View Full Version : Building a new PC

08-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Needing a new pc, fiance killed ours by overclocking wow for about 5 years, so we've decided to build one. Haven't really looked at a whole lot as to components yet but we've figured on the over all set up of the box.

Here is what we've decided so far...

Dual monitor for her VBA coding pleasure

Dual boot Red Hat / Windows xp/vista/7(not decided which) Primarily Red Hat
w/ windows running off a partition.

a sub system built to run windows 93/95 on for old school gaming ease(a separate fully integrated mother board and an internally networked hd will deal with this. adding a Third monitor for this system to run on.

She'll be playing WoW/Galaxies/Old Republic on it, and I'll probably be bouncing from game to game ever few weeks as is my ilk at present.

And this is about as far as we've gotten... Anyone care to lend a hand and help us pick out the guts for this Frankenstein? Oh, and our budget is sitting around 2k for the whole thing. Our peripherals are all going to be razer. Just because they are so sexy.

08-29-2010, 07:38 PM
fiance killed ours by overclocking wow for about 5 years, .

5 years is a pretty good life-span for a computer, especially over-clocked. On topic, though - newegg.com. JR.com is decent, too.

08-29-2010, 07:51 PM
Needing a new pc, fiance killed ours by overclocking wow for about 5 years, .

she's a keeper!

08-29-2010, 11:46 PM
just got back from fry's electronics and after spending two hours looking through the wracks here's what we've found.


Antec HAF 932 AMD LE, Zalman GS1000, Raidmax Hummer, Apevia X Dreamer3, or a CM Storm Sniper Raven. Personally, I'm wanting to go with the Antec box.

Mother Board

Dependant on the processor for this one, I'm wanting to go w/ the Intel I7 930 processor running on a Gigabyte GA 890FXA UD5 w/ 8 GB of DDR 3. Fiance wan'ts an EVGA X58 SLI board running an AMD Phenom II x6 chip w/ 6 GB of DDR 3.


Creative PCI Sound Blaster X-FL Titanium Fatality


Either a Geforce GTX465 EVGA or a MSI N250GTS Twin Frozer 1G

4 2tb HD's, brand yet to be picked out... same goes for the powersupply, but we're set on a pair of H50 cooling units. And depending on which tower we end up with I'll be installing a few neons and a small disco ball just for effect.

Going to have to rip apart and integrate an old gateway w/ windows 93/95se system, so looking on craigs list/ebay for one atm.


08-29-2010, 11:54 PM
Gaming soundboards are a waste of money.

08-29-2010, 11:59 PM
not really all that concerned about 60.00 probably the cheapest thing about the whole box.

08-30-2010, 12:01 AM
You want an entire motherboard devoted to 20th century games? Why not just use vbox?

08-30-2010, 12:04 AM
not a fan of anything virtual

08-30-2010, 12:31 AM
not a fan of anything virtual
Absurd rationless prejudices FTW!!

Why are you asking for advice?

08-30-2010, 12:35 AM
curious mostly to see if anyone has had any experience working with any of the hardware or had any good experiences with various home builds.

08-30-2010, 12:48 AM
I can tell you that dual monitors is key for coding (even 'just' VBA), and even most officework would benefit from dual monitors.

I can tell you the i7 platform is great, I don't have any experience w/ the Phenom IIs, but I'm sure either way you'll be happy, but more/faster RAM is always useful.

I can tell you you're wasting your money on a soundcard when you should be looking to have an SSD for at least your OS, hopefully your installed apps as well.

You mentioned getting 4 2TB drives, but that might be a waste, depending on how they're setup and any future plans (I would highly suggest some sort of redundancy, if you're going RAID5, 5 1.5TB drives would result in the same storage and cheaper ~120 per 2TB, $85 for 1.5, of course if you planned to expand later that throws wrenchs, but you left your storage system vague).

08-30-2010, 01:08 AM
The storage is mostly for home network and file storage IE Movies and music. About two years ago i decided that 6 book cases of movies was a bit too much, so I ripped all of them to a slew of externals and now its time for that stack of paper weights to be gone. So 2 of those HD's are strictly for media. 1 more for games, and 1 for general apps and software(CAD, HDDX, Office, etc). Looking into possibly getting a smaller 60g hd for the OS. Then there is the hd for the sub system, which will be as big as I can get for circa 1998

Edit: One of the biggest reasons I'm wanting to run the I7 setup, is not just because of the current performance, but because I'm kind of wanting to run the board with a i7 975 in the future. The price is a bit restrictive atm though.

Edit x2: Been trying to tackle the SSD issue for the last few hours and am still trying to find a good model/brand to go with on this build, getting a bit of conflicting info. Anyone care to toss in there two cents?

08-30-2010, 08:17 AM

Pick the best performance/price/capacity ratio. Make sure it supports Trim. Read any other related articles.


08-30-2010, 10:40 PM
From the sound of how much you're planning on spending, not getting an SSD would be a huge mistake, as pabst said, Anand has some of the best SSD info available.

You still should consider some sort of redundancy for your data, with that many drives RAID5 just makes sense, just consider how pissed/angry you'd be if one of your drives just shit the bed. Unless you're really good about backups, it's just not worth the potential hassle, the cost of one extra drive, and you've improved your safeguard from catastrophe by a large margin.

You can partition it however you want after you RAID it, but it sounded like you just planned on setting them up as JBOD, when most i7 MB will have RAID5 built in (you could get a dedicated card, but I don't think you need too for the light load you're planning).

08-31-2010, 06:50 AM
I went with Phenom II x4. Does everything I'd need and I'm a pretty aggressive gamer heh.

08-31-2010, 09:02 AM
Raiding a home computer is not worth it. The only reason to use striped backups is for fail over clustering to keep a work place at 99.9% uptime on their main server. Any other application will work fine with a normal back up.

Ceph is also right, a solid state will give you a huge amount of bang for your buck. The bottle neck in 99% of PCs/Work station is the operating systems read speed.

08-31-2010, 09:59 AM
My new pc should be here tomorrow night w00t. Cutting edge? No. Upgrade? Yes.

1TB SATA II 3.0 GB 7200RPM
4GB (2GBx2) DDR3/1600MHz Dual Channel Memory Module
ATI Radeon HD 5570 1GB DDR3 16X PCIe Video Card
etc, etc, etc

Like I said not cutting edge but it's an upgrade.

08-31-2010, 10:22 AM
First off, before I have an aneurysm... There's no such thing as windows 93. At least in the way you're thinking.

Putting a separate motherboard in the same box as a gaming rig is flat-out silly. You'll need another Power supply for that motherboard, which there will be no space for- you'll have to drill holes in the new case (for the other motherboard at least), and it'll fuck up the airflow. That's even if you have room for it. Either get another box, jury-rig 95 to use the hardware you have in your gaming rig and add it to your multi-boot, or emulate/go virtual.

SSD. SSD SSD SSD. *drool*. Biggest hardware performance increase in years. If you don't get one or twelve, you're insane. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/windows-7-ssd-trim,2705.html
Toms has a new article on the topic today. 'The summer SSD roundup'.

Right now the best processors are the intels. Even the best i5 clocks better than any AMD. Tomshardware CPU hierarchy chart. (http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-gaming-cpu-core-i5-760-core-i7-970,2698-7.html) That will describe that. If I were waiting for anything it'd be the AMD k10s next year. But in this case, you're probably right on the 930.

Did I mention SSDs?

Pick whatever motherboard features you want. I'd say make sure it has SATA 6GB/s and USB 3.0. x58 is probably a good bet for expensive 'gaming' features. That is, if you're going for dual graphics.

