View Full Version : Enhancives & Weapons Lot #1

07-30-2010, 05:24 PM
Lot #1
This is not an auction. Send PMs with offers. If you offer is good and nobody offers more within a few days the item is yours. If you don't get a response after a few days then the offer was ignored or someone offered more.

PMs must have the item name and the offer amount in the subject line. Body of PM won't be read.

Items with a lot of interest or large offers will become auctions and be marked with a CB: Current Bid. Auctions will last a day or so from the time of initial offer.

Items with low offers or little interest will be pawnshopped after a few days.

I can research specific items if the interest is high but this list is basically as-is. No bullshit, drama or politics here. Just making some space.

a black ora backsword
+10, 5 to Max Mana, 4 to Magic Item Use Bonus -- a lot of charges remaining.

an ornate deringo runestaff
+8, + mana regen

ora war hammer
2x, crit weighted

an acid-stained mithril mace
1x, + 3 Harness Power

imflass broadsword
+12, +6 max health, +1 edged weapons

an indigo imflass longsword
+12, damage weighted

some blackened steel leg greaves
temp damage padding (incredible # uses)

a light blue ora dagger
+10, +2 edged weapons

banded yew long bow
+2, special ability ( "helps aim better"?)

a jade-hilted gornar longsword.
1x, +2 edge weapons, +1 combat manuvers

a jade-inlaid ruby earring.
+1 logic

jade-inlaid crown
+3 water, +3 earth, +3 EMC (a lot of charges), casts Mana Focus reimbeddable/rechargeable/noncrumble

a pink topaz inset silver torc
+1 blunt, reimbeddable

a glittering ora earring
+1 Swimming, reimbeddable

a pewter and garnet medallion
- Rechargeable Pheon's Strength

a burnished deringo buckler
+1 con, +4 spell aim, +1 Manipulation (huge # charges)

mithril katana
1x, katana weighting

Mithril Greatshield
+5, infused with earth elemental, +3 hiding, +1 shield use (huge # charges)

a bone-handled vaalorn katar incised with flowing runes
+18, void flares

spiked vultite greathelm
earth flares, +2 mental lore manipulation

villswood light xbow
+18, sighted

an elegant ora necklace
+2 strength

inset platinum crown
+3 intution

golden topaz necklace
+1 intution (huge number of charges)

a blue diamond studded copper circlet
+2 to Spiritual Lore - Summoning, +1 edged weapons (more charges than giantman count)

some polished imflass leg greaves
+12, +3 Max mana, temporary damage padding

white ora short sword
+10, +4 to Agility, +4 to Stalking and Hiding Bonus.

some etched invar double chain
+7, +6 to Physical Fitness Bonus, slightly resistant to impact attacks.

a scratched steel helm
1 dex, 4 climbing

a filigreed platinum bracer
+1 max mana, +3 spell aim bonus

an invar-tipped razern longsword
+10, +5 stam recovery

a half-crescent glaes handaxe
+15, inflicts more fearsome wounds when it strikes

a thick maoral buckler
the buckler serves to protect from magical attacks.

a polished imflass greathelm
+12, reduce the severity of inflicted wounds (temp, incredible amount of uses)

a gold-tipped razern military pick
+15, +2 thw, +4 agi, +3 dex

an acid-pitted hoarbeam runestaff
+12, +4 Lore - Religion

a thick ora shield
+10, protect from magical attacks. temp special incredible uses

a polished mithril helm
+5, +1 mana recovery, protect from additional damage. (incredible amount of uses)

an etched pewter barrette
+2 survival, +1 ambush, reimbed (crumble on imbed, persist on enhancive charges gone)

a fire pearl inset mithril crown
casts System Scar Repair, +2 dodge, +5 disarm trap (a lot of charges)

a gnarled fireleaf runestaff

a carmiln runestaff
+6, +3 Lore Water, +8 Ele Mana Control

some old vaalorn leg greaves
+18, +3 con

some blackened spiked glaes leg greaves
+15, +3 PF, moderately resistant to crushing attacks.

some vultite arm greaves
+20, +6 brawling, infused with a corrosive substance.

some gleaming vultite leg greaves
+20, sanctified, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, legs are better protected

a sparkling bloodjewel necklace
reimbed, +4 max health, +2 perception (lot of charges), non crumble

an opal-inset platinum headband
+3 first aid

a filigreed gold crown
+7 max mana, +1 SMC, lot of charges, crumble

a bone-inlaid silver alloy earcuff
+4 dis, casts Relieve Burden, rechargeable,

an ivory-inlaid mithril brooch
+1 agi, reimbed, non crumble

an archaic imflass flamberge
+12, 7lbs, +7 two-handed weapons (lot of charges), inflicts more fearsome wounds (temp, incredible amount uses)

a chased copper headband
+2 water lore, persist, very strong reimbeddable

a carved garnet barrette
+1 con, +1 influence, huge # charges, crumble

a pewter and firestone crown
+1 aura, imbeddable

a delicate silver alloy stickpin
+3 blessing lore, +5 arcane symbol, +1 summon lore (lot of charges, persist), reimbeddable (crumble)

a mithril and garnet headband
+2 ambush (innumerable charges), persist, reimbedable

a square-cut pink topaz bracer
+1 ambush (huge charges), persist, reimbedable (crumble)

a chiseled garnet torc
+3 arcane symbol (avg giantmant charges), crumble, reimbed

