View Full Version : Sorc-path template?

09-10-2010, 03:32 PM
Is there a commonly recommended stat+skill build template for a pure casting sorc-path? Planning to be in COL, training Spell Aim, and focusing on as high of a CS as possible. Thinking Human as I don't want to deal with shitty spirit regen, enbumrance issues, or CS penalties.

Never done an empath before but want to start a second character and it seems interesting.


- Matt

09-10-2010, 04:08 PM
Don't be so disgusting as to calling a pure casting empath a ''sorc-path''.
Don't be human if you want big ass CS.

09-10-2010, 04:18 PM
Don't be so disgusting as to calling a pure casting empath a ''sorc-path''.
Don't be human if you want big ass CS.

Meh, race is pretty inconsequential for CS. The largest bonus to wisdom is 5, and no one has a negative i don't think. Noticeable but not like STR where you can can have a 30 point swing from a halfling to a giant.

09-10-2010, 05:02 PM
30 points of AS is neither here nor there compared to the same difference to CS where even a relatively small increment is a pain when up against critter TD.
Whatever though.

09-10-2010, 06:37 PM
I didn't mean to offend with "sorc path" just had heard it as a way to describe a pure casting hunting empath.

09-10-2010, 06:45 PM
lol didn't offend, dude.
Hope you get your answers :)

09-12-2010, 12:48 PM
I've been working on this by reading random posts in this forum. What I can't nail down is the ideal spell distribution for CS - is it level+21 in Empath ranks? I'm planning on keeping it there until learning 225+130 and then doubling Empath and using triples to get 140+240. Is this good? Dumb?

Training wise I'm planning on runestaff early in life, fixing into brawl/shield later on when it seems more doable TP-wise. I want this character to be as good with 1106 as possible.

8 ranks Armor
1x PF
1x perception
1x FA
1x MIU
1x AS
1x HP
1x MMC (for Boneshatter)
1x Manip. Lore (ditto)
2x spell aim (not certain on this but it seems good for 1110 + wands + runestaff DS ranks)
2.x spell training

Picked human, placed stats for a mix of growth/TPs, can always fixstat to perfect later if I even play this character that long.


Edit: I'm a retard and forgot to work in any Swim/Climbing... I'll do so at the cost of a couple triple-trains.

09-12-2010, 12:54 PM
I'm not the one who set up the training/stats on Merji. However, she's a sylvan empath shield/brawl (for the time being), if this helps here are her starting stats, her current, and then her skills. She's nearly capped. I removed all of her enhancives. I am not even sure if this will help you. I've got no idea about mechanics much at all. I think she does well hunting. I am tinkering with the idea of switching to archery though, or maybe even THW..

Level 0 Stats for Merjinia, Sylvankind Empath

Strength (STR): 95
Constitution (CON): 60
Dexterity (DEX): 71
Agility (AGI): 50
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 70
Logic (LOG): 55
Intuition (INT): 25
Wisdom (WIS): 82
Influence (INF): 82

Name: Merjinia Dyshun Race: Sylvankind Profession: Empath (not shown)
Gender: Female Age: 238 Expr: 7513073 Level: 99
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 87 (18) ... 87 (18)
Dexterity (DEX): 98 (34) ... 98 (34)
Agility (AGI): 85 (22) ... 85 (22)
Discipline (DIS): 97 (18) ... 97 (18)
Aura (AUR): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Logic (LOG): 95 (22) ... 95 (22)
Intuition (INT): 75 (12) ... 75 (12)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Influence (INF): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)

Merjinia (at level 99), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Shield Use.........................| 200 100
Brawling...........................| 200 100
Physical Fitness...................| 200 100
Arcane Symbols.....................| 247 147
Magic Item Use.....................| 153 53
Spell Aiming.......................| 292 192
Harness Power......................| 241 141
Spirit Mana Control................| 200 100
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 173 73
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 161 61
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 25 5
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 122 31
Perception.........................| 145 45
Climbing...........................| 122 31
Swimming...........................| 150 50
First Aid..........................| 286 186

Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 40

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 41

Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 108

09-12-2010, 01:02 PM
Slap whomever placed your stats!

09-12-2010, 01:10 PM
Slap whomever placed your stats!

What's wrong with them? I can maybe..possibly get a potion to fix them if they are that horrible.

09-12-2010, 01:17 PM
What's wrong with them? I can maybe..possibly get a potion to fix them if they are that horrible.

