View Full Version : What is the Marlu clan? or What shall it be?

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07-23-2010, 01:51 PM
This thread is in direct response to what Spiffy said in another thread:

If you associate or are a member of a clan whose sole purpose is to repeatedly kill people whom have caused you no harm then you are grief-worthy.

I'm going to say something here that will probably cause me to take some shit from the Marlu group:

There is a faction within the group that would like to completely cease and desist all ganking/killing/extortion, and focus instead only on box farming, loot sharing, script sharing, and spell sharing. I am a member of this faction. Through a combination of private messages and private discussions, various people have managed to convince me that I was at least somewhat wrong about my differentiation between the player and the character when it comes to randomly killing people for no reason. Through some rather complicated analogies and syllogisms I have come to understand what people were trying to drill into my head the first few weeks.

This non-griefing faction is also disappointed in ourselves in causing the server-at-large to be deprived of Spiffy's talents in script-writing with such scripts as SBounty. I genuinely feel bad that my actions are causing people who have had no role in either group whatsoever to be deprived of things that would make the game more enjoyable to them. I would like to work toward fixing this.

Effective immediately, I have untrained all of my disarming skill (and I don't have any in the guild), will not be stealing weapons from players, and will not be participating in Gate or Random killing groups. My primary function as of this time is to farm boxes for our rogues to unlock and to provide combat wounds for our empaths to heal. Also effective immediately, I have disabled all scripts that cause me to attack people when I am AFK. You will no longer be attacked or bearhugged by me when I am in my hunting area. I am de-focusing my character away from PvP, and concentrating on leveling and obtaining loot.

I realize and completely understand that my continued association with the group-at-large will probably keep me on the Vanguard's KOS list (or whatever you guys call it). While that is unfortunate for me, I understand if you guys need to do that. Know however that you will no longer be being attacked by me. Being a current member of the group, I may feel the need to LK or drag deaders. If I am attacked and survive, I may feel the need to protect myself. I will not, however, be making the first attack.

I'm pretty sure this post is going to make some people in Marlu pretty mad. I will understand if Mordechai feels the need to remove me from the group because of this post. I would like to remain helpful, but I can no longer logically continue to grief people, even under any veiled RP reason due to the re-construction of the argument that occurred in my brain through a syllogistic process. I now understand how and why my conduct was affecting players and not just characters, and I sincerely apologize to those people to whom my conduct negatively effected in real life.

Vanguard: Do what you must to me, but know that it'll be one-sided from here on out. I will continue to work with the anti-griefing faction to convince the Marlu group-at-large to publicly abandon griefing for the sake of the server and players.

Marlu: I am not a Mole (though I have had some un-flattering discussions with people from time to time that are not in the group), nor am I actively working against the group in any way. I just think we should re-focus our effort. I've had this conversation with all of you privately (the ones I thought would care to hear it), and so I now make my thoughts public. I would love to be a loot/box/wound supplier to Cervina/Dart, but at this time, I have allowed my mind and conscience (who would have thought I had one) to prevail, and I can no longer participate in griefing, regardless of how that makes me seen by you.

To everyone else: This is not a "boo hoo / cryfail" post. I'm not complaining about anything. I'm here to apologize for it taking so long to understand my own conduct, and merely inform everyone that I'm moving on. My character has 2 recent deaths and zero sting, so don't pat yourselves on the back and assume that anything you did in-game had much to do with the overall decision to stop being an asshole (I'd like to think of it as resuming not being an asshole). I assure you that at least 80% of the decision came from conversations and private messages. Thanks to those that contributed effort to making me see the errors of my ways. I'm sure you thought it was fruitless at times.



07-23-2010, 02:00 PM
I second every word of this. Though I never actively participated in killing and never wanted to, I accept whatever part of all this is considered my doing / shame.

My sincerest apologies to anyone that considers myself to have either directly or indirectly harmed them.

~ Cervina / Dart

Thug Life
07-23-2010, 02:02 PM
Man, thats the gayest shit I've ever heard. What a pussy.

Liberi Fatali
07-23-2010, 02:02 PM
Admirable post, indeed. I am uncertain as to how the general community of the PC will respond to this, admittedly.

For me, however, Madmountan was the main reason my character is going to kill every Marlu member he comes across. I was minding my own business in dark orcs when I was cold-cocked up'side the head by you. No warning, no interaction, just attacked. I vowed that I would level up my character and come back and cause some awe-inspiring severe pain and dismemberment with the works. Now, I am on the verge of coming to hunt everyone down, and you turn from heel to face? No way! I've read your comments on here defending the actions of Marlu literally to the death of an argument, and now YE REPENT AND YE SHALL BE SAVED? Nae, sire! Well, I'm sure a few will appreciate what you have done, but I still have a score to settle with you.

Edited to add: This reminds me of a prison tale. A guy/girls gets sentenced to life in prison for murdering and raping 6 kids for no reason, then mysteriously converts to a religion and is cleared of all previous doings in everyone's eyes EXCEPT the family of those murdered.

Thug Life
07-23-2010, 02:03 PM
Yeah nigga, you think u can just murder peepz then go all good guy? Fuck you nigga. I'd have more respect for you if you were rotten to the core. AINT NO SUCH THING AS HALF WAY CROOKS.

07-23-2010, 02:04 PM
Yeah nigga, you think u can just murder peepz then go all good guy? Fuck you nigga. I'd have more respect for you if you were rotten to the core. AINT NO SUCH THING AS HALF WAY CROOKS.

07-23-2010, 02:06 PM
Shit sure is getting real around here.

Kudos to you guys within the faction doing your part to try to put an end to the bullshit that is causing quite a few people to leave Shattered.

That being said, I, for one, will be taking all of this with a grain of salt, and I'll let your actions judge you from here.

07-23-2010, 02:07 PM
Thank you, Khariz, for showing us that we were right about the man we all knew was in there. I was pretty sure at the beginning that our conversation about this was fruitless - I'm glad to see that you eventually came to realize on your own what I wasn't able to get across then. I can't speak for the rest of Vanguard, but stopping the griefing was my only objective here - now that you've done that, I have no problem with you whatsoever. I also have a lot of respect for someone who can come out and say what you did, despite the fact that it might have consequences from others.

I might end up attacking you if you come by to help Marlus that I'm still after, but it will be because of the situation, not because I'm targetting you. If I'm still vertical when the fun ends, I'll LK/heal/get you to town afterward.

Whatever it is that brought you to this conclusion - please share it with the rest of the Marlus. I'd love to see this war transform into a fun conflict between two groups who are fighting just for giggles, rather than continue as the srs bzns that it has been for some.

07-23-2010, 02:08 PM
Man, thats the gayest shit I've ever heard. What a pussy.

Oh man, is today pay day?!? Can you play yet? THUG FUCKING LIFE YO! Rolling on fat stacks (on pay day), and representing the streets! 4 REEL!

