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08-23-2010, 11:32 PM
Including the Marlu Private Chat Logs! Go here for them: http://drunkendurfin.webs.com/FullMarluChatLog-SPY.txt

The basic story of what really went on behind the scenes, extremely condensed, goes like this:

The Beginning: A few months ago, I decided that there needed to be a response to the griefing by the the Marlu group. As soon as I put out a post about it ("Enough of this nonsense"), I got inundated with responses from people who wanted to lend a hand. One fellow offered up Crossbones Vanguard as a name, and the Vanguard was born.

Vanguard Command: The Vanguard quickly coalesced around the members of Vanguard Command, with a private channel, who made all of the real decisions. They include:

Drunken Durfin (Ifor)
SpiffyJr (Pandin)
Liagala (Bacons)
SomeRogue (Jefferydahmer)
Fortybox (Buddy)
Tisket (Mooch/Daffy) - Mole Woman
30 or so other members made the group a reality and did much of the heavy lifting.

Methods and Moles: We set a policy of killing or slamming the Marlus as often as possible, making a points game out of it. What really made everything possible was good intel. My first "mole" was Leland, who gave me their friends and enemies lists and revealed the curse bomber and some other things. He was quickly outed and cover stories were put forward, but that's all they were.

The major mole we infiltrated into the Marlus, though, was the last member of Command - Tisket (Mooch/Daffy). As soon as she was added to the Marlu chat channel, SpiffyJr set up a real-time relay of Marlu chats, which you can read at the link above. Without that resource, things would have been a lot more difficult.

Marlu was worried about a mole after Leland and they'd been having problems with Inspire/Madam, so we framed Madam as the mole in our post about the "Friday Night 'Offensive,'" which was the main purpose in posting it on the forums. Their distrust of Madam eventually came to a head and we recruited Madam/Harry to the Vanguard. Immediately thereafter, Madam snuck into their table using Katze, who'd befriended her, and we raided it for boxes worth about a million silvers. We then used the heat of the moment to recruit Katze away from them, since he thought they'd never trust him again. The table-raid struck a nerve with the remaining Marlus.

Scripts: In the midst of all this, SpiffyJr wrote a script that announced locations of any Marlus on the Vanguard channel, and Naitouk built us an SQL database that logged their whereabouts and other pertinent info (AS/DS/CS, etc). Another script, Bodyguard, would flee from any Marlu who approached a Vanguard member while hunting, return to town, then eventually resume hunting.

The Truce: I and others had been chatting with RaneCV/Cervina/Dart and other Marlu members for awhile, and the group's different goals then came to a head, which led to an ideological split and eventually ended up producing (at least in part) Khariz's post and the Marlu/Vanguard truce. Marlu members slowly drifted away or got dissatisfied, and the group dissolved.

The whole thing was incredibly entertaining, especially reading the Marlu chats.

Highlights include:

1. [Spy]-GSF:Mooch: "Mordechai: These arent bright people, keep in mind. Necen doesnt know how you level at a table, for instance. We arent fighting genius's here"

2. [Marlu]-GSF:Maldric: "im fucked. no money left, sharp death sting again, -25 con again. same as yesterady."
[Marlu]-GSF:Maldric: "died 15 times in one day on wednesday. if you wanna laugh at some logs, lemme know"
[Marlu]-GSF:Maldric: "im logging. not going to bother bigshotting tonight"

3. [Marlu]-GSF:Mordechai: “Anyway, friday is their Big Offensive against us. So yeah, be prepped and ready"”
[Marlu]-GSF:Mordechai: “Necen and Co. are going to try and kill us all Friday, have all their goons from various towns coming in to do it"”

4. [Spy]-: "Calidus: loc pandin"
[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "Oh really?"
[Spy]-: "Calidus: cervina on?"
[Spy]-: "Calidus: cervina not running?"
[Spy]-: "Oblivion: guess not"
[Spy]-: "Oblivion: i'll get you manually"
[Spy]-: "Milamber: cervina broken?"
[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so."
[Command]-GSF:Pandin: "Get me now, bitch."

Special Kudos: People who really beat the tar out of Marlu deserve a special shout-out, whether they were affiliated or not. Props to:



08-23-2010, 11:43 PM
cant fucking wait!

Drunken Durfin
08-23-2010, 11:44 PM
That log that I have hosted is only the Marlu Chat log. There is a more extensive set that includes our Command channel responses to things being said. Many of us will be posting our favorites so you don't have to read the 17K lines unless you really have nothing better to do.

Honestly, over the past few months the combination of those two chat channels have made me laugh more than anything. It was like our own private Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Tisket, your activities as Mole Woman were EPIC in every sense of the word. SpiffyJr, without your SPY script it never would have worked.
BriarFox, thanks for getting us all organized and taking the pain in the ass leader position.

This was too much damn fun.

~Ifor of Shattered

08-23-2010, 11:50 PM
Man, I really want the custom title: Mooch the Mole.

If any GM's are reading this, I'll cyber!

08-23-2010, 11:54 PM
People who really beat the tar out of Marlu deserve a special shout-out, whether they were affiliated or not. Props to:


Nicely done!

08-23-2010, 11:55 PM
I think Jaeden is the only one who killed me. Like five times. He might be an annoying shit on the boards but it was good to have him killing Marlu.

08-23-2010, 11:56 PM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Krissta: GOD Pandin is such a fucktard"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Dart: ^"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Krissta: Pandin says, "If you don't want bad things to happen to you don't associate yourself with evil.""
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Pandin's just mad he and his kind can't dictate how the game's played anymore"

08-23-2010, 11:57 PM
That log that I have hosted is only the Marlu Chat log. There is a more extensive set that includes our Command channel responses to things being said. Many of us will be posting our favorites so you don't have to read the 17K lines unless you really have nothing better to do.

Honestly, over the past few months the combination of those two chat channels have made me laugh more than anything. It was like our own private Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Tisket, your activities as Mole Woman were EPIC in every sense of the word. SpiffyJr, without your SPY script it never would have worked.
BriarFox, thanks for getting us all organized and taking the pain in the ass leader position.

This was too much damn fun.

~Ifor of Shattered


08-23-2010, 11:57 PM
One of my favorite highlights from the chat logs is Someone claiming he is a PC mod.

08-23-2010, 11:57 PM
Man, I really want the custom title: Mooch the Mole.

If any GM's are reading this, I'll cyber!

I'm a GM. You cyborz first then title, kk?

08-23-2010, 11:58 PM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Calidus: panding back in town"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Calidus: maldric just bigshot-slammed at room 475 from pandin"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Calidus: ..."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: 221"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: 221"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: pandin at n gate"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: sigh"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Katze: I dun understand why you guys are havin such a hard time with the tree hugger...."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madmountan: hes never visible"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Katze: so ewave him...surely one of you has 10 ranks in MIU"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: what the FUCK"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: i was there and sancted"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: i typed kill bigshot 3 tiems"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: and is till fucking ran me off, breaking hte sanct"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: what the fuck"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: can i get an empath to N gate?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Katze: he spamming spike thorn?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: calidus literally has 1 hp left"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: 1."

08-23-2010, 11:59 PM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: you know hes not going to allow us to have sbounty - right?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madmountan: yeah, because he has a choice in the matter"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madmountan: All you gotta do is stick the file in the folder"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madmountan: the files will leak pretty fast, I bet"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: ? Sure he does. He's only handing it out to a few of the vanguard"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: maybe - prolly not"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Katze: yeah Pandin likes me just fine heh heh, I'll get ya a copy of it guys if he fucks ya outta it"

You wonder why I never gave it to you.

08-24-2010, 12:01 AM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Perhaps instead of complaining about how you dont get things, you could do your best to be so beyond reproach that we trust you implicitly"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: Or I can just prove that you need me."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: By not coming around"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: And when you keep getting your asses handed to you, you'll appreciate my help"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Eh, yer not helping now and we're doing alright."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: 6 hours ago Pandin wiped you all out."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: I guess you can call that alright."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: Pandin takes you all down like you're nothing, and there's nothing you can do about it."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: We got back up and continued. He cost us maybe a little in potions. and he didnt get me. Or mal until I decided to play"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: Pandin doesn't do shit to me. You sound like you want to suck his dick."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Milamber: pandin only attacks when you are in RT or attacking something else"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Milamber: pandin sucks he only relys on his spike thorn"

Shattered Dreamer
08-24-2010, 12:05 AM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Perhaps instead of complaining about how you dont get things, you could do your best to be so beyond reproach that we trust you implicitly"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: Or I can just prove that you need me."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: By not coming around"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: And when you keep getting your asses handed to you, you'll appreciate my help"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Eh, yer not helping now and we're doing alright."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: 6 hours ago Pandin wiped you all out."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: I guess you can call that alright."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Madam: Pandin takes you all down like you're nothing, and there's nothing you can do about it."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: We got back up and continued. He cost us maybe a little in potions. and he didnt get me. Or mal until I decided to play"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: Pandin doesn't do shit to me. You sound like you want to suck his dick."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Milamber: pandin only attacks when you are in RT or attacking something else"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Milamber: pandin sucks he only relys on his spike thorn"

See, can't you feel my <3 for you.

08-24-2010, 12:05 AM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Whoever posted Cervina's code is a faggot, in real life. Not in game. Someone trusted you and didn't do anything bad to you.. So eat a dick and die."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: You can hate the rest of us all you want, but you're a cocksucker for that."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: And I mean that in the most personal way possible, outside of the game. You're a walking, talking piece of shit."

Such hateful words! It's just a game, brah.

08-24-2010, 12:07 AM

08-24-2010, 12:12 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Dart: Don't underestimate Necen. He will do everything he can to screw with us. He enjoys mind games."

Truer words and all.

08-24-2010, 12:15 AM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Yeah it was a dick move but this changes no plans. to my knowledge. Scripts still work...and so what if Pandin gets a look at how to actually code something?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: thought: If Tillmen has access to all our chats, and he might...he could have pulled all the following info and the scripts too from links sent in private message"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: But whatever spy dude. Spy away. Even knowing all our info, Vanguards and others still cant stop us"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: it HAS been a good run. We've created much QQ, made em rage, and honestly I think we WON. We have totally set the tone for shattered. We wanted to do something, we did it."
[Spy]-GSF:Mooch: "Mordechai: Florida has a lot of faults, I agree."
[Spy]-GSF:Mooch: "Mordechai: But we have super awesome laser tag and lots of college girls wearing not much."

08-24-2010, 12:16 AM
[Bombastic Banshee Table]
A large oil painting done in tackily bright colors dominates the wall behind the table. Staring out from the canvas is a slightly heavyset woman, dressed in clashing finery. While the pose she has been painted in is meant to be provocative, it only serves to make her look further overdone and overbearing. In her hand, she is wielding a large battleaxe.

Obvious exits: out

s>title list unique
You currently have access to the following unique titles:

Mole * (Postname)

s>set title
Your postname title has been set to Mole.
You laugh out loud!
You say, "Okay!"
s>'lots of love!
You exclaim, "Lots of love!"
s>l under table

Looking under the table, you see nothing.

You definitely realize that's better, and that life can continue for you now... but at new levels of awesomeness.

You laugh out loud!
s>'you rock
You say, "You rock."
You say, "Hardcore."
s>'and no cyber demands!
You exclaim, "And no cyber demands!"
s>;chat on command lmao I got the title! god Im so happy now

If it wasn't so culturally insensitive, you realize you may be viewed as an indian-giver.

You ponder.
s>'god I am so happy to have the title I'll fly to your location and do it in person!
You exclaim, "God I am so happy to have the title I'll fly to your location and do it in person!"
You nod.
s>'forget the text!
You exclaim, "Forget the text!"

A set of airline tickets floats in the air before you, visible but quite insubstantial.

s>;chat on command trying to get the gm to cyber atm sec
You laugh out loud!

DEAD>l mooch
You see Mooch the Mole.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She is shorter than average and appears to be wizened with age. She has milky blue eyes and ashen skin. She has long, wispy white hair worn in a tight bun with her scalp gleaming faintly through the sparse strands. She has a large fleshy nose. Her liver-spotted hands are twisted and gnarled with arthritis and she has thin cracked lips over toothless gums. She has a pair of withered and faded brown wings.

08-24-2010, 12:16 AM
The best mind fuck i have seen in 15 years in this game.. How can this be topped. Games all downhill from here.

Damn still can't believe you knew about my propaganda campaign all that time Started all the way back to the first post. ROLF.. Great Job, made the game fun again.

08-24-2010, 12:17 AM
Funny stuff, but obviously it was known that our chat was compromised almost from the start:

[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."

Leland was banned within a half-hour of his passing info to Necen, and we didn't trust anyone after that. Anything said in chat was said with the understanding that it was being relayed. Anything important was in AIM, and we said a lot of bullshit in the chat knowing it was going to get relayed hoping to get a reaction (sometimes it did).

As you can see, the vast majority of our chat was just friends talking. No grand schemes or plots to rape children. Most of it we could have just has easily said in [Shattered] if we thought anyone there would care.

08-24-2010, 12:19 AM
all the spin and damage control in the world cannot change the fact that you were beaten by superior intelligence. because you are stupid and gay.

08-24-2010, 12:19 AM
I actually get a giggle when they refer to our planning.

08-24-2010, 12:21 AM
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Whoever posted Cervina's code is a faggot, in real life. Not in game. Someone trusted you and didn't do anything bad to you.. So eat a dick and die."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: You can hate the rest of us all you want, but you're a cocksucker for that."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Oblivion: And I mean that in the most personal way possible, outside of the game. You're a walking, talking piece of shit."

Such hateful words! It's just a game, brah.

I stand by this. It's one of the only things that I really meant. Cervina is a nice person (out of game) and trusted others, doing nothing to deserve being treated that way.

My words were directed at Tisket in this case, and they ring true.

08-24-2010, 12:24 AM
I just loved watching Mordechai try to spin everything around. I have to hand it to him, he is quite the optimist.

[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: Unfortunately shoulda ran after my beseech unstunned me first, then jumped back in. But yeah, I took a beatin and kept on ticking"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: male?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: Its all fucking level dependant"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: I prefer to hit and run."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: I hate that shit"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Portu: While on the other hand, they had Necen, Jeff, Bacons, Dan, Rofl all with glass amulets staying invisible and picking their moment on when to attack."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Malevolence: You keep runnin by me"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: yes we need to stop running in blindly"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: we need to uyse amulets"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: oblivion posted a thread abo tit"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: i have em on maldric and calidus now"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: They worked as a team, we didn't."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: I've been saying to practice tactics for a few days now"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Shakira: Get glass amulets, when someone calls a room do NAROST #, and go to a room nearby. use PEER &lt;direction&gt; to see the room"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: We're going to need them"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Portu: Levels and tactics. I'm gonna search out some glass amulets...see how many I can get for the group."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Cthulu: they started in one room - we didnt"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Portu: That is a big deal there Cthulu....first to mobilize will win the war every time."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: They were closer too."
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Harry: Thye're all there together"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Maldric: fyi guys, i can fog in 22k exp"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Clio: Anyone need a drag or lk?"
[Spy]-GSF:affy: "Mordechai: They outleveled most of us but we still Won that encounter, far as Im concerned."

08-24-2010, 12:26 AM
I stand by this. It's one of the only things that I really meant. Cervina is a nice person (out of game) and trusted others, doing nothing to deserve being treated that way.

My words were directed at Tisket in this case, and they ring true.

Fair enough, but I just want anyone to use scripts of mine that they think are useful. Or ask me for help with scripting.

Because Tisket did this, I've gotten to write custom scripts for a lot of people, help them write their own, and teach them a couple of things that have helped them break into Ruby and Lich scripting.

So in the end, it all worked out.

08-24-2010, 12:35 AM
Fair enough, but I just want anyone to use scripts of mine that they think are useful. Or ask me for help with scripting.

Because Tisket did this, I've gotten to write custom scripts for a lot of people, help them write their own, and teach them a couple of things that have helped them break into Ruby and Lich scripting.

So in the end, it all worked out.

Whatcha got for the bounty stuff can yah PM me a copy =)

EDIT- Also GM if is listening - Pls can use some padded double leather

08-24-2010, 12:36 AM
You currently have access to the following unique titles:

Mole * (Postname)

;who tisket_cyboring_for_title
[server]: "That is a private channel. Mind your business."

08-24-2010, 12:37 AM

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 12:38 AM
One of my favs:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: anyone around?"
[Command]-Ifor: "nope, we all left"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: necen, beelz, and mofuggah on the prowl. after me and cthulu in cyclops"
[Command]-Ifor: "bastard! I was there too!"
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "What a slacker. Type out all the names!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: hey you still there?"
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "Ahh, now we have their attention."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I cant take all three, but if we get some backup..."
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "Haha."
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "No, you fucking can't."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: cal is logged out. 8hp and 2 3 bleeders"
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "LOL"
[Command]-Ifor: "damn..so close"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: woudl love to get an empath at 5369 for when i log in"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Anyone else on and willing to play?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Guys?"
[Command]-Ifor: "bok bok bok"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: sucks that are force is split in half by half us going to EN. now we have no support"
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "Do the funky chicken summoning song, Mord."
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "No shit, doofus"
[Command]-Ifor: "only now, at the end, do they fully understand the power of the dark side"
[Command]-GSF:Necen: "Haha"

08-24-2010, 12:40 AM
Fair enough, but I just want anyone to use scripts of mine that they think are useful. Or ask me for help with scripting.

Because Tisket did this, I've gotten to write custom scripts for a lot of people, help them write their own, and teach them a couple of things that have helped them break into Ruby and Lich scripting.

So in the end, it all worked out.

Yes...because of this the Guardians of Sunfist berserking warrior script(STask) is on its way! :D

Cervina is awesome...

re: GM that is listening and handing out titles...I'll take a maul with more than claid weighting called "a large log of linguicia" for Portu Guese :) Make him jovial and fat looking too with pigs blood and grease smeared on him :D


Shattered Dreamer
08-24-2010, 12:40 AM
One of my favs:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: sucks that are force is split in half by half us going to EN. now we have no support"

Guess I shouldn't have moved away, lol.

