View Full Version : Jaeden?

08-02-2010, 09:18 AM

08-02-2010, 09:25 AM
because Ember was slamming him last night, boards,religion, etc.

08-02-2010, 09:31 AM
I'll let him speak for himself, but I hope that he is not trying to kill one of my characters in game for giving him shit, on Lnet, about trolling his religion drama on Lnet. It was one or two comments, certainly not slamming.

Wait... so not only is he like that here on the PC, he's like that on Lnet, too?

08-02-2010, 09:32 AM
In case you're not aware, the player of Jaeden is clinically retarded, and we're doing our best not to encourage him to post. We'd appreciate your cooperation in this endeavor, thanks.

08-02-2010, 09:38 AM
notice you were simply stunned and not.. for example.. disarmed and savagely beheaded..

08-02-2010, 09:39 AM
notice you were simply stunned and not.. for example.. disarmed and savagely beheaded..

Great way of showing that you're not taking any of this seriously. And that we're all wrong about what a pile of shit you are.

08-02-2010, 09:40 AM
Great way of showing that you're not taking any of this seriously. And that we're all wrong about what a pile of shit you are.

GS4 is serious business

08-02-2010, 09:40 AM
GS4 is serious business


08-02-2010, 09:42 AM
you really made a whole thread because you got stunned?

08-02-2010, 09:43 AM
you really made a whole thread because you got stunned?

I think it's more about you being a giant douche.

08-02-2010, 09:54 AM
you really made a whole thread because you got stunned?

You once made a thread about how sick fire flares are, shut the fuck up about her creating this one

08-02-2010, 09:57 AM
You once made a thread about how sick fire flares are, shut the fuck up about her creating this one

If I were trying to describe this post in one, four letter, word that contained no vowels I'd probably use pwnt. That or sdfg but I'm not real comfortable with that one yet.

08-02-2010, 10:28 AM
[Troll Lair, Jaeden's room]
Dim light casts its yellow rays across a dusty computer room, the smell of stale pizza and buffalo sauce permeating the humid air. The pine shade clacks against the window from the light breeze. It is obvious that this room has seen better days, but the high bookshelves and rows of withered old novels give the setting an air of sophistication.
You also see a worn leather computer chair, a box of tissues, and a maroon clay ashtray.
Also here: The Troll Jaeden who is sitting.
You sit down.
Jaeden beams!
Jaeden says, “Ember I thought you weren't a troll..well welcome to the lair. the bathroom is on the right, it kinda stinks if you can clean it up again. do you like chicken bones? got a lot of them lying around. in fact, here you go hun..”
You smile.
Jaeden drops a large chicken bone.
>get bone
get bone
You pick up a chicken bone.
>get bone
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
>act munches attentively
(Ember munches attentively)
>eat bone
You can’t do that.
Jaeden snickers.
Jaeden exclaims, “i've got to say, you've been doing a decent job so far. furiously typing away with random, excessively analytical posts about my character, full of thoughtfulness and insight that regular posters couldn’t resist reading with great intensity!”
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “this is going to be a great relationship. Rather than a thoughtful response, I figured I’d do something cheap and pathetic like stun you in game. By the nature of your thread, I knew you had defected to my side, so as the trolling entrepreneur you know I am, this vivid scheme dawned on me within seconds!”
>act undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily
(Ember undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily)
Jaeden exclaims, “I stun you, you post up a new thread (or two), possibly something in the Off-Topic section, of course the thread filled to the brim with a new declarations of hatred, complete roasts of my religion and character, topped off with several blasphemous photos and implied threats of physical violence and moral defamation!”
You throw back your head and howl!
You nod.
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “A jolly good show! Perhaps you can rally a group and stun or kill me. Maybe you’ll accomplish it yourself for bonus points! The threads will pile up, posters won’t be able to resist following every single page to the letter, and thus, the masses will entertained and subsequently undulate with a new fervor. Fat rolls will quiver, posters will be negatively repped, and for some, depression will set in. Some, confused by our cacophony of trolling, subtle proselytizing, and subsequent unabated blaspheming, will fire off volley after volley of epic nerdrage, topped off unceremoniously by a new thread announcing their total disgust with the direction the boards are taking, and an insincere pledge to “quit” for a while in protest. Then, once they come back, we can leave a positive rep comment for them alluding to the whole scenario and reminding them to not lose hope, as the internetz can still be won!”
>hug jae
You hug Jaeden.
Jaeden exclaims, “so we’re in agreement. Very well. Chop chop, missy. It’s Monday after all. People are at work and they need something to fucking read!”
You stand back up.
>salute jaeden

08-02-2010, 10:30 AM
Jaeden just actually wrote GSIV fanfic about himself.

