View Full Version : Lady dumps cat in trashcan (Video)

08-25-2010, 02:07 PM

God damn... watch the video. What an evil bitch.

08-25-2010, 02:25 PM

Gnome Rage
08-25-2010, 02:33 PM
I saw this on facebook the other day - I love how she like, tenderly pets it, looks around and throws it in the can.

08-25-2010, 02:44 PM
Someone needs to make this into some kind of animated owned graphic.

08-25-2010, 02:48 PM

Holy fuck. She says she did it "as a joke" and that she "thought it would be funny"

There's a video of her being followed around by reporters that's infuriating too:

It takes a special kind of psycho to act like this woman.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2010, 02:51 PM
I saw this in a "you rage, you lose" thread. Ugh.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-25-2010, 02:53 PM
Maybe the cat owners shouldn't let their cherished pet run free next to a street? The woman is horrible, yes. So are the owners, in my book.

08-25-2010, 02:53 PM
You know, if someone just threw HER into a trash can... problem solved. An eye for and eye.. and all that. :D

08-25-2010, 02:54 PM
Can't wait to see if people on 4chan decide to fuck with her.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2010, 02:55 PM
Can't wait to see if people on 4chan decide to fuck with her.

They have/are.

08-25-2010, 03:18 PM
They have/are.

I tried searching but.. have they done anything good yet? Or are they just ordering her lots of pizza.

08-25-2010, 03:18 PM

08-25-2010, 03:25 PM
They just showed on TV over here, the cat being treated to 24 hours of total cat bliss.
Fish cooked by a chef, bowls and bowls of milk, round the clock stroking and a cat massage all finished with the comfiest bed I've seen in my life.
That bitch woman is getting exactly what she deserves.

08-25-2010, 03:27 PM
To quote one of the players in this ridiculously unimportant story: "It's just a cat."

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-25-2010, 03:30 PM
They just showed on TV over here, the cat being treated to 24 hours of total cat bliss.
Fish cooked by a chef, bowls and bowls of milk, round the clock stroking and a cat massage all finished with the comfiest bed I've seen in my life.
That bitch woman is getting exactly what she deserves.

What do the owners deserve for 1) letting their cat run free and 2) not noticing the cat was gone until the next day (likely because of 1). They don't seem very responsible to me.

I think the woman is horrible, but nothing would have happened had the cat been inside.

08-25-2010, 03:33 PM
Mess with the kitty and you get the claws!

08-25-2010, 03:34 PM
What do the owners deserve for 1) letting their cat run free and 2) not noticing the cat was gone until the next day (likely because of 1). They don't seem very responsible to me.

I think the woman is horrible, but nothing would have happened had the cat been inside.

Obviously some owners think leaving their cat outside to roam near a main road is fine.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-25-2010, 03:38 PM

Many people do, but don't get all up on the high horse because some horrible person could have killed the cat, when a not horrible person could have flattened it just as easily.

Is the uproar over the fact there are mean people in the world, or that the cat could have died?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2010, 03:40 PM
I tried searching but.. have they done anything good yet? Or are they just ordering her lots of pizza.

There was a few threads, someone posted dox and first the usual ensued, prank calls, pizzas, etc. Then they started calling her work and calling family members, but her work has been the primary target of a lot of the harassment.

I know a bunch of anons went to her residence for an IRL raid and pretty much plastered her door sort of like they did with Kimmo (went to his residence, plastered his door with pedobear pictures and stuff like "I'm a pedophile!") only with her it was stuff about being an animal abuser, there was a lot of stuff about her being a "hambeast" and also a "serial killer in the making", and pictures of her dumping the cat in the bin.

08-25-2010, 03:44 PM
If I choose to be angry at the woman who coaxed and dropped a cat into a bin, then went home and forgot about it, then I can be.
Nowhere did I say that the owners are blame free. In fact I find them fucking despicable.

I think the woman is horrible,
Agreed since this is what I basically said.
Don't accuse me of being on any high horse mate.