08-24-2010, 12:40 AM
It's really awesome that Mooch got her title. Thanks. :)

Shattered Dreamer
08-24-2010, 12:41 AM
All of this makes me really miss the action and excitement.

I've been at the keyboard scripting for weeks now and it's boring.

08-24-2010, 12:45 AM
All of this makes me really miss the action and excitement.

I've been at the keyboard scripting for weeks now and it's boring.

Nothing wrong with a little competition for hunting grounds and such, when it's competitive, in my opinion.

Camping the catacombs and what not? Yeah, just paint a bullseye on your ass and save yourself some time.

08-24-2010, 12:48 AM
I stand by this. It's one of the only things that I really meant. Cervina is a nice person (out of game) and trusted others, doing nothing to deserve being treated that way.

My words were directed at Tisket in this case, and they ring true.

Except associating herself with a group whose purpose was to grief. She may be a good person out of game but that doesn't mean dick when it comes to in game conflict.

08-24-2010, 12:49 AM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: Razorfang and necro in cyclops"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: where?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: 5369"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: come on guys, kill these fucks" -- Sucks being the first to go.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: outta mana otherwise I would"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: just got raised :("
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: Void hit me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: omw"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they left" -- Or not.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: fuck. got htere and got a bop to the head. cant cast now. lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: the good news is necromonger CANT ward me." -- Don't be silly. 417, 119, 230, 715, and 413.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: where oblivion?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: 5369"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: dont come in"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: hes imploding"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Staying away"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: stupid fumble"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: out of mana"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: yeah he got really lucky"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: uuhhhh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: i was in a fucking SANCT" -- LOL
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: why does this fucking shit happen"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: it will hit sanc. stay out of cyclops"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: double wtf: there was no black void in this room AND i was in a sanctuary. w t f"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: i have never ever seen an implosion death crit from a room away"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: Got razor with the immolate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: But he didnt die damn it" -- Almost.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: especially wiht i had 3 manuever buffs and purify air"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: 6th fucking death today, not a single one of them made any damn sense" -- Lesson learned?
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: OK, should I use Mordechai to run in and smack face?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: whats gping on?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: so who was it that told us to go there?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: kind of set us up to get killed lol"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I called that they were there, saw em going after cthulu...Immolated one then ran out of mana" -- Interesting that I was chasing Cthulu considering that I hadn't even seen him. And then he pulls in like Towlie with no fucking idea what's going on.

[Noman's Land, Urgh Pens]
A particularly stubborn scrub tree clings to life here, somehow finding sustenance in the mud. It has but a few leaves, and its trunk is bare of bark from the ground up to the span of a dwarf. A mud-spattered raven perches on one branch, huddled against the damp breeze.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest
Razorfang followed.


[Noman's Land, Urgh Pens]
The mud and slop of the pens gives way to the mud and rock of the hill to the south. A narrow path winds its way up. The climb looks fairly difficult, given the slippery and uncertain footing. At the other end, you can see the black maw of a large cave gaping from the hillside.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, northwest
Razorfang followed.

You put a snake-carved russet orase runestaff in your boarhide pack.

[go2]>climb path

Gracefully, your feet skip across the short protrusions of the path. Before long, you find yourself standing at the top.

[Noman's Land, Cave Mouth]
The ledge here at the mouth of the cave provides a splendid view of the valley below in all its mud-spattered, ill-smelling beauty. The cave entrance itself is at least twenty feet high, and a dank, sickly-sweet smoke wafts from it. To the southwest, a dimly lit passage leads deeper into the hillside. You also see a muddy path leading down the hill.
Obvious paths: southwest

You remove a snake-carved russet orase runestaff from in your boarhide pack.

Razorfang just climbed up a narrow path.
Razorfang removes a short sword from in his leather backpack.
Razorfang slings a steel grey faewood aegis off from over his shoulder.
Razorfang just closed a hardened leather backpack.
Razorfang tried to join your group, but your group status is closed. Click GROUP OPEN to let him join you.

You gently take hold of Razorfang's hand.
You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Malevolence suddenly fades into view.
Malevolence gestures.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from Malevolence.
You are buffeted by the dark ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Malevolence just went southwest.
Razorfang pulls you to your feet.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: hmm.. they need to be added to kos lol" -- Yeah.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: im there now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Should I go be bait?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: looks clear, but they may be invis"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: just scouted the area hidden"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: Manaing up on my wizard, then going to go park him there and hit anyone not us who comes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: which one is the sorc? necro or razor? or both?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: necro is" -- LOL
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: what is raz?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: dunno I disarmed him"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: nice"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: he didn't get an attack off"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: and necro faile dto ward me 5 times before the void killed me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yeah necro couldnt ward Maldric either. 0% chance"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: My wizard wards em just fine, so they cant be too high level"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: loc necromonger"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Locating Necromonger..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Necromonger is Unpresenced."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: dunno HOW the fuck maldric died"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: was standing in an empty room" -- It's still funny.

08-24-2010, 12:50 AM
Fair enough, but I just want anyone to use scripts of mine that they think are useful. Or ask me for help with scripting.

Because Tisket did this, I've gotten to write custom scripts for a lot of people, help them write their own, and teach them a couple of things that have helped them break into Ruby and Lich scripting.

So in the end, it all worked out.

It wasn't Tisket - it was me. Don't place blame on her. She didn't do anything but be the most awesomest mole eva!

Shattered Dreamer
08-24-2010, 12:51 AM
Except associating herself with a group whose purpose was to grief. She may be a good person out of game but that doesn't mean dick when it comes to in game conflict.

In her defense, she only took up with the Marlu because I griefed her severely.

I wasn't able to get to her and when her protection finally dropped, I took full advantage.

08-24-2010, 12:54 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Operation: Make Jaeden Look Dumb = Success! But...unneccesary heh"

I forgive you.

08-24-2010, 12:56 AM
i've always wanted to be Kil Jaeden or Demon Lord Jaeden with my profession title changed to Troll in case hell freezes over tonight ^^

08-24-2010, 12:56 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Operation: Make Jaeden Look Dumb = Success! But...unneccesary heh"

I forgive you.

How Christian of you.

08-24-2010, 12:56 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Operation: Make Jaeden Look Dumb = Success! But...unneccesary heh"

I forgive you.

Dude that can so be a signature... man that is funny you have to admit it.

08-24-2010, 12:57 AM
It wasn't Tisket - it was me. Don't place blame on her. She didn't do anything but be the most awesomest mole eva!

I don't blame anyone. If you did it, then thank you for letting me come out of my shell and getting into a position to help people with scripting. I enjoy that more than I enjoy playing the game, actually. It's really fun to get to help people out that want to do more than just download scripts from the repo.

08-24-2010, 12:58 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Operation: Make Jaeden Look Dumb = Success! But...unneccesary heh"

I forgive you.


08-24-2010, 12:59 AM
Ok.. so.. I can kind of understand the accusations of using some sort of backdoor in lnet to locate people when they don't see me spending hours searching hunting grounds, and don't know I was getting some intel from the Vanguard, and they can't understand the code well enough to see that there's no backdoor, but this was just rediculous.

[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
You notice a cozy nook and some inviting tables.
Obvious exits: south, southwest
Lord Mordechai just arrived.
Mordechai traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Mordechai gestures.
Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Mordechai's arms and the arms of those near him.
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Dispel...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The bright luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
The elemental aura around Mordechai wavers.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Mordechai suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less secure.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Mordechai begins to falter, then completely fades away.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai begins to breathe less deeply.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The deep blue glow leaves Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The powerful look leaves Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You sense understanding from your calico cat.
Mordechai traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Mordechai gestures.
As Mordechai thrusts his clenched fist upward, a soft flat black pulse of pure spiritual energy rises from its apex, washing over himself and those nearby.
Mordechai removes a spear of darkness from in his forest green backpack.
Mordechai slides a braided gold ring off his finger.
Mordechai slides a gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Mordechai vanishes!
You sense that your calico cat has found Mordechai.
[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]
A great rounded chunk of the mountain is missing, as though some giant took a bite out of it. You pick your way around the arc, careful not to lose your footing lest you follow the path of the broken rocks to the shattered bottom.
Obvious paths: northeast, south>
Lord Mordechai just arrived.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Mordechai.
CS: +245 - TD: +143 + CvA: -18 + d100: +74 - -5 == +163
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Mordechai and he bursts into flame!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames incinerate right leg to the bone. Not a pleasant sight.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames chars neck a crispy black.

The flames around Mordechai continue to burn!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
CS: +245 - TD: +143 + CvA: -18 + d100: +91 - -5 == +180
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Mordechai and he bursts into flame!
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Mordechai's left arm to expand and snap. That must hurt!
... 30 points of damage!
Fire burns through neck and destroys carotid artery. Painfully bloody way to die.

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

A crimson mist bleeds out from Mordechai's exposed skin.
The dim aura fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai loses the flickering unbridled energy surrounding him.
Mordechai appears less confident and fearless.
The light blue glow leaves Mordechai.
The shimmering aura fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The faint blue glow fades from around Mordechai's hands.
Mordechai's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai looks momentarily uneasy, but quickly recovers.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Mordechai just bit the dust!
Mordechai just left.
* Mordechai returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Mordechai joins the adventure.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Where ya at Mord?" (02:22:20)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: 8452. Tillmen got meh" (02:22:40)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Where is that? Somewhere I can rescue ya?" (02:22:50)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: storm giants on Sentoph. I THINK its draggable" (02:23:10)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: I'll just wait and decay its cool :)" (02:24:00)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: You sure? I'll risk it" (02:24:20)
Mordechai just left.
* Mordechai returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: I'd want someone to risk it for me" (02:24:40)
Mordechai just arrived.
* Mordechai joins the adventure.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Unless you can fog out, not worth it. Cat'll get ya" (02:25:10)
A storm giant howls with delight as a rainburst showers down upon it!
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: or cats owner" (02:25:20)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: I can afford the pots /shrug" (02:25:30)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Nope...can't fog. Ohh...whats the cat look like?" (02:25:40)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Green-eyed calico. Departing" (02:26:00)
Mordechai's body decays into compost.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Well, that was the one that was following me when I died." (02:26:30)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Yeah thats Tillmen" (02:26:50)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: User of lnet to find hidden folk :P" (02:27:00)

08-24-2010, 01:01 AM
Ok.. so.. I can kind of understand the accusations of using some sort of backdoor in lnet to locate people when they don't see me spending hours searching hunting grounds, and don't know I was getting some intel from the Vanguard, and they can't understand the code well enough to see that there's no backdoor, but this was just rediculous.

[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room]
You notice a cozy nook and some inviting tables.
Obvious exits: south, southwest
Lord Mordechai just arrived.
Mordechai traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Mordechai gestures.
Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Mordechai's arms and the arms of those near him.
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Dispel...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The bright luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
The elemental aura around Mordechai wavers.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Mordechai suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less secure.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Mordechai begins to falter, then completely fades away.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
Mordechai begins to breathe less deeply.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The deep blue glow leaves Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
The powerful look leaves Mordechai.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You sense understanding from your calico cat.
Mordechai traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
Mordechai gestures.
As Mordechai thrusts his clenched fist upward, a soft flat black pulse of pure spiritual energy rises from its apex, washing over himself and those nearby.
Mordechai removes a spear of darkness from in his forest green backpack.
Mordechai slides a braided gold ring off his finger.
Mordechai slides a gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Mordechai vanishes!
You sense that your calico cat has found Mordechai.
[Upper Trollfang, Sentoph]
A great rounded chunk of the mountain is missing, as though some giant took a bite out of it. You pick your way around the arc, careful not to lose your footing lest you follow the path of the broken rocks to the shattered bottom.
Obvious paths: northeast, south>
Lord Mordechai just arrived.
You are visible again.
You gesture at Mordechai.
CS: +245 - TD: +143 + CvA: -18 + d100: +74 - -5 == +163
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Mordechai and he bursts into flame!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames incinerate right leg to the bone. Not a pleasant sight.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames chars neck a crispy black.

The flames around Mordechai continue to burn!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
CS: +245 - TD: +143 + CvA: -18 + d100: +91 - -5 == +180
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Mordechai and he bursts into flame!
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Mordechai's left arm to expand and snap. That must hurt!
... 30 points of damage!
Fire burns through neck and destroys carotid artery. Painfully bloody way to die.

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

A crimson mist bleeds out from Mordechai's exposed skin.
The dim aura fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai loses the flickering unbridled energy surrounding him.
Mordechai appears less confident and fearless.
The light blue glow leaves Mordechai.
The shimmering aura fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
The faint blue glow fades from around Mordechai's hands.
Mordechai's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai looks momentarily uneasy, but quickly recovers.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at Mordechai.
But he is dead!
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Mordechai just bit the dust!
Mordechai just left.
* Mordechai returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Mordechai joins the adventure.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Where ya at Mord?" (02:22:20)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: 8452. Tillmen got meh" (02:22:40)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Where is that? Somewhere I can rescue ya?" (02:22:50)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: storm giants on Sentoph. I THINK its draggable" (02:23:10)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: I'll just wait and decay its cool :)" (02:24:00)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: You sure? I'll risk it" (02:24:20)
Mordechai just left.
* Mordechai returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: I'd want someone to risk it for me" (02:24:40)
Mordechai just arrived.
* Mordechai joins the adventure.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Unless you can fog out, not worth it. Cat'll get ya" (02:25:10)
A storm giant howls with delight as a rainburst showers down upon it!
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: or cats owner" (02:25:20)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: I can afford the pots /shrug" (02:25:30)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Nope...can't fog. Ohh...whats the cat look like?" (02:25:40)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Green-eyed calico. Departing" (02:26:00)
Mordechai's body decays into compost.
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Portu: Well, that was the one that was following me when I died." (02:26:30)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: Yeah thats Tillmen" (02:26:50)
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mordechai: User of lnet to find hidden folk :P" (02:27:00)

People are afraid of things they don't understand!

08-24-2010, 01:04 AM
Ok.. so.. I can kind of understand the accusations of using some sort of backdoor in lnet to locate people when they don't see me spending hours searching hunting grounds, and don't know I was getting some intel from the Vanguard, and they can't understand the code well enough to see that there's no backdoor, but this was just rediculous.

I informed them all that there was no backdoor. Multiple times. Can't help it if people don't listen... Sorry. I tried!

Edit: To be fair, LNet is big, and someone who wouldn't know where to look would have a really hard time with that.

08-24-2010, 01:04 AM
Mord was a very trusting sort, and didn't want to believe mooch (the only possibility left) was a spy. Thus, tillmen by default!

08-24-2010, 01:05 AM
[Spy]-GSFaffy: "Cthulu: hahaha, I been posted negative rep with arrogant islamic comments to trick people into thinking jaeden wrote it - it's working"

wow..really? Panties got so bunched you went to this extreme, out of game? I'm sorry for you.

08-24-2010, 01:06 AM
wow..really? Panties got so bunched you went to this extreme, out of game? I'm sorry for you.

Agreed. It was a dark 5 minutes of my life I've regretted ever since.

08-24-2010, 01:24 AM
More SPY posts! Those are funny.

08-24-2010, 01:34 AM
More SPY posts! Those are funny.

Most of the logs are included in the link at the top of the first post. Ifor (DrunkinDurfin) is going to post them with Command chat included tomorrow. He had to go to bed though.

08-24-2010, 01:46 AM
I haven't read any of this yet, but for now I'm gonna LOL at the fact that someone is putting this much time into all this shit.

08-24-2010, 01:50 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: Jaeden got me AGAIN"


08-24-2010, 01:51 AM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: necromonger in tsc btw"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: razorfang logged in at N Gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: necro went htrough portal"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: wheres that go?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: fuck. invisible person just dragged razorfang away"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: and they got Razor"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: i got em"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: dragging"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: help"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: lol he left"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: razor left at 226"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: when razor logs in i will use major sanct" -- that's a hard one to get out of... :help:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: WTF!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: okay i must be missing something..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: wth..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: I dragged razor away, north"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: he logged out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: ive been sitting in that fucking room waiting for him to log back in" }--- Heh. I really didn't think new people played GS.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: finally i go to tsc and hes THERE"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: how is that possible?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: was he dead mald?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: razor and invisipal are buffing at tsc"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: let me know when they move"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: moving"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: wayside"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: outside gates?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: necro buffing at wayside in garrett"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: go to gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: there"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Feint lock on, outside gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: good"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: they are probably waiting on mana"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: or calling backup"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Mad's here now too"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: right on"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: Got my wizard sitting inside gates in case things get ugly"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ACK"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: you missed!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: its sancted"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Its sancted."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: room is?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: if you clear it out i can implode nearby"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: go in the gate if its sancted"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: west gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: no anymore"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: NOW"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they sancted it to walk through"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: There, nothgin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: razor running away"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: got necro"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Got razor"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: woot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: they deserve some shakira raise denial"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ;)"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: feras THAT"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Shakira: wheres their corpses"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: What level is shakira now anyway?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: one by westgate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Shakira: 32"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Dont think any of em are coming for Puffy" -- Nope. I was on my way out and left'em. That was one of the two times you guys got me when I was actually around the computer. Was friday or saturday and I'd just started up bigshot and heard one of the guys die while I was putting on some shoes. Other guy died before I could really see what was happening and do something :( I think someone got me in cyclops, too, but I haven't found or really looked for any other logs.
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Going to go hunt"

08-24-2010, 01:55 AM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: total bs again"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: weaponfire"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Icy shards bombard your head and exit your ear, leaving little behind!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: room?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Tillmen killed me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: room?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Im fucking done with this"

08-24-2010, 01:58 AM
I haven't read any of this yet, but for now that i got owned so bad I'm gonna feign apathy like a borderline retarded kid in public school

FTFY, etc. etc.

08-24-2010, 02:06 AM
SF:Daffy: "Mooch: what a jackass lol"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mooch: jaeden I mean"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mooch: I started the day with 6 deeds, I have one left haha"

sry ;p

08-24-2010, 02:18 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: FUCK"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: You didnt tell me that barrett was crumbly someone"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: Id have never wasted the muhammud alter on a crumbly"

bahahaha this made my night :P

08-24-2010, 02:27 AM
SF:Daffy: "Mooch: what a jackass lol"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mooch: jaeden I mean"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Mooch: I started the day with 6 deeds, I have one left haha"

sry ;p

That was me complaining as a Marluite to other Marlus. Personally it made me laugh a lot. You kept pwning me but I was all like "yay". It was weird.

