View Full Version : the Marlu conflict: an early timeline from Jaeden's perspective / list of my kills.

08-24-2010, 04:25 PM
This is essentially hundreds of pages of posts and logs cobbled together into a rough storyline. Should make for an interesting read. For many, the original thread may be a severe case of tl;dr, but this interesting tidbit of Shattered history needs to be preserved, at least for my own future review and enjoyment. I was fairly active in this conflict, especially in the beginning. I wanted to take the time to put this together to spare anyone having to pour through long threads in search of the action. If you want to skip my analysis and go straight to massive killing, scroll about halfway down the page until you see the date of 6/30/2010.

So here it is, spells have been edited out, and most of the usual game scroll. I broke everything down into a few posts, so continue until the "final thought." Enjoy, the Marlu conflict from the Jaeden lens.

Note: for other PvP by Jaeden in Shattered, see the links here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1235916&postcount=47

************************************************** *******************************

My experience with the “Marlus” began for the first time about 3 weeks into the opening of Shattered. I responded to Mordechai on the amulet, who was getting a group together to hit a warcamp. He left me in the camp and I died and was pissed. Then, a few days later I was in TSC teasing Flamer enough that it put me on their little grief target list. For about 5 successive days after that, a combination of Mordechai, Flamer, and others killed me every night. Usually around 3AM-4AM.

Here’s an example where the early Marlu clan teamed up with Inspire (Madam/Harry) and took out the Voln courtyard:


I was fairly intimidated at this point. Had a hard time tracking Mordechai down, and at this time he was higher level than me. His confidence was high. This is back in the olden days when Cervina was in TSC. The Marlu clan as a phenomenon hadn't really gotten much attention at this point. Let's start things off right here with my first kill:

Also here: Staypuff, a stunned Mordechai who is lying down, Grom, Lord Sheikh, Chii, Novice Oscar, Sweet Sihaya, Cervina
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
>cas morde
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 33 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Strong strike, punctures lung!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

The conflict was on! They came for me 1-2 more times, and I had heard about Mordechai’s antics from other players, so I decided to make the thread “clips of you killing Mordechai (Mordie) / the special ed Marlu clan.” It is the biggest thread in the Shattered folder if you notice. (as of today it's pushing almost 40,000 views and 200 pages)

Link to that thread is here although everyone has seen it I’m sure.

I was desperate at this point, honestly. They were kicking my ass. I needed all the help I could get.

My scripting ability was so amateur that my hunting was relegated to the use of a simple SF fire guardians script, which I hunted until about level 20.

The following kill gave me some confidence and was also very fulfilling for a player named Trevelyan, who had a lance stolen by the Marlus a few nights prior. I gave him the lance, which I think was a game changer for him in terms of his perception of their vulnerability.

>cman disarm mord
[Roll result: 145 (open d100: 86) Penalties: 4]
You swing your drake falchion at Mordechai's vultite lance and connect!
Mordechai's vultite lance is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

A cyclops swings a splintered tree trunk at Mordechai!
AS: +234 vs DS: +163 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +86 = +176
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on Mordechai's right arm.

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

I also took out Calidus a few times, realizing his association with Mordechai. He cried hard, to the point that he convinced me and I compensated him for death’s sting potions.

You gesture at Calidus.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Calidus! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Awesome shot shatters ribs and punctures lung!
... hits for 24 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen skewers Calidus quite nicely!

* Calidus drops dead at your feet!

By this time I had a pure build and was manually hunting zombies. Still hadn’t figured out bigshot.

This was an interesting day. Spent a considerable amount of time stalking Mordechai. By this time, he had entered me into his script so that while hunting, he would log out immediately. Forced 6 log outs on him that day. Finally, caught him on the trail in transit to the cyclops area in Solhaven.

[Zeltoph's Base]
Also here: Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: north, south
You come out of hiding.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 7 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
... hits for 20 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Nice shot to the head gouges Mordechai's cheek!
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Mordechai just left.

**** 5 minutes later ****

Also here: a stunned Lord Mordechai who is lying down, Cervina
Obvious paths: north, south
>prep 616
>cast at mordechai
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
Be at peace my child, there is no need for spells of war in here.

Pure bitch move.

Seems fairly wimpish slamming then bringing in another character to sanct the area. I would expect more from a steely eyed killer!

Or a guy claiming to RP as a mob boss.
Deathravin’s comment to me here pretty much echoes the consensus:

I have to admit, the fact he's doing this makes his credibility as a 'gangster' go right down the tube. This is a 100% bitch move. As much as I don't like to, I agree with you.
His reputation took a big hit this day for sure.
Later that night..

The cute couple decided to show up in my hunting area with their little love child:

[Ruined Potter's Field]
Before you lies the remnants of an old graveyard, long forgotten by living folk. Trees and other plant life have moved their way across the old field, in many places pushing the ancient markers from their original resting places. You also see a weathered modwir trunk and a low-hanging copse of trees.
Also here: Cervina, Cthulu, Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: east, southwest
>cast at mordechai
[Roll result: 88 (open d100: 33)]
Cthulu tries to maneuver in close with you, but you manage to avoid his attempt.
>prep 616
>cast at mordechai
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces calf!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... hits for 17 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen punctures stomach!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>prep 616
>cast at mordechai
[Roll result: 71 (open d100: 16)]
Cthulu tries to maneuver in close with you, but you manage to avoid his attempt.
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 20 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike clean through neck, what a shot! Good form!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

Despite these few kills, their confidence was clear. Funny dialog ensued:

You can always pay me off (as you offered that I could pay you off)

I think 10 million silvers would do the trick. You'd be on my "protected" list. LOL!

Naaaah its ok! We've been pretty effective in keeping you from leveling :)

And he was right. Also, his slamming script created a bit of a challenge for me. Spike thorn was causing more slams than deaths.. so naturally..

HR>amb mord head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a fine rhimar broadsword at Mordechai!
AS: +354 vs DS: +171 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +97 = +310
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Amazing shot through Mordechai's nose enters the brain!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
* Mordechai just bit the dust!
Mordechai just left.

But his random killings would soon begin to catch up with him.

During this time, Briarfox (Necen in Shattered) was also being griefed by them, and he began to speak up strongly against them in the thread. Here is one of the first clips of his PvP against them. Middle of the page..


At this time there was also significant development in my ganking powers. My wizard alt reached level 20, giving me not only his person as a scout, but his familar with which I could track players. Although most of them used 204 which obviously negate the familiar's scouting ability, it was still quite useful, as it gave me 3 rooms as points of reference to track their movements.

Briarfox also confirmed that Calidus had been ganking with the group. I wasn't happy, since I had just given him 75k.

08-24-2010, 04:26 PM
Since Calidus was clearly misleading me about his association with the Marlu clan, I let 'em have it right away.
You gesture at Calidus.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Calidus! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 14 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike pierces temple and kills foe instantly!

* Calidus drops dead at your feet!

[Private]-GSF:Calidus: "lol.. another random murder from jaeden. wtf?;chat to jaeden last thing weve said or done to each other was you telling me that youd leave me alone. i havent touched you since. yet here is another random afk spiked thorn murder"

[Private]-GSF:Calidus: "and in typical fashion, happens the moment i leave for work. classy."

[Private]-GSF:Calidus: "fuck you you self righeous prick. i havent dont anything but hunt and drag dead people for 2-3 days straight. you made a truce with me jsut to fucking murder me afk again with your shitty ass spiked thorn spell. youw ere all smiles a few days ago"
[Private]-GSF:Calidus: "i have work to do, have fun being an asshole"

Oh my.

Not sure why he took that tact, as it went both ways..

[Roll result: 124 (open d100: 71) Bonus: 15]
You spring from hiding and attempt to slit Jaeden's throat with your feras dagger!

Your aim is slightly off and you only manage to inflict a minor flesh wound upon Jaeden!
... 4 points of damage!

** As the blow lands, the feras dagger unleashes a severe smiting of lightning! **

... 70 points of damage!
Massive shock totally burns out the nervous system. Nothing works anymore.

* Jaeden drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 5 sec.
* Jaeden just bit the dust!
This was also not a good day for Cthulu. Killed him 3-4 times in Fire Guardians. This was a particularly funny one after I laid him out..

You reach out and hold Cthulu's hand.
>;go2 tgay (my nickname for the West gate guard..)
--- Lich: go2 active.

You gesture at Cthulu.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Cthulu! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 35 points of damage!

