View Full Version : All I got out of Condi Rice's testimony...

04-08-2004, 12:14 PM
blah blah blah blah blah It's not our fault blah blah blah blah It's Clinton's fault blah blah blah blah Dick Clarke is an asshole blah blah blah I'm a gap-toothed, fugly bitch blah blah blah.

Seriously, you've got a PhD but you have two visible gaps in your teeth when you smile? Come on now. How'm I supposed to respect a woman with two tooth-wide gaps in her fricking mouth. I'm not saying you need perfect teeth, but DAMN.

But this is still a good day, 9-12 Rice testimony, and the Frozen Four this afternoon. w00t w00t!!


04-08-2004, 12:20 PM
I missed it. Basically did she say anything we haven't already heard?

04-08-2004, 12:20 PM
No. She looked annoyed/flustered though. That was amusing.

04-08-2004, 12:22 PM
Seriously, you've got a PhD but you have two visible gaps in your teeth when you smile? Come on now. How'm I supposed to respect a woman with two tooth-wide gaps in her fricking mouth. I'm not saying you need perfect teeth, but DAMN.

Then what are you saying? Remember Katherine Harris? She is a pretty woman who wore make up and styled her hair, she got called everything from superficial to a style whore, but taken seriously in politics.
What Dr. Rice was saying should have interested you more than the gaps in her teeth. Of all the things I imagined you to say about the hearings, her personal appearance wasn't one them. Shame on you.

04-08-2004, 12:23 PM
Not really. And I woke up at 9 to watch this shit too. I even skipped my morning perusal of the PC. Til about half way through, at least.

Basically, everything Dick Clarke said, she said wasn't something she should of acted on. Everything he said, had she acted on, we would of been better prepared for 9/11, maybe even stopped it, to which she responded: I didn't have to act on it at all.

One of the most disturbing parts was when she was questioned by Graham (one of the ones with the (R) next to his name) about why they didn't follow up with the U.S.S. Cole bombing, and she said, to sum up: Basically, we didn't want to attack al Qaeda unless we could destroy them, we didn't want to go tit-for-tat with them.


04-08-2004, 12:25 PM
I did listen to her testimony, but I was distracted by the gaps in her teeth. Since she said nothing new (her most contraversial statement was "There was no silver bullet which we could of caught to prevent 9/11", according to the punditry), the teeth was what impressed on me most.


04-08-2004, 12:26 PM
Thats more like it. I think she is very well spoken and was flawless in her spun accounting of events. I especially liked the Kerry exchange. :lol:

04-08-2004, 12:28 PM
God, but even some of the Republicans seemed to get down on her. It was pretty fucked up, you usually expect these things to be partisan as hell. Although the Republican thank yous were much more flowery and effusive.

Anyways, forget about this. College HOCKEY! On now, ESPN2!


04-08-2004, 01:05 PM
Here (http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/08/911.commission/index.html/)'s a CNN story on it.

04-08-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
blah blah blah blah blah It's not our fault blah blah blah blah It's Clinton's fault blah blah blah blah Dick Clarke is an asshole blah blah blah I'm a gap-toothed, fugly bitch blah blah blah.

Seriously, you've got a PhD but you have two visible gaps in your teeth when you smile? Come on now. How'm I supposed to respect a woman with two tooth-wide gaps in her fricking mouth. I'm not saying you need perfect teeth, but DAMN.

But this is still a good day, 9-12 Rice testimony, and the Frozen Four this afternoon. w00t w00t!!


Well, this says quite a bit (negatively) about you. :rolleyes:

04-08-2004, 02:25 PM
Not that, you know, you've ever posted anything that reflects badly on yourself.

04-08-2004, 02:35 PM
Basicly, unless it's someone bashing George W. Bush, or the republican party, TheE is not going to be impressed, we all should know that by now. However, he does have one redeaming factor, which is why he still gets some respect from me. Rather than just mouth off about his views, he's actually doing something to take a stand for them. He joined the Peace Corps, and will be traveling abroad with them before long as I recall.


04-08-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Not that, you know, you've ever posted anything that reflects badly on yourself.

Possible... however, that goes for everyone who has posted.

But I consider theE's post way way past the line of any civility. Which is why I made that comment.

04-08-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
I did listen to her testimony, but I was distracted by the gaps in her teeth

Typical. Congratulations, criticising a woman in power for her appearance is SO original :rolleyes:

04-08-2004, 02:58 PM
If Condi Rice was a man with gaps in her teeth, I most certainly would be talking shit about him too.

I dunno, the gap annoys me more than any other dental abnormality. Yellow teeth, crooked teeth, snaggle teeth, whatever, but the gap is just...argh. I dislike it on Michael Strahan too.

As for those people who would think that this reflects on me negatively, hell, if Condi Rice was a Democratic attack dog, and bashing the President at every turn, I'd STILL be distracted by her teeth, and I'd be even more upset, because her teeth would be distracting me from focusing my ire properly towards the President.