08-25-2010, 03:50 PM
I say throw her into a trash can.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-25-2010, 03:51 PM
I say throw her into a trash can.

I don't even like cats and I agree. Throw the owners in as well, then give the cat to someone who gives two shits about it.

08-25-2010, 03:56 PM
People who 'like' cats more often than not prefer them to dogs etc because they feel it's ok to let them take care of themselves and be less of a hassle to own.
Maybe this video will discourage those kinds of people deciding to get one. I hope so.

I had to lol at the woman as well though. She really REALLY didn't expect to be caught on camera. Awesome.

08-25-2010, 03:59 PM
With the proliferation of video cameras, it never ceases to amaze me that people continue to do such stupid shit in public.

Act as though you are on camera at all times because you probably are.

08-25-2010, 04:16 PM
People who 'like' cats more often than not prefer them to dogs etc because they feel it's ok to let them take care of themselves and be less of a hassle to own.

That's just ridiculous, people like cats for a whole number of reasons. Some of which are no more meaningful than "I just do."

Cats genuinely are less hassle to look after than dogs, but to say this is the reason most people get one is as ridiculous as saying that's why people like them.

I have a cat and he wanders off and does his own thing. He jumped out of the living room window when he was a kitten and the only way I would ever be able to keep him in would be to keep the doors and windows locked all the time. Ewww. And also why would I want to? Admittedly I dont live near a main road, but there are roads. There are also fields.

It's also a ridiculous statement to suggest that because he is allowed to go freely, he is not cared for. He is. he came downstairs the other morning with a huge abcess on his back from a cat bite. We went to the vet and they extorted large amounts of money from me in return for medical care for him. I wouldn't stop him going out because bad things may happen to him, because it would be shitty for him to be cooped up all day every day in a house. What am I supposed to do? Take him for a walk on a lead? Gimme a fucking break.

I would say that when he dies, and he will die, I wont get another cat. Not because I am worried about what may happen to him because of the bad people, but because I didnt realise until I got him, how much carnage cats cause to the local wildlife. That makes me feel bad about having a cat far more than the fact that he gets to mooch around the neighbourhood when he wants.

Maybe this video will discourage those kinds of people deciding to get one. I hope so.

Have you been on a "stupid glib statements" course or something?

08-25-2010, 04:20 PM
That does look like a pretty packed neighborhood on a non-dead-end road, but I find nothing wrong with having outdoor cats (as long as they didn't declaw them).

Obviously if this was 'cat hit by car' I'd blame the owners, not the driver, but most outdoor cats aren't stupid enough to be in the road. This wasn't some accident where she stepped on the cat as it walked down the sidewalk.

Personally I'd be ecstatic to be walking down the sidewalk and have some random cat walk up to me, I've had it happen before and it's one of those things that brighten my day, and at no time did I think "this cat's owner is an asshole" because it was out in the streets of Cambridge (Had tags, was keeping to the inside of the sidewalk). I wouldn't think "This belongs in the trash", that's the sort of shit you hear serial killers had done in their childhood.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-25-2010, 04:42 PM
I'm in a different camp. I'm of the opinion that letting a cat run free is irresponsible and that people who do it are less caring of their pets than they are the inconvience of having to clean up after them inside. Say what you want about "letting them roam free" instead of being cooped up in a house all day, but if that's your chief concern why get them as a pet in the first place if they are too wild to be cooped up?

08-25-2010, 04:49 PM
That's just ridiculous, people like cats for a whole number of reasons. Some of which are no more meaningful than "I just do."

Cats genuinely are less hassle to look after than dogs, but to say this is the reason most people get one is as ridiculous as saying that's why people like them.

I have a cat and he wanders off and does his own thing. He jumped out of the living room window when he was a kitten and the only way I would ever be able to keep him in would be to keep the doors and windows locked all the time. Ewww. And also why would I want to? Admittedly I dont live near a main road, but there are roads. There are also fields.

