View Full Version : High End Shattered Gear
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 12:46 PM
By the way, armors, DB and weapons have offers on them. Also received an offer of $1000 for everything.
I'll set a buyout of $1500 for absolutely everything, Harry, Ron & Madam, which is actually less than what I perceive the full value to be based on my previous experience of selling a lot of shit.
Still looking to get a new toy so I'm offering the following for sale:
#1. You see Ron Weasley.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He is tall and appears to be very young. He has sparkling blue eyes and pale skin. He has raggedly cut, unkempt bright red hair. He has a delicate face, a straight nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a lolbrielus, a tailored dark brown pack, a wide-cuffed heavy ash suede jacket, a faded grey steel vest, a soft black shirt, a felt-lined narrow gem bag, an ample loot sack, some muggle jeans, a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit, and some black pebbled leather boots.
a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern, 10x (max weighting)
a lolbrielus, 5x DB
a faded grey steel vest, 6x ECP MBP w/ perm Fire Resist.
some muggle jeans, SA (20 rings)
#2. You see Madam Pomfrey the Nurse.
She appears to be a Human.
She is short and appears to be of a tender age. She has large blue eyes and pale skin. She has long, glossy white hair worn in a bun. She has a wrinkled face, a small nose and a narrow waist.
She is wearing some polished golvern arm greaves, some embossed double leather, a dull gold ring, an opaque glass amulet, a resilient black oilcloth backpack, a straw-colored linen herb satchel, a wide-cuffed heavy ash suede jacket, a heavily-protected Gringotts bank vault, an ample loot sack, a felt-lined narrow gem bag, a calf-length dove grey satin skirt, and a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit.
a heavily-protected Gringotts bank vault - holds 150k silvers, belt worn.
#3. You see Harry Potter the Wizard.
He appears to be a Human.
He is short and skinny and appears to be very young. He has bright green eyes and pale skin. He has raggedly cut, jet black hair with bangs that hang down to cover his forehead. He has a delicate face, a small nose and a very thin scar shaped like a bolt of lightning above his right eye. He has the words, "I must not tell lies" carved into the back of his left hand.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a veil iron shield slung over his shoulder, a pair of wire-frame glasses held together with scotch tape, a mokeskin pouch, a firebolt slung over his other shoulder, an invisibility cloak, some black-over-crimson robes embroidered with a griffon upon a shield emblem on the left breast, a dusty old portkey, a dragon skin briefcase, some muggle jeans, a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit, and some anti-gravity boots.
veil iron shield, 5x
a pair of wire-frame glasses, giftbox enhancive
a mokeskin pouch, neck worn, VLA (180ish pounds)
a firebolt, 4x shield
a firebolt, 4x runestaff
some black-over-crimson robes, 6x VHCP full leather w/ perm fire resist
portkey, gold ring teleport
dragon skin briefcase, belt worn, LA
some muggle jeans, SA (20 rings)
a gem-pommeled eahnor gladius graced with spirals of etched runes
- cycles from 6x to 11x
- edged, short sword base
- Trollslayer weapon
- detects trolls in the area
- bonuses when attacking trolls
- will work on any type of troll, including Grimswarm
- this one has also been sanctified
- show for non-elven races: Tiny wisps of smoke rise from the eahnor gladius’s blade. Beautifully crafted and well balanced, you are not quite sure you have ever seen a gladius so finely made. Obviously elven workmanship, this gladius has ancient elven runes running along the blade. Alas, not being an elf, you can’t make out what knowledge they seek to impart.
- show for elven races: Tiny wisps of smoke rise from the eahnor gladius’s blade. Beautifully crafted and well balanced, you are not quite sure you have ever seen a gladius so finely made. Forged by elves many, many years ago, the eahnor gladius’s blade crawls with runes telling of the great battles between the elves and the trolls. The runes bespeak of the power of this gladius and its dedicated purpose of locating and dispatching trolls and their kin.
Plus 50m silvers.
I'll consider cash, prime silvers or I will trade for the specific item that I want. Shitty offers will be ignored, don't be cheap because it's annoying and I'm not giving anything away unless I get what I want.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 12:47 PM
Harry and Madam may also be available, Ron is not available unless you want to pay extra to transfer a prime character.
09-06-2010, 12:53 PM
Who did you blow for all that shit?
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 12:55 PM
Who did you blow for all that shit?
I didn't blow anyone, I fucked your mother.
09-06-2010, 12:56 PM
I didn't blow anyone, I fucked your mother.