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

He wasn’t happy.

Congrats. You've AFK killed me 3 times this morning when I stopped coming after you about a week ago. Big man.
(insert a few pages of crying here by Cthulu / Calidus)

Briarfox said it best:

Frankly, you're just lucky Jaeden hasn't decided to kill you all non-stop. It's no less than you deserve for being jackasses. A "cult" of griefers is great fun until you're the ones dying.
At this point I figured out bigshot and moved to RR to hunt warfs.


It was apparent that Mordechai’s diabolical plan to rule Elanthia was coming fully into fruition:

[Shattered]-GSF:Roflcopter: "Ok I'm done pooping, what did I miss?"

[Shattered]-GSF:Chii: "you missed Mordechai and his gang happily slaughering level 3's again. Boring, no?"

And their efforts were apparently paying off as many characters decided it would be better to give them useless silvers than make fun of them and own them..

********* offers Mordechai a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Mordechai offers you a Wehnimer's promissory note. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

>deposit note
You deposit your note worth 200000 into your account. The teller carefully records the transaction and says, "Thank you, Cthulu. Have a nice day!"
By this time, Briarfox was emerging as another key player of the anti-Marlu movement. He began to organize lists of their alts and it really assisted me in the intelligence gathering process. His contributions to the KOS list were key as I was in RR leveling and unable to do much damage to them. I needed a break. I hadn't been able to advance AFK due to their griefing, which was still organized and strong. Briarfox’s leadership came at a key time, and little did I know that soon my efforts would be eclipsed by the Crossbones Vanguard. At this point, I was still in charge of the KOS list (as pages 35-40 of the thread illustrate,) but not for long.

At this point, also, the Marlu clan was pretty pissed at me and they began saying some pretty vile stuff on the boards about my religion, wife, and character. Others did it just as a response to my trolling, but theirs was more a reaction to my in-game focus on them. I guess they considered it another tactic in the conflict against me. I saw it as desperate and pathetic. This post by Cthulu sums it up:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Operation: Make Jaeden Look Dumb = Success! But...unneccesary heh"

08-24-2010, 04:26 PM
Major breakthrough. Briarfox stepped up and founded the Vanguard. It began as a proposal to draw in members and ideas. Here is the link to the original thread:


I was encouraged and excited. Finally, an organized effort against the people I despised. After having gained a few levels, and with new confidence, I felt ready to put another dent in their organization.

I come back from RR to help the Vanguard spearhead their campaign. Cthulu had gotten quite a bit bigger. Thank God for ambush DS pushdown!

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Cthulu!
AS: +255 vs DS: +100 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +50 = +235
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
>amb cthu head
Solid strike caves Cthulu's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
...wait 5 seconds.
* Cthulu just bit the dust!

>cas calid
You gesture at Calidus.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Calidus! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 40 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike to left arm shatters elbow and severs forearm!
... hits for 22 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike punctures throat and ruins vocal cords!

* Calidus drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Had to get their love slave..

You gesture at Krissta.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Krissta! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 23 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs right leg!
Krissta screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
She is stunned!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs Krissta clean through!

* Krissta drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Krissta just bit the dust!

Madam was fully active as a Marlu member at this time.

>116 Jaeden
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
Cast at what?
Oh noes! But alas, the day was not without it’s complications.. (Calidus was still claiming Maldric was not his alt)

Lol. Now you're griefing Clerics AND Empaths who have nothing to do with you?

Also, nice AFK kill when I was fighting a critter.

You've yet to kill me once when I was not AFK.

Here's another one of my kills on you while you were at the keyboard, a few minutes ago:

[Roll result: 159 (open d100: 71) Bonus: 33]
You spring from hiding and attempt to grasp Jaeden by the chin while slitting his throat with your feras dagger!

You slice deep into Jaeden's vocal chords!
... 11 points of damage!

** As the blow lands, the feras dagger unleashes a heavy surge of lightning! **

... 30 points of damage!
Electric blast goes right to the heart! Fibrillation can be fun.

* Jaeden drops dead at your feet!

You retreat back into the shadows.
I responded in kind:

Calidus, there's just no arguing. you and the Mordie crew have been naughty (doing all of those things) and thus you're being punished. hey, when you slap the shit out of someone, the slapper always feels a little pain :)

this has nothing really to do with the Crossbone Vanguard or whatever - I find the premise of it a bit silly to be honest. this is a personal vendetta being delivered in bulk by your favorite troll. get used to it you crying, hypocritical little bitch.
By this time, Madmountan had joined, and page 44 of the Marlu thread shows some solid work by Liagala and others tracking him down in Anwyn. Hearing about him joining was rather devastating to me. He was a respected warrior in Prime, skilled at the game, and advancing in levels fast. His long list of kill logs on page 45 of the thread show his lethality. Though intimidated, I was looking forward to the challenge. The story from this point on is illustrated better by Briarfox’s posts, but I wanted to put this together for those interested in my early role in the conflict. From this post forward, it's mostly just my kills with a little less commentary. Enjoy the death..


You are totally missing the point. We aren't after these loose-knit fools. That's not our job. We are after the same thing we have always been. We are going to keep doing *our* job, regardless of what these other tools do.

I can't wait to ambush your head from hiding and see what happens, Madmountan. I hear you're a hard egg. Wanna see if I can crack ya. All in fun. wee..
The next day, I came back from RR again for another round of ownage:


Lord Maldric just arrived.
H>ambush maldric head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Maldric!
AS: +277 vs DS: +165 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +65 = +209
... and hit for 85 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.

* Maldric drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.
Maldric just left.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Milamber!
AS: +277 vs DS: +166 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +98 = +243
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Strike through both ears, foe is quite dead!

* Milamber drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

And others on the KOS list not worth mentioning:

* Espere drops dead at your feet!
* Fumble drops dead at your feet!

Oops, got the mole too.

* Mooch drops dead at your feet!

The ghostly laughter of Mooch echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.

7/4/2010: Necen goes on a RAMPAGE! Page 57.

7/5/2010: Death. Page 59 on has a lot of kill shots, worth a read for sure. Calidus / Cthulu were the focus. Here's mine:

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Maldric!
AS: +265 vs DS: +176 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +43 = +164
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Maldric drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You come out of hiding.
You gesture at Cthulu.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Cthulu! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 25 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
He is stunned!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Cthulu just left.

HR>amb cth hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Cthulu!
AS: +335 vs DS: +107 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +75 = +333
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
Cthulu just left.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Jaeden got me AGAIN"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: trying to decide on puncture or crushing resistance for my armor"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: most our enemies seem to use lances, but jaeden uses maces"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: puncture will help with spike thorn"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: although jaeden uses a feras mace, which is instant death no matter what do to the flare"

08-24-2010, 04:27 PM
The curse bomber goes down. For any who may not be aware, he was going into hunting areas and dropping cursed gems, which was causing tons of problems for everyone's looting scripts. Also, he was putting cursed boxes on the tables of various locksmiths. It caused quite a fiasco. We figured out he was one of the Marlus although he initially made a huge effort to deny it. He is the sorcerer alt of Someone, the highest level Empath in the game. (Shakira/House are his other known alts)

HR>sneak s
[Outlands Manor, Exterior]
The flagstones paving the manor yard are more visible here along the front of the manor house, because the obstructing weeds have been trodden upon by foot traffic between the west door of the house and the tower on the rise just to the north. Only a trio of thistles rooted tight against the manor house's foundation have persisted and now present prickly nuisances to those who pass by. You also see the Oblivion disk, a dobrem and a dobrem.
Also here: Oblivion
Obvious paths: north, south
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Oblivion glances around, looking a bit less confident.
HR>cas obliv
You come out of hiding.
You gesture at Oblivion.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Oblivion! One of the thorns jabs into him!
... hits for 9 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces calf!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 616
>cast at oblivion
Wait 2 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
A dobrem whimpers as she slowly backs away, her teeth bared.

>prep 616
>cast at oblivion
>prep 616
>cast at oblivion
Wait 1 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
>prep 616
>cast at oblivion
You gesture at Oblivion.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Oblivion! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 16 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Amazing shot through Oblivion's nose enters the brain!