They're not that bad. You're just a couple points off from being "perfect." You might get annoyed at the 95 LOG after you cap. It'll increase how long it takes to get your TPs. It is unusual that you have 100 ranks SMC but no MMC, especially if you use 1106 a lot.

09-12-2010, 01:22 PM
Yeah, didn't mean they were horrific :D

09-12-2010, 01:26 PM
Soooo how does my plan look? BriarFox I know you went the pure route with Necen in shattered (logs of BoneShatter ownage are partly what got me interested in doing this) anything you'd change on mine?

09-12-2010, 01:33 PM
Soooo how does my plan look? BriarFox I know you went the pure route with Necen in shattered (logs of BoneShatter ownage are partly what got me interested in doing this) anything you'd change on mine?

Well, I focus on bolts primarily and I'm letting my CS lag until post-cap development, but for a CS-caster like you want to be, I'd keep empath spells at level+20 and both of the other circles at 2/3rds level. I don't think manipulation lore is worth it. I'd suggest Summoning Lore instead, for 111 and 1115. Get 5 or 20 ranks of Telepathy, too, for extra CS cycles on 1110. Everything else looks good.

If you don't want to bolt and don't care about minor spirit and major spirit spells, then forget about spell aim and just get through 202/120 for DS. Then, get empath ranks to level +60 before getting MjS and MnS to 2/3rds level. You'll have the highest CS possible for your level.

09-12-2010, 01:38 PM
I'm going to look into doing the no spell aim plan then. I kind of want to have fun with just wrecking shit CS-wise. Thanks for the tips. Time to play around with my spreadsheet some more.

09-12-2010, 01:46 PM
I'm going to look into doing the no spell aim plan then. I kind of want to have fun with just wrecking shit CS-wise. Thanks for the tips. Time to play around with my spreadsheet some more.

Yeah. At a full 3x spells at level 60 (120/20/40), Necen could have boasted a 320 base Empath CS and a 352 CS with Spirit Slayer, compared to the 280ish he had. Runestaff DS would have suffered a bit, though. Smarter route might be to try 1x shield and no brawl, but I'd have to play around with it a bit to decide.

09-12-2010, 02:01 PM
Any need for SMC if I don't care about sending people mana? I threw in 24 ranks of it once I took out Spell Aim, but if I don't really need it for any CS attack spell benefits then I could get a couple more triples in...

09-12-2010, 02:19 PM
Any need for SMC if I don't care about sending people mana? I threw in 24 ranks of it once I took out Spell Aim, but if I don't really need it for any CS attack spell benefits then I could get a couple more triples in...

It provides small benefits to 1120, 1125, 1150, 220, and 240, but it's not a big deal. You should learn to read spell descriptions, though.

09-12-2010, 02:21 PM
Sorry about that, just being lazy. Thanks again for your help.

09-12-2010, 02:23 PM
Every 20 ranks will give you +1 mana/pulse, too.

edit for everyone else: Hybrid casters get +1 mana/pulse for every 10 ranks of their higher ranked mana share, and +1/pulse for every 20 of the lower ranked one.

09-12-2010, 03:08 PM
Set up for THW now (STR, DEX, AGI, LOG) but here's what I'm thinking for placement. Not worried about perfect stats, just want something decent on both TPs and playability.

STR 60
CON 60
DEX 70
AGI 70
DIS 55
AUR 90
LOG 55
INT 70
WIS 75
INF 55

Human, COL.

09-12-2010, 03:53 PM
The temptation will be to place your influence low because almost every profession will tank it. I would highly recommend against this. Influence is one of the empath's prime stats, which figures into starting mana, TP calculation, CS (once we're made hybrids which will come with the introduction of mental magic) and so on. Also, if you're going the THW route, you want your strength at 90 at the least. Strength grows extremely slow for an empath so you'll want it high to begin with, given how much it figures into many and varied calculations.

My stats are rather unorthodox since I placed them for TPs instead of growth. I plan on getting a fixstat once I'm comfortably post-cap to absorb the TP loss. Still, if they're helpful, I posted my stats and skills here (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=26&topic=18&message=2925) on the officials. There are clips of level 53 (now 57) Plat Nilandia, and level 94 Prime Nilandia.