This thread has gotten so fucking terrible that it wraps back around to awesome.

08-02-2010, 10:45 AM
That was weird as shit. Notice how she didn't get to speak or anything, she pretty much just got to munch attentively on a bone. What was with her piercings clicking against her teeth?

I'm getting kind of a Gor-type sense from this log but he didn't post how far away they were from eachother.

In any event. Fucking amazing.

08-02-2010, 10:56 AM
So I'm curious. Does Vanguard stand up for Jaeden if people decide its time for him to die? All faction crap aside?

08-02-2010, 11:02 AM
you really made a whole thread because you got stunned?

At least she didn't do it for the lulz you putz!

08-02-2010, 11:07 AM
So I'm curious. Does Vanguard stand up for Jaeden if people decide its time for him to die? All faction crap aside?


08-02-2010, 11:08 AM
[Troll Lair, Jaeden's room]


You are a disgusting individual.

I mean that in the most humorless and personally offensive way possible. I'm not trying to flame you or make people laugh. I'm not even trying to insult you. I absolutely mean you are a complete piece of shit human being.

You are an ignorant, self-obsessed, socially inept moron. People don't constantly tell you to shut up because they think it's funny. They really mean it. You come across as deeply repulsive and stupid in everything you say.

This has nothing to do with Shattered or you and Mordechai. You care way too much about this game. Take a break. Go away. Stop spamming our community with the same cross-posted shit you've already put in three other threads.


08-02-2010, 11:40 AM
no plans to attack Ember in the future just wanted to stir a little controversy on this dreary Monday morning... :wasntme:

08-02-2010, 03:50 PM
no plans to attack Ember in the future just wanted to stir a little controversy on this dreary Monday morning... :wasntme:


08-02-2010, 04:27 PM
[Khan’Kel Bazaar, Shop of Abdul]
# Item Name Price
5 a black and white turban 200

08-03-2010, 08:03 AM
I seriously dont know which one of the 3 i like more..

08-04-2010, 11:57 AM
just a bump welcoming Ribbons to the lair

I'll post the log when I get home from work.

p.s. thanks for cleaning the bathroom its nice to have a military man around for once

08-05-2010, 01:26 AM
imo she deserved it, too bad you didnt kill her, so I could have laughed. And kill everyone else too that talks back, people think they can say whatever they want to say well they cant. if you open yur mouth then you have to expect someone to kick it.

08-05-2010, 07:56 AM
nice bump :)

<tickles you>

08-05-2010, 07:58 AM
What the fuck Jaeden? I've not said one word to you or about you, is there any particular reason you tried to disarm me just a few minutes ago?

I'm not sure you understand which instance you're playing or whom you're complaining about..

08-05-2010, 08:03 AM
who knew a random failed disarm from defensive stance as a joke would create such an epic reaction!

honey if I was really after you.. you'd know it.

08-05-2010, 08:06 AM
whoo an RL warn interact..

08-05-2010, 08:10 AM
wake your alt up, we got a deader in our room and it's someone you like :)

edit: 2 late

08-05-2010, 08:16 AM
honey if I was really after you.. you'd know it.

Hahahahaha, he called you HONEY!

08-05-2010, 08:26 AM
Jaeden, please leave me alone. I am not interested in playing with you or joking with you.

Hahahahaha, he called you HONEY!


The fact you both are talking back to him and quoting him is a direct violation of Operation Pedoprophet and you both should be reprimanded.

08-05-2010, 08:35 AM
fatsix avatar makes him immune

08-05-2010, 08:43 AM

The fact you both are talking back to him and quoting him is a direct violation of Operation Pedoprophet and you both should be reprimanded.

Fatsix: Last Activity: 08-05-2010 04:42 AM Viewing Thread Petition to set IorakeWarhammer to Ignore @ 04:42 AM


08-05-2010, 08:44 AM
Was wondering what his root cause for banning was. Since it gets posted on lnet too. Jaeden cracks me up, especially now that he has a mancrush on Bloodninja, but bloodninja is a female? Does your wife know about this IW?

4:42 am? I was already at Wawa, on my way to work.

