View Full Version : never afk hunt and leave your group open...especially after ya got a pissed sylvan after ya

04-08-2004, 12:11 AM
alrighty, i'm gonna paste this in two parts....first off, i'd like to explain this. I wrote my kappa hunting script yesterday, and was testing it out like any scripter would....i was hunting along, and did not know that the script i wrote, i forgot to make it so that it wouldn't poach and loot (since been fixed)...but i wasn't AFK. Anyway i accidently poached and looted this guys kappa, and proceeded to apologize....one thing this character doesn't do, but i figured hey i looted it i should apologize....anyway as you'll see he proceeded to have a nice older sorc come in and prep me up......little to say, he got his

> 'sorry
> search kappa
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at a greater kappa!
AS: +80 vs DS: +23 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +49 = +141
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Slash to the greater kappa's left leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
The greater kappa falls to the ground motionless.
> e
You botched the job. The kappa fin is ruined.
Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
> look
You quietly say, "Sorry."
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A greater kappa turns to dust.
> look
[The Black Sands]
Waves roll up onto the dull black beach, the seafoam tracing lacy patterns against the dark background. Flies buzz among the rotting seaweed, rising up in swarms as you pass. To the northwest, a pillar of rock rises out of the water. You also see a handaxe, a pink rhodocrosite stone and a handaxe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
> e
[The Black Sands]
Waves roll up onto the dull black beach, the seafoam tracing lacy patterns against the dark background. Flies buzz among the rotting seaweed, rising up in swarms as you pass. To the northwest, a pillar of rock rises out of the water. You also see a handaxe, a pink rhodocrosite stone and a handaxe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
> post o
> kill
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
You swing a bone-hilted dark red ora dagger at a greater kappa!
AS: +112 vs DS: +26 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +91 = +202
... and hit for 41 points of damage!
Fine shot pierces jugular vein! The brain wonders where all its oxygen went, briefly.
The greater kappa falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R> post d
Jetxt just came marching in.
Jetxt just marched off to the west.
Jetxt just came marching in.
 skin kappa
> search kappa
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
You botched the job. The kappa fin is ruined.
> look
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It carried an acid-pitted silver strongbox with it!
A greater kappa turns to dust.
> e
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see an acid-pitted silver strongbox and a handaxe.
Also here: Jetxt
Obvious paths: east, west
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +53 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +96 - -5 == +150
Warding failed!
Your left leg explodes!

You fall screaming to the ground grasping your mangled left leg!
You are stunned 3 rounds!
!SP> e
You are still stunned.
[script aborted]
> growl
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +53 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +57 - -5 == +111
Warding failed!
Your right leg twists painfully but does not break.
You are still stunned.
!SP> peer
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +53 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +24 - -5 == +78
Warded off!
You are still stunned.
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jetxt gestures.
The ground around you seems to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
Suddenly, the ground seems steadier.
!P> peer jetx
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
You peer quizzically at Jetxt.
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +53 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +82 - -5 == +136
Warding failed!
Your right leg snaps in pain.

You are stunned 2 rounds!
!SP> look jetx
You see Jetxt the Sorcerer.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has bloodshot violet eyes and black skin. He has raggedly cut, unkempt white hair with a red streak running through it. He has a bony face and angular pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a mithglin-shod mossbark runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing an ora-edged eel skin satchel, a blue diamond choker, a deeply hooded elven-crafted robe, a bright white rose, a pair of glazed leather boots, some dark silver-buttoned breeches, a white silk backpack, a ruby red silken top hat, a jade dragon solstice pin, a rose gold and deathstone pendant, a bright purple rose, a crystal amulet, and a grimacing monkey mask.
!P> stand
Jetxt cryptically says, "You attacked and looted someone's kappa."
!P> look jet
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You see Jetxt the Sorcerer.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has bloodshot violet eyes and black skin. He has raggedly cut, unkempt white hair with a red streak running through it. He has a bony face and angular pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a mithglin-shod mossbark runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing an ora-edged eel skin satchel, a blue diamond choker, a deeply hooded elven-crafted robe, a bright white rose, a pair of glazed leather boots, some dark silver-buttoned breeches, a white silk backpack, a ruby red silken top hat, a jade dragon solstice pin, a rose gold and deathstone pendant, a bright purple rose, a crystal amulet, and a grimacing monkey mask.
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
!P> stand
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +53 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +31 - -5 == +85
Warded off!
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
Jetxt removes a heavy quartz orb from in his elven-crafted robe.
Jetxt rubs a heavy quartz orb.
A look of dawning understanding comes over Jetxt.
His quartz orb suddenly disintegrates!
R!P> stand
...wait 2 seconds.
R!P> stand
Jetxt traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jetxt gestures at you.
CS: +74 - TD: +23 + CvA: +19 + d100: +86 - -5 == +161
Warding failed!
Your right arm explodes!

You are stunned 3 rounds!
You are still stunned.
Jetxt cryptically says, "Have a nice day."
Jetxt just marched off to the east.
A severed sylvankind arm grasps frantically at the air one last time, then falls to the ground, still twitching.
Bodom just arrived.
A severed sylvankind leg flings itself in to the air one last time, then falls to the ground, still twitching.
* Witchkyng just bit the dust!
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at you!
AS: +80 vs DS: +3 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +81 = +194
... and hits for 39 points of damage!
Glancing slash to your shield arm!
You are stunned for 1 rounds!
The severed sylvankind arm finally stops twitching and decays away.
Bits of dangling flesh fall from a severed sylvankind leg.
Bodom asks, "Want to attack my kappa again?"
Bodom asks, "Or perhaps loot it?"
Bits of dangling flesh fall from a severed sylvankind leg.
Bodom nods to you.
The severed sylvankind leg finally stops twitching and decays away.
!P> growl
Bodom taps an acid-pitted silver strongbox.
Bodom put a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion in his iron-bound back scabbard.
Bodom picks up an acid-pitted silver strongbox.
!P> stand
You growl ferociously!
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
R!> post o
Bodom put an acid-pitted silver strongbox in his black leather pack.
Bodom exclaims, "Thanks!"
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
[Roll result: 44 (open d100: 54)]
Bodom hurls himself at you and connects!
Bodom fails to bring you down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
!> att bod
You cannot attack with a severed right arm or hand!
!> att bod
You cannot attack with a severed right arm or hand!
!> dism
[Roll result: 77 (open d100: 87)]
Bodom hurls himself at you and connects!
Bodom fails to bring you down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.
Dism what?
!> e
Bodom sighs.
[The Black Sands]
The wind shrieks down the beach, cutting through your clothes to raise goosebumps on your skin. The bay shore curves in gently here, and the volcanic rocks to the south are just high enough to channel the wind down the beach. To the northeast, a dark stone pillar rises out of the bay, its base eroded by the waves. You also see a handaxe.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, west
!> e
Bodom just arrived.
[The Black Sands]
Waves roll up onto the dull black beach, the seafoam tracing lacy patterns against the dark background. Flies buzz among the rotting seaweed, rising up in swarms as you pass. To the northwest, a pillar of rock rises out of the water. You also see a greater kappa, a greater kappa, a handaxe and a pink rhodocrosite stone.
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
Bodom just arrived.
!> e
Bodom just went east.
* Libaral just bit the dust!
[The Black Sands]
Smooth black sand stretches north to the bay. To the south, mounds of lava sit poised over the narrow beach, as though ready to flow down to the water. Long strands of rubbery seaweed lie strewn about, adding a pungent tang to the already briny air.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west
!> post d
Bodom just went east.
!> e
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
[The Black Sands]
Black sands mix with white in this stretch of beach, the black encroaching from the west and the white defending from the east. To the southwest, rough mounds of porous black rock stretch from the Trollfang to the bay, their rounded forms giving an illusion of motion, as though they were still flowing.
Obvious paths: east, west
!> e
[Beach Area, The Seam]
This stretch of beach is a patch of dirty whitish sand, stuck in between the craggy grey rocks to the east and the smooth black sands to the west. It's as though the two surrounding areas didn't quite meet, and the Lords of Liabo had to put something in here, but didn't give it much thought. You can see a tumbledown dock stretching out into the bay to the east, pointing north into the water like an arthritic finger.
Obvious paths: east, west
!> e
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
A forest of poles, warped and bent by wind and weather, stand in mute rows. This was where a long vanished fisherfolk spread their nets to dry. North from here stands an ancient dock, now broken and twisted.
Obvious paths: north, east, west
!> e
[Beach Area, Sailors' Haven]
A tumble-down building once made of stout wood, stands here, still resisting the winds and weather. Whatever paint it had has long been scoured by sand and salt, and the wood looks sickly pale in the moonlight. Age and the harsh climate here give an almost serene dignity to the old place. On the side facing the sea, an old hatch cover still serves as a door, hanging by the corroded threads of bronze hinges.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, northwest
!> e
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
Here, very near the wooden remains of a small fishing pier, you can still make out the stumps of poles used to hang nets out to dry. This place is level and over time, sand has drifted in to make a deep enough carpet to smooth the rough stones and soften the harshness of bare rock. Bits of wood and a few rusted nails lie in a pattern that resolves itself into the outline of a small skiff, long since rotted away. It has been long since anyone came here to fish, since the coming of the Undead.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south, west
!> e
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
One huge chunk of rock has settled here, giving a surface as smooth as a paved road. Even the ubiquitous crabs seem absent here, despite a slight slope running down into the water, where the surf washes it smooth and slick. Bits of broken shell litter the otherwise smooth ground as it seems the local birds have oft used this as a place to drop shellfish from a height, to break them open and feast.
Obvious paths: east, west
Bodom just arrived.
Bodom just went west.
Bodom just arrived.
Bodom just went east.
Bodom just arrived.
!> cack
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at you!
You evade the attack!
!> e
You cackle!
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
This stretch of beach is mostly rough boulders and broken rock. The going is slow here, as you must carefully pick your way along the rounded rocks in the dark. Here and there, huge flat slabs of rock lie where they have fallen, broken loose from above by some long forgotten storm or cataclysm. You travel more easily along these but occasionally, one will tilt slightly as you cross it, making you guard your steps.
Obvious paths: east, west
!> e
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
Wandering along here, the rough crunch of gravel in your ears and the smell of salt and sea air in your nostrils, you observe a large number of crabs of various sizes scuttling among the rocks and debris near the water. The soft sounds of sleeping seabirds drift down from the cracks and ledges high up along the cliffs.
Obvious paths: east, west
Bodom just arrived.
!> e
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
Standing near the cliff path, you halt upon a narrow spit of sand and gravel. Your choices here are limited by the sea and the largely unscaleable cliffs above. To the east, the shore gives way to a tide pool carved out among the rocks. Turning west, a narrow strand leads to an old pier jutting into the ocean. Near the old pier, several buildings still stand beneath the cliffs. Beyond the tumbled structures, among the rocks and boulders, you spy gaps that may lead down to the sea.
Obvious paths: east, west
!> e
[Beach Area, Tide Pool]
Standing among tumbled rocks made slick with still-wet seaweed, you gaze down at the pools of water that linger between the rocks. Between one crevice and the next odd bits of sea-life cling, waiting for the return of the tide and the sheltering sea. Much of the area below appears shallow and easily wadeable, even by a halfling, but there are pools that show a darker surface, hinting that they may be deeper than your first look would indicate. You also see a narrow crevice.
Obvious paths: west, down
Bodom just arrived.
!> w
[Beach Area, Rocky Shore]
Standing near the cliff path, you halt upon a narrow spit of sand and gravel. Your choices here are limited by the sea and the largely unscaleable cliffs above. To the east, the shore gives way to a tide pool carved out among the rocks. Turning west, a narrow strand leads to an old pier jutting into the ocean. Near the old pier, several buildings still stand beneath the cliffs. Beyond the tumbled structures, among the rocks and boulders, you spy gaps that may lead down to the sea.
Obvious paths: east, west
Bodom just arrived.
!> go path
[Coastal Cliffs]
As the wind picks up speed it wails through the chasms in the cliff rock, sounding eerily like the cry of a woman in distress. You also see a sea nymph, a flowing white robe, a dagger, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe and a steep path.
Obvious paths: east, west
A sea nymph swings a dagger at you!
You evade the attack!
!> e
[Coastal Cliffs]
Deep crevices have split the solid rock beneath your feet, and you catch a glimpse of what must surely be the center of Elanthia as you carefully step over and around them. The sound of the sea echoes up through some of the crevices, indicating the presence of underground water flows. You also see some flowing robes, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe and a flowing white robe.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
Bodom just arrived.
Bodom just went northeast.
Bodom just arrived.
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at you!
AS: +90 vs DS: +50 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +65 = +141
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Grazing blow to your stomach.

** Bodom's silvery mithril falchion emits a searing bolt of lightning! **
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock to left arm numbs elbow.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!

...departing in 10 mins...
* You just bit the dust!
Bodom put a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion in his iron-bound back scabbard.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Bodom appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
Bodom is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Bodom grabs you and drags you northeast.
[Coastal Cliffs]
The sea breeze is cool and salty, and it dampens your face as you look out over the breathtaking expanse of moonlit water below. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks roars in your ears. You also see a flowing white robe, a dagger, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe, some flowing robes, a flowing white robe, a flowing white robe and a flowing white robe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, southwest
DEAD> laugh
You laugh, the sepulchral sound echoing through the room.
Bodom is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Bodom grabs you and drags you east.
[Coastal Cliffs]
The trees are sparse here, and you are perilously close to the cliffs' edge. Now and then a shrill cry from below startles you, but your eyes can discern nothing but rocks and the violence of the sea as it flings itself tirelessly upon the cliff face. You also see a sea nymph, a flowing white robe and a flowing white robe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Silvem.
DEAD> depart confirm

The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...

You find yourself wandering amidst endless streaming light and vast nothingness. This place feels torn between two powers, polar opposites vying for your loyalty. You are surrounded by the spirits of those who could not choose. The only way out seems to be through light or darkness.

Time has no meaning as you wander aimlessly amidst the uncomfortable tugging for your attention. Hopelessness washes over dreams you once held like the creeping tide of doom.

After what could be moments, or perhaps an eternity, the goddess Lorminstra finds you wandering in the endless space and speaks soothingly to you. She gently reassembles the pieces of your tattered soul and then, taking you by the hand, the goddess leads you back to mortality...

[Temple, Altar]
The altar is plain, and bears only onyx bowls of smouldering incense and smoking paraffin. Draped behind it is a cloth banner, appliqued with an ancient mystical pattern. A legend is embroidered along the bottom. On the far side of the room at the end of an aisle, you see two pillars.
Obvious exits: out
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
You feel less drained.
You feel less drained.
* Andrughen just bit the dust!
You feel less drained.
You feel less drained.

04-08-2004, 12:12 AM
later on today, i located him and followed him from his AFK scripting.....

A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a statue of a woman carrying a staff of crystal in her left hand and a set of crystalline keys in her right, facing the other of a young man kneeling, bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor. You also see some cactacae spine, some basal moss, some manna bread, an old beige ceramic jug, some wolifrew lichen, some basal moss, some wolifrew lichen, some basal moss, a polished marble bench with some stuff on it and a large fel tree.
Also here: Jagyr, Lady Rupies, Kunitz who is sitting, Great Lord Benj, Lord Tanathalas who is lying down, Great Lord Rorge who is kneeling, Great Lord Kendreu, Great Lady Alorrah, Bodom, Lord Oguo who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
drag bod w
>You grab Bodom and drag him west with you...

[A Silent Path]
A chilling wind pursues the trail here causing several small plants to sway to and fro, caught in its unyielding grasp. To the east a flourishing garden unfolds from the edges of the rich forest. A stream of clear water flows out from the garden paralleling the path for some distance. Moonbeams dance and refract off of the windows and sides of a monastery, lending the solid edifice an air of ethereal mystery. Hushed sounds, like garbled voices, whisper upon the wind. You also see a scratched brass chest.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west

[A Silent Path]
A chilling wind pursues the trail here causing several small plants to sway to and fro, caught in its unyielding grasp. To the east a flourishing garden unfolds from the edges of the rich forest. A stream of clear water flows out from the garden paralleling the path for some distance. Moonbeams dance and refract off of the windows and sides of a monastery, lending the solid edifice an air of ethereal mystery. Hushed sounds, like garbled voices, whisper upon the wind. You also see a scratched brass chest.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west
Great Lady Alorrah just arrived.
>drag bod w
You grab Bodom and drag him west with you...

[A Silent Path]
The moon's light penetrates the foliage here and dimly reveals the cracked and rocklike path. The scattered silver beams dance across a small stream as it bubbles and turns northward being split into irrigation channels to be consumed by the monastery's fields. In the distance, monks wearing robes of pure white, labor in a field while a lone monk, adorned in a silver trimmed black robe, watches their toil from a balcony.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west
Roundtime: 1 sec.
Great Lady Alorrah just arrived.
>drag bod w
Great Lady Alorrah just went west.
You grab Bodom and drag him west with you...

[A Silent Path]
Animated leaves skitter west on the wings of a light breeze, catching every so often on the small stones that protrude from the red clay surface of the path. Imprints, marring a soft section of the clay, provide evidence of recent passage. Traesharm bushes flourish along the fringe of the woods, though their bounty has already been harvested by the small woodland creatures that hastily scurry about. You also see a trail leading out of the forest to the west.
Also here: Bodom, Great Lady Alorrah
Obvious paths: east
* Mamu joins the adventure.
Vaegeta just arrived.
Vaegeta just wandered down a trail leading out of the forest to the west.
>drag bod trail
You grab Bodom and drag him with you...

[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The smell of the sea is quite strong here and you can hear the sound of crashing waves to the north. The logs that make up the high palisade that surrounds the town have been treated with oils but small cakes of salt, deposited by the moist saline air, still can be seen clinging to the wood. You also see a trail leading east into the woods.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: north, south
Roundtime: 2 sec.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"damnit, all the empaths I know are out of town."
* Hadiar joins the adventure.
* Taru joins the adventure.
>take crys
You remove a blue crystal from in your forest green backpack.
>rub cryst
You rub a blue crystal.
An invisible force guides you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Great Lady Alorrah just arrived.
A coyote pads in!
* Falkom joins the adventure.
>put cryst in back
You put a blue crystal in your forest green backpack.
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"the whole 3 I have highlighted as empaths... heh"
You remove an imflass axe from in your forest green backpack.
>att bod
A coyote charges at you!
You evade the attack!
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
Bodom parries your attack with his falchion!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Izabela echo in your mind:
"where are you Varsus?"
att bod
...wait 3 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 2 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 2 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 1 seconds.
>att bod
A coyote whimpers as he slowly backs away, his teeth bared.

* Pridering joins the adventure.
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
Bodom blocks your attack with his shield!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>att bod
...wait 1 seconds.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"um TSW, landing... my hand hurts."
att bod
A coyote charges at Bodom!
AS: +95 vs DS: +106 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +97 = +116
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Slight twitching in Bodom's weapon arm.
>You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
AS: +219 vs DS: +106 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +12 = +155
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Strike to the eye clips the eyebrow.
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
* Baaldok joins the adventure.
A coyote tries to bite Bodom!
AS: +85 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +32 = +48
A clean miss.
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
AS: +144 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +60 = +132
... and hit for 11 points of damage!
Diagonal slash to Bodom's weapon arm.
Strike misses but bruises a few knuckles.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Izabela echo in your mind:
"sorry I'm in EN"
...wait 3 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 2 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 2 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 1 seconds.
>att bod
...wait 1 seconds.
A coyote charges at you!
You evade the attack!
>att bod
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
AS: +144 vs DS: +99 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +64 = +139
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Banged Bodom's right shin.
That'll raise a good welt.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
* Pastoya joins the adventure.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"so is Nakiro"
You put an imflass axe in your forest green backpack.
>A coyote sniffs the ground intently.
>take crys
You remove a blue crystal from in your forest green backpack.
>rub cryst
* Andrughen joins the adventure.
You rub a blue crystal.
Feels smooth!
An invisible force guides you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>drop cry
A coyote tries to bite you!
AS: +85 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +48 = -7
A clean miss.
>Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
You drop a blue crystal.
You remove an imflass axe from in your forest green backpack.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"ill IM Rimlin, make em get on"
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
AS: +219 vs DS: +98 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +19 = +170
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Large gash to the left arm, several muscles torn.
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>A coyote tries to bite Bodom!
AS: +85 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +28 = +70
A clean miss.
* Pharon joins the adventure.
>drop axe
You drop an imflass axe.
* Rimlin joins the adventure.
>take cry
A coyote charges at Bodom!
AS: +95 vs DS: +96 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +8 = +37
A clean miss.
You pick up a blue crystal.
>rub cry

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Nakiro echo in your mind:
"How horrible"
You rub a blue crystal.
Feels smooth!
An invisible force guides you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>drop cry
You drop a blue crystal.
* Gravisun joins the adventure.
>take axe
You pick up an imflass axe.
A coyote tries to bite you!
AS: +85 vs DS: +164 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +1 = -46
A clean miss.
You swing an imflass axe at Bodom!
AS: +219 vs DS: +96 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +49 = +202
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Slash along Bodom's lower back.

* Bodom drops dead at your feet!

The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
* Bodom just bit the dust!
You growl ferociously!

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"and there he is!"
put axe in back
A coyote barks loudly!
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rimlin echo in your mind:
You put an imflass axe in your forest green backpack.
* Hildar joins the adventure.
>take crys
You pick up a blue crystal.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
* Xandravale joins the adventure.
A coyote sniffs the ground intently.
>put cryst in back
A coyote sniffs the ground intently.
You put a blue crystal in your forest green backpack.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Philosilan echo in your mind:
"speaking of Rimlin.... reminds me of Rimalon... anyone seen Rimalon?"

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"was just talking about you."
A coyote sniffs the ground intently.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rimlin echo in your mind:
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Benj.
A coyote pads north.
Benj raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
* Solorin joins the adventure.
Benj gestures at Bodom.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Bodom, then fades into the body.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Rimlin echo in your mind:
"ok im off."
* Calenore just bit the dust!
* Mistyleah joins the adventure.
A rolton trots in!
>curtsy ben
You curtsy to Benj.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"heh and there he goes!"
A rolton trots in!
Benj bows.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
* Jahira joins the adventure.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"Rimlin Rocks."
* Maqala joins the adventure.
* Serikahn joins the adventure.
* Exjavier joins the adventure.
Benj put a silver and crimson vultite warblade in his white leather harness.
A rolton trots south.
Benj just wandered down a trail leading east into the woods, dragging Bodom with him.
A rolton tries to bite you!
You evade the attack!
Alorrah whispers, "I'm with you."
Inestor just arrived.
* Fizzan joins the adventure.
Inestor just wandered down a trail leading east into the woods.
* Gudd just bit the dust!
* Alucaris joins the adventure.
* Stillson joins the adventure.
A coyote pads in!
A rolton tries to bite you!
You evade the attack!
* Lackenberge joins the adventure.
* Aemergin joins the adventure.
>go trail
[A Silent Path]
Animated leaves skitter west on the wings of a light breeze, catching every so often on the small stones that protrude from the red clay surface of the path. Imprints, marring a soft section of the clay, provide evidence of recent passage. Traesharm bushes flourish along the fringe of the woods, though their bounty has already been harvested by the small woodland creatures that hastily scurry about. You also see a trail leading out of the forest to the west.
Obvious paths: east
* Zemyhrrin just bit the dust!
[A Silent Path]
The moon's light penetrates the foliage here and dimly reveals the cracked and rocklike path. The scattered silver beams dance across a small stream as it bubbles and turns northward being split into irrigation channels to be consumed by the monastery's fields. In the distance, monks wearing robes of pure white, labor in a field while a lone monk, adorned in a silver trimmed black robe, watches their toil from a balcony.
Obvious paths: east, west
[A Silent Path]
A chilling wind pursues the trail here causing several small plants to sway to and fro, caught in its unyielding grasp. To the east a flourishing garden unfolds from the edges of the rich forest. A stream of clear water flows out from the garden paralleling the path for some distance. Moonbeams dance and refract off of the windows and sides of a monastery, lending the solid edifice an air of ethereal mystery. Hushed sounds, like garbled voices, whisper upon the wind. You also see a scratched brass chest.
Obvious paths: east, west
A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a statue of a woman carrying a staff of crystal in her left hand and a set of crystalline keys in her right, facing the other of a young man kneeling, bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor. You also see some cactacae spine, some basal moss, some manna bread, an old beige ceramic jug, some wolifrew lichen, some basal moss, some wolifrew lichen, some basal moss, a polished marble bench with some stuff on it and a large fel tree.
Also here: Great Lord Benj, Lady Rupies, Kunitz who is sitting, Lord Tanathalas who is lying down, Great Lord Rorge who is kneeling, Lord Oguo who is lying down
Obvious paths: west
* Polariz joins the adventure.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Maliku echo in your mind:
"I hate writing papers..."
Benj sighs.
>peer ben
You peer quizzically at Benj.

You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Hast echo in your mind:
"You see Gookuu T'lsabraks."
Alorrah whispers, "He left I see."
Benj mysteriously says, "At least ah kept em.."

04-08-2004, 12:13 AM
Jetxt cryptically says, "You attacked and looted someone's kappa."


04-08-2004, 12:14 AM
how the hell would he know....total game mechanics abuse there, thats what got me lit up

04-08-2004, 12:15 AM
Oh come on.. You're only starting out.. assuming level 4-6 trains.. and you already have enemies. :no:

04-08-2004, 12:16 AM
Yeah, it's against policy...nice job with the revenge there, though.

Also, I need some enemies. Have room there in kappas?

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Artha]

04-08-2004, 12:17 AM
well don't start shit with people, especially after i apologized to them, i woulda been cool with him bringin Bodom on me, but he brought out the older Sorc.....thats what got me

04-08-2004, 12:17 AM
an eye for an eye

04-08-2004, 12:18 AM
i made enemies from when I was born, ask Wezas.

04-08-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Celexei
Alorrah whispers, "I'm with you."

What is that? Was she a backup plan in case you lost?

04-08-2004, 12:21 AM
i don't know, maybe its only apparent to me that i tried to apologize....and move on

04-08-2004, 12:21 AM
Heh, I should go blow his legs off...then tell him I dd it because he is ugly. ::cackles::

04-08-2004, 12:21 AM
Yeah, the older sorc with his stifling 53 CS. Dayam.


04-08-2004, 12:23 AM
You apologized for doing it, then you did it again. Maybe if you apologized then STOPPED, it might not have gotten to that point.

At least from the butchered log, it seems that way.

04-08-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Snapp

Originally posted by Celexei
Alorrah whispers, "I'm with you."

What is that? Was she a backup plan in case you lost?

no that happens to be my mother who i figured i'd entertain for the night...If i lost then i was ready to deal with my own consequence's i'm a big girl i know what i'm doing.

04-08-2004, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
You apologized for doing it, then you did it again. Maybe if you apologized then STOPPED, it might not have gotten to that point.

At least from the butchered log, it seems that way.

like i said i was in the middle of testing my script, when i swung on his kappa...i then proceeded to apologize and stop my script...but i noticed i did it and apologized so i wouldn't get killed before i shut down my script

04-08-2004, 12:30 AM
No, I'm referring to saying Sorry, then skinning and searching his critter, then leaving. Then doing the same thing again! Then you just walked out the second time without saying a thing.

04-08-2004, 12:35 AM
It's not a good idea to script hunt if you don't have checks for other people in the room. However, Bodom is a retard for logging in another character to leg you, THEN logging back in to finish the job. That's pathetic, it's like something Sintik would do.

04-08-2004, 12:36 AM
> 'sorry
> search kappa
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at a greater kappa!
AS: +80 vs DS: +23 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +49 = +141
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Slash to the greater kappa's left leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
The greater kappa falls to the ground motionless.
> e
You botched the job. The kappa fin is ruined.
Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
> look
You quietly say, "Sorry."
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A greater kappa turns to dust.
> look

See this ^ this is called lag, me putting in the command....it recieving moments later....there is only one apologee in there

04-08-2004, 12:37 AM
so you said sorry and then proceeded to loot the kappa which is seemingly part of the problem he had with you thats not really lag that was intentional.

04-08-2004, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
It's not a good idea to script hunt if you don't have checks for other people in the room.

Like i said, i thought i did, and i had just wrote it, this was the only error i had in my script, but i quickly changed it. It works fine now

04-08-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Tijay
so you said sorry and then proceeded to loot the kappa which is seemingly part of the problem he had with you thats not really lag that was intentional.

What part of this what as TEST RUN for my script do you not understand, by the time i had realized it and said sorry it had already looted it...my reactions aren't as fast as my computers are

04-08-2004, 12:41 AM
Ok, let me speak retarded so you understand. You search his kappa, APOLOGIZED, THEN YOU KILLED HIS kappa AGAIN. So let me explain again. You apologized for doing something, then did it again. That's like knocking over someones beer, apologizing, then doing it again. You deserved a beating.

> 'sorry
> search kappa
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Bodom swings a veniom-hilted silvery mithril falchion at a greater kappa!
AS: +80 vs DS: +23 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +49 = +141
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Slash to the greater kappa's left leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
The greater kappa falls to the ground motionless.
> e
You botched the job. The kappa fin is ruined.
Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
> look
You quietly say, "Sorry."
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A greater kappa turns to dust.
> look
[The Black Sands]
Waves roll up onto the dull black beach, the seafoam tracing lacy patterns against the dark background. Flies buzz among the rotting seaweed, rising up in swarms as you pass. To the northwest, a pillar of rock rises out of the water. You also see a handaxe, a pink rhodocrosite stone and a handaxe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
> e
[The Black Sands]
Waves roll up onto the dull black beach, the seafoam tracing lacy patterns against the dark background. Flies buzz among the rotting seaweed, rising up in swarms as you pass. To the northwest, a pillar of rock rises out of the water. You also see a handaxe, a pink rhodocrosite stone and a handaxe.
Also here: Bodom
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
> post o
> kill
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
You swing a bone-hilted dark red ora dagger at a greater kappa!
AS: +112 vs DS: +26 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +91 = +202
... and hit for 41 points of damage!
Fine shot pierces jugular vein! The brain wonders where all its oxygen went, briefly.
The greater kappa falls to the ground motionless.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R> post d
Jetxt just came marching in.
Jetxt just marched off to the west.
Jetxt just came marching in.
 skin kappa
> search kappa
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
You botched the job. The kappa fin is ruined.
> look
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It carried an acid-pitted silver strongbox with it!
A greater kappa turns to dust.
> e
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see an acid-pitted silver strongbox and a handaxe.
Also here: Jetxt
Obvious paths: east, west

Oh and Edaarin, I'm logging in to kill you now.

04-08-2004, 12:44 AM
ahhhh....so i did butcher the script a bit when i was taking out the rooms and rooms of hunting worthlessness in there...my bad, as you can see in that room there is NO KAPPA so its kinda hard to swing at something not there...my apologeez for butcherin

04-08-2004, 12:45 AM
if' you'd like me to post the full thing with all of the traveling i gladly will

04-08-2004, 02:13 AM
Celexei, it don't matter about your reactions and shit. What matters is that you screwed up once, you screwed up twice, you got pwned for it, and then you decided you just had t oget some back and then come here and brag it up.

Yeah, bringing in an "elder" sorc (sheeit, all of 10th level?) was stupid, but it looks like a big helping of Stupid all around.

04-08-2004, 02:32 AM
You hear the faint thoughts of [OOC]-Varsus echo in your mind:
"Rimlin Rocks."

I rule since Im always in the logs.

Also, You Rule For Using Psinet

ALSO loging in other chars to do your work is PUSSY ASS, i don't care what the situation is, if you do that, you are a pussy and are at fault in my mind no matter what the other person did.

-Varsus (Im way drunk)

04-08-2004, 02:35 AM
Yeah, we figured that out.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-08-2004, 09:06 AM
Now you just need to kill the sorcerer.

04-08-2004, 09:36 AM
Edine? Can I rephrase what you said? I mean come on this is better,"your egos was casting checks your body couldnt afford since from before you were even rolled" Muhahhah

04-08-2004, 10:21 AM
jetxt is a mercenery, albeit not a very good one. He and three others ambushed and killed me up in the Cliffs a couple weeks ago because someone (Eviscile, who I believe is jetxt also) hired them. A hunting partner and I put a small beating on Eviscile (while he was afk) because he left a few scarabs lying around that killed 4 people. Jetxt attempted to cast at me, but everything he sent was warded off. It took one of the others to actually kill me. Jetxt is a punk, you should get revenge on him too. :grin:

04-08-2004, 10:53 AM
I see why he might have been a tad perturbed with the second search you did after you apologized. But, that was NO reason whatsoever to bring in another character to finish you off.

04-08-2004, 11:02 AM
ALl you have to do is press the escape key to exit the script. It's very easy and fast....

04-08-2004, 11:18 AM
I was thinking that very same thing Jonty.

04-08-2004, 11:35 AM
OMG this was chaotic all around. You should have stopped the script the moment you said sorry and not continued to search and poach kills. Him bringing someone else in to lob your limbs off and then coming in afterwards to finish you off was lame. THEN it was rather lame for you to take on revenge for killing you in the first place for something you started.

Some of you guys kill others so easily. It's just a kappa for heaven's sakes. Another one will show up in a couple of minutes. Get mad, break off limbs, stun them, I don't mind that. But to the death? For a poach? C'mon gang, isn't that a bit much?

04-08-2004, 11:42 AM
Obviously none of you understand the concept that there is only ONE poach on his kappas in there....the post that showed too is my fault for butchering it and not noticing it....but if you look there is NO kappa in that room at the point that it looks like i'm takin another......there was only one poach and thats what i got killed for....which like you said wouldn't have bothered me in the least...except that he was to pussy to bring it himself instead of havin his sorc come get me.

04-08-2004, 11:52 AM
What were you apologizing for in the beginning of the log then, since that whole part was not included? You taking out information from the log just made it that much harder to follow. I still don't understand what your point was for killing him later. You fucked up, chicken, and you pissed someone off.

04-08-2004, 11:55 AM
I'd have taken him out too, for not doing it himself and instead using a (slightly) older sorcerer to do the hard part.

04-08-2004, 11:55 AM
the apologee was for the first swing on that kappa....i was runnin escape and didn't have a log on there so i had to cut and paste from as much as i could....and thats all the farther page up would let me go....i apologized before i thought of shutting the script down...and then killed it and looted it. I understand that was my fuck up....but i apologized for that...my point for killing him is his cowardice shit of bringin in a sorc to do it for him...if he himself would have came after me with his 80 AS shit and tried to prove something of himself....things would have been different and i woudn't have taken action.

