View Full Version : Let's talk about dolphins!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-28-2010, 12:43 PM
No, just kidding, this thread isn't about dolphins, but here's a dolphin picture for your trouble:

I had a long discussion with one of my brothers last night about (long-term) relationships and basically people's expectations of them. It boiled down to what people value/prioritize and how that varies from person to person and can be at the root of discord and unhappiness.

The three main questions/points we went over were (if you had to definitively err on one side or the other):

1- would you rather be with someone who can unfailingly make you laugh, but shies away/gets squicked out when you're upset OR someone who isn't always funny but will unfailingly be there for you when you're down/shit hits the fan?

2- would you rather be with someone that is constantly pushing you to grow, try new things, and change, OR someone who is pleased with the status quo and won't push (this is keeping in mind that of course everyone changes, the question is more what pace/outside pressure are you happier with)?

3- Thinking about living life overall while in a relationship, would you rather be with someone who you have a fun and exciting but rollercoaster kind of a relationship, or someone that you have a more boring, but content, even keel kind of a relationship?

So what says the PCs? I think ideally there's always a mix but it's interesting what people would err to in a this or that scenario. Feel free to add your own.*

*in before "Hookers, or Blow?"

07-28-2010, 12:46 PM
Dolphins are just gay sharks.

07-28-2010, 12:46 PM
This feels like a poll, but there is too many words.

So ultimately?


Gnome Rage
07-28-2010, 12:48 PM
People who constantly make jokes kind of piss me off, so I'd go with B. I'd much rather have someone to look to when I'm not doing well than have someone who runs away at the first sign of trouble.

I would rather have someone who is willing to push me than someone who would rather I just stick to what I've been doing.

Rollercoasters are fun the first time, but after a while it starts to wear you down. I feel like it is the same with relationships that are constantly up and down. I'd prefer to just have someone to be boring with.

Granted, I'm generally more toward the middle, but these are more of extremes and if I had to pick one it would be the second all around.


PS. Dolphins have been known to rape

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-28-2010, 12:50 PM
This feels like a poll, but there is too many words.

So ultimately?


The only trap was me luring in people looking for some lively discussion about dolphins!

07-28-2010, 12:50 PM
1. Warriors > Comedians
2. Growth > Stagnation
3. Consistency > Bipolar

07-28-2010, 12:52 PM
Oh, and dolphins...


Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-28-2010, 12:54 PM

07-28-2010, 12:58 PM
1-B : a genuine relationship thrives on solid companionship

2-B : rather that any such "changes" are *with* the SO, as the relationship evolves

3-B : frequent down moments = emotional baggage ... in "predictable" relationships, generally any spontaneity is more meaningful

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-28-2010, 01:02 PM
See, I feel like in the last two I have a preference but could see myself still being happy either way, where as the first one is really the keystone. I would definitely err on the side of wanting someone who won't shy away when the chips are down even if that means I have to look elsewhere for laughs.

I'd say the second one is the biggest toss up for me. I can see how being with someone always pushing could push you to snap/feel burnt out on the relationship, but I can see how being with someone totally content with the status quo would get tiresome and boring.

07-28-2010, 01:07 PM
If I need to laugh, I'll watch Steve Martin. It's easy to grin when your ship has come in, I'll take the other.

Restricting myself to only the options given, I would take constant pushing. Given a continuum, I would be near the middle and closer to the status quo side.

Rollercoaster, but with the caveat that each person would be individually capable of maintaining a personal even keel. I'm not convinced that even keel relationships can actually exist for extended periods.

07-28-2010, 01:13 PM
What I desire in general is someone who will be around when I am feeling social and will fuck off when I feel like being alone. Too much interaction with other people burns me out pretty quickly... I can make nice nice and tell the funny jokes and even give a shit about what you have to say, but I hit capacity at about 6 hours max. Usually more like 2-4.

I need someone who pushes me to do things, because I am willing to spend eternity in contemplation of them. My wife does this fairly effectively with her endless lists, and she handles it pretty well when I tell her to, ahem, "fuck your fucking lists".

As far as the either/or choices, I don't think I can decide. Over a long enough relationship, I have become dissatisfied with both options in each part of your question. I guess that makes me the rollercoaster person.

