View Full Version : We require additional larve ... no more

09-10-2010, 12:52 AM
If you play Starcraft 2, and you play Zerg, you probably know about the hotkeying your hatch and your queen to the same key and the double tapping the hotkey, hitting X or V (X if you're using Grid layout), then clicking, then double tap the next hotkeyed hatch/queen pair, X, click, etc. (if you don't you really need to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74i2ILf70mk )

This allows you to spawn larve very quickly, but you still need to remember to do this again in 40 seconds... no sooner, and ideally no later. Keeping this up is key to good macro.

I've got a very rudimentary program, it's basically a keylogger that runs int he background. I have it setup to listen for the exact combination 55x (it also responds to double 6-8 followed by x, or if you uncheck the grid option it'll listen for v instead of x), then in 40 seconds (and hitting 55x again won't reset the timer) it plays a sound.

I'm going to be improving on this program, it's pretty basic right now with only the grid key setting (and only 5-8 hotkeys). I'm planning on improving it, but any feedback as to what is important I'll take into consideration.

I was going to make a nuke launch timer, but I realized something even better, which I still need to research (and may be able to replace spawn larve with), I want to change my sounds from "Nuclear Launch Detected" to ... "Nuclear Launch Detected .... 10 ... 5 4 3 2 1"

Anyway here's the larve reminder if you thing it'll help you. I attached the Windows Exclamation sound, it's not the best, you can replace it (just rename your file to "Windows Exclamation.wav" in the same folder as the exe)

09-11-2010, 02:08 PM
my micro sucks so hard but i may try this out

09-11-2010, 04:20 PM
OMG He's ttly trying to hax our computers with his keylogger!

09-14-2010, 02:15 PM


Blizzard Entertainment has always taken cheating in any form in Blizzard games very seriously, and that's no different for StarCraft II. If a StarCraft II player is found to be cheating or using hacks or modifications in any form, then as outlined in our end user license agreement, that player can be permanently banned from the game. This means that the player will be permanently unable to log in to Battle.net to play StarCraft II with his or her account.

Playing StarCraft II legitimately means playing with an unaltered game client. Doing otherwise violates our policies for Battle.net, and it goes against the spirit of fair play that all of our games are based on. We strongly recommend that you avoid using any hacks, cheats, or exploits. Suspensions and bans of players that have used or start using cheats and hacks will begin in the near future.

09-14-2010, 04:31 PM
Hmm, I'll have to read through the agreement. I don't actually alter anything with the game ... I was going to write an egg timer app for my phone and just hit it every time I injected larve but then thought of this. If it's cheating I'll definitely stop running it.

Do they let you change the sounds? The map editor has a sound section, but I didn't spend much time looking into it, if they let you replace the existing sounds with your own, I could go that route instead.