an invar-tipped vultite short sword
4x, defender

a gleaming mithglin shield
3x, +3 Physical fitness, sanctified

a quad-flanged white ora mace
2x, temp damage weighted, sanctified, (incredible # uses)

a vultite greathelm
4x, +2 shield use, damage padded (temp -- incredible # uses), resist Nature attacks

a gleaming glaes greathelm
3x, infused with a disrupting substance

some thick imflass chain mail
+12, protect from magical attacks, +3 intuition, moderate resist to impact attacks (temp - incredible # uses)

a vultite mace
4x, sanctified, damage weighted (temp - incredible # uses)

a <NAME REMOVED> vultite battle axe
5x, lightning flares, +4 health recovery

07-31-2010, 03:20 AM
a pale blue potion

a chased platinum headband
+2 pick lock (huge # charges), reimbeddable (strong), non-crumble

a teak-hafted vultite halberd
4x, +3 Telepathy (giantman # of charges), void flares

an imflass dart
+12, fire flares, +3 combat manuvers

a saw-toothed ora short sword
+10, +1 wisdom, +3 mana recovery (giantmant # charges)

a glaes-tipped ora short sword
+10, +4 agility, +4 stalking and hiding (huge # charges)

a polished vultite knee-breaker
4x, sanctified

a curved imflass jeddart-axe
+12, damage weighted (temp incredible # uses)

a mithglin morning star
+15, defender

a faceted golden topaz necklace
+1 int, reimbeddable (strong), crumble on enhancive, persist on reimbed

a glaes-edged vultite-edged whip-blade
5x, +8 armor use (must be 36 trains, a lot of charges, and yes.. some GM created a "glaes-edged vultite-edged" item apparently)

a carmiln runestaff
+6, +3 Water, +8 EMC (giantman # charges)

a heavy hoarbeam runestaff
+12, +4 intuition

a carved oak runestaff
0x, Defender, +4 influence

an ornate deringo runestaff
+8, +1 mana recovery

a skull-capped deringo runestaff

07-31-2010, 07:55 AM
MarluAuctions: This is not an auction.

they were all out of facepalms. (this was a bit more apropos anyway)

This actually looks a lot like my list. A bunch of shit nobody's going to want with a few decent things sprinkled in for good measure.

07-31-2010, 08:34 AM
MarluAuctions: This is not an auction.
they were all out of facepalms. (this was a bit more apropos anyway)

Items with a lot of interest or large offers may become auctions.

This actually looks a lot like my list. A bunch of shit nobody's going to want with a few decent things sprinkled in for good measure.
Figured a lot of it was pawnshop fodder but you can never tell. Some of the less impressive items are still getting 300, 400 and 500k offers. Shattered silvers are near worthless so might as well bump stats with it.

First round of pickups will be tonight around 10pm eastern. Can deliver to wl, imt, sh, fwi. Get your offers in within the next day or two if you want something.

07-31-2010, 08:43 AM
I would have named it MarluSalesOffice or MarluPreOwned or NotMarlu or MarluScams or MarluMoneyMoney or just Marlu... MarluAuctions not putting up auctions is kinda silly, maybe it's just me. I can be fairly anal like that.

And yes, the fact that Marlu are so hung up on silver is fairly laughable. Quite Myopic...

That being said, kudos to you for getting rid of all that junk. My list of junk is just as worthless and I have no clue what to do about it. I have a few more lockers to full before I have to think about it though, thankfully.

07-31-2010, 08:50 AM
And yes, the fact that Marlu are so hung up on silver is fairly laughable. Quite Myopic...
There isn't really a better way to divide up an item of value between 6 or 7 people. If they bother to give us an Ebon Gate auction you can applaud our impressive foresight in amassing a fortune to be blown on a Zeppelin that flies around from city to city hosting sex parties.

07-31-2010, 10:02 AM
There isn't really a better way to divide up an item of value between 6 or 7 people. If they bother to give us an Ebon Gate auction you can applaud our impressive foresight in amassing a fortune to be blown on a Zeppelin that flies around from city to city hosting sex parties.

Pawnshop the worthless shit. I imagine you can do 35,000 / 6.

07-31-2010, 02:31 PM
Some of the stuff I assumed was pawnshop fodder is getting decent offers.

Getting a lot of questions from people not sure what to offer. This is based just on what I've been seeing so far so don't take it as gospel but it will give you a good ballpark:

Shattered silvers appear to be worth roughly 1/6th what Prime silvers are worth, which kind of makes sense. People probably earn silvers in Prime three or four hours a day so it stands to reason that they're pulling in about 6x as much afk scripting 24/7 in Shattered.

So if you can estimate what an item is worth in Prime multiply it by about 6 for Shattered.

Enhancive stat bonuses appear to be worth about 200k a point to people. A little more for strength, con and wis. Quite a bit less for inf and int. About the same applies to the other training ranks such as lores and mana control. More for Spell Aim, Rogue skills, Brawling.

Any armor that "protects from magical attacks" is apparently awesome, as is flaring arm greaves that give a big bonus to brawling.

08-05-2010, 09:48 AM
I'll be pawning unsold junk tomorrow if there aren't any other offers. Will make another delivery run tonight around 10pm eastern if you've missed me.

violent femme
08-05-2010, 08:50 PM
you said I've won two items, I gave you my aim, when I'm on, but haven't heard anything? did you get a higher offer? let me know something! thanks