View Full Version : Damn you /b/... damn you.

09-02-2010, 06:42 PM

Aaaaand... /b/ has softened.

09-02-2010, 07:09 PM
Aaaaand... /b/ has softened.

Like a 90 year old man's cock without Viagra.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-02-2010, 08:16 PM
I like the completely random outpouring of kindness from the depths of the internet hate machine. I think this man has been given honorary cat status.

But seriously though:
-Girl posts tits? Find her facebook and ruin her life!
-Girl posts harmless but obnoxious youtube videos? Find dox and ruin her life!
-Woman tosses cat into trash bin? RUIN HER LIFE
-Guy posts wanting to figure out how to fuck someone who's underage? YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
-90 year old man want ad for birthday party guests? OVER 9000 CARDS!

This makes sense.

09-02-2010, 08:34 PM
I've actually decided to head out to his party, just for the hell of it.

09-02-2010, 08:47 PM
Kind folks of reddit, My family and I appreciate the outpouring of love and generosity. There has been a large misunderstanding. The poster which I'm told was found at the Gardner Stop & Shop was more a local notice for people that know him. It was in no way to indicate that he is alone. He has 7 children, many grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. In his younger years he was a foster parent to dozens of foster children. He is well liked in the community, and will be fully supported on his 90th birthday. I ask that if you don't know him, to not attend the party, as it is for his friends and family. The venue for the party is a very small hall, and will be full to capacity with people he knows and loves.
By all means, send cards and well wishes, but please refrain from sending gifts/strippers/cakes/candies/etc. and instead please make a donation in his name to a local vetrans charity.
Thank you again for all the love and well wishes, we certainly never expected this. You are awesome reddit, now please help me spread the word to other outlets and make sure this is a smaller, enjoyable party for him.


09-02-2010, 08:48 PM
Card Sent.

09-02-2010, 09:22 PM

Aaaaand... /b/ has softened.

404 - Not Found


09-02-2010, 09:51 PM
Since someone is a newfag that doesn't know how /b/ thread works (LOVE YOU RADAMANTHYS), here's a Reddit comment thread: I am William J Lashua's Grandson. Please read this. (http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/d8uyh/i_am_william_j_lashuas_grandson_please_read_this/)

Kind folks of reddit, My family and I appreciate the outpouring of love and generosity. There has been a large misunderstanding. The poster which I'm told was found at the Gardner Stop & Shop was more a local notice for people that know him. It was in no way to indicate that he is alone. He has 7 children, many grandchildren, and even great grandchildren. In his younger years he was a foster parent to dozens of foster children. He is well liked in the community, and will be fully supported on his 90th birthday. I ask that if you don't know him, to not attend the party, as it is for his friends and family. The venue for the party is a very small hall, and will be full to capacity with people he knows and loves.
By all means, send cards and well wishes, but please refrain from sending gifts/strippers/cakes/candies/etc. and instead please make a donation in his name to a local vetrans charity.
Thank you again for all the love and well wishes, we certainly never expected this. You are awesome reddit, now please help me spread the word to other outlets and make sure this is a smaller, enjoyable party for him.

And this thread explains the hours leading up to that...
Can we please make this guy the happiest person ever for a day? (http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/top/)

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-10-2010, 10:01 AM
So, apparently this all went off really well.


As one redditor put it:

To summarize what happened here: Swarm of angry bees discovered your presence, decided that, instead of stinging you to death, they would make you honey.

Shattered Dreamer
09-10-2010, 10:08 AM
That was neat

09-10-2010, 10:09 AM

That was good.

09-10-2010, 11:57 AM
Reading that whole site/watching the videos... awesome man, love it. *sniff*