View Full Version : Wisdom of the PC: cybersex tips
I just wanted to compile the greatest tips from the most famous cybersexors.
Ratolin: Slap your BALLS OF STEEL against their asshole
Baelog: Make 'em say "NNGH" in the past perfect participle.
Arkans: Slap their shiney pussy, hard, twice.
Michaelous: Just use ACT to rape them. You won't get banned for like 3 years.
Kylinarr: Jack me off with your toes, do this while I'm in a room full of people at an auction.
(This thread is the best because it's the only time I've ever prompted myself to search for "Ratolin BALLS" on the PC search bar)
09-10-2010, 07:52 AM
09-10-2010, 08:24 AM
Remember to wrap up your cyber junk or you might get a virus.
09-10-2010, 08:36 AM
Remember to wrap up your cyber junk or you might get a virus.
I got a few trojans if you want.
09-10-2010, 09:11 AM
09-10-2010, 11:51 AM
I can't find the recent WoE embarassment... but here are some other things we've learned:
Fisdan: When your sheathed cock is pulsing, announce it on the amunet before getting down to business.
Surze: There's no better place to finger your girl than within the depths of the Dwarven caverns.
[Anfelt]-Surze: "lyb ::slides a hand up between your thighs, rubbing you slowly as he kisses your neck::"
Fisdan: "act cradles your nakedness in his arms licking slowly at your neck, while at the same time, his sheathed cock begins to pulse ever so slightly."
(Kylinarr slips one hand down between my legs...taking your big and next toe...firmly pinching my shaft between them...nodding slightly to you as i start kissing your neck with wet, suckling kisses..pumping my foot a bit slower as you soak my toes and the seat beneath you)
[OOC]-Arkans: "rubs his hand up and down your shiney pussy harder before giving it two more hard slaps"
09-10-2010, 12:29 PM
Another classic one:
On the Ta'Vaalor ferry:
(Keloin slips a finger, then two, inside you and begins to work a rythem)
(Keloin one by one, licks his fingers clean)
Josslyn gives Keloin a lingering kiss on the hand.
You nervously say, "Maybe next time find a private room."
09-10-2010, 01:44 PM
Another classic one:
On the Ta'Vaalor ferry:
(Keloin slips a finger, then two, inside you and begins to work a rythem)
(Keloin one by one, licks his fingers clean)
Josslyn gives Keloin a lingering kiss on the hand.
You nervously say, "Maybe next time find a private room."
That's some high class romance right there.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-10-2010, 01:44 PM
(Keloin slips a finger, then two, inside you and begins to work a rythem)
They totally missed an opportunity to wig out at the sexual assault and kill him/attack him.
09-10-2010, 01:47 PM
You should have sang "I can't stop this feelin, deep inside of me, girl you just don't realize....what you do to me." "Ooma chaka ooma chaka."
09-10-2010, 01:58 PM
Protip #14:
Tell them this is you:
(The above link contains no goatse, despite the link, but is still NSFW.)
I refuse to believe you Methais. REFUSE.
Also Drew, I love how you incorporated a nervous tone. Best RP ever.
09-13-2010, 05:21 PM
If you're going to pretend, make it circumsized. No one wants your cheesy dick. THINK OF THE WOMAN!
Drunken Durfin
09-13-2010, 05:26 PM
Another classic one:
On the Ta'Vaalor ferry:
(Keloin slips a finger, then two, inside you and begins to work a rythem)
(Keloin one by one, licks his fingers clean)
Josslyn gives Keloin a lingering kiss on the hand.
You nervously say, "Maybe next time find a private room."
11-29-2013, 12:08 AM
Bumping this for the lulz.
11-29-2013, 01:02 AM
I put my bolt into your crossbow.
12-17-2013, 01:49 PM
The best of us never get caught.
12-17-2013, 04:40 PM
Every time someone brings up that Arkans one, I copy/link it to him just to remind him of it. He ain't ever living that shit down
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