Thug Life
07-23-2010, 02:09 PM
Oh man, is today pay day?!? Can you play yet? THUG FUCKING LIFE YO! Rolling on fat stacks (on pay day), and representing the streets! 4 REEL!


07-23-2010, 02:12 PM
This is an awesome post, Khariz. As official policy, the Vanguard will leave you alone unless something changes. Like with LF, there probably are some personal scores to settle. Hopefully, we can all work together to improve the community on the Shattered server.

07-23-2010, 02:13 PM
This hug it out shit is boring.

Thug Life
07-23-2010, 02:15 PM
This hug it out shit is boring.

I know right? What a bunch of carebear pussy shit.

07-23-2010, 02:16 PM
This is an awesome post, Khariz. As official policy, the Vanguard will leave you alone unless something changes. Like with LF, there probably are some personal scores to settle. Hopefully, we can all work together to improve the community on the Shattered server.

I appreciate it. I understand personal scores. I'd gladly let people settle them, but I'm sure that would defeat the purpose. Everyone must do what they have to do.

On another note to those who talk about this a lot: You should see me slamming less often too, as I won't be running half the scripts that auto-slam. So if you do kill me, you'll likely get to see me rot (only Bigshot and Starscream will continue to slam).

07-23-2010, 02:17 PM
This thread is in direct response to what Spiffy said in another thread:

I'm going to say something here that will probably cause me to take some shit from the Marlu group:

There is a faction within the group that would like to completely cease and desist all ganking/killing/extortion, and focus instead only on box farming, loot sharing, script sharing, and spell sharing. I am a member of this faction. Through a combination of private messages and private discussions, various people have managed to convince me that I was at least somewhat wrong about my differentiation between the player and the character when it comes to randomly killing people for no reason. Through some rather complicated analogies and syllogisms I have come to understand what people were trying to drill into my head the first few weeks.

This non-griefing faction is also disappointed in ourselves in causing the server-at-large to be deprived of Spiffy's talents in script-writing with such scripts as SBounty. I genuinely feel bad that my actions are causing people who have had no role in either group whatsoever to be deprived of things that would make the game more enjoyable to them. I would like to work toward fixing this.

Effective immediately, I have untrained all of my disarming skill (and I don't have any in the guild), will not be stealing weapons from players, and will not be participating in Gate or Random killing groups. My primary function as of this time is to farm boxes for our rogues to unlock and to provide combat wounds for our empaths to heal. Also effective immediately, I have disabled all scripts that cause me to attack people when I am AFK. You will no longer be attacked or bearhugged by me when I am in my hunting area. I am de-focusing my character away from PvP, and concentrating on leveling and obtaining loot.

I realize and completely understand that my continued association with the group-at-large will probably keep me on the Vanguard's KOS list (or whatever you guys call it). While that is unfortunate for me, I understand if you guys need to do that. Know however that you will no longer be being attacked by me. Being a current member of the group, I may feel the need to LK or drag deaders. If I am attacked and survive, I may feel the need to protect myself. I will not, however, be making the first attack.

I'm pretty sure this post is going to make some people in Marlu pretty mad. I will understand if Mordechai feels the need to remove me from the group because of this post. I would like to remain helpful, but I can no longer logically continue to grief people, even under any veiled RP reason due to the re-construction of the argument that occurred in my brain through a syllogistic process. I now understand how and why my conduct was affecting players and not just characters, and I sincerely apologize to those people to whom my conduct negatively effected in real life.

Vanguard: Do what you must to me, but know that it'll be one-sided from here on out. I will continue to work with the anti-griefing faction to convince the Marlu group-at-large to publicly abandon griefing for the sake of the server and players.

Marlu: I am not a Mole (though I have had some un-flattering discussions with people from time to time that are not in the group), nor am I actively working against the group in any way. I just think we should re-focus our effort. I've had this conversation with all of you privately (the ones I thought would care to hear it), and so I now make my thoughts public. I would love to be a loot/box/wound supplier to Cervina/Dart, but at this time, I have allowed my mind and conscience (who would have thought I had one) to prevail, and I can no longer participate in griefing, regardless of how that makes me seen by you.

To everyone else: This is not a "boo hoo / cryfail" post. I'm not complaining about anything. I'm here to apologize for it taking so long to understand my own conduct, and merely inform everyone that I'm moving on. My character has 2 recent deaths and zero sting, so don't pat yourselves on the back and assume that anything you did in-game had much to do with the overall decision to stop being an asshole (I'd like to think of it as resuming not being an asshole). I assure you that at least 80% of the decision came from conversations and private messages. Thanks to those that contributed effort to making me see the errors of my ways. I'm sure you thought it was fruitless at times.



Very well said and precisely the point I was trying to get across. Effective immediately, you shall no longer be targeted by me. I can not speak for the rest of the Vanguard but you have my full support and cooperation of any of my scripts. I can not, however, give you sbounty because I do not believe the majority of Marlu feel the same as you. If, however, they should prove otherwise I will gladly release sbounty to the server.

07-23-2010, 02:17 PM

I actually only comprehend things when they're written in all caps, so that explains it. So it wasn't pay day you were waiting on? Mom not pay the CC yet? Thug life yo, I fucking hold my keyboard sideways when I MUD, cuz thats GANGSTA.

07-23-2010, 02:19 PM
Vanguard: Do what you must to me, but know that it'll be one-sided from here on out. I will continue to work with the anti-griefing faction to convince the Marlu group-at-large to publicly abandon griefing for the sake of the server and players.

While I in no way speak for the Vanguard, and am far from the top tier of the group, I'd think that stopping the "griefing" would be enough to tone down the hostilities a good amount.

I'm glad to see this.


07-23-2010, 02:22 PM
Not sure if this will work out for ya or not, Madmountan. Despite some ridicule you may receive, it may help that this was posted as it's own public thread.

If the VG folks hold to the same word they have with me, then this thread will be irrelevant.

I've had similar discussions, even being offered a deal by them that if I leave innocents alone then I will be left alone. My response, similar to what you mentioned, was that I would simply be reverting back to my normal behavior; which is non-griefing. For the time being I culled all activities that weren't related to my leveling. The result is that I was still being griefed, but now it was being followed by whispers saying stuff like, "Fuck you, faggot, I honor no deal!"

I suppose if you truly do fade into the background as you say, and are diligent about it, then they may start leaving you be. For me, I didn't take kindly to them continuing to kill and insult me, so I started killing again.

One more thing. I believe we are all friends in Marlu. I think it would have been more appropriate to bring this up on an open stage within the group, so everyone can comment and nobody feels betrayed or left out.

07-23-2010, 02:23 PM
Very well said and precisely the point I was trying to get across. Effective immediately, you shall no longer be targeted by me. I can not speak for the rest of the Vanguard but you have my full support and cooperation of any of my scripts. I can not, however, give you sbounty because I do not believe the majority of Marlu feel the same as you. If, however, they should prove otherwise I will gladly release sbounty to the server.