As for civility, Atlanteax, based on some of your posts, I'm like a foppish old British schoolmarm, compared to you. The only person I lose my civility with (often) is Edine....as well as some of the bigger morons, Testosterone and Siefer among them.


04-08-2004, 03:02 PM
You must have a hard time in the real world TheE...so many less than perfect people out there after all. You shouldn't have any trouble in the Peace Corp though. All the people you'll be helping are all perfect specimens of the human race after all. /sarcasm

04-08-2004, 03:04 PM
Read all about it!

A transcript of her testimony.



04-08-2004, 03:09 PM
You must have a hard time in the real world TheE...so many less than perfect people out there after all.

A) Who are you, and what's your problem?

B) Her teeth, no doubt, do not say a word about her character, her knowledge, her expertise. However, she is in a position in THE PUBLIC, and thus, being so, her "best face forward" is pretty fugly. What's that stat about how a President under 6' has never been elected? In politics - how you present yourself lends/detracts from your credibility.

If she walked in a velour sweatsuit, it would be the same thing. She's a MULTI MILLIONAIRE. GET SOME BRIDGEWORK.


04-08-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton

You must have a hard time in the real world TheE...so many less than perfect people out there after all.

If she walked in a velour sweatsuit, it would be the same thing. She's a MULTI MILLIONAIRE. GET SOME BRIDGEWORK.

When Madonna was in her Marilyn Monroe phase she posed for the cover of a magazine. The photographer airbrushed the gap in her teeth so her smile would appear perfect. Madonna threatened a lawsuit. Not everyone that can afford it WANTS to be someone else's idea of perfect. Assuming so is your problem.

04-08-2004, 03:19 PM


04-08-2004, 03:19 PM
Madonna was using it to be unique in an industry of pre-fabricated stars.

Condi Rice has two frontal gaps in her teeth, one which looks like it's a missing tooth on the lower part, and the one between her two front teeth which is wide enough to drive a Mack truck through. She's in a game where there is no such thing as being unique, where presentation is more than half the game, and where stylistic flair is not appreciated.

For example, I have long, shoulder length hair. If I ever, ever wanted to be in politics, as a guy, I realize my hair would have to be chopped short. Because no one is going to listen to a long-haired politician, they'd just write me off as a hippie.

I'd love it if I wasn't distracted by these things. But putting forth a professional demeanor is part of the game, and I don't think she was. G.W., on the other hand, puts forth a very presentable face, right down to the crinkling of the crow's feet when he gives his bright-eyed little smirk. It's why people liked him (personality wise) more than Al Gore.


04-08-2004, 03:21 PM
Anyways, between the two hockey games, I'm gonna watch Disc 2 of the Matrix Revolutions.

First hockey game was a good one. MN-Duluth had a 3-1 lead going into the third, Denver scored 4 unanswered goals to win 5-3.


04-08-2004, 03:44 PM
teeth are over-rated.

04-08-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
For example, I have long, shoulder length hair. If I ever, ever wanted to be in politics, as a guy, I realize my hair would have to be chopped short. Because no one is going to listen to a long-haired politician, they'd just write me off as a hippie.Narc.

I watched part of it (I had to eat breakfast sooner or later) and what she was saying didn't seem that bad. It sounded to me like "Yeah, 9/11 sucked, but you can't prepare for everything."

04-08-2004, 04:11 PM
Maybe her teeth were part of a subliminal ploy to get you to watch other gap-toothed people play hockey

04-08-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
If Condi Rice was a man with gaps in her teeth, I most certainly would be talking shit about him too.

I dunno, the gap annoys me more than any other dental abnormality. Yellow teeth, crooked teeth, snaggle teeth, whatever, but the gap is just...argh. I dislike it on Michael Strahan too.

As for those people who would think that this reflects on me negatively, hell, if Condi Rice was a Democratic attack dog, and bashing the President at every turn, I'd STILL be distracted by her teeth, and I'd be even more upset, because her teeth would be distracting me from focusing my ire properly towards the President.

Sorry I gotta call you on this

Why did you not comment on clarke's glasses or how he is overweight?

04-08-2004, 04:54 PM
Because bad teeth happen to be my pet peeve?

If she was wearing a velour sweatsuit, I would of thought it unprofessional - but I probably wouldn't of commented on it.


04-08-2004, 05:00 PM
How can you stand working with the poor then? When they cannot afford dental work?

I mean you must think about nothing they say and look at their teeth all the time.

04-08-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
How can you stand working with the poor then? When they cannot afford dental work?Dude, he already said he only cared because she's supposed to put on a professional appearance and she has more than enough money to get it fixed. Which, if either, of those two criteria do poor people generally meet?

04-08-2004, 05:07 PM
Some people like their minor imperfections, they think it gives them character.

Eminem has a "butt chin" he's extremely rich but he wont get plastic surgery, he even makes fun of it himself.