09-12-2010, 04:26 PM
I am only doing THW for my first 30 days to get easy EXP, not long-term. And I don't believe in truly "tanking" any stat, my mage started with a 60ish INF. I don't consider 55-60 to be a tank, but I'll play with things and see if I like it better higher.

Thanks for the advice Gretchen.

09-12-2010, 06:24 PM
for an empath hunter, you'd be dumb not to be a dwarf.

The SpellWeaver
09-12-2010, 06:29 PM
for an empath hunter, you'd be dumb not to be a dwarf.


09-12-2010, 06:34 PM
Why do you say that Virilneus? Primarily the Spirit regen I would imagine?

09-12-2010, 08:04 PM
I actually just re-rolled to a Dwarf for spirit regen alone. It was only 5 levels, no biggy.

09-12-2010, 08:05 PM
Meh to dwarves. Mechanically, I'd take a dark elf for an empath over any other race as long as you're not in CoL.

09-12-2010, 08:06 PM
But I'm gonna be in CoL. :)

09-12-2010, 08:15 PM
But I'm gonna be in CoL. :)


At cap, say, 150 stamina conservatively for a dark elf empath, regenning at 25%/minute, plus an extra 150 every 5 minutes with 1107, equals 150 to start plus 67.5 stamina every minute on average, equals ~34 mana per minute from stamina.

With Wracking, say you regen 1 spirit every 5 minutes (I'm not bothering to look up the exact amounts right now), and 5 spirit = 310 mana. That's 310/25 = 12.4 mana per minute. Now, hunting, you only need to regen 1 spirit to wrack a second time in most cases, so in that scenario, you've got 620 mana in 5 minutes, which is 124 mana / minute, which in short instances kicks the tar out of GoS.

For an empath, GoS wins in the long-term mana production game, though.

09-12-2010, 08:23 PM
I haven't gone GoS yet - I left the game in 2000 and came back this January. I wanna do it, just not as a pure. If I join GoS I want to do it with an archer ranger or something. :)

09-12-2010, 08:27 PM
I haven't gone GoS yet - I left the game in 2000 and came back this January. I wanna do it, just not as a pure. If I join GoS I want to do it with an archer ranger or something. :)

Good choice.

09-12-2010, 09:32 PM
reasons why dwarves make the best (almost any profession):

1. Spirit return, it gs3 it was 3 spirit every 2 minutes on node. it was downtweaked, but it still the best in game. At least 1 spirit a minute.

2. Constitution, best possible con bonus in game (AFAIK, I don't think krol can beat it, but fuck the new races). Con is worked into pretty much all the same formulas as PF, and PF is a very big deal in GS4. 130 sickness is just one example.

3. Manuevers. We pretty much get bonuses to many manuevers defensively as a smaller race. If you were a dwarf ambusher, some heads might be hard to reach, but for defensive purposes... can't beat a dwarf!

4. Strength, pound for pound, strongest profession in game. Good for encumberance, sexifying the ladies.

5. Discipline, awesome. Worked into a plethora of game systems. Discipline is to gemstone what onions are to cooking. Who's got the best discipline? Dwarves. Alchemy is big on discipline, laugh at the elves fail at cauldrons all the time. True story, when alchemy was first released, people posted it was too hard, I was like "wtf, I've never failed." Also helps with sorcerer illusions.

6. Spell defense. Free TD, can't beat it. +30 to elemental TD. As an empath or other spiritual caster especially, that REALLY balances you out. +15 to sorc td.

7. Good health points, survive more attacks. Halflings also get good spirit return, but they can't carry shit and die if blown on too hard.

To sum up, dwarves are defensive tanks that are hard to kill, they can do more than other professions, spirit comes out there arses, and they have a ton of health. The elemental TD makes spiritual pures gods against magic. Wizards gotta worry about high end spiritual casters, and elf empaths would have to worry about high end elemental casters, dwarf spiritual casters worry about nothing. They, by far, make the best empaths, clerics, paladins, warriors, and rangers (who don't ambush). They also make really good bards, and sorcerers. You can be very successful as a wizard, but it is more of a trade off. Spirit return for lower CS. Then there are rogues, not the best rogue profession.

09-12-2010, 09:34 PM
...they will also make the best monks. FISTS OF FURY>

09-12-2010, 09:39 PM
That's persuasive. My first ranger in the mid-90s was a dwarf, actually. He was a fun character.

