View Full Version : Creatine

08-25-2010, 03:40 PM
Are there some brands that are better than others? I've been using this stuff for the past couple of weeks, and it seems to work pretty good, but whenever I drink it I end up feeling really nauseous.

Gnome Rage
08-25-2010, 03:46 PM
do you drink it slowly? I've never had creatine but when I drank my protein shakes if I drank them really fast it hit my stomach like a rock and I would be nauseous for hours.

It doesn't seem to be uncommon (http://www.creatinemonohydrate.net/diarrhea.html)

Nausea and Diarrhea
Creatine supplements can lead users to experience nausea and diarrhea. These effects come from the creatine powders not being fully dissolved. Nausea and diarrhea can often times be fixed by adjusting the dosage or switching to a micronized powder or capsule form
source (http://www.ehow.com/facts_4814929_problems-with-creatine.html#ixzz0xeInoyMm)

08-25-2010, 03:47 PM
protein shakes


08-25-2010, 03:49 PM
do you drink it slowly? I've never had creatine but when I drank my protein shakes if I drank them really fast it hit my stomach like a rock and I would be nauseous for hours.

I don't actually, the taste isn't all that great so I try to chug it as fast as possible. I'll give that a try.

08-25-2010, 03:49 PM

Well at least we know she swallows...

Gnome Rage
08-25-2010, 03:51 PM
I don't actually, the taste isn't all that great so I try to chug it as fast as possible. I'll give that a try.

I'm not sure about what you can mix it with - but perhaps you can put a flavoring in it so it doesn't taste so awful. Because especially if its mixed with milk (I don't know how creatine works, but my whey protein tasted way better with milk) it can hit the stomach hard. But I'm extremely sensitive to lactose, though I can have it.

Gnome Rage
08-25-2010, 03:54 PM
Research has shown that grape juice contains simple sugars that cause insulin to be released into the body. Insulin production is necessary to help transport to creatine into the muscle fibers. Just because creatine works well with grape juice, do not assume it works with all juices. Creatine mixed with citrus juices, such as orange juice, can be rendered useless because it will be converted to createinine which the body can not use.

Another option is to take creatine with Gatorade or other sports drinks. Sports drinks are loaded with electrolytes and help replace everything the body loses during an intense workout. If you plan on mixing creatine with Gatorade, it is recommended that you do it in the Gatorade powder form, not the pre bottled stuff. Gatorade powder has dextrose in it which helps replenish electrolytes.

Grape juice? (http://www.creatinejournal.com/creatine-supplement-mixing-creatine/)

08-25-2010, 03:54 PM
I like Creatine suppliments for post-workout. I recover faster from lifts than when I dont use it.
*Twinlabs has drink formula and capsules.



08-25-2010, 03:57 PM
What type of creatine are you taking? What dosage? When? How often? What other supplements? What's your diet look like?

08-25-2010, 03:58 PM
The best thing ever is these Whey Protein Shooters...... now I have to go google..

IDS New Whey Protein shot, 42g of protein in a 3.4oz of "juice". The trick is, just like all the rest they taste like ass, but you can shoot 1/2 of a tube and chase it with water (or whatever) and you're done.
Your body really can't process 42g of protein at one time unless you're hardcore, so you can just take 1/2 a shot a day, 2x a day and voila.
If you do some research on protein, Whey protein is really a good one to be using.

08-25-2010, 03:58 PM
Doesn't creatine just fill the muscles with water?

I've never understood completely. Do you take Creatine to fill the muscle with water which then stretches and create bigger muscle fibers and then replaces the water/creatine with actual Protein/Carbs because it's easier now?

I'm so lost as why people use Creatine if once you stop taking it you lose a monumental amount of muscle mass.

08-25-2010, 03:58 PM
From creatine to cum swallowing in under 5 posts. Only on the PC.

I'm not sure about mixing it with milk, I think you have to take creatine with water for it to work. Also, i'm somewhat lactose intolerant as well so I try to avoid milk.

08-25-2010, 04:01 PM
I will add that I'm kind of a convert to the school of thought that says as long as your protein sources are good and of the right volume creatine is kind of a waste.