* Oblivion drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
He had tons of spells on. I kept the spamming to show my anxiety about this kill. He had a script that if you walked in and you were on his KOS list, he would cast 720 (auto-RT), seal the void, flip his disk full of warhammers, and then 720 again for the kill. Worked like a charm. You would only survive if you had impact-resistant armor and didn't get stunned. Necen has a log of him surviving like 15 warhammers. Before this kill, I had walked in normally, not realizing I was already on his auto-kill list. Needless to say he got me good. He later bragged about buying 10 deeds in the beginning of the game and only losing a few. I was glad to take one off his hands!

Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]
A huge monolith soars to the sky, its peak pointed like a tooth. As tall as it is, it's dwarfed by the summit of Sentoph, yet a few hundred yards over your head. It's large enough, however, to force you to climb a ways upslope to get around it. You also see a skeletal giant that is lying down.
Also here: Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: north, southwest, northwest
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Mordechai thrusts with a brass vultite lance at a skeletal giant!
AS: +301 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +25 = +239
... and hits for 136 points of damage!
Well placed strike to back shatters vertebrae!
You feel the magic of your spell depart.
HR>prep 616
>cast at mord
...wait 1 seconds.
You come out of hiding.
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prep 616
>cast at mord
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 22 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
He is stunned!
... hits for 20 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 616
>cast at mord
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 23 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike to right arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike clean through neck, what a shot! Good form!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

You gesture at Madmountan.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Madmountan! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 34 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Fine shot pierces jugular vein! The brain wonders where all its oxygen went, briefly.

* Madmountan drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Madmountan just left.


You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Malevolence!
AS: +292 vs DS: +214 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +177
... and hit for 65 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Malevolence drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

HR>amb katz head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Katze!
AS: +292 vs DS: +150 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +33 = +203
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

Here's one of my first kills of Shakira. For those not aware, she goes into TSC and sits there with Song of Noise up, disrupting everyone's scripts and healing.
2nd time I came for Oblivion. Missed the ambush.. I wanted to get him with my blunt. Shakira came to rescue (Oblivion had slammed) so naturally..

[Outlands Manor, Exterior]
You also see the Oblivion disk.
Also here: a stunned Oblivion, Shakira
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +85 = +210
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

Here's my favorite kill of the entire thread:

H>amb mad hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Madmountan!
AS: +282 vs DS: +106 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +23 = +236
... and hit for 37 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Madmountan's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Madmountan drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

And... the hard egg was cracked as promised! Who wants an omelette?!

HR>amb shakira head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +201 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +214
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You gesture at Madmountan.
For some reason, you feel extremely lucky.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Madmountan! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 38 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... hits for 13 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike through both ears, foe is quite dead!

* Madmountan drops dead at your feet!

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: jaeden killed me a bunch this morning"

I was very pleased with these kills as well. It took a lot of work. The anticipation was high. I took a good 2 weeks since promising to kill him to level up in RR with no distractions. He posed the strongest challenge out of them all for the following reasons:

1. He had a script that would alternate hunting areas.

2. He would enter the Varunar hunting area and walk out (as if he was spooked) and then hide and sneak back in.

3. He didn't rest at the Marlu table, but rather he would hide in a supernode somewhere in town. I tracked him down at Hearthstone and also in the Thrak Trophy room.

4. His redux was already fairly high.

Also, when browsing logs of others attacking Madmountan, you'll notice that they would cast 5-10 spells in order to fell him. My one shot kills were actually quite remarkable, especially the ambush shots vs his redux and (I believe) padded plate.

08-24-2010, 04:27 PM

Cthulu just arrived.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Cthulu!
AS: +245 vs DS: +132 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +77 = +226
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Cthulu's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

You gesture at Malevolence.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Malevolence! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, Malevolence makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead!

* Malevolence drops dead at your feet!

You gesture at Shakira.
For some reason, you feel extremely lucky.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Shakira! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
She is knocked to the ground!
She is stunned!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Awesome shot shatters spine and punctures lung!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Shakira just left.

HR>amb cal head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Calidus!
AS: +273 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +2 = +142
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Calidus's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Calidus drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

[Roll result: 168 (open d100: 66)]
Mordechai feints to the right, the skeletal giant buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Mordechai thrusts with a spear of darkness at a skeletal giant!
AS: +305 vs DS: +167 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +26 = +199
... and hits for 109 points of damage!
HJ>amb mord head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Mordechai!
AS: +280 vs DS: +248 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +69 = +137
... and hit for 6 points of damage!
Hit glances off Mordechai's hip.

** As the blow lands, the feras mace unleashes a severe smiting of lightning! **

... 35 points of damage!
Massive electrical shock to the left arm destroys flesh. What remains is useless.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Mordechai beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
A towering shadow crosses your path, as a skeletal giant appears!
A skeletal giant pounds at you with its fist!
AS: +217 vs DS: +220 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +69 = +108
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Hit glances off your hip.
[Roll result: 87 (open d100: 75)]
With a fluid whirl, Mordechai plants a spear of darkness firmly into the ground near you and jerks the weapon sharply sideways.
You deftly avoid the stroke. The darkness flies harmlessly aside.
JR>prep 616
...wait 3 seconds.
JR>prep 616
...wait 2 seconds.
JR>prep 616
...wait 1 seconds.
JR>prep 616
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
J>cas mord
You gesture at Mordechai.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mordechai! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 25 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
He is stunned!
... hits for 13 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures calf!
Mordechai is knocked to the ground!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Mordechai just left.

Roundtime changed to 1 second.
HR>amb cth hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Cthulu!
AS: +273 vs DS: +121 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +82 = +270
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Skull cracks in several places.
He is stunned!

** As the blow lands, the feras mace unleashes a severe smiting of lightning! **

... 50 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Cthulu to a smoldering pile of ash!

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

* Cthulu was just vaporized!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.


Calidus searches a dobrem.
A dobrem decays into a compost of fangs and fur.
H>amb cal head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Calidus!
AS: +278 vs DS: +163 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +3 = +147
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Calidus drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Calidus just left.

HR>amb shak hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Shakira!
AS: +353 vs DS: +209 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +1 = +174
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a feras mace at Madmountan!
AS: +288 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +14 = +184
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
You broke Madmountan's nose!
He is stunned!

** As the blow lands, the feras mace unleashes a severe smiting of lightning! **

... 50 points of damage!
Immense electrical bolt finds left eye the perfect conductor to ground out in. A shocking death indeed.

* Madmountan drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Madmountan just left.

Day of the “cease fire.” Wanted to get some extra kills in, especially against Cthulu. Why, you ask?

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: FUCK"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: You didnt tell me that barrett was crumbly someone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Id have never wasted the muhammud alter on a crumbly"

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Shakira!
AS: +306 vs DS: +191 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +91 = +235
... and hit for 91 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.

H>amb cthu neck
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Cthulu!
AS: +281 vs DS: +60 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +41 = +298
... and hit for 39 points of damage!
Vertebrae in neck disintegrate from impact!
Neck sinks into shoulders.

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Maldric!
AS: +306 vs DS: +214 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +21 = +142
... and hit for 53 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Maldric drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.
The ghostly voice of Maldric says, "Wtf."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: maldric is done for the night, sorry folks"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: what a jackass lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: jaeden I mean"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: I started the day with 6 deeds, I have one left haha"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: jaeden jumped me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: yeah, tried to save you"

You gesture at Mooch.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mooch! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
She is knocked to the ground!
She is stunned!
... hits for 40 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Strong strike, punctures lung!

* Mooch drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Oops again! I never had access to the SPY channel so I didn't know he was the mole.

SF: Daffy: "Cthulu: jesus fucking christ if I wind up going to pakistan Im going to be pissed"
SF: Daffy: "Mooch: well it was Jaeden that killed me"

H>amb malev head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Malevolence!
AS: +306 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +13 = +155
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Malevolence drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

You gesture at Cthulu.
For some reason, you feel extremely lucky.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Cthulu! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 20 points of damage!

* Cthulu drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: alright maybe I can play this so Jaeden becomes KOS to vanguard ;p"


[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Jaeden jumped me twice yesterday"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: they are trying to claim the 'personal grudge clause'"

08-24-2010, 04:29 PM

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Mordechai!
AS: +321 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +75 = +165
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
Mordechai just left.

Shakira continues playing her mandolin.
H>amb shak hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Shakira!
AS: +296 vs DS: +242 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +73 = +156
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Mighty swing separates head from shoulders.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
Shakira just left.