08-24-2010, 02:42 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: FUCK"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: You didnt tell me that barrett was crumbly someone"
[Spy]-GSF:Daffy: "Cthulu: Id have never wasted the muhammud alter on a crumbly"

bahahaha this made my night :P

I was waiting for you to find that ;p Yeah, it's gone :(

08-24-2010, 02:42 AM
[Spy]-GSF:Mooch: "Madmountan: although I've been toying with the idea of asking you guys about letting me be a double agent. Convince Necen I care more about my rep than this group, give him a current roster of members (with added fake names), leak a raid or two where we are really set up to kill them, etc. That would be funny."

rut roh

this was recent too

08-24-2010, 07:53 AM
Jesus, guys. I knew you were organized but damn... This wasn't even close, no wonder Marlu never had a chance. Good job. I guess when you have guys like Spiffy lending their coding talent and add in an extremely convincing mole like Tisket (I mean COMON... Who could expect Tisket?).

Good job.

08-24-2010, 08:10 AM
Hmm, So the Marlu guys are gone huh?

08-24-2010, 08:44 AM
Marlu handled the spy poorly. This is pretty funny all around.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 09:44 AM
You mean with gold like this:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Most the PC hates us. Well, me. : P and Calidus too apparently. Tisket was SO MAD about them going to Bacons party"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: lol she's a twat"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "rofl"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: I read some of that about the party"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Oh, the irony."
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "<Bourne Identity music in the background>"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Heh, well played"

08-24-2010, 09:50 AM
Tisket certainly deserves that title... I think we need a 1st annual Shattered Academy awards. She can win most convincing mole.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 10:28 AM
Here is a tasty bit from Spy. Kind of kills the "we didn't do any planning in Marlu Chat" stance.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: they are in cyclops"
[Command]-Ifor: "totally true"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok want me to come? how many? Whos coming with?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: where?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: im about to bomb it.. may not be safe."
[Command]-Ifor: "ut ho"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Oooo I can meteor swarm too"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: you should, swarm the whole area in cyclops"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: they're camping cthulu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Just need lotsa mana"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Milamber can you swarm as well?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: so I cant switch from imbeding to meteor swarming"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: No worries. Gimme a couple pulses and I'll invis and go swarm"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Do I just cast and go? or...?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Come to 5718, my table."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: dunno never did it"
[Command]-Ifor: "idiots"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Just...come invis with oblivion so you can ewave before he implodes?"
[Command]-Ifor: "they must be pissed if they are thinking about that"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: you'd just get killed"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: no ewave required. just gotta find them"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: they still in cyclops?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: not sure"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Where are you, Lia, SR?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: they're all invisible"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Lol"
[Command]-Ifor: "hahahh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: is it pandin?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Oh, please, waste your time trying to find us."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: its all 8 of them"
[Command]-Ifor: "shame you can't tell a disk to STAY"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "I love how scared they are of Pandin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I'll go ewave the place. Going...now."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: so did the cuts get paid out yet for last week?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Heh. Let them waste their time for a few."

There are TONS of these incidents in the master log, I'll root out the good ones and post over the next few days. Nothing wins like good intel.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 10:53 AM
To fully understand this, anytime a member of Marlu chats "loc [char name]" Cervina's script casts Locate Person and reports their location on the channel. Unpresenced, Hidden, and Another Realm are also responses that were reported. To Cervina's credit it is a really nice idea, and one that we implemented shortly after.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: loc pandin"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Okay..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Locating Pandin..."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Where are you, Pandin?"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "HIDDEN!"
[Command]-Ifor: "Pandin is BEHIND YOU!"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Heh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Pandin is hidden."

With this information, anyone tuned to the SPY channel would instantly know when they were being tracked down and targeted. So much win.

08-24-2010, 10:54 AM
Some of my favorites:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: who is Fortybox on PC?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: don't recall him saiying"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: I love scared bitches that hide behind a name on PC and won't step up"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Krissta: Interesting...."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: and you said it wasnt you, so calm down now heh sheesh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: Fortybox was Buddy Holly."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: now THAT makes more sense LOL"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: yep, he said that here http: //forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1127076#post1127076"

Madam's whining (no wonder you guys dropped him); however, it does show how unorganized you guys were:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: Clio is about to get dropped"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: for poaching"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Whos she poaching from?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: Ron"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: She needs a disk"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: Clio/Izzy...fyi"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: I think that's the problem"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok I'll postpone letting her in the channel I think if shes Izzy"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: Is Ron a member as well?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ron's madam's alt"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: He's supposed to be on the safe list."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: He's not I don't think"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Malevolence: He should be"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: Harry will totally burn your face off if Ron dies!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Harry: He's my butt buddy."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: KR&gt;;mst Ron"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Harry: lol at mischan"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: --- CLib: Ron is unlisted."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: what is unlisted?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: Ron"

Confusion is what we want!:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: my name is no where on that list heh heh but on my thread Buddy is talking about how every kill we make is in some way orchestrated by me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: hahah, good katze. Confusion is what we want"

False victories ftw:

[Spy]-GSF: Mooch: "Oblivion: i think we got buddy to quit. he hasnt been in since we wrecked his shit multiple times"

Thought this was funny:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: lol at fortybox on PC. what a moron."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Well, I dunno...we were able to get rid of Madam and Katze and, not only that, get them in the VANGUARD channel. So I bet they are gonna have fun with that!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: yeah we REALLY hurt fortybox's feelings"

Not bad, just listening in on you guys!:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: oprah bad?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: not bad. but killable"

Their intelligence was amazing. Apparently Ophra was a rogue. loc calidus!!!:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: loc oprah"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Locating Oprah..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Oprah located at [Vornavian Coast, The Hills] (5284)"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: kil oprah?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yes?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: she was there tonight"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: at table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Yeah"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: loc ophra"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Locating Ophra..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: gah"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: loc oprah"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Locating Oprah..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Ophra is offline."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cervina: Oprah is hidden."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Probably script ambush hunting, shes a rogue"

08-24-2010, 11:13 AM
We all know it was him, but here is some proof:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: get sorcerers to level 15. it takes 3 days. i'll give you all the curse bomb script. use itchy curse, drop it in every hunt zone in the game"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: why you guys dont already have sorcerers made i'll never know"

And here is some more of how crazy this guy is. Of course, he knew that we were listening to them right?:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I was just running a script to make shakira's song of noise node lockdown more obnoxious but apparently it brought gemstone down"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Bad: people on the forums were accusing him of doing it on purpose - calling for a ban"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Bad: which was pretty funny"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: so SpiffyJr freaks out and said I did it on purpose. basically just trying to get me banned because I ruined his shit so many times"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: People on the forums in general are dickwads heh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: They're just waaay overly emotional. so invested in this game its laughable"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: What was the script SUPPOSED to do"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Force people to squelch "shakira" so she's effectively invisible to the game"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: which is still a viable scheme. I just have to do it another way"

08-24-2010, 11:24 AM
EDITED with some command comments that I thought were funny:

Some Cleetus whining. Why they didn't boot him I never understood:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: sigh"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: beelz at gate"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: just slammed calidus while i was testing a script"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: hes hiding"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: yep and im useless against him. 200 TD."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: fuck CS-only"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: un fucking real"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: I"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: I'm pretty much done."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Not a damned thing I can do when there are 3 invisible wizards, 2 rangers, and a few others that attack me 5-10 times a day."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: I haven't had one successful bigshot run in 3 days"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Yeah, I gotta say, its pretty insane"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: I mean there is nothing I can do. Theyve basicalyl admitted they are ganging up on me"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Oh, the poor babies"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I don't know why you in particular either"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Only thing we can do is push back, which we never have enough people on or willing to do. And now we are divided iwth this EN stuff."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Rest at the table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: resting at table wont do shit"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: there are a handful of them that swarm my hunting areas"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: half my deaths come from just in or out of town"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: they just sit and wait, just to grief"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They stalk you to your hunting spot"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "all about the QQ train!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Im not guessing, I know lol"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "aboard too"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: i tried the table resting, and im sure it might help, but i was killed just as often"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Even if you go to a table, stalker still follows"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: wizards cant stalk"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Anyone can stalk"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "We don't need to stalk. We know where he's going"

Heh, all the time it was like...I quit! <log off>, <log on> I logged back on to say that I quit again! WTTTFFFFF? <log off>, <log on> Arrgghhhhhh necen just bigshotted me again. /cry

But of course, he totally meant to make Maldric a rezbot at a table because he just doesn't have the time anymore!

08-24-2010, 11:29 AM
I love it when the truth comes out.

08-24-2010, 11:34 AM
[Spy]-GSFaffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."
Since you missed it the first and second time I said it. Nothing you were doing wasn't already known very early on, as much as you would like to spin it otherwise. We just didn't care enough to do much about it other than not talk openly about things that mattered.

It didn't prevent me from stomping your shit in repeatedly with impunity. You read chat logs while I killed you over and over, and I didn't need any intel to do it. I've killed Ifor 6 times to him killing me none, even when he knew exactly when and where I would be. As is often proved by the US government, good intel in incompetent hands is useless.

08-24-2010, 11:34 AM
Since you missed it the first and second time I said it. Nothing you were doing wasn't already known very early on, as much as you would like to spin it otherwise. We just didn't care enough to do much about it other than not talk openly about things that mattered.

It didn't prevent me from stomping your shit in repeatedly with impunity. You read chat logs while I killed you over and over, and I didn't need any intel to do it. I've killed Ifor 6 times to him killing me none, even when he knew exactly when and where I would be. As is often proved by the US government, good intel in incompetent hands is useless.

Uh huh, uh huh. Do tell.

08-24-2010, 11:37 AM
Uh huh, uh huh. Do tell.

[Spy]-GSFaffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."

I don't need to. Your own logs tell it just fine. Typical Necen-With-Blinders statement inc.

08-24-2010, 11:39 AM
I don't need to. Your own logs tell it just fine. Typical Necen-With-Blinders statement inc.

Chill puffy cheeks. It's a game, brah.

08-24-2010, 11:41 AM
reading that last night was really entertaining


would have helped me kill a lot more ^^

08-24-2010, 11:43 AM
Since you missed it the first and second time I said it. Nothing you were doing wasn't already known very early on, as much as you would like to spin it otherwise. We just didn't care enough to do much about it other than not talk openly about things that mattered.

It didn't prevent me from stomping your shit in repeatedly with impunity. You read chat logs while I killed you over and over, and I didn't need any intel to do it. I've killed Ifor 6 times to him killing me none, even when he knew exactly when and where I would be. As is often proved by the US government, good intel in incompetent hands is useless.

I can read. Hence my comment:

And here is some more of how crazy this guy is. Of course, he knew that we were listening to them right?:


Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 11:45 AM
Since you missed it the first and second time I said it. Nothing you were doing wasn't already known very early on, as much as you would like to spin it otherwise. We just didn't care enough to do much about it other than not talk openly about things that mattered.

It didn't prevent me from stomping your shit in repeatedly with impunity. You read chat logs while I killed you over and over, and I didn't need any intel to do it. I've killed Ifor 6 times to him killing me none, even when he knew exactly when and where I would be. As is often proved by the US government, good intel in incompetent hands is useless.

Killing me while I'm AFK is not big feat, especially since you were doing it with an AFK script.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: 5369"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: dont come in"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: hes imploding

Spin on Spinmeister. Now that Mordie is MIA someone has to take up the position.

08-24-2010, 11:49 AM
Now that Mordie is MIA someone has to take up the position.

hehe... punny

08-24-2010, 11:49 AM
Look, don't get me wrong. I think it's funny and obviously a win for a group who's purpose was to screw with Marlu, but it wasn't *that* big of a deal. It would have been were we completely oblivious to it, but you guys know that we weren't.

Ifor is quoting Command chat logs where they processed info, such as a bomb target, but it didn't prevent them from dying. It was info telling them what they already knew --

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
Your spell is ready.

You are visible again.
You gesture.

You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Cthulu along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void.
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Calidus along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Clank along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, just missing Clank along the way!
A war hammer is sucked into the void, striking Necen along the way!
... 10 points of damage!
Blow connects right below left eye!
He is stunned!
Bacons is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Bacons to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.

* Bacons has been vaporized!

* Bacons drops dead at your feet!

Bacons suddenly fades into view.
Bacons begins to breathe less deeply.
The dim aura fades from around Bacons.
The light blue glow leaves Bacons.
The deep blue glow leaves Bacons.
The very powerful look leaves Bacons.
The white light leaves Bacons.
The powerful look leaves Bacons.
The brilliant aura fades away from Bacons.
Bacons appears less confident.
The opalescent aura fades from around Bacons.

Necen is knocked over by the wind!
Necen is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Necen to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.

* Necen has been vaporized!

* Necen drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant aura fades away from Necen.
For an instant, Necen's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though he will successfully cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
The dim aura fades from around Necen.
Necen appears less confident.
The opalescent aura fades from around Necen.
Necen appears less secure.
Necen begins to breathe less deeply.
The very powerful look leaves Necen.
The white light leaves Necen.
The powerful look leaves Necen.
The guiding force leaves Necen.
The deep blue glow leaves Necen.
The air calms down around Necen.
The light blue glow leaves Necen.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Necen suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The shimmering aura fades from around Necen.
The faint blue glow fades from around Necen's hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.

* Necen just bit the dust!
* Bacons just bit the dust!

Air begins to rush in violently.
Wait 1 sec.
[Marlu]-GSF:Maldric: " L O L"

That's one "L O L" I bet you wish you didn't have to read.

08-24-2010, 11:51 AM
Killing me while I'm AFK is not big feat, especially since you were doing it with an AFK script.
Are you joking? I can post at least 4 logs of me implode-killing you while you were running around with Necen hunting our members. You weren't ever AFK when I killed you.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 11:59 AM
What you don't seem to get here is the big picture. I don't give a fuck if you can kill my character. It is Gemstone. Whoptie Fucking Doo.

Our goal was not to become the End All Be All PvP killers of the game. It was to stop Marlu.

Guess what...we did it.

You are playing checkers...we were playing chess.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 12:01 PM
And just for quoting sake...

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Im playing my sorcerer now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: just FYI"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: intent on greifing"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: let me know if you want some asshole scripts"


08-24-2010, 12:05 PM
Oh wow...4 WHOLE LOGS?

I guess that completely counters the fact that your entire group was shut down, forced to disband, and quit the game or hide at a table.

We didn't realize you had four...wow...our bad.

08-24-2010, 12:06 PM
To Cervina's credit it is a really nice idea, and one that we implemented shortly after.

Thank you. :)

08-24-2010, 12:11 PM
It is Gemstone. Whoptie Fucking Doo.
I think that about sums it up. You spent how many hundreds of hours obsessing over me and my chat logs? You guys call me the crazy one? That's laughable.

You built scripts, databases, and paid for two accounts for months so you could read whatever inane shit we wanted to chat about.

I spent a few minutes blasting your group into nothingness, shaped the way you played the game, then went back to AFK. On my life list I've made a little check mark next to, "Win At Gemstone".

Case in point:

[Crimson Crocus Table]
Three bright blue bowls on the table contrast sharply with the crimson crocuses blooming in them. The combination of the thick, light green leaves and red blossoms against the ceramic pottery is very eye-catching. You also see some calamia fruit, some ephlox moss and some ambrominas leaf.
Also here: Bacons who is sitting, Maliane who is sitting, Necen, Jefferydahmer who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Ask Necen why he can't hunt anymore and has to leech off their harm bot.

08-24-2010, 12:20 PM
I think my favorite part of all this was listening to this freak. Below is a bunch of snippets. Talk about ego issues and taking things too seriously. In addition, I love the comments about Tillmen but apparently it is ok for him to do mechanics abuse:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: I like to script. If I kill someone, its with a script. I'm not emotionally involved in this and I have a problem with anyone who is"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Nobody deserves it. Nobody earned it. If you have it, it's because I'm doing you a favor."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: It is a favor. You are not owed it. You don't deserve it. Anyone who has it should be thankful. It has nothing to do with Marlu. If you beg or whine for it you will never get it."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: No. I provide table service as a favor."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So now that we have things straight, the table is willing to help you if you help us and prove dedication over a period of time."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: How much more honest do you want me to be?"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "and join us tomorrow for more As The World Turns"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I'm not here to engage you in a debate. I've explained the reasoning. Does everyone understand?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: it's not a debate, it's part of the honesty thing."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: I believe everyone but Madam understands. But I *am* tired as shit and could be mistaken."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: What/who/when did I threaten?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: "I'm going to kill you Maldric"."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: For agreeing?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: and admitting im tired?"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Whoever posted Cervina's code is a faggot, in real life. Not in game. Someone trusted you and didn't do anything bad to you.. So eat a dick and die."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Guys, I'm out. I don't have time for drama or for your mistakes in trusting shitty people."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So I know some of you guys talk to the vanguards... This script I've developed is really, really obnoxious. I don't personally want to use it, and nobody on the server wants me to use it."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: My bard hasn't bugged anyone in over a week.. if she gets screwed with again its going to be nasty"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: you guys dont want me to use it either, because it fucks with everyone...."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: as an unfortunate side effect =/"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: i really dont lol. its not fun"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: its nasty mechanics abuse and abuse of stormfront interface"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Just a heads up guys, Tillmen monitors and repeats anything we say, and also tracks all of our IPs for matching up alts etc here. Pretty shitty developer ethics, but its his server so whatever."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So don't expect privacy or decency from him on lnet"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Also it would probably be wise to change passwords if you used a common password for yourself on lnet. If he's willing to monitor private chats and do the shit hes doing, he's willing to do more"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I just wanted to have a legendary reputation in shattered"
[Command]-Ifor: "as a douche?"
[Command]-GSF: Macros: "for being retarded? mission accomplished"

I think one picture sums it up:


08-24-2010, 12:22 PM
I'm just glad we got Madam into FAPchat there at the end to give him all of our appreciation.

