View Full Version : So what is the best smartphone?

08-15-2010, 11:55 AM
Pros and Cons people.

Put it out there folks!

Posting the poll - be patient!

*Reason being - I'm replacing a lost iPhone and want to consider all options. If the phone is not ATT then I will need to consider the implications of what unlocking the phone will create.

08-15-2010, 12:13 PM
Those are the ones you are torn between? You didn't include a few others as well so I wanted to clarify.

According to my husband the Blackberry Torch is the be all end all for business (if you like sliders)

I'm torn between the Iphone and a droid you don't have listed but can't remember right now.

08-16-2010, 06:27 PM
Since your already with AT&T you should just get another iPhone.

I personally use the Motorola droid x and my wife is using the first Motorola droid.

08-16-2010, 06:33 PM
Samsung Epic, but I'll choose HTC Evo since you didn't list it.

08-16-2010, 06:34 PM
And yeah if you want to stick with ATT, just stick with the iphone. I'm moving to Sprint and going 4g.

08-16-2010, 07:10 PM
I love my EVO

08-16-2010, 08:25 PM
Trying to stay to ATT phones.

08-16-2010, 08:41 PM
I wonder how many people are going to be happy with Apple and their pre-packaged deals with AT&T when that company does away with unlimited data.

08-16-2010, 10:51 PM
I wonder how many people are going to be happy with Apple and their pre-packaged deals with AT&T when that company does away with unlimited data.

Unlimited... for $30 a month. If they do away with unlimited data and just go with smaller plans, I'll save money.

I think I'll be happier.

08-16-2010, 10:51 PM
I wonder how many people are going to be happy with Apple and their pre-packaged deals with AT&T when that company does away with unlimited data.

This. I use like 25 mbs per month, almost exclusively in email, but out of principle I am researching other options.

Out of laziness I bet I stay with my iphone, but I'm going to at least consider other options. Did you hear that, ATT?

08-16-2010, 10:52 PM
Unlimited... for $30 a month. If they do away with unlimited data and just go with smaller plans, I'll save money.

I think I'll be happier.

You make a good point.

With extreme age comes occasional wisdom.

08-16-2010, 11:05 PM
This. I use like 25 mbs per month, almost exclusively in email, but out of principle I am researching other options.

Out of laziness I bet I stay with my iphone, but I'm going to at least consider other options. Did you hear that, ATT?

You probably came to this conclusion because you are an idiot and couldn't think of how it could benefit you.

Not surprising, given your mental age.

08-16-2010, 11:06 PM
You probably came to this conclusion because you are an idiot and couldn't think of how it could benefit you.

Not surprising, given your mental age.

Nice zinger, bro.

08-16-2010, 11:08 PM
Unlimited... for $30 a month. If they do away with unlimited data and just go with smaller plans, I'll save money.

I think I'll be happier.

I thought they did away with their unlimited data plan?
Isn't it now 200mb for 15/mo or 2gb for 25/mo?

08-16-2010, 11:09 PM
I just moved from a BlackBerry Storm to a Droid X. I loved my BlackBerry, but this Droid X is awesomesauce. Of course, neither of these are on your list...

08-16-2010, 11:09 PM
I thought they did away with their unlimited data plan?
Isn't it now 200mb for 15/mo or 2gb for 25/mo?

If you're already on a contract, you can keep the unlimited plan.

08-16-2010, 11:11 PM
If you don't get an Android phone you're seriously fucking dumb.

08-16-2010, 11:28 PM
If you don't get an Android phone you're seriously fucking dumb.

Especially because they can print money.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-16-2010, 11:31 PM
Especially because they can print money.

I don't care.

08-16-2010, 11:41 PM
I've been looking at the HTC Droid Incredible and the HTC Evo 4G myself.

I'd say anything that runs Android, really.

08-17-2010, 12:25 AM
I love my iPhone. It makes love to me every night, morning, coffee break, and for snacks.

08-17-2010, 12:27 AM
I love my iPhone. It makes love to me every night, morning, coffee break, and for snacks.

But can it produce fountain Dr. Pepper?