It's also a ridiculous statement to suggest that because he is allowed to go freely, he is not cared for. He is. he came downstairs the other morning with a huge abcess on his back from a cat bite. We went to the vet and they extorted large amounts of money from me in return for medical care for him. I wouldn't stop him going out because bad things may happen to him, because it would be shitty for him to be cooped up all day every day in a house. What am I supposed to do? Take him for a walk on a lead? Gimme a fucking break.

I would say that when he dies, and he will die, I wont get another cat. Not because I am worried about what may happen to him because of the bad people, but because I didnt realise until I got him, how much carnage cats cause to the local wildlife. That makes me feel bad about having a cat far more than the fact that he gets to mooch around the neighbourhood when he wants.

Have you been on a "stupid glib statements" course or something?


Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2010, 04:57 PM
I'm in a different camp. I'm of the opinion that letting a cat run free is irresponsible and that people who do it are less caring of their pets than they are the inconvience of having to clean up after them inside. Say what you want about "letting them roam free" instead of being cooped up in a house all day, but if that's your chief concern why get them as a pet in the first place if they are too wild to be cooped up?

So would you think it's fine to confine a dog inside all day, every day, for the entirety of its life? Because personally I can see how someone would not feel okay with doing that. Just because domestic animals enjoy spending time in the outdoors doesn't make them remotely 'wild'. You can't exactly walk a cat on a leash (you can walk some, but even on cat harnesses it specifically says if the cat struggles enough they'll be able to escape) and you can't just make sure you have a fence and then let it go run around (they'll just climb over), like a dog.

And sorry, but I get so sick of people using that stupid "you just don't want to pick up after your pet!!" to hate on cat owners who have indoor/outdoor pets. I've seen a whole lot of dog shit on sidewalks, parks, gardens, lawns and I can't say I've ever heard someone say "Oh god, I just stepped in cat crap".. same cannot be said for dogs. Hell, they had to get rid of the lawn on the side of my apartment building and replace it with gravel because a majority of the dog owners were lazy fucks who let their dog do their business wherever and can't be bothered to pick it up. When I start seeing the same proliferation of unattended cat shit around my community I'll be sure to alter my opinion.

08-25-2010, 05:01 PM
I'll be sure to alter my opinion.
Quit lyin, no you won't.

The lady is a dumbass. You don't do that shit to a cat, dog, bird, unicorn, etc. Camera or no. I'm not a cat person but you just don't do this shit it's an animal, someone's pet or no it's got a right to live (unless it's delicious in bbq sauce).

08-25-2010, 05:03 PM
Quit lyin, no you won't.

The lady is a dumbass. You don't do that shit to a cat, dog, bird, unicorn, etc. Camera or no. I'm not a cat person but you just don't do this shit it's an animal, someone's pet or no it's got a right to live (unless it's delicious in bbq sauce).

Amen Brutha.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-25-2010, 05:07 PM
Quit lyin, no you won't.

Prior to owning a dog, I didn't have much of an opinion of dog owners. Since getting Newton, I've met a couple really awesome dog owners, and a lot of complete jackholes. :(

08-25-2010, 06:03 PM
Cat's bury their shit. This is an amazing trait that all individuals who shit where I potentially walk should acquire.

08-25-2010, 06:27 PM
Quit lyin, no you won't.

The lady is a dumbass. You don't do that shit to a cat, dog, bird, unicorn, etc. Camera or no. I'm not a cat person but you just don't do this shit it's an animal, someone's pet or no it's got a right to live (unless it's delicious in bbq sauce).

Even though people go hunting deer? Just sayin.
Nien you're wrong. It's just plain fact that some people (most lazy I suppose) say they'd prefer a cat since it's 'supposed' to be more independent.
Arguing that point is basically saying no one at all, ever says that. Which is total bullshit.

08-25-2010, 07:16 PM
Nien you're wrong.

There's your first mistake. It just don't happen.

It's just plain fact that some people (most lazy I suppose) say they'd prefer a cat since it's 'supposed' to be more independent.