09-12-2010, 11:43 PM
Spirit return

+30 to elemental TD

These are the real highlights for a CoL Empath/Cleric

09-12-2010, 11:50 PM
0x Manipulation and get more spells / MMC. Or 2x Manipulation.

EDIT: Since you want to be a CS wrecking ball and no spell aim, definiatly 2x manipulation.

Shattered Dreamer
09-12-2010, 11:56 PM
I think someone does 2x MMC and said good things. I'd do it but I need a fixskills.

09-13-2010, 07:41 AM
0x Manipulation and get more spells / MMC. Or 2x Manipulation.

EDIT: Since you want to be a CS wrecking ball and no spell aim, definiatly 2x manipulation.

I think someone does 2x MMC and said good things. I'd do it but I need a fixskills.

Awesome, discussion points. This shit will keep me entertained at work. :)

So from reading KP, on 1106, MMC "will lower the damage criticals thresholds of the spell." Manip. Lore will "control the chance of instant death for a target."

Do we know how much each skill helps with its intended benefit?

Jace Solo
09-13-2010, 09:30 AM
MMC lowers the TD of the mobs when boneshattering. That could only make things easier because of higher end-rolls and the ability to take down a higher range of mobs.

09-13-2010, 10:33 AM
Okay new plan calls for dropping Manip. Lore, 2x'ing MMC. I've done some reading around old threads and it seems like as you level, you naturally get more one-shot kills anyway and the benefits of Manip. Lore reduce significantly, whereas MMC is always helpful. I'm torn between runestaff or 1x shield build right now... leaning towards runestaff until 40+ or something.

09-13-2010, 07:36 PM
Not one of you has mentioned the 200s circle. Too bad, it's great for the build being discussed. There's a reason my capped empath has equal major spirit ranks as empath ranks... and bolts with 1x summoning lore. There's a reason my capped empath can kill anything whereas the shatter bitches still have to pick their battles. There's a healthy dose of TRUTH for ya.

Jace Solo
09-13-2010, 08:17 PM
Not one of you has mentioned the 200s circle. Too bad, it's great for the build being discussed. There's a reason my capped empath has equal major spirit ranks as empath ranks... and bolts with 1x summoning lore. There's a reason my capped empath can kill anything whereas the shatter bitches still have to pick their battles. There's a healthy dose of TRUTH for ya.

Dont be greedy...Do emblessish.

09-13-2010, 08:43 PM
in a nutshell...
2x spell aiming
2x lores, 20/20/60 split on the mental lores, transformation is the 60, for healing RT and the bolt DF of 1110, and a full 101 ranks of summoning lore because it is KING.

2x mana controls, for the extra mana per pulse among other small hidden bonuses from them. (100 ranks both spirit and mental)

about 112 ranks in empath and major spirit circle, 40 ranks in minor spiritual.


201, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217 are all CS based spells, whereas the 100s circle has... 102 (stupid,) 109 (hidden), 110 (situational at best, especially since web-bolt mimics its effect,) and 118 as CS spells, and 118 is already subject to a TD pushdown, and the bolt version is half cost and with summoning lore, WAY better than the CS version. I'll take 2 CS based circles with adaquate CS in each for 1000, Alex.

I bolt mostly everything to death. 118 + 1110 is nice. What I can't bolt (Or things that seem to EBP bolts often,) my CS is usually MORE than capable of overtaking. If it isn't, I pop 212 or 217, and then they melt like buttah. My MjS and Empath CS at cap is about 475 currently, and that's JUST FINE for now.

09-13-2010, 09:53 PM
in a nutshell...
2x spell aiming
2x lores, 20/20/60 split on the mental lores, transformation is the 60, for healing RT and the bolt DF of 1110, and a full 101 ranks of summoning lore because it is KING.

2x mana controls, for the extra mana per pulse among other small hidden bonuses from them. (100 ranks both spirit and mental)

about 112 ranks in empath and major spirit circle, 40 ranks in minor spiritual.


201, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217 are all CS based spells, whereas the 100s circle has... 102 (stupid,) 109 (hidden), 110 (situational at best, especially since web-bolt mimics its effect,) and 118 as CS spells, and 118 is already subject to a TD pushdown, and the bolt version is half cost and with summoning lore, WAY better than the CS version. I'll take 2 CS based circles with adaquate CS in each for 1000, Alex.