08-17-2010, 12:39 AM
...fuck you! :(

08-17-2010, 02:00 AM
But can it produce fountain Dr. Pepper?

There's an app for that.

08-17-2010, 02:22 AM
Thanks to android I won't be able to do my own taxes this year unless I like being in the 33% tax bracket.

08-17-2010, 02:35 AM

08-17-2010, 09:54 AM
I thought they did away with their unlimited data plan?
Isn't it now 200mb for 15/mo or 2gb for 25/mo?


I was charged $30 for unlimited data usage on my last bill.

08-17-2010, 09:58 AM
I just moved from a BlackBerry Storm to a Droid X. I loved my BlackBerry, but this Droid X is awesomesauce. Of course, neither of these are on your list...

this except i went from tour to DX never knew wtf i was missing...

too bad droid x isnt on ya list, i would go with htc evo since it is somewhat comparable

08-17-2010, 10:00 AM
I thought they did away with their unlimited data plan?
Isn't it now 200mb for 15/mo or 2gb for 25/mo?

Unlimited... for $30 a month. If they do away with unlimited data and just go with smaller plans, I'll save money.

I think I'll be happier.

Anyone who has a current unlimited(30) plan will be grandfathered in. ATT rep I spoke to said this would most likely be a permanent grandfathering, or atleast the forseeable future. If your plan lapses, you will lose your grandfathering though. Also, if you choose a smaller plan for data, you will never be able to get back the unlimited plan.

08-17-2010, 10:47 AM

I was charged $30 for unlimited data usage on my last bill.

You should check on that. My wife and I were grandfathered in and while talking to a rep last week he was looking into something and laughed and told me I better hope I never lose my unlimited data.

08-17-2010, 11:03 AM
You should check on that. My wife and I were grandfathered in and while talking to a rep last week he was looking into something and laughed and told me I better hope I never lose my unlimited data.

What are you downloading? Music and apps? I generally wait until I get a solid WiFi connection before downloading anything. I don't really watch things like Youtube or streaming movies on the 3G network.

08-17-2010, 11:08 AM
Everything, really. I use my phone exactly like my PC.

08-17-2010, 12:52 PM
What are you going to use your phone for? Heavy email/messaging? Music? Video? Tethering? Games?

Do you prefer a physical keyboard? If so, do you prefer landscape or portrait orientation?

Do you need expandable storage?

Does Houston have Sprint's 4G? T-Mobile's 3G?

Also I definitely recommend going into a store and comparing the screens of the Captivate (or any other Samsung Galaxy S phone), the EVO, and the iPhone. The best place to do this is probably either Best Buy or Radioshack, since they have phones from all the carriers. The other nice thing about buying from them is that all the rebates are instant instead of mail in like the carriers like to do.

08-17-2010, 01:23 PM
A computer... or one of those freaky advanced Japanese phones.

08-17-2010, 01:49 PM
I have a palm pre, awesome theory, poor execution. The apps for this thing are few and far between and what it does have are fucking retarded. I love overall navigation and function of the phone itself though. The hardware is fragile as well....only on pre number 4 so far. Wish they could have taken the concept and put it in the same ballpark

08-17-2010, 01:54 PM
I chose the HTC Incredible since that's what I have and I've been nothing but impressed. I bet the other HTC phones are all pretty great but I definitely like being on the Verizon network.

08-17-2010, 03:32 PM
I have a palm pre, awesome theory, poor execution. The apps for this thing are few and far between and what it does have are fucking retarded. I love overall navigation and function of the phone itself though. The hardware is fragile as well....only on pre number 4 so far. Wish they could have taken the concept and put it in the same ballpark

The OS is great (probably the best smartphone OS out there), but the hardware sucks, which is why I am looking at upgrading to either the EVO or the Epic 4G when it comes out. There is barely anything useful in the WebOS app store, but there is some really cool stuff on Preware.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-17-2010, 03:47 PM

I have a shitty slide phone so this is the best I can contribute to the discussion.

08-17-2010, 03:56 PM
I just got a new LG phone that doesn't even have a camera. Fuck your apps. The most complex thing on mine is a cage the elephant ringtone for when work calls, and iron maiden ringtones for each of my friends.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-17-2010, 04:07 PM
I just got a new LG phone that doesn't even have a camera. Fuck your apps. The most complex thing on mine is a cage the elephant ringtone for when work calls, and iron maiden ringtones for each of my friends.