Apart from the part in brackets, I don't disagree with that statement, nor do I think there is anythign wrong with liking cats' independence. However, that is markedly different from the point you made earlier inthe thread which went along the lines of:

People who 'like' cats more often than not prefer them to dogs etc because they feel it's ok to let them take care of themselves and be less of a hassle to own.

Which is effectively like saying the majority of cat owners only have them as they dont have to look after them...which is stupid and just plain wrong.

Of course there are irresponsible cat owners, as with dog owners, but to label the majority of cat owners as being people too lazy to own a dog is a fucking stupid view to argue.

Arguing that point is basically saying no one at all, ever says that. Which is total bullshit.

Trying to switch your argument as badly as you did there is Warclaidhmesque

08-25-2010, 07:19 PM
Even though people go hunting deer? Just sayin.

Hunting deer to eat is usually done by putting a bullet through the middle of it's brain so it dies instantly. it is then taken home to be cooked and eaten. If you cant see the difference between that and putting a cat in a bin where it could have starved to death or been crushed by the refuse collectors, I despair.

Stanley Burrell
08-25-2010, 07:34 PM
I don't know.

Part of me wants to see someone make an animated .gif of the American Psycho "feed me a cat" scene and somehow incorporate this into it, but the other part of me doesn't think the image-fitting would work well for an animated graphical image file.

Stanley Burrell
08-25-2010, 07:37 PM
Hunting deer to eat is usually done by putting a bullet through the middle of it's brain so it dies instantly.


Edit: Actually, at least in the U.S., most hunting involves not shooting at the deer's head because it's constantly moving. But I don't know whether or not starvation is that big of an issue in England, so I can't really say how folks are going about getting their venison meals.

08-25-2010, 11:48 PM
I don't know.

Part of me wants to see someone make an animated .gif of the American Psycho "feed me a cat" scene and somehow incorporate this into it, but the other part of me doesn't think the image-fitting would work well for an animated graphical image file.


08-26-2010, 02:59 AM

Edit: Actually, at least in the U.S., most hunting involves not shooting at the deer's head because it's constantly moving. But I don't know whether or not starvation is that big of an issue in England, so I can't really say how folks are going about getting their venison meals.

Most venison in the UK at least is from farmed deer which wont be moving when the bolt is put through the deers brain...no more than a cow or a chicken would be.

08-26-2010, 03:33 AM
Maybe she read Tamral's thread and busted a hacker, but decided to substitute running over the cat with just throwing it out.

08-26-2010, 03:34 AM

08-26-2010, 07:46 AM
To quote one of the players in this ridiculously unimportant story: "It's just a cat."




Bahaha, how very lawlsy of you.

08-26-2010, 09:14 AM
Just a cat or not, it's shitty behavior. Even if you consider a cat no more valuable than some inanimate object, it'd be like walking down the street and keying someone's car for no reason.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-26-2010, 10:45 AM
So would you think it's fine to confine a dog inside all day, every day, for the entirety of its life? Because personally I can see how someone would not feel okay with doing that. Just because domestic animals enjoy spending time in the outdoors doesn't make them remotely 'wild'. You can't exactly walk a cat on a leash (you can walk some, but even on cat harnesses it specifically says if the cat struggles enough they'll be able to escape) and you can't just make sure you have a fence and then let it go run around (they'll just climb over), like a dog.

And sorry, but I get so sick of people using that stupid "you just don't want to pick up after your pet!!" to hate on cat owners who have indoor/outdoor pets. I've seen a whole lot of dog shit on sidewalks, parks, gardens, lawns and I can't say I've ever heard someone say "Oh god, I just stepped in cat crap".. same cannot be said for dogs. Hell, they had to get rid of the lawn on the side of my apartment building and replace it with gravel because a majority of the dog owners were lazy fucks who let their dog do their business wherever and can't be bothered to pick it up. When I start seeing the same proliferation of unattended cat shit around my community I'll be sure to alter my opinion.

