View Full Version : 35k MB thread

09-06-2010, 02:07 AM
All of these appraise for 35k at the pawnshop, so that's where I'm starting the bids.

1) A vultite discus (temp heavy damage weighting)

2) An ebony cherrywood runestaff (+ 3 to spell aiming ranks—Level 12. +3 to harness power ranks – level 12. Lot of charges)

3) A burnished silver stickpin (Contains Benediction, +2 to Ambush Bonus – level 3. Crumbly on enhancive, persistant on spell. Huge Charges CB: 35K to BigPun

4) A dreamstone inset pewter crown (+5 to Survival bonus, -- level 10. +2 to CON bonus – level 11 Lot of charges) crumbly CB: 70K to Bocha

5) Acid pitted deringo runestaff; +5 (+4 to Mental Lore; transformation bonus – level 10) Lot of Charges

6) A thin-bladed razern broadsword; +10 (+7 to Ambush bonus – Level 17) Lot of Charges

7) blackened mithril battle axe with a silver hoarbeam haft; +20

8) dark ora and rolaren-chased greathelm (+10)

9) Some tooled full leather; +15 (+3 to elemental lore: Air Bonus, TD enhansive) Giantman Charges. There’s a possibility I will hang onto these if the bids aren’t worth more than keeping them.

10) A fine villswood light crossbow; +18 (+3 to perception Ranks—level 9) huge number of charges.

11) A white ora jeddart-axe; +15 (+6 to Dexterity--Level 13, +7 to Max Health--Level 11) Lot of charges

09-06-2010, 02:33 AM
35k on 3 and 4

09-06-2010, 02:34 AM
MB on #4

09-06-2010, 03:39 AM
70k on #4

09-06-2010, 06:32 PM

09-07-2010, 08:01 PM
Shutting this down at midnight tomorrow.

Current bids are up.