View Full Version : Not that I really give a shit, but....
04-07-2004, 12:56 PM
I thought this was funny, considering who the poster was:
<<I'll never be allowed to be a mentor or a GM, too many black marks against me. -Some Guy>>
There are plenty of GMs on staff who had warnings, even lockouts, back when they were players. Don't ever think that just because you had a warning or two, or some soapings that you have no chance making it on staff. :) I never had any warnings, but my PC was always embroiled in some PVP mess and spent a lot of time in the consultation lounge. I decided I wanted to be on staff and spent a long time cleaning up my act and applying over and over again. It took about 1 1/2-2 years of "being good" and reapplying to get hired as a host, then a year later I got hired as a GM. :) It can happen!
04-07-2004, 12:59 PM
I don't get it...
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-07-2004, 01:00 PM
Edit cause that was unnecessary.
I think he was commenting on the irony that she used to be a trouble maker and now is engaged to the president? I dunno.
[Edited on 4-7-2004 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]
04-07-2004, 01:00 PM
I didn't know you were Hunterleigh... erase some of my warnings, thanks. :whistle:
04-07-2004, 01:03 PM
Hunterleigh starts dating Whatley, suddenly becomes a GM.
She's probably a nice person though, but I still found that post funny cause of the irony.
04-07-2004, 01:04 PM
Oh, ok. Gotcha.
04-07-2004, 01:09 PM
She dates Whately? lol.
04-07-2004, 01:15 PM
She's married to him now.
The point is, she started dating him, then suddenly became a GM.
04-07-2004, 01:16 PM
No, they're getting married at simucon this year, aren't they?
04-07-2004, 02:14 PM
I think her name should be in the bad names forum, what a retarded name. And a GM no less, when I first saw that GM name I was like wtf? Now it makes sense. But does't bother me none, there are lamer ways to get ahead in the world.
04-07-2004, 02:22 PM
What's she look like.. and I've never actually seen Whatley, anyone have a link to simucon where he proposed?
04-07-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
She's married to him now.
The point is, she started dating him, then suddenly became a GM.
To be honest..they kinda HAD to make her a GM.
One of the rules to being a GM is no one is suposed to know your a GM. I was talking to some of the GM's about this rule (don't ask..), and I was told that my roomies could not know I was a GM, since they all play. Just like if Kylie and I get married, they are either :
A. Going to ask me to NEVER be on my GM account when she is home, or
B. Ask her to apply to be at least a GH.
..If I ever become a GM that is....
[Edited on 4-7-2004 by LordAdredrin]
04-07-2004, 03:29 PM
And a GM no less, when I first saw that GM name I was like wtf?
GMs are OOC entities. Would you rather them take a GOOD name that someone else, who would contribute to the rp atmosphere would use?
04-07-2004, 03:30 PM
Name doesn't bother me, since GM's are really OOC presences in game and should be treated as such. Having a GM with a bad name means it's one less bad name that can be chosen by new characters.
That said, I've had 0 encounters with Hunterleigh in game, so I have no opinion on her as a GM, heh. And unlike Methais, I don't live for Simu gatherings (zing!), so I have no opinion on her as a person either.
04-07-2004, 03:31 PM
Couple questions:
Is Hunterleigh a bad GM? Why not judge her on her ability and work performance and not so much on who she fell in love with. I've yet to see proof of how she is a bad GM or a bad hiring decision by Whatley.
If this was your game and your girlfriend played and was a great GM candidate.. would you not give it to her? Since it is YOUR company, I guess you can decide if there should be a policy against it or not.
04-07-2004, 03:36 PM
Hunterleigh's player is a very sweet person and she started off as GH and then moved up to GM. I really don't care how she got the position, but I've yet to hear anything negative about how she works. :shrug:
04-07-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Hunterleigh's player is a very sweet person and she started off as GH and then moved up to GM. I really don't care how she got the position, but I've yet to hear anything negative about how she works. :shrug:
Exactly. Tell me why she is a bad GM and maybe I'll listen to the complaint. Show me where she did something wrong and maybe you will have a point.
Personally, I would have done EXACTLY the same thing as Whatley did. How cool would it be to have my future wife interested in my own business and playing a part in it's success. Would you demean Mr. Smith for hiring his wife to help him run his fruit stand?
Come on folks.. it's still just a game and still just a business. Get the big picture.
04-07-2004, 04:12 PM
I think the point was not that she got the position by being Whatley's squeeze, but that she felt the need to say "it can still happen, just look at me." Which in a way validates the point of how she attained the position.