No, I don't think it's ok to confine a dog, or a cat, all day everyday. I have a doggie door for my dogs, so they can go in and out as they wish. It sucks, they track in dirt, leaves, mud, dead critters, etc... all the time, but confining them to me seems cruel. When I walk my dogs, I pick up after them, even though I have no desire to handle steaming piles of shit. These inconveniences to me are all part of having a pet and my responsibility as a pet owner to provide them every level of comfort and safety that I can.

As far as stepping in cat shit, I've never done that, though I have stepped in dog shit and agree with you it sucks. That said, I also see a cat or two EVERY DAY running free in my yard, my neighbors yards, doing their own thing. If my dog kills one of them, I'll feel very bad, but I've done my job as a pet owner to safeguard my pets - they did not.

When I did have a cat, I'd take her outside with me supervising, but never let her just run free. I didn't want another cat PWNing her, or a dog, or a car, or some cruel person. My opinion is what it is, and sure you can not agree and let your pets do whatever. I feel it is not in the best interests of the pets to run free, is all.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-26-2010, 10:49 AM
Most venison in the UK at least is from farmed deer which wont be moving when the bolt is put through the deers brain...no more than a cow or a chicken would be.

Not sure about farms, but when I went hunting the standard was always to shoot them in the heart. I've never shot one, and won't, but that's what the hunters in my camp did.

08-26-2010, 10:51 AM
That is crazy. Who the fuck watches their cat when they go outside? Who doesn't let their cats run wild. They are probably the most innocent beasts that roam and don't do a damn thing wrong when they go outside. Jesus, Kids and Adults do more damage when they go outside than any cat has ever done.

08-26-2010, 10:53 AM
Most cats are smart enough to fend for themselves outside, and I personally don't see it as a lack of responsibility to let them do their thing, as long as you don't blame the dog owner/car driver/bearcat that gets them.

As a kid my family had three outdoor cats, not one of them died of anything other than old age.

08-26-2010, 11:09 AM
Not sure about farms, but when I went hunting the standard was always to shoot them in the heart. I've never shot one, and won't, but that's what the hunters in my camp did.

Chest shot bigger target, no risk of messing up the trophy if they're keeping heads for mounting. A kill shot is a kill shot the key is to make sure it's a clean/quick kill and not a wound kill when it comes to eating the meat. If you wound it then it's going to go full bore on 100% adreneline which is supposed to make the meat tougher. Is it true? No idea. Also I'm guessin if they're using bow it's easier to split a rib and go for the puncture than pierce the skull with enough remaining energy to quick kill, again this is a guess.

One of these days I want to take my rifles out and shoot some big game so I can eat bear steaks or dolphin waffles or some other semi dangerous kill.

08-26-2010, 11:42 AM

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-26-2010, 12:57 PM
That is crazy. Who the fuck watches their cat when they go outside? Who doesn't let their cats run wild. They are probably the most innocent beasts that roam and don't do a damn thing wrong when they go outside. Jesus, Kids and Adults do more damage when they go outside than any cat has ever done.

This. SHM, you're being retarded. Who the fuck has 8 hours to follow their cat around outside? And my point still stands- oh noes you see a cat in your yard...... and that's the extent of their infringement on your life. They don't destroy your flower beds, they don't leave a steaming pile of shit on the sidewalk for you to step on. Most people who let their cats outside know the risks (cars, wild animals) and accept them, that is no where on par with needing to be okay with it if some fucktard comes along and purposefully tries to abuse your pet.

Shattered Dreamer
08-26-2010, 01:02 PM
Just imagine if the whole world was on camera. People would act a lot less fucking stupid.

08-26-2010, 01:07 PM
Just imagine if the whole world was on camera. People would act a lot less fucking stupid.

Ha, I don't know about that. Look at England.. they have cameras all over the place and they have become a great source of funny videos.

08-26-2010, 01:08 PM
Makes me think of the Simpsons where they add all the cameras and it turns out they've become England's favorite reality TV show.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-26-2010, 01:11 PM
LOL, I'm being retarded because I don't like to see animals harmed by owner negligence? Ok.