08-24-2010, 12:24 PM
I'm just glad we got Madam into FAPchat there at the end to give him all of our appreciation.

^ x2. Though it wasn't *all* my appreciation. I'm sure I could come up with a few more things to say, if the opportunity presented itself.

08-24-2010, 12:26 PM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: I like to script. If I kill someone, its with a script. I'm not emotionally involved in this and I have a problem with anyone who is"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Nobody deserves it. Nobody earned it. If you have it, it's because I'm doing you a favor."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: It is a favor. You are not owed it. You don't deserve it. Anyone who has it should be thankful. It has nothing to do with Marlu. If you beg or whine for it you will never get it."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: No. I provide table service as a favor."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So now that we have things straight, the table is willing to help you if you help us and prove dedication over a period of time."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: How much more honest do you want me to be?"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "and join us tomorrow for more As The World Turns"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I'm not here to engage you in a debate. I've explained the reasoning. Does everyone understand?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: it's not a debate, it's part of the honesty thing."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: I believe everyone but Madam understands. But I *am* tired as shit and could be mistaken."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: What/who/when did I threaten?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: "I'm going to kill you Maldric"."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: For agreeing?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: and admitting im tired?"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Whoever posted Cervina's code is a faggot, in real life. Not in game. Someone trusted you and didn't do anything bad to you.. So eat a dick and die."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Guys, I'm out. I don't have time for drama or for your mistakes in trusting shitty people."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So I know some of you guys talk to the vanguards... This script I've developed is really, really obnoxious. I don't personally want to use it, and nobody on the server wants me to use it."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: My bard hasn't bugged anyone in over a week.. if she gets screwed with again its going to be nasty"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: you guys dont want me to use it either, because it fucks with everyone...."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: as an unfortunate side effect =/"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: i really dont lol. its not fun"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: its nasty mechanics abuse and abuse of stormfront interface"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Just a heads up guys, Tillmen monitors and repeats anything we say, and also tracks all of our IPs for matching up alts etc here. Pretty shitty developer ethics, but its his server so whatever."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: So don't expect privacy or decency from him on lnet"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Also it would probably be wise to change passwords if you used a common password for yourself on lnet. If he's willing to monitor private chats and do the shit hes doing, he's willing to do more"

[Spy]-GSFaffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."

I said massive amounts of shit knowing all of you would read it, hoping for someone to say something. I'm loving how much you ate it up.

Also, some of that was in the context of me verbally body-slamming Madam when he kept whining about what he deserved.

08-24-2010, 12:26 PM
I think that about sums it up. You spent how many hundreds of hours obsessing over me and my chat logs? You guys call me the crazy one? That's laughable.

If hundreds = a few, then yes.

You built scripts, databases, and paid for two accounts for months so you could read whatever inane shit we wanted to chat about.

The spy script took me all of two minutes and Mooch/Daffy already had the accounts. The database was done by someone who does it for a living and took ~ 30 minutes.

I spent a few minutes blasting your group into nothingness,


shaped the way you played the game


, then went back to AFK.

Stick to your strengths.

On my life list I've made a little check mark next to, "Win At Gemstone".

Right below "Work on my overinflated ego problem" and above "scratch that, cut myself over a game because I'M A FUCKING BALLER"

08-24-2010, 12:26 PM
^ x2. Though it wasn't *all* my appreciation. I'm sure I could come up with a few more things to say, if the opportunity presented itself.

you have an e-mail to send me, ma'am.

08-24-2010, 12:29 PM
I said massive amounts of shit knowing all of you would read it, hoping for someone to say something. I'm loving how much you ate it up.

Also, some of that was in the context of me verbally body-slamming Madam when he kept whining about what he deserved.

Quit GS and run for Senate. You'd be good at it.

08-24-2010, 12:30 PM
I think that about sums it up. You spent how many hundreds of hours obsessing over me and my chat logs? You guys call me the crazy one? That's laughable.

You built scripts, databases, and paid for two accounts for months so you could read whatever inane shit we wanted to chat about.

I spent a few minutes blasting your group into nothingness, shaped the way you played the game, then went back to AFK. On my life list I've made a little check mark next to, "Win At Gemstone".

Case in point:

[Crimson Crocus Table]
Three bright blue bowls on the table contrast sharply with the crimson crocuses blooming in them. The combination of the thick, light green leaves and red blossoms against the ceramic pottery is very eye-catching. You also see some calamia fruit, some ephlox moss and some ambrominas leaf.
Also here: Bacons who is sitting, Maliane who is sitting, Necen, Jefferydahmer who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Ask Necen why he can't hunt anymore and has to leech off their harm bot.

Er ... what? I've been table-healing for over a month. A couple of nights back, the bot was logged out, so I bigshotted in Bonespear, and in the one night out of the last 30 where I was AFK hunting, you got lucky and found me and (barely) managed to kill me, with a 20-level difference. And you think you forced me to hide at a table? This post is emblematic of the way you think.

08-24-2010, 12:32 PM
Er ... what? I've been table-healing for over a month. A couple of nights back, the bot was logged out, so I bigshotted in Bonespear, and in the one night out of the last 30 where I was AFK hunting, you got lucky and found me and (barely) managed to kill me, with a 20-level difference. And you think you forced me to hide at a table? This post is emblematic of the way you think.

When he killed you I bet he did his dance:


08-24-2010, 12:33 PM
Er ... what? I've been table-healing for over a month. A couple of nights back, the bot was logged out, so I bigshotted in Bonespear, and in the one night out of the last 30 where I was AFK hunting, you got lucky and found me and (barely) managed to kill me, with a 20-level difference. And you think you forced me to hide at a table? This post is emblematic of the way you think.

Whew! For a minute there I was worried that I was the only one capable of spinning bullshit here. Thanks for coming in with the save.

08-24-2010, 12:33 PM
^ x2. Though it wasn't *all* my appreciation. I'm sure I could come up with a few more things to say, if the opportunity presented itself.

OH NOES. What did I miss?! I need logs people!

08-24-2010, 12:33 PM
When he killed you I bet he did his dance:


Ah, yes, the "Nipple Rub Shawl Crawl." I hear he's patented it.

08-24-2010, 12:34 PM
Whew! For a minute there I was worried that I was the only one capable of spinning bullshit here. Thanks for coming in with the save.

You're sitting on a pillar in the middle of a desert, claiming it's a rainforest.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 12:52 PM
I think that about sums it up. You spent how many hundreds of hours obsessing over me and my chat logs? You guys call me the crazy one? That's laughable.

You built scripts, databases, and paid for two accounts for months so you could read whatever inane shit we wanted to chat about.

I spent a few minutes blasting your group into nothingness, shaped the way you played the game, then went back to AFK. On my life list I've made a little check mark next to, "Win At Gemstone".

Hundreds of hours obsessing? Don't kid yourself, but it was good comic relif.

Scripts and databases? You betcha, but the effort was nominal.

The real interesting part there are the scripts that we wrote to make the game easier/better/more enjoyable for EVERYONE in the game. SpiffyJr. will most likely release sBounty to the masses after this and I have two in the works that will have an amazing effect as well. Your claim to fame: AFK killing scripts and asshole scripts to make the game a pain in the ass for everyone else.

If "Win At Gemstone" is something that you even bother taking time to put a check mark next to for one of your life's list then you have a pretty sad list there man.

08-24-2010, 01:04 PM
Hundreds of hours obsessing? Don't kid yourself, but it was good comic relif.
You said yourself you would often wake up in the middle of the night just to read our chat. I hate to break it to you, but that's obsession dude. I can happily say I've never been so afflicted. Our chat was mind-numbingly boring except for a few rare dramatic occasions.

The real interesting part there are the scripts that we wrote to make the game easier/better/more enjoyable for EVERYONE in the game. AFK killing scripts and asshole scripts to make the game a pain in the ass for everyone else.
It was interesting to see the improvements made to looting scripts due to curse bombing, amongst other script upgrades related to pvp and such. Shattered is what it is, asshole scripts and all. Prime is still there for anyone who doesn't want to have to deal with it.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 01:18 PM
You said yourself you would often wake up in the middle of the night just to read our chat. I hate to break it to you, but that's obsession dude. I can happily say I've never been so afflicted. Our chat was mind-numbingly boring except for a few rare dramatic occasions.

It was interesting to see the improvements made to looting scripts due to curse bombing, amongst other script upgrades related to pvp and such. Shattered is what it is, asshole scripts and all. Prime is still there for anyone who doesn't want to have to deal with it.

That was while I was in a hotel in Delaware for three weeks...I had nothing better to do. Besides, you folks running around being stupid was much more entertaining than late night TV. It was not just your chat, it was Marlu chat with a MST3K spin, all of us commenting on it. THAT is where the true comedy comes out. Sorry you missed it.

08-24-2010, 01:43 PM
It's no secret that I love Lichchat, and the more the merrier. I really regret that I didn't join Vanguard sooner, if only to do some rescues and have access not only to their chat, but the evil side as well. I really was "butthurt" that they concluded I was a Marlu-mole and closed the channel, even if I only got to enjoy the chatter one day.

BTW: Thank you to those of you who posted on my thread about my "emotional RL" distress over the "sides" issues IG. They made me feel much better about everything! Despite being a table healer, I have every intention of becoming a full-fledged rescuer for any and all (unless one of the earlier ideas about forming tagged-groups comes to fruition) so it's not all for my benefit. Almost to half-way mark at 61.

Thank you, especially, Cervina, for your kind thoughts. You've got a long memory and a good heart.

Guess a goodbye to Leland is in order, since he's getting rid of the account. If you're young, it's a good move! Too much RL out there to use it up on any computer game! I let my nephew create an EQ character on my account when he was in 10th grade... bad, bad move. He's 21 now and regrets "losing" out on so much of his high school years once he talked me into providing him his own account. Anyway good luck to you, Leland!

Again... I surely wish I coulda read all this IG! Thanks for posting them.


08-24-2010, 01:57 PM
It's no secret that I love Lichchat, and the more the merrier. I really regret that I didn't join Vanguard sooner, if only to do some rescues and have access not only to their chat, but the evil side as well. I really was "butthurt" that they concluded I was a Marlu-mole and closed the channel, even if I only got to enjoy the chatter one day.

Thank you, especially, Cervina, for your kind thoughts. You've got a long memory and a good heart.

I'm still very sorry that my putting you on a list just to ensure you wouldn't be touched affected you negatively. :(

08-24-2010, 02:06 PM
Re: Getting SBounty:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well I gotta run for a bit, think about it Mordechai yer our leader, do I kill each of us 3 times for sbounty for us?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: why dont we just get it on an alt?"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "rofl @ him actually taking it seriously"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "... really?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: then distribute"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "ahahaaha"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "an alt? Come the fuck on."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Do they really think that's going to work?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Godsatan = Portu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "gee, I wonder why."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Asking for it on LNet = reallllly trying..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: How could they not trust someone as stand up as you ;)"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Is he spamming, or is our thing broken?"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "He's spamming"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Were you ever working on it? Did they trust you?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: dart/cervina is going to work on one eventually anyway"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: mord, cthulu is having trouble talking on marlu channel"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: No I'm not?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: k."
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Necen, Calidus is having brain malfunction issues."

08-24-2010, 02:15 PM
How to lose GS:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: kaedra kill or no?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "God, no, you idiot."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: sigh"
[Command]-Ifor: "please do it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: too late."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: she rescues them constantly"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: yup"
[Command]-Ifor: "put her on the KOS list!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: and hangs with them"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Heh."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I'd usually say no but...I think lately she needs to die"
[Command]-Ifor: "YES!!!"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Oh, Christ, you're an idiot. Hah."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: she should be a KOS"
[Command]-Ifor: "yes!!!!!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yes. unfortunately"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: i shoudl have swung"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: She's going to be super helpful later in the game."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "You really shouldn't tick her off. Her CS is almost as good as Tillmen's. Heh."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Agreed. Lets take her off DNK and put her on KOS"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Twits."
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "um, you dont attack the Kaedra"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yes"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Okay, so, they pissed of Tillmen"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "And Kaedra?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: She's also probably not going to help us."
[Command]-Ifor: "they are going to"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Shiekh is all that's left"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Calidus is hidden here again"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "that's like sacrilegious in GS"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "And Dan, and now Kaedra. And probably Sheikh soon."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: err attack us"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "it's textbook on how to lose GS!"

08-24-2010, 02:44 PM
"In which Oblivion claims he's a PC mod and we frame Katze":

[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "http: //forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=54162&page=2"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "dammit, just as I was saying I was going to bed.."
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "take Espere off that list please. he is not one of them"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Then why is he on the member list that was updated today?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Nah, leave it. He is, but pleading innocence."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Dart: It happens. I wouldn't worry about it."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Though, if you want to cast doubt on someone, remove one prominent name from the list. ;)"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Take your pick."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "They'll eventually notice, if they're smart"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "If not, no damage."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: whats this... disgruntled marlu member"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Hmmm. Someone posted the CLib scripts."
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "o_O"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Nice post Katze"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Someone with access to clib"
[Command]-GSF: Jefferydahmer: "I dunno, he barely plays, I talked to him for a long time the other day..he seems like a noob"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: nice post Katze what?"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "And Katze gets removed from the list..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: updated as of NOW - with harry and madam on KOS"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: You know, some of us are PC forum mods. Lawl."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: As in, IP addresses."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Heh."
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Then why did he say it was Katze?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Nice."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Guys"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "I removed his name from the list... that didn't take long"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: ASAP - CLEAN OUT old names"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Marl and Sanity need to be removed NOW"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Hilarious."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Both those chars are retired and names are free"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "So, we got rid of Madam, Harry, Ron, Katze, and Kasseopea tonight?"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Ah, thanks for clearing that up."
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "What a good night..."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "It's been a great night. : )"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "I fucking love mind games"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: if I knew who it was, there would be hell to pay"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Oh, yeah."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "And they work so well on this paranoid bunch"
[Command]-Ifor: "this is great"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: It's still fucked up"
[Command]-Ifor: "I love all of you...every one of you!"

08-24-2010, 02:53 PM
Haha... I always knew we had a spy on the channel, but I didn't know everything was being logged necessarily. In hind sight, being intoxicated for a good portion of my active play time was probably a bad idea. :P

I'd actually love a copy of these logs, at least for nostalgia sake. For better or worse, there were some fun times had back then.

I miss all the excitement. I'm not even sure if Maldric is signed on and raising right now, and I don't care much. It was different back when everyone was more actively involved.

I'm not sure if this is, or ever will be apparent to (or accepted by) everyone, but despite a few rants and raves here and there, our group has never taken any of this stuff very seriously. We have always been a group of people who are together with the sole purpose of having fun and helping each other out. There was no agenda, mission statement, goal, etc. Just play, have fun, support each other. Obviously we "cared" enough to get pissed off occasionally, but that is more of an individual "fuck I died, mother fuckign cock shit ass fsdfjsdlfk" then "oh noes! our plans for world domination are being threatened!!!"

A lot of the inner workings of the group are missed, as much of our real communication was done through AIM. There was a brief period of time when we were organized and I remember saying to Cthulu, "wow... we actually have a pretty cool operation going on right now!" Everyone was active, we were doing the table operation with the boxes, helping each other out, etc. There still wasn't any true goal, we were just people who liked playing together and helping each other out. Of course, over time people started being AFK again, doing their own thing, IRL shit going on, etc. There was never any cohesiveness, and there was never really meant to be. Mordechai would stress almost on a daily basis, "remember, RL is more important. Always take care of that first."

Mordechai is almost child-like in his wanting for everyone to have fun, and likewise is insanely trusting and trustworthy. (That isn't an insult.) However, he has never been reliable enough to keep the group together or focused... and I don't think he really had any plans other than to have fun and cause some chaos on the server. I'm not sure what the point saying any of this is other than feeling an urge to defend him, I guess. He's a good guy, I consider him my friend, and will continue to play with him. It's too bad you guys don't have all the AIM logs, because I've torn into him quite a few times... deserving or not. There is only one time I've seen him get upset/angry/defeated, and it was after the madam/table fiasco. He said something along the lines of retiring his character. When I asked him why, he didn't give a shit that we lost the table, the loot, or pride... he was just upset that we were all fighting with each other. (We were arguing and pointing fingers, etc). It all only lasted a few minutes, then we all settled down and said "who gives a fuck, let's keep playing."

Someone and Cervina were always sort of the backbone of Marlu. Any structure we had came from them. Mordechai would pop in occasionally and say, "anyone want to [go hunting, kill stuff, attack someone, etc]?" Some would come, some wouldn't. Other than a few events here and there, that was about the extent of our "operations."

In my opinion, "Marlu" as a clan or group was more a creation of those who hated us than what we actually were. We were never much of a group, clan, or anything resembling organization. The organization against us far outweighed any organization we ever had or (the important part) wanted or attempted to have.

Blah... I don't know how this post got so long. I'm just spewing out random thoughts, I guess.

The only real negatives I've taken from any of this are 1) the fact the game is sort of boring now, and that makes me sad, because I want shattered to prevail as a community, and 2) i feel a little betrayed on a personal level by people whom I considered to be friends, and not just shattered-personalities or alter-egos.

08-24-2010, 03:00 PM
Finally an honest post.

Also, the shattered community was destined to be AFK scripters from day 1.

08-24-2010, 03:07 PM
I'd actually love a copy of these logs, at least for nostalgia sake. For better or worse, there were some fun times had back then.

Check that link on the first post. They're all there.

08-24-2010, 03:07 PM
Finally an honest post.

Also, the shattered community was destined to be AFK scripters from day 1.

I'm pretty sure that nothing in that post goes against any of the other stuff I've said. If there are conflicting accounts between what's posted above and in the past, I'd like to hear them.

But yeah, Shattered has always been destined for afk scripting. I assumed that when I joined, but I enjoy scripting and coding and figured it would be fun to mess around. I never thought I would be able to keep up with the Jones'.

08-24-2010, 03:14 PM
Check that link on the first post. They're all there.

Missed that. Cool.

08-24-2010, 03:14 PM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yes, ma'am, madam, you fucking cunt."


08-24-2010, 03:16 PM
I'm pretty sure that nothing in that post goes against any of the other stuff I've said. If there are conflicting accounts between what's posted above and in the past, I'd like to hear them.