I personally don't care about the how, it's how she handles herself in the position. I have no beef with her.
04-07-2004, 04:18 PM
Someone should reply to that post and say, "But I have a ton of warnings and you already took Whatley. I don't know what else to do to become a GM."
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Someone should reply to that post and say, "But I have a ton of warnings and you already took Whatley. I don't know what else to do to become a GM." There's the off chance that a Mistress position needs filling. Could go that route.
100% Wool
04-07-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
What's she look like.. and I've never actually seen Whatley, anyone have a link to simucon where he proposed?
Eh...she's mediocre in my opinion
Not bad for a GS player I suppose compared to others.
Whatley is one ugly fuck though
and he's about 5-15 years older than her? I'm not exactly sure
04-07-2004, 05:56 PM
Hunterleigh is awesome... she helped me immensely with a problem I had with a certain bought character lately. Her and Khaladon r0x0r.
As for the player behind Hunterleigh? She's the shit too. You all need to get the dick out of your asses.
04-07-2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
As for the player behind Hunterleigh? She's the shit too. You all need to get the dick out of your asses.
She got the job cause she's marrying Whatley. It's a fact and I believe that's the only thing that has been said. Why don't you open your eyes before you insult people?
04-07-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Hunterleigh is awesome... she helped me immensely with a problem I had with a certain bought character lately. Her and Khaladon r0x0r.
As for the player behind Hunterleigh? She's the shit too. You all need to get the dick out of your asses.
I'll agree with the Khaladon statement. I don't know Hunter, nor have I delt with her much.
::Adjusts his "exit only" sign::
04-07-2004, 07:09 PM
<<She got the job cause she's marrying Whatley. It's a fact and I believe that's the only thing that has been said.>.
Is that true? I coulda sworn it was because she was probably working hard as hell as a GH...
04-07-2004, 07:17 PM
All I see in that post is the indication of a healthy dose of naivete on the part of Hunterleigh's player. She is obviously trying to be helpful, and let people know that they can still be a GM, even if they have made some mistakes along the way.
She posted honestly, not realizing that there would be those who would assume that she only attained her position because of her relationship with Whatley. I do not know her, and am certainly not about to make that assumption, as it is a decidedly unfair judgement. Better, I would think, to judge her on what she does as a GM, not on to whom she is married.
If she worked as a GameHost, she has done her time, in my opinion, and may be very highly qualified to fill the position of GM.
04-07-2004, 07:49 PM
Oddly, I thought it was Sirina who made that post, and not Hunterleigh...
04-07-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
<<She got the job cause she's marrying Whatley. It's a fact and I believe that's the only thing that has been said.>.
Is that true? I coulda sworn it was because she was probably working hard as hell as a GH...
LOL. I could have sworn that probably..
Anyway, Rarr could be engaged/married to Whatley and get a GM job. Are you really going to say No to your new fiance/bride when she asks to come to work with you at the company you own?
I'm not saying that she's a shitty GM or player, but look how many people apply to be on staff and never hear a damn thing. In getting ahead in GS it seems that getting a job is based on who you know, not what you know (As it is in many places).
04-07-2004, 08:37 PM
One does not have to APPLY to get a job as a GameHost, and most GMs come from the Hosting program. There have been instances where players have been specifically asked to Host without ever having applied, and never having attended a SimuCon. It seems to me as though Mentoring is one way to get noticed as possible GH/GM material.
04-07-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
One does not have to APPLY to get a job as a GameHost, and most GMs come from the Hosting program. There have been instances where players have been specifically asked to Host without ever having applied, and never having attended a SimuCon. It seems to me as though Mentoring is one way to get noticed as possible GH/GM material.
Yeh sure..if they ever respond to your Mentor app :( ;)
04-07-2004, 08:54 PM
I was accepted as a mentor last summer. Took a year for them to respond but they did. I ended up not taking the position because i didnt really want to commit to it yet. Maybe someday...
04-07-2004, 09:03 PM
If you have submitted an application to become a Mentor, and have not heard back from them, I would suggest submitting another application and talking to one of the Mentor Council about it. A certain Ilvane comes to mind. ;)
04-07-2004, 09:06 PM
I would apply again. I swear that the Simuserver eats things sometimes.:lol:
By the way, Hunterleigh is great, and a nice person from the times I have talked to her. Just because she is engaged to David Whatley doesn't mean that is why she is a GM. Even if that was the case, she is doing a really good job at it.