Damn, that bitch needs to give me the fucking hookup.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 12:57 PM
Damn, that bitch needs to give me the fucking hookup.
Or you can blow me and I might give you something pretty.
09-06-2010, 12:57 PM
Or you can blow me and I might give you something pretty.
Can I just send my mother over?
09-06-2010, 01:01 PM
Many of these items that this person has were gained by stealing from others. I'd be very careful doing any transaction with him/her (whatever you are) and make sure you get your item first or else you'll get screwed.
He's only leaving Shattered because he has screwed over any friends he ever had.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 01:04 PM
Many of these items that this person has were gained by stealing from others. I'd be very careful doing any transaction with him/her (whatever you are) and make sure you get your item first or else you'll get screwed.
He's only leaving Shattered because he has screwed over any friends he ever had.
lol, trollfail
more drama llama please, I need more hits.
This is probably what I dislike about shattered, as opposed to prime.
Scripting, PVP, OOCness, that is all okay. No GM involvement would be okay as well.
What I dislike is GM involvement resulting in some players having significant advantages. I prefer a meritocracy, were the best scripter, longest term player, or just the loser with the most time on his hands (or cash at his disposal), wins.
But when GMs pick winners and losers arbitrarily, that is something no one can compete with. I'd sign up for no GM interaction, if everyone got that. But selective GM interaction for special people is a bit much.
Especially, when one considers, actions like what this douche is doing. Get nice item in shattered by licking some GM's perineum, trade/sell it for some prime goodness, thus shattered bullshittery affect's prime's economy.
True poetic justice would be if some GM whose perineum you did not lick went into shattered and stole all your items and tossed them into the treasure hopper or well, you know, with the jews.
09-06-2010, 01:27 PM
$80 for the robes is my final offer, you can email me at if you want also.
09-06-2010, 01:35 PM
This is probably what I dislike about shattered, as opposed to prime.
Scripting, PVP, OOCness, that is all okay. No GM involvement would be okay as well.
What I dislike is GM involvement resulting in some players having significant advantages. I prefer a meritocracy, were the best scripter, longest term player, or just the loser with the most time on his hands (or cash at his disposal), wins.
But when GMs pick winners and losers arbitrarily, that is something no one can compete with. I'd sign up for no GM interaction, if everyone got that. But selective GM interaction for special people is a bit much.
Especially, when one considers, actions like what this douche is doing. Get nice item in shattered by licking some GM's perineum, trade/sell it for some prime goodness, thus shattered bullshittery affect's prime's economy.
True poetic justice would be if some GM whose perineum you did not lick went into shattered and stole all your items and tossed them into the treasure hopper or well, you know, with the jews.
To be fair, the GM that made uber gear (except the 10x claid) was chastised and it's a pretty solid rule not to do crazy alters anymore as far as I know. Now the 10x claid was stolen by Madam off of the table that held it by a spirit, then put on an Alt for safe keeping. That was the fault of a GM as well, not realizing that there were ways under level 25 to pick up a level 25 weapon.
And the 5x DB was a raffle that Madam happened to win.
The rest of the items you might see in game that shouldn't be there are also not due to GM doing favors for their friends, but more GM errors. Personally don't have a single GM handout except 1 RPA in the first week of the game (even that is iffy since everybody in the room got one and it was after an altering session).
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 01:41 PM
This is probably what I dislike about shattered, as opposed to prime.
Scripting, PVP, OOCness, that is all okay. No GM involvement would be okay as well.
What I dislike is GM involvement resulting in some players having significant advantages. I prefer a meritocracy, were the best scripter, longest term player, or just the loser with the most time on his hands (or cash at his disposal), wins.
But when GMs pick winners and losers arbitrarily, that is something no one can compete with. I'd sign up for no GM interaction, if everyone got that. But selective GM interaction for special people is a bit much.
Especially, when one considers, actions like what this douche is doing. Get nice item in shattered by licking some GM's perineum, trade/sell it for some prime goodness, thus shattered bullshittery affect's prime's economy.
True poetic justice would be if some GM whose perineum you did not lick went into shattered and stole all your items and tossed them into the treasure hopper or well, you know, with the jews.
You're such a fucking idiot.
I was here when the game opened, when the GM's were actually doing alters. That's why I have all the alterations that you see.
The DB came from a raffle, that everyone had a chance to win.
The armor came from Cthulhu and more than just myself got things worked on.
The GOS also came from a raffle.
I wasn't AFK all the time like everyone else, and I pay attention to what goes on around me.