I will aid in working toward a time where we no longer cockblock the server from your work. My apologies to those not involved. Thank you, Spiffy.

07-23-2010, 02:24 PM
If the VG folks hold to the same word they have with me, then this thread will be irrelevant.

Said deal was one I offered you. Have I killed you since other than the one time Maldric was attempting to save Malevolence/Milamber?

07-23-2010, 02:25 PM
One more thing. I believe we are all friends in Marlu. I think it would have been more appropriate to bring this up on an open stage within the group, so everyone can comment and nobody feels betrayed or left out.

How much more open can this post be?

07-23-2010, 02:27 PM
I am happy to hear this.

And for Calidus it sounds like maybe you should be working with Briar to let him know about the events that are bugging you to try and come to terms.

Maybe the idea of griefing is being misunderstood.

07-23-2010, 02:29 PM
Calidus, I had this conversation privately with Mord, Cthulu, and Cervina. Sometimes I forget that you don't automatically receive knowledge from Cthulu's brain. My apologies to you for not separately having discussed this with you beforehand.

The people that I didn't discuss it with it all that I didn't think would care were Oblivion, Krissta and the others. They (the others, not Oblivion) just didn't have enough say so in the matter either way to bother them with it. I just accidentally neglected you. I'm so often talking to both Cthulu and you at the same time, that I inadvertantly categorized you among the people that I had discussed this with.

Inigo Montoya
07-23-2010, 02:30 PM
It is sounding to me like a someone has been getting his ass spanked so hard that his pussy is falling out.

07-23-2010, 02:31 PM
The difference is that Khariz has admitted that people are going to have scores to settle with him. He just has a plan to deal with it. You were assuming that when you stopped griefing, the slate would be wiped clean and you could just go about your business with no consequences for the constant griefing you had done. If you had stuck it out I am pretty confident it would have gone away. And if not, hey, you could move to the EN for a while. I hear there are less griefers there.

Actually, my response to them telling me I'd be left alone was that I don't expect to be left alone entirely. I expect to still be killed occasionally, especially to settle scores. I never asked for any slates to be wiped clean.

Also, what constant griefing? I'm still waiting to hear which non-VG people I've griefed. A name? Just one?

07-23-2010, 02:31 PM

The terms of the deal we offered you as a group (regardless of any side deals) were that we'd leave you alone if in return you left innocents and the Vanguard alone. You refused. That deal is still good.


07-23-2010, 02:35 PM
I am happy to hear this.

And for Calidus it sounds like maybe you should be working with Briar to let him know about the events that are bugging you to try and come to terms.

Maybe the idea of griefing is being misunderstood.


I've been saying the same thing all along.

The Marlu guys are my friends.
I support my friends.
I enjoy conflict.
I do not enjoy griefing, or ruining anyone's play time unless they have done so to me first. Outside of one or two of those crazy gate camp nights, most people I've killed randomly (not many at all) have been benefited by my extraordinarily annoying conscience, which feels bad every fucking time and thus I end up helping them.

I'd love to know where I got this all this infamy from :P

07-23-2010, 02:37 PM
Calidus, I had this conversation privately with Mord, Cthulu, and Cervina. Sometimes I forget that you don't automatically receive knowledge from Cthulu's brain. My apologies to you for not separately having discussed this with you beforehand.

The people that I didn't discuss it with it all that I didn't think would care were Oblivion, Krissta and the others. They (the others, not Oblivion) just didn't have enough say so in the matter either way to bother them with it. I just accidentally neglected you. I'm so often talking to both Cthulu and you at the same time, that I inadvertantly categorized you among the people that I had discussed this with.

I understand.

As for Krissta, her part in Marlu is purely social anyway, and she has never attacked a single person in her Gemstone life. :P

07-23-2010, 02:37 PM
PS. Can I have my lance back? :-D

In the locker:
claidhmore, ivory-hilted vultite epee, serrated imflass kris, black vultite lance, vultite lance, some black vultite chain mail, wide-grained deringo runestaff, slender mossbark runestaff.

Those are the weapons I stole that I haven't given back. If you lay claim to one, I'll give it back. Please don't claim weapons that aren't yours. I'll try to find the file where I kept the names of the individuals.

07-23-2010, 02:38 PM

I've been saying the same thing all along.

The Marlu guys are my friends.
I support my friends.
I enjoy conflict.
I do not enjoy griefing, or ruining anyone's play time unless they have done so to me first. Outside of one or two of those crazy gate camp nights, most people I've killed randomly (not many at all) have been benefited by my extraordinarily annoying conscience, which feels bad every fucking time and thus I end up helping them.

I'd love to know where I got this all this infamy from :P

Oh, just maybe from rezz-killing people with Maldric five times in a row, or cutthroating them with feras, or ambushing them with your whiskey bottle and hockey stick, or dragging AFKers outside town and killing them over and over, or hunting down newbies in Solhaven while they're trying to hunt ...

Regardless, the deal I mentioned above is valid.

07-23-2010, 02:38 PM
Very well said and precisely the point I was trying to get across. Effective immediately, you shall no longer be targeted by me. I can not speak for the rest of the Vanguard but you have my full support and cooperation of any of my scripts. I can not, however, give you sbounty because I do not believe the majority of Marlu feel the same as you. If, however, they should prove otherwise I will gladly release sbounty to the server.

You should release sbounty to me by the way! come on, help a gnome out!

07-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Madmountan is officially off my KOS list. I have a VLA container if you need something to hold your gigantic kahunas. You rock and I respect this post a lot. That is all. <3 Jaeden

07-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Well, if your goal is to gain game power, obtain level 100 and gather the most money the fastest, Marlu isn't the way to go. A peaceful co-operative group full of plenty of spells, healing, and pickers is.

If any group in any super-node just did for everybody else, they'd all benefit greatly. As a part and main script supplier of one such group, I can say it's extremely beneficial.

Just look at Marlu. Who's their highest guy? An empath who hides behind a table mechanic all day... and their next highest people are ones that don't do the griefing. The griefers are all stuck at sub 40s.

So it only makes sense.


Thug life yo, I fucking hold my keyboard sideways when I MUD, cuz thats GANGSTA.One could look for several hours on these boards and find precious few things that are funnier than this comment. Kudos.

07-23-2010, 02:41 PM
Good on you, Mad.

07-23-2010, 02:42 PM
Maybe the idea of griefing is being misunderstood.

this but not for the reasons you think.

The Vanguard attacks with lnet assaults, public script alteration attacks, denial-of-service attacks, private forum break ins, private script repository break ins, etc. They do it to all of the marlu members and their friends, even when a majority of the people they attack are rarely, if ever, even engaging in in-game pvp.

there are three or four aggressive marlu members, but at the very most they have steadfastly avoided such tactics and kept it all to in-game pvp.

Personally were I a member of the vangaurd seeing Necen sitting next to Madam, who is a complete fucking psychopath out-of-game, I would be questioning the alliances and the tactics.

exploiting Lich, bugs, and human trust out-of-game is a shitty way to be no matter what side you sit on. the marlu's in-game pvp pales in comparison on the Shitbag Human scale.

