View Full Version : In Soviet Russia, Forest Fire prevents You!

08-06-2010, 03:28 PM

Fires burn across Russia

It's quite amazing that mainstream media in the west are failing to provide good stories with the Russia fire situation. Half of the country, most of its populated part, is on fire. Some pics and videos are quite apocalyptic in nature. For example,
Here's a scary video - just some folks trying to drive through the burning area.

This video shows a wildfire seen approaching the town of Vykza.
People are basically trying to organize themselves - bloggers seem to be of some help in coordinating that activity. For instance, i-cherski.
Another blogger, Vollove on 07.29 attempted to join some volunteers and help fight the fire near Vykza. Here is a short summary of his report which included pictures:

We arrive on the scene. Wait for 20-30. There's a lot of volunteers around. There is a fire engine, some trucks and buses. Our gear looks ridiculous.

Suddenly it gets absolutely dark, even though it's an afternoon. Suddenly there's a strong wind and all the air is gone - can't breathe. We see the flames over the tops of the trees. It's moving fast. We realize it's hopeless to attempt anything against this force. Firefighters yell "run!"

We run. It gets dark and hot, and no air. Some burning crap is flying around. Can't run. Finally reach the cars. Some folks are missing - can't wait. We try to drive. Can't see anything. One of the cars crashes - folks join us. Somehow manage to get out of there, but it still feels like hell all around.

At home, we start packing stuff, just in case.

See also this report which includes links to maps.

08-06-2010, 04:14 PM
God. Russian man voices are so sexy. He could have been saying 'Barbies are awesome but Ken dolls Roxorz' and it would still be a turn on.

@ crazy fire video

08-06-2010, 04:20 PM
Hmm, I wonder if there's any mail-order bride discounts going on because of this?

You know... just out of curiosity.

08-06-2010, 04:27 PM
Whoa I just saw the map. That shits crazy.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-06-2010, 05:02 PM
I dunno about russian voices being sexy... the guy in the back seat screaming sounded like he just dropped a load in his pants.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-06-2010, 05:05 PM
(Rojo: If you think just normal words are awesome in Russian, look up people using dirty words. Hot hot hot.)

I'm going to hell because the first thing I thought of was, "Totally not surprising, vodka is super flammable." Since my family is 3/4 off the boat Russian it's okay, right?

In all seriousness, I just looked at the map.. ugh. :(

08-06-2010, 05:08 PM
I dunno about russian voices being sexy... the guy in the back seat screaming sounded like he just dropped a load in his pants.


It was scary fire. All men scream like girls when their nation is burning.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-06-2010, 05:11 PM

08-06-2010, 05:15 PM

God that girl is hot..

(the one on the left)

08-06-2010, 05:22 PM
God that girl is hot..

(the one on the left)


08-06-2010, 05:34 PM
It'd be nice to actually know how many hectares are actually on fire, uncontrolled, instead of little fire icons which could mean anything.....

Edit: looked it up on cnn, and they claim its about 500,000 acres. Which sounds like a lot (and is) but compare that to the past ten years of US fire data:

2010 (1/1/10 - 8/6/10) Fires: 38,467 Acres: 2,056,365

2009 (1/1/09 - 8/6/09) Fires: 58,749 Acres: 4,468,421

2008 (1/1/08 - 8/6/08) Fires: 54,921 Acres: 3,740,817

2007 (1/1/07 - 8/6/07) Fires: 58,089 Acres: 5,376,733

2006 (1/1/06 - 8/6/06) Fires: 72,556 Acres: 5,830,730

2005 (1/1/05 - 8/6/05) Fires: 39,621 Acres: 4,973,309

2004 (1/1/04 - 8/6/04) Fires: 49,993 Acres: 5,566,358

2003 (1/1/03 - 8/6/03) Fires: 37,648 Acres: 1,871,752

2002 (1/1/02 - 8/6/02) Fires: 54,025 Acres: 4,620,997

2001 (1/1/01 - 8/6/01) Fires: 51,047 Acres: 1,579,733

10-year average 2001-2010 Fires: 51,512 Acres: 4,008,522
(source: http://www.nifc.gov/fire_info/nfn.htm)

I mean, the Murphy complex fire in southern Idaho in 2007 burnt over 650,000 acres.

Just food for thought...

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-06-2010, 05:39 PM
She totally has that Sinead O'Connor thing going on with her hair.

08-06-2010, 05:44 PM
I wish everyone well who is currently aflame. WTF is up with that map? It looks like half of Afghanistan and all of Portugal are on fire too.

08-06-2010, 05:58 PM
She totally has that Sinead O'Connor thing going on with her hair.

Yeah it's pretty fucking hot, I also like how she lets other chicks feel up her tits.

08-06-2010, 06:13 PM
Dante's Peak was better. It even came on Compact Discs.


08-06-2010, 06:15 PM
I think the temperature differences in Russia are more interesting... daily highs of over 100 degrees (fahrenheit) and no rain, when the average summer temperature has 75 degrees.

And Yahoo news has had daily articles on the Russian wildfires, not sure if you consider that "main-stream" enough.