Ain't no rest for the wicked??

08-17-2010, 04:11 PM
My phone turned itself off for no reason last night, so no alarm this morning (managed to wake up on my own at a reasonable time, but not as early as I'd have liked). I'm fed up with it. I've decided on Verizon, because AT&T sucks (bad coverage in Boston).

I don't want a bulky phone (mine is a brick), and Droid X just seems too large (I've used one). So now I'm trying to decide if I just get a Droid 2, or wait for the fascinate (same as the captivate) and see if I like the super amoled screen enough to lose a keyboard.

As for your dilemma Gan, I suggest you join my dilemma and go Verizon, AT&T coverage is really bad, and unless you're grandfathered for data that's going to suck (I'm currently grandfathered, but no idea for how long).

08-17-2010, 04:55 PM
Ain't no rest for the wicked??

That would be the one.

08-17-2010, 05:44 PM
Everything, really. I use my phone exactly like my PC.

Ahhh, streaming porn.

That'll make the data accumulate.

08-17-2010, 05:46 PM
My phone turned itself off for no reason last night, so no alarm this morning (managed to wake up on my own at a reasonable time, but not as early as I'd have liked). I'm fed up with it. I've decided on Verizon, because AT&T sucks (bad coverage in Boston).

I don't want a bulky phone (mine is a brick), and Droid X just seems too large (I've used one). So now I'm trying to decide if I just get a Droid 2, or wait for the fascinate (same as the captivate) and see if I like the super amoled screen enough to lose a keyboard.

As for your dilemma Gan, I suggest you join my dilemma and go Verizon, AT&T coverage is really bad, and unless you're grandfathered for data that's going to suck (I'm currently grandfathered, but no idea for how long).

Here in St. Louis AT&T has a really solid network with probably the best coverage area and fastest 3G download speeds. Verizon has solid coverage, but the slowest 3G speeds. Sprint's 3G network has nearly the coverage of Verizon's and is a bit faster, so I've been happy with that. Being significantly cheaper is a nice bonus as well.

Just started playing with Wimax (Sprint's "4G") devices and its great where you can get a signal. Has horrible building penetration so far in my experience though, but that's one of those things that usually gets better with improved antenna design.

And T-Mobile is a joke here with no 3G in the plans for 2010 at all, which sucks because they have great pricing.

08-17-2010, 06:08 PM
My two areas of concern are Boston and Hartford, I know they both have pretty good verizon coverage. I was leaning towards Sprint because I really like the look of the Samsung Galaxy S Pro, but I keep hearing nightmare stories about Sprint CS. Normally I don't care about CS because well... if my phone works, I'm fine, but I've got a friend who devs for a mobile app company, and his whole company hates Sprint. I could wait for the variants to reach Verizon or some other carrier, but after this mornings issue w/ my phone, I don't want to wait much longer.

08-17-2010, 09:38 PM
Got a slide, mytouch through tmobile recently. Mostly just use it to check email and surf the web when im on public transport but I love it. Been saying I am going to try out the developer kit for it tomorrow for like a month.

My sister has the Incredible I think...Its obviously better than mine but I simply dont use my phone like that.

08-17-2010, 10:58 PM
I thought they did away with their unlimited data plan?
Isn't it now 200mb for 15/mo or 2gb for 25/mo?

This. It has already happened.

Existing unlimited data plans are grandfather'd in.

Right Grandpa? (PB)

08-17-2010, 10:59 PM
Got a slide, mytouch through tmobile recently. Mostly just use it to check email and surf the web when im on public transport but I love it. Been saying I am going to try out the developer kit for it tomorrow for like a month.

My sister has the Incredible I think...Its obviously better than mine but I simply dont use my phone like that.

I know what you mean about saying you're going to try out the dev kit. The whole reason I went w/ a WinMo phone a while ago was because I figured the dev would be familiar ... it was, eventually wrote a simple GS telnet client, and kept telling myself I'd add scripting and more UI to it... "tomorrow".