Yeah, I see a cat in my yard, I wonder who's it is, worry that my dogs will hurt it or it'll hurt my dogs. That'll it'll kill the robins that come to my yard because I have a bird feeder. They do destroy flower beds, one that constantly ate my Grandmother's rose petals stopped only because she killed it. That's the kind of crazy shit I'd think a pet owner would want to prevent from happening to their pets.

My dogs don't leave a steaming pile of shit on the sidewalk, don't destroy flower beds, won't get hit by cars, or eaten by wild animals. In fact, they won't do any of the things and dangers a free roaming cat can do. I also don't follow my dogs around 8 hours every day, and the walks I take with them are for exercise (theirs and mine) and enjoying the outdoors.

Call me retarded for loving my pets, fine. My stance is simply different than yours. I volunteer at the Humane Society and see every week how many cats end up being destroyed because of letting them run free. I don't like it.

08-26-2010, 01:20 PM
My cats back at my mom's house have a cat door and run free and my cat in my apt. here doesn't ever get to leave.

I don't know what the point of this is but god I love cats so much.

08-26-2010, 01:24 PM
My cats back at my mom's house have a cat door and run free and my cat in my apt. here doesn't ever get to leave.

I don't know what the point of this is but god I love cats so much.

I'd love them more if 75% of them didn't make me sneeze.

08-26-2010, 01:32 PM
I'd love them more if 75% of them didn't make me sneeze.

Stop slicing 1/4 off your cats; problem solved.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-26-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm not calling you retarded because you follow your cat around outside, but for expecting every other cat owner to do so and viewing it as 'negligence' when they don't.

As for the "omgz I volunteer at the humane society" stuff, I'm not going to get into a "who loves animals moar" contest with you. I love my pets, I get angry when people are legitimately neglectful to their pets, and frankly, the issue here never was the owners- it's the bitch that put the cat in the trash bin.

08-26-2010, 01:36 PM
Stop slicing 1/4 off your cats; problem solved.

Slicing?1?! I should of thought of that. This whole time I've been grinding.

08-26-2010, 01:37 PM
I'm not calling you retarded because you follow your cat around outside.

Well if she's not I am.

Who has a leash for their cat? Who watches their cat when they let them outside. Jesus Christ this blows my mind the there are people out there who do this. If a cat gets in a yard with a dog I think the cat will be able to get away.

Cat's are not dumb and don't usually put themselves in danger. If a cat jumps in with dogs that will attack them then that cat should get his ass wtfpwned because of its stupidity.

08-26-2010, 01:40 PM
I had to google it because I was in such disbelieve that people watch their cats when they go outside. Because honestly who the fuck does that.

This made my lol.

My male cat is leash trained. We walk him in parks. Keep an eye on dogs if you go to a park though. He sometimes meows to go for walks, but when it's not a good time or bad weather, I shoot him with a water pistol.

Maybe my cat isn't a big pussy and can fend for itself. It's attacked pitbulls and fox/raccoons and has never been injured. Perhaps it's because her name is Zelda.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-26-2010, 02:09 PM
I'll admit I have a cat leash. When I moved from Seattle to Connecticut, I had 2 suitcases of possessions and Spartacus to bring with me, and I needed to be able to let him out of the sherpa bag during a three hour layover in North Carolina, so he had a harness and a leash. However, when I opened the bag for him to get up and stretch/move around, he gave me this look like "Bitch you are crazy" and curled into a little ball.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-26-2010, 03:00 PM
I'm not calling you retarded because you follow your cat around outside, but for expecting every other cat owner to do so and viewing it as 'negligence' when they don't.

As for the "omgz I volunteer at the humane society" stuff, I'm not going to get into a "who loves animals moar" contest with you. I love my pets, I get angry when people are legitimately neglectful to their pets, and frankly, the issue here never was the owners- it's the bitch that put the cat in the trash bin.

Well if she's not I am.

Who has a leash for their cat? Who watches their cat when they let them outside. Jesus Christ this blows my mind the there are people out there who do this. If a cat gets in a yard with a dog I think the cat will be able to get away.