I bolt mostly everything to death. 118 + 1110 is nice. What I can't bolt (Or things that seem to EBP bolts often,) my CS is usually MORE than capable of overtaking. If it isn't, I pop 212 or 217, and then they melt like buttah. My MjS and Empath CS at cap is about 475 currently, and that's JUST FINE for now.

gah seriously gib?

Of all spell circles of all pures, the 200s is the one needing to be trained in the LEAST.

None of the buff spells grow with ranks, you gain no benefit other than CS from over training.

The spells?

calm? living spell? interference? bind? who the fuck cares about them?

I know you've got the type of personality where you'll defend your idea as the best no matter what, so I anticipate you coming back strong here, but really, I know you're a lost cause, let this go to audioserf.

Since most 200 casters don't train heavily in the spell circle critter TDs are already low on them. Not a single one of the spells is an efficient use of mana... unless maybe mass interference if you're a crazy mstrike mutant or got a cone of lightning item. So who cares if you can ward well with the shittiest warding attack spells in game.

Meanwhile your shitty 475 at cap empath CS is the worst I've ever seen in 8 years of hunting OTF. Meanwhile, by stopping 100s at 40, instead of say 67 or higher, you're missing out on tons of DS. Assuming you're like 100/100/40, by switching the 40 from MnS, to MjS, like a normal person, you gain a free 12x DB item.

But a normal empath, typically, is going to do 40 MjS, 67 MnS, and everything else in empath. Some might go up to 77 MnS or maybe a little higher, for the defense. Probably greater than 90% of capped empaths do this, for a reason.

Who the fuck cares if your calm, or bind, or living spell cs isn't as good. Your boneshatter and wither destroy all, and a stunned, prone, bleeding, prey is a far better disabler than a 14 mana glorified stun spell.

The rest of your post about bolting and lores is accurate, except the need for so much transformation for healing RT... but I know you use your path more as a healslave. But otherwise, pretty accurate. But your spell circle distribution is for the birds.

The only reason to go above 240 is if they implement 250.

09-13-2010, 10:46 PM
calm? living spell? interference? bind? who the fuck cares about them?

I do, they're pretty powerful when used properly. I like when they work. With the other build, they're absolutely useless, no doubt.

Since most 200 casters don't train heavily in the spell circle critter TDs are already low on them.

I beg to differ, the TD for empath circle is the same as the TD on major spirit circle. It's all considered Spirit TD. If you're thinking about the pushdown from interference, yup, it's just that, a pushdown.

Not a single one of the spells is an efficient use of mana...

Calm, 1 mana, pretty good disabler. prep 210, cast, silenced a whole room... 10 mana. (thanks summoning lore) Yup, that SUCKS for efficiency.

Meanwhile your shitty 475 at cap empath CS is the worst I've ever seen in 8 years of hunting OTF.

Works just fine on what I need to use it for. Remember, I bolt first. Not efficient early on, no doubt, but for a capped empath, I'll stand on my :soap: all day about this.

Meanwhile, by stopping 100s at 40, instead of say 67 or higher, you're missing out on tons of DS.

I have 39 spell ranks to get to 303, and I will be bumping minor to 67 when I start to get them. For now, defense really hasn't been an issue, ever. 4x runestaff, 4x doubles.

Your boneshatter and wither destroy all, and a stunned, prone, bleeding, prey is a far better disabler than a 14 mana glorified stun spell.

Except, say, water elementals. But holy shit, I have the CS to silence them so I have no worry while I bolt them to death. Try that while it's NOT silenced and see what you get. They don't stun, and whither doesn't work on them, nor does boneshatter. And bind is a joke, I agree. For the cost, I'll web-bolt and get a better result more times than not.

The rest of your post about bolting and lores is accurate, except the need for so much transformation for healing RT

The transformation lore reduces all scars to 0 seconds RT, at cap, at... 57 ranks I think. The DF increase per rank for the bolt effect on 1110 diminishes at 50 ranks. 60 ranks just looked prettier than 57. That said, it hits HARD with my 60 ranks, (and the aftershocks are great too) and I heal everything with 0 RT, meaning I can heal while being grouped and never get left behind. If that's doing it wrong, I'm glad to be wrong.

09-13-2010, 11:27 PM
Good points from both, thank you guys. Gib, the Spell Aiming is something I plan to fixskill into later. I just want to fly through the levels with Boneshatter initially, and until end-game when hunting actually becomes a challenge, I really don't foresee a problem doing that. I do, at or near cap, absolutely plan to not only 2x SA, but also pick up the necessary lores to boost 1110 and get Web bolt, among other things.