07-23-2010, 02:42 PM
Oh, just maybe from rezz-killing people with Maldric five times in a row, or cutthroating them with feras, or ambushing them with your whiskey bottle and hockey stick, or dragging AFKers outside town and killing them over and over, or hunting down newbies in Solhaven while they're trying to hunt ...

Regardless, the deal I mentioned above is valid.

I feel like a broken record. Please actually absorb this bit of info for once:

All of those events came after you and your pals griefed the fuck out of me. I would go into more specifics, but I've already done so.

I have all the logs if you'd like to see a timeline of when I started doing that nasty shit in comparison to when it was already being done to me.

Oh, and what newbies am I hunting down?

07-23-2010, 02:42 PM
Madmountan is officially off my KOS list. I have a VLA container if you need something to hold your gigantic kahunas. You rock and I respect this post a lot. That is all. <3 Jaeden

I appreciate that. Two entire hunting areas were off limits because of you. I responded by leaving those areas, but it'll be nice to go back. You won't be attacked by me either.

07-23-2010, 02:50 PM
The Vanguard attacks with lnet assaults,So has Marlu... and, again, I sincerely hope these have stopped.
public script alteration attacks, private forum break ins, private script repository break ins,If you're stupid enough to leave your shit unprotected, you can't bitch that it's broken into. Also, If I invite a vampire into my home, he didn't 'BREAK IN'
denial-of-service attacks,LOL Proof? DOS attacks are against the law.
etc. They do it to all of the marlu members and their friends, even when a majority of the people they attack are rarely, if ever, even engaging in in-game pvp.kettle&pot
there are three or four aggressive marlu members, but at the very most they have steadfastly avoided such tactics and kept it all to in-game pvp.

Personally were I a member of the vangaurd seeing Necen sitting next to Madam, who is a complete fucking psychopath out-of-game, I would be questioning the alliances and the tactics.

exploiting Lich, bugs, and human trust out-of-game is a shitty way to be no matter what side you sit on. the marlu's in-game pvp pales in comparison on the Shitbag Human scale.

the rest:

07-23-2010, 02:50 PM
this but not for the reasons you think.

The Vanguard attacks with lnet assaults, public script alteration attacks, denial-of-service attacks, private forum break ins, private script repository break ins, etc. They do it to all of the marlu members and their friends, even when a majority of the people they attack are rarely, if ever, even engaging in in-game pvp.

there are three or four aggressive marlu members, but at the very most they have steadfastly avoided such tactics and kept it all to in-game pvp.

Personally were I a member of the vangaurd seeing Necen sitting next to Madam, who is a complete fucking psychopath out-of-game, I would be questioning the alliances and the tactics.

exploiting Lich, bugs, and human trust out-of-game is a shitty way to be no matter what side you sit on. the marlu's in-game pvp pales in comparison on the Shitbag Human scale.

I once flew to the moon, met an alien mermaid, and she had my babies.

Claims without proof are, well, just claims without proof.

07-23-2010, 02:55 PM
So has Marlu... and, again, I sincerely hope these have stopped.
when have the Marlu ever used lnet to attack someone?

Claims without proof are, well, just claims without proof.

talk to Mofuggah, Beelzebub, Sheikh and Ifor because they're making you sound like a fucking liar and hypocrite.

Shakira can no longer log in to lnet or use updater because of The Vaguard and/or their friends associates. show me any log or event where he deserves that kind of response. he never even engaged in pvp and was only a member because spellups.

07-23-2010, 02:56 PM
thats prob from Sheikh man and as far as I know he's not associated with Vanguard.

07-23-2010, 02:57 PM
talk to Mofuggah, Beelzebub, Sheikh and Ifor because they're making you sound like a fucking liar and hypocrite.

I represent Mofuggah and Beelzebub. You are full of poo. I did a couple of lnet chat attacks quite some time ago, and have not done any in 2 or 3 weeks now. I apologized personally to Tillmen. Where are you getting your info?

Shakira can no longer log in to lnet or use updater because of The Vaguard and/or their friends associates. show me any log or event where he deserves that kind of response. he never even engaged in pvp and was only a member because spellups.

Sounds like Shakira just has a PC problem. You present no evidence to show that it's Vanguard at fault. You're jumping to conclusions.

07-23-2010, 02:58 PM
Shakira can no longer log in to lnet or use updater because of The Vaguard and associates. show me any log or event where he deserves that kind of response. he never even engaged in pvp and was only a member because his house mate was and they wanted spellups together.

First off, I have no idea where you dreamt up the stuff in your first post. Second, if Shakira's having trouble with things, I imagine it's because you parked her in a supernode sanct with song of noise running for hours at a time.

07-23-2010, 02:58 PM
when have the Marlu ever used lnet to attack someone?

It was widely reported and then admitted & confirmed who were doing it. I believe it was 1 person (before Vanguard began) and 1 marlu. They were very publicly admonished.

Search on the forums to figure out who, I couldn't care less who is doing it. If I were Tillmen your asses whole damn subnet would be banned.

07-23-2010, 02:59 PM
I represent Mofuggah and Beelzebub. You are full of poo. I did a couple of lnet chat attacks quite some time ago, and have not done any in 2 or 3 weeks now. I apologized personally to Tillmen. Where are you getting your info?

my info isn't always up to date, I just talk to them. if that stopped then fine but it never should have started in the first place.

07-23-2010, 03:00 PM
Shakira can no longer log in to lnet or use updater because of The Vaguard and/or their friends associates. show me any log or event where he deserves that kind of response. he never even engaged in pvp and was only a member because spellups.

Well, at least we know you are Oblivion. In any case, Tillmen added spam protection to LNet a long fucking time ago. You're obviously an idiot or a fail troll.

07-23-2010, 03:00 PM
It was widely reported and then admitted & confirmed who were doing it. I believe it was 1 person (before Vanguard began) and 1 marlu. They were very publicly admonished.

Search on the forums to figure out who, I couldn't care less. If I were Tillmen your asses whole damn subnet would be banned.

i would really like to hear about this and I'm not going to dig through hundreds of pages of forums. Just tell us please, at least a one line synopsis.

why would you ban a bunch of players for something one shitty player did? if they abused lich they should be banned. nobody would argue that.

07-23-2010, 03:01 PM
my info isn't always up to date, I just talk to them. if that stopped then fine but it never should have started in the first place.

Neither should your clans griefing yet here we are.

07-23-2010, 03:01 PM
i would really like to hear about this and I'm not going to dig through hundreds of pages of forums. Just tell us please, at least a one line synopsis.

one line synopsis... ok
It was widely reported and then admitted & confirmed who were doing it. I believe it was 1 person (before Vanguard began) and 1 marlu. They were very publicly admonished.

07-23-2010, 03:01 PM
just look at townkiller's avatar. its a picture of my beloved wife being vomited on. taking this person seriously is probably a bad idea. lmao..

07-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Neither should your clans griefing yet here we are.

what griefing has shakira done to deserve what you guys are doing to him? he said he once cast a spell at you because you killed in twice in a row but you ran off.

he used song of noise once to force a decay of Jefferydahmer because he attacked him multiple times unprovoked.

07-23-2010, 03:03 PM
just look at townkiller's avatar. its a picture of my beloved wife being vomited on. taking this person seriously is probably a bad idea. lmao..

i dont post pictures of my wife on the internet, then talk about how 9/11 was an inside job, because I don't want her to be a target. it really had nothing to do with your wife, it was just funny. were it not your wife you would think it was funny too.

07-23-2010, 03:03 PM
what griefing has shakira done to deserve what you guys are doing to him? he said he once cast a spell at you because you killed in twice in a row but you ran off.

Are you still maintaining you haven't played since the first week of Shattered?

07-23-2010, 03:05 PM
what griefing has shakira done to deserve what you guys are doing to him? he said he once cast a spell at you because you killed in twice in a row but you ran off.

he used song of noise once to force a decay of Jefferydahmer because he attacked him multiple times unprovoked.

Song... of... Noise. Once? LULZZZZ!

07-23-2010, 03:06 PM
Please see all the relevant posts about being judged by the company you keep. If you are a Marlu, then you are held responsible for what the Marlu does. If you don't like that, then leave.

this did not answer my post.

explain how any of their in-game pvp deserves the lnet attacks and everything else I posted above. until you address this you are just vomiting up some one-liner koolaid.

07-23-2010, 03:06 PM
Song... of... Noise. Once? LULZZZZ!

once, a hundred times, explain how it deserves the response.

07-23-2010, 03:06 PM
explain how any of their in-game pvp deserves the lnet attacks and everything else I posted above. until you address this you are just vomiting up some one-liner koolaid.

Everything else you posted above is BS. You offer no proof.

07-23-2010, 03:08 PM
what griefing has shakira done to deserve what you guys are doing to him? he said he once cast a spell at you because you killed in twice in a row but you ran off.

he used song of noise once to force a decay of Jefferydahmer because he attacked him multiple times unprovoked.

First off, I have no idea where you dreamt up the stuff in your first post. Second, if Shakira's having trouble with things, I imagine it's because you parked her in a supernode sanct with song of noise running for hours at a time.

You used Shakira to try to deny healing, raises, and spells to the Vanguard, hardly any of whom were even in the Sol node, and ended up pissing off a number of people. You were asked to stop several times and produced such comments:

[Shattered]-You: "Keep up the Song of Noise in the Solhaven Supernode, Marlus. You're winning lots of friends, and you're doing very little to the Vanguard."
[Shattered]-GSF:Shakira: "Other than shutting down four people's afk hunting you mean?"
[Shattered]-GSF:Sheikh: "None of those people are in vanguard, Shakira"
[Shattered]-You: "Well, I am, but I hate to break it to you - 1017 has no effect on empath spells."
[Shattered]-GSF:Shakira: "They all spell up and heal the Vanguard. They are in the Vanguard."
[Shattered]-You: "I'm sure you'll be pleased to know, then, that 90% of the server is Vanguard."
[Shattered]-You: "I'm continually impressed by your blindness."
[Shattered]-GSF:Shakira: "Then we'll just have to kill 90% of the server."
[Shattered]-You: "Yeah ... good luck with that. Your ego is now apparently the size of Los Angeles."

07-23-2010, 03:08 PM
one line synopsis... ok
It was widely reported and then admitted & confirmed who were doing it. I believe it was 1 person (before Vanguard began) and 1 marlu. They were very publicly admonished.

who, what? one line with a name and what. it doesn't even need to use punctuation.

07-23-2010, 03:11 PM
you fail townkiller. please do not escalate your cryfail to any higher degree

07-23-2010, 03:12 PM

07-23-2010, 03:17 PM

The definition of a troll is someone who gets other people worked up, not someone who tries to hide behind an inappropriate label after complaining and being given logical answers.

07-23-2010, 03:19 PM
For what it's worth, I apologized to Shakira for threatening her. It was a lame thing to do and should have been handled differently.

Also Thug Life has become one of our funnier trolls, imo.

07-23-2010, 03:20 PM
For what it's worth, I apologized to Shakira for threatening her. It was a lame thing to do and should have been handled differently.

Also Thug Life has become one of our funnier trolls, imo.

okay, like I said my info isnt always up to date. i talk to them on aim and go by what i read on these forums.

07-23-2010, 03:21 PM
who, what? one line with a name and what. it doesn't even need to use punctuation.

So since you're too lazy to look it up, you want me to go out of my way to look it up for you? Ya, that's happening. LMGTFY.com (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=being+an+asshole)

07-23-2010, 03:23 PM

Thug life yo, I fucking hold my keyboard sideways when I MUD, cuz thats GANGSTA.
One could look for several hours on these boards and find precious few things that are funnier than this comment. Kudos.


07-23-2010, 03:23 PM
The definition of a troll is someone who gets other people worked up, not someone who tries to hide behind an inappropriate label after complaining and being given logical answers.

that you're getting all upset at me thinking I'm Shakira means im one hell of a good troll. also you never gave a logical answer but I wasnt really looking for one or expecting one.

07-23-2010, 03:25 PM
<best GS pic ever>

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Celephais again.

07-23-2010, 03:26 PM
So since you're too lazy to look it up, you want me to go out of my way to look it up for you? Ya, that's happening. LMGTFY.com (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=being+an+asshole)

Im not lazy. the search function here just sucks ass and I have no idea what im looking for since you refuse to provide a name, date or any kind of qualified verb. i will assume for now that it didnt actually occur.

07-23-2010, 03:27 PM
I'm Oblivion and Shakira, and I like big hairy men

You trouble me son.

07-23-2010, 03:28 PM

My what a big ...... MONITOR you have!


Also jealous of the little WOW icons on the left.

07-23-2010, 03:29 PM
First off, I have no idea where you dreamt up the stuff in your first post. Second, if Shakira's having trouble with things, I imagine it's because you parked her in a supernode sanct with song of noise running for hours at a time.

I'm pretty sure Buddy was doing that well before Shakira was.

07-23-2010, 03:30 PM
<Awesome pic>

What is that thing on the left? It looks intriguing and I must study it!

07-23-2010, 03:36 PM
I'm Oblivion and Shakira, and I like big hairy men
You trouble me son.
only one out of the three is correct. can you solve the mystery??


07-23-2010, 03:42 PM
What is that thing on the left? It looks intriguing and I must study it!

It's Cel's and Cel don't share. Should have him show you the awesome mapper he made too...

Certainly wouldn't be too hard to make in GTK or I could even see it being done in an SF window through Lich.

07-23-2010, 03:46 PM
It's Cel's and Cel don't share. Should have him show you the awesome mapper he made too...