07-28-2010, 01:39 PM
1 - B

If you can't turn to your significant other in trying times, why are you together?

2 - A

Not only do I consider it a sign of caring when someone wants you to be who you want to be - for your sake - but I definitely need the pushing, sometimes, myself. I'm always happy to push in return, too.

3 - A

Ups and downs are enriching. Holding steady at neutral would be very boring, and makes it hard to look back on the good/bad times. This is assuming, of course, that your rollercoaster doesn't only go between neutral and low.

07-28-2010, 02:02 PM
Be there for the person.

If you need someone to push you to grow you're already dying and a burden.

Too extreme I'd like a bit of both, even keel is fine with some surprises here and there.

07-28-2010, 02:24 PM
1-A. When I'm down I don't want someone to be there, so you might as well make me laugh when you can.

2-B. I'm all about the status quo. That and I don't like people trying to change me.

3-A. I'd rather have someone to have fun with. When I get bored in a relationship that relationship is over.

Sylvan Dreams
07-28-2010, 03:45 PM
1 - The unfunny man. He'd be my rock.

2 - I guess the one that pushes for growth. The importance is a balance between the two - encouraging growth while being happy with where you are.

3- Even keel. Rollercoaster relationships = drama = bad

I think that one of the more important things of a long term relationship is in understanding that people change and working together to help you both change in compatible ways. A lot of relationships fail because people "grow apart" - they focus too much on things outside of the relationship (for example - kids, jobs, friends, partying) and end up growing and changing in different directions.


07-28-2010, 07:27 PM
^ That dolphin is about to fuck that unicorn to death. Look at those empty, emotionless eyes. Dont let the children watch!

07-28-2010, 07:33 PM
1.Dolphins are one of few animals that enjoy sex.

2.I fell in love with Jessica Alba watching Flipper the TV show.

that is all. And no, I don't want to have sex with Flipper, just Jessica Alba.

07-28-2010, 07:49 PM
This would be more fun if we all colored the same picture of a dolphin. This one even has an area for your thoughts.


07-28-2010, 07:51 PM
I kept reading the options, but I couldn't decide cause my boyfriend provides all of those things for me-- minus the being bored part, or emotional roller coaster thingy. But damn, I love roller coasters..and dolphins...and fishsticks.

07-28-2010, 07:55 PM

Gnome Rage
07-28-2010, 07:57 PM

I'm pretty sure its a sun with a reflection on the water. But whatever

07-28-2010, 08:07 PM

Do I win?

07-28-2010, 08:10 PM
<<I'm pretty sure its a sun with a reflection on the water. But whatever.>>

What in the fuck kind of stupid conclusion is that? The sun is smaller than a dolphin and is reflected in nonexistent water?


07-28-2010, 08:11 PM
Attention all Dolphins: Alex, will you please get on aim. Repeat, Alex will you please get on aim.

07-28-2010, 08:38 PM

07-28-2010, 08:41 PM
Fucking show off.


07-28-2010, 08:47 PM
Fucking show off.

I hate jaggy graphics, so I made it vector.


Sylvan Dreams
07-28-2010, 09:44 PM
and fishsticks.

Are you a gay fish?

Sylvan Dreams
07-28-2010, 09:45 PM
Fucking show off.



07-28-2010, 10:48 PM

07-29-2010, 01:17 AM
1- would you rather be with someone who can unfailingly make you laugh, but shies away/gets squicked out when you're upset OR someone who isn't always funny but will unfailingly be there for you when you're down/shit hits the fan?

B. If someone can make you laugh but trips out and isn't there when you actually need them, they're not much more useful than an HBO stand up comedy special. I'd rather have someone that can be relied on.

2- would you rather be with someone that is constantly pushing you to grow, try new things, and change, OR someone who is pleased with the status quo and won't push (this is keeping in mind that of course everyone changes, the question is more what pace/outside pressure are you happier with)?

B. Mainly because I don't believe in trying to change someone after you get with them. Otherwise why even be with them to begin with? Not that trying new things and stuff is bad, but if you set out to change the person you're with and who they are, then you got with them for the wrong reason.