Cat's are not dumb and don't usually put themselves in danger. If a cat jumps in with dogs that will attack them then that cat should get his ass wtfpwned because of its stupidity.

First, I don't, and haven't, followed a cat around. The short time I had a cat, I would go out the door to my back yard and the cat would go in the yard with me.

Second, I've never said walk a cat or leash a cat. I love how the two of you twist shit around so you can call people stupid for having opinions other than your own by exagerating them.

Third, my volunteering with the HS has nothing to do with my love of animals when I mentioned it. I was using a real world experience where the things I've described are common and everyday, to explain why I don't believe cats should be free to run wild.

So far, your argument has been telling me how I'm retarded because you stepped in dog shit, your apartment had to gravel some grass area because of dog shit, and your cat doesn't destroy flowerbeds. None of this explains why you think it's ok to do it, or is even germaine to the debate. Only if I infer that because others aren't responsible, then fuck if you are going to be, does it make any sense at all. It also explains the maturity of your responses here.

I'll add another real world experience to the list. The four years I worked at a vet. FLV is commonly passed from cat to cat - there is now a vaccine but it isn't 100%. Most cases of FIV are results of cat fights, there is no vaccine. Lyme disease and worms are common in cats who roam freely. All of these are preventable, but not if you don't know where your cat is. They all can greatly reduce the life of that valued pet.

Frankly I've said my piece, and continue to fall into the trap you set of insulting me. I'm not looking to change the law, but my opinion isn't going to change based on your oh so compelling arguement that dogs shit on sidewalks and cats bury their shit.

All I've said, is I don't think cats should be allowed to run free.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-26-2010, 03:48 PM
My response about dogs shitting was not to you, but to Drayal and his absurd position that cat owners who let their cats outside are lazy and just don't want to pick up cat shit. Hence my quoting him before my response. You responded talking about seeing cats in your yard, to which I think, okay, what's the big deal? It doesn't impact you.

I've also worked at a vets office/animal shelter. In my time there while I did see cats that needed medical attention due to being outside (fights with other cats mostly), I never saw a cat that needed to be euthanized over it. What I did see and get to experience was every month having to take my part in the rotation for destroying kittens and cats that there were no homes for. I rolled my eyes at your "I volunteered for the humane society!" shit because, I dunno, maybe I held enough animals that were being put down because people don't spay or neuter to realize that owners that fix, feed, and love their pets are caring, responsible pet owners, whether they let their cat outside unsupervised or not.

I know I'm not going to change your mind, but you're not going to change my opinion that your position is retarded.


08-26-2010, 04:21 PM
Well if she's not I am.Me too.
Cat's are not dumbAnd you lost me.

08-26-2010, 04:27 PM
I'll add another real world experience to the list. The four years I worked at a vet. FLV is commonly passed from cat to cat - there is now a vaccine but it isn't 100%. Most cases of FIV are results of cat fights, there is no vaccine. Lyme disease and worms are common in cats who roam freely. All of these are preventable, but not if you don't know where your cat is. They all can greatly reduce the life of that valued pet.I know I don't leave my house because of Lyme Disease.

08-26-2010, 04:54 PM
My cat has a harness for car rides, because if I put him in a crate, he flips out and breaks his nails off trying to claw his way out.

Other than that, ya'll freaks.

Stanley Burrell
08-26-2010, 07:43 PM
Most venison in the UK at least is from farmed deer which wont be moving when the bolt is put through the deers brain...no more than a cow or a chicken would be.

I suppose that could be considered hunting.

08-27-2010, 09:13 AM
My response about dogs shitting was not to you, but to Drayal and his absurd position that cat owners who let their cats outside are lazy and just don't want to pick up cat shit.

Where did I say people who let their cats outside are lazy because they don't want to pick up shit?

08-27-2010, 09:36 AM
Did we figure out if it was a lead free trashcan?

08-27-2010, 10:15 AM
I feel like this is what was going through the kitty cats mind.