Theres a major actor (star role in Behind Enemy Lines) that has a crazy nose, he said he doesn't want to get it done because he likes his imperfection.

I'm sure I could add dozens of people to this list, but I wont because I hope you get the point.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Ambrosia]

04-08-2004, 05:13 PM
Is Condi Rice, again, an actress?

Is she trying to charm us with a minor imperfection to make her seem more human in her roles?

No, she is not. The point of the matter, she has two huge fucking gaps in her mouth, she's supposedly a professional, someone who's often in the spotlight, and she has the money and reason to get it fixed. Unlike hockey, or the movies, a gap in her teeth can do nothing but harm HER and her credibility.


04-08-2004, 05:15 PM
No, she isn't an actress, so she doesn't need to be perfect.

If you're going to let a physical thing like a gap in her teeth change your veiws about her then you're shallow and unprofessional yourself.

Edited to ask: Since when do teeth have to do anything with credibility?

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Ambrosia]

04-08-2004, 05:16 PM
Personally, I like her gaps. I think they give her character.

04-08-2004, 05:16 PM
Unless she really does have missing teeth i wouldnt see the need to either. As long as they are healthy and white and mostly straight who gives a shit?

I think its great, the democrats work so hard to get her to testify publically and all we are talking about is teeth.

04-08-2004, 05:16 PM
And Edine, I didn't expect the people I work with to be testifying in front of a nationally-televised broadcast trying to spin a case and look cool, calm, intelligent, and collected while doing it.


04-08-2004, 05:18 PM
My views on Condi Rice and what she said aren't changed one iota by her teeth. I acknowledge she's a very intelligent woman, and spun like a spinning top, to perfection, today.

However, I still think her outward appearance is a sign of her professionalism, if not her intelligence and politicking ability.


04-08-2004, 05:19 PM
Spin a case? Her and her colleagues getting blamed for 9/11, I'd hardly call whatever she says 'spinning.' Funny thing is, I'm sure you would've loved to hear that they were to blame for the lives lost.

04-08-2004, 05:22 PM
Hulkein, "spin" in this usage, was neutral in conotation. Of course she's gonna tell the White House version, and she did it perfectly.

I'm sure Janet Reno and Sandy Berger will spin next week as well when they testify.


04-08-2004, 05:23 PM
As long as she's dressed nice, clean, has her hair fixed, and makeup done without looking like a two dollar whore, I don't see what your problem is.

Had she been up there in a black leather mini-skirt, a halter top, blue eye shadow and red lipstick, I would understand your complaint. However, this is her teeth, they arent rotting, they aren't falling out, they aren't yellow or green, they have a gap. It's common. It doesn't matter if shes Candi Rice, Bill Gates, or Joe-fucking-Schmoe from the streets. A gap in her teeth has nothing to do with being unprofessional.

04-08-2004, 05:23 PM
I don't care about the gaps in the teeth, but some things that bothered me were the memo that was titled ""Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States", that was ignored and considered "not a warning".

Not a warning?? What else could that be construed as?


04-08-2004, 05:23 PM
Alright, figured ya were being negative after seeing your disdain for her appearance. :spin:

04-08-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian

I think its great, the democrats work so hard to get her to testify publically and all we are talking about is teeth.

Just a note that even the Republicans began to insist about it. Not to mention the citizens of the country. Considering she gave about nine interviews, it started to look incredibly stupid (and shady) to refuse to testify under oath about what she was telling the media.


04-08-2004, 05:29 PM
hmm nice numbers for you
some 25,000 words in the 2hours 30min
20min of which was a statment from Condi.
15,000 form Condi
10,000 form the commissioners.
(and no I did not count them myself, heard it on a news channel as I was surfing)
Two or three of the commissioners would not let her answer questions, and that bothers me. The people who gave her a hard time about the questions were just grandstanding for the cameras. Watching that took away some credibility from the panel for me.

04-08-2004, 11:39 PM
Two or three of the commissioners would not let her answer questions, and that bothers me.

And sometimes she wouldn't let the commissioners finish their questions. That's how it goes. It doesn't lower my opinion of her opinion. Her boss does that enough for me.


04-09-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm

Originally posted by Tendarian

I think its great, the democrats work so hard to get her to testify publically and all we are talking about is teeth.

Just a note that even the Republicans began to insist about it. Not to mention the citizens of the country. Considering she gave about nine interviews, it started to look incredibly stupid (and shady) to refuse to testify under oath about what she was telling the media.


The media since then has turned it more into a democrat vs. republican issue than anyone else. Before Condi's turn, the press didn't use terms like "the democrat from here", or "the republican from there."

Really, we need to drop all the bipartisan bullshit. This is not about an election. Its about the freaking safety of the citizans of the United States of America.

If democrats were the current administration, you can sure as hell bet I'd be questioning them as much as the current administration.

Drop the "us vs. them" for a second, and think about it.