Oh, btw, STFU stupid ass.
09-06-2010, 01:42 PM
Notice you don't mention that you stole the 10x claid. That you conveniently gloss over.
09-06-2010, 01:43 PM
Notice you don't mention that you stole the 10x claid. That you conveniently gloss over.
And the armor he stole...
09-06-2010, 01:43 PM
No one likes you, just go away.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 01:44 PM
<3 me some jealous bitches!
09-06-2010, 01:45 PM
nah, mordie isn't around anymore to argue with, your just sloppy seconds.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 01:50 PM
nah, mordie isn't around anymore to argue with, your just sloppy seconds.
So let me get this right, because you don't have some dumb ass to fight with you're trying to trollgrief me?
lol @ loser
09-06-2010, 01:53 PM
Calling somebody a troll doesn't make them a troll...
Besides, if I started up an angry thread, anybody that posted strategic things to keep me going apeshit would technically be trolls. But they'd also be right.
You gotta know when to shake the hive. And you, sir, are a hive waiting to be shaken.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 02:10 PM
Calling somebody a troll doesn't make them a troll...
Besides, if I started up an angry thread, anybody that posted strategic things to keep me going apeshit would technically be trolls. But they'd also be right.
You gotta know when to shake the hive. And you, sir, are a hive waiting to be shaken.
I think you have that backwards, I'm the hive shaker. These are just a few stray worker bees, as soon as they sting me they die. That's a fair trade for me.
By the way, armors, DB and weapons have offers on them. Also received an offer of $1000 for everything.
I'll set a buyout of $1500 for absolutely everything, Harry, Ron & Madam, which is actually less than what I perceive the full value to be based on my previous experience of selling a lot of shit.
No one should be able to call anyone a thief or that something's not fair etc in Shattered.
It's supposed to be like .. I dunno, a dimension like where the Event Horizon went. :D
09-06-2010, 02:15 PM
Nobody wants you here. That's why you are leaving. End of story.
Notice how Deathravin won that 10x claid and guess what, nobody is freaking out about it. Because he isn't a douchebag loser like you.
You're a jerk and nobody wants you around. You screw friends and other people over all the time. Go away.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Nobody wants you here. That's why you are leaving. End of story.
Notice how Deathravin won that 10x claid and guess what, nobody is freaking out about it. Because he isn't a douchebag loser like you.
You're a jerk and nobody wants you around. You screw friends and other people over all the time. Go away.
lol, you're so funny. You have nothing to do with anything but you think you're some expert on everything that involves me.
What a fucking loser.
09-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Also received an offer of $1000 for everything.
09-06-2010, 02:19 PM
Just been back a couple weeks b/c of Fantasy Football and have to say this guy reminds me alot of Tsin
09-06-2010, 02:24 PM
Yeah, he's a winner.
09-06-2010, 02:28 PM
1000$? you know... a GM could be reading these boards and make that stuff go POOF right before you transfer it
just food for thought
09-06-2010, 02:39 PM
1000 bucks for shattered crap..WOW..someone is crazy to pay something like that...
09-06-2010, 02:40 PM
1000 bucks for shattered crap..WOW..someone is crazy to pay something like that...
He spouted the same bullshit the last time he was "going to sell out." It hasn't happened - and probably won't because we're cursed and he won't leave us.
09-06-2010, 02:41 PM
a GM could come back at any time and grant uber items dont forget
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 02:45 PM
1000 bucks for shattered crap..WOW..someone is crazy to pay something like that...
In what way is it crazy? Take a look at the prime market, rare things sell for more than common things.
I just offered a lot of rare things, probably the first chance most people in shattered have had at rare things. They're going to go for a decent amount.
70 empath, 70 wizard, 50 paladin, 50m silvers, 10x claid, 5x DB, 6-11x gos sword, 6x ECP MBP, 6x VHCP FULLS, 150k coin holder, gold ring teleporter, 180 pound neckpouch...
That's a lot of fun stuff.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 02:52 PM
a GM could come back at any time and grant uber items dont forget
Actually, I imagine Solomon will take things a different way.
You're all going to be paying cash for good stuff, but instead of paying another customer, you'll buy directly from the source.
Want a 10x claid? You can now buy premium points from Simu, so you buy enough points to enchant a claid. You'll get what you can pay for.
Want an alteration? Pay $20.
Want heavy padding? Pay $250 to $500 based on enchant.
09-06-2010, 02:54 PM
people with more money than sense.