3- Thinking about living life overall while in a relationship, would you rather be with someone who you have a fun and exciting but rollercoaster kind of a relationship, or someone that you have a more boring, but content, even keel kind of a relationship?

B. Roller coaster relationships usually mean at least one of the people involved is crazy. I'd rather have stability and non-craziness.

So what says the PCs? I think ideally there's always a mix but it's interesting what people would err to in a this or that scenario. Feel free to add your own.*

Ideally I'd prefer a fun person that's loyal with a sense of humor (even if they're not actually funny, at least has enough of a sense of humor to get most jokes, even if they think they're dumb. My ex literally had zero sense of sarcasm and it was ridiculously facepalm inducing), likes me for who/how I am, and isn't a lunatic.


Stanley Burrell
07-29-2010, 01:36 AM
This has always been an ongoing issue with relationships. When a person, we'll call them women, are funny, it's usually because they are fat. And/or psycho off of angel-d. Or just psycho.

Now, taking that into account, I've only been with one normal woman, I think, we'll call "been" the equivalent of doing the nasty, because "fuck" also has four letters.

"Dolphin" has seven letters.

Sometimes, I think about dolphins, but usually only when they're mentioned. I think about orcas more than I think about dolphins. Orcas are, in fact, big dolphins. Dolphins are also small orcas, only more different. It's like the "not all rectangles are squares, but all squares are rectangles" thing you used to say to feel important.

Saying that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares still gives me a sense of importance, or perhaps achievement. Maybe a boner. Okay, a boner.

And yes, cetaceans are mammals, but when you think about it, that is when you think about dolphins too. Or perhaps orcas. Or maybe some other kind of whale. You might think about something else entirely too. And that's okay. You're free to be your own person.


But to answer your question, Jimmy-Jimmy, my pet dolphin will have his or her very own personal infinity aquarium.

Good luck. Stocks are up, unemployment is down, and the UN has just declared global peace forever.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-29-2010, 02:00 AM
Oh Manuel. The pool needs extra cleaning soon.

Stanley Burrell
07-29-2010, 02:04 AM
Bueno, bueno, Seņorita Joustita,

El pueblo, unido, jamas sera vencido y dolphins tambien. Uno momento por favor para los dolphins y el pool de infinity (los ņinos hace peepee in it.)

Bueno, los dolphins, bueno. Ustados Unidos. Bueno, bueno.

- Manuel

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-29-2010, 02:08 AM

I only got your message today, will be returning it tomorrow crazy man! Bueno? Bueno!

Stanley Burrell
07-29-2010, 02:11 AM
Jajajajajajajaja (los dolphins.)

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-29-2010, 02:14 AM
hace peepee... HACE PEEPEE!

07-29-2010, 05:01 AM
This has always been an ongoing issue with relationships. When a person, we'll call them women, are funny, it's usually because they are fat. And/or psycho off of angel-d. Or just psycho.

Now, taking that into account, I've only been with one normal woman, I think, we'll call "been" the equivalent of doing the nasty, because "fuck" also has four letters.

"Dolphin" has seven letters.

Sometimes, I think about dolphins, but usually only when they're mentioned. I think about orcas more than I think about dolphins. Orcas are, in fact, big dolphins. Dolphins are also small orcas, only more different. It's like the "not all rectangles are squares, but all squares are rectangles" thing you used to say to feel important.

Saying that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares still gives me a sense of importance, or perhaps achievement. Maybe a boner. Okay, a boner.

And yes, cetaceans are mammals, but when you think about it, that is when you think about dolphins too. Or perhaps orcas. Or maybe some other kind of whale. You might think about something else entirely too. And that's okay. You're free to be your own person.


But to answer your question, Jimmy-Jimmy, my pet dolphin will have his or her very own personal infinity aquarium.

Good luck. Stocks are up, unemployment is down, and the UN has just declared global peace forever.

I just want to say that this is one of the best things I've ever read.

Sean of the Thread
07-29-2010, 06:27 AM
Dolphins are just gay sharks.


Dolphins are awesome. We evolved from dolphins. OR MAYBE THEY EVOLVED FROM US!

Ever notice the fingers inside their flippers?!?!?!


