View Full Version : Torment (718)

04-08-2004, 09:14 AM
Torment (718) documentation update · on 4/7/2004 8:49:33 PM 597

We've updated 718's document based on player questions. Please let me know if further clarifications need to be made.


Type: Attack

This spell allows a Sorcerer to summon a demonic force to do battle with the target of the spell. The demonic force, however, seeks some source for its rage and will turn on its summoner if it cannot successfully attack its target.

Control of this demon requires concentration in order to keep the demon's rage focused on the target. This concentration is enhanced by stance (the more offensive the better) and a sleeping or stunned target. All of these factors can decrease the Target Defense (TD) of the target.

The caster's concentration can be broken by their stance (more difficult to concentrate in defensive stances), injuries, being asleep or stunned, and having a spell prepared. Leaving the area the target is in can also lead to breaking the Sorcerer's concentration. All of these factors can increase the Target Defense (TD) of the target, which can create a potentially dangerous situation for the Sorcerer.

A Sorcerer with increased knowledge of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology will more easily be able to undertake spell preparation while controlling this force.

The demon will remain in a raged state until either the target or the summoner is killed. It will then return to its demonic plane.

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Sorcerer Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=27&topic=4&message =1214