View Full Version : ryvicke

09-12-2010, 05:43 PM
About a month ago ryvicke posted an auction for 6500 premium points which i bid on and won. we then got together and i gave him a set of 7x brig armor with resistances (and a show) which i wanted heavy crit padding put into.

We pcalced it and determined that the 6500 pp were just right to do the job. So he took my armor and submitted it and over the next two weeks we kept in contact via im's and pm's. Then one night he said that he had gotten a message back from a gm that something was wrong with the request and that there werent enough pp to do what we wanted, and the price for the alteration was not yet determined.

So he resubmitted the request for padding to be put into the armor explaining that the alteration was already on the armor and our request didnt have anything to do with a show.

That was about two weeks ago, and since then i havent been able to get into contact with Ryvicke, i havent seen him online to im him and my pms havent been returned, even though i have seen he has posted quite a few times in the last couple weeks and have seen him listed as logged in to the PC.
I am hoping that something is keeping him from receiving my pms and that he will see this and send me a note of whats going on or perhaps someone who knows him could point this out to him for me.

thanks again

09-12-2010, 05:51 PM
Ryvicke!?! He's an ass! :-p

Kidding aside, there's probably something keeping him away. I wouldn't worry about it.

09-12-2010, 05:56 PM

09-12-2010, 07:28 PM
If I see him online, I'll follow up with him. =) I can't imagine that he'd back out on you as he's been a great merchant for me to deal with.

09-12-2010, 07:31 PM
Ryvicke is good people, I'm sure he'll be back in touch as soon as he is able.

09-12-2010, 07:37 PM
I just called him and told him to quit being an ass.

He's been partying too hard and working too much lately. If not the latter, for sure the drinking. I've gotten too many drunk calls from him to last me a month.

So don't worry, you're still good!

09-12-2010, 07:43 PM
I just called him and told him to quit being an ass.

He's been partying too hard and working too much lately. If not the latter, for sure the drinking. I've gotten too many drunk calls from him to last me a month.

So don't worry, you're still good!

Gotta love the PC.

09-12-2010, 08:22 PM
I thought you were going to say that you wanted Ryvicke and I was going to get in line. =\

09-12-2010, 08:34 PM
I have first dibs Dex!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-12-2010, 09:01 PM
I'm pissed he's not on skype for the True Blood finale.

I touched your palm softly, man! SOFTLY

09-12-2010, 09:58 PM

Hey man, I'm here and I'm not trying to fuck you! I have your armor and the scroll didn't have a reply when I checked last thursday but I just logged in and had this reply:

Scroll #14

You glance over your alterer's scroll and read,
"I, Lilthia, request to have my suit of scalemail altered in the following manner: Hi, I'd like to pad this suit of armor. I've got a past log in which Sadie had told me it was 6500 points, 5500 for the 7x enchant on the armor and 1000 surcharge for the resistances. This is also what the pcalc tells me--I got a scroll back saying 7500--is that accurate? And if so could you explain why?"

The merchant's last response was: Without the resistances, it's 5500 points to pad. When you PCALCed, the verb stated "Surcharge of 1000 for resistances." followed by "It will cost 6500 points to add heavy padding to a suit of scalemail." The PCALC on the item is accurate. The information previously shared is not. It will cost 6500 points to pad this armor.
You can READ your scroll for more details. Please WRITE REPLY to respond, or WRITE NEW to start again.

The merchant has sent you a message. You can use WRITE REPLY {answer} to respond.

If you still want to do it cool and if not I'll give you back your armor and just forever be known as a bad douche merchant and spend the points on sleeve alters or something.

EDIT: I also PM'ED this for total situational awareness and reproduction of reponsiblities. Or something.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-12-2010, 10:05 PM

09-12-2010, 10:16 PM

Shut up Sookie


ahhahhahhahaa check your PMs!!!

(you better not have watched it on HBO!)

09-12-2010, 10:41 PM

P.S I still need to watch the finale. Eh. Also, JAY, fu.