Certainly wouldn't be too hard to make in GTK or I could even see it being done in an SF window through Lich.

It's on youtube!


This one is cool too!


07-23-2010, 03:59 PM
Khariz please ignore retards like Thug Life and Nachos TLC who have little capacity to understand what has gone on in the past month.

07-23-2010, 04:01 PM
It's Cel's and Cel don't share. Should have him show you the awesome mapper he made too...

Certainly wouldn't be too hard to make in GTK or I could even see it being done in an SF window through Lich.

It's on youtube!


This one is cool too!


I don't play GS (Currently) and last I checked my code was in a bit of a buggy state. I never made an installer for it, and littered it with bad programming practices of personalized code. I'm pretty close to jumping back in, works starting to calm down, when I wrote that Lich didn't exist, so if I come back I'd probably try to integrate it with Lich instead of having it be its own thing. The windows probably wouldn't play nice though, there is a lot of windows specific code to make them act like real stormfront windows instead of just pinned over the screen (I guess people have been living with pinned windows with Psinet, just a personal pet peeve of mine).

Anyway somebody asked for me to make a more detailed version of that wyneb hunt video, so I just made a version with a lot of panning and zooming.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xl8_FnPeKc Watch in HD!
Ugh, I should have previewed it before I rendered, I move it around way too fast...

07-23-2010, 04:40 PM
I love the little bubble map box. -- I love narost too but it doesn't "fit" inside of SF and instead sits above it (more open windows in your taskbar I don't like, especially if you're running 7-10 characters).

07-23-2010, 05:00 PM

The terms of the deal we offered you as a group (regardless of any side deals) were that we'd leave you alone if in return you left innocents and the Vanguard alone. You refused. That deal is still good.


So are Tillman, Pandin, and Beezlebub part of Vanguard? Because if they are, they've been breaking your rules. I have never ever touched another player other than to heal them.

07-23-2010, 05:03 PM
Hmmm a bit late to the party! Several points to address. This is going to be long.

1. Madmountan, we talked about this privately and I already approved the decision so no, you wont be kicked/etc. Plenty of our members have never attacked anyone and are valuable members of the group.

2. WTF is this 'confirmed lnet attack' from one of our members? Link me to the post where this is confirmed or I call BS. I've been spammed in lnet by literally 10 seperate of their characters and had all sorts of personal attacks against me. I dont MIND. I LOL and drink their sweet sweet tears of infinite sorrow. But lets get real folks.

3. You guys ALL have different ideas of what Griefing is. Plenty of Vanguard members have told me they just signed up to have a good fight :P Others have told me Im Unchristian and am Evil Incarnate for killing their character <rolls eyes>. Unfortunately, most of you believe that anything my character does to your character that you personally do not like is Griefing. Which is a silly, silly definition and incorrect.

Ok! Now! Onto a general point I'd like to make!

I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

I've honored every deal I've ever made, except a single incident where I thought someone did/said something and it turns out they didnt, but I apologized for that.

Lets be clear what this Vanguard is reaaaaally about. Necen got butt hurt cause he kept getting killed (Because he is an asshole) and so decided to get some friends to help him. Good on him, thats the correct response. But their stated purpose is not their purpose. Their goal is not to create community peace, its to kill/grief using lnet and any means available to force and dictate players actions.

This is, as far as I've been able to garner, what most the PC wants...to force the shattered server into the same pecking order as the prime server. Thats fine if thats what they wanna do, but we've already prevented them from doing that despite all their claims of victory. My internet connection kills me more than they do :P They kill Calidus a lot though.

But! If people arent having fun, then they arent having fun. I want epic battles. Like the one night we voided you all :P Or the next night when we killed MOST of you.

So I am still of two minds on Madmountan's suggestion.

IF I, personally, stopped killing people...this fun stuff would not happen. The server would zombie out and people would get bored and quit and it'd turn into Fallen where theres about 40-50 online at any given time. No one wants that. Prime is boring because there is no real conflict. Plenty have expressed the sentiment to me, both privately and in public. If I stopped, you'd all miss me :P Plus...eh! Threatening and Demanding has never really worked with me...hence why Madam ragequit, as she kept demanding and threatening for table access but I lol'ed and said no. Im still having fun, why should I stop?

But my original purpose in creating the Cult at first turned out not to be needed. Figured there would be lots of other groups going around killing. There ended up not being any but us. Plus, having never griefed, I winced every time I saw Flamer disarm someone. But Im a live and let live kinda guy so if he wanted to do it I let him. Calidus disarmed someone a couple times I believe and again, I winced, but /shrug thats his decision.

The Cult is all about letting people do what they enjoy and providing a group of players to provide them protection to do and act how they please without them getting shouted down by the collective force of the assholes who like to tell others how they have to play.

And THIS, more than anything, is what have irked folks like Pandin and Necen. Pandin because he couldnt withhold scripts from us to influence our actions (Cervina > Pandin in scripting ability by far. Her hunt/loot script actually WORKS) and Necen because he couldnt sniff his nose and ignore/dismiss us and have us running back to RP his way and lick his boots and tell him how smart he was so we could participate in the community :P

In summary, if you, the vanguard, can provide a way where I can have what *we* want, which is some big battles and conflict, and you can have what you *profess* to want, us not killing innocents (whatever an innocent even means...does someone who creates a script spamming how I rape dogs in TSC count as not innocent or do they have to attack me?) then I'd be happy to negotiate.

But I have a funny feeling they dont care about the innocent killing and just want to kill me a lot because I've already 'messed up' shattered :P

07-23-2010, 05:03 PM
So are Tillman, Pandin, and Beezlebub part of Vanguard? Because if they are, they've been breaking your rules. I have never ever touched another player other than to heal them.

I was referring to the deal we offered to Calidus/Maldric. In general, if you associate with or are a member of the Marlu group, then you're a target.

07-23-2010, 05:05 PM
I was referring to the deal we offered to Calidus/Maldric. In general, if you associate with or are a member of the Marlu group, then you're a target.

Wtf are you talking about?

The terms of the deal we offered you as a group (regardless of any side deals) were that we'd leave you alone if in return you left innocents and the Vanguard alone. You refused. That deal is still good.


Are you fucking mental?

07-23-2010, 05:08 PM
Wtf are you talking about?

Are you fucking mental?

Refer to my above post. They kill Krissta because they want to hurt and get at me and you because we didnt play the game the way they wanted and largely ignored/killed them :P

Otherwise they wouldn't kill Krissta who doesnt even do anything but provide good entertainment!

07-23-2010, 05:15 PM
This is, as far as I've been able to garner, what most the PC wants...to force the shattered server into the same pecking order as the prime server.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

(At least Vanguard, not sure about PC as a majority)

Sad, either way.

07-23-2010, 05:17 PM
Refer to my above post. They kill Krissta because they want to hurt and get at me and you because we didnt play the game the way they wanted and largely ignored/killed them :P

Otherwise they wouldn't kill Krissta who doesnt even do anything but provide good entertainment!