>cman disarm malevo
Malevolence just climbed out from under a pile of straw.
[Roll result: 146 (open d100: 89) Penalties: 20]
You swing your vultite mace at Malevolence's rowan runestaff and connect!
Malevolence's rowan runestaff is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Malevolence!
AS: +306 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +43 = +227
... and hit for 78 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Malevolence drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.


Ruined Courtyard]
The iron fence surrounding the courtyard still stands, but the corrosion and rust is so bad in the metal, it's only a matter of time before it collapses. It does still serve to keep out the wildlife, or perhaps keep it in. You also see a waern that appears stunned.
Also here: Great Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: east, west
Roundtime: 1 sec.
HR>stanc off
You are now in an offensive stance.
A waern shakes her head violently while trying to regain her bearings!

Mordechai thrusts with a spear of darkness at a waern!
AS: +331 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +47 = +243
... and hits for 123 points of damage!
Blow to eye impacts the brain.
The waern twitches violently, then dies.
The waern rolls over and dies.
H>amb mord r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Mordechai!
AS: +338 vs DS: +258 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +84 = +200
... and hit for 34 points of damage!
Right leg mangled horribly.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
R>prep 608
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Camouflage spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your magic fizzles ineffectually.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>amb mord hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a haon-hafted vultite mace at Mordechai!
AS: +338 vs DS: +197 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +66 = +243
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Mordechai's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

The silvery luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less confident and fearless.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Mordechai begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The deep blue glow leaves Mordechai.
A crimson mist bleeds out from Mordechai's exposed skin.
Mordechai appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The light blue glow leaves Mordechai.
Mordechai loses the flickering unbridled energy surrounding him.
Mordechai seems a bit less imposing.
Mordechai seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
Mordechai appears less secure.
The dim aura fades from around Mordechai.
The powerful look leaves Mordechai.
Mordechai begins to breathe less deeply.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Mordechai suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The faint blue glow fades from around Mordechai's hands.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The bright luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
The shimmering aura fades from around Mordechai.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You do not feel drained anymore.
You feel fully energetic again.

Wow spells.

Shakira searches a dybbuk.
The last vestiges of the dybbuk are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
H>amb shak hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a tanik-hafted vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +333 vs DS: +260 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +52 = +157
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 6 sec.

HR>amb mor r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a tanik-hafted vultite morning star at Mordechai!
AS: +363 vs DS: +259 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +86 = +227
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
A waern shakes her head violently while trying to regain her bearings!

A waern runs in!
Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
A waern notices your attempt to hide!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
...wait 1 seconds.
A waern claws at you!
AS: +282 vs DS: +248 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +85 = +154
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the back.
A waern shakes her head violently while trying to regain her bearings!

[Ruined Courtyard]
The iron gate that allowed entrance to this courtyard is no longer in sight, so there will be no quick escape to safety if needed. A badly mangled piece of what might have been a shield is protruding from the ground, and based on its condition, it did a very poor job of protecting its owner.
Obvious paths: east, south
Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>sneak e
[Ruined Courtyard]
The iron fence surrounding the courtyard still stands, but the corrosion and rust is so bad in the metal, it's only a matter of time before it collapses. It does still serve to keep out the wildlife, or perhaps keep it in. You also see a waern and a waern that appears stunned.
Also here: a stunned Great Lord Mordechai who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, west
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Mordechai seems a bit weaker than before.
H>amb mor hea
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a tanik-hafted vultite morning star at Mordechai!
AS: +363 vs DS: +197 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +91 = +294
... and hit for 62 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Mordechai's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

(100 spells drop again)
Roundtime: 6 sec.


Cthulu's new alt gets owned. Damn, had to take off my guild badge AND close my cloak for this one!

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a vultite and leather whip at Bad!
AS: +515 vs DS: +193 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +81 = +425
... and hit for 64 points of damage!
Neck broken.
Bad twitches several times before dying.

* Bad drops dead at your feet!

Bad appears less secure.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Bad.
Bad begins to breathe less deeply.
The powerful look leaves Bad.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Bad's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The bright luminescence fades from around Bad.
Bad glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The air calms down around Bad.
The dim aura fades from around Bad.
The white light leaves Bad.
The very powerful look leaves Bad.
The light blue glow leaves Bad.
The deep blue glow leaves Bad.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Bad.
The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

And then.. silence. For the past 2 weeks, it has been this:

J>find morde

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
J>find calidus

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
J>find cthulu

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.

A sincere thanks to the Crossbones Vanguard. The situation would have likely turned out completely different without your constant pressure on them. A special thanks to Necen for his amazing leadership skills.

I actually want to thank HJFudge [Mordechai]. You were the best villain I've come across in Gemstone history. Your antics made all of this possible. It proved to be much more entertaining than scripting like a zombie with no one making a peep. And, you didn't delve into personal attacks about IRL issues. Had we not conquered you and your clan, I might not have had a chance to say this - but you are the epitome of a love/hate relationship. And although you had times of being a total hypocrite and douche, I salute you.

Someone and Cervina deserve a little credit too. They did a lot of script writing for the Marlus, as well as provided them with a lot of spells and support behind the scenes.

I truly hope you guys enjoyed this!

<bows back into the shadows…>

08-24-2010, 04:40 PM
Do you hate your wife or something?

08-24-2010, 05:12 PM
It's the Marlu thread condensed, with my commentary (in the beginning) and some select Marlu chat quotes thrown in. And yes, many will be reading it and loving it too.

08-24-2010, 05:18 PM
It's the Marlu thread condensed, with my commentary (in the beginning) and some select Marlu chat quotes thrown in. And yes, many will be reading it and loving it too.

Sry, I'll only read if you put up a better avatar. I want to see Jaedawg pics plz.

08-24-2010, 05:30 PM
ok you get jaedawg in his troll cave fapping

08-24-2010, 05:53 PM
Thread Summary:

08-24-2010, 04:25 PM
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View Post 08-24-2010, 04:26 PM
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View Post 08-24-2010, 04:26 PM
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View Post 08-24-2010, 04:27 PM
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View Post 08-24-2010, 04:27 PM
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View Post 08-24-2010, 04:29 PM
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08-24-2010, 05:54 PM
your loss

08-24-2010, 05:54 PM
ok you get jaedawg in his troll cave fapping


08-24-2010, 07:27 PM
just read through the final product and did final proofreading. if nothing else, a great history of my summer of gaming. some days were just ruthless murders one after another. LOVE IT!!!!!

08-24-2010, 08:35 PM
I actually appreciate this rundown, indeed the "clips of you killing Mordechai (Mordie) / the special ed Marlu clan" was tl:dr and I was keeping out of it, getting my lowbie levels in Vaalor (late to the Shattered party)

I gotta say, it does put a different "Jaeden" perspective on it from what I assumed from my brief reading about it, and it actually looks like a pretty interesting Gemstone Event. It was certainly the only thing going on in Shattered besides the mindless AFK scripting, and I'm bummed that I missed out on it, but I've been dutifully grinding out my levels, and I hope to play a part in whatever Round 2 of this debacle turns out to be!

I also have to admit, this post almost hints at actual intelligence, which unfortunately proves you are simply the biggest troll ever, it was more fun to think you were actually as retarded at Michaelous.

08-24-2010, 08:38 PM
I truly appreciate your input and compliment. I put some effort into this out of my love for the game and my love for entertaining you guys.

And.. I have a feeling that although there is a lull in Shattered now, the fun is far from over. :)

08-25-2010, 02:01 AM
You gesture at Mooch.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Mooch! Several of the thorns jab into her!
... hits for 10 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
She is knocked to the ground!
She is stunned!
... hits for 40 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Strong strike, punctures lung!

* Mooch drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Oops again! I never had access to the SPY channel so I didn't know he was the mole.

Actually some of the funnier moments was having some of the Vanguard people trying to kill Mooch. Making her a Vanguard KOS was part of the plan. And I might even have developed a slight crush on Bhaal during a few episodes in Landing. Such a funny guy.

Anyway, are you really surprised that we didn't share this secret with you? You've shown an enormous lack of self-control here on the boards. We weren't about to trust you with a secret. Sorry dude.

08-25-2010, 02:08 AM
Actually some of the funnier moments was having some of the Vanguard people trying to kill Mooch. Making her a Vanguard KOS was part of the plan. And I might even have developed a slight crush on Bhaal during a few episodes in Landing. Such a funny guy.

Anyway, are you really surprised that we didn't share this secret with you? You've shown an enormous lack of self-control here on the boards. We weren't about to trust you with a secret. Sorry dude.