:shrug: There's not a need for personal attacks on her. There are some people who are on staff that may shouldn't be--but she isn't one of them.
Are you really going to say No to your new fiance/bride when she asks to come to work with you at the company you own?
Without thinking twice.
04-07-2004, 11:02 PM
<<And unlike Methais, I don't live for Simu gatherings (zing!)>>
I'm telling my mom.
04-07-2004, 11:11 PM
<<I think the point was not that she got the position by being Whatley's squeeze, but that she felt the need to say "it can still happen, just look at me." Which in a way validates the point of how she attained the position. >>
Aah, someone was able to comprehend it. That being said...well someone said it already...
<<I'm not saying that she's a shitty GM or player, but look how many people apply to be on staff and never hear a damn thing. In getting ahead in GS it seems that getting a job is based on who you know, not what you know (As it is in many places).>>
I don't think she's a bad person or a bad GM, never said anything like it, for those stuffing words in mouths. I don't know her from shit as a GM or a player/person, and she's probably good as both.
And on that note, read the subject line once more.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Methais]
04-08-2004, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
What's she look like.. and I've never actually seen Whatley, anyone have a link to simucon where he proposed?
Ain't no model, but she's girl next door material. Hang on -
04-08-2004, 11:29 AM
I mainly just want to see what Whatley looks like.. I remember a few years back reading something where he was bragging about his NSX or something, driving with his shades on or something stupid like that and I just got this really funny mental picture of what he may look like.
04-08-2004, 11:31 AM
Miss X
04-08-2004, 11:45 AM
Awww, she's really pretty. He's kinda.... interesting shall we say? Either way, cute couple. :)
04-08-2004, 11:46 AM
She's cute. But she probably can't breathe in that outfit. He's very creepy looking.
04-08-2004, 11:46 AM
If you put a 'fro on his head, Whatley would be the spitting image of my AP Physics teacher...
04-08-2004, 02:54 PM
One of the rules to being a GM is no one is suposed to know your a GM. I was talking to some of the GM's about this rule (don't ask..), and I was told that my roomies could not know I was a GM, since they all play. Just like if Kylie and I get married, they are either :
A. Going to ask me to NEVER be on my GM account when she is home, or
B. Ask her to apply to be at least a GH.
Slightly off topic, but I had to reply to this...
Simply not true. There have been in the past and are currently people who are on staff as a GM who are married to or live with someone who plays the game, and is not a GH or GM.
When I was a GM my girlfriend played, and we lived with each other. She played sitting next to me quite often.
Unless your SO signs an NDA, though, you cannot talk about anything relating to what you're doing with them. They are also not allowed to see things covered by the NDA.
Also, it has never been an official rule that you can't tell people you're a GM. It's just not a very good idea, because once people know you are a GM...and know who your play character can no longer play that character with any sort of privacy whatsoever. You basically need to make a new character and start over, and not let anyone know who you are. Most GM's I've known stop playing the game regularly once they become GM's. It's simply too hard to play as a "normal" player, and there is too much to do as a GM if you're actually logged in ;)
04-08-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by LordSagan
Slightly off topic, but I had to reply to this...
Simply not true. There have been in the past and are currently people who are on staff as a GM who are married to or live with someone who plays the game, and is not a GH or GM.
When I was a GM my girlfriend played, and we lived with each other. She played sitting next to me quite often.
Unless your SO signs an NDA, though, you cannot talk about anything relating to what you're doing with them. They are also not allowed to see things covered by the NDA.
Also, it has never been an official rule that you can't tell people you're a GM. It's just not a very good idea, because once people know you are a GM...and know who your play character can no longer play that character with any sort of privacy whatsoever. You basically need to make a new character and start over, and not let anyone know who you are. Most GM's I've known stop playing the game regularly once they become GM's. It's simply too hard to play as a "normal" player, and there is too much to do as a GM if you're actually logged in ;)
Yes, the GM's I spoke with about the subject said I could have her sign a NDA. But they also said that I could not talk to her about game involved things even after the NDA, nor could I allow her to even "view" my screen while doing work. I find it rather...odd, that they expect a husband to hold back anything from his wife, but hey...what ever.
As it stands I still want to be a GM. I'm not the worlds best programmer. I'm not the worlds best at anything to be sure. But I have the desire to be one..and the willingness to work for it. I just wish they would "see" that.
Oh well.
Edit to add : I'd be happy for a while if the MENTORS would just see that willingness in me. But I guess I'm just easy to look past.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by LordAdredrin]
04-08-2004, 03:03 PM
How the fuck did you get an interview to be a GM, Adredrin?