I'm reluctant to buy a phone without a keyboard now, because I know if I had the time I'd love to write a good GS client for a phone, but reasonably I don't think I'll ever get around to it, and in the meantime it means I just carry a bulkier phone.

08-17-2010, 11:23 PM
A computer... or one of those freaky advanced Japanese phones.

"Ahh Nokia, you have to respect the Japanese they know the power of the samurai..."

08-17-2010, 11:27 PM
Its a tossup between HTC EVO and iPhone so far. Going to test drive an EVO this week to see if I like it.

Not having to deal with ITunes would be worth it.

08-17-2010, 11:53 PM
I know what you mean about saying you're going to try out the dev kit. The whole reason I went w/ a WinMo phone a while ago was because I figured the dev would be familiar ... it was, eventually wrote a simple GS telnet client, and kept telling myself I'd add scripting and more UI to it... "tomorrow".

I'm reluctant to buy a phone without a keyboard now, because I know if I had the time I'd love to write a good GS client for a phone, but reasonably I don't think I'll ever get around to it, and in the meantime it means I just carry a bulkier phone.

I just think its going to be a good thing to jump out in front of. Every huge website is going to want a "viewer" app eventually. Aside from that my work does remote reporting for the studies I work on and some of the higher ups in our IT department have been kicking around the idea of buying stripped down droids putting ugly ass cases on them to drop their resale value and giving them to partipants because of their ability to write to a database from anywhere reliably. Like anything though the time investment of learning a new IDE and the semantics of a language for a phone that will likely change monthly is always intimidating.

08-18-2010, 12:03 AM
Its a tossup between HTC EVO and iPhone so far. Going to test drive an EVO this week to see if I like it.

Not having to deal with ITunes would be worth it.

For me the things that pushed me away from apple were....

1. Jobs stance on Adobe is downright scary.
2. The plans were awful.
3. The phones are locked and apps are expensive.

I weighed it against...
1. The iPhone is easier to use.

Not an iPhone hater thats really just how it felt to me at the end of the day. I like iPhones but imo droids on better plans are just a no brainer $$ wise and content wise if you dont mind reading an instruction manual for 20 minutes. The only variable is if the carriers in your area are awful. In my area I have no problem with reception anywhere on any plan and tmobile is way way way cheaper.

08-18-2010, 06:41 AM
AT&T has good coverage in Houston. And since I rarely travel out of town or state anymore I dont have coverage issues.

For me the decision will be based on functionality and future applicability. Having to read an instruction manual is not really a bad thing if you are given the keys to really modify the phone to your preferences. With Apple that is a hinderance unless you jailbreak the unit (which voids the warranty on a $300+ item).

It will be interesting to see what happens to supply when AT&T loses their exclusivity to the iPhone this coming January when Verizon users will have access to them. For now - the addition of the 4G has had little to no effect on the aftermarket price of the 3G and 3GS. The only impact it has had thus far has been a slight increase in availability (used inventory increased when people upgraded) and lowered plan price through AT&T.

08-18-2010, 11:03 AM
It will be interesting to see what happens to supply when AT&T loses their exclusivity to the iPhone this coming January when Verizon users will have access to them.

That is still a rumor at this point. It only makes sense if Apple is making an LTE iPhone. And even then, Verizon might be able to get some LTE data-only devices out by that point, but AKAIK they are still relying on CDMA for voice for the time being. So Apple would need to either add a CDMA radio (unlikely addition at the end CDMA's lifecycle) or provide some kind of VoIP solution.

08-19-2010, 05:03 AM
My Droid beats up iphones while multitasking. On aside note, I'm loving the OS update to version 2.2 last night. 5 screens of icons, seems to be more user friendly. Using the original Moto Droid.



08-20-2010, 12:11 AM
You guys should seriously take a look at the Android API, there is absolutely no learning curve just Java and Eclipse.



08-20-2010, 02:21 PM
This. It has already happened.

Existing unlimited data plans are grandfather'd in.

Right Grandpa? (PB)In PB's case he was great-grandfathered in.