Some Rogue
08-25-2010, 02:40 AM

This is very appropriate considering the size of Mooch's twat and how this all came out. :D

08-25-2010, 02:59 AM
This is very appropriate considering the size of Mooch's twat and how this all came out. :D

You are wearing a ruby amulet, a fine grey fleece shawl, some dark red bloodjewel-set leathers, a silver-latched black suede case embroidered with tiny white stars, and a twat.
Click INVENTORY HELP for more options.
You do not feel drained anymore.
s>inspect twat
You carefully inspect your twat.

You estimate that a twat can store a very large amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the twat on your back. The twat appears to serve some purpose.
s>weigh twat
You must be holding the twat before you can try gauging its weight.
s>remove twat
You take a twat off your back.
s>weigh twat
You carefully examine the twat and determine that the weight is about 20 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
s>get rune
You remove a wide-grained deringo runestaff from in your twat.
s>put rune in twat
You put a wide-grained deringo runestaff in your twat.
You feel at full magical power again.

08-25-2010, 05:23 AM
Actually some of the funnier moments was having some of the Vanguard people trying to kill Mooch. Making her a Vanguard KOS was part of the plan. And I might even have developed a slight crush on Bhaal during a few episodes in Landing. Such a funny guy.

Anyway, are you really surprised that we didn't share this secret with you? You've shown an enormous lack of self-control here on the boards. We weren't about to trust you with a secret. Sorry dude.

I respect that. Notice - I never asked Necen ONCE to have access to the Vanguard channel. I didn't want it - or need it for that matter. I did quite well on my own. I didn't want to add that extra level of anxiety. Win win situation.

08-25-2010, 11:59 AM
Also I figured they probably didn't want my antics on the channel. Again, never once asked for access.

Actually some of the funnier moments was having some of the Vanguard people trying to kill Mooch.

didn't try - succeeded. but I was much higher in level so it's a moot point.

~ The Lone Ranger

08-25-2010, 12:09 PM
didn't try - succeeded. but I was much higher in level so it's a moot point.

I wasn't referring to you. Already mentioned your kills elsewhere. Quit fapping to your own text for a moment and pay attention.

08-26-2010, 12:34 AM

08-27-2010, 09:46 AM
this is officially the greatest thread ever to read during work

08-28-2010, 10:51 AM

08-28-2010, 08:08 PM
I don't appreciate being called a bimbo.

08-28-2010, 08:37 PM
You must have mistaken us for someone who gives a fuck, bimbo.

08-28-2010, 08:39 PM
Bimbo say what?

08-28-2010, 08:58 PM
I don't appreciate being called a bimbo.

Don't worry, I think he mean't this:

They're good!

08-28-2010, 08:59 PM
You must have mistaken us for someone who gives a fuck, bimbo.

Haha. I like it how you're being a dick. That's new for PC.

08-28-2010, 09:00 PM
Don't worry, I think he mean't this:

They're good!

Ooo, are they sweet? :)

08-28-2010, 09:16 PM
Yeah if you like the taste of sloppy ninths sprinkled with cinnamon to kill the smell.

Welp. :|

08-28-2010, 09:27 PM
Yeah if you like the taste of sloppy ninths sprinkled with cinnamon to kill the smell.

wow. After that you should change your name to buzzkill. ;)

08-29-2010, 07:37 AM
you actually have to read the original content of the thread to see where she is called a bimbo and it is just a joke cmon hun..

but she did try to use her flirty skills to get me killed like 100 times and it always failed

08-29-2010, 08:43 AM
I don't appreciate being called a bimbo.


08-29-2010, 02:43 PM


09-05-2010, 09:41 PM

09-06-2010, 11:03 AM

09-11-2010, 02:21 PM

09-19-2010, 09:23 AM
for more

12-24-2010, 03:44 PM
a bit creepy but enjoyable...

is anyone gonna do something like this with Jaimaltz and Sluntty? Is Jaeden fighting them too?

12-24-2010, 03:50 PM
Marlu was stopped because the players could no longer advance their characters. These two (or however many) do not care about advancing their characters, so the same methods wont work. Taking the time to hunt them down would likely encourage them to continue to act as they are now. It would probably be best to just avoid them when possible until they tire of harassing others.

12-26-2010, 08:04 AM
pvp from 2/16/2011:

Tillmen gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Tillmen.
You are buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
You are forced out of hiding.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
Kayous is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Pandin is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the dark ethereal waves.
Alfred is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Snoopy is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Michaelous is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Titties is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
You say, "Heh."
Tillmen comes out of hiding.
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
CS: +534 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +13 - -5 == +173
Warding failed!
A wispy hand of air reaches toward you and grasps you tightly. The hand squeezes hard, snatching the breath from your lungs.
You are stunned.
SPR>'he was invis
You are still stunned.
Tillmen's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Tillmen gestures at you.
CS: +525 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +28 - -5 == +179
Warding failed!
Your black shank is struck with Tillmen's cast.
Michaelous says, "Ooo."
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a big black shank in your right hand.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to your back.
Michaelous says, "Gg."
Tillmen's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Tillmen gestures at you.
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to your chest.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right eye bakes eyelid.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left arm burns skin bright red.
The ground then quickly cools.
Pandin says, "Ovah."
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
CS: +534 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +40 - -5 == +200
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 25 points of damage!
Left hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red.

The flames around you continue to burn!
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
CS: +534 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +88 - -5 == +248
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left arm. Gonna need lots of butter.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.

The flames around you continue to burn!
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a big black shank in your right hand.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to your left leg.
Alfred traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Alfred gestures at Kayous.
A dim aura surrounds Kayous.
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around you for a moment, then dissipate.
Michaelous says, "Nice."
!SP>'why kill
You are still stunned.
Snoopy stands up.
!SP>'why kill
You are still stunned.
!SP>'why kill
You are still stunned.
!SP>'why kill
You are still stunned.
!SP>'why kill
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
The ground beneath Tillmen rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to a large, pudgy hand in mid-air.
CS: +534 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +75 - -5 == +235
Warding failed!
You try to avoid the stone hand, but it soon catches you with a loose grip that quickly tightens.
You are still stunned.
Alfred gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Alfred gestures at Kayous.
Kayous suddenly looks more powerful.
!SP>'why kill
You are still stunned.
A blast of stone fragments leaps from a big black shank in your right hand.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to your abdomen.
Tillmen slowly moves his hand in a throwing motion, and the stone hand holding you moves in response...
CS: +534 - TD: +361 + CvA: +2 + d100: +56 - -5 == +236
Warding failed!
The stone hand throws you and you go flying through the air, then hit the ground with a painful thud. 53 points of damage!
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the impact attack.
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes your left leg.
Suddenly, the stone hand erupts into a myriad of stone fragments that hit the ground and crumble into invisible dust.
!SP>prep 616
>cast at tillmen
You are still stunned.
You are still stunned.
Michaelous says, "Nice srategy."
You start to breathe easier.
The flames surrounding you flare up violently...
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to abdomen. Feels painful.

The flames around you continue to burn!
Alfred gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Alfred gestures at Kayous.
A deep blue glow surrounds Kayous.
!P>prep 616
>cast at tillmen
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
!P>prep 616
>cast at tillmen
The flames surrounding you rise higher with the sudden movement, smothering your willpower.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
...wait 8 seconds.
!PR>prep 616
>cast at tillmen
...wait 7 seconds.
...wait 7 seconds.
...wait 7 seconds.
!PR>prep 616
>cast at tillmen
...wait 7 seconds.
...wait 7 seconds.
Tillmen intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Tillmen gestures at you.
CS: +534 - TD: +381 + CvA: +2 + d100: +94 - -5 == +254
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around your body as it bursts into flame!
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 40 points of damage!
Flame engulfs foe's left eye, setting it ablaze. Mercifully, death follows quickly.
The air about you stops shimmering.
Your SIGN OF DISSIPATION is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
The air calms down around you.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
The green and gold energy fades from around you, bringing your awareness of nature to its original state.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You feel the gathering of nature's power leave you.
You feel less secure.
You return to normal color.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You become solid again.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
You seem to lose the thorny barrier that surrounds you.
The dim aura fades from around you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.