Graphics. If you're going, or eventually plan to go, with dual graphics cards, make sure to get an x58 rather than a p55 chipset on your motherboard. It's up to you there. It might be an option. And to keep with the trend, best graphics card hierarchy charts!:

As far as storage... Celephais already explained that better that I would.

And make sure you price everything together. Monitors are expensive. As is shipping, sometimes. And little things add up. Like fans. And thermal grease. And dvd drives. Et Cetera.

08-31-2010, 11:26 AM
I just kind of ignored the whole putting another computer inside your computer idea, but Rada commenting on it made me have to (I glazed over the 93/95 thing too.. just read it as 95/98).

That's really fucking stupid. It's not like they make SATA switches to allow you to share something like a DVD drive. Anything you would legitimately share (keyboard/monitor) they do make switches for, and they work externally, if you just want to duct tape two cases next to each other, go ahead, but "internally networked hard drive"? ... wtf? Again I just kind of ignored it and assumed you were planning on just having a network share for your files.

Especially since you're adding another monitor for it, what would be the point of making them integrated?

08-31-2010, 11:31 AM
Dude they overclocked their WoW!!!!!

08-31-2010, 11:54 AM
I'm glad radaphais addressed that. I kept my mouth shut in case that idea actually made sense or internally networked hard drives were real things.

08-31-2010, 02:09 PM

You think "overclocking wow" for five years ruins a computer... putting another computer in there is brilliant.

08-31-2010, 02:11 PM
Great, you went and won the internet. Fucker.

08-31-2010, 02:17 PM
Great, you went and won the internet. Fucker.

The replay value kinda sucks ... they need to add achievements to the internet.

08-31-2010, 02:39 PM
The replay value kinda sucks ... they need to add achievements to the internet.

Some of those would be the most horrifying achievements on the planet.

09-01-2010, 07:59 AM
>A lot of posts...

Just picked up an old 98se system and not really worried about trying to cram it into the case. still may try eventually. Space being a premium on a boat and all.

Everything else.

Going with the Intel 930 and a EVGA E758-A1 x58 board and maxing out the ram at 28g and decided on a pair of GeForce GTX 480 accelerators. Adding onto the bill are 5 Western Digital Caviar Green WD20EARS 2TB hard drives and 2 Intel X25-M Mainstream SSD. Powering the box is a CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX power supply and cooling it with a single CORSAIR Hydro Series CWCH50-1 unit all wrapped up in an Antec DF-85 box. Going to have to watch how this thing runs, mainly on the accelerators, from what I've read they tend to run a bit hot, more then most.

So aside all that a pair of dvd burners and the sound card I mentioned before this should be everything. Shopping around for the parts now, and double checking a few things just to make sure everything will play nice together. Oh, and kicking red hat out the window :( my fiance doesn't want it and had to choose between that or the intel chip.... intel won...

I miss anything?

09-01-2010, 08:11 AM
I miss anything? Since you still might try to cram 2 systems into one case I'd say yes, yes you are missing a lot.

09-01-2010, 08:14 AM
well, simply put, when i run out of room in my "house" the only other place to put things is in the ocean. Space is gold and the cabin the computer is in is cramped enough.

09-01-2010, 08:17 AM
well, simply put, when i run out of room in my "house" the only other place to put things is in the ocean. Space is gold and the cabin the computer is in is cramped enough.

Simply put that doesn't make it ok that what you're wanting to do won't work. Maybe get a laptop?

09-01-2010, 08:29 AM
laptop's won't work for what this system is going to have to do. Example: Auto Pilot. And as for putting both computers in one case. Completely do-able and unlike what was said before, I'll only need the 1 power supply to do it. Also due to the case I'm getting and the low amount of heat the 98 system is going to be kicking out all I'll have to do is add a second cooling unit. Internal space isn't an issue either.

09-01-2010, 08:34 AM
I need to go back and read, why do you need a second system? Can't you just have a dual boot system or do they have to both be running a the same time?