The extra resolution on the iPhone is very attractive, particularly on web pages that aren't designed for smartphones and video playback. The battery life is also excellent. It may be a small thing but I think the tactile experience on the iPhone is the best out of all the AT&T offereings. In fact, unless you want to make a phone call, the iPhone is terrific. Barring that I'd get a Samsung Captivate.

08-20-2010, 02:26 PM
That is still a rumor at this point. It only makes sense if Apple is making an LTE iPhone. And even then, Verizon might be able to get some LTE data-only devices out by that point, but AKAIK they are still relying on CDMA for voice for the time being. So Apple would need to either add a CDMA radio (unlikely addition at the end CDMA's lifecycle) or provide some kind of VoIP solution.It makes sense period if Apple wishes to maintain a decent share of the smartphone market. The equipment is pretty much equal quality and price and there's nothing particularly superior about either operating system (although I do take some amusement that the most popular free app for Droid is Task-Killer). So how did Google catch up so quickly when Apple had a solid head-start? Distribution. It doesn't matter how much you like an iPhone if you can't grab an AT&T signal in your area, you're not going to buy one. If a product is available in 4x as many stores, it's just going to sell more. Apple needs to get the iPhone to Verizon and as many other vendors as they can.

08-20-2010, 03:31 PM
You guys should seriously take a look at the Android API, there is absolutely no learning curve just Java and Eclipse.



I looked through. It actually is a bit different for normal java. Swing is gone and AWT is heavily neutered. That doesnt seem like a big deal until you think about the fact that anything you write would have to have a pretty complicated GUI to work on a phone. It is nice its straight java and compiles through eclipse easily though. Eclipse pretty much makes programming a joke.

08-20-2010, 09:51 PM
It makes sense period if Apple wishes to maintain a decent share of the smartphone market. The equipment is pretty much equal quality and price and there's nothing particularly superior about either operating system (although I do take some amusement that the most popular free app for Droid is Task-Killer). So how did Google catch up so quickly when Apple had a solid head-start? Distribution. It doesn't matter how much you like an iPhone if you can't grab an AT&T signal in your area, you're not going to buy one. If a product is available in 4x as many stores, it's just going to sell more. Apple needs to get the iPhone to Verizon and as many other vendors as they can.

The funny thing is that task killer is the worst possible app you can install. Droids are linux based. Linux knows how to manage itself for multitasking. A program that's force-closing apps isn't doing your system any good. (Believe me, I had it for the first 2 or 3 weeks of my Droid, uninstalled it, and haven't had any issues since. My phone runs WAY better/faster without it.)

08-20-2010, 10:00 PM
Better hardware is a larger contributor to the Droid's speed than Dalvik's ability to multitask. I wish my Dream had more RAM and a 1 GHz processor. For now I'm just riding on the JIT compiler to make things run more smoothly and waiting on someone to make the swap partition useful again.

08-20-2010, 10:02 PM
The funny thing is that task killer is the worst possible app you can install. Droids are linux based. Linux knows how to manage itself for multitasking. A program that's force-closing apps isn't doing your system any good. (Believe me, I had it for the first 2 or 3 weeks of my Droid, uninstalled it, and haven't had any issues since. My phone runs WAY better/faster without it.)

Up until around Eclair (2.0/2.1), task killers WERE useful. At 2.1 (at the latest), the built-in memory management was improved to the point where task killers weren't necessary. So, pre-Eclair phones can still make use of a task killer.

Another useful reason for task killers is for poorly written programs. I love Stitcher (podcasts) and have been using it on my Blackberry for a long time. I downloaded it for my Droid X and love it... but when I'm done using it and go to listen to music or watch a movie, it has this nasty tendency to resurrect itself and start playing again at random. A few clicks with a task killer make that problem go away, until the Stitcher folks clean up their app.

08-22-2010, 04:12 AM
I looked through. It actually is a bit different for normal java. Swing is gone and AWT is heavily neutered. That doesnt seem like a big deal until you think about the fact that anything you write would have to have a pretty complicated GUI to work on a phone. It is nice its straight java and compiles through eclipse easily though. Eclipse pretty much makes programming a joke.

XML layout files, couldn't be easier. The platform also includes tons of easy to use/customize controls.