08-25-2010, 04:02 PM
What type of creatine are you taking? What dosage? When? How often? What other supplements? What's your diet look like?

The brand is Optimum Nutrition. I started out taking 2 scoops 30-60 minutes before working out but every time I did that I ended up falling asleep cause my stomach was hurting so bad. For the last couple of days I've been doing one scoop before and then one afterwards, and that helps a little bit. I try to take it every day as well though I don't have a set time. I don't really have a set diet either, I just try to eat every couple of hours.

08-25-2010, 04:05 PM
What real food are you eating for your pre work out meal?

08-25-2010, 04:07 PM
Usually something light. A bowl of oatmeal or a couple of granola bars.

08-25-2010, 04:10 PM
Better than nothing. I'd try a ham sammie about 60min prior, take 2 scoops of creatine but really if you're eating enough meat skip it. If your diet is light on the moo it might be worth adding it in.

08-25-2010, 04:14 PM
I've tried about 6 different types of creatine and never found one that occasionally didn't make me nauseous.

Also, I'm sure you've heard the warning, but if you're playing any contact sports (just pickup basketball or football or something) in my one totally anecdotal experience creatine can really mess with normal swelling/sprains. Had a stupid long recovery from a minor basketball/knee thing a few years back that I like to blame on creatine.

08-25-2010, 04:19 PM
The brand I was using before was from six star muscle, and I don't remember that making me nauseous. This kind i'm using now seems really acidic though.

08-25-2010, 04:28 PM
Without having the bottle in front of me or doing any deep digging I will remind you that everyone is different. Some folks swear by brand X while others say brand X makes them pee whole babies and wheat germ. Genetics plays a part in what supp will impact you in what way.

If you're set on pumping creatine I say shop your brands, buy small containers, try one for a solid 3 weeks without and see how you feel. Take 3 weeks off and then try the next brand, rinse and repeat until you find what's working for you.

Protein powder, BCAA's, etc are the same way. Sure on paper they're pretty damn close to the same but each brand is a touch different so people have their favorites. PS if someone's favorite is based on who's endorsing it or if the bottle matches their nail polish (looking at you RojoDisco) punch them in the cock (or buy them a cock then punch it).

08-25-2010, 04:38 PM
Other than creatine and protein shakes are there other products that work well in adding mass? I have this ungodly fast metabolism so just eating a lot (and a lot) and working out doesn't seem to give me results that I would like to see.

08-25-2010, 04:41 PM
What/how your lifting. When you're eating and what. There are specific mass gainers which are basically protein shakes LOADED with calories. Me I'm at the other end of the spectrum I can pack on mass easy, it's leaning out that I really have to work on.

I would suggest making sure you get some casein in your gut before you go to bed, and keep fed with substance every few hours.

You lift for strength you eat for size.

08-25-2010, 04:43 PM
Other than creatine and protein shakes are there other products that work well in adding mass? I have this ungodly fast metabolism so just eating a lot (and a lot) and working doesn't seem to give me results that I would like to see.

I too have a high metabolism and no matter what I ate I never gained weight. Get yourself on a pattern of 3 solid meals and a good late night snack. Drink a when shake( I used to blend mine with soy milk and a banana and some chocolate syrup) after each meal. Work out regularly...

08-25-2010, 04:54 PM
I'm not as concerned with strength at the moment as I am with gaining weight. I'd like to gain about 20 lbs or so.

08-25-2010, 04:54 PM
What is a when shake? If it's a typo for whey I might disagree and say casein would be the better choice for a hard gainer. If it's some sort of mass gainer take a shake when you need it then I haven't heard of it.

08-25-2010, 04:55 PM
I'm not as concerned with strength at the moment as I am with gaining weight. I'd like to gain about 20 lbs or so.

Slippery slope, trust me I'm climbing the other way hard lessons learned. Be more concerned with gaining the right kind of mass. 8-10lbs of real clean/lean, retainable mass over a year is dedicated. Just slopping on 10lbs of "muscle" is someone lying to themselves.

08-25-2010, 05:01 PM
So I'm looking at 2 years to get the results I want?


08-25-2010, 05:03 PM
No, you can put mass on much quicker just understand it's not going to be 100% lean muscle. Hell I could throw 20 lbs on in 6months but I'd look like puffed up shit.