You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a behemothic death wurm with relentless fury!
CS: +435 - TD: +315 + CvA: +25 + d100: +95 == +240
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a behemothic death wurm!
... 43 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Well aimed shot almost removes an eye!
... 25 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Nice puncture to the abdomen, just missed vital organs!
... 25 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a behemothic death wurm with relentless fury!
CS: +435 - TD: +315 + CvA: +25 + d100: +21 == +166
Warding failed!
A behemothic death wurm is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 28 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Glancing strike to the head!
... 15 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
The wurm rolls over and dies.
The surroundings advance upon Breslin with relentless fury!
CS: +435 - TD: +273 + CvA: +14 + d100: +73 == +249
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with Breslin!
... 44 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Blow to leg severs the Achilles tendon along with the rest of the leg!

* Breslin drops dead at your feet!

The surroundings advance upon Sheikh with relentless fury!
CS: +435 - TD: +278 + CvA: +12 + d100: +51 - -5 == +225
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with Sheikh!
... 40 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Blow to the eye swells it shut!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to abdomen!

* Sheikh drops dead at your feet!

As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Nostradamus appears to be focusing her thoughts while chanting softly...
Nostradamus channels at a behemothic death wurm.
The force of Nostradamus's power warps the air as it surges toward a behemothic death wurm!
CS: +501 - TD: +368 + CvA: +25 + d100: +14 == +172
Warding failed!
A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a behemothic death wurm, plunging inward to envelop its abdomen!
... 10 points of damage!
Blast creates interesting designs on torso, but little damage.
... 15 points of damage!
Blast creates interesting designs on torso, but little damage.
... 35 points of damage!
Strong strike turns belly button into more of a belly canyon.
Cloudy tendrils writhe throughout the wurm's form, ravaging it for 63 points of damage!
Alterer throws his arms wide, and a halo of silvery light spills away from his body!
Silvery light washes over Disk.
Silvery light surrounds Breslin, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light washes over Titties.
Silvery light washes over Alterer.
Silvery light surrounds Sheikh, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light washes over Pocketwizard.
Silvery light washes over Pandin.
Silvery light washes over Sylvester.
Silvery light washes over Adolph.
Silvery light washes over Oprah.
Silvery light washes over Huslah.
Silvery light washes over Nostradamus.
Silvery light washes over Rupaul.
Silvery light washes over Tillmen.
Silvery light washes over you, soothing your senses.
Titties traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Tillmen traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Tillmen gestures at a behemothic death wurm.
CS: +503 - TD: +384 + CvA: +25 + d100: +6 == +150
Warding failed!
Tillmen blasts a behemothic death wurm for 99 points of damage.
... 30 points of damage!
A behemothic death wurm claws at Titties!
AS: +526 vs DS: +209 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +47 = +399
... and hits for 85 points of damage!
Amazing shot through Titties's nose enters the brain!

* Titties drops dead at your feet!

Titties glances around, looking a bit less confident.
A behemothic death wurm violently swishes its tail around in victory, inadvertently slamming into Titties's corpse and sending it across the ground!
J>prep 650
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Assume Aspect spell...
Your spell is ready.
Nostradamus appears to be focusing her thoughts while chanting softly...
Nostradamus channels at a behemothic death wurm.
The force of Nostradamus's power warps the air as it surges toward a behemothic death wurm!
CS: +501 - TD: +368 + CvA: +25 + d100: +34 == +192
Warding failed!
A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a behemothic death wurm, plunging inward to envelop its back!
... 10 points of damage!
Strips of flesh disappear from the death wurm's back.
... 25 points of damage!
Blast tears across back leaving a nasty disintegration slash.
... 50 points of damage!
Vicious blast turns huge portions of back into red mist! Now lacking spinal support, the death wurm crumples into a heap.
Cloudy tendrils writhe throughout the wurm's form, ravaging it for 94 points of damage!
J>assume owl
You concentrate your focus upon the Aspect of the Owl. A dawn of enlightenment rises over your consciousness, honing your comprehension of the flows of magic around and within you.
Assume Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ AA: Owl: +0:02:00, 0:02:00 remaining. ]
[ AA: Owl Cooldown: +0:04:00, 0:04:00 remaining. ]
Pandin gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Pandin gestures at a behemothic death wurm.
Pandin closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!
The surroundings advance upon a behemothic death wurm with relentless fury!
CS: +385 - TD: +315 + CvA: +25 + d100: +100 == +195
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a behemothic death wurm!
... 34 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon Breslin with relentless fury!
CS: +385 - TD: +273 + CvA: +14 + d100: +53 == +179
Warding failed!
Breslin is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 30 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike to temple! Saved by a thick skull!
He is stunned!
... 25 points of damage!
Vicious strike punctures intestines!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to back!
The surroundings advance upon Sheikh with relentless fury!
CS: +385 - TD: +278 + CvA: +12 + d100: +97 - -5 == +221
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with Sheikh!
... 39 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow removes Sheikh's left forearm at the elbow!
He is stunned!
... 40 points of damage!
Massive blow to right eye sending bone back into the brain!

* Sheikh drops dead at your feet!

As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
[Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised gate is barely visible at the top of the stony maw. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Staked torches nearby cast an amber glow across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with an eerie grace. You also see a behemothic death wurm, a behemothic death wurm that appears dead, a behemothic death wurm that appears dead, a behemothic death wurm that appears dead, a yellow tent, a translucent pale ivory crystal and a translucent pale ivory crystal.
Also here: a floating Disk, a stunned Con Artist Breslin, the body of Titties who is lying down, The Legendary Alterer, the body of Sheikh who is lying down, the body of Pocketwizard who is lying down, Pimpin Pandin, High Lord Sylvester, Oprah, the body of Huslah who is lying down, The Prophet Nostradamus, the body of Face! Face! Face! Give Face! Beauty Face! Rupaul who is lying down, Tillmen
Obvious paths: southwest
Tillmen traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Tillmen gestures at a behemothic death wurm.
CS: +503 - TD: +384 + CvA: +25 + d100: +8 == +152
Warding failed!
Tillmen blasts a behemothic death wurm for 74 points of damage.
... 30 points of damage!
Alterer throws his arms wide, and a halo of silvery light spills away from his body!
Silvery light washes over Disk.
Silvery light surrounds Breslin, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light surrounds Titties, washing away her injuries.
Silvery light washes over Alterer.
Silvery light surrounds Sheikh, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light washes over Pocketwizard.
Silvery light washes over Pandin.
Silvery light washes over Sylvester.
Silvery light washes over Adolph.
Silvery light washes over Oprah.
Silvery light washes over Huslah.
Silvery light washes over Nostradamus.
Silvery light washes over Rupaul.
Silvery light washes over Tillmen.
Silvery light washes over you, soothing your senses.
Nostradamus appears to be focusing her thoughts while chanting softly...
Nostradamus channels at a behemothic death wurm.
The force of Nostradamus's power warps the air as it surges toward a behemothic death wurm!
CS: +501 - TD: +368 + CvA: +25 + d100: +42 == +200
Warding failed!
A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a behemothic death wurm, plunging inward to envelop its head!
... 10 points of damage!
Poor strike removes hair from head, but little else.
... 20 points of damage!
Flesh stripped from both cheeks, leaving dimples. How cute.
... 35 points of damage!
Strike to cheek manages to remove the majority of the death wurm's jaw!
The wurm rolls over and dies.
J>prep 635
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Nature's Fury spell...
Your spell is ready.
Titties laughs!
You gesture.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon Breslin with relentless fury!
CS: +445 - TD: +273 + CvA: +14 + d100: +5 == +191
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits Breslin!
... 33 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Shot knocks Breslin's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!

* Breslin drops dead at your feet!

The surroundings advance upon Titties with relentless fury!
CS: +445 - TD: +285 + CvA: +12 + d100: +49 - -5 == +226
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with Titties!
... 40 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Right arm is torn from shoulder!
She is stunned!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow to temple drops Titties in her tracks!

* Titties drops dead at your feet!

The surroundings advance upon Sheikh with relentless fury!
CS: +445 - TD: +278 + CvA: +12 + d100: +78 - -5 == +262
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits Sheikh!
... 47 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, Sheikh makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead!

* Sheikh drops dead at your feet!