But yeah, Shattered has always been destined for afk scripting. I assumed that when I joined, but I enjoy scripting and coding and figured it would be fun to mess around. I never thought I would be able to keep up with the Jones'.

Didn't really mean from you specifically. But from a Marlu. Honestly both sides tend to over-inflate themselves. That being said, this whole time when Necen said Marlu were playing checkers to the Vanguard's playing Chess, I sort of rolled my eyes and chortled...

I was WRONG. Marlu were street-tuffs, where The Vanguard was Jason Bourne... Should have named the damn thing Treadstone.

Shattered Dreamer
08-24-2010, 03:27 PM
^ x2. Though it wasn't *all* my appreciation. I'm sure I could come up with a few more things to say, if the opportunity presented itself.

Nothing is stopping you.

08-24-2010, 03:29 PM
Didn't really mean from you specifically. But from a Marlu. Honestly both sides tend to over-inflate themselves. That being said, this whole time when Necen said Marlu were playing checkers to the Vanguard's playing Chess, I sort of rolled my eyes and chortled...

I was WRONG. Marlu were street-tuffs, where The Vanguard was Jason Bourne... Should have named the damn thing Treadstone.

Yep, I talked about this day a while ago:

[Command]-GSF: Steven: "yeah, we should reveal our command and how we totally Jason Bourned them"
[Command]-GSF: Daffy: "I think Necen needs to do that"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "call it the Marlu Identity"

08-24-2010, 04:08 PM
Didn't really mean from you specifically. But from a Marlu. Honestly both sides tend to over-inflate themselves. That being said, this whole time when Necen said Marlu were playing checkers to the Vanguard's playing Chess, I sort of rolled my eyes and chortled...

I was WRONG. Marlu were street-tuffs, where The Vanguard was Jason Bourne... Should have named the damn thing Treadstone.

That was DrunkenDurfin/Ifor's comparison, actually, and it was nothing but the truth.

Drunken Durfin
08-24-2010, 04:09 PM
The fun little irony there is that I am actually a horrible chess player.

08-24-2010, 04:21 PM
Finally an honest post.
I've been pretty consistent in saying exactly what Calidus did. You just overlook it because I wrap it in bravado in douchebaggery to get a rise.

The point was never to fight Necen or the Vanguard. Goals, organization and aims were always low, if they existed at all. The pinnacle of our aspirations were, "To Fuck With People.", which we did... Enough so that they (rightfully) started to fuck back, and fun was had by all. That was the point.

I only felt Marlu "lost" when they started talking truces and such. Shattered became Zombieland over night. "Population: 40" won't be fun for anyone -- even the AFK scripters once they attain whatever their goals were.

08-24-2010, 04:36 PM
I've been pretty consistent in saying exactly what Calidus did. You just overlook it because I wrap it in bravado in douchebaggery to get a rise.

The point was never to fight Necen or the Vanguard. Goals, organization and aims were always low, if they existed at all. The pinnacle of our aspirations were, "To Fuck With People.", which we did... Enough so that they (rightfully) started to fuck back, and fun was had by all. That was the point.

I only felt Marlu "lost" when they started talking truces and such. Shattered became Zombieland over night. "Population: 40" won't be fun for anyone -- even the AFK scripters once they attain whatever their goals were.

You will be one of the reasons the population goes down to 40. Don't act like you care about that. You will have your "fun" here and go on to the next game.

Personally, I think simu wants this. I don't think they realized the success Shattered would be and would be happy to see it go down and people return to Prime.

08-24-2010, 04:45 PM
Here are the reactions to the table-raid, which are pure gold. Warning, the whine is strong with this post:

The initial response:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Why is Madam at our table?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: holy shit really?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Yes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Clio: It's a trap!!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: she's saying people's names trying to get us to log"
[Command]-Ifor: "that is pretty damn funny"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Invite whomever else you want over."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: she's going to be inviting eveyrone to the table now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: has no reason to leave"
[Command]-Ifor: "yes, yes she is"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Haha."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: fuck Beelzbub get to the table now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: cervina or someone around?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: everyone will be at the table in a sec"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: maldric needs some rescuin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: whats up at table?"
[Command]-Ifor: "as they say in ebonics, they be fucked"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Madam got in somehow and is inviting everyone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: Madam got in and is inviting everyone, we need madmountain ther enow"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: hide under the table and stalk madam and fog"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: what the hell can I do about it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I can try"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Clio: Let me know if you need me, like I can actually do anything"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: keep her visible anyone?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: can't"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: you can't search and point?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: nope"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "o...m...g"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is fucked up, how did they let this happen?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: and where the fuck is someone and cervina?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I port them out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they were in Madam's group"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: they are stealing all the boxes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is retarded, how did she get invited?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: They are stilla t the table?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: was probably stalking someone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: start killing them when they leave"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: fuck the fine we cannot let them continue to steal"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yeah but we dont want to get banished"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I'm betting someone had Madam on a befriend list or something, if it wasn't stalking"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: invite me Calidus"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: madam just fogged me out. how? i had group close"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Cervina's resting at Voln."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: stalking"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Oblivion is going to lose it when he gets back"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well this is his fault actually"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I highly doubt that. He's the most anal about table security"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room] Also here: Clio, Cthulu, Lord Katze, Bleeder, Kagehisa, Daffy"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: he accused me of something and got me banished off the server last night, I set up new befriends to still get healed and didn't take them off last night, that is how Madam got to the table, I invited Madam while script hunting"

Things get "real" and Mordechai logs in:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Soooo, katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Did you fuck us on purpose or on accident?"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "nm"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "YES!"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "YES!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: hes afk rl calls he brb"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Haha"
[Command]-Ifor: "ah...seeds of discontent abound. I feel all warm and fuzzy"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Katze's thinking over my offer, and Madam's helping. He's convinced he's screwed with Marlu now, so he'll turn."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Offered spells, healing, raises, and a bounty on each Marlu. Heh."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "He tried to convince me they paid him a million a week"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "..."
[Command]-Ifor: "I've been hoarding feras daggers"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Niiice"
[Command]-Ifor: "dangle...dangle....dangle"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "someone has arrived, he might be back on"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "He wants sbounty, but I just told him I knew about his trying to double-cross Pandin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Whats up guys?"
[Command]-Ifor: "oh, this should be good"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: lol. oh, nothing."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Ummm alot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: read the board"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Is every time I log back onto the game gonna be some new something : P"
[Command]-Ifor: "yes, yes there is"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Um, this is like...big time"
[Command]-Ifor: "ROFL"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Katzeopea"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Which thread?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Katze left his befriends on, Madam got in to the table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Nostradamus: dear marlu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: So, thats gone now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: invited eveyron else, lsot the table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: lost the loot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: lost cervina and someone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: you name it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Didnt everyone clear their befriends list?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: It was Katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: we just explained what happened"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: read the thread for details"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Mother fucker."
[Command]-Ifor: "I'm lovin' it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Remember the person I said was going to unfortunately fuck us? Well, he fucked us."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: what table oblivion?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok. Damage total. Lost table. Lost loot."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Oblivion and someone are moving shit out to fat thrak"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: but I think hes afk"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Did we lose ALL the loot?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Any deaths?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they took the whole table"

Someone says he's "done":
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Guys, I'm out. I don't have time for drama or for your mistakes in trusting shitty people."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: What?"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "laff"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: OUR?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Calm down."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: The last thing we need is panic or rashness"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Room number Maldric? Im gonna try to get you"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Tehre is no drama going on."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I departed as well, no worries"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We are working together."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I'm not being rash or upset. I just don't have time to deal with it. I'll still provide service to a few trusted people"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: To deal with what?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I just need room number someone. I still want to rescue"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Someone as in Someone who is dead"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Today you told me you weren't concerned about hte mole. We knew this could happen any day while we had a mole."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: im in 7360, mord"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: heh"
[Command]-Ifor: "watching this playhouse of theirs crumble to the ground is just...so friggin amazing. I love SPY."

They kick out Katze:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: what do I do?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: You fucked us : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: And I like you, too. My second favorite rogue."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well I got kicked from the server last night"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: I befriended madam to get healed"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "he isnt kicked from marlu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: You honestly saying this was accidental?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok Maldric, I cant do it. I get warded and they swarm"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "No, but Kas is apparently. Let's see what they say."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: no prob, mord"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: im gonna depart"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: thank you for trying"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: it wasn't intentional no, Iam upset about them stealing the table and the loot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Th worst we lost was a buich of boxes."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We will get them back. I will run box runs every day."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: or trying to force me to join them because they think you have all turned on me already"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Can someone open the graveyard gate? cant cast"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: to be honest, I am suprised I still have access to the Marlu net"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yeah, they say the same shit to me. They are vindictive little liars"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Gave you a chance to explain Katze"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "heh, little booger is plotting already"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well it wasn't inteional"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Yep. And he just told me he's with us. This is great"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Sorry, accident or not, I still like you as a person but cant associate anymore. Good luck in the future"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Just need gy gates opened, heh"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Perfect"

They decide that extorting people just isn't worth it:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone freaking out?"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Looks like I ended my drive just in time"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We lost some fucking boxes."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "This is great"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: ANY one at ANY time could do this."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: One mmeber goes rogue, and boxes lost."
[Command]-Ifor: "and emodric begins"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: shit is liable to happen"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone so surprised and butthurt?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Am I talking to myself?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Im still here"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Because this is completely psychological, Maldric. We took away what you wanted to keep, and now Someone says he's done with you, we've taken Katze (sort of, the liar), and the rest of you are deliciously upset."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone freaking out at something that was so easy and expected to happen?"
[Command]-Ifor: "if they do boot him, really boot him, then SPY is totally safe and in an AWESOME position"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We lost boxes. Sucks."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I guess I should adjust for no table. Means gotta pause my scripts is all and readjust"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Why does he have anything to do with SPY's safety?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: The way I see it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: I havnt got a dime in protection money in 3 weeks"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: and ive personally earned us protection fees"
[Command]-Ifor: "because they are uber paranoid, and if they think that they have found the mole (Katze) then we are golden"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I think the biggest issue is people didnt do what they were told to. Everyone was TOLD to clear their befriends list. So if they didnt, they were told they'd lost table access"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: that shit doesnt amount to jack"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Boxes = money"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Ah. Sorry, I think I left my brain in Ohio. It'll probably be tomorrow before it catches up."
[Command]-Ifor: "a lot of things were posted today after Madam was booted from Marlu chat"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Listen to Cthulu here a sec please, I agree with him"
[Command]-Ifor: "yeah, road brain...been there"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yes, Katze fucked up. So why is everyone else freaking out?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We can get more boxes."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: This whole extortion biz was fun for awhile but its gotten old, and our enemies are getting ahead in levels a bit"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Because they are half empaths"
[Command]-Ifor: "hahahha"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "rofl"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: It'd be nice to lay low for awhile"
[Command]-Ifor: "you can run, you can't hide"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We have Someone and Cervina, maybe they should start fighting too."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Someone has left us."
[Command]-Ifor: "sa wheat"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Not 100%"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Right, with the conditions of neutrality"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: I can't believe madam getting intot he table is causing everyone to quit."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "So what are they down to now? Mad, Mord, Calidus, Cthulu, Cervina, and Oblivion (and alts)?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: that's not the reason Maldric. Just listen to what Cthulu is suggesting. I think it's a good suggestion"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: All Im saying is, the pros are far outweighing the cons of dumping the extortion scheme"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I think its a combination of things. Im all about fun. and if its stopped being fun for people, they dont have to play. if its not fun, no hard feelings if you quit. Im still going to forge ahead as best I can of course"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: The extortion scheme has been meh for weeks anyway. not much going on with it"
[Command]-Ifor: "because I am delusional"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Exactly. And thats the culmination of our issues"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: so fuck the extortion."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: its sort of silly anyway"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: the extortion scheme is why we're being spied on. Why we're having drama (besides madam and katze)"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: made us some money for a bit, thats it"
[Command]-Ifor: "the temptation to post this is OVERWHELMING. It is basically "Vanguard Wins" chat"

They decide to lay low:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: 7 recent deaths for calidus"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: and me, combined"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: I cant stand our enemies, and I dont intend to take anyone name off red"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Go guerilla is what yer suggesting in others?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Go guerilla is what yer suggesting in other words"
[Command]-Ifor: "you are not Rambo"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Im saying I want to lay low for awhile and reevaluate in the future"

(Tons of crap where they debate who the spy is)

They rule out Mooch (aka Mole Woman) as a spy:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Katze was our spy"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "ahahaha"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: &lt;chagrined&gt;"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "win"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Although Mooch is an interesting idea"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "noooo"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: mooch gave us her account login and password"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "^"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "wewt"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: doubt its her."
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "laff"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: lol"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "I may have bitched at the time, but now I'm SO glad"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "this is better than a movie"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Ok ;p"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: which leaves katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I have the ability to delete her character so yeah, Not Mooch"

And perhaps the best quote:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I just want to have fun."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: And play a game : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: well fuck you mord, you cant! ever again!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yay BFF &lt;3"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: THEY STOLE THE FUNZ!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Well, our current situation is"
[Command]-Ifor: "screwed"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: it HAS been a good run. We've created much QQ, made em rage, and honestly I think we WON. We have totally set the tone for shattered. We wanted to do something, we did it."
[Command]-Ifor: "what a fucking delusional retard"

08-24-2010, 04:55 PM
That was fun to read again.

ROFL I forgot that Ifor said "Emodric."


08-24-2010, 05:33 PM
full log of the Jaeden perspective up. makes a good read <3

08-24-2010, 05:45 PM
full log of the Jaeden perspective up. makes a good read <3

Your new avatar makes me think of Jaeden hiding in a corner, hoping a Marlu doesn't come squash him.

08-24-2010, 05:47 PM
And finally, last but certainly not least, Tisket, will you come over so I can tie you up in my basement and feed you strawberries and whipped cream and keep you as my pet forever?

Hey, get your OWN molely moley mole woman.

Though Tisket IS an opportunist ... :(

08-24-2010, 06:22 PM
Thank god the only people we actually did kick for being spies actually WERE spies (leland) or were just complete retards (kaaseopea, katze,kaseopea, madam, madam, kaseopea, and madam). Milamber came under scrutiny a few times and would have been a shame if we kicked her.

08-24-2010, 08:21 PM
Here are the reactions to the table-raid, which are pure gold. Warning, the whine is strong with this post:

The initial response:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Why is Madam at our table?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: holy shit really?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Yes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Clio: It's a trap!!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: she's saying people's names trying to get us to log"
[Command]-Ifor: "that is pretty damn funny"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Invite whomever else you want over."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: she's going to be inviting eveyrone to the table now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: has no reason to leave"
[Command]-Ifor: "yes, yes she is"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Haha."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: fuck Beelzbub get to the table now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: cervina or someone around?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: everyone will be at the table in a sec"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: maldric needs some rescuin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: whats up at table?"
[Command]-Ifor: "as they say in ebonics, they be fucked"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Madam got in somehow and is inviting everyone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: Madam got in and is inviting everyone, we need madmountain ther enow"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: hide under the table and stalk madam and fog"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: what the hell can I do about it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I can try"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Clio: Let me know if you need me, like I can actually do anything"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: keep her visible anyone?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: can't"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: you can't search and point?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: nope"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "o...m...g"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is fucked up, how did they let this happen?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: and where the fuck is someone and cervina?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I port them out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they were in Madam's group"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: they are stealing all the boxes"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is retarded, how did she get invited?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: They are stilla t the table?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: was probably stalking someone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: start killing them when they leave"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: fuck the fine we cannot let them continue to steal"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: yeah but we dont want to get banished"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I'm betting someone had Madam on a befriend list or something, if it wasn't stalking"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: invite me Calidus"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: madam just fogged me out. how? i had group close"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Cervina's resting at Voln."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: stalking"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Oblivion is going to lose it when he gets back"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well this is his fault actually"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I highly doubt that. He's the most anal about table security"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "[Raging Thrak Inn, Dining Room] Also here: Clio, Cthulu, Lord Katze, Bleeder, Kagehisa, Daffy"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: he accused me of something and got me banished off the server last night, I set up new befriends to still get healed and didn't take them off last night, that is how Madam got to the table, I invited Madam while script hunting"

Things get "real" and Mordechai logs in:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Soooo, katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Did you fuck us on purpose or on accident?"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "nm"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "YES!"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "YES!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Kaseopea: hes afk rl calls he brb"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Haha"
[Command]-Ifor: "ah...seeds of discontent abound. I feel all warm and fuzzy"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Katze's thinking over my offer, and Madam's helping. He's convinced he's screwed with Marlu now, so he'll turn."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Offered spells, healing, raises, and a bounty on each Marlu. Heh."
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "He tried to convince me they paid him a million a week"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "..."
[Command]-Ifor: "I've been hoarding feras daggers"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Niiice"
[Command]-Ifor: "dangle...dangle....dangle"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "someone has arrived, he might be back on"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "He wants sbounty, but I just told him I knew about his trying to double-cross Pandin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Whats up guys?"
[Command]-Ifor: "oh, this should be good"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: lol. oh, nothing."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Ummm alot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: read the board"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Is every time I log back onto the game gonna be some new something : P"
[Command]-Ifor: "yes, yes there is"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Um, this is like...big time"
[Command]-Ifor: "ROFL"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Katzeopea"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Which thread?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Katze left his befriends on, Madam got in to the table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Nostradamus: dear marlu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: So, thats gone now"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: invited eveyron else, lsot the table"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: lost the loot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: lost cervina and someone"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: you name it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Didnt everyone clear their befriends list?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: It was Katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: we just explained what happened"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: read the thread for details"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Mother fucker."
[Command]-Ifor: "I'm lovin' it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Remember the person I said was going to unfortunately fuck us? Well, he fucked us."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: what table oblivion?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok. Damage total. Lost table. Lost loot."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Oblivion and someone are moving shit out to fat thrak"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: but I think hes afk"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Did we lose ALL the loot?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Any deaths?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: they took the whole table"

Someone says he's "done":
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: Guys, I'm out. I don't have time for drama or for your mistakes in trusting shitty people."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: What?"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "laff"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: OUR?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Calm down."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: The last thing we need is panic or rashness"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Room number Maldric? Im gonna try to get you"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Tehre is no drama going on."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: I departed as well, no worries"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We are working together."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Someone: I'm not being rash or upset. I just don't have time to deal with it. I'll still provide service to a few trusted people"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: To deal with what?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I just need room number someone. I still want to rescue"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Someone as in Someone who is dead"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Today you told me you weren't concerned about hte mole. We knew this could happen any day while we had a mole."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: im in 7360, mord"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: heh"
[Command]-Ifor: "watching this playhouse of theirs crumble to the ground is just...so friggin amazing. I love SPY."