08-25-2010, 05:04 PM
The research shows there's a monumental difference in body stimulus between Strength training and Hypertrophy training.

However, even the most stalwart Hypertrophy (bodybuilders) trainers do strength training as it is supposed to increase your gains from Hypertrophy. I'm not entirely convinced either way, and reading real research (not ridiculously over marketing riddled COOL-BRO! books) is depressing as most have ridiculously bad methodology.

08-25-2010, 05:08 PM
Slippery slope, trust me I'm climbing the other way hard lessons learned. Be more concerned with gaining the right kind of mass. 8-10lbs of real clean/lean, retainable mass over a year is dedicated. Just slopping on 10lbs of "muscle" is someone lying to themselves.


When you look at the Body Fat to Lean Muscle ratio of the best body builders in the world, you can very readily see how much their non-contest weight is as they're smashing as much food into their body and they increase their BF by quite a bit. ~6 weeks from a competition they start going gonzo on their diet and change their workouts dramatically.

It's best to look at "gaining muscle" as an ebb and flow process.

08-25-2010, 05:10 PM
No, you can put mass on much quicker just understand it's not going to be 100% lean muscle. Hell I could throw 20 lbs on in 6months but I'd look like puffed up shit.

As opposed to not being puffed up now?

08-25-2010, 05:11 PM
I have no body fat. That's the problem.

Stanley Burrell
08-25-2010, 05:13 PM
Just carry around the Springfield Armory.

To quote historian Chris Rock, "You got pecs, l got Tecs."

08-25-2010, 05:23 PM
What is a when shake? If it's a typo for whey I might disagree and say casein would be the better choice for a hard gainer. If it's some sort of mass gainer take a shake when you need it then I haven't heard of it.

Considering its been mentioned by 3 separate posters(including yourself) in the thread before I even tried to add my .02 Ill go with youre just trying to be a dick. I was responding on my phone while at a bar. lets just say making sure my phones spell check was on point wasnt exactly on my priority list.

That said if you have a better idea than eating 4 square meals a day with a whey shake as a chaser for people who need to gain weight im all ears.

08-25-2010, 06:06 PM
RE: Pre/During/Post workout supplementation - You should never have more than 8% solid to liquid content in a drink; that's generally not a problem. Obviously, with a pre/during workout drink you'll want sustained energy for 45 minutes to an hour depending. I decided to do research into the different brands of post workout supplementation and I found the research indicates you want a massive insulin spike for muscle regeneration which most people know as the "power hour," and people generally ingest solids during this time; liquid nutrition is best during this period. What this means for supplementation is this: sugar boosts insulin levels but every protein on the market isn't absorbed at the same time as the sugar; usually 1-2 hours later. There IS one type of protein (hydrolysate - tastes like unholy ass, seriously it even has a warning on the label) which is the most broken down protein chains and is absorbed at the same time as the simple sugar (dextrose or maltodextrin). When you combine these two you'll get something like 4 times the insulin spike. Couple the simple sugar and protein hydrolysate with a serving or two of BCAAs and that's literally the best workout drink out there. Buy the ingredients separately and mix in a tub; store with a funnel to drop in your shaker. Hydrolysate bought premixed generally isn't high quality and isn't pure (mixed with whey concentrates or isolates). The hydrolysate is expensive but if you're mixing all the ingredients yourself, you save money and generally break even.

The breakdown is as such:
Dextrose: 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
Hydrosylate: 0.4 grams per kilogram of body weight.
BCAAs: 5-10 grams.

I've tried all the major pre/post workout drinks and I've found massive difference using the above workout drink. Most of the branded supplementation drinks are more marketing than science.

08-25-2010, 06:49 PM
You're male, right? Then you already have all you need to pack on muscle. Exercise and consume meat protein afterwards, you'll do just fine. Be sure to give yourself some time to rest to let the micro-tears repair themselves. Tricks and gimmicks are all bullshit, except for straight up roids. Just cook up a fuckin burger or some chicken for the protein you need after a workout.