09-14-2010, 09:05 AM
Up to level 7. I've used 1106 a couple times for shits and giggles on lesser orcs and it owns - I love the TD pushdown the spell gives at this level. I did 80 damage on a 110 endroll by channeling with one open hand in offensive. That is pretty fucking sweet. Is that standard or is my 2x MMC kicking in?

Can't wait to get to a level where hunting with 1106 is feasible. I plan to level as much as possible with my claidhmore during my 30 days, master CoL, and then start hunting as a pure.

Jace Solo
09-14-2010, 09:30 AM
Pushdown is the MMC.

I haven't channeled it yet but I'm sure it does own under the channel.

09-14-2010, 09:32 AM
Hmm KP says it has a low level pushdown naturally. -1 TD for every level the creature is below 35. I'll have to check when I get home to see if I'm getting additional pushdown beyond that due to MMC.


09-14-2010, 04:29 PM
Pushdown is the MMC.

I haven't channeled it yet but I'm sure it does own under the channel.

MMC has nothing to do with the pushdown. LEVEL has EVERYTHING to do with the pushdown. For a level 35 target, there is no more TD pushdown. The reason the pushdown exists is because it's the "main" hunting spell for empaths and it's 6 mana, so the GMs thought it should have a higher warding percentage early on so empaths could actually USE it without a huge chance to fail to ward and waste 6 mana. Not that they give a shit that sorcerers can typically fail 3 out of 4 casts of MD and waste 6 mana for an inferior spell... but whatever.

09-14-2010, 06:44 PM
475 Empath CS

I have a 485 bard CS at cap, and I know that creatures have an inherent TD pushdown for us being semis instead of pures...I'm having trouble seeing how you achieve an "acceptable" warding margin with 10 less CS and higher TDs to deal with? O.o

09-14-2010, 10:13 PM
You concentrate intently on an Ithzir herald, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward her!
CS: +475 - TD: +361 + CvA: +9 + d100: +4 == +127

You shoot strands of webbing at a war griffin!
AS: +457 vs DS: +362 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +69 = +197

You concentrate intently on a war griffin, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +475 - TD: +421 + CvA: +25 + d100: +52 == +131

(Which is why I bolt them instead of using CS spells.)

You concentrate intently on an Ithzir initiate, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward him!
CS: +475 - TD: +376 + CvA: +19 + d100: +40 == +158

You concentrate intently on an Ithzir adept, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward him!
CS: +475 - TD: +392 + CvA: +19 + d100: +35 == +137

As I said, I do alright. I don't need 100% success on everything with boneshatter. I need 100% success with the best spell for the critter I'm against, and I basically have that. WoF and Wiz Shield get in the way of bolting sometimes. Nothing 117 or 119 can't fix. 70 spells, I use all but a handful of them, instead of using only a handful.

09-14-2010, 11:50 PM
Wow. OTF TDs are way the hell below Nelemar TDs. If it weren't for the totally sweet bounty setup on Teras, I'd probably head over there.

09-15-2010, 06:18 AM
MMC increases the warding margin behind the scenes or something, there was a GM post on it somewhere.

Jace Solo
09-15-2010, 09:23 AM
Ya, that's where I got my info from...

I believe there are a couple of threads deeper in the empath folder that show that too.

Then again, maybe as Gibre implied, I don't now shit

09-15-2010, 09:38 AM
MMC has nothing to do with the pushdown. LEVEL has EVERYTHING to do with the pushdown. For a level 35 target, there is no more TD pushdown. The reason the pushdown exists is because it's the "main" hunting spell for empaths and it's 6 mana, so the GMs thought it should have a higher warding percentage early on so empaths could actually USE it without a huge chance to fail to ward and waste 6 mana. Not that they give a shit that sorcerers can typically fail 3 out of 4 casts of MD and waste 6 mana for an inferior spell... but whatever.

Omg, GIB whining about sorcerer inequalities... :wtf:

09-15-2010, 10:36 AM
Revised stats better for growth while maintaining easy playability. Basically dropped CON to 40 since it'll grow like a weed as a dwarf 'path, and bumped STR, DEX and AGI up some since they will move very slowly. I think I like this better. I could be a bit more optimized by dropping AUR and WIS but I want high spirit and decent CS so I think I'm firm with this plan.

