View Full Version : Sack of 30 fresh scrolls

08-05-2010, 08:36 PM
actually a backpack but...

In the heavy backpack you see a the following:
30 Scrolls: a piece of faded paper, a piece of luminous paper, a sheaf of arcane paper, a sheaf of torn paper, a scrap of aged papyrus, a scrap of tattered papyrus, an aged scroll, an ancient scroll (x2), a charred scroll, a crumbling scroll, a faded scroll, a forest green scroll, a glittering scroll, a golden scroll, an illuminated scroll (x2), a neatly inked scroll (x2), an old scroll, a scorched scroll (x2), a silvery scroll (x2), a smeared scroll, a torn scroll, a wrinkled scroll (x2), a sheet of crumpled vellum, a sheet of wrinkled vellum

It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(205) Light
(214) Bind
(115) Fasthr's Reward

It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(307) Benediction
(303) Prayer of Protection
(103) Spirit Defense
(304) Bless Item

It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled vellum.
On the wrinkled vellum you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(402) Presence
(402) Presence
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(408) Disarm

It takes you a moment to focus on the faded paper.
On the faded paper you see
(117) Spirit Strike
(308) Well of Life
(305) Preservation
(112) Water Walking

It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous paper.
On the luminous paper you see
(108) Stun Relief
(1616) Vigor
(1608) Guiding Light
(113) UnDisease

It takes you a moment to focus on the torn paper.
On the torn paper you see
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(905) Prismatic Guard
(511) Floating Disk
(509) Strength

It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled vellum.
On the crumpled vellum you see
(303) Prayer of Protection
(303) Prayer of Protection
(306) Holy Bolt
(108) Stun Relief

It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
(103) Spirit Defense

It takes you a moment to focus on the aged papyrus.
On the aged papyrus you see
(116) Locate Person
(103) Spirit Defense
(106) Spirit Fog

It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(613) Self Control
(111) Fire Spirit
(102) Spirit Barrier
(103) Spirit Defense

It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(301) Prayer of Holding
(102) Spirit Barrier
(114) UnPoison
(309) Neutralize Curse
(309) Neutralize Curse

It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(513) Elemental Focus
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(907) Major Cold

It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(606) Phoen's Strength
(104) Disease Resistance
(117) Spirit Strike

It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(104) Disease Resistance
(102) Spirit Barrier
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
(101) Spirit Warding I
(113) UnDisease

It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(1608) Guiding Light
(113) UnDisease
(104) Disease Resistance
(1602) Pious Trial

It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(1119) Strength Of Will
(1101) Heal
(105) Poison Resistance
(202) Spirit Shield
(101) Spirit Warding I

It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(602) Resist Elements
(104) Disease Resistance
(603) Foraging
(105) Poison Resistance
(603) Foraging

It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(203) Manna
(311) Blind
(301) Prayer of Holding

It takes you a moment to focus on the forest green scroll.
On the forest green scroll you see
(604) Skinning
(104) Disease Resistance

It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(1604) Purify
(1608) Guiding Light
(111) Fire Spirit
(1604) Purify
(102) Spirit Barrier

It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane paper.
On the arcane paper you see
(602) Resist Elements
(111) Fire Spirit

It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered papyrus.
On the tattered papyrus you see
(204) Unpresence
(209) Untrammel
(116) Locate Person

It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(102) Spirit Barrier
(112) Water Walking
(604) Skinning

It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(107) Spirit Warding II
(102) Spirit Barrier
(603) Foraging

It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(606) Phoen's Strength
(111) Fire Spirit
(102) Spirit Barrier
(116) Locate Person
(102) Spirit Barrier

It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked scroll.
On the neatly inked scroll you see
(508) Elemental Bias
(410) Elemental Wave
(909) Tremors
(413) Elemental Saturation

It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked scroll.
On the neatly inked scroll you see
(603) Foraging
(116) Locate Person
(112) Water Walking
(109) Dispel Invisibility

It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(408) Disarm
(309) Neutralize Curse
(103) Spirit Defense
(307) Benediction
(308) Well of Life

It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(603) Foraging
(103) Spirit Defense
(110) Unbalance
(107) Spirit Warding II
(101) Spirit Warding I
(111) Fire Spirit

It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(905) Prismatic Guard
(505) Hand of Tonis
(406) Elemental Defense II
(506) Haste
(511) Floating Disk
(601) Natural Colors

CB: 250k to Leloo going SOLD! PM sent to set up delivery.

08-06-2010, 12:13 AM

08-06-2010, 06:19 PM
100k to Leloo going once.

08-07-2010, 03:58 AM

08-07-2010, 12:33 PM

Lynette Syrlan
08-09-2010, 02:15 AM
175k please

08-09-2010, 03:47 PM
200k please.

Lynette Syrlan
08-09-2010, 08:01 PM
225k please

08-09-2010, 09:49 PM

08-10-2010, 10:15 PM
250k to Leloo once. Open to buyouts if someone wants to end this quickly.

08-11-2010, 04:55 PM
250k to Leloo TWICE! Sold tomorrow with no further bids.

08-12-2010, 07:40 PM
SOLD. PM set to set up delivery.