04-08-2004, 11:56 AM
You notice i made a point of doing all my work myself....yes i went to the trouble of finding a full spell up...i also got statues....pure potions...and blue crystals to ensure that i could get it over with. But I DID IT MYSELF.

04-08-2004, 12:07 PM
The revenge part was nice.

04-08-2004, 12:25 PM
Heh, I guess I don't see why you're getting mad at us for trying to understand what that was all about and/or not agreeing with how some things went through. Sheesh.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-08-2004, 12:31 PM
I don't care about any of it, I liked it that you killed him :)

Killing one fucking Kappa isn't a big deal. Hell I kill other's critters all the time on accident, and I don't even script. It happens.

PS - I think I'll move to Kappa's for a bit and fuck with them, see if joe asshole decides to attack me.

04-08-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Heh, I guess I don't see why you're getting mad at us for trying to understand what that was all about and/or not agreeing with how some things went through. Sheesh.

No No i'm not upset at anyone...sorry if it came off that way, i'm just trying to point out and defends my points *and my stupidities* sorry for the confusion hun

04-08-2004, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Celexei, it don't matter about your reactions and shit. What matters is that you screwed up once, you screwed up twice, you got pwned for it, and then you decided you just had t oget some back and then come here and brag it up.

Yeah, bringing in an "elder" sorc (sheeit, all of 10th level?) was stupid, but it looks like a big helping of Stupid all around.

Galleazzo said it best...

"It looks like a big helping of Stupid all around."

I don't blame Bodom for attacking you, but I do blame how he brought in the Sorc.

I don't blame Bodom because...
1) "Sorry" by itself isn't a real apology... you could had said more.
2) You should had hit "esc" and canceled the script right then.

You say it was a Test script... Okay... you can still abort the Script when something unexpected happened!
then do a real apology
then move a few rooms away (or to safe spot)
then fix the script
then resume the script

Had you handled this better, you wouldn't have had to post that log to portray yourself as an innocent ("not!!") martyr.

04-08-2004, 03:00 PM
I think the log was more background information than a pity attempt, Atlanteax.

04-08-2004, 03:10 PM
It was an accident. The only reason Bodom the retard should have gone after revenge is if this person was an asshole.

Honest mistakes happen, and as a scripter himself, he ought to know that.

04-08-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by Galleazzo
Celexei, it don't matter about your reactions and shit. What matters is that you screwed up once, you screwed up twice, you got pwned for it, and then you decided you just had t oget some back and then come here and brag it up.

Then it comes down to RPing again...my rogue does not speak to anyone...the word Sorry was the only word she has ever said in game and only on this ONE instance....hey i made an attempt for an apologee....i've never had problems with anyone else IG, i mean hell there are plenty of critters out there...one is nothing....it was pure accident, i'm not askin pity i'm just postin my own logs
Yeah, bringing in an "elder" sorc (sheeit, all of 10th level?) was stupid, but it looks like a big helping of Stupid all around.

Galleazzo said it best...

"It looks like a big helping of Stupid all around."

I don't blame Bodom for attacking you, but I do blame how he brought in the Sorc.

I don't blame Bodom because...
1) "Sorry" by itself isn't a real apology... you could had said more.
2) You should had hit "esc" and canceled the script right then.

You say it was a Test script... Okay... you can still abort the Script when something unexpected happened!
then do a real apology
then move a few rooms away (or to safe spot)
then fix the script
then resume the script

Had you handled this better, you wouldn't have had to post that log to portray yourself as an innocent ("not!!") martyr.

04-08-2004, 03:54 PM
PS - I think I'll move to Kappa's for a bit and fuck with them, see if joe asshole decides to attack me.
Sounds good. I figure I'll go in without spells, change my profile around, get myself some mithril stuff and stance up. See what happens.

04-08-2004, 04:03 PM
I don't claim to be a martyr at all. I personally enjoyed the fact that they came after me.....cause as soon as it was over, i had plans....my rogue character does not speak IG, its part of her RPing, she only apologized for the mistake and that one "sorry" is all she's ever spoke IG.....its all i could do to keep IC. And yes i should have esc the script earlier but i didn't notice it...and really i'm not used to scripting much and i didn't think shuttin it down. :shrug: i was just sharin my fun experiences with the common public

04-08-2004, 05:20 PM
Yeah you suck and your script sucks, what part of hunting in a multiplayer environment didn't you understand? Oh right, the fact that there are other players!

Its just irresponsible, and while I don't feel the need to kill every poacher; I do when its obvious they are scripting and then loot a kill as they are saying sorry.

I don't understand how that was an accident, you attacked his critter, and instead of stopping your broken script you let it run and then loot his critter.

As for blame, *YOU* are to blame, you wrote the script and ran the script, and even if you didn't write it you ran it. I have no problem with the older sorc coming on the scene, I can't see that its that Bodom fellow's other character, there are no logon or offs nor any speech between them in your logs, for all I know you poached one of his kills also and he was just catching up to you.

You retailation was very weak and sloppy, good thing that guy wasn't actually present. He pwnd you, all you did was sucker kill him when he was resting.

04-08-2004, 05:24 PM
I have no problem with the older sorc coming on the scene

Really? I'm sure you've insulted one of my characters or something, so I'm going to come put an arrow in Hast's eye now.

, there are no logon or offs nor any speech between them in your logs,

It's called MAing. You don't need to log on your new character, and you don't need them to speak to each other.

He pwnd you

Having someone else remove all of someone's limbs and then taking more than one shot to kill != pwnd.

