View Full Version : Insurance Quotes

08-20-2010, 07:47 PM
So...I had progressive insurance at $700 for 6 months and this bill they raised it 77 dollars to 777. I called to ask why and they said because I was no longer a new customer. So I promply became an old customer and went looking for car insurance. The various quotes I got were mind blowing.

Allstate : $1750 for 6 months
I actually called Allstate and asked what the fuck was going on. They said because of my age I was in a high risk category......Im 28 years old.
Liberty Mutual : Website too horrible to use
Progressive : (just for kicks) $730
Geico : 450 for 6 months <--bought

Has anyone else noticed how arbitrary the price of car insurance is? I mean what other market can you buy the exact same thing for 300% less.

08-20-2010, 07:57 PM
Apparently your car is worth more than mine (although liability probably has a lot more weight than personal claims). My insurance is $675 for the year with Commerce. The big issue is that each company creates its own actuarial models, so some people get raped depending on variables while others are rewarded, and it's the opposite somewhere else. It's not really arbitrary but some companies can predict future events a lot more accurately than others.

08-20-2010, 07:59 PM
yea mine dropped about $70/mo when I switched from Geico to Progressive

Sean of the Thread
08-20-2010, 08:00 PM
I personally have used and like Progressive myself.

My sister ended up as an adjuster there and she somehow convinced me to use them but they always came through so I can't complain.

08-20-2010, 08:01 PM
Well I guess I will just have to pray Allstate doesnt know what its talking about because otherwise Im a dead man.

08-21-2010, 08:21 AM

I had the same issue semi-recently. Switching hasn't been an issue so far. they did raise my rates a little for the 2nd 6 months, but still paying less than with Progressive

08-21-2010, 11:05 AM
The sticker shock when I got my own car insurance was mind blowing. I don't remember all of the quotes, but I think the lowest and highest were-

GEICO: $940 for six months for bare minimum coverage ($25 / $50 / $25 and $1K deductible)

State Farm: $1300 for six months, included good student discount

Four years later, I pay $750 a year to Erie Insurance for renter's + auto with better coverage.

08-21-2010, 11:15 AM
Elephant or Erie.

08-21-2010, 02:45 PM
I'm been happy with GEICO. Switched from MET a few months ago, saving about $400 a year; previously have had Allstate and State Farm. Except for State Farm being consistently expensive-as-fuck, I think you're right: there's very little rhyme or reason to competing insurance rates.

08-21-2010, 03:29 PM
i have bare miniminum + a crap car, so with a 1995 honda civic and basic coverage i pay 350$ every 6 months. married and above 25 tho..

i have USAA military legacy insurance though

08-21-2010, 03:48 PM
The sticker shock when I got my own car insurance was mind blowing. I don't remember all of the quotes, but I think the lowest and highest were-

GEICO: $940 for six months for bare minimum coverage ($25 / $50 / $25 and $1K deductible)

State Farm: $1300 for six months, included good student discount

Four years later, I pay $750 a year to Erie Insurance for renter's + auto with better coverage.

I had Erie for six years. When my sister who also had Erie got in a slew of accidents they jacked up my rate so I dropped it. That was another really weird conversation with an auto insurance company.