View Full Version : Houston: We have a problem.

08-28-2010, 09:00 AM
A fire that destroyed nearly all Harris County's electronic voting machines Friday has election officials scrambling to re-equip the county for an election in which early voting starts in just 51 days.

Even before the pre-dawn fire was out, County Clerk Beverly Kaufman pledged to hold a "timely election" on Nov. 2 but suggested the county may have to run fewer than its planned 739 Election Day polling stations if it cannot find enough machines.

Because she does not know how many machines will be available for each polling location, Kaufman started appealing almost immediately to voters to cast their ballots early to help avoid long lines on Election Day.
Early voting begins Oct. 18.

Harris County, with 1.9 million registered voters who account for nearly 15 percent of the state's electorate, must start from scratch to rebuild an elections infrastructure just over two months before a gubernatorial election.

"There is no doubt in my mind that we're going to have a timely election here and that we're going to take care of the voters," said Kaufman, who is retiring in December after 16 years as chief elections officer. "We have a huge obligation here."

The fire destroyed 10,000 pieces of equipment, including voting machines and devices called judge's booth controllers that dispense four-digit access codes to voters and serve as mobile ballot boxes to tabulate the count at the end of Election Day.

The three-alarm fire started about 4:15 a.m. at the 27,800-square-foot warehouse in the 600 block of Canino in north Houston that houses the county's voting equipment.

Houston Fire Department spokesman Patrick Trahan said arson investigators have not yet determined the cause of the blaze. No injuries were reported.

The flames lit up the sky for miles and could be seen from the Hardy Toll Road near Little York.

Emergency meeting
Kaufman estimated that the fire destroyed $30 million worth of voting equipment; the destroyed warehouse represents an additional loss of roughly $10 million.

Harris County Commissioners Court has scheduled an emergency meeting for Monday "for the purchase of taking action including authorizing purchases and leases in response to an urgent public necessity," in connection with the fire, according to the notice of the meeting.

Kaufman said she hopes to cobble together a collection of replacement machines through loans from other counties and replacement equipment from Hart InterCivic, from which the county bought its eSlate machines in 2002.

"Because I don't expect to have 10,000 pieces to work with, no matter what we do, I'm sure that we're going to be putting on a full-court press urging people to vote early," Kaufman said.

The trend toward early voting may help stave off Election Day traffic jams at the polls. In the 2008 presidential election, 63 percent of Harris County voters cast their ballots at early polling stations or by mail. In 2000, only 26 percent did so.

Hart InterCivic spokesman Marcus MacNeill said he does not know how many machines it has in its inventory or how long it will take to program new machines for Harris County elections.

MacNeill said the company's eSlate machines are in use in 112 counties and cities in the state but that he would not put out a call for loaner machines until Kaufman comes up with a plan.

State offers to help
Similarly, the secretary of state's office has offered to put out a request for equipment to county elections officials statewide, but officials will wait until next week when it has confirmation from Kaufman of what Harris County needs.

"I doubt they will have anywhere near enough voting machines for Election Day," said Dan Wallach, a Rice University associate professor who directs a center on electronic voting.

The county used about 4,300 voting machines in the last gubernatorial election. Assuming they cannot replace that many by election day, Wallach explained, the county faces difficult choices about how to proceed.

It can collapse the number of polling places, but that would require a huge education effort to let voters know where to report on Election Day, he said.

Democrats concerned
It also would bring protests from Democrats.

"The important thing here is that the Republicans who control county government and all election administration functions do not reduce the number of polling sites or do anything that would make it harder or less convenient for Harris County voters to participate in this critical election," said Anthony Gutierrez, deputy executive director of the Texas Democratic Party.

MacNeill suggested Hart InterCivic could outfit Harris County with paper ballots if needed.

That would present an entirely new set of challenges, Wallach said, including acquiring voting booths and ballot boxes, printing ballots in several languages and securing the ballots.

Wallach also suggested that perhaps Kaufman should not spend $25 million or more in insurance money during her final months in office but wait for her successor to determine how to proceed on a possible next generation of voting machines.

Saw the fire on the news yesterday morning, thought it was just another warehoue fire until I saw the address. Then I realized that the warehouse was where I picked up all of my voting equipment for my precinct.

This is going to make voting in Harris County very ugly this November. :(

08-28-2010, 09:35 AM
Yeah, I know some Democratic activists who are thinking it looks very fishy, since Bill White needs to do real well in his home town to win the governor's office.

08-28-2010, 09:43 AM
Yeah, I know some Democratic activists who are thinking it looks very fishy, since Bill White needs to do real well in his home town to win the governor's office.

In order for Bill White to win the election, he would have to start church fires all over the state and successfully blame Rick Perry for them.

Democratic activists have never been known for their thinking.

08-28-2010, 09:47 AM
Eh, it's much closer than you'd think, in a supposedly diehard red state. ETA: the last poll I could find has the margin at 8, with a MOE of 3%, and 7% undecided.

08-28-2010, 11:02 AM
Eh, it's much closer than you'd think, in a supposedly diehard red state. ETA: the last poll I could find has the margin at 8, with a MOE of 3%, and 7% undecided.

White has been trailing from the get go and unless something happens (like Rick Perry committing arson on local churches), then it's Perry's race to lose.

08-28-2010, 11:34 AM
...printing ballots in several languages...

Several languages?? This is America.

08-28-2010, 11:35 AM
Yes, Houston has a problem alright. It's biggest problem is that it is home of the world's largest abortion facility. God will continue to punish Houston as long as it tolerates abomination.

08-28-2010, 12:25 PM
Yes, Houston has a problem alright. It's biggest problem is that it is home of the world's largest abortion facility. God will continue to punish Houston as long as it tolerates abomination.

I would bet that China has larger ones. And France for that matter.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-28-2010, 12:38 PM
I would bet that China has larger ones. And France for that matter.

I *believe* that most of the abortions in China are done in their hospitals and normal medical clinics, not separate facilities.

08-28-2010, 12:45 PM
I *believe* that most of the abortions in China are done in their hospitals and normal medical clinics, not separate facilities.

Could be. Though with their population control programs, I would bet they still top the charts in numbers done. I doubt you could get accurate numbers from them about it anyway.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-28-2010, 01:02 PM
Could be. Though with their population control programs, I would bet they still top the charts in numbers done. I doubt you could get accurate numbers from them about it anyway.

Oh I'm sure, I just remember watching a program about the population issues in China and when they were describing what happens to couples that get pregnant without a permit, they mentioned that they took the woman away right then and there in the clinic or hospital that the pregnancy was confirmed at to perform the abortion.

08-28-2010, 01:30 PM
OP: This shit is crazy!

08-28-2010, 03:18 PM
I would bet that China has larger ones. And France for that matter.

What are Gor views on abortion? How many horts long does the baby have to be before it's banned?

08-28-2010, 04:19 PM
What are Gor views on abortion? How many horts long does the baby have to be before it's banned?

One day you will grow up and these things will drop below your piss hole, they are called testicles, though you might not see them since they likely won't be any larger than your brain.

08-28-2010, 04:28 PM
One day you will grow up and these things will drop below your piss hole, they are called testicles, though you might not see them since they likely won't be any larger than your brain.

I can't wait. Until then I guess I'm still part of the liberal conspiracy against you.

08-28-2010, 06:02 PM
I can't wait. Until then I guess I'm still part of the liberal conspiracy against you.

Nah, you just remain the same old lame assed moron beating a dead horse. Kinda like this guy:


08-28-2010, 06:56 PM
ClydeR (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?u=4313) This message is hidden because ClydeR is on your ignore list (http://forum.gsplayers.com/profile.php?do=editlist).

Congrats ClydeR.

You just made IorakeWarhammer status.

08-28-2010, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I know some Democratic activists who are thinking it looks very fishy, since Bill White needs to do real well in his home town to win the governor's office.

Houston is Bill White's home turf. It is expected that he will do well here. He was a great Mayor for the most part. I voted for him twice and agreed with a majority of his decisions as Mayor.

He will have his hands full with Perry though. I predict a Perry win.