They kick out Katze:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: what do I do?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: You fucked us : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: And I like you, too. My second favorite rogue."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well I got kicked from the server last night"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: I befriended madam to get healed"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "he isnt kicked from marlu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: You honestly saying this was accidental?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Ok Maldric, I cant do it. I get warded and they swarm"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "No, but Kas is apparently. Let's see what they say."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: no prob, mord"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: im gonna depart"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: thank you for trying"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: it wasn't intentional no, Iam upset about them stealing the table and the loot"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Th worst we lost was a buich of boxes."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We will get them back. I will run box runs every day."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: or trying to force me to join them because they think you have all turned on me already"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Can someone open the graveyard gate? cant cast"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: to be honest, I am suprised I still have access to the Marlu net"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yeah, they say the same shit to me. They are vindictive little liars"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Gave you a chance to explain Katze"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "heh, little booger is plotting already"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well it wasn't inteional"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Yep. And he just told me he's with us. This is great"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Sorry, accident or not, I still like you as a person but cant associate anymore. Good luck in the future"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Just need gy gates opened, heh"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Perfect"

They decide that extorting people just isn't worth it:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone freaking out?"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Looks like I ended my drive just in time"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We lost some fucking boxes."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "This is great"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: ANY one at ANY time could do this."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: One mmeber goes rogue, and boxes lost."
[Command]-Ifor: "and emodric begins"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: shit is liable to happen"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone so surprised and butthurt?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Am I talking to myself?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Im still here"
[Command]-GSF: Necen: "Because this is completely psychological, Maldric. We took away what you wanted to keep, and now Someone says he's done with you, we've taken Katze (sort of, the liar), and the rest of you are deliciously upset."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Why is everyone freaking out at something that was so easy and expected to happen?"
[Command]-Ifor: "if they do boot him, really boot him, then SPY is totally safe and in an AWESOME position"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We lost boxes. Sucks."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I guess I should adjust for no table. Means gotta pause my scripts is all and readjust"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Why does he have anything to do with SPY's safety?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: The way I see it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: I havnt got a dime in protection money in 3 weeks"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: and ive personally earned us protection fees"
[Command]-Ifor: "because they are uber paranoid, and if they think that they have found the mole (Katze) then we are golden"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I think the biggest issue is people didnt do what they were told to. Everyone was TOLD to clear their befriends list. So if they didnt, they were told they'd lost table access"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: that shit doesnt amount to jack"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Boxes = money"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Ah. Sorry, I think I left my brain in Ohio. It'll probably be tomorrow before it catches up."
[Command]-Ifor: "a lot of things were posted today after Madam was booted from Marlu chat"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: Listen to Cthulu here a sec please, I agree with him"
[Command]-Ifor: "yeah, road brain...been there"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yes, Katze fucked up. So why is everyone else freaking out?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We can get more boxes."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: This whole extortion biz was fun for awhile but its gotten old, and our enemies are getting ahead in levels a bit"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Because they are half empaths"
[Command]-Ifor: "hahahha"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "rofl"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: It'd be nice to lay low for awhile"
[Command]-Ifor: "you can run, you can't hide"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: We have Someone and Cervina, maybe they should start fighting too."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Someone has left us."
[Command]-Ifor: "sa wheat"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Not 100%"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Right, with the conditions of neutrality"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: I can't believe madam getting intot he table is causing everyone to quit."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "So what are they down to now? Mad, Mord, Calidus, Cthulu, Cervina, and Oblivion (and alts)?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madmountan: that's not the reason Maldric. Just listen to what Cthulu is suggesting. I think it's a good suggestion"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: All Im saying is, the pros are far outweighing the cons of dumping the extortion scheme"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I think its a combination of things. Im all about fun. and if its stopped being fun for people, they dont have to play. if its not fun, no hard feelings if you quit. Im still going to forge ahead as best I can of course"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: The extortion scheme has been meh for weeks anyway. not much going on with it"
[Command]-Ifor: "because I am delusional"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Exactly. And thats the culmination of our issues"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: so fuck the extortion."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: its sort of silly anyway"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: the extortion scheme is why we're being spied on. Why we're having drama (besides madam and katze)"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: made us some money for a bit, thats it"
[Command]-Ifor: "the temptation to post this is OVERWHELMING. It is basically "Vanguard Wins" chat"

They decide to lay low:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: 7 recent deaths for calidus"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: and me, combined"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: I cant stand our enemies, and I dont intend to take anyone name off red"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Go guerilla is what yer suggesting in others?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Go guerilla is what yer suggesting in other words"
[Command]-Ifor: "you are not Rambo"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Im saying I want to lay low for awhile and reevaluate in the future"

(Tons of crap where they debate who the spy is)

They rule out Mooch (aka Mole Woman) as a spy:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Katze was our spy"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "ahahaha"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: &lt;chagrined&gt;"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "win"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Although Mooch is an interesting idea"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "noooo"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: mooch gave us her account login and password"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "^"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "wewt"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: doubt its her."
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "laff"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: lol"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "I may have bitched at the time, but now I'm SO glad"
[Command]-GSF: Oprah: "this is better than a movie"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Ok ;p"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: which leaves katze."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I have the ability to delete her character so yeah, Not Mooch"

And perhaps the best quote:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I just want to have fun."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: And play a game : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: well fuck you mord, you cant! ever again!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Yay BFF &lt;3"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: THEY STOLE THE FUNZ!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Well, our current situation is"
[Command]-Ifor: "screwed"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: it HAS been a good run. We've created much QQ, made em rage, and honestly I think we WON. We have totally set the tone for shattered. We wanted to do something, we did it."
[Command]-Ifor: "what a fucking delusional retard"

You deleted a portion of that log.(Or it was in PM I was talking to Mord and in Marlu chat) I told Mord that I thought mooch was the spy back then because you guys posted a conversation with a log that had you guys had as a group in Dear Marlu. Things mooch said was cleverly deleted so you wouldnt know Mooch was there but you forgot to delete Mooch's name at the end of the post. That very same day when you guys posted table theft.
They should of listened

08-24-2010, 08:36 PM
You deleted a portion of that log.(Or it was in PM I was talking to Mord and in Marlu chat) I told Mord that I thought mooch was the spy back then because you guys posted a conversation with a log that had you guys had as a group in Dear Marlu. Things mooch said was cleverly deleted so you wouldnt know Mooch was there but you forgot to delete Mooch's name at the end of the post. That very same day when you guys posted table theft.
They should of listened

I think you do say something about Mooch somewhere in there. You can check out the full log at the link in the first post.

08-24-2010, 08:41 PM
for Mooch to give account access was ballsy. quite a talented mole :)

08-24-2010, 09:04 PM
I think you do say something about Mooch somewhere in there. You can check out the full log at the link in the first post.

No its cool. But even though you guys tailored those logs in Dear Marlu, it flew right by. So shit, if anyone who was really paying attention it was exactly as posted but no one caught your mistakes. So great job. i was fooled. Gonna go slam my dammit doll now.. DOH

EDIT- Oh and just for shits and giggles how many actual members of Vanguard new about your guys posts the whole time? Cause if it was all of you, I am so amazed they all kept quiet.

08-24-2010, 09:23 PM
No its cool. But even though you guys tailored those logs in Dear Marlu, it flew right by. So shit, if anyone who was really paying attention it was exactly as posted but no one caught your mistakes. So great job. i was fooled. Gonna go slam my dammit doll now.. DOH

EDIT- Oh and just for shits and giggles how many actual members of Vanguard new about your guys posts the whole time? Cause if it was all of you, I am so amazed they all kept quiet.

Only the members of Command were privy to Spy and the other plotting.

08-24-2010, 09:44 PM
for Mooch to give account access was ballsy. quite a talented mole :)

This turned out very well, but I was pissed as hell when it happened. Tisket (and Necen?) decided to do it the day of the supposed IMT Offensive. When I found out I flipped out - got all pissed that we wouldn't have spy access during it. The problem ended up solved, and later on we were pretty glad it happened (that very thing allayed Marlu suspicions at another time), but not at first.

08-24-2010, 09:50 PM
This thread.

Looks like fun (and AAAAARRRRGGGHHH WTF!) all over.

Even with this episode coming to a close, what an inteeresting start to Shattered.

Also, Portu might agree with me: wtf?

[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Godsatan = Portu"

08-24-2010, 10:16 PM
I've been pretty consistent in saying exactly what Calidus did. You just overlook it because I wrap it in bravado in douchebaggery to get a rise.

The point was never to fight Necen or the Vanguard. Goals, organization and aims were always low, if they existed at all. The pinnacle of our aspirations were, "To Fuck With People.", which we did... Enough so that they (rightfully) started to fuck back, and fun was had by all. That was the point.

I only felt Marlu "lost" when they started talking truces and such. Shattered became Zombieland over night. "Population: 40" won't be fun for anyone -- even the AFK scripters once they attain whatever their goals were.

Once again, you have an inflated sense of importance about yourself.

This just in: new services often see initial high numbers followed by slow tapering off to equilibrium!

08-24-2010, 10:20 PM
Once again, you have an inflated sense of importance about yourself.

This just in: new services often see initial high numbers followed by slow tapering off to equilibrium!

Right... because there havn't been dozens of threads/posts cropping up after the truce and after the 'disband' about how to keep things on the server alive.

Add more sugar to the koolaid dude, makes it go down a little easier.

08-24-2010, 10:42 PM

08-24-2010, 10:46 PM

That's kind of cool, but I have no idea what it's supposed to be saying.

08-24-2010, 10:46 PM
That's kind of cool, but I have no idea what it's supposed to be saying.

It's a pillow. Pillows don't talk.

08-24-2010, 11:05 PM
Right... because there havn't been dozens of threads/posts cropping up after the truce and after the 'disband' about how to keep things on the server alive.

Add more sugar to the koolaid dude, makes it go down a little easier.

And those things would have happened in spite of you doing anything. Just like people plan things every day to keep prime entertaining, and every other game. On the planet. Ever.

Something needs to be done to keep things entertaining, what you guys were doing wasn't it.

08-24-2010, 11:20 PM
And those things would have happened in spite of you doing anything. Just like people plan things every day to keep prime entertaining, and every other game. On the planet. Ever.

Something needs to be done to keep things entertaining, what you guys were doing wasn't it.

lol, ok dude ;p

08-25-2010, 12:17 AM
lol, ok dude ;p

I know i know. You are not a special unique snowflake. Terrible realization to come to :-P

08-25-2010, 12:38 AM
Necen and others have commented on the timeline but thought I'd throw my personal timeline out there in case anyone is interested:

My first interaction with any Marlu person was when Mordechai killed Mooch in the crypt while I was afk. Later, in TSC, I joked about it with him and just to be funny I tipped him. I had something like 8k on me at the time and just slipped it to him and winked.

The extortion scheme started soon after that so I'm assuming I am somewhat responsible for planting the seed in Mord's mind. Sorry!

About the same time that happened, Calidus sent me a whisper asking if I was the same Mooch who played a character by the same name in Prime. I do own Mooch in prime as well so I said sure it was me. He then identified himself as someone I played with a few times in Landing. Nothing very in depth, usually just his sorc blowing off Mooch's limbs, etc. but it was enough of a connection that he felt I was Marlu material.

I got shanghaied to perform some kind of bonding ceremony that Mordechai had set up in Sol Haven. I think I was the only cleric they could find that wasn't afk at the time. The ceremony itself was posted on the officials I guess. I met a few more of the marlu people at that.

Mordechai cornered me soon after that and said my protection fee had gone up to 50k per week OR I could join them as a Marlu recruit and that Calidus had recommended me.

I was on the verge of politely telling him to fuck off but I was talking to Necen in chat and we decided I should allow myself to be recruited for the sole purpose of being mole for the organization Necen was in the process of setting up.

The rest of the planning and organizing was pretty much all done by the other members of Command. Our success was due to them. Once I had Spiffy's nifty spy script I could sit Mooch/Daffy at a table with it running and go afk for the rest of the day. So I was really probably the world's laziest spy ever. So the kudos are appreciated but somewhat misdirected. Thanks though!

As far as giving Mord my Mooch account access, it wasn't as risky a move as people are thinking. I first removed every bit of personal information, and since Mooch was the highest level character on the account (I think she was 25 at the time) even if they'd found out and rerolled her it'd hardly have been earthshattering. Giving him access did save my butt later but man, Lia was NOT happy with me at the time. I picked a bad time (right before the Friday Offensive) to make the move and it was one of the few times I didn't run it by any of Command first. Bad Tisket!

Anyway, I would like to say that I think this has been the most fun I've ever had playing an online game before. And most of that is due to the leaders of Vanguard: BriarFox, Durfin, Liagala, SomeRogue, SpiffyJr, Fortybox as well as Naitouk and RC. You guys made this great fun. And I must say, to be fair, the members of Marlu are responsible as well. I detested the things you were doing but without you I wouldn't have had a chance to play Deepthroat.

Some Rogue
08-25-2010, 12:50 AM
Hehehehehehe, you said Deepthroat.

08-25-2010, 12:52 AM
I knew that's all you'd see. lol.

08-25-2010, 12:56 AM
The birth of Mole Woman occured on 6/28/10, at 11:48 p.m., when Tisket uttered the fateful words: "OMFG I want to be a double fucking agent now!!!"

One for the record-books.

08-25-2010, 08:18 AM
Great post guys. I'm glad to see that I was justifiably paranoid about what I bothered to say in the Marlu chat.

08-25-2010, 09:31 AM
Hey, you guys edited your log file. At least present it in it's full glory.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They've never asked me to leave."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: You're a lost cause : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Dart: I think they believe we're lost causes, Oblivion."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: I think you were pinned for the cursings"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They started it with me. I never did anything to them"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: They've gotten more people to Join the cause than they have gotten to leave it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is madness. ive been killing pumas all day. still only 1 skin out of 8 needed."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: anyone here good at skinning?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ill pay."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: i just ruined 6 more...."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: If I had any skill at all in skinning, Id help out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They don't like me because they can't kill me. I make them look stupid."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: go get pandin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: He slams any time I enter the room"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Because he knows I'll make him look like a dipshit"

There was more to this conversation, but all the good bits are mysteriously gone.

08-25-2010, 09:36 AM
Hey, you guys edited your log file. At least present it in it's full glory.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They've never asked me to leave."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: You're a lost cause : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Dart: I think they believe we're lost causes, Oblivion."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: I think you were pinned for the cursings"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They started it with me. I never did anything to them"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: They've gotten more people to Join the cause than they have gotten to leave it"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: this is madness. ive been killing pumas all day. still only 1 skin out of 8 needed."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: anyone here good at skinning?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: ill pay."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: i just ruined 6 more...."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: If I had any skill at all in skinning, Id help out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: They don't like me because they can't kill me. I make them look stupid."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: go get pandin"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: He slams any time I enter the room"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Because he knows I'll make him look like a dipshit"

There was more to this conversation, but all the good bits are mysteriously gone.

The logs on Durfin's site aren't edited. Perhaps your conversation took place solely in your mind? As for editing ones we post here, we do occasionally need to remove the bullshit in order to show the good stuff. That includes self-aggrandizing and illusory nonsense like the above.

08-25-2010, 09:48 AM
Says man who stepped out of table for 30 seconds, got his shit massively stomped in, then ran back to table. You and I both know events like that aren't delusion, as much as you want it to be.

Many of your edits have been to alter context, and you never acknowledged that I beat your members in non-AFK PvP often, while remaining mostly unharmed myself. You even had all of the information immediately about where I would be and when, while I was flying completely blind. You want to talk about self-aggrandizement and a lack of humility, yet aren't willing to admit that you indulge in exactly the same thing, and have been fairly beaten on multiple occasions.

I listed all my deaths and who did them, and gave the people props for doing it. You've never been a big enough man to do the same.

08-25-2010, 10:02 AM
In my defense, I wanted to look kewl for the new group :). Also Godsatan does not = Portu.

Good thing I saw the douchery that some of Marlu was and got out when I did

Re: Getting SBounty:

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Katze: well I gotta run for a bit, think about it Mordechai yer our leader, do I kill each of us 3 times for sbounty for us?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: why dont we just get it on an alt?"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "rofl @ him actually taking it seriously"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "... really?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: then distribute"
[Command]-GSF: Steven: "ahahaaha"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "an alt? Come the fuck on."
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Do they really think that's going to work?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Godsatan = Portu"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "gee, I wonder why."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Portu: I was working on it, but they ended up not trusting me : D"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Asking for it on LNet = reallllly trying..."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: How could they not trust someone as stand up as you ;)"
[Command]-GSF: Bacons: "Is he spamming, or is our thing broken?"
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "He's spamming"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Were you ever working on it? Did they trust you?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: dart/cervina is going to work on one eventually anyway"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: mord, cthulu is having trouble talking on marlu channel"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: No I'm not?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: k."
[Command]-GSF: Pandin: "Necen, Calidus is having brain malfunction issues."

08-25-2010, 10:06 AM
You really think that we bothered to edit 18,000 lines of text to make you look bad? This is the ego horse. Do like this man and kill it:


As for PvP deaths, you're still missing the forest for the trees. Obviously my character died on occasion (though you still refuse to believe the evident truth about the fact that he's been table-healing for a month), but I don't base my self-worth around it. I'm far more interested in the fact that we stomped Marlu, and that you've taken up your "I was never that interested in Marlu" stance.

