View Full Version : Message board timer changeable?

LE Roguess Z
08-18-2010, 03:08 PM
Now that I've changed my skin from the default to a really neat one, I prefer to be logged in while viewing these boards.

Unfortunately though, I've noticed that the timer for remaining logged in is very short.

Is there a way to circumvent this and increase the alloted logged in time period?

Mucho Gracias

08-18-2010, 03:11 PM
You should remain logged in until the cookie is deleted or you click logout.

LE Roguess Z
08-19-2010, 10:55 PM
You should remain logged in until the cookie is deleted or you click logout.

I should, however ..... Taint workin'

I'm being booted out before I can read a page worth of posts.


Firefox is set to accept cookies. They expire when I close the browser, no third party. I allowed "forum.gsplayers.com" for session cookies in the Exceptions option.

Anything else I might have forgotten? Did I input this website for the Exceptions properly?

<must get back to the shadows ... [twitch, twitch]>

08-19-2010, 11:03 PM
Something tells me you have a few more issues than cookies. Not that there is anything wrong with that...

08-19-2010, 11:31 PM
Firefox is set to accept cookies. They expire when I close the browser, no third party. I allowed "forum.gsplayers.com" for session cookies in the Exceptions option.

Session cookies are only saved until you close your browser.

08-19-2010, 11:50 PM
Firefox is set to accept cookies. They expire when I close the browser, no third party. I allowed "forum.gsplayers.com" for session cookies in the Exceptions option.
This is your problem.

Listing forum.gsplayers.com as an Always exception only means that Firefox will always accept the cookie. It does not exclude it from your Keep until setting.

08-20-2010, 01:40 AM
I have this problem too with Explorer. Don't have it with any other message boards. The session times out after about 5 minutes if I don't maintain activity.

08-20-2010, 02:03 AM
with Explorer.

Found your problem boss.

LE Roguess Z
08-20-2010, 04:46 AM
Something tells me you have a few more issues than cookies.

I could not, need not, would not dispute the above comment. <twitch, twitch>

Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Nawp. Indeed, quite the opposite.

Session cookies are only saved until you close your browser.

Is that what that means?

DREW ---> :wedgie: <--- Mua

Tip: Wear a hat and shades, I hear the FL sun bakes people TOOPID.


I added the session setting after reading Mogs, "It should be working like this" reply.

It was very obvious to me something wonkey this way woes when it comes to the timer booting me in my teeth and then my arse as I tried to read various lengthy threads while logged in wearing my nifty new skin.

No other message boards do this to me.

This is your problem.

Listing forum.gsplayers.com as an Always exception only means that Firefox will always accept the cookie. It does not exclude it from your Keep until setting.

Can't be Mogonis. As stated above to Drew, I added forum.gsplayers.com as an always exception after reading your response to me.

Admittedly, I was shooting in the dark with that attempt, since you really gave me nothing to go on except, 'dis is how it werks fer us lucky folk.'

Tanks bro.

I was hoping it was as simple as a cookie setting. Apparently nawp.

I have this problem too with Explorer. Don't have it with any other message boards. The session times out after about 5 minutes if I don't maintain activity.


I get more than five minutes K. So I'm doing a tad better than yourself.

When I get to the end of a thread, instead of clicking to the next link, I do have a habit of paging back. I srsly doubt that would be causing this malfunction.

I can tollerate this inconvenience, it's just a PITA.

08-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Are you selecting the "remember me" option when you log in? Also, use Chrome.

08-20-2010, 01:59 PM
Can't be Mogonis. As stated above to Drew, I added forum.gsplayers.com as an always exception after reading your response to me.
I'm not sure if you're reading closely. Your exceptions don't matter. If you have Firefox set to keep cookies until you close the browser, you should be logged in as long as Firefox remains open. Have you set Firefox to keep cookies until they expire to see if you can remain logged in for longer?

08-20-2010, 02:06 PM
Gonna need Ollie Williams to weigh in on this one:


LE Roguess Z
08-20-2010, 10:39 PM
Are you selecting the "remember me" option when you log in? Also, use Chrome.

Naw, I actually type in my name and PW each visit.

No Tanks. I've checked out Chrome. I hear it's the schnizzle. It's not really my gig. I'm a simple girl when it comes to the web. I really don't tax my PC system enough to need their refined browser functions.

My current dilemma sort of reflects this. My cookies are apparently crumbling everywhere. Where's Paul? All my cookies are belong to him?