08-05-2010, 10:32 AM
LOL rut roh sounds like im in a lot of trouble!!!!!oneshift1

08-05-2010, 10:39 AM
Was wondering what his root cause for banning was. Since it gets posted on lnet too. Jaeden cracks me up, especially now that he has a mancrush on Bloodninja, but bloodninja is a female? Does your wife know about this IW?

4:42 am? I was already at Wawa, on my way to work.

If Jaedawg has a mancrush on Bloodninja then I'm jealous.

08-05-2010, 11:01 AM
Jaedawg! Someone gave me a bad rep from this thread!

<Jeaden is dead to us. Stop giving him attention or you will be too.>

08-05-2010, 12:37 PM

You're breaking up.

Re-post please (so I can look at your avatar again)

08-05-2010, 01:44 PM
Which avatar?

08-05-2010, 01:52 PM
I still cant decide which one is nicer. Does the one on the left have a bigger ass therefor more crack shows. The one on the right the fishnets are in there. But if you look at the legs, they all look like small girls. A shot from the front would be the decision maker. All women are gay, just some more than others.

After looking at it again, the chick on the left is more curvy, thats why you like her. The girl on the right is much less "hippy".

I've narrowed it down to Miss orange and Miss Green.

Drunken Durfin
08-05-2010, 01:58 PM

You're breaking up.

Re-post please (so I can look at your avatar again)

Where is that pic from anyway?

08-05-2010, 02:01 PM
Honestly i have no clue where it originated from. I stumbled upon it on evilmilk.com Search for the girl with ass cleavage. omg! :bananahit:

You could probably cross reference the pornstar database and agents looking for that tattoo on the girl in the middle. Then search her name and pics and probobly find the front of that picture. If i were to bet, it was taken at a tradeshow....

violent femme
08-05-2010, 09:04 PM
I like them too, I know I'm not gay!

08-28-2013, 07:35 AM
[Troll Lair, Jaeden's room]
Dim light casts its yellow rays across a dusty computer room, the smell of stale pizza and buffalo sauce permeating the humid air. The pine shade clacks against the window from the light breeze. It is obvious that this room has seen better days, but the high bookshelves and rows of withered old novels give the setting an air of sophistication.
You also see a worn leather computer chair, a box of tissues, and a maroon clay ashtray.
Also here: The Troll Jaeden who is sitting.
You sit down.
Jaeden beams!
Jaeden says, “Ember I thought you weren't a troll..well welcome to the lair. the bathroom is on the right, it kinda stinks if you can clean it up again. do you like chicken bones? got a lot of them lying around. in fact, here you go hun..”
You smile.
Jaeden drops a large chicken bone.
>get bone
get bone
You pick up a chicken bone.
>get bone
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
>act munches attentively
(Ember munches attentively)
>eat bone
You can’t do that.
Jaeden snickers.
Jaeden exclaims, “i've got to say, you've been doing a decent job so far. furiously typing away with random, excessively analytical posts about my character, full of thoughtfulness and insight that regular posters couldn’t resist reading with great intensity!”
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “this is going to be a great relationship. Rather than a thoughtful response, I figured I’d do something cheap and pathetic like stun you in game. By the nature of your thread, I knew you had defected to my side, so as the trolling entrepreneur you know I am, this vivid scheme dawned on me within seconds!”
>act undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily
(Ember undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily)
Jaeden exclaims, “I stun you, you post up a new thread (or two), possibly something in the Off-Topic section, of course the thread filled to the brim with a new declarations of hatred, complete roasts of my religion and character, topped off with several blasphemous photos and implied threats of physical violence and moral defamation!”
You throw back your head and howl!
You nod.
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “A jolly good show! Perhaps you can rally a group and stun or kill me. Maybe you’ll accomplish it yourself for bonus points! The threads will pile up, posters won’t be able to resist following every single page to the letter, and thus, the masses will entertained and subsequently undulate with a new fervor. Fat rolls will quiver, posters will be negatively repped, and for some, depression will set in. Some, confused by our cacophony of trolling, subtle proselytizing, and subsequent unabated blaspheming, will fire off volley after volley of epic nerdrage, topped off unceremoniously by a new thread announcing their total disgust with the direction the boards are taking, and an insincere pledge to “quit” for a while in protest. Then, once they come back, we can leave a positive rep comment for them alluding to the whole scenario and reminding them to not lose hope, as the internetz can still be won!”
>hug jae
You hug Jaeden.
Jaeden exclaims, “so we’re in agreement. Very well. Chop chop, missy. It’s Monday after all. People are at work and they need something to fucking read!”
You stand back up.
>salute jaeden

Does Ember still play Prime or Shattered?