09-01-2010, 08:44 AM
I didn't mention it before, but yes there are some things I want to do that will require more then one system running. And there is always the rule that having redundancy systems available when your 600 miles from anything if something goes awry to. As is the case right now, no computer = no auto-pilot. :(

09-01-2010, 09:10 AM
How about getting ... 2 laptops? They have monitor outputs too.

Fuck ... actually, if we're going this route, why stop at 2 computers in 1 case? Why not cram 4 or 5 in there too. Since you're on a boat, just hose it down every so often with ocean water so it doesn't overheat.

I also have a feeling that if your computer goes, leaving you with no auto-pilot, you should be able to pilot the boat yourself ... you know, as a sort of redundancy system. Unless you're trying to ghost ride that whip, then you're right. You need several back up systems to keep auto-pilot running.

09-01-2010, 09:58 AM
Well if one is just an old 98SE system you're not needing a power house. Go go netbook!

09-01-2010, 10:12 AM
still may try eventually.
Going to have to watch how this thing runs, mainly on the accelerators, from what I've read they tend to run a bit hot, more then most.
Well, it's official. You're retarded.

So aside all that a pair of dvd burners
Get one bluray burner and a dvd (or bluray) reader. You don't want to be burning two discs at once (I understand two drives because you can copy directly). Bluray burners are pretty cheap now.

Fuck ... actually, if we're going this route, why stop at 2 computers in 1 case? Why not cram 4 or 5 in there too. Since you're on a boat, just hose it down every so often with ocean water so it doesn't overheat.

Hey good call! Why stop at 4 or 5 computers, maybe you could cram a toaster in there, and any spare space that's left over in the case you could use as your sock drawer, just fill it up.

Proxy, if you're buying an "old" 98 machine, it's not going to run cool as you seem to think, it's going to run rather hot, just because it has less of the GeeH's doesn't mean it runs cooler. You talk about wanting redundancy and then you plan on running both computers off the same power supply (the most likely component to fail).

You can buy a cheap netbook and install 98 on it if you really need to.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Hey good call! Why stop at 4 or 5 computers, maybe you could cram a toaster in there, and any spare space that's left over in the case you could use as your sock drawer, just fill it up.

Totally unnecessary, Cel:


09-01-2010, 10:18 AM
... what's stopping you from running not only 98 but any other OS you want on a virtual machine?

Carl Spackler
09-01-2010, 10:35 AM
I figured out his plan!!!


09-01-2010, 10:52 AM
... what's stopping you from running not only 98 but any other OS you want on a virtual machine?

DUH Redundancy! Everything needs to be it's own hardware incase something goes wrong, except for cases, one case to protect them all, and power supplies, they take up too much space. To further ensure that things run smoothly, the computer case should be placed underneath your mattress to protect it, and keep harmful outside air away. Actually if you can get any of that expanding foam they use for insulation in houses, just pump it directly into the case, this will shock proof your computer.

09-01-2010, 11:17 AM
I didn't mention it before, but yes there are some things I want to do that will require more then one system running.

This is what a virtual machine is for, as others have mentioned in this thread.

It's also worth mentioning that by having a virtual machine, you can focus on spending all your money/resources on a single faster computer, rather than having to split the cost between two machines.

09-01-2010, 11:18 AM
Wait...are you actually saying your going to turn auto pilot on a boat on and leave it running dependant on a windows installation running off a computer you built yourself for gaming and not watch it? Are you fucking insane? Why did you have to choose between red hat and a processor?

If you need a system running auto pilot on a boat I would suggest you buy an autopilot computer made by a professional. Or at least use a more stable operating system than fucking windows I mean thats a no brainer. You dont need a monstrosity super computer you need a shitty gaming rig and a shitty stable autopilot.

09-01-2010, 11:21 AM
Wait...are you actually saying your going to turn auto pilot on a boat on and leave it running dependant on a windows installation running off a computer you built yourself for gaming and not watch it? Are you fucking insane?

Considering some of his ideas in this thread, this one's not that bad.