08-25-2010, 11:04 AM
You really think that we bothered to edit 18,000 lines of text to make you look bad? This is the ego horse. Do like this man and kill it:
You bothered to modify the context of what you're posting here with careful editing of all the "self-aggrandizement" (ie, all the stuff you wish we didn't say, stuff you wish we didn't know, or stuff you wish didn't happen).

As for PvP deaths...I don't base my self-worth around it.
No, you just based an entire group around it and dedicate retarded amounts of time and effort into it. Keep spewing bullshit though, maybe you can convince me with repetition.

Just like Ifor, your definition of winning changed when it became apparent you couldn't compete in the actual game -- it morphed into reading chat logs of me bragging about repeatedly slaughtering you. My definition of winning was repeatedly slaughtering you. I'll admit that I'm both happy and comfortable with that. The only one amongst you with the nuts to even acknowledge the occasional defeats was Bacons.

You're pretending like I'm Mordechai, as if I ever spoke for Marlu or its members. He made stupid mistakes and trusted the wrong people, and I told him so. My primary interests were killing people and protecting my table from being screwed with while AFK. When my table was screwed with I got the morons responsible kicked out of Marlu in exchange for me remaining in it. I couldn't have cared less who was a member or who wasn't, or even if it existed at all. It wasn't ever my organization. It was an excuse to kill.

Some Rogue
08-25-2010, 11:09 AM
Hey now, I admitted you killed me a couple times. But contrary to what you want to believe, it was only once after I got my armor crit padded. You failed far more often at it than you succeeded.

08-25-2010, 11:10 AM
You bothered to modify the context of what you're posting here with careful editing of all the "self-aggrandizement" (ie, all the stuff you wish we didn't say, stuff you wish we didn't know, or stuff you wish didn't happen).
The full and unedited log is linked at the beginning of this thread. Feel free to go pull out whatever you like and post it. It shouldn't be difficult to click the link, hit ctrl+f, and paste in one of the lines we posted to get you to the right place.

08-25-2010, 11:13 AM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: He slams any time I enter the room"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Because he knows I'll make him look like a dipshit"

Uh, what? I never "slammed" when you entered the room. I died one time to your afk bomb, that's it.

08-25-2010, 11:14 AM
Hey now, I admitted you killed me a couple times. But contrary to what you want to believe, it was only once after I got my armor crit padded. You failed far more often at it than you succeeded.
Implode was always really iffy, especially being level 25ish against 30s and 40s. I typed harder but it didn't seem to help. I like fighting with the empath because I can see the numbers.

08-25-2010, 11:21 AM
You bothered to modify the context of what you're posting here with careful editing of all the "self-aggrandizement" (ie, all the stuff you wish we didn't say, stuff you wish we didn't know, or stuff you wish didn't happen).

No, you just based an entire group around it and dedicate retarded amounts of time and effort into it. Keep spewing bullshit though, maybe you can convince me with repetition.

Just like Ifor, your definition of winning changed when it became apparent you couldn't compete in the actual game -- it morphed into reading chat logs of me bragging about repeatedly slaughtering you. My definition of winning was repeatedly slaughtering you. I'll admit that I'm both happy and comfortable with that. The only one amongst you with the nuts to even acknowledge the occasional defeats was Bacons.

You're pretending like I'm Mordechai, as if I ever spoke for Marlu or its members. He made stupid mistakes and trusted the wrong people, and I told him so. My primary interests were killing people and protecting my table from being screwed with while AFK. When my table was screwed with I got the morons responsible kicked out of Marlu in exchange for me remaining in it. I couldn't have cared less who was a member or who wasn't, or even if it existed at all. It wasn't ever my organization. It was an excuse to kill.

When I listen to you, I can never decide between laughing maniacally or taking an Excedrin. Like Bacons said, the full chat log is linked at the beginning of this thread. It's there for anyone (even you!) to read. As for how often you killed me, Oblivion killed my alt once, slammed him once (maybe twice), and imploded Necen once. Someone killed Necen once. Except for the implode, those were all while I was AFK.

Necen, on the other hand, wracked up something like 50+ kills on the Marlus, though I don't recall having killed your characters. That says more about the crappy PvP match-up of an empath and a sorcerer and an empath and an empath 20 levels higher than it says anything to your credit.

Those Marlu kills, though, were only useful insofar as they served to increase pressure on the Marlu organization. In and of themselves, they're worthless. You focus on the most pointless stuff in an attempt to come off like a hero.

08-25-2010, 11:58 AM
About the same time that happened, Calidus sent me a whisper asking if I was the same Mooch who played a character by the same name in Prime. I do own Mooch in prime as well so I said sure it was me. He then identified himself as someone I played with a few times in Landing. Nothing very in depth, usually just his sorc blowing off Mooch's limbs, etc. but it was enough of a connection that he felt I was Marlu material.

Looking back, it seems that I am almost entirely at fault for all of this.

There was no "Marlu material' measuring stuck used; I like you and thought we were friends, so I wanted you with us. I know we hadn't played a lot together, but I thought we had some fun back in Prime, mostly just goofing around and occasionally causing some trouble (which you seemed to get a kick out of). When I resubbed a few months before Shattered and saw you in Prime, you gawked and said you missed me and wish I'd play more or something of the sort. You were one of the only people I interacted with the last few times I played Prime.

When I found out you were the same Mooch from Prime, I told Mordechai and the rest of Marlu that you were my friend and I wanted you safe without having to pay any silly extortion fees. It also meant a free pass for you into Malru, no questions asked. I don't know this for fact, but I have a feeling Mordechai was hesitant to accuse you because he knew that you were my friend, and I had repeatedly vouched for you.

There were a few times where I thought something was fishy. Once was that raise fiasco around TSC. You almost seemed to be deliberately messing up, but you said you had guests over IRL. You got frustrated, and later I saw in my logs that you and Cthulu were arguing. I explained to him (through AIM, I think) that you were doing your best to help us even though you had company over, and to give you a break.

There were other times where we deduced that information had leaked and Mooch/Daffy were among the very few that were online at the time. At one point it was almost conclusive that it HAD to be you, but I still didn't want to believe it.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: hello, Im under suspicion?"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: i think madmountain pointed that out"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: No, mooch."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: remove me if you have doubts"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: No."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Only by people who dont know better Mooch"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mooch: I wont be upset, I dont do much for you guys anyway lol"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: Mooch, we are going over each person is all."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Cthulu: Mooch, we had a list of names and you and katze were the only possibilites - I said it could be interesting if you were since no one ever considered you"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: nothing wrong with people express doubts about someone. Everyone should be at least considered"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Maldric: If anyone is offended by you betraying us, it would be me."

I applaud you for taking advantage of the situation, but I think it sucks that you acted like you were actually our friend, talking about real life shit and such, just to further accomplish your backstabbing of us in the game. A good fuckjob, regardless.

Giving us your account info was ballsy, and couldn't have worked out better for you. The fool that I was, I even gave Mordechai a guilt trip for logging Mooch in for something trivial, and thus interrupting your afk exp script.

It bothers me not knowing which interactions with you were genuine or just part of your spy games. Seeing as you (Tisket) seem to despise me on the forums, I suppose I have my answer. The fact that any of this even bothers me may be silly, but I admit I take things [too] personally sometimes.

Anyway, great work. You couldn't have done it [as easily] without me.

08-25-2010, 11:59 AM
Someone/House/Shakira/Oblivion/MarluAuctions/FAPAuctions/andgodknowswhatotherhandles is a pathological liar. I knew it was only a matter of time before he tried to imply that we'd changed the log.

Pathetic but expected.

08-25-2010, 12:15 PM
Looking back, it seems that I am almost entirely at fault for all of this.

There was no "Marlu material' measuring stuck used; I like you and thought we were friends, so I wanted you with us. I know we hadn't played a lot together, but I thought we had some fun back in Prime, mostly just goofing around and occasionally causing some trouble (which you seemed to get a kick out of). When I resubbed a few months before Shattered and saw you in Prime, you gawked and said you missed me and wish I'd play more or something of the sort. You were one of the only people I interacted with the last few times I played Prime.

When I found out you were the same Mooch from Prime, I told Mordechai and the rest of Marlu that you were my friend and I wanted you safe without having to pay any silly extortion fees. It also meant a free pass for you into Malru, no questions asked. I don't know this for fact, but I have a feeling Mordechai was hesitant to accuse you because he knew that you were my friend, and I had repeatedly vouched for you.

There were a few times where I thought something was fishy. Once was that raise fiasco around TSC. You almost seemed to be deliberately messing up, but you said you had guests over IRL. You got frustrated, and later I saw in my logs that you and Cthulu were arguing. I explained to him (through AIM, I think) that you were doing your best to help us even though you had company over, and to give you a break.

There were other times where we deduced that information had leaked and Mooch/Daffy were among the very few that were online at the time. At one point it was almost conclusive that it HAD to be you, but I still didn't want to believe it.

I applaud you for taking advantage of the situation, but I think it sucks that you acted like you were actually our friend, talking about real life shit and such, just to further accomplish your backstabbing of us in the game. A good fuckjob, regardless.

Giving us your account info was ballsy, and couldn't have worked out better for you. The fool that I was, I even gave Mordechai a guilt trip for logging Mooch in for something trivial, and thus interrupting your afk exp script.

It bothers me not knowing which interactions with you were genuine or just part of your spy games. Seeing as you (Tisket) seem to despise me on the forums, I suppose I have my answer. The fact that any of this even bothers me may be silly, but I admit I take things [too] personally sometimes.

Anyway, great work. You couldn't have done it [as easily] without me.

This post should be a Lifetime special.

I doubt anyone feels sorry for you. How many people have you pissed off? You probably made someone jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge.

08-25-2010, 12:17 PM
I like you and thought we were friends.

I'd like you just fine too if you hadn't chosen to align yourself with asshole griefers. You're not a bad person, you just made a bad choice.

08-25-2010, 12:21 PM
I'd like you just fine too if you hadn't chosen to align yourself with asshole griefers. You're not a bad person, you just made a bad choice.

He doesn't understand that he is implicitly involved in all of this by associating with them and approving their actions even though he didn't specifically do all of them himself.

Anyone in that Clan should have seen the idiocy of Someone and should have quickly gotten rid of him. They should have said to Mordechai, we are probably crossing the line in certain things, let's not go there. Instead they have encouraged both of them and have taken part in it to a certain extent.

They should have done what Madmountan did. He was the only one with the balls to see this for what it was.

08-25-2010, 12:24 PM
He doesn't understand that he is implicitly involved in all of this by associating with them and approving their actions even though he didn't specifically do all of them himself.

I have repeatedly stated that I was fully aware of the repercussions of my actions and associations.


08-25-2010, 12:25 PM
I'd like you just fine too if you hadn't chosen to align yourself with asshole griefers. You're not a bad person, you just made a bad choice.

So instead of telling your friends you disapprove of their actions and/or ask them to stop, you lie to them and stab them in the back?

08-25-2010, 12:28 PM
So instead of telling your friends you disapprove of their actions and/or ask them to stop, you lie to them and stab them in the back?

Lie, yes. Stabbing you in the back I left to the rest of Vanguard.

Some Rogue
08-25-2010, 12:31 PM
Like we've been repeatedly told...It's just a game bro.

08-25-2010, 12:39 PM
I almost feel bad for Calidus, almost. That's just cause I'm a nice guy at heart. Unlike Tisket.

08-25-2010, 12:44 PM
Like we've been repeatedly told...It's just a game bro.

Calidus swinging a sword at you is game stuff.

Calidus chatting with you about real life shit on a private channel, recording it all, then posting it on the publicly on the internet without consent is not.

08-25-2010, 12:48 PM
Calidus swinging a sword at you is game stuff.

Calidus chatting with you about real life shit on a private channel, recording it all, then posting it on the publicly on the internet without consent is not.


08-25-2010, 12:50 PM
Fortybox, enough. You're being an ass. The war's over, they lost, let it go.

Some Rogue
08-25-2010, 01:02 PM
The war's over

D-Day: War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.
Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter: Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...
[thinks hard]
Bluto: the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!
[runs out, alone; then returns]

08-25-2010, 01:04 PM
Fortybox, enough. You're being an ass. The war's over, they lost, let it go.

Sorry, I must have missed the part where they said they lost. It must be buried under the "we knew you were listening all the time" and "you are altering the chat logs" posts.

My bad.

08-25-2010, 01:24 PM
Sorry, I must have missed the part where they said they lost. It must be buried under the "we knew you were listening all the time" and "you are altering the chat logs" posts.

My bad.

In order for me to lose something, I would need to have been competing in something, or have failed to achieve a goal.

I can't speak for everyone, but none of this has ever had a win/lose angle to it for me. I played with people I met, and I'm still playing with those people. Last night I went to the same table, with the same people, got the same buffs, etc. It's never been as black and white, or win or lose to me as it is for some others. I have friends on both sides, truces, enemies, etc. Wouldn't losing require some form of failure to achieve a goal or something? We never had any goal If Marlu has a goal other than having fun, I haven't heard it yet. Though, come to think of it... I haven't been having as much fun lately... so maybe I/we did "lose" in that regard.

If you want to call all of this a war, and base win/lose on the ultimate outcome of which side persevered more in the end, then sure - VG won.

As for the "we knew you were listening" remarks: The proof is in your own captured logs. Ignore it all you want.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Remember that this channel is not secure."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: just found out that people are getting info from this channel still"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Anything very sensitive I dont type in this channel"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: We do have a Marlu channel mole"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."

08-25-2010, 01:29 PM
Anyone in that Clan should have seen the idiocy of Someone and should have quickly gotten rid of him. They should have said to Mordechai, we are probably crossing the line in --- error: server_thread: Invalid argument

--- error: server_thread: Invalid argument

08-25-2010, 01:38 PM
Sorry, I must have missed the part where they said they lost. It must be buried under the "we knew you were listening all the time" and "you are altering the chat logs" posts.

My bad.
It's cool, dude. You being a fucking moron, and failing at reading isn't anything fresh or new to us.

I mentioned VG winning twice in this thread, posted another thread declaring the end of Marlu, and talk about it in the past-tense.

Marlu died over a month ago when people declared truces, stopped PvPing, and quit Shattered out of boredom. You just never got the memo.

08-25-2010, 01:44 PM
It's cool, dude. You being a fucking moron, and failing at reading isn't anything fresh or new to us.

I mentioned VG winning twice in this thread, posted another thread declaring the end of Marlu, and talk about it in the past-tense.

Marlu died over a month ago when people declared truces, stopped PvPing, and quit Shattered out of boredom. You just never got the memo.


08-25-2010, 01:46 PM
Marlu died over a month ago when people declared truces, stopped PvPing, and quit Shattered out of boredom. You just never got the memo.

hes right guys

08-25-2010, 01:49 PM

08-25-2010, 01:49 PM
In order for me to lose something, I would need to have been competing in something, or have failed to achieve a goal.

I can't speak for everyone, but none of this has ever had a win/lose angle to it for me. I played with people I met, and I'm still playing with those people. Last night I went to the same table, with the same people, got the same buffs, etc. It's never been as black and white, or win or lose to me as it is for some others. I have friends on both sides, truces, enemies, etc. Wouldn't losing require some form of failure to achieve a goal or something? We never had any goal If Marlu has a goal other than having fun, I haven't heard it yet. Though, come to think of it... I haven't been having as much fun lately... so maybe I/we did "lose" in that regard.

If you want to call all of this a war, and base win/lose on the ultimate outcome of which side persevered more in the end, then sure - VG won.

As for the "we knew you were listening" remarks: The proof is in your own captured logs. Ignore it all you want.

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: Remember that this channel is not secure."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Calidus: just found out that people are getting info from this channel still"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Anything very sensitive I dont type in this channel"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Madam: We do have a Marlu channel mole"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Oblivion: Try to keep sensitive chat about levels and hunting spots to private. Chat here gets relayed to Necen regularly."

Problem is you still relayed sensitive chat information. I was there listening to you guys for two months. Anyone who had this information could completely pinpoint and know exactly what you guys were up to.

If anyone reads those logs they can see that even though you guys mentioned it, you gave up plenty of information as to what you all were doing. Just because you cybored with Mordie on AIM doesn't mean we didn't know when you guys were active. You totally gave up hunting spots all the time and your levels too (or enough to pinpoint a close range).

Unfortunately it was a double edged sword because had we acted immediately on what you guys said, we would have totally given ourselves away. So the game became one of using the information in a way that would give ourselves an advantage without exposing ourselves.

Say whatever you want but had you truly believed what you said, you would not have provided us as much information as you did.

08-25-2010, 01:50 PM
hes right guys

The actions yes, but Mordiepoo tried to revive it a few times and then quit when his penis lance got lost.

08-25-2010, 01:53 PM
Problem is you still relayed sensitive chat information. I was there listening to you guys for two months. Anyone who had this information could completely pinpoint and know exactly what you guys were up to.

If anyone reads those logs they can see that even though you guys mentioned it, you gave up plenty of information as to what you all were doing. Just because you cybored with Mordie on AIM doesn't mean we didn't know when you guys were active. You totally gave up hunting spots all the time and your levels too (or enough to pinpoint a close range).

Unfortunately it was a double edged sword because had we acted immediately on what you guys said, we would have totally given ourselves away. So the game became one of using the information in a way that would give ourselves an advantage without exposing ourselves.

Say whatever you want but had you truly believed what you said, you would not have provided us as much information as you did.

We also had another channel that only a few of us had access to, for sensitive information, as well as heavy use of AIM (including AIM groups).

For quite a while, most of the sensitive shit was all done through AIM.

08-25-2010, 01:55 PM
It's cool, dude. You being a fucking moron, and failing at reading isn't anything fresh or new to us.

I mentioned VG winning twice in this thread, posted another thread declaring the end of Marlu, and talk about it in the past-tense.

Marlu died over a month ago when people declared truces, stopped PvPing, and quit Shattered out of boredom. You just never got the memo.

You're a devious little booger aren't you? When you decide to keep killing people through your scripts, etc. and other Marlu members/others secretively support that, it doesn't mean the idea is dead.

ZOMG, there is always the bigger and evil dude that comes after the smaller evil dude. It's just part of life. You sir are Season 2!

08-25-2010, 01:56 PM
We also had another channel that only a few of us had access to, for sensitive information, as well as heavy use of AIM (including AIM groups).