I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science, know Java and C, I've been submitting my application every two months since I turned 18, and nothing.
Of course, a month ago when Melissa says, "resubmit applications", I decide I can't, cause, hell, I'm leaving the country for 2 years in June. And who knows if GS will even be around in 2 years! Gah.
04-08-2004, 03:06 PM
Yeah she is cute, I agree. Whatley looks like Bilbo when he goes crazy for a second trying to get the ring from Frodo, hah.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Hulkein]
04-08-2004, 03:35 PM
Ya know, maybe David's great in the sack. That could be why.
Anyway you know the real deal about GM applications? They don't tell you if they don't want you. They just leave you to hang.
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Ya know, maybe David's great in the sack. That could be why.
It could be that, but I'd play a much stronger bet on the whole "Hey, I'm rich." thing.
04-08-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Ya know, maybe David's great in the sack. That could be why.
Anyway you know the real deal about GM applications? They don't tell you if they don't want you. They just leave you to hang.
You know..of ALL the things in the world that piss me off most, its this.
I abosultely HATE jobs / people that do this crap. If you don't want to hire me, PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE take 2 min out of your busy day to tell me that! Guess what?! If you do, I'll stop fucking bugging you! Amazing, ain't it?!
I swear, if I'm EVER in any position to hire/fire people, I'm going to TELL people if they not even in the they can at least focus their time on other job options, rather then hanging on that one.
ARG, that shit pisses me off.
[Edited on 4-8-2004 by LordAdredrin]
04-08-2004, 04:30 PM
Programming knowledge isn't all that important to being a GM, really. Their scripting language is pretty basic, and anything you want to do in the world already has scripts that do similiar things which you can use as a template.
Probably the most important things they look for are your attitude, your personality and how much you know about the game. Programming knowledge is definetly a plus, don't get me wrong, but it isn't all that important.
Some of the best (and most well liked) GM's have not been able to script at all. Some of the best scripters they've ever had have had reputations as horrible GM's and were despised.
Anyone who wants to be a GM should join the Host (or Mentor program, but I know nothing about Mentors) program and be very active in it. Be good at helping players, have good patience and be friendly. Don't cause problems within the game that would give you a bad image with the GM's. If you have a bad reputation with even one GM, your chances of getting hired are pretty much shot.
When I became a GM things were quite a bit different, but I am going by my experiences as a GM and watching the hiring process.
04-08-2004, 04:32 PM
I do think that anyone interviewed by Simu should at least get a letter saying "Hey, thanks for interviewing with us but we will not be hiring you at this time.". Sending a letter to everyone who submits and application is different. Just because they don't contact you for an interview immedietly doesn't mean they aren't going to sometime down the road, so they don't want to blow off everyone who they don't immedietly interview. That's also part of the reason they don't tell everyone who isn't hired after an interview...but as I said, I disagree with that practice.
04-08-2004, 04:33 PM
and I've not had an GM interview. I've just spoke in depth about the processes and such with Khaladon (mostly). Him and I get along well..we always BS with eachother in game. He was threatning to kill everyone at my wedding and make it seem like the Dark Queen did my IG sister would have a complete fit. Heh.
04-08-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
But they also said that I could not talk to her about game involved things even after the NDA, nor could I allow her to even "view" my screen while doing work. I find it rather...odd, that they expect a husband to hold back anything from his wife, but hey...what ever.
I find this particular thing odd also.
How can a husband tell his wife "No, you can't look at my screen." or visa-versa.
This is still a hobby for most of these GMs (Some of them probably count on the money they do receive to make ends meet) and signing an NDA for a hobby, I'm sorry, but it wouldn't be worth the paper its written on to me if I had to choose between the game and my wife, my wife would win.
Just one man's opinion.
04-09-2004, 03:22 AM
Yeah, and I think part of being married is respect. Respect means nutting up and accepting your spouse has secrets. Respect means not being an asshole and pestering your spouse to tell those secrets.
Either you got integrity or you don't. Yeah, it's just a game, but any wife of mine better not pester me to spill information she knows I gave my word I'd keep quiet about, and it goes both ways. Signing a NDA means giving my word. If anyone on earth thinks their curiosity comes before my integrity, then that person doesn't give a shit about me.
04-09-2004, 04:19 AM
What I'm wondering is what the hell does Simu think is gonna happen if a GM's wife/husband knows shit about the game?
04-09-2004, 04:28 AM
Have an unfair advantage because the wife or hubby plays too?