04-08-2004, 05:27 PM
*and i roll laughing*

04-08-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Celexei
I don't claim to be a martyr at all. I personally enjoyed the fact that they came after me.....cause as soon as it was over, i had plans....my rogue character does not speak IG, its part of her RPing, she only apologized for the mistake and that one "sorry" is all she's ever spoke IG.....its all i could do to keep IC. And yes i should have esc the script earlier but i didn't notice it...and really i'm not used to scripting much and i didn't think shuttin it down. :shrug: i was just sharin my fun experiences with the common public

There is a whisper command.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-08-2004, 05:28 PM
Lets all invade Kappa's

H>ambush kappa head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a hideous engraved ora waraxe at a greater kappa!
AS: +118 vs DS: -29 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +8 = +190
... and hit for 99 points of damage!
Horrible slash to the greater kappa's head! Brain matter goes flying!
Looks like it never felt a thing.
The greater kappa screams evilly one last time and goes still.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

04-08-2004, 05:28 PM
I'm so there.

04-08-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Celexei
...i had plans....my rogue character does not speak IG, its part of her RPing, she only apologized for the mistake and that one "sorry" is all she's ever spoke IG.....its all i could do to keep IC.


You shoulda stopped while you were only slightly behind. Your RP is a lack of RP? Gud RP! You got Hulkien the bull beat hands down.

Also plan to die alot, being unresponsive in a hunting ground will get you reported for being afk scripting and killed alot.

PS Learn how to write please, your abuse of the ellipsis is especially annoying.

04-08-2004, 05:31 PM
PS Learn how to write please, your abuse of the ellipsis is especially annoying.

I can not fucking believe you typed this.

04-08-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Fengus

Originally posted by Celexei
...i had plans....my rogue character does not speak IG, its part of her RPing, she only apologized for the mistake and that one "sorry" is all she's ever spoke IG.....its all i could do to keep IC.


You shoulda stopped while you were only slightly behind. Your RP is a lack of RP? Gud RP! You got Hulkien the bull beat hands down.

Also plan to die alot, being unresponsive in a hunting ground will get you reported for being afk scripting and killed alot.

PS Learn how to write please, your abuse of the ellipsis is especially annoying.

Everyone has different ways to RP, i don't have to go around completly not acknowledgin people or things...i do acknowledge, but speech is not something that is used much with my RPing of this one specific character....but your close mindedness can't see that ....."typical"

04-08-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Artha

I have no problem with the older sorc coming on the scene

Really? I'm sure you've insulted one of my characters or something, so I'm going to come put an arrow in Hast's eye now.

I have no problem with the sorc coming to enact the retribution for poor RPing and no consideration for another human being playing a game. You can shit in your sandbox all you want, but not mine.

If you have a problem with Hast by all means RP it and do what you feel.

, there are no logon or offs nor any speech between them in your logs,

It's called MAing. You don't need to log on your new character, and you don't need them to speak to each other.

Uhh duh? You gathered that Bodom and Jextl are MAs just from readin that log? Nice ESP, explain it to the rest of us.

He pwnd you

Having someone else remove all of someone's limbs and then taking more than one shot to kill != pwnd.

Haha, sure it is. He was stupid and died for it, thus pwnd. The actual means of destruction matter little.

Point being in this, he was wrong, he made the error and paid for it. I suspect the Bodom fellow will also not think kindly of him in the future so he may end up paying for his retailation as well. As I said for all I know Jextl was a totally seperate player who was also poached.

04-08-2004, 05:43 PM
and you don't know shit by the way....because there was no HE, HIS, or HIM involved on my part

04-08-2004, 05:46 PM
Regardless if you talk or not, you could have done something like this - whisper bodom OOC I'm sorry, I was testing out a script and it messed up, I'll try to fix it and not let it happen again.

I'm sure he would have been more understanding, you wouldn't have broke your RP or lack of and he probably wouldn't have attacked you.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Ambrosia]

04-08-2004, 05:47 PM
If you have a problem with Hast by all means RP it and do what you feel.

Quite honestly, I wouldn't kill your character, because I am above it. However, you say 'RP it out.' Where was the RP in this Jetxt fellow taking off limbs and walking away so Bodom could finish things up?

You gathered that Bodom and Jextl are MAs just from readin that log?

It's a good possibility.

He was stupid and died for it, thus pwnd.

No, had she been one shotted while in defensive and prepared, it would've been pwnd. You need to brush up on your l33t.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Artha]

04-08-2004, 05:49 PM
*shrug* its over now, whatever comes of it, i accept it, but i won't go murdered by two different characters, one of which i had never seen before, was noway involved with the whole incident, and stand back and do nothing, i gladly admit my mistake. No problem there. If his characters wish to make something more of this....then by all means i'm game.

04-12-2004, 06:37 PM
Fengus, shut the fuck up.

04-12-2004, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Ambrosia
Regardless if you talk or not, you could have done something like this - whisper bodom OOC I'm sorry, I was testing out a script and it messed up, I'll try to fix it and not let it happen again.

I'm sure he would have been more understanding, you wouldn't have broke your RP or lack of and he probably wouldn't have attacked you.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Ambrosia]

Nah i went and broke the silence...and outright apologized on the spot...obviously i didn't think in time to exit my script...i can admit to it...we all make mistakes, just sayin i apologized, and the had some mechanics abuse with a sorc doin the little peons dirty work

04-12-2004, 06:50 PM
This thread sucks.

04-12-2004, 07:20 PM
Bob wtf is your attitude problem today...it seems like every damn thread you read sux, and your glad to post it...seriously leave a damn decent coment or STFU!

04-12-2004, 07:41 PM
She only did it once, the other part was a glitch on her part when she put the script in here. I have by accident run into a room and cast at something, no one has ever hunted me down and killed me. I always apologized and they accepted it. Sounds like this person was just a really big baby that wanted to flex some muscles they didn't have.

What is cute is they had the sorcerer blow off all your limbs just so they could safely kill you without the chance of you killing them.

04-12-2004, 07:42 PM
And why does Bob have Maimara's picture... for a second I thought it was Maimara and not bob.

04-12-2004, 07:44 PM
for a second I thought it was Maimara and not bob.

Me too, then I ad-blocked it so I don't have that problem anymore :D

<3 <3 mozilla firefox <3 <3.