I'm not sure if you're reading closely. Your exceptions don't matter. If you have Firefox set to keep cookies until you close the browser, you should be logged in as long as Firefox remains open. Have you set Firefox to keep cookies until they expire to see if you can remain logged in for longer?

You might be proud, I'm reading so close, I left a nose print on my screen.

I know, you'd think. Apparently something is wonkey on my end with my browser. I keep it updated and no, after I logged in, I wasn't closing my browser between threads. Yes it was slightly frustrating, but a minor inconvenience on the grand scale of inconveniences.

As you suggested, I changed the settings to keep cookies until they expire.


Why didn't you just suggest that in your first reply :question: :shrug:


08-21-2010, 12:06 PM
Naw, I actually type in my name and PW each visit.This in conjunction with that is the source of your problem. The government isn't going to use your credentials for nefarious purposes, or at least not very often, you should feel free to be remembered. :)

LE Roguess Z
08-21-2010, 05:44 PM
This in conjunction with that is the source of your problem. The government isn't going to use your credentials for nefarious purposes, or at least not very often, you should feel free to be remembered. :)

Ha ha ha!

:unclesam: They would not wish my credentials.

Besides, they've already had them.

That and I'm an :saint:

<cough, cough>

Wait, I would make the perfect patsy.


It has nothing to do with any conspiracy 'Big Brother' theories Latrinsorm.

It has to do with keeping the brain power in semi-operational condition.

PEACE OUT :hippie:

P.S. I've been told that I am quite memorable.

LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 01:59 PM
/ \
|| The above Avatar is me when it comes to this crap. [Avatar changed from ExPresBushBoy holding phone upside down back to BuffBoy from Gentleman's Quartly]

What I would LURV to do with this thing .... :compbash:

Sooooo, once again:

Firefox, Tools, Options, Cookies dropdown menu option "Keep until they expire" ON

Clear history when Firefox closes ON

Settings Option next to the history clear toggle leads me to:

When I quite Firefox, it should clear all ...

Browsing history NOT on
Download history NOT on
Form & Search history ON
Cookies NOT on/was ON
Active Logins NOT on/was ON
Cache ON

Data: Pertinent?

I appear to remain logged in longer than I was, but that could be subjective.

Yes, it still likes to puntify me from the login ....

P.S. Muchos Gracias por todo! Even if it doesn't work itself out.

08-23-2010, 02:04 PM


Oh Look. It's fucking unicorns.

08-23-2010, 02:09 PM
Your posts with all the weird color highlighting, abundance of weird smileys, direct name-checking of every responder and just your general 'nawpitude' strike me as...

PRETTY EPIC.:shoot: :pizza:

I hope you never get this shit fixed.

EDIT: also, I sent you rep and asked for this but maybe you don't know about the User CP (http://forum.gsplayers.com/usercp.php)link in the upper left. I'd like you to post in some other threads that you find exciting or relevant to your interests.

08-23-2010, 02:22 PM
It reminds me of how Stan might post if he were on acid and the posting form could read his mind.

08-23-2010, 03:37 PM


Oh Look. It's fucking unicorns.


Just what this forum needed..

LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 04:32 PM
Your posts with all the weird color highlighting, abundance of weird smileys, direct name-checking of every responder and just your general 'nawpitude' strike me as...


I hope you never get this shit fixed.

EDIT: also, I sent you rep and asked for this but maybe you don't know about the User CP (http://forum.gsplayers.com/usercp.php)link in the upper left. I'd like you to post in some other threads that you find exciting or relevant to your interests.


I've always had my own style, that and it makes it SUPER EASY TO READ! The officials suckify, I could never really personalize much there.

Hay now! I'd rather wear my new skin when I read all the various rubbish these boards have to offer. It's much easier on the eyes than the default skin. All brains need junk food! <twitch, twitch>

Yes, I'm aware of it, now. Since I did not log in when I read here, I never really noticed it before. I ignorantly thought those green squares referred to how many posts someone posted, which when I think about it, was rather redundant.

However, yesterday some attention monger tried to damage my <cough, cough> new charismatic reputation and as a result, when I logged in, the screen showed something wonkey in the CPU section. I guess they didn't like me. :tissue:

I know I can rub sum folks the wrong way (refrain dudes!), but damn, four posts and I was a, "DIE DIE DIE I HATE YOU SCUMBAG DOUCHEBAG BITCH." Yes, I'm exaggerating, sorta. It all made sense when it showed me whom the vilifier was. It was your classic tit for tat.