09-06-2010, 02:59 PM
people with more money than sense.
i hear ya..sad thing in shattered an would\could actually use a nice high end claid..i would never think of selling it..i have never been lucky enough to get anything like that GS..i think id fall over dead if i got a 10x claid heh..btw id be happy to have a friggin 2x claid..and some 5x fulls in shattered..
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 03:15 PM
i hear ya..sad thing in shattered an would\could actually use a nice high end claid..i would never think of selling it..i have never been lucky enough to get anything like that GS..i think id fall over dead if i got a 10x claid heh..btw id be happy to have a friggin 2x claid..and some 5x fulls in shattered..
It's going to be up to the players to create a market in shattered. Nobody is enchanting for other people yet. Even when they start, how much will it cost? Silvers are worthless. What is a 5x enchant worth? It costs the enchanter at least $19.95. $50 for a 5x enchant?
There is a cash market in GS, everyone should try to get into it, you could most likely pay for your own account at the very least.
09-06-2010, 03:16 PM
I think most people would welcome whoever offered that 1000 to get rid of this guy. We don't need people like that here.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 03:19 PM
I think most people would welcome whoever offered that 1000 to get rid of this guy. We don't need people like that here.
If you all want me out so badly, I posted a buyout. Paypal Paul the $1500, maybe you can all pool your funds, and I'll give whomever the logins.
You appear to want to control everything, so buy the goods and control the market.
09-06-2010, 03:21 PM
If you all want me out so badly, I posted a buyout. Paypal Paul the $1500, maybe you can all pool your funds, and I'll give whomever the logins.
Anyone who would even think about giving you the money first is stupid.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 03:24 PM
Anyone who would even think about giving you the money first is stupid.
I'm not Paul, and if anyone is concerned about trust, I'll give the logins to Paul, he can login to verify, and he can give you the information once payment clears. The money won't enter my hands. :)
Anything else trollboy?
Come back when you can afford to play with the big boys.
09-06-2010, 03:33 PM
why are silver worthless? everything :in game: still cost silvers..someone tried to sell me a 4x maul for 100k..which was no big just using it as an example..if thats the case its about the same as a 4x maul in it seems to me like the silver market is there..the thing is peeps think that the items they got are worth as much as or close to the amount in prime wise..i dont think they are..just me minda ya but meh..course i wouldnt pay 1000 bux for anything in prime either..anyway..
09-06-2010, 03:33 PM
I live at 123 Trust lane, in Trustville Texas. Can I get a ride?
09-06-2010, 03:35 PM
I'm not Paul, and if anyone is concerned about trust, I'll give the logins to Paul, he can login to verify, and he can give you the information once payment clears. The money won't enter my hands. :)
Anything else trollboy?
Come back when you can afford to play with the big boys.
I still wouldn't trust you and good luck to anyone who does. I doubt they will have anything to show for it except an empty wallet. WTF is Paul anyway.
09-06-2010, 03:37 PM
09-06-2010, 03:39 PM
Let's all just bitch back and forth instead of just letting the sale go on. If you want it bid if you are bitching start a new thread this one is titled "High End Shattered gear". Shattered was made for a reason so go mess some shit up, sell your stuff for silvers, money, whatever. I've managed to spend nearly all my silvers made from scripting and not on death potions.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 03:40 PM
I still wouldn't trust you and good luck to anyone who does. I doubt they will have anything to show for it except an empty wallet. WTF is Paul anyway.
You're such a fucking nobody.
Do you know anything about this game?
09-06-2010, 03:42 PM
why are silver worthless? everything :in game: still cost silvers..someone tried to sell me a 4x maul for 100k..which was no big just using it as an example..if thats the case its about the same as a 4x maul in it seems to me like the silver market is there..the thing is peeps think that the items they got are worth as much as or close to the amount in prime wise..i dont think they are..just me minda ya but meh..course i wouldnt pay 1000 bux for anything in prime either..anyway..
Silver is worthless because everybody gets it while they hunt. They don't earn it. It's just a constant stream. My guys have about 30m per person right now. I have about 10 silver per experience point for all my guys right now. I'm not going to get too far into it, but it's a LOT.
After a 4x weapon, 4x armor, maybe a 4x offhand and a few containers... what do you really NEED? You can get along just fine. You need what 250k per death... That's honestly the only thing I've seen that people actually have had to buy silver for.
The only thing that is rare enough to trade would be found gear. Enhansives and the like. Even that isn't great. I just don't think real cash is going to be the way to go.