08-28-2013, 11:16 AM
This doesn't look like the merchant folders to me. Wasn't this twatwaffle allowed back only if he stuck to the merchant section of the boards?

08-28-2013, 11:42 AM
This doesn't look like the merchant folders to me. Wasn't this twatwaffle allowed back only if he stuck to the merchant section of the boards?

08-28-2013, 09:15 PM
This doesn't look like the merchant folders to me. Wasn't this twatwaffle allowed back only if he stuck to the merchant section of the boards?

But I love Jaedawg.

09-09-2015, 03:19 PM
buzzofthoughts still around? Ribbons?

09-09-2015, 10:41 PM
Good lord this was back in 2010?

09-10-2015, 01:58 PM
yeah the epic fanfic on page 2 is so hot right now

Drunken Durfin
09-10-2015, 06:58 PM
I love how many "banned" people are in this thread.

09-10-2015, 07:08 PM
man that Shattered release was fun. Really wish they would do my wargame idea. Or make Shattered F2P

01-21-2020, 06:40 PM
[Troll Lair, Jaeden's room]
Dim light casts its yellow rays across a dusty computer room, the smell of stale pizza and buffalo sauce permeating the humid air. The pine shade clacks against the window from the light breeze. It is obvious that this room has seen better days, but the high bookshelves and rows of withered old novels give the setting an air of sophistication.
You also see a worn leather computer chair, a box of tissues, and a maroon clay ashtray.
Also here: The Troll Jaeden who is sitting.
You sit down.
Jaeden beams!
Jaeden says, “Ember I thought you weren't a troll..well welcome to the lair. the bathroom is on the right, it kinda stinks if you can clean it up again. do you like chicken bones? got a lot of them lying around. in fact, here you go hun..”
You smile.
Jaeden drops a large chicken bone.
>get bone
get bone
You pick up a chicken bone.
>get bone
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
You are already holding a large chicken bone.
>act munches attentively
(Ember munches attentively)
>eat bone
You can’t do that.
Jaeden snickers.
Jaeden exclaims, “i've got to say, you've been doing a decent job so far. furiously typing away with random, excessively analytical posts about my character, full of thoughtfulness and insight that regular posters couldn’t resist reading with great intensity!”
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “this is going to be a great relationship. Rather than a thoughtful response, I figured I’d do something cheap and pathetic like stun you in game. By the nature of your thread, I knew you had defected to my side, so as the trolling entrepreneur you know I am, this vivid scheme dawned on me within seconds!”
>act undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily
(Ember undulates, her pale body writing in her computer chair methodically as her piercings clack against her teeth eerily)
Jaeden exclaims, “I stun you, you post up a new thread (or two), possibly something in the Off-Topic section, of course the thread filled to the brim with a new declarations of hatred, complete roasts of my religion and character, topped off with several blasphemous photos and implied threats of physical violence and moral defamation!”
You throw back your head and howl!
You nod.
You nod.
Jaeden exclaims, “A jolly good show! Perhaps you can rally a group and stun or kill me. Maybe you’ll accomplish it yourself for bonus points! The threads will pile up, posters won’t be able to resist following every single page to the letter, and thus, the masses will entertained and subsequently undulate with a new fervor. Fat rolls will quiver, posters will be negatively repped, and for some, depression will set in. Some, confused by our cacophony of trolling, subtle proselytizing, and subsequent unabated blaspheming, will fire off volley after volley of epic nerdrage, topped off unceremoniously by a new thread announcing their total disgust with the direction the boards are taking, and an insincere pledge to “quit” for a while in protest. Then, once they come back, we can leave a positive rep comment for them alluding to the whole scenario and reminding them to not lose hope, as the internetz can still be won!”
>hug jae
You hug Jaeden.
Jaeden exclaims, “so we’re in agreement. Very well. Chop chop, missy. It’s Monday after all. People are at work and they need something to fucking read!”
You stand back up.
>salute jaeden

this is one of the greatest pieces of work in gsplayers history

01-21-2020, 10:10 PM

01-22-2020, 02:38 AM


01-22-2020, 06:29 PM

Mehthais.. this is not really a place for attention whoring anymore. People from these niche communities have seen it all and don't react the way they used to. Also the community is much less active

Twitter is where you go to raise hell now.