As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Pandin gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Tillmen traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Alterer throws his arms wide, and a halo of silvery light spills away from his body!
Silvery light washes over Disk.
Silvery light surrounds Breslin, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light surrounds Titties, washing away her injuries.
Silvery light washes over Alterer.
Silvery light surrounds Sheikh, washing away his injuries.
Silvery light washes over Pocketwizard.
Silvery light washes over Pandin.
Silvery light washes over Sylvester.
Silvery light washes over Adolph.
Silvery light washes over Oprah.
Silvery light washes over Huslah.
Silvery light washes over Nostradamus.
Silvery light washes over Rupaul.
Silvery light washes over Tillmen.
Silvery light washes over you, soothing your senses.
A behemothic death wurm decays into compost.
A behemothic death wurm decays into compost.
Breslin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Breslin gestures.
Breslin stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Nostradamus searches a behemothic death wurm.
Nostradamus gathers the remaining coins.
A behemothic death wurm decays into compost.
Titties traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Nostradamus searches a behemothic death wurm.
Nostradamus gathers the remaining coins.
A behemothic death wurm decays into compost.
Titties gestures.
A wave of crimson ethereal ripples moves outward from Titties.
Disk is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds Disk. Blood boils and heart stops.

* Disk drops dead at your feet!

The dim aura fades from around Disk.
Disk begins to breathe less deeply.
Disk appears less secure.
Breslin is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Sheikh is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Sylvester is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
Oprah is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin.

* Oprah drops dead at your feet!

Tillmen is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
You are buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Some mithglin brigandine armor partially deflects the onslaught of the fiery attack.
... 3 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.

02-11-2011, 08:53 AM
bump just wanna add all my PvP into one thread here

other Jaeden PvP:




more fun from 2/15:

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden evades the attack by inches!

The thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Alterer's attack!

the thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Tillmen's attack!
Jaeden exclaims, "Ninja style!"

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +612 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +9 = -16
A clean miss.

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +80 = +11
A clean miss.

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden moves at the last moment to evade the attack!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden skillfully interposes his greatshield between himself and the attack!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
With extreme effort, Jaeden blocks the attack with his greatshield!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +5 = -64
A clean miss.

The thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Alterer's attack!

A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack!
The figure swings a red hot golvern branding-iron at Jaeden!
AS: +564 vs DS: +480 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +52 = +168
... and hits for 27 points of damage!
Crushing blow crumples Jaeden's nose!
He is stunned!
The figure quickly disappears from view.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 15 points of damage!
Arcing strand of electricity jolts across Jaeden's back. Pretty.
He is stunned!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive electrical shock to abdomen turns muscle tissue into a crispy bubbled mess. Not pretty.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes
Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 25 points of damage!
Nasty shock to left hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful.
He is stunned!

Alterer leaps from hiding to attack!
Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +277 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +15 = +53
A clean miss.

Alterer leaps from hiding to attack!
Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +44 = +360
... and hits for 70 points of damage!
Hard blow to Jaeden's ear!
Deep gash and a terrible headache!
He is stunned!

02-20-2011, 10:33 AM
bump for mordie!

hey man read the original line of posts, I thank you at the end

you fucking rock

this thread contains some of my mischief since the conflict was over.. enjoy..

04-05-2011, 09:07 AM
bump for baby! (soon)

04-05-2011, 09:09 AM
Better call CPS and give them the expected due date so they can prepare.

04-05-2011, 09:16 AM
luckily we have my father in law, mother in law, wife's sister, my mom, dad and wife all pitching in so if i epic fail they may be able to pick up the slack

04-05-2011, 09:18 AM
Do both of you have decent jobs, or at least you if she is unable to work due to the baby?

04-05-2011, 09:31 AM
we have everything purchased already - dad and I just put the crib together over the weekend. i have a full time job with full benefits, she has a part time job. we are fine with money (alhamduliLah - thank God) and we have tons of family around :)

i have 2 weeks off paid !! :P

04-05-2011, 09:32 AM
I mock your single crib requirements!

04-05-2011, 09:34 AM
we actually have a big crib and then a co-sleeper next to the bed



we're gonna need it cuz my wife wants 10 kids

we've already picked the names..

..and PC handles.

IorakeMaul, IorakeClaidhmore, IorakeRapier, IorakeEstoc, IorakeDagger, IorakeGauntlet, IorakeFalchion, IorakeLongbow, IorakeMace, IorakeChainspear

04-05-2011, 11:20 AM
Jaeden please stop playing GSIV and be with you're babby. This is going to be some of the most awesome time in your life and Shattered will be there when you have time for it again :)

04-05-2011, 11:37 AM
oh don't worry. it will be all baby/garden/feeding mommy/feeding mommy from organic garden from here on out.

Drunken Durfin
04-05-2011, 12:16 PM
Will some mod please delete this thread so it can't be bumped any more.

04-05-2011, 05:49 PM
who keeps bumpin this thread? the fuckers!


05-25-2012, 05:30 PM

05-14-2013, 11:53 PM
[Shattered]-GSF:Jaeden: "yo can someone on teras loan me 2m" (10:30:06 PM)

No. Sell me something.

05-15-2013, 01:07 AM
I actually just read this particular thread for the first time, so thanks for the bumps. I have fun memories of my short time in shattered. I thank the Vanguard for making it interesting. Some day I should log back in and give away some of the cool shit the GMs made for me like my super plate "The Meatshield of Marlu". Don't remember the stats so don't even ask, haha.

05-15-2013, 11:09 AM
I actually just read this particular thread for the first time, so thanks for the bumps. I have fun memories of my short time in shattered. I thank the Vanguard for making it interesting. Some day I should log back in and give away some of the cool shit the GMs made for me like my super plate "The Meatshield of Marlu". Don't remember the stats so don't even ask, haha.

Yes please

07-05-2013, 06:44 PM

07-05-2013, 06:49 PM
That's soooo great.... LOL

Sniper, Shattered

07-05-2013, 08:22 PM
I might have to read thru this thing again later. Good times.

11-15-2013, 07:29 AM
Let me start off by saying that I'm a little embarrassed about how long it took me to get around to reading this. I'd seen it a number of times, several of my friends recommended it, but I guess I just never got around to it! If you're like me and you like tales of excitement, let me tell you, this is the story for you. The thing I like most about it is probably the cast of characters. All of the personalities are rich with very well developed back-stories, and they all really seem to push and pull the story in their own unique direction. The author weaves a pretty complex tapestry with the character interaction here. What most readers can probably appreciate though, is the grace with which the complexity develops. As the tale begins, we seem to have a clearly defined sense of the division between good and evil but as the characters mature, those lines blur and we find ourselves realizing for the first time how little we actually understood about their personalities, allegiances, and inner struggles. Alliances are forged, treaties broken, and long-held grudges nag at the characters and are a constant source of tension. The author unfolds this masterpiece with unprecedented grace. Allowing the intrigue of the story to build makes a story of this complexity accessible to a much broader audience and is really the crowning achievement of this piece in my opinion.

Even the most brilliantly crafted epic can have shortcomings and, unfortunately, there were a few moments that nagged at me. Some of these might just be more personal opinion, rather than flaws in the story but nevertheless: There were several occasions where villains were dispatched almost too easily. More than once, the author builds the protagonist up in preparation for a major battle, only to close the conflict with a rather anticlimactic conclusion. Again, I'm a big fan of this story, folks, but these moments just didn't appeal to me. On the other hand, maybe this is an attempt to build our understanding of the protagonist. Perhaps the intent is to pull back the curtain on the villains as viewed by our hero. We get an almost "larger than life" sense from these characters and it's possible that this really brings to bare the mixed emotions of awe, envy, and utter hatred that the leading character feels. The other point that made this a hard read for me was how a few of the allied characters met their untimely demise (Sorry I'm being so vague, I just really don't want to drop any spoilers on you guys!). I suppose mortality is a good thing. Without that, we may not develop such a strong emotional connection with the characters in the first place. Then again, maybe I'm just a sucker for those characters with a somewhat sordid past who try to turn around and make things right.

Anyway, as I said before, this is a really good read. I highly recommend it to all comers. The next time you find yourself free. Grab a blanket, a mug of tea, light a fire if you can, and prepare to be whisked away on a wondrous and exciting journey!

11-15-2013, 03:11 PM
I agree. This was a great read. Unless you were being facetious. In that case, I give you a derpface.

11-15-2013, 03:16 PM
I agree. This was a great read. Unless you were being facetious. In that case, I give you a derpface.

Did law school kill your appreciation for irony?

11-15-2013, 04:41 PM
Did law school kill your appreciation for irony?

No, it's more like I visit these boards so infrequently, that getting to reminisce in some shit that went down in a video game is actually enjoyable to me.

