View Full Version : Hey Jaimaltz and Sluntty

08-28-2010, 12:20 AM
Whatcha up to?

08-28-2010, 02:47 AM
All I know about Sluntty is that he writes shitty code.

08-28-2010, 08:25 AM
what is the point of this thread plz elaborate

08-28-2010, 09:45 AM
what is the point of this thread plz elaborate

I'm guessing it's about Liagala asking Jaimaltz and Sluntty what they are up to...

08-28-2010, 10:03 AM
the fuck is up?

Inquiring minds want to know.

08-28-2010, 10:18 AM
yeah whats this post for lol good trolling by Lia btw

08-28-2010, 10:20 AM
All I know about Sluntty is that he writes shitty code.

And you write good code?

08-28-2010, 11:41 AM
They were running around killing random people last night, some more than once. I was trying to figure out if it was random boredom or Marlu the Second. I ended up talking to Sluntty though.

08-28-2010, 12:13 PM
And you write good code?

I don't write code at all. But then again, unlike Sluntty, I never made a claim to being a better coder than Spiffy/Tillmen.


[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "Well, 17% chance to hit me."
[Spy]-You: "Mordechai: sup everyone? Lets kill do some gate camping!"
[Spy]-You: "lol that was me, I keed"
[Spy]-You: "did I get you?"
[Private]-GSF:Pandin: "Yes, you did"
[Command]-You: "lol, Ive had a beer or two"
[PrivateTo]-GSF:Pandin: "haha"
[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "I see that."
[Command]-You: "no kids this weekend!"
[Spy]-You: "shoulda waited til I was sure everyone was reading chat, grr"
[Command]-You: "lol I posted in that thread, drunk posting ftw"
[Command]-GSIV:Nuadjha: "Nice"
[Command]-You: "I just dont understand why people have to tear others down in order to build themselves up"
[Command]-You: "it irritates me that someone has to knock spiff, as though that makes them look more competent or something"
[Command]-You: "another beer, afk!"

08-28-2010, 01:01 PM
I don't write code at all. But then again, unlike Sluntty, I never made a claim to being a better coder than Spiffy/Tillmen.


[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "Well, 17% chance to hit me."
[Spy]-You: "Mordechai: sup everyone? Lets kill do some gate camping!"
[Spy]-You: "lol that was me, I keed"
[Spy]-You: "did I get you?"
[Private]-GSF:Pandin: "Yes, you did"
[Command]-You: "lol, Ive had a beer or two"
[PrivateTo]-GSF:Pandin: "haha"
[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "I see that."
[Command]-You: "no kids this weekend!"
[Spy]-You: "shoulda waited til I was sure everyone was reading chat, grr"
[Command]-You: "lol I posted in that thread, drunk posting ftw"
[Command]-GSIV:Nuadjha: "Nice"
[Command]-You: "I just dont understand why people have to tear others down in order to build themselves up"
[Command]-You: "it irritates me that someone has to knock spiff, as though that makes them look more competent or something"
[Command]-You: "another beer, afk!"

Not sure how that shows that someone was saying they are better than Spiffy, but sure. Just not a fan of those who attack legit people who are trying to learn/create code. So, don't know who dude is your talking about, but was giving benefit of doubt to them.

08-28-2010, 01:38 PM
Spiffy just explained how he a douche, carry on.

08-28-2010, 04:43 PM
Why was I killed! Why!

I'm betting there was beer involved.

violent femme
08-28-2010, 04:48 PM
sluntty is a douche, was killed by him for no reason also.

08-28-2010, 04:49 PM
its shattered, shit happens.

08-28-2010, 04:49 PM
I'm betting there was beer involved.

Also betting there was whores and drugs and firetrucks involved. OMFG. We should all flip a bitch and kill each other over and over and over again. And make text people gangs and do text people espionage. Also Alalalalalala!!! *KABOOM*!! (successful terrorist is successful)

Just kidding. I dont play Shattered cause it's GHEY. But Lia and Tisket are cool.

Ok. Bye. I'll go not contribute somewhere else now.

08-28-2010, 06:14 PM
geez guys, it can go both ways. they kill you, you go out to their hunting area, play with them a little bit. drop a cursed gem or 2, maybe hand them 30k coins, whatever works. spell up a critter they're fighting. if they're picking up coins, drop 30k-40k in front of them. lulz will ensue. don't always have to be able to own someone to kill them. some newb handed me 30k coins 2 nights in a row and i died.

08-28-2010, 07:38 PM
Okay wait. Back up. One of my characters was killed by Sluntty/Jaimaltz last night, and when I came and saw this thread I was happy, thinking I would get some answers. But now I am more confused than before! Why was I killed! Why! Oh and hai Tisket.

Yeah they killed me too. Funny thing is they had to come out of their way to kill someone about 20-30 levels under them. Funny thing is even though he is higher then me in levels, Spike Thorn does do some wonderful damage to casters even of higher level. So when I see the lil bitch again I'm gonna shoot a thorn up his ass..

08-29-2010, 12:55 AM
Sluntty has been alright to me, he often tells me the location of those of you that have tried in vain to hide from your inscription. Jaimaltz on the other hand I had in inscribe early in life due to the constant tremors in Cylcops. Guess Sluntty will be inscribed eventually, or whenever the script singles him out.

Katze Darkshot, Assassin King of the Luukosian Deathguard

08-30-2010, 08:30 PM
sluntty at it again tonight, looks like a new wannabe marlu, I recommend KoS.

Some Rogue
08-30-2010, 09:21 PM
>Jaimaltz traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
>Jaimaltz gestures.
A wave of snapping and crackling ethereal ripples moves outward from Jaimaltz.

You are buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 17 sec.
... 10 points of damage!
Heavy spark to back. Bet that hurts.
You are stunned for 1 round!
>[bigshot]>stance defensive
You are still stunned.

Pretty weak for someone 20-25 levels over me. :tool:

08-30-2010, 10:25 PM
sluntty at it again tonight, looks like a new wannabe marlu, I recommend KoS.

was that when everyone was getting vaporized?

08-31-2010, 12:23 AM
Am I strange that I really just don't want to be messed with?

I guess I am. Just wish I could be left alone til cap... I suppose I've gotten far enough without adding player killing to my scripts. sigh.

here's a giant image full of win.

10-03-2010, 05:32 PM
About 5:20 pm EST.

Jaimaltz suddenly fades into view.
Jaimaltz gestures at you.
CS: +459 - TD: +170 + CvA: -20 + d100: +39 == +308
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
... 50 points of damage!
Flames engulf you. Chest left a smoldering ruin.
The pleasantly warm sensation fades as your heartbeat begins to return to normal.
The shimmering aura fades from around you.
You feel your added insight slip away.
Your heightened attunement to the flows of mana begins to fade.
Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
The faint blue glow fades from around your hands.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

10-04-2010, 08:50 AM
these two are fucktards. They broke a truce with me in the middle of the night, killing me 8 times while I slept, after I had been nice and even rescued them when they died. They should be on everyone's KoS list. They also have Kevorkian who is an empath slave, and Lloyd, who is a lower level bard currently hunting trali.

10-04-2010, 10:24 AM
Yeah, happened to me too, even got Lked for an hour. I like the one two punch that he has to do. Kind of a SOMEONE copycat. Oh well, gave me the reason i wanted to quit. Back to prime!

10-04-2010, 11:56 AM
Where's the Vanguard when you need them?

10-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Where's the Vanguard when you need them?


They are 85-90, doubt any vanguard is that old. Only way Sluntty can kill is if Jaimaltz stuns first. Least it was for me.

10-04-2010, 01:19 PM
I'd guess Sluntty is 80 or 81 with poor skill choices.
And Jaimaltz is probably right behind him.

Regardless, I submit that invis is OP in shattered. Also, tables should either be super-nodes or be done away with.

Those two changes would fix a great deal of griefing. Or at least allow players to fix it themselves. I'm still not sure why people like killing AFK drones.

10-04-2010, 01:28 PM
I'm up for a challenge. They haven't bugged me much, although I think Jaimaltz has meteor swarmed me a few times.

edit: Sluntty has rescued me a few times.

Some Rogue
10-04-2010, 01:56 PM
I'd guess Sluntty is 80 or 81 with poor skill choices.
And Jaimaltz is probably right behind him.

I know I've seen at least one, if not both in Maaghara Tower so you're about right.

10-04-2010, 02:32 PM
Where's the Vanguard when you need them?
Leveling as fast as possible. Trust me, we know what's going on. To be honest though, this is a couple douchebags who go on periodic killing sprees. Yes it's annoying, and yes we'd be happy to turn the tables on them, but it's not some organized "fuck with the entire server on a daily basis" thing like Marlu was.

10-04-2010, 02:36 PM
I'd guess Sluntty is 80 or 81 with poor skill choices.
And Jaimaltz is probably right behind him.

Sluntty has 419 sorc cs.
Jaimaltz has 459 Wizard cs.

So they are a little older than you think. Hes probably prolonging the move to OTF. I agree on the piss poor training. Why you would use 705 in the tower is beyond me.

10-04-2010, 02:40 PM
Well, either he's 81 or seriously neglecting his Sorc ranks.

10-04-2010, 03:50 PM
I'm glad some individuals are taking the initiative to keep things interesting.

10-04-2010, 04:15 PM
these two are fucktards. They broke a truce with me in the middle of the night, killing me 8 times while I slept, after I had been nice and even rescued them when they died. They should be on everyone's KoS list. They also have Kevorkian who is an empath slave, and Lloyd, who is a lower level bard currently hunting trali.

Actually Lloyd and Kevorkian are mine and only sharing spells with Sluntty and Jaimaltz. Thanks for killing my guys though.

10-04-2010, 04:16 PM

10-04-2010, 04:38 PM
No oops. If he wants to conspire with the enemy, he needs to be prepared to suffer the consequences. Sharing spells with them = making it easier for them to kill people. Not saying you can't do what you want to do, but if you choose to share spells with people who are kiling people, then you are probably going to be lumped in with them.

This... he's the one supplying them with 204 and other spells constantly. So fuck him, aid and comfort and all of that.

10-05-2010, 09:42 AM
Actually Lloyd and Kevorkian are mine and only sharing spells with Sluntty and Jaimaltz. Thanks for killing my guys though.

Guilty by association. Its just the way it is.

10-05-2010, 09:45 AM
Well, either he's 81 or seriously neglecting his Sorc ranks.

I think hes shield/brawl SA. So that doesn't leave a lot of training points for spells. But whatever. All my deaths were due to 1 round stuns by Jaimaltz. Then implosion followed. From invisibility, waiting at the leafs on the way into the tower, once inside.