07-29-2010, 09:32 AM

Dolphins are awesome. We evolved from dolphins. OR MAYBE THEY EVOLVED FROM US!

Ever notice the fingers inside their flippers?!?!?!
"Dolphins are just gay sharks" is a quote from Anticor's favorite TV show.

07-29-2010, 09:46 AM
Echo the Dolphin was an amazing game.

07-29-2010, 09:49 AM
1) B - I definitely don't need the laughs if they're not going to be there for the other shit.

2) B - Definitely don't need people trying to change me, it's annoying as fuck. I have enough motivation to push myself, at a medium pace.

3) A - Rollercoaster, as long as it isn't an indication of mental instability. When I think of my answer, I think spontaneity, passion, spontaneous and passionate arguments. Not domestic violence with crazy make up sex. Even keel relationships just lead to me being bored as fuck.

07-29-2010, 10:16 AM


07-29-2010, 10:58 AM
PS. Dolphins have been known to rapeYes but the blowhole is soooo good you don't mind being a victim.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-29-2010, 11:07 AM
Yes but the blowhole is soooo good you don't mind being a victim.

It's like a living glory hole.

07-29-2010, 11:17 AM
It's like a living glory hole.

This might be the quote of the day.

07-29-2010, 11:19 AM
1- would you rather be with someone who can unfailingly make you laugh, but shies away/gets squicked out when you're upset OR someone who isn't always funny but will unfailingly be there for you when you're down/shit hits the fan?I prioritize reliability over entertainment from a partner.

2- would you rather be with someone that is constantly pushing you to grow, try new things, and change, OR someone who is pleased with the status quo and won't push (this is keeping in mind that of course everyone changes, the question is more what pace/outside pressure are you happier with)?I need a partner that understands when to push and when to relax. Although in reality it's my nature to drive myself; to a fault. My wife on the other has a laid-back nature; sometimes to the point of complacency. Most of the time we offset each other's excess in that department. When I'm pushing too hard she helps me back off (by counsel and example) and when she's slacking too much I help her motivate.

3- Thinking about living life overall while in a relationship, would you rather be with someone who you have a fun and exciting but rollercoaster kind of a relationship, or someone that you have a more boring, but content, even keel kind of a relationship?
Life has enough unpredictable excitement. I need a partner that provides the stable, contentment and peace I need to face the chaos of the world outside. My marriage is a refuge, our life is the adventure.

Sylvan Dreams
07-29-2010, 03:05 PM
Echo the Dolphin was an amazing game.

Loved playing it. Didn't really follow the plot because I was too busy swimming around.

07-29-2010, 03:11 PM
Loved playing it. Didn't really follow the plot because I was too busy swimming around.

Plot: Ecco's family gets sucked into some weird time warp thing, you swim around the ocean all over the world, then kill some big weird "machine" at the end and save the day.

That's about what I can remember anyway.

The Sega CD version had one of the best soundtracks ever too. The game itself kicked ass, but it would have been a lot less memorable for me if I played the Genesis version with its shitty music instead.

Game soundtracks for the most part still aren't given the credit they should be and get overlooked too easily most of the time. Probably cause half the people out there still think it still consists of random blips and bleeps.

Sean of the Thread
07-29-2010, 03:19 PM


07-29-2010, 04:54 PM
http://image.allmusic.com/00/agg/cov200/drg000/g031/g03152oh1vo.jpgDoes anyone else remember the commercial for Genesis that had a bunch of Russian fishermen playing Ecco? SNES for life.

07-29-2010, 04:59 PM
Does anyone else remember the commercial for Genesis that had a bunch of Russian fishermen playing Ecco? SNES for life.

I loved Ecco, I remember playing the crap out of that game, it was fucking difficult. That's back when games didn't coddle you.

07-30-2010, 09:10 AM
I never did beat Ecco. I just watched a playthrough, I'm pretty sure I never even made it half way through.

07-30-2010, 09:34 AM
Game soundtracks for the most part still aren't given the credit they should be and get overlooked too easily most of the time. Probably cause half the people out there still think it still consists of random blips and bleeps.

There are some incredible game soundtracks out there, FFT comes to mind especially.

07-30-2010, 10:06 AM