For your inappropriate and belittling comments?

07-23-2010, 05:18 PM
I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

Incorrect, unless you're counting Malevolence as a separate person.

07-23-2010, 05:20 PM
Incorrect, unless you're counting Malevolence as a separate person.

Read the second part of that quote you quoted and RECEIVE ENLIGHTENMENT! heh

07-23-2010, 05:22 PM
Read the second part of that quote you quoted and RECEIVE ENLIGHTENMENT! heh

Your "rp" is as good as your woman pulling skill.

07-23-2010, 05:22 PM
Shakira can no longer log in to lnet or use updater because of The Vaguard and/or their friends associates. show me any log or event where he deserves that kind of response. he never even engaged in pvp and was only a member because spellups.


07-23-2010, 05:23 PM
Read the second part of that quote you quoted and RECEIVE ENLIGHTENMENT! heh

Still incorrect. I should know. It was me. I have for the most part avoid the conflict as it a) offers nothing to me in terms of enjoyment, and b) is generally a huge waste of my time. Thus I can confirm that you did not attempt to extort, RP, or otherwise engage me in any meaningful manner. So either your your RP reason is bullshit, or your initial premise is bullshit, or both.

07-23-2010, 05:24 PM
For your inappropriate and belittling comments?


Well, it would explain a lot.

You are mad at me and killing Krissta cause I said mean things and hurt your feelings?

I guess thats one reason...but...I didnt know you were so sensitive. I'll stop saying meanie head things if it hurts you that much.

You are a GOOD scripter Pandin! You are 1000x better than ME at scripting anyway. <comforts>

07-23-2010, 05:26 PM
Still incorrect. I should know. It was me. I have for the most part avoid the conflict as it a) offers nothing to me in terms of enjoyment, and b) is generally a huge waste of my time. Thus I can confirm that you did not attempt to extort, RP, or otherwise engage me in any meaningful manner. So either your your RP reason is bullshit, or your initial premise is bullshit, or both.

Logs or it never happened

The only person Male has killed without any attempt to extort are Vanguard and Fornicator. And Fornicator should know damn well why hes being killed :P

07-23-2010, 05:28 PM

Well, it would explain a lot.

You are mad at me and killing Krissta cause I said mean things and hurt your feelings?

I guess thats one reason...but...I didnt know you were so sensitive. I'll stop saying meanie head things if it hurts you that much.

You are a GOOD scripter Pandin! You are 1000x better than ME at scripting anyway. <comforts>

Let me be more verbose.

For your inappropriate and belittling comments to women. I'm sorry that your dashing good lucks, amazing voice, high-paying job, and mad laser skills can't pull a woman but the comments you make aren't going to help.

P.S. That's an attack on the player, not the character.

07-23-2010, 05:31 PM
Let me be more verbose.

For your inappropriate and belittling comments to women.

I've never seen him do anything like that.

Furthermore, this now be extrapolated as:

You are killing a woman (Krissta) because somebody she associates with supposedly speaks unkindly to women?


07-23-2010, 05:31 PM
Let me be more verbose.

For your inappropriate and belittling comments to women. I'm sorry that your dashing good lucks, amazing voice, high-paying job, and mad laser skills can't pull a woman but the comments you make aren't going to help.

P.S. That's an attack on the player, not the character.

Yes, my good lucks certainly will not help!

Im so confused though.

Please quote me belittling women.

07-23-2010, 05:36 PM
I've never seen him do anything like that.

Furthermore, this now be extrapolated as:

You are killing a woman (Krissta) because somebody she associates with supposedly speaks unkindly to women?


Where did I say I was killing Krissta because of what Mordechai does? I'm killng Krissta because she aligned with Marlu. There's no reason to put words in my mouth or look any further than that.

07-23-2010, 05:36 PM
Logs or it never happened

The only person Male has killed without any attempt to extort are Vanguard and Fornicator. And Fornicator should know damn well why hes being killed :P

Malevolence just arrived.

Malevolence gestures at you.
CS: +190 - TD: +139 + CvA: -6 + d100: +69 - -5 == +119
Warding failed!
Your weapon is struck with Malevolence's cast.
A cold blue light leaps from a sturdy vultite morning star in your right hand.
... 10 points of damage!
You just got the cold shoulder!
Malevolence just went up.

July 17th, 2010, approximately 3:45 AM EST.

It's funny, I get up for work rather early and happened to catch the tail end of your go at it. When weaponfire couldn't get it done, you attempted to immolate, unsuccessfully at first, but then my lore boosted 107 dropped and you managed to get one in. I was using you as a unique opportunity to debug a protection script, so I stayed relatively silent. I then checked my log to see where, if at all you had said anything. Not a damn thing. There was no interaction at all prior to you popping out with weapon fire or after you popped out of invisibility and finished the job

07-23-2010, 05:38 PM
Well you were AFK. How am I going to RP with you when you are AFK? You had the chance to run but stayed and kept doin yer thing. So I shrugged and moved on looking for someone in vanguard or someone awake to extort.

07-23-2010, 05:39 PM
I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

Mord you griefed me and thats why I'm up your ass.

5 deaths in Fire Guardians a month ago. Every night. As I slept. Your lance. Owning me. You've paid for it and so have your friends :)

edit: you never asked for money. you never even gave the Marlu rant. you just walked in and killed me and walked away.

07-23-2010, 05:41 PM
Where did I say I was killing Krissta because of what Mordechai does? I'm killng Krissta because she aligned with Marlu. There's no reason to put words in my mouth or look any further than that.

My post:
Refer to my above post. They kill Krissta because they want to hurt and get at me and you because we didnt play the game the way they wanted and largely ignored/killed them :P

Otherwise they wouldn't kill Krissta who doesnt even do anything but provide good entertainment!

Your Reply:
For your inappropriate and belittling comments?

Ok boys and girls! Who can tell me why both I and Calidus assumed that he was referring, with his QUOTED REPLY, to the Krissta Killing?

Its not putting words in your mouth. Its taking what you said as what you said.

07-23-2010, 05:41 PM
All right. Let me address this point first:

Lets be clear what this Vanguard is reaaaaally about. Necen got butt hurt cause he kept getting killed (Because he is an asshole) and so decided to get some friends to help him. Good on him, thats the correct response. But their stated purpose is not their purpose. Their goal is not to create community peace, its to kill/grief using lnet and any means available to force and dictate players actions.

I called you an idiot on the forums and told you who I was in the game, you then found Necen while he was afk hunting, hung out until he was stunned, killed him, and then decided to stage a scene where you raped "her" with a lance and directed large ogres to "have their way" with "her." I then killed you twice in revenge. Then you decided to expand your little "I kill level 2s in the Graveyard LOLZ" party to gate-camping, rezz-killing, extortion, and murder. You put together plans with Oblivion/Someone to curse-bomb all town locksmiths and any hunting grounds you weren't using to try to control the silvers market and to afk-implode hunting grounds around Elanthia. In terms of goals, though, you couldn't decide what you wanted to do and (partially as a result) couldn't keep any promises you made. In response, I formed the Vanguard, which exploded with members almost immediately.