Shattered Dreamer
09-06-2010, 03:45 PM
The only thing that is rare enough to trade would be found gear. Enhansives and the like. Even that isn't great. I just don't think real cash is going to be the way to go.
You're going to have a trade market or a cash market until silvers have a purpose beyond deaths sting.
Drunken Durfin
09-06-2010, 05:10 PM
a GM could come back at any time and grant uber items dont forget
The rumor I got was that Cthulhu got shut down by "the man" after he made those, and several other, items. If it is true, odds of more uber items rolling out are pretty slim.
09-06-2010, 05:13 PM
which sucks for those of us that would actually use the stuff instead selling it for real money or just leaving shattered and it disappearing forever..dont get me wrong if ya own an item, its yours an do what ya want with it..but it still sux
09-06-2010, 05:27 PM
The rumor I got was that Cthulhu got shut down by "the man" after he made those, and several other, items. If it is true, odds of more uber items rolling out are pretty slim.
highly likely. because they could charge for those items instead of just giving away for free.
09-06-2010, 05:52 PM
You're such a fucking nobody.
Do you know anything about this game?
I know enough to make some friends and have fun. You're leaving because nobody likes you and would be happy that you're gone.
You can only screw over this crowd so much before they get sick of you. Go play somewhere else with a bigger group so you can "make friends," steal their crap and move on to the next victim.
Someone buy his stuff already.
09-06-2010, 07:37 PM
this board is pretty sweet.
Harry Potter seems like a cool character - whats the story on why everyone hates this guy?
~ Jen
09-06-2010, 08:18 PM
this board is pretty sweet.
Harry Potter seems like a cool character - whats the story on why everyone hates this guy?
~ Jen
Not really sure, here. He seems pretty kiss-ass, but nothing in the douchebag territory that the anti-player Marlu clan was. Harry/Madam is kind of unheard of from what I can tell...
09-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Whoa. Stuff sells like this here? This is like WoW on crack.
~ Jen
09-06-2010, 09:12 PM
Not really sure, here. He seems pretty kiss-ass, but nothing in the douchebag territory that the anti-player Marlu clan was. Harry/Madam is kind of unheard of from what I can tell...
Harry/Madam aka Inspire from the PC or Sylvancode on the Officials if you read those, is certifiably insane. He seems okay for a short while, then all of a sudden freaks the fuck out. Sometimes it's just verbally being a total douche over whatever slight caught his fancy, other times it's wandering around ganking people 50 levels below him. It can be pretty entertaining, but if you watch him for a little while, you'll quickly see that he is definitely not right in the head.
09-06-2010, 09:38 PM
i hear ya..sad thing in shattered an would\could actually use a nice high end claid..i would never think of selling it..i have never been lucky enough to get anything like that GS..i think id fall over dead if i got a 10x claid heh..btw id be happy to have a friggin 2x claid..and some 5x fulls in shattered..
How long have you been playing? we all had good shit in prime back in the day before enchanting was nerfed.
09-06-2010, 09:42 PM
Silver is worthless because everybody gets it while they hunt. They don't earn it. It's just a constant stream. My guys have about 30m per person right now. I have about 10 silver per experience point for all my guys right now. I'm not going to get too far into it, but it's a LOT.
After a 4x weapon, 4x armor, maybe a 4x offhand and a few containers... what do you really NEED? You can get along just fine. You need what 250k per death... That's honestly the only thing I've seen that people actually have had to buy silver for.
The only thing that is rare enough to trade would be found gear. Enhansives and the like. Even that isn't great. I just don't think real cash is going to be the way to go.
You would be amazed i personally have made over $500 cash so far off mediocre shattered shit and couple characters. I hate to say it there is a market for it.
Why I don't know but i am gonna smile all the way to the bank. Just wish it was good as it was back in the day in prime.
09-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Prime at 18 per million was a fucking gold mine. I sold my first char for like 800 bucks back in 2000.
09-06-2010, 10:00 PM
Whoa. I just saw this thread. So let me see if I understand this. Madam/Harry, an admitted thief, is trying to sell out? Jesus, anyone stupid enough to believe he'd follow through on a sale deserves to lose their money. Because that's just what will happen.
09-06-2010, 10:03 PM
So Tamral plays Shattered?
09-07-2010, 08:27 AM
Prime at 18 per million was a fucking gold mine. I sold my first char for like 800 bucks back in 2000.