08-25-2010, 07:19 PM
You're male, right? Then you already have all you need to pack on muscle. Exercise and consume meat protein afterwards, you'll do just fine. Be sure to give yourself some time to rest to let the micro-tears repair themselves. Tricks and gimmicks are all bullshit, except for straight up roids. Just cook up a fuckin burger or some chicken for the protein you need after a workout.

Or if you want to get rid of the training wheels just go ahead and find your local farm and take a bite right out of the cow. Youll never gain weight until you feel the blood dripping down your chin.

08-25-2010, 07:35 PM
I thought creatine simply increased water weight into muscles. I've used it. Didn't see any amazing results, so I quit. Honestly a good work-out partner and the use of negatives got me over any plateaus.

Oh, negatives and deca-durabolin and winstrol too.

Just kidding.

08-25-2010, 07:53 PM
While I was in my relationship I stopped working out, maybe once a month or so for about a year and substituted it with smoking out every day instead. Back in March when I broke up with my gf I weighed 150lbs (down from about 158ish while working out). That is the lightest I was since the beginning of college (8 years ago).

I started working out immediately, starting on the creatine pills about 2-3 weeks later (going to find out what they are called, I keep them at work). I was going about 4x a week at first to the gym, now it's between 3-4 with the 4th day just running. I am now up to 165lbs but I am content with staying there. I am running to lean up below the below button, I want a 6pack not a 4 pack.

I actually was doing incline dumbles the other day and was able to get two 100lbers up 4x by myself, then went back to 90's. So I'm stronger than I ever been.

I started with protein, but it was fucking up my stomach, so I switched, and its been fine.

My diet kind of sucks, sometimes its ok, but not really.

08-25-2010, 08:49 PM
Or if you want to get rid of the training wheels just go ahead and find your local farm and take a bite right out of the cow. Youll never gain weight until you feel the blood dripping down your chin.

It helps to kill it with your bare hands.

08-25-2010, 10:34 PM
You're male, right? Then you already have all you need to pack on muscle. Exercise and consume meat protein afterwards, you'll do just fine. Be sure to give yourself some time to rest to let the micro-tears repair themselves. Tricks and gimmicks are all bullshit, except for straight up roids. Just cook up a fuckin burger or some chicken for the protein you need after a workout.

Immediately following a workout, your body needs simple sugars coupled with the most quickly broken down protein (hydrolysate), not simply protein, and definitely not incredibly long to break down protein from whole foods. Liquid nutrition is best following the workout. The meal after the workout should be a reasonable ratio of simple and complex carbs, and protein.

What you're advocating for isn't supported by the research.

08-26-2010, 08:09 AM
Considering its been mentioned by 3 separate posters(including yourself) in the thread before I even tried to add my .02 Ill go with youre just trying to be a dick. I was responding on my phone while at a bar. lets just say making sure my phones spell check was on point wasnt exactly on my priority list.

That said if you have a better idea than eating 4 square meals a day with a whey shake as a chaser for people who need to gain weight im all ears.

No actually I wasn't trying to be a dick. Which is why I said if it's a typo I disagree but if it's something I haven't heard of I'd like to know. The supp market is huge anyone who says they know it all is full of shit. And like I said I'm not sure whey would be the way to go compared to casein but I haven't compared which is more beneficial for hard gainers since I'm not one.

08-26-2010, 08:11 AM
As opposed to not being puffed up now? LOL I could make it so much worse. Give me free reign to just pack on mass with a "dirt bulk aka I've got no discipline and want to swoll up diet" and I'll look like someone that's allergic to peanuts being force fed a Payday. I have to be very careful because my frame likes to hold on to mass.

08-26-2010, 10:48 AM
Immediately following a workout, your body needs simple sugars coupled with the most quickly broken down protein (hydrolysate), not simply protein, and definitely not incredibly long to break down protein from whole foods. Liquid nutrition is best following the workout. The meal after the workout should be a reasonable ratio of simple and complex carbs, and protein.

What you're advocating for isn't supported by the research.

Oh, I wasn't looking at any research, just at my own personal experiences. I was actually pretty ripped for a couple of years and then I just sort of didn't exercise and perhaps enjoyed a bit too much burger king, and then the fat returned. Whatever tickles your pickle, enjoy your liquid protein. You burn more calories if you get it right out of my cock.

