View Full Version : Energy Maelstrom (710)

04-08-2004, 09:13 AM
Energy Maelstrom (710) documentation update · on 4/7/2004 7:52:50 PM 596

One of our favorite sorcerer math nerds (<3 nerds) emailed me several questions regarding Energy Maelstrom (among others). Based on these great questions, the 710 document has been revised to provide you with more information on a fantastic spell.

Please let me know if there are further clarifications that can be made regarding this spell.


Type: Attack

Maelstrom gives a Sorcerer the ability to summon dark energy to swirl around him or her, creating a fierce storm. It is a potent spell, which can be very dangerous to bystanders.

This spell can be cast in two ways. First, it can be cast openly, giving the Maelstrom the opportunity to hit anything in the area. Second, it can be focused, by casting at a single target. The length and strength of each type of Maelstrom storm (focused & unfocused) is based upon caster level versus target level. Additional casts of Maelstrom can increase the length and strength of the storm.

When the spell is unfocused, only one Maelstrom can be created in the area at a time. The storm could potentially hit any possible target in the room.

When the spell is focused, a Sorcerer may cast Maelstrom at several targets in the area. The Spell Aiming skill, Sorcerer spells known, Discipline stat & bonus, and caster level factor into the ability to increase the number of storms that can be created and controlled. A very powerful Sorcerer could potentially create and control up to 6 or 7 storms at once.

During a focused energy Maelstrom storm, the duration of atmospheric defensive spells around the target can be degraded.

Tactical tip: The strength of Maelstrom degrades over time, so it is best to increase the storm's potency (multiple casts) at the beginning of the storm, rather than at the end.

This message was originally posted in Sorcerers, Sorcerer Spells. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=27&topic=4&message =1192