11-15-2013, 05:28 PM
I think I had more fun in the first few months of shattered than I did during most of my time in prime. Too bad it was destined to die.

11-15-2013, 05:35 PM
Anyone interested in buying my goatse and Tourettesguy gear?

A massively distended anus - VLA backworn

A gold wedding band

A Frosted Flakes shirt

Some rapist glasses

A neckbrace

11-15-2013, 07:48 PM
Yeah it was fun times. What's the player count at now?

11-15-2013, 08:57 PM
Active Players: 25 it sez

I'm amused by the rather eloquent and gushy review of this thread. It was good times but I'm not sure it's worth all that fancy talk.

11-15-2013, 09:11 PM
Guys ... it's an utterly generic review applicable to any text and excessive in its sarcasm here.

11-15-2013, 09:29 PM
Let me start off by saying that I'm a little embarrassed about how long it took me to get around to reading this. I'd seen it a number of times, several of my friends recommended it, but I guess I just never got around to it! If you're like me and you like tales of excitement, let me tell you, this is the story for you. The thing I like most about it is probably the cast of characters. All of the personalities are rich with very well developed back-stories, and they all really seem to push and pull the story in their own unique direction. The author weaves a pretty complex tapestry with the character interaction here. What most readers can probably appreciate though, is the grace with which the complexity develops. As the tale begins, we seem to have a clearly defined sense of the division between good and evil but as the characters mature, those lines blur and we find ourselves realizing for the first time how little we actually understood about their personalities, allegiances, and inner struggles. Alliances are forged, treaties broken, and long-held grudges nag at the characters and are a constant source of tension. The author unfolds this masterpiece with unprecedented grace. Allowing the intrigue of the story to build makes a story of this complexity accessible to a much broader audience and is really the crowning achievement of this piece in my opinion.

Even the most brilliantly crafted epic can have shortcomings and, unfortunately, there were a few moments that nagged at me. Some of these might just be more personal opinion, rather than flaws in the story but nevertheless: There were several occasions where villains were dispatched almost too easily. More than once, the author builds the protagonist up in preparation for a major battle, only to close the conflict with a rather anticlimactic conclusion. Again, I'm a big fan of this story, folks, but these moments just didn't appeal to me. On the other hand, maybe this is an attempt to build our understanding of the protagonist. Perhaps the intent is to pull back the curtain on the villains as viewed by our hero. We get an almost "larger than life" sense from these characters and it's possible that this really brings to bare the mixed emotions of awe, envy, and utter hatred that the leading character feels. The other point that made this a hard read for me was how a few of the allied characters met their untimely demise (Sorry I'm being so vague, I just really don't want to drop any spoilers on you guys!). I suppose mortality is a good thing. Without that, we may not develop such a strong emotional connection with the characters in the first place. Then again, maybe I'm just a sucker for those characters with a somewhat sordid past who try to turn around and make things right.

Anyway, as I said before, this is a really good read. I highly recommend it to all comers. The next time you find yourself free. Grab a blanket, a mug of tea, light a fire if you can, and prepare to be whisked away on a wondrous and exciting journey!
A+++ will c/p into Amazon reviews.

11-15-2013, 11:02 PM
Guys ... it's an utterly generic review applicable to any text and excessive in its sarcasm here.

After a few seconds of googling, I managed to find the source of this stellar review! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?55156-the-Marlu-conflict-an-early-timeline-from-Jaeden-s-perspective-list-of-my-kills&p=1609795)

11-15-2013, 11:43 PM
enjoyed reading this again (i am the OP in case anyone is wondering)

looking back i feel like we went a little too hard on Mordie

11-16-2013, 10:24 AM
No, no we did not.

11-16-2013, 12:39 PM
No, no we did not.

^ x4

11-16-2013, 12:49 PM
SO here we have him admitting he's a Banned poster. How utterly stupid.

11-16-2013, 01:08 PM
SO here we have him admitting he's a Banned poster. How utterly stupid.

Who cares? And no we did not go too hard on Mordiep00z.

11-16-2013, 01:31 PM
SO here we have him admitting he's a Banned poster. How utterly stupid.

He's not banned. Just has an agreement with admins to stick to merchant folders usually.

Snoopy Dogg
11-16-2013, 02:36 PM
He's not banned. Just has an agreement with admins to stick to merchant folders usually.

looks like hes not abiding by that agreement.. BAN HAMMER

11-16-2013, 05:27 PM
I'm allowed to post in this folder as long as it "isn't full derp"

you guys can friend me on facebook.. Iorake Warhammer


07-19-2016, 06:19 AM
it's my birthday!!!!!

07-19-2016, 08:37 AM
Full derp initiated.

07-29-2016, 05:16 AM
not even close!

07-29-2016, 09:52 AM

10-17-2016, 09:08 PM
Not sure I ever properly read through your kills. You really did get some good kills on me, despite my efforts to mitigate them. Good job.

10-20-2016, 07:17 PM
Not sure I ever properly read through your kills. You really did get some good kills on me, despite my efforts to mitigate them. Good job.

You were my main prize since Mordie and the others were squish. You and Oblivion.

Thanks man, or should I say First Mountan. (TEE HEE)

10-20-2016, 07:43 PM
if Wyrom posts in this thread my life will be complete

10-19-2017, 07:16 PM

10-19-2017, 11:25 PM
if Wyrom posts in this thread my life will be complete

Dude, I think that's the saddest sentence I've ever seen.

10-20-2017, 08:38 AM
if Wyrom posts in this thread my life will be complete

Your life is now complete.


10-23-2017, 05:21 PM
quiet down Mooch

Tisket = rage

10-23-2017, 08:55 PM
I miss playing Mooch :(

08-19-2018, 01:55 PM
Fun times.

01-21-2019, 12:10 PM
One of my favorite documentaries of all time.

01-21-2019, 12:24 PM
I need attention please help.


01-21-2019, 12:45 PM
who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off


01-21-2019, 01:27 PM
One of my favorite documentaries of all time.

Which religion are we pretending to adore and follow today?

01-18-2020, 11:40 AM

01-22-2020, 06:30 PM
Thank you for all of the positive rep, I knew this thread had fans out there!!!!!!!!!! EEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!

01-22-2020, 09:05 PM

01-23-2020, 08:52 AM


12-16-2020, 08:46 PM

12-16-2020, 10:25 PM


12-21-2020, 12:28 PM


This is correct.

12-22-2020, 05:41 PM
ay mate

12-22-2020, 06:41 PM
Fun fact: If this thread disappeared, IW would most likely kill himself irl.

06-17-2022, 06:29 PM

06-17-2022, 08:37 PM

It's probably nothing.

Don't mess with it.

02-09-2023, 08:46 AM

06-20-2024, 08:53 AM

06-20-2024, 09:39 PM
bump just wanna add all my PvP into one thread here

other Jaeden PvP:




more fun from 2/15:

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden evades the attack by inches!

The thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Alterer's attack!

the thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Tillmen's attack!
Jaeden exclaims, "Ninja style!"

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +612 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +9 = -16
A clean miss.

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +80 = +11
A clean miss.

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden moves at the last moment to evade the attack!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
Jaeden skillfully interposes his greatshield between himself and the attack!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
With extreme effort, Jaeden blocks the attack with his greatshield!

Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +5 = -64
A clean miss.

The thorny barrier surrounding Jaeden blocks Alterer's attack!

A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack!
The figure swings a red hot golvern branding-iron at Jaeden!
AS: +564 vs DS: +480 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +52 = +168
... and hits for 27 points of damage!
Crushing blow crumples Jaeden's nose!
He is stunned!
The figure quickly disappears from view.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 15 points of damage!
Arcing strand of electricity jolts across Jaeden's back. Pretty.
He is stunned!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive electrical shock to abdomen turns muscle tissue into a crispy bubbled mess. Not pretty.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes
Jaeden with a brilliant flash!
... 25 points of damage!
Nasty shock to left hand stiffens fingers. Nice and painful.
He is stunned!

Alterer leaps from hiding to attack!
Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +277 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +15 = +53
A clean miss.

Alterer leaps from hiding to attack!
Alterer swings an adamantine falchion at Jaeden!
AS: +555 vs DS: +271 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +44 = +360
... and hits for 70 points of damage!
Hard blow to Jaeden's ear!
Deep gash and a terrible headache!
He is stunned!

The GM couldn’t finish me off lmao