In the last few weeks, the Vanguard has infiltrated your organization, slaughtered your members repeatedly, prevented you from gaining experience wherever possible, manipulated your own attempts at moles to make you look foolish, capitalized on opportunities to sway your members to our side, raided your table, and made you incredibly paranoid. Many of its actions are not visible on the surface of things, but the posts on the forums the couple of days and the Marlus' responses are the results. Where Vanguard actions are not the direct cause, they are significant contributing factors. When everything calms down, I'll post a story of exactly what went on behind the scenes if anyone's interested.

The Cult is all about letting people do what they enjoy and providing a group of players to provide them protection to do and act how they please without them getting shouted down by the collective force of the assholes who like to tell others how they have to play.

I am utterly flabbergasted that after weeks of stating this "point," you still don't see how hypocritical it is. You want to dictate where others can hunt, how much they have to pay not to die, who they can sell things to, and more. Your problem is that you're a failure at it, and when faced with that prospect, you whine that others are telling you how to play.

On to this comment:

And THIS, more than anything, is what have irked folks like Pandin and Necen. Pandin because he couldnt withhold scripts from us to influence our actions (Cervina > Pandin in scripting ability by far. Her hunt/loot script actually WORKS) and Necen because he couldnt sniff his nose and ignore/dismiss us and have us running back to RP his way and lick his boots and tell him how smart he was so we could participate in the community :P

Pandin, the guy who wrote sloot, srogue, sammu, slib, and more only so he could release them to the community to improve their gaming experience is supposed to be mad because he couldn't withhold his scripts? That's like saying the lunch lady is mad that she couldn't eat all the food herself. Also, the insult to his scripting abilities might mean something if it came from someone with the ability to judge a good script from a bad one.

As for me, if I'd wanted to sniff my nose and ignore you, I could have gone to Teras. I wanted you to stop being a solipsistic jackass, but finding that goal futile, I decided to do my damnedest to dismantle your organization.

As for the rest of your post, which is mostly full of posturing, denial, and instances of a selective memory, I'll say that you still don't understand why people are pissed off at you, but some of your members do, and they're showing it. Good for them. They don't deserve a leader like you, and they're realizing it.

On a final note, conflict is a good thing. It keeps the game fun and exciting. The tactics you used with the Marlus are not fun. People do not enjoy them. When you start repeatedly pissing off the players and ignoring what they want, you're griefing. A "New Marlu" group devoted to being evil and whatnot would be awesome, and I'm glad to see that some of the Marlus are going to try to create one. I hope you join them. It is not, however, the Vanguard or anyone else's job to "provide a way where [you] can have what [you] want." Our only "job" is to keep on killing you if you keep on griefing. If you want conflict, then create some without pissing off other people. It really isn't all that hard.

Urinal Poops
07-23-2010, 05:41 PM
what griefing has shakira done to deserve what you guys are doing to him? he said he once cast a spell at you because you killed in twice in a row but you ran off.

he used song of noise once to force a decay of Jefferydahmer because he attacked him multiple times unprovoked.

Well I've never personally attacked Shakira or have had any interaction with her. Oblivion blew me up with an implode and I landed in TSC, she did song of noise and attempted to drag me the entire 10 minutes i was decaying.

>Mordechai asks, "Problems?"

(shakira scroll dragging me constantly)

>Shakira says, "He's got big ones. Missing his penis too I hear."

>Shakira's song continues to disrupt the magic of the area.

Shakira renews her song.

>Shakira says, "I want to see some fucking retard anger."

(thousands of scroll drag lines, literally thousands)

I cleaned up the log and it was way too large to post here, now see I'm "technically" a vanguard supporter but I must apologize in advance to Necen if he feels he can speak for me.

If your name was ever red on my list it still is. And given ANY chance I will immediately light your ass on fire. I dont forgive and forget and I find in ironic that you guys suddenly want to take the "mature approach" after getting your head kicked in repeatedly. You've all been ringing to your hunting grounds or going invisible just to dodge the 60 people waiting for the off chance to see you.

Now lets look at the other side of the coin Marlu folks, and suddenly ex-Marlu.

Would you give leniancy to someone who asked for it from you?

As far as im concerned you want to catch up on your levels and pull the same shit again. But then again I feel my closing retort will explain how I feel without the need of this long winded post.

Fuck You.

07-23-2010, 05:42 PM
Mord you griefed me and thats why I'm up your ass.

5 deaths in Fire Guardians a month ago. Every night. As I slept. Your lance. Owning me. You've paid for it and so have your friends :)

edit: you never asked for money. you never even gave the Marlu rant. you just walked in and killed me and walked away.

We killed you once. You then killed Flamer. Or tried to I believe! And you also spike thorned me in town.

So yeah, we killed you lots. You attacked us :P

07-23-2010, 05:43 PM
I was referring to the deal we offered to Calidus/Maldric. In general, if you associate with or are a member of the Marlu group, then you're a target.

Wtf are you talking about?

Originally Posted by BriarFox
The terms of the deal we offered you as a group (regardless of any side deals) were that we'd leave you alone if in return you left innocents and the Vanguard alone. You refused. That deal is still good.


Are you fucking mental?

"As a group" refers to what the Vanguard offered you, Calidus, not to what was offered to the Marlus as a whole. My apologies if that wasn't clear, but, by the way, you're an overreactive jackass.

07-23-2010, 05:49 PM
Well you were AFK. How am I going to RP with you when you are AFK? You had the chance to run but stayed and kept doin yer thing. So I shrugged and moved on looking for someone in vanguard or someone awake to extort.

Go back and re-read, champ. I clearly stated that I was there and waiting to see if you attempted to interact in any way. I'm not complaining about the death, as you stated, I had every opportunity to move away. And frankly even if I had, you had already initiated an attack with no previous interaction in any way. Which violates your little premise here and here.

I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

The only person Male has killed without any attempt to extort are Vanguard and Fornicator. And Fornicator should know damn well why hes being killed :P

I'm just pointing out bullshit where I see it.

07-23-2010, 05:53 PM
All right. Let me address this point first:

I called you an idiot on the forums and told you who I was in the game, you then found Necen while he was afk hunting, hung out until he was stunned, killed him, and then decided to stage a scene where you raped "her" with a lance and directed large ogres to "have their way" with "her." I then killed you twice in revenge. Then you decided to expand your little "I kill level 2s in the Graveyard LOLZ" party to gate-camping, rezz-killing, extortion, and murder. You put together plans with Oblivion/Someone to curse-bomb all town locksmiths and any hunting grounds you weren't using to try to control the silvers market and to afk-implode hunting grounds around Elanthia. In terms of goals, though, you couldn't decide what you wanted to do and (partially as a result) couldn't keep any promises you made