Excuse me whilst I go have a ragious tantrum in the psuedo realm of the Matrix, because someone made my green go red/positive go negative.


Heh, NOT!

Well thank you for the invite Ryvicke. I much prefer the Shadows though, so nae holdest yer breath. That and I'm enormously busy right now. I had a tiny bit of free time to plink around with the stuff on this BBS. Unfortunately, the damn boards plinked me back and back and back! I wanna stay logged in.

Grrrrrr, why I oughta .... :comp:

LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 04:36 PM
It reminds me of how Stan might post if he were on acid and the posting form could read his mind.


If you're referring to the Stan that I think you're referring to ....


I challange you Nachos!


Umm ... ignore the fact that the above is actually smiling.

Wait, there, this one is better!

Grrrrr ... :fence:

If you're not referring to the Stan that I think you're referring to ....

PEACE OUT :hippie:

P.S. Not that you were implying it, but I thought I'd mention it, I no do los drugas. This is me sans substances well ... there's nicotine and the occasional glass of vino tinto.

LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 04:38 PM

Just what this forum needed..

Heyas ParkBandit!

It's to be expected ja know.

Anything goes on the InterNut.

08-23-2010, 05:11 PM
How come no one has asked to see her tits yet?

08-23-2010, 05:18 PM
Do you really spend four minutes on each post on average?

08-23-2010, 05:26 PM
Even though they act nothing alike I would not be surprised if she was married to Smythe. Just the same kind of.... thing happening upstairs with both of them.

LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 06:15 PM
How come no one has asked to see her tits yet?

It was bound to happen.


Here are my tits:


LE Roguess Z
08-23-2010, 06:15 PM
Do you really spend four minutes on each post on average?


Are you seriously concerned with how long it takes me to respond here?

Or, or, is there some super sekrit, must post in X amount of time to these boards?


To answer your question, No.

I tend to have to ditz off and do things while I'm logged in.

That OTAY with you?

P.S. This post was posted in under 2 minutes!

08-23-2010, 06:17 PM
How come no one has asked to see her tits yet?

Because everybody is creeped out by the prospect of skittles-colored titties.

08-23-2010, 06:25 PM
Because everybody is creeped out by the prospect of skittles-colored titties.

Not everybody. Color me intrigued.

08-23-2010, 06:50 PM
Your posts are so...colorful and scatter-brained.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-23-2010, 10:34 PM
I'd like skittle-hued tits.

08-23-2010, 10:46 PM
I once decided to make some skittlebrau after watching the simpsons episode where Homer did... it was terrible. Don't put skittles in your beer.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-23-2010, 10:58 PM
I once decided to make some skittlebrau after watching the simpsons episode where Homer did... it was terrible. Don't put skittles in your beer.

I think Back once posted some instructions for skittle vodka.

Immediately after viewing I went and bought a bottle of Chopin and promised to never abuse it.

08-23-2010, 11:17 PM
I once decided to make some skittlebrau after watching the simpsons episode where Homer did... it was terrible. Don't put skittles in your beer.

This reminds me of my failed experiment making tomacco. I can't stop eating it, though.

08-23-2010, 11:43 PM
Did you plant a hotdog tree first?

LE Roguess Z
08-24-2010, 07:08 AM
How come no one has asked to see her tits yet?

Because everybody is creeped out by the prospect of skittles-colored titties.

Just like everybody appears to be creeped out by Rainbows with her multicolored crotch?


Not everybody. Color me intrigued.

I'd like skittle-hued tits.

Apparently others would disagree with you RojoDisco.

Your posts are so...colorful and scatter-brained.

Awww, thank you. :hug2:

I once decided to make some skittlebrau after watching the simpsons episode where Homer did... it was terrible. Don't put skittles in your beer.

This reminds me of my failed experiment making tomacco. I can't stop eating it, though.

Ooof, and I might be the wierdo?

LE Roguess Z
08-24-2010, 07:25 AM
Hay ya'll,

I doubt my request will be considered, however, there is always hope.

If you're going to leave comments for me to read, at least have the testicles (or tits) to sign your comments, good, bad or otherwise. I promise that I won't come to your house and kick your ass, pull all your shrubs out, put sugar in your gas tank, etc. Otay?

Also, some of you are kinda scatter-brained yourself. Leaving positive comments with negative red boxes.


Hey RojoDisco:

PEACE OUT :hippie: