View Full Version : Repo Needs a Scrub?

09-12-2010, 09:13 AM
Lich has really taken off in the past 6 months and there's a huge number of scripts available now. I think that's great. However, the repo could use some cleaning.

There's a number of scripts out there that don't even say what they are in the comments or simply say "I've been deleted." I'd propose that any script that does not at least have a comment saying what it does be removed and that the repo be regularly cleaned of these types of scripts.

Scripts are great, but if the author can't be bothered to put one or two lines of comments in them to say what they do, how good can the script really be?

Just a opinion. Take it or leave it as you wish.

09-12-2010, 10:11 AM
1) You suck.
2) RepoGUI.

09-12-2010, 12:33 PM
Hey sweet.

That's handy.

09-12-2010, 12:36 PM
The Guiness book of world records called, they want to recognize Monotonous as having the most alts in internet history for a msg board

09-12-2010, 02:33 PM
1) You suck.
2) RepoGUI.

For the record, I too would appreciate a few more comments in your code. I think they would be useful to you as well when you have to revisit something you haven't looked at in a while. I sometimes look at your code when I want to see how you solved certain problems. Just a comment/constructive criticism.

09-12-2010, 02:45 PM
RepoGUI is nice, and I've already started using it. However, that doesn't help much when a script with a cryptic script name doesn't have a comment for the repo to say what it actually does.

As far as comments in the actual code... I don't really care either way.

09-12-2010, 03:26 PM
I can recognize the need for thought out, informative info's for scripts. Even so, it is not hard to download a script and open it to get a very good idea of what it does. Personally, I recommend doing so even IF it has a good info screen.

Repogui categorizes it, so it should give you some sense of what they do. That being said, I don't know how it categorizes them. I'm guessing he does this manually. The only way I can think to do this automatically is to enact a strict 'info' format and have the repository reject any scripts that do not follow the convention. Then a script could scan this and categorize it automatically.

# Category: Profession, Utility, etc
# Function: General notes on usage.

Or what have you. The reason for scripts being uploaded that say "This script is deleted" is because people put up scripts, then they get annoyed with the users or decide they don't want to share it. This is because when you delete a script off the repo that you have the keys for, it basically clears the way for anyone to upload a script of the same name because keys are stored locally.

09-12-2010, 03:53 PM
For the record, I too would appreciate a few more comments in your code. I think they would be useful to you as well when you have to revisit something you haven't looked at in a while. I sometimes look at your code when I want to see how you solved certain problems. Just a comment/constructive criticism.

I comment when I feel it's important or when something I am doing isn't easily explained by reading the code.

09-12-2010, 10:39 PM
repo has a scrub

(it's you)