View Full Version : Florida to adopt immigration law tougher than Arizona

08-11-2010, 03:17 PM
To cut down on their growing Mexican problem, Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum is introducing a bill that will be even tougher than the one in Arizona.

The proposal by McCollum, who is lagging in a race to become the Republican candidate for governor, was certain to thrust Florida into the heated immigration debate that is a major issue ahead of November 2 midterm Congressional elections.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100811/ts_nm/us_usa_immigration_florida)

McCollum's office said the proposed Florida legislation goes "one step further" than a similar law introduced in Arizona, which has triggered protests and a constitutional challenge from President Barack Obama's administration.

"I think Arizona is going to want this law," McCollum said.

According to his office, McCollum's proposed Florida legislation offers more teeth than the Arizona law by giving judges and law enforcement officers more tools in dealing with illegal immigrants, from bond rulings through to sentencing.

His office said the Florida proposal also was strengthened against "potential constitutional challenges." It addressed the objections raised by the federal judge in the Arizona case by clarifying better the "reasonable suspicion" circumstances in which officers should check immigration status.

McCollum recently assured his bright future in the party when he made headlines by saying that homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children.

08-11-2010, 03:48 PM
Florida has a Mexican problem? On top of the Cubans?! Wow, sorry Florida. :(

08-11-2010, 03:53 PM
Apologies accepted.

Florida ranks top 5 in illegal immigration... we're actually ahead of Arizona.

08-11-2010, 03:54 PM
Florida has a Mexican problem? On top of the Cubans?! Wow, sorry Florida. :(

I'd pay to see the Mexican women on top of the Cuban women. Problem solved?

08-11-2010, 03:55 PM
I'd pay to see the Mexican women on top of the Cuban women. Problem solved?
Mexican and Cuban women don't mix well. It would be an ugly battle.

08-11-2010, 03:55 PM
Florida has a Mexican problem? On top of the Cubans?! Wow, sorry Florida

Mexican problem, on top of their Cuban, Haitian, Dominican, old people, out of state tourist, and swamp-raised redneck problem.