08-26-2010, 11:02 AM
Oh, I wasn't looking at any research, just at my own personal experiences. I was actually pretty ripped for a couple of years and then I just sort of didn't exercise and perhaps enjoyed a bit too much burger king, and then the fat returned. Whatever tickles your pickle, enjoy your liquid protein. You burn more calories if you get it right out of my cock.

Yeah but it's such a dainty delivery device it's like a coffee stirrer full of yogurt.

08-26-2010, 11:49 AM
Yeah but it's such a dainty delivery device it's like a coffee stirrer full of yogurt.My dentist says straws are bad.

08-26-2010, 11:54 AM
Yeah but it's such a dainty delivery device it's like a coffee stirrer full of yogurt.
And we all know you demand a much girthier delivery system.

08-26-2010, 11:55 AM
And we all know you demand a much girthier delivery system.I hear the muscles stretch out over time...

08-26-2010, 11:55 AM
And we all know you demand a much girthier delivery system.

Golden rule I should get back what I give... fuck either way I'm losing this one. SCREW YOU ROB!

08-26-2010, 11:57 AM
Only if you want to get back what you...wait a second...fuck.

08-26-2010, 12:55 PM
i love all these posts pretendeding to be expert nutritionists. LOL. If you are dedicated enough to wanna take supplements when you work out then you dont need ANY supplements. All those supplements are a big waste of money and you dont need them. Anyone goin to the gym needs 3 things 1. dedication 2. Persistance. and 3 commitment. Supplements are far off of that list.

Eat a bowl of rice and chicken 50/50. 2 hours before you start working out i'am assuming its an intense workout and youll have more energy then you know what to do with. From the looks of things it sounds like your a skinny dude with high metabolisim. If thats the case you have 2 options ethier train your metabolisim to be slower which is extremely difficult to do. (Eat once a day or twice a day huge meals), or accept your god given physique. Being skinny isnt all that bad. if you wanna gain mass your gonna have to eat alot of calories. High calorie diets are your friend i.e. dont be scared of eating junk food you need as much calories as possible. The only meal you really need to worry about is the bowl of rice and chicken 2 hours before your workout which gives you natural creatine, plenty of carbs, and plenty of energy for hours of intense lifting.

If your workout is super lifting concentrated, then you can drink gatorade during your workout for support but thats it. Creatine and protein while may be attracive to the noobs has no real significant purpose besides being a super good money maker for thier production companies.

Also for gaining mass do super heavy weight super low reps. I.E. find your max on bench drop it by 20-30lbs and do it 3-4 times. If you can do it 5 times on your own its too much and you need to increase the weight. 3X a week and you follow everything i say you will start to see results in 6 month to a year. After you gain the strength/size you want then you can drop the weight and increase the reps. But once you get there talk to me and ill let you know what to do.

08-26-2010, 01:04 PM
Go back, read what you wrote and then laugh at how retarded you are.

Hey guys when you go to the gym all you need is to go! That's my 3 rules!!! Don't be educated, don't be informed and don't do it right, just go. Also if you eat a bowl of chicken and rice it's what you need. I don't care if you're 100 lbs or 300 lbs the same bowl is perfect for everyones. White rice, brown rice, it's all the same it's rice!

You had maybe two, somewhat decent, pieces of non retarded advice in that wall of fail but they're covered in the rest of your shit.

08-26-2010, 01:28 PM
i love all these posts pretendeding to be expert nutritionists. LOL. If you are dedicated enough to wanna take supplements when you work out then you dont need ANY supplements. All those supplements are a big waste of money and you dont need them. Anyone goin to the gym needs 3 things 1. dedication 2. Persistance. and 3 commitment. Supplements are far off of that list.

Eat a bowl of rice and chicken 50/50. 2 hours before you start working out i'am assuming its an intense workout and youll have more energy then you know what to do with. From the looks of things it sounds like your a skinny dude with high metabolisim. If thats the case you have 2 options ethier train your metabolisim to be slower which is extremely difficult to do. (Eat once a day or twice a day huge meals), or accept your god given physique. Being skinny isnt all that bad. if you wanna gain mass your gonna have to eat alot of calories. High calorie diets are your friend i.e. dont be scared of eating junk food you need as much calories as possible. The only meal you really need to worry about is the bowl of rice and chicken 2 hours before your workout which gives you natural creatine, plenty of carbs, and plenty of energy for hours of intense lifting.