STR 70
CON 40
DEX 75
AGI 75
DIS 55
AUR 90
LOG 55
INT 70
WIS 75
INF 55

Edit: with, of course, the caveat that I'll score a fixtats at/near cap and go for 100's.

Jace Solo
09-15-2010, 11:25 AM
Edit: with, of course, the caveat that I'll score a fixtats at/near cap and go for 100's.

but of course...I think we're all starting to save for that now. Only took Brute until level 87 to score his Fixstat. You could just drop 40m on it though

09-15-2010, 12:07 PM
I'm kinda worried about my AGIDEX as a dwarf in terms of maneuvers, but as a smaller race I do get a bonus (not as much as the gnomes, but still) to the SMR so maybe that's a wash. I basically don't want to sacrifice any AUR, WIS, or MTPs to bump those stats until later when it won't affect my hunting.

I think anyone who plays GS and is into the mechanical side of it must qualify for bonus nerd points because I'm at work thinking about this stat shit compulsively. Sheesh. At least I'm almost level 10 already. Time for 4x doubles, a 4x battleaxe, and large ogres on the Solhaven trail.

09-15-2010, 09:37 PM
Omg, GIB whining about sorcerer inequalities... :wtf:

Yup, I've been on that ship for a few years now. I just try not to be too obvious about it.

09-15-2010, 10:36 PM
I'm kinda worried about my AGIDEX as a dwarf in terms of maneuvers, but as a smaller race I do get a bonus (not as much as the gnomes, but still) to the SMR so maybe that's a wash. I basically don't want to sacrifice any AUR, WIS, or MTPs to bump those stats until later when it won't affect my hunting.

I think anyone who plays GS and is into the mechanical side of it must qualify for bonus nerd points because I'm at work thinking about this stat shit compulsively. Sheesh. At least I'm almost level 10 already. Time for 4x doubles, a 4x battleaxe, and large ogres on the Solhaven trail.

as an empath, so long as you keep up pf training, you'll be fine at smr. way better than other pures.

09-16-2010, 08:08 AM
It is a shame that sorcerors have lost any real DEV support nowadays. They used to be my favorite profession. They appear to remain quite capable hunters, but not in the same capacity - and with the added "fun" (tedium) of components. w00t GMs.

Yeah I plan to be 1x PF initially and hit 2x with my first Fixskills (around 40th level probably). Cheap PF and ability to triple is one thing that makes Empaths so sick if done right.

Edit: I wish I could change my thread title, this one is stupid as shit.

09-28-2010, 09:44 AM
To get back to the MMC/TD pushdown thing, it definitely does not grant that effect - however, I assume it does increase damage/crits significantly, because I am getting a lot of death crits with the spell at level 18. 2x'd in MMC, casting from guarded, and not much survives two shots of the spell. I imagine it only gets better from here, too.

09-29-2010, 06:46 AM
Manipulation for 0/6 training points, the only benefit is increased chance of instant death to 1106/1115.

For half the training points 0/3 MMC benefits 1106 with behind the scenes warding margin increase, 1110 CS cycle is affected like 1106, increased mana returns.

I wish the krakiipedia article for pure empaths was changed to remove the recommendation for manipulation lore.

09-29-2010, 09:31 AM
Yeah manipulation seems lame as shit, plus if something insta-deaths without taking HP damage it doesn't count for AG tasks which is annoying as fuck. 2x MMC is owning for me.

The only negative to a pure-CS casting empath is that the build flat-out blows for AG creature-killing tasks, really. Non-corp undead? Fail. Guardian/golem? Fail. No bones? Fail. Like-leveled living wearing heavy armor? Probably fail or at least difficult.

09-30-2010, 01:59 AM
Stockpile of fully charged gold wands? Oh pure-cs.

09-30-2010, 08:11 AM
Yep. Relying on outside help to hunt sucks anyway. Until I have the mana to use 111+118+1110 as primary bolts, I've got no interest in Spell Aim.

Jace Solo
03-05-2012, 11:23 AM
For the new Empaths coming in now, this is a pretty valuable post to read so I'mma bump it.

03-05-2012, 11:44 AM
Hey, I remember this thread.

I got my empath to 39 and stopped playing him. Pure 1106 is remarkably effective but also very boring. One day I may get around to fixskilling him and picking up spell aim.

03-05-2012, 05:45 PM
Thanks a ton for bumping this, great help for my husband.