Yeah I sold Zentalin for 1000$. And this was AFTER the fixskills. Zentalin/Jaeden I think could have sold for 2000$+ each before the fixskill. (This was in 2003)
09-07-2010, 02:27 PM
If you all want me out so badly, I posted a buyout. Paypal Paul the $1500, maybe you can all pool your funds, and I'll give whomever the logins.
You appear to want to control everything, so buy the goods and control the market.
How'd I get involved? Gah!
Honestly, my time is limited these days. If a person wants me to help, feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do to be a neutral party and verify it all, but I'd want total control to ensure no issues.
Shattered Dreamer
09-07-2010, 02:54 PM
How'd I get involved? Gah!
Honestly, my time is limited these days. If a person wants me to help, feel free to PM me and I'll see what I can do to be a neutral party and verify it all, but I'd want total control to ensure no issues.
You have what I want, so if people just pay you directly I don't mind!
Either way, the item I want is most likely not for sale anymore, so I'm keeping my goodies.
09-07-2010, 03:43 PM
You have what I want, so if people just pay you directly I don't mind!
Either way, the item I want is most likely not for sale anymore, so I'm keeping my goodies.
Translation: Nobody wanted my stuff.
09-07-2010, 04:00 PM
Translation: Nobody wanted my stuff. Waaaaaaaah my pussy hurts.
Shattered Dreamer
09-08-2010, 09:53 AM
Everybody wants my stuff, but I'm keeping it.
Too bad for you!
09-08-2010, 10:00 AM
Translation: Fortybox has no life and the only pussy he gets is his mothers.
It's funny that you think you know so much about GS but you prove time and time again that you're a nobody nothing who knows absolutely nothing about this game or the people who play it.
Not know who Paul is? Really?
Caught the post before you changed it...sucker. Nobody likes you and you can't even sell your items.
Can't wait for thread number three. Maybe someone will feel sorry and offer you 20 bucks.
09-08-2010, 10:18 AM
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I have a dilemma"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I think my millionaire-ex wants me back."
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "He keeps sending me messages on facebook"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I don't want his money"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I left him just to prove that I don't need him or his money"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "He's not like that"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I was in a relationship with him for 7 years"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I know him pretty well"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "People with money want too much control"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "And I'm the boss"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "i'm not single"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I'm never single, I like to be taken care of"
09-08-2010, 10:22 AM
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "I don't swallow, I don't like the way it tastes"
[LNet]-GSIV:Canebes: "do you atleast let it dribble down your chin?"
[LNet]-GSF:Madam: "You can shoot it on my stomach and that's it"
You missed the best lines.
09-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Wait... so is it a dude or a chick?
09-08-2010, 01:14 PM
Wait... so is it a dude or a chick?
My guess is guy who's pouting because no one was dumb enough to fall for his scam-sell plot, so now he's looking for a new way to get attention and stir up trouble.
Guess this thread is kinda... hilarious all of a sudden.
Nice haul Durg.
09-14-2010, 05:10 AM
I'll consider cash, prime silvers or I will trade for the specific item that I want. Shitty offers will be ignored, don't be cheap because it's annoying and I'm not giving anything away unless I get what I want.
You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you get what you need.
09-14-2010, 06:31 AM
Im bored. Shattered is so boring now. All u whiners riuned shattered. gj
09-14-2010, 08:19 AM
Inspire got Tebowed
09-14-2010, 08:32 AM
anything funny being posted about this on the officials
09-14-2010, 08:35 AM
I haven't felt inspired to check.
09-14-2010, 08:53 AM
I BID 1500$!!!!
09-21-2010, 01:07 PM
HOw much money do you want for harry's armor? cant you list a price...
09-21-2010, 01:19 PM
03-17-2015, 12:45 PM
Everybody wants my stuff, but I'm keeping it.
Too bad for you!
A wise man once said, "As they said in the hood, if you flaunt it, you don't want it."
03-17-2015, 12:58 PM
Dude you should read the thread date of the last post before necroing a thread that's five years old!
03-17-2015, 01:03 PM
I completely realize. :-) Just wanted to see if I could get Dreamer all riled up again, lol
03-17-2015, 01:24 PM
Isn't Inspire still banned from the PC?
03-17-2015, 01:26 PM
Which iteration? Find the thread about TheDude. That's Inspire incognito style. Him and his seven 'brothers'.
03-17-2015, 01:41 PM
Which iteration? Find the thread about TheDude. That's Inspire incognito style. Him and his seven 'brothers'.
please post link
03-17-2015, 01:56 PM
Jhynnifer connected the dots when she named Whack. It snowballed from there.
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