For quite a while, most of the sensitive shit was all done through AIM.

Well that certainly makes sense but my point was that it still bled through onto the Marlu chat.

If you were after someone we knew. You talked too much on it and gave away too much info even if you were suspicious.

08-25-2010, 02:06 PM
Well that certainly makes sense but my point was that it still bled through onto the Marlu chat.

If you were after someone we knew. You talked too much on it and gave away too much info even if you were suspicious.

Yeah, I/we tended to be lazy, and hitting CTRL+M for my ;chat on marlu macro is way easier than alt-tabbing to AIM in the heat of the action ;)

08-25-2010, 02:10 PM
Yeah, I/we tended to be lazy, and hitting CTRL+M for my ;chat on marlu macro is way easier than alt-tabbing to AIM in the heat of the action ;)

K, well glad we agree on that. I just don't understand why you or anyone in Marlu would uphold Someone. He just goes too far imo.

08-25-2010, 02:14 PM
You're a devious little booger aren't you? When you decide to keep killing people through your scripts, etc. and other Marlu members/others secretively support that, it doesn't mean the idea is dead.

ZOMG, there is always the bigger and evil dude that comes after the smaller evil dude. It's just part of life. You sir are Season 2!

I PvP in any multiplayer game play, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I don't even get how people can call getting killed a few times griefing. "Griefing" means something completetly different in games like Ultima Online, Warcraft, etc. Gemstone players are just overly-sensitive because of their experiences in Prime.

I personally wasn't part of any truce, and haven't modified my behavior in any way. The only effect it had on me is that it killed the group PvP I was having fun participating in. I can't speak for anyone else, though.

I've always been open and interested in applying some sort of rules or restrictions to Shattered PvP (such as I won't use glass amulets anymore when I go out of the table to fight), but I don't expect anyone else to follow self-imposed rules like that. I don't have fun killing AFK zombies, and I'm happy to play the part of a villain -- although it will be with scripts like any good Shattered villain would.

08-25-2010, 03:15 PM
I PvP in any multiplayer game play, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I don't even get how people can call getting killed a few times griefing. "Griefing" means something completetly different in games like Ultima Online, Warcraft, etc. Gemstone players are just overly-sensitive because of their experiences in Prime.

I personally wasn't part of any truce, and haven't modified my behavior in any way. The only effect it had on me is that it killed the group PvP I was having fun participating in. I can't speak for anyone else, though.

I've always been open and interested in applying some sort of rules or restrictions to Shattered PvP (such as I won't use glass amulets anymore when I go out of the table to fight), but I don't expect anyone else to follow self-imposed rules like that. I don't have fun killing AFK zombies, and I'm happy to play the part of a villain -- although it will be with scripts like any good Shattered villain would.

I don't have issues with what you said. It was the repeated killings in the middle of the night and scripts that make the game crash or screw with SF. That's over the top. Nobody wants to play a game where they are restrained from leveling or even logging into the game.

I mean, on one level, what Marlu did was not wrong when it came to the rules of Shattered. On the other hand though, I think people want a community where they are not restricted by Prime's rules and to have fun. The initial actions of the Marlu took that away for many people and pissed them off. Instead of seeing that and modifying their behavior, the Marlu clan decided to just keep doing it.

For example, the extortion thing was a pretty good idea. It allowed people to pay silvers to avoid being killed. But guess what? Marlu clan didn't follow their plan and just did whatever they wanted to. IMO, had the Marlu clan been sincere in keeping that program up and running, it would be different today. Instead, many of the initial Marlu dweebs decided to be jerks instead, even to the point of killing people who were on their DNK list.

08-25-2010, 03:24 PM
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: I now have a Spear of Darkness. Thats not gettable unless you use a very specific verb. Thats not spear."
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Try stealing that bitches!"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: As your eyes rest upon the spear, your head begins to spin dizzily, unable to comprehend the infinite depths of the Void. Heatless violet flames burn across the darkness."

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Sigh. Your fucking kidding me"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: So this morning I get disconnected apparently, and log back in dead. No big deal, its happened before...its a risk. But I guess I lost my sanctified lance too, cause my arm was severed and it wasnt around"

[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Just gotta re-sanctify another lance I guess. It wont be Cool Lookin but no big deal. Anyone gotta neat lance for sale? heh"

He was gone soon after. I guess it's karma considering that disarming weapons was one of the things he first did.

08-25-2010, 03:33 PM
what a tool. it wasn't even my fault - i had been griefing him hard in that area. he lost it to a dog.

08-25-2010, 03:36 PM
Guess it's time for me to change my avatar.

08-25-2010, 03:36 PM
The initial actions of the Marlu took that away for many people and pissed them off. Instead of seeing that and modifying their behavior, the Marlu clan decided to just keep doing it.

Wrong. They ESCALATED what they were doing! And began rubbing it in everyone's face as if to say, "nanny nanny boo boo you can't get us!"

The problem I always had with Mordechai is that here we have a fairly talented player, titled, with a nice attack, browsing the catacombs and killing newbs on their gift in the name of Marlu. He literally killed my level 4 alt when he was level 25. That's just unnecessary. It's one of the reasons I put so much pressure on him.

08-25-2010, 04:00 PM
The problem I always had with Mordechai is that here we have a fairly talented player, titled, with a nice attack, browsing the catacombs and killing newbs on their gift in the name of Marlu. He literally killed my level 4 alt when he was level 25. That's just unnecessary. It's one of the reasons I put so much pressure on him.

You killed my level 8 alt multiple times when you were titled (And this was when Cervina was was still just TSC healing and didn't even know who Mord was yet). That was unnecessary too.

08-25-2010, 04:01 PM
Yeah, none of us have halos. Trying to argue that angle is stupid.

08-25-2010, 04:07 PM
You killed my level 8 alt multiple times when you were titled (And this was when Cervina was was still just TSC healing and didn't even know who Mord was yet). That was unnecessary too.

Oh snap...no he di'int.

08-25-2010, 04:19 PM
You killed my level 8 alt multiple times when you were titled (And this was when Cervina was was still just TSC healing and didn't even know who Mord was yet). That was unnecessary too.

I call your bluff. Who?

I was way too busy with Mordie to worry about owning newbs. Who was it?

(I'll admit it if I did - I did a tiny bit of random griefing just for kicks)

08-25-2010, 04:21 PM
You killed my level 8 alt multiple times when you were titled (And this was when Cervina was was still just TSC healing and didn't even know who Mord was yet). That was unnecessary too.

You were my favorite person the first few days I was in Shattered. You were the first person I saw running a heal script at TSC and I loved it. Then you were gone and I was said. Then I found out you were table'ing it up with Mord and I got happy.

The End.

08-25-2010, 04:22 PM
I call your bluff. Who?

I was way too busy with Mordie to worry about owning newbs. Who was it?

(I'll admit it if I did - I did a tiny bit of random griefing just for kicks)


08-25-2010, 04:25 PM
Was it Bleeder? If so I remember owning him a few times for lulz.

08-25-2010, 04:28 PM
I call your bluff. Who?

I was way too busy with Mordie to worry about owning newbs. Who was it?

(I'll admit it if I did - I did a tiny bit of random griefing just for kicks)

Grom was his name. You accused him of being a follower of Mordechai despite the fact that he had never attacked anyone or even really talked at all except to ask a few noobish questions like where the locksmith was.

08-25-2010, 04:29 PM
oh ok well I never said I wasn't a griefer.. just not a big nasty one hehe

Shattered Dreamer
08-25-2010, 04:32 PM
I think it's funny that almost all the shattered people have neg rep.

08-25-2010, 04:36 PM
oh ok well I never said I wasn't a griefer.. just not a big nasty one hehe

I saw people asking for people to pick boxes in TSC, and being a newbie to the game, I assumed that's how it was done, so I stored up a bunch in my locker and finally someone said they could pick boxes for me (You). So I went to my locker, grabbed all my boxes excited that someone was going to help me with something, and you took me out of town and killed me for no reason at all. This continued with you hunting him down in his hunting grounds and killing him repeatedly while afk.

You honestly think you're better than anyone who was in Marlu? Really?

08-25-2010, 04:37 PM
oh ok well I never said I wasn't a griefer.. just not a big nasty one hehe

You've probably killed just as many (or more) innocents as I have, which isn't many.

08-25-2010, 04:38 PM
I think it's funny that almost all the shattered people have neg rep.

A lot of my negative rep is people negative repping and saying "SHATTERED SUCKS PLAY PRIME".

Never with a signature. I didn't actually know people signed rep until you all indicated that apparently signing your rep is the standard.

08-25-2010, 04:41 PM
A lot of my negative rep is people negative repping and saying "SHATTERED SUCKS PLAY PRIME".

Never with a signature. I didn't actually know people signed rep until you all indicated that apparently signing your rep is the standard.

I've only had about 3 or 4 out of 50 people sign the rep they give me. Also, most of the negative rep I get is along the lines of, "fuck you faggot," "die in real life," etc.

08-25-2010, 06:03 PM
K, well glad we agree on that. I just don't understand why you or anyone in Marlu would uphold Someone. He just goes too far imo.

Yeah, well... that's just like... your opinion, man.


08-25-2010, 06:06 PM
Yeah, well... that's just like... your opinion, man.


Of course you'd say that. You're the only one left at the special table.

08-25-2010, 06:08 PM
Of course you'd say that. You're the only one left at the special table.


Who the FUCK is spelling me up then?!?!?

/skin crawls

08-25-2010, 08:09 PM
Of course you'd say that. You're the only one left at the special table.

I was there!

08-25-2010, 11:58 PM

Who the FUCK is spelling me up then?!?!?

/skin crawls

ZOMG I meant you're the only there getting special "favors"

Shattered Dreamer
08-26-2010, 12:31 AM
I want to know where you found the unicorn, it makes me lol

08-26-2010, 12:39 AM
The neg rep I get is weird, sometimes I can understand it, but just the other day I got one calling me a bitch for a post in which I was agreeing with what everyone else was saying. Dunno.

We've got some real dumbasses around here. I got this rep comment, "the only thing worse than being a faggot is being a faggot who cries about their negative rep. SODOMITE!" from a post in which I laughed about a previous comment. In PC-world, laughing = crying and agreeing with someone = you sucking their dick.

08-26-2010, 02:48 AM
ZOMG I meant you're the only there getting special "favors"

Out of curiosity - what favors.

And considering my incredible personality - please explain how I don't deserve special favors.

08-26-2010, 09:52 AM
We've got some real dumbasses around here. I got this rep comment, "the only thing worse than being a faggot is being a faggot who cries about their negative rep. SODOMITE!" from a post in which I laughed about a previous comment. In PC-world, laughing = crying and agreeing with someone = you sucking their dick.

So true.

08-26-2010, 09:58 AM
So true

We've got some real dumbasses around here. I got this rep comment, "the only thing worse than being a faggot is being a faggot who cries about their negative rep. SODOMITE!" from a post in which I laughed about a previous comment. In PC-world, laughing = crying and agreeing with someone = you sucking their dick.

OMG, Calidus is admitting that he sucks Subzero's dick! Get a life you loser! Come up with something original to say for once, instead of just humping his leg all the time.

08-26-2010, 10:00 AM
OMG, Calidus is admitting that he sucks Subzero's dick! Get a life you loser! Come up with something original to say for once, instead of just humping his leg all the time.

This post is invalid without accompanying negative rep.

08-26-2010, 10:10 AM
This post is invalid without accompanying negative rep.

Dammit, I knew I was forgetting something.

08-26-2010, 11:37 AM
I PvP in any multiplayer game play, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I don't even get how people can call getting killed a few times griefing. "Griefing" means something completetly different in games like Ultima Online, Warcraft, etc. Gemstone players are just overly-sensitive because of their experiences in Prime.

I personally wasn't part of any truce, and haven't modified my behavior in any way. The only effect it had on me is that it killed the group PvP I was having fun participating in. I can't speak for anyone else, though.

I've always been open and interested in applying some sort of rules or restrictions to Shattered PvP (such as I won't use glass amulets anymore when I go out of the table to fight), but I don't expect anyone else to follow self-imposed rules like that. I don't have fun killing AFK zombies, and I'm happy to play the part of a villain -- although it will be with scripts like any good Shattered villain would.

Ultima and WoW don't have death's sting, retard. Dying from PvP means jack shit in those games.

08-26-2010, 11:42 AM
Ultima and WoW don't have death's sting, retard. Dying from PvP means jack shit in those games.

It means jack shit in this game, too, retard.

08-26-2010, 11:44 AM
Pretty sure Death's Sting from a repeated gank fest results in a larger disadvantage of time/silvers lost compared to my 2 minute rez timer...

08-26-2010, 11:49 AM
Ultima and WoW don't have death's sting, retard. Dying from PvP means jack shit in those games.

Your corpse was entirely lootable in Ultima Online, though.

08-26-2010, 08:26 PM
This thread makes me sad.

But the best part is when I'm in the chat.

08-26-2010, 08:30 PM
Awww, especially this:
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Krissta: I totally sanctified!"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Milamber: let me get on life"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Mordechai: Thats like, totally awesome! : P"
[Spy]-GSF: Daffy: "Krissta: I know! : D"

08-26-2010, 08:43 PM
This thread makes me sad.

But the best part is when I'm in the chat.

Don't shattered rules say you belong to the men of Vanguard now? No RP'ing it though!

I think somewhere in that chat I read that they sold you for 50 bucks and a case of heineken.

08-26-2010, 08:50 PM
Don't shattered rules say you belong to the men of Vanguard now? No RP'ing it though!

I think somewhere in that chat I read that they sold you for 50 bucks and a case of heineken.

I certainly hope not! *pfft*

08-26-2010, 08:50 PM
I certainly hope not! *pfft*

I know, right? Heineken sucks!

08-26-2010, 08:56 PM
I know, right? Heineken sucks!


08-26-2010, 10:51 PM

I was trying to pull off a Gor and Almost Famous reference in one post. Then I fell asleep for 45 minutes and had a crazy interrelated dream (I think).

08-26-2010, 11:40 PM
I was trying to pull off a Gor and Almost Famous reference in one post. Then I fell asleep for 45 minutes and had a crazy interrelated dream (I think).

You make me wish I'd been on the east coast for the NYC get together. Even more than I did before I mean.

08-27-2010, 01:36 AM
[Shattered]-You: "I like how leland got all emo after we outed him as a spy, claimed he wasnt - and actually was ;p"
[Shattered]-GSF:Leland: "I never admit to things that aren't true"
[Shattered]-You: "Cats out of the bag dude ;p We know what you were doing with vanguard"
[Shattered]-GSF:Leland: "Who cares anyway?"
[Shattered]-You: "I just find it cute you didn't have the balls to admit to it - and still don't"
[Shattered]-GSF:Leland: "I did the right thing. Whatever"


08-27-2010, 09:52 AM

I don't think that quote was lolleland worthy. You fail.

08-27-2010, 10:59 AM
I tried to contribute to that conversation. Nobody likes me, so I had to talk to myself.

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "stfu, maldric.. that's just some relish from
a hotdog i found"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "Please line up in order of how much
beryllium it takes to kill you"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "that is the way of them"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "that is what they do"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "mc"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "mc2"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "nice"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "ni'iiice"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "werd"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "oh, ooooh...... oh no you dittiant"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "lolz.. oh yes i did"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "well ... well..... fine, then im all [you
know the rest from personal sexual messaging]"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "mhm, you mother fucking bet i do, beyotch"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "dont call me beyotch, you fucking cunt"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "i want you in mine"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "in your what?"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "in mine"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "in your what?!"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "in mine!!!"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "cunt?"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "mmmmhmmmmmmm"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "oh yeeaaah, im a cominominominominatchyayyaeah"

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "oh shiteah

[Shattered]-GSF:Maldric: "afk"

[Shattered]-GSF:Calidus: "afk"

08-27-2010, 11:04 AM
Kinda funny that one of you had the new LNet and the other didn't... different computers?

08-27-2010, 11:09 AM
Kinda funny that one of you had the new LNet and the other didn't... different computers?

How can you tell? If it was from the lack of "GSF:" then it's because I did a find/replace to change "You:" to "Maldric:" before pasting it :P

08-27-2010, 12:24 PM
You make me wish I'd been on the east coast for the NYC get together. Even more than I did before I mean.

With the existence of the three women there already convincing me that there are incredible girls in the world that share my nerd passions adding a fourth that dismantles text terrorists while also raising children would've accidentally my whole mind and only ensured that I die alone while ever-searching.

So yeah you should've been there.

08-27-2010, 12:29 PM
haha, "text terrorists" is not a term you see used often.

08-27-2010, 12:29 PM
With the existence of the three women there already convincing me that there are incredible girls in the world that share my nerd passions adding a fourth that dismantles text terrorists while also raising children would've accidentally my whole mind and only ensured that I die alone while ever-searching.

So yeah you should've been there.

That night was enough of an awesome mindfuck without Tisket calling shotgun on the back door.

08-27-2010, 12:40 PM
That night was enough of an awesome mindfuck without Tisket calling shotgun on the back door.

Man, Player's Corner is just full of MIND FUCKS, isn't it?

Drunken Durfin
12-22-2010, 12:27 AM
Because people need to be reminded that it can be done.


12-22-2010, 10:57 AM
Because people need to be reminded that it can be done.

Not only can it be done... you can have an obscene amount of fun while you're at it. :D

Drunken Durfin
02-20-2011, 10:21 AM
Bump so people don't have to search to find this epic destruction of HJFudge's dream.

02-20-2011, 01:13 PM
You put a wickedly thorned crown woven from the splintered bones, broken dreams, and crushed spirits of the vanquished cult of Marlu on your head.

02-20-2011, 01:15 PM
You put a wickedly thorned crown woven from the splintered bones, broken dreams, and crushed spirits of the vanquished cult of Marlu on your head.

So jealous. :(

02-20-2011, 01:21 PM
now thats epic!

Drunken Durfin
05-25-2012, 09:54 PM
Because the "From Jaeden's Perspective" thread sucks.

05-25-2012, 11:45 PM
This one is much better.

01-31-2013, 11:38 PM
I totally necropostishly agree with me.