04-09-2004, 05:37 AM
And what if the person doesn't play GS? Are they gonna create a web page that gives out all the info? Maybe do some TV commercials during the Superbowl, revealing exactly how X mechanics work, or start a GS inside info 900 hotline.
04-09-2004, 01:08 PM
Your wife could be an industry spy inserted into your life to steal top-secret information about a game that barely fucking works anyway
04-09-2004, 01:46 PM
I think I just peed my pants.
a comment I wanted to make about something that was said on the first page of this thread about getting ahead in the world by marrying the owner of this game to become a GM.
Where are you in your life that you think that by being a GM or even married to a guy like Whately pushes you *ahead* in this world? WTF? It's a game!
I honestly doubt it was a "HEY, THIS WILL MAKE ME UBER IN GS" thing.
Forget it... month old post, sorry for bumping it up.
[Edited on 5-11-2004 by OoK]
The Cat In The Hat
05-11-2004, 01:24 PM
Referals are a better thing with Hunterleigh, Shes a really nice person and every time I deal with her she shows herself to be good at her job, maybe thats why shes a GM hmm...?
If I had a company I wouldnt hire my fiance if she was a dolt.
Now, sadly I cant say the same for 1/2 the other GS staff but I'll keep those opinions to myself.
05-11-2004, 04:01 PM
She knows a hell of a lot more about customer service than some of the staff. I think her hiring was for merit. A lot of people seem to forget that getting along with folks and being trustworthy seem to be the highest qualifications for being on staff.
05-11-2004, 09:49 PM
Judging by some of the GMs (and Hosts and even mentors), I don't think it matters whether or not you're a dolt when it comes to getting hired on staff. I know a couple GMs that while they're really great people, they're complete idiots when it comes to GS. On the contrary, there are some people on staff that are great GMs despite the fact that they're complete assholes.
Someone posted on the official boards not too long ago that a GameHost told him that overtraining in spells could make his CS go DOWN. Needless to say the guy was way more confused than before his assist.
Snuffer put it best...Asking a Host about game mechanics is like asking the mailman to explain your tax returns.
It could be worse least the game isn't run by a bunch of Ophions.
<<If I had a company I wouldnt hire my fiance if she was a dolt.>>
[Edited on 5-12-2004 by Methais]
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Originally posted by TheEschaton
She's married to him now.
The point is, she started dating him, then suddenly became a GM.
To be honest..they kinda HAD to make her a GM.
One of the rules to being a GM is no one is suposed to know your a GM. I was talking to some of the GM's about this rule (don't ask..), and I was told that my roomies could not know I was a GM, since they all play. Just like if Kylie and I get married, they are either :
A. Going to ask me to NEVER be on my GM account when she is home, or
B. Ask her to apply to be at least a GH.
..If I ever become a GM that is....
[Edited on 4-7-2004 by LordAdredrin]
eh sorry but that is not true.
It is up to the Player if they wish to tell people that they are a GM or not. They suggest you keep it quiet, and most do, BUT you dont "have" to keep it unknown.
05-12-2004, 02:49 PM
I've had people lie to me about being a GM before. I had just started playing so I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but this dude would tell me stuff like, "I'm the person the GMs call when they can't make their shift, and I take over (as) for them," or one day he said, "Yeah, I got a birthday card from Simu with an offer to become a full SGM" (when he'd never been on staff before). He also claimed to me once that a GM had called him screaming at 3am over some trivial in-game thing and he was debating whether to talk to Whatley about it, and he goes, "Yeah, I'll let her keep her job."
The point of this was that some people are stupid.
05-12-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I've had people lie to me about being a GM before. I had just started playing so I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but this dude would tell me stuff like, "I'm the person the GMs call when they can't make their shift, and I take over (as) for them," or one day he said, "Yeah, I got a birthday card from Simu with an offer to become a full SGM" (when he'd never been on staff before). He also claimed to me once that a GM had called him screaming at 3am over some trivial in-game thing and he was debating whether to talk to Whatley about it, and he goes, "Yeah, I'll let her keep her job."
The point of this was that some people are stupid.
Or just incredibly Lame... :loser:
05-12-2004, 03:46 PM
Vif told me she was a GM once.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-12-2004, 03:47 PM
I think half the people that play GS and know Vif would spontaneously combust were that true.
05-12-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Methais
Vif told me she was a GM once.
Gaudy Masturbater?
05-13-2004, 10:24 AM
Gross blob of Muck.
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