Some Rogue
10-19-2010, 01:03 PM
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:18 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:19 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:20 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:27 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:28 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:31 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:34 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:34 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:35 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:38 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:43 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:46 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:46 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:48 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:49 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:51 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:52 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:54 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:55 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:55 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:56 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:57 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:58 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:59 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:00 pm]


10-19-2010, 01:09 PM
Damn. Hello Death's Sting.

Some Rogue
10-19-2010, 01:14 PM
He's over 30 now haha.

10-19-2010, 06:11 PM
departing in OTF and running out unspelled...

10-19-2010, 06:18 PM
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:18 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:19 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:20 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:27 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:27 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:30 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:33 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:34 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:35 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:38 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:42 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:46 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:46 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:47 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:48 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:51 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:51 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:54 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:54 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:55 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:56 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:57 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:58 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:59 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [11:59 am]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:02 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:04 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:05 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:06 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:07 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:09 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:11 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:12 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:15 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:18 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:18 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:21 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:21 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:22 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:23 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:24 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:25 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:25 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:27 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:29 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:30 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:32 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:33 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:37 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:37 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:40 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:42 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:43 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:45 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:45 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:47 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:49 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:50 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:51 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:53 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:55 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [12:57 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:01 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:03 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:04 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:06 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:07 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:09 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:14 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [1:15 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:08 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:09 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:10 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:17 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:25 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:27 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [3:29 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:12 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:13 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:15 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:21 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:22 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:22 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:23 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:24 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:24 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:28 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:31 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:32 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:33 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:34 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:35 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:38 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:39 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:40 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:42 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:45 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:46 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:47 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:48 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:49 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:50 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:50 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:51 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:52 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:55 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:56 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:56 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:57 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [4:57 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [5:09 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [5:14 pm]
* Jaimaltz just bit the dust! [5:15 pm]

1 death every 3 minutes. 113 deaths so far.

I want to know the fine.
And I want to know the final death's sting amount...

10-19-2010, 06:26 PM
I don't get it. His script decided to have an abortion or something?

Some Rogue
10-19-2010, 07:36 PM
Someone leaving the game was having a little fun. :D

10-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Selling 75m shattered silver (for Jaimaltz's death bill) for 2,500 dollars.

10-19-2010, 08:47 PM
Selling 75m shattered silver (for Jaimaltz's death bill) for 2,500 dollars.

I'll match the other 75m. So for 5k you can have 150m to save your character.

10-19-2010, 11:42 PM
Holy shiz. I bet someone is royal pissed.

10-19-2010, 11:50 PM
25 potions removes 4000 points of sting.

Assuming ~20 deeds to begin with, we're looking at about 1,000,000 points of sting.

1 potion = 160 points
1 potion ~ 13,000 silver at his level

81,250,000 silver to remove all the sting.

So since that's all assumption, a safe bet of between 70-100 mil silver to fix.

10-20-2010, 12:05 AM
Thats the kind of shit right there why you will see my characters log off when they die and I'm not around. The auto-logon thing and death recover scripts are cool, but being in a huge pit like that is definitely not.

10-20-2010, 12:23 AM
So it was script fail that did this or did someone screw him over? Detailz people!

10-20-2010, 12:27 AM
He killed Emh a bunch of times.
Emh got pissed and decided to leave Shattered so he stopped caring about his silver and stuff...
Emh got Jaimaltz dead, and ran to the priestess.

Jaimaltz's script went to get the priestess to get rid of the sting
Jaimaltz found the priestss, Emh pwn
Jaimaltz's script went to get the priestess to get rid of the sting
Jaimaltz found the priestss, Emh pwn
Rinse... Repeat... 118 times

10-20-2010, 12:29 AM
He is trying to extort the silver out of me. But I'm nowhere near that amount.

10-20-2010, 07:12 AM
Silver for what? Death sting potions and fines? HAHAHAH

10-20-2010, 07:27 AM
1 death every 3 minutes. 113 deaths so far.

I want to know the fine.
And I want to know the final death's sting amount...

Holy shit, that's really hilarious.

10-20-2010, 08:13 AM
justice system fines apparently roll somewhere around 100m, I rolled a few times. It also can't process more than 20 murders, there appears to be a cap.

Since apparently when you depart you lose all coins on you, I was killing him when he had coins for the priestess on him, so you can more or less multiply 100xcoins deathrecovery.lic withdraws, around 200k maybe per maybe, and he lost that too. He actually ran out of coins in illistim thanks to that, I broke his bank account. Then deathrecovery or another script took him to zul (to find coins I guess). I chased him there, killed him once, then he had no coins in zul to pay for the cart ride. So he script kept bouncing back and forth between the bank and the cart. Finally he "woke up" and must have gotten help from someone to get back to illistim.

What did we learn today? If you die while deathrecovery is active, log off.

10-20-2010, 08:51 AM
Nice to see that Jaimaltz & Slunnty aren't logged in today. ;)

Drunken Durfin
10-20-2010, 09:17 AM
justice system fines apparently roll somewhere around 100m, I rolled a few times. It also can't process more than 20 murders, there appears to be a cap.