If your workout is super lifting concentrated, then you can drink gatorade during your workout for support but thats it. Creatine and protein while may be attracive to the noobs has no real significant purpose besides being a super good money maker for thier production companies.

Also for gaining mass do super heavy weight super low reps. I.E. find your max on bench drop it by 20-30lbs and do it 3-4 times. If you can do it 5 times on your own its too much and you need to increase the weight. 3X a week and you follow everything i say you will start to see results in 6 month to a year. After you gain the strength/size you want then you can drop the weight and increase the reps. But once you get there talk to me and ill let you know what to do.

You only need 3 weeks on a strength cycle to produce sufficient, near-optimal neurological stimulus before committing to a "mass" cycle; anything longer than that and you'll see diminishing returns if you're goal is mass. However, even in your mass cycle, change the rep/set design very slightly every week and exercises every 3 then go back to the strength cycle. Continually changing the set/rep/exercises/method (post/pre-fatigue, etc) keeps your body off balance, and this is something that has been known by body builders for decades - P90X "muscle confusion" is just the re-branding/marketing of that principle. As always, find what works best for you.

I'm not able to actually cite research on this ATM but it's out there (not BURN-BRO!!! books).

Also, I agree that supplements are more marketing than science and that you can, with only a modest amount of preparation, find all the nutritional needs from naturally existing food. However, for the very most optimal post-workout drink, it's in my above post. That is, of course, until future research shows otherwise, which it probably will to some degree as some has come out saying the amount of protein per meal and in the post-workout recovery phase is significantly less to achieve optimal results than what was previously held as the standard.

08-26-2010, 01:29 PM
Go back, read what you wrote and then laugh at how retarded you are.

Hey guys when you go to the gym all you need is to go! That's my 3 rules!!! Don't be educated, don't be informed and don't do it right, just go. Also if you eat a bowl of chicken and rice it's what you need. I don't care if you're 100 lbs or 300 lbs the same bowl is perfect for everyones. White rice, brown rice, it's all the same it's rice!

You had maybe two, somewhat decent, pieces of non retarded advice in that wall of fail but they're covered in the rest of your shit.


08-26-2010, 01:48 PM
HAHA I read your post and was like hmm I think I said that but he used bigger words.

08-26-2010, 05:46 PM
imo all the studies on bodies plataueing are bull. If you work out even if its the same exact thing for 10 years you will see positive results. Those studies are bull that tell you otherwise. I agree if you wannna keep your body in continues change then rest for a while, but you dont neserailly have to change your routine. You can change your routine when you achieve the results you want. And always do size/power first before you move onto strength.

Gnome Rage
08-26-2010, 05:51 PM
I vote all the men in this thread who are trying to give body-building advice post their bodies.

Just sayin'. No advice should be taken from fatties.
(unless you used google like me)

08-26-2010, 05:54 PM
Under no circumstances are people allowed to pm me pics of themselves. Kthx.

Gnome Rage
08-26-2010, 05:55 PM
Under no circumstances are people allowed to pm me pics of themselves. Kthx.

I'll take those leg shots back then!

08-26-2010, 05:59 PM
Under no circumstances are MEN allowed to send me pictures.

Gnome Rage
08-26-2010, 06:00 PM
Bahaha. You can keep them!

08-26-2010, 06:27 PM
umm...... leg shots?

08-26-2010, 06:38 PM
Like tequila shots. Only better.

08-27-2010, 08:23 AM
Ok pk I'll be sending you some pics. They are classy, just wearing a scarf fan blowing it back while I'm flexing up with a teddy bear in one hand a raw steak in the other and a rose in my mouth. Also flip flops, don't want to be getting the foot herp and well who knows who else has been on that roof.

08-27-2010, 12:50 PM
I think that raw steak bit is a euphemism for something I don't want to seeeeee

08-27-2010, 01:06 PM
I'm slightly bothered that you want to see the rest...

Gnome Rage
08-27-2010, 01:11 PM
Nothing wrong with a tasteful scarf and a teddybear