View Full Version : Assorted thoughts

08-17-2010, 01:07 PM

Since people here seem to be smart and willing to tell things like they are, I had a couple questions.

I used to play many a year ago and decided to come back with a trial. Things are pretty fun but I've been playing at really odd hours which leads to there being not so many people around. Either that or I just don't know where people hang around as much these days (a lot of that part). Which towns and areas do you find have the best people combinations?

How about the general atmosphere these days, especially compared with times past? Would you say it's a good time for potential returns? At the very least, it seems good that new characters start with pants now, but otherwise how do you feel it stacks up?

Also, does anyone know if Rubein/Ryndith or the player behind them still around?

08-17-2010, 04:57 PM
welcome back

the game is awesome, better than ever.

many many people are coming back.

08-17-2010, 05:11 PM

Since people here seem to be smart and willing to tell things like they are, I had a couple questions.

I used to play many a year ago and decided to come back with a trial. Things are pretty fun but I've been playing at really odd hours which leads to there being not so many people around. Either that or I just don't know where people hang around as much these days (a lot of that part). Which towns and areas do you find have the best people combinations?

How about the general atmosphere these days, especially compared with times past? Would you say it's a good time for potential returns? At the very least, it seems good that new characters start with pants now, but otherwise how do you feel it stacks up?

Also, does anyone know if Rubein/Ryndith or the player behind them still around?

The Landing/Solhaven/Icemule area is always going to give you the highest population with the largest amount of professional diversity. If you stick around the Landing most weeknights there will be announcements of lots of MHO/CHE stuff to do (I know you said you were playing at odd hours, so that might not apply).

Mechanics-wise and world-wise I think the game has never been better. There's really so much stuff to see and do that it may take years to get to it all.

All in all Gemstone has a lot to do with the people you meet and get to play around with though. Some days it might be boring and you're just hunting for experience and then the next you don't hunt all day cause you've got something else going on. Also, now you have pants.

08-18-2010, 10:18 AM
Sometimes you even get a skirt.. good times.

Jace Solo
08-18-2010, 01:11 PM
All welcome back! It seems that everyone coming back is very pleased with the staff because of the renewed vigor in which they've been churning out updates and new content. The running joke of the last decade, MONKS, is finally in beta and set to release soon. Savants after that.

There are also new hunting grounds for capped players, new cmans even a lore review that seems to e keeping up to date with the issues that plagued GS for years. Along with the Guardians of Sunfist you can take a new character down a path you've never traveled before, even if you played for the previous decade.

The population sunk drastically after the housing market IRL dropped off but the faithful are still here and new people are returning constantly..

Tell your friends because the majority of the dick heads are gone (Tsin) and the reaming players were those who were always ready to lend a hand.

We are starting to feel the strain when in terms of clerics, empaths and rogues becoming scares. Not sure what profession you picked but there is plenty of work to be found for those three.

08-18-2010, 01:27 PM
It's good to hear things are better than ever. Lots of games and communities and whatnot seem to be filled with people talking about the end being nigh, etc. It does seem like a lot is getting added and generally done.

When I get a chance to play a weeknight, I'll be sure to look into that. I mostly played last weekend at like 3am.

It's crazy how much has been added though. Other than pants (and, apparently, skirts, though I've only gotten pants. Probably best last time, as I started in Icemule), it seems new races, professions, and spells have been added in abundance. Way back when it seemed like nothing was ever getting improved, except for some cleric stuff. They always seemed to have things moving forward. I think '02 was the last time I played before this week.

On a random note related to such things, is there any weirdness related to the fact that Gnomes are playable but there are still some gnomes you can go hunt? And is breakage still in the same "in the works" status as it was since, uh, a long time?

I haven't really looked enough to be sure, but it seems the overall racial combination seems similar. That is, there are a lot of weird looking Dark Elves with strange fashion sense.

And as to an edit about that post that showed up while I was posting (or at least getting ready to): it's good to know a lot of annoying people are the ones who left. And the scarcity could be interesting, as my former main characters were a Rogue and a Cleric. It may be nice to see if I can get that account reopened and have some fun with them again.

08-18-2010, 01:33 PM
I wouldn't expect breakage...well, ever. But certainly not soon.

If you haven't used it already, http://www.krakiipedia.org/ is a great source of information you can use while getting up to speed on things.

08-18-2010, 03:00 PM
Just thought I'd post here because it seems like an appropriate place. I have also just come back to the game after (gasp) 5 years of not playing! I'm enjoying it so far and the characters in game seem to be very helpful, more so than in the past.

If you ever see my character, Dannah, be sure to say hi! She's normally hanging around Icemule.


08-19-2010, 10:45 PM
I had been looking at krakiipedia, but it didn't quite get the idea of how things were across so well.

It's good to hear of others having a good time after returning. That really makes me think more. I'll make sure to say hello if I run into her!