Since apparently when you depart you lose all coins on you, I was killing him when he had coins for the priestess on him, so you can more or less multiply 100xcoins deathrecovery.lic withdraws, around 200k maybe per maybe, and he lost that too. He actually ran out of coins in illistim thanks to that, I broke his bank account. Then deathrecovery or another script took him to zul (to find coins I guess). I chased him there, killed him once, then he had no coins in zul to pay for the cart ride. So he script kept bouncing back and forth between the bank and the cart. Finally he "woke up" and must have gotten help from someone to get back to illistim.

What did we learn today? If you die while deathrecovery is active, log off.

You, sir, win Gemstone Shattered.

10-20-2010, 10:25 AM
Yeah this has to be the best WTF pwnsauce move yet.

10-20-2010, 10:28 AM
Yeah this has to be the best WTF pwnsauce move yet.

Yes indeed. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy either.

I <3 GS Shattered. Where you can be an asshole all you want until eventually someone in the community rapes you with a cactus, and you'll have no GMs to whine to.

10-20-2010, 11:25 AM
So like...what season are we on? You know, each season features a new bad guy.

Gemstone Shattered Season 1 featured the heroic efforts of many to get rid of the Marlu Clan. In an epic battle of awesomeness the good guys prevailed and the clan was destroyed. However, Someone managed to escape to fight another day.

Gemstone Shattered Season 2 featured the rise of a new villain, Madam. Camouflaged toward the good side, it became apparent that he was a giant douche. Our hero, Durg, plunged him into the depths of the underworld. A few whines and moans are often heard but the rise and fall of this villain happened fast. Meanwhile, an arc story has developed featuring a new douche, Katze. Part of the Marlu clan at first, but ousted, Katze continues his epic doucheness. Can the heros of Gemstone Shattered get rid of him and his retarded poo spewing monster? Season 2 ends in a cliffhanger!

Gemstone Shattered Season 3 features the rise of Jaimaltz/Sluntty. Almost creepy pedophile like, "Slunttymaltz" terrorizes the community by killing people left and right and taking their weapons. One hero, Emh, realizes that this must be stopped and sacrifices uberness for all of Gemstone. Meanwhile, accusations arise against Katze. Will the heroes of Gemstone get rid of him? What about Kaseopea?? Will Slunttymaltz make a come back? What about a new villain? Will Someone be coming back to terrorize us again? ZOMG...Season 3 will be ending soon!

10-20-2010, 12:07 PM
Someone and House turn 100 and leave the table?

10-20-2010, 12:16 PM
Someone and House turn 100 and leave the table?

Oh noez!

BTW, PC boards have been boring lately. Le sigh.

10-20-2010, 12:17 PM
So like...what season are we on? You know, each season features a new bad guy.

Gemstone Shattered Season 1 featured the heroic efforts of many to get rid of the Marlu Clan. In an epic battle of awesomeness the good guys prevailed and the clan was destroyed. However, Someone managed to escape to fight another day.

Gemstone Shattered Season 2 featured the rise of a new villain, Madam. Camouflaged toward the good side, it became apparent that he was a giant douche. Our hero, Durg, plunged him into the depths of the underworld. A few whines and moans are often heard but the rise and fall of this villain happened fast. Meanwhile, an arc story has developed featuring a new douche, Katze. Part of the Marlu clan at first, but ousted, Katze continues his epic doucheness. Can the heros of Gemstone Shattered get rid of him and his retarded poo spewing monster? Season 2 ends in a cliffhanger!

Gemstone Shattered Season 3 features the rise of Jaimaltz/Sluntty. Almost creepy pedophile like, "Slunttymaltz" terrorizes the community by killing people left and right and taking their weapons. One hero, Emh, realizes that this must be stopped and sacrifices uberness for all of Gemstone. Meanwhile, accusations arise against Katze. Will the heroes of Gemstone get rid of him? What about Kaseopea?? Will Slunttymaltz make a come back? What about a new villain? Will Someone be coming back to terrorize us again? ZOMG...Season 3 will be ending soon!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Fortybox again

10-20-2010, 01:27 PM
There isn't a cap on sting.
He's between 75 and 85.

10-20-2010, 01:46 PM
Yesterday's CS from Jaimass. (edit: for calculating his level)

Jaimaltz suddenly fades into view.
Jaimaltz gestures at you.
The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing.
CS: +485 - TD: +OMG+ CvA: +12 + d100: +30 - -5 == +229
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
... 45 points of damage!
Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows.

10-20-2010, 01:52 PM
My guess is he will set up a script that randomly looks for people to kill them. He got me twice last night.

Dangit Mariah...sing it baby


10-20-2010, 02:39 PM
Well, i can't calculate level,but I may be able to do TD!

485 - TD + 12 +30 - 5 = 229
TD = 293?

But seriously, my guess is level 90.

Yesterday's CS from Jaimass. (edit: for calculating his level)

Jaimaltz suddenly fades into view.
Jaimaltz gestures at you.
The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing.
CS: +485 - TD: +OMG+ CvA: +12 + d100: +30 - -5 == +229
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
... 45 points of damage!
Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows.

10-20-2010, 04:48 PM
You, sir, win Gemstone Shattered.



10-22-2010, 11:54 PM
Aw, Jaimaltz is back tonite randomly axing folx. Poor butthurt little death-stung beyond recovery little ladyboy.

10-23-2010, 02:59 AM

10-23-2010, 08:32 AM
Ouch. He smoked me 5 times since 2AM EST.

10-23-2010, 11:54 AM
Yep, same here. I guess I'll be moving outta Illistim this afternoon. Stupid Jaimass.

10-23-2010, 12:09 PM
to where tho? I've debated the rift, but its a pain in the ass getting in and out.

10-23-2010, 12:42 PM
to where tho? I've debated the rift, but its a pain in the ass getting in and out.

I have an idea that I think will work for a bit till my characters outgrow it. I'll let you know via PM or something how it works out. I expect Jaimaltz to quit within the month due to the almost insurmountable death sting, so if that pans out I can just return to Illistim mid November or so.

10-23-2010, 12:52 PM
I have an idea that I think will work for a bit till my characters outgrow it. I'll let you know via PM or something how it works out. I expect Jaimaltz to quit within the month due to the almost insurmountable death sting, so if that pans out I can just return to Illistim mid November or so.



10-23-2010, 09:15 PM
Actually Lloyd and Kevorkian are mine and only sharing spells with Sluntty and Jaimaltz. Thanks for killing my guys though.

I have to respond to this, and this is my most likely last shattered post. Bill, Snacks, and Heals are leaving Shattered for now anyway, I'm just plain tired of the asshats that seem to only be in the game to level as fast as possible to then turn around and grief everyone as often as possible. This is not just one person's attacks on my characters, but a long term series of attacks from many different people since the time I started (1 week after Shattered opened). If Simu decides to put in a PvP flag, similar to other MMORPGs I may return, but otherwise thanks to those of you to which I had some decent interactions. I have a few decent enhancives and weapons that I can provide to people before my time runs out on the accounts, let me know if you're interested.

First, I seriously doubt that Lloyd and Kevorkian are separate entities from Jaimaltz and Sluntty. I'm pretty sure they're controlled by the same person, but honestly I could care less. I don't know why people seem to get such a thrill over hiding what characters they control, but I've watched the four of those characters for a long while and am 99 percent sure they're all controlled by one person.

Also, Sluntty admitted to me there was a list of people that Jaimaltz was working off of and he is "working" with him to off people on that list. I'd be very careful of all 4 of those characters, those of you that remain in Shattered. None of my characters have had any interactions with those characters prior to these recent pks, so this list is probably something fabricated, i.e., you're nearby I'm gona kill you as often as I can kind of thing. Anyway, have fun ya'll.

I'm dwgem on AIM for any that use it.

Valdarrow (my main character in prime)

10-23-2010, 09:17 PM
I have to respond to this, and this is my most likely last shattered post. Bill, Snacks, and Heals are leaving Shattered for now anyway, I'm just plain tired of the asshats that seem to only be in the game to level as fast as possible to then turn around and grief everyone as often as possible. This is not just one person's attacks on my characters, but a long term series of attacks from many different people since the time I started (1 week after Shattered opened). If Simu decides to put in a PvP flag, similar to other MMORPGs I may return, but otherwise thanks to those of you to which I had some decent interactions. I have a few decent enhancives and weapons that I can provide to people before my time runs out on the accounts, let me know if you're interested.

First, I seriously doubt that Lloyd and Kevorkian are separate entities from Jaimaltz and Sluntty. I'm pretty sure they're controlled by the same person, but honestly I could care less. I don't know why people seem to get such a thrill over hiding what characters they control, but I've watched the four of those characters for a long while and am 99 percent sure they're all controlled by one person.

Also, Sluntty admitted to me there was a list of people that Jaimaltz was working off of and he is "working" with him to off people on that list. I'd be very careful of all 4 of those characters, those of you that remain in Shattered. None of my characters have had any interactions with those characters prior to these recent pks, so this list is probably something fabricated, i.e., you're nearby I'm gona kill you as often as I can kind of thing. Anyway, have fun ya'll.

I'm dwgem on AIM for any that use it.

Valdarrow (my main character in prime)

Or you could help bring about a solution to the problem.

10-23-2010, 10:58 PM
There isn't one.

10-23-2010, 11:00 PM
There isn't one.

Frodo didn't say that!

10-24-2010, 12:07 AM
Frodo didn't go through a world created by Simutronics, Inc.

10-24-2010, 07:16 AM

Also, Sluntty admitted to me there was a list of people that Jaimaltz was working off of and he is "working" with him to off people on that list. [/QUOTE]

There is, I'm back on it. I wish 712 would activate against spells.

10-24-2010, 09:55 AM
Jaimaltz likes immolate or boil earth, get 602 and ranger fire resistance.

sluntty likes 720 from invis, not much you can do about that, except being a higher level. 720 is highly level based.

Just don't let them hunt, if the people currently at cap or near make a kos script for these two nutjobs if they ever enter OTF that will fix a big problem.

I'm willing to kill Sluntty in town, I've not yet cancelled all my accounts, but he always hides at a sanct. If someone can get him off sanct, I'll do it. What I've done before is sat at the bank or the gemshop or locksmith and waited for him to walk in to nail him. But he is too far above me now since I stopped hunting for me to do it when he is spelled, I'd need someone to stun him first then I can work him over.

Both Sluntty and Jaimaltz use weapons/runestaffs. Disarm them, their gear is probably only 4x, but still, it'll fuck them up, and if they're scripting they might not have a script that can get new gear, so they won't be able t ohunt until they come backf rom being afk.

It seems to me there is enough people here that hate Sluntty that we can do to him what I did to Jaimaltz, make him unadvancable.

Also, Lloyd is a young enough level he should be able to be done to too, even if he is another player (which we don't know) keep killing him until he stops helping those two. I'm not sure where lloyd hunts now, probably mid 50s level, somewhere in illistim. Every time sluntty or jaimaltz kills you, go kill lloyd twice.

Remember, you can use amber wands to stop sluntty from being able to use 720 if you have enough miu training.

10-24-2010, 10:11 AM
Okay, LLoyd hunts gossamer valley snow madrinols and whatnot

Doesn't autodecay on death though, harder to death camp. Someone go kill sluntty.

10-24-2010, 10:21 AM
All you did with Jaimaltz is make him do what he was going to do once he capped at a lower level.

All you do by xp-locking Sluntty is the same thing.

The problem is simple. It's too much hassle to have to deal with them. The game simply wasn't built to allow players to police themselves. The hiding/invisible system is far too powerful, especially when you mix it in with the CM systems.

So once you've not died by Jaimaltz, and he's out in the open. Then what... Kill him? It means nothing now, thanks to you. He's so far in debt he's unwilling to work it off (even though he could easily have the XP portion worked off in two weeks, then slow regen would continue for another 3-4 weeks - willing to play the game and level up for 22 weeks, but not work off a debt he earned).

You can't really lock him down anywhere, he's GoS he can sigil escape once a day. So unless you're willing to be 100% vigilant at your keyboard to make sure whenever he logs in he's stunned somewhere you can't Sigil Escape while stunned, and nobody drags him away, kills him, or rapid-fire dispells him... What are you going to do?

The ONLY solution I can think of is to stun-lock him inside a locked room. Then you're paying 20 bucks a month to let the rest of us not worry about being griefed... Oh they have to be stupid enough to let you do it twice (which wont happen)... Then you need to do it every ~18-20 weeks as they level up new characters - Good luck with that.

I'm over it.

10-24-2010, 10:23 AM
Okay, LLoyd hunts gossamer valley snow madrinols and whatnot

Doesn't autodecay on death though, harder to death camp. Someone go kill sluntty.

Thats because Lloyd and Kevorkian are mine and not Sluntty's. I'm currently out of town until tonight but will kill Kevorkian's spellup script when i get home if you leave Lloyd alone. Its not like he's getting spells from Jaimaltz anymore anyways and i'd rather Lloyd not get griefed for them.

10-24-2010, 11:01 AM
Sluntty pulls himself slowly out of the black pool, covered with mud and dripping water profusely.

[sluntty]>sign of madness
[sluntty]>target sluntty
[sluntty]>incant 111
You are filled with berserk rage! Attack! Attack! Attack!
[ Sign of Madness: +0:00:15, 0:00:15 remaining. ]
[sluntty]>incant 111
You are now targeting Sluntty.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Fire Spirit spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Sluntty.
The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at Sluntty!
AS: +532 vs DS: +402 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +40 = +227
... and hit for 68 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Sluntty shrieks in pain!
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Sluntty, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 1 point of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
...wait 3 seconds.
[sluntty]>incant 230
[emhcheck]>prepare 117
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Spiritual Abolition spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Sluntty.

A pale, flickering nimbus coalesces around Sluntty, then vanishes in a brilliant flash!

The air calms down around Sluntty.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Sluntty.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Wait 3 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
You don't have a spell prepared!
[sluntty]>incant 111
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Fire Spirit spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Sluntty.
You hurl a roaring ball of fire at Sluntty!
AS: +457 vs DS: +325 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +46 = +235
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood.

* Sluntty drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Sluntty's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Sluntty.
The powerful look leaves Sluntty.
The white light leaves Sluntty.
The very powerful look leaves Sluntty.
The misty halo fades from Sluntty.
Sluntty appears less secure.
The deep blue glow leaves Sluntty.
Sluntty glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Sluntty.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Sluntty.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Sluntty.
Sluntty appears to lose some internal strength.
The dim aura fades from around Sluntty.
Sluntty becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The bright luminescence fades from around Sluntty.
The roaring ball of fire strikes Sluntty, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Sluntty just bit the dust!
>;kill all

Sluntty's body decays into compost.

This is how we do it.

I took too long getting back to town to townpriest rape him though, alas.

10-24-2010, 11:04 AM
Thats because Lloyd and Kevorkian are mine and not Sluntty's. I'm currently out of town until tonight but will kill Kevorkian's spellup script when i get home if you leave Lloyd alone. Its not like he's getting spells from Jaimaltz anymore anyways and i'd rather Lloyd not get griefed for them.

I'm glad you've learned the error of your ways.

Without kevorkian neither can get 204, which will make them much easier to hunt.

10-24-2010, 11:05 AM
All you did with Jaimaltz is make him do what he was going to do once he capped at a lower level.

All you do by xp-locking Sluntty is the same thing.

The problem is simple. It's too much hassle to have to deal with them. The game simply wasn't built to allow players to police themselves. The hiding/invisible system is far too powerful, especially when you mix it in with the CM systems.

So once you've not died by Jaimaltz, and he's out in the open. Then what... Kill him? It means nothing now, thanks to you. He's so far in debt he's unwilling to work it off (even though he could easily have the XP portion worked off in two weeks, then slow regen would continue for another 3-4 weeks - willing to play the game and level up for 22 weeks, but not work off a debt he earned).

You can't really lock him down anywhere, he's GoS he can sigil escape once a day. So unless you're willing to be 100% vigilant at your keyboard to make sure whenever he logs in he's stunned somewhere you can't Sigil Escape while stunned, and nobody drags him away, kills him, or rapid-fire dispells him... What are you going to do?

The ONLY solution I can think of is to stun-lock him inside a locked room. Then you're paying 20 bucks a month to let the rest of us not worry about being griefed... Oh they have to be stupid enough to let you do it twice (which wont happen)... Then you need to do it every ~18-20 weeks as they level up new characters - Good luck with that.

I'm over it.

that all may be true, but xplocking at level 90 is a sight better than letting them cap.

10-24-2010, 11:51 AM
Killed sluntty about 5 times this morning. If you kill him in town his script will apparently bail though so he can't be priestess deathcamped.

10-24-2010, 02:19 PM
Killed sluntty about 5 times this morning. If you kill him in town his script will apparently bail though so he can't be priestess deathcamped.

Well done.

10-24-2010, 02:42 PM
Wonder if i should fixskill to a bolter/imploder... NAH

10-24-2010, 02:49 PM
if ur a sorc you really should be training in aiming, its cheap and used in a ton of spells, and you'll get bailfire soon.

10-24-2010, 04:58 PM
and you'll get bailfire soon.

This assumption is based on what? Simu's excellent track record of getting things out RSN?

10-24-2010, 05:02 PM
This assumption is based on what? Simu's excellent track record of getting things out RSN?

Thats what i was thinking, other than Focused implosion. You get a half ass 111 AS and targeted limb break. oooooooooooh

10-24-2010, 05:38 PM
111 aint too bad, just as good as 908.

web bolt is also really good for flying creatures, which do exist in otf where you want to hunt

and targetted 708... don't knock it. Best permanent disabler in game, cast target right arm.

10-24-2010, 09:00 PM
111 needs lore and MOC. so does web bolt. Until sorcs get the AS bonus, i won't be going that avenue.

11-01-2010, 11:23 PM
Jaimaltz chased me around the landing trying (and failing) to disarm my runestaff this evening. Eventually he got bored and killed me. Keep an eye out if you're in that zone.

11-17-2010, 12:06 PM
So I guess I need to stay away from Teras? Sluntty is auto-invisa-imploding people over here. It's cool though cause he says its not personal, it's his script that does it. Anyone over here that can kill this guy or do I need to head back to the mainland.

11-17-2010, 12:39 PM
So I guess I need to stay away from Teras? Sluntty is auto-invisa-imploding people over here. It's cool though cause he says its not personal, it's his script that does it. Anyone over here that can kill this guy or do I need to head back to the mainland.

Tillmen generally rapes him anytime he's on the main land so he has a tendency to move to places that pose no challenge. Pretty typical for your standard "brute." They pick on weak people because getting picked on themselves is no fun.

./looks at Marlu

Either suck it up until you can kill him or move to the main land.

11-21-2010, 03:42 AM
So I guess I need to stay away from Teras? Sluntty is auto-invisa-imploding people over here. It's cool though cause he says its not personal, it's his script that does it. Anyone over here that can kill this guy or do I need to head back to the mainland.

He's a sorcerer. For 50k he can go anywhere, any time he chooses. Hunt where you want to.

11-22-2010, 09:11 AM
... or kill him until he can't afford 50k

11-22-2010, 03:01 PM
So, I had a conversation with Sluntty a while ago. I don't recommend it. He was either just trying to piss me off, or he's mentally challenged. There's really no point in talking to him at all.. ever. So, I started ignoring his chats, but he just kept on chatting. So.. I rigged up a chatbot script to use jabberwacky.com to answer his chats. For your amusement, the results are listed below. I didn't write even one of these chats, and half the time I wasn't even at the keyboard.

2010-11-05-8.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "haha, butthurt much?" (22:17:04)
2010-11-05-8.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Not much." (22:17:12)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "you a moron? i dind't even bother you. once again." (21:52:55)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Again?" (21:53:07)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "your a dick- i'ma kill five people everytime you go out of your way to play." (21:56:32)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Do you want attention? That my understanding of that las statement, please correct me if I am wrong." (21:56:46)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "all you do is want to play GM. it's boring. why don't you get a life?" (21:57:04)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I have a life." (21:57:09)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "come to hook someone up with some cash cause they wanted to go to ebons, and here you are being a cocksucker." (21:57:21)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Will you pay for my trip?" (21:57:24)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "i haven't had one normal conversation with you yet. i think your the guy with the least social skills in this whole game." (21:57:58)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "How is this relevant to what I have asked you?" (21:58:02)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "suprising how that works otu with people who want to be GM's.." (21:58:08)
2010-11-12-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "We do not have kids!" (21:58:16)
2010-11-12-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "wow, awhole 74 seconds Rt, and now you'll have to get arrested and make sure you don't lose your shit while your afk, goodjob with that griefing." (21:58:59)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "well that shows me that you have been wasting alot of yoru time waiting around. do you really want me to make a script that patrols for your escorts that badly?" (20:52:43)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "No, I don't want you to do anything else than just keep calm and keep talking to me." (20:52:57)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "i was asked to come to the landing to stop people from grieving two people- yet you want to play GM again." (20:53:01)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Do you have to help me to work that out?" (20:53:09)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "does that even make sense?" (20:53:22)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Did you just say that because you can't think of anything else to say?" (20:53:43)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "i wasnt' even grieving anyone, and yet you still play GM. whats your deal?" (20:53:43)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Don't worry, answer what I just asked and we can continue..." (20:53:46)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "you asked a question that wasn't rhetorical?" (20:54:02)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Can you possibly know anything?" (20:54:09)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "let me find out the guy who's suppost to be the smartest programmer around the game, can't even have a conversation that makes any sense." (20:54:27)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "You do that." (20:54:44)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "how is that even doing anything? do you ever make sense at all?" (20:55:02)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I'm just interested, no need to get snippy." (20:55:16)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "by wondering if your able to make even a tiny bit of sense, is getting snippy?" (20:55:36)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I'm a woman." (20:55:50)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "so you think mich greifing jeanluc and his other four characters is a good thing?" (20:56:36)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I don't think you know how to be happy! You're always gloomy." (20:56:50)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "what are you scripting answers now too?" (20:57:10)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "*almost loses grip* i'm dangling from a cliff edge!!" (20:57:12)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "nothin like having someone assume your disposition over a text based game." (20:59:02)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "And I'd like to take a minute to just sit right there." (20:59:08)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "well it's nice of you to assume my disposition over a text based game. and the lack of ability to have a normal conversation is pretty cool too." (21:02:57)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "This isn't normal. If you want a normal conversation, you can start it." (21:03:17)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "almost?" (21:03:46)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "There are circumstances that I have yet to master control over." (21:04:00)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "wow, you made sense for the first time." (21:04:14)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Does that mean I win?" (21:04:20)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "thats amazing, we should celebrate." (21:04:25)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "does anyone who pays simutronics actually win?" (21:04:41)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "How should we celebrate?" (21:04:55)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "If you don't, why should anyone else?" (21:05:00)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "are we back to not making sense, or are you just hyper?" (21:05:27)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "What does that mean?" (21:07:52)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "so have you been lagging my game lately or should i actually call comcast?" (21:08:11)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I been thinking about vampires." (21:08:33)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "it means i honestly have no idea what you meant by, [Private]-GSF:Tillmen: "If you don't, why should anyone else?"" (21:09:21)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "it means i honestly have no idea what you meant by, [Private]-GSF:Tillmen: "If you don't, why should anyone else?"" (21:09:23)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "see, that lagged that bad, is that you or comcast?" (21:09:35)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I mean that I hope you are entertained by our conversations." (21:09:38)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I mean that I hope you are entertained by our conversations." (21:09:54)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "well atleast that proved you weren't scripting out answers?" (21:10:06)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "As I lose interest, many of your ways lose interest." (21:10:17)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "No you aren't. And it is quite odd to be having a theological discussion with a scripted program." (21:10:45)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "fun stuff, didnt' we try this yesterday?" (21:16:16)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "You are Jenna today and yesterday I advised against bad grammar." (21:16:27)
2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "and that actually means?" (21:16:59)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Mai means corn?" (21:17:35)
2010-11-16-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "really now, that bored?" (23:04:35)
2010-11-20-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "i've done scroll infusion and been successful. it's a pain in the ass tho, and easy to fuck up." (23:56:48)
2010-11-20-6.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Damn, I guess that would be a pain." (23:57:00)
2010-11-20-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "ah, you sold all 'but' the heroism?" (23:58:08)
2010-11-20-6.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Yes, it wasn't a very good one anyway." (23:58:20)
2010-11-20-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "thought you sold those too. what wasnt' a good one?" (23:58:30)
2010-11-20-6.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Heck no." (23:58:32)
2010-11-20-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "i sold two heroism scrolls uncharged for like 2 mill the other day." (23:58:58)
2010-11-20-6.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Is that what you do? Sell houses?" (23:59:00)
2010-11-20-6.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "yes, how'd you know? your like a detective!" (23:59:19)
2010-11-20-6.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "Oh, I like to read the same! Who's your favorite author?" (23:59:27)

11-22-2010, 03:05 PM
Random response winner:

2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I'm a woman." (20:55:50)



2010-11-16-5.log:[Private]-GSF:Sluntty: "so have you been lagging my game lately or should i actually call comcast?" (21:08:11)
2010-11-16-5.log:[PrivateTo]-GSF:Sluntty: "I been thinking about vampires." (21:08:33)

11-22-2010, 03:10 PM
All you need now is to put Michaelous, Jaeden, and a few others on their own private LNet with this program running feeding out random people's names who are actually on the real LNet. That would be amusing.

11-22-2010, 03:16 PM
Fortunately this guy won't be around much longer as the server matures and people get sick of their crap.

11-22-2010, 03:22 PM
Tillmen, that was awesome. The PC collectively owes you a beer. Maybe even more than 1!

11-22-2010, 04:35 PM
Fine work as usual Tillmen. <3

Drunken Durfin
11-22-2010, 05:07 PM
So, I had a conversation with Sluntty a while ago. I don't recommend it. He was either just trying to piss me off, or he's mentally challenged. There's really no point in talking to him at all.. ever. So, I started ignoring his chats, but he just kept on chatting. So.. I rigged up a chatbot script to use jabberwacky.com to answer his chats. For your amusement, the results are listed below. I didn't write even one of these chats, and half the time I wasn't even at the keyboard.

I cannot come close to describing how much win that is. Hilarious.