhere. After He warned You to stay away from him. I never liked the warn verb. I think it should work both ways. If you warn someone to not interact with you. And then kill that person after. You should get the punishment the person you warned would have goten if they killed you.

If you reported and talked to a GH they would have got in trouble for abusing the warn.

04-15-2004, 12:23 AM
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Zimzum!
... 5 points of damage!
Light shock to chest. That stings!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!

>report kill zimzum please kthx

REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

***** You are abusing REPORT. If you continue to do so you will receive an official warning for Disruptive Behavior.

Almost got my first official warning :(
They are a lot more strict these days. I used to report and ask if anyone had a good idea to go to propose and stuff like that. Andraste was always really helpful

04-15-2004, 12:31 AM
Chadj, if you will just think about it for a minute, the GMs are really busy trying to do their jobs. The more meaningless REPORTS they receive that grab their attention, even for a moment, the more difficult it comes for them to stay tuned into the things that need their attention.

It is not that they are being mean, or have no sense of humor. It is just that they really are busy, and do not have the time to joke around at any time a player is ready to joke around. Multiply yourself by 800 players and I am sure you can see why. ;)


04-15-2004, 01:17 AM
What do you mean? Gms never were down with asshat reports like that.

04-15-2004, 12:20 PM
Oh, I understand completely about all that, Harmnone :). With 4 random reports this week, I can understand that they may have it noted on me, heh. I wasn't stating that they are being mean now.. but the policy on that seems to have tightened up a lot. Just a few months ago, I reported: "Hmm, anyone know of a good place for a picnic date or something of the sorts?", and 3-5 GM's all answered with ideas. If you did it now, ya would get the "This is not a valid report, u r teh suk, stop now". :(

The reasons I liked certain GM's over others is because of how friendly they were and such.. For example, Khaladon used to warp me places, and we would hang out :)... Andraste zapped me a couple times, then raised me.. But ya just don't see that anymore. It's for the best, as it keeps them on the job, and it's less disrupting to the RP environment this way.. but i still miss it :(

04-15-2004, 12:25 PM
I hear you, Chadj. I imagine, though, with all the changes made recently, there are any number of bugs lying in wait to jump out and cause problems. The lag is already a problem, from what I read here. That is probably why there is less playfulness amongst the GMs right now. They're busy as all hell!

A smaller game, or a game that is somewhat static, with few changes going in, allows more time for interpersonal contact between the GMs and the players. With all that is now going on in GemStoneIV, I am not surprised that the PTB need to concentrate on business. For the record, I imagine they miss those golden opportunities to "play" just as much as you do. :)

HarmNone does not envy the GMs

04-15-2004, 01:12 PM
Asking them where a good place for a picnic is, or throwing in a joke once in a while isn't necessarily that bad. When you say stupid shit like "kill zimzum please kthx" it makes you look like a dumb ass. I do have to agree with you about Andraste, she rocks.

04-15-2004, 03:43 PM
It does my heart good to see the GM's blast someone for REPORT brownnosing.

04-15-2004, 03:45 PM
Hell I used to get fire from the sky for my random Khaladon ribbing reports but I haven't done that in a good long while.

I don't use report unless I can't handle it myself. Handling it would and sometimes does include ignoring whatever issue is creating the problem for me. I like to kill idiots but sometimes I'll just walk away, it's just not worth it.

04-16-2004, 03:37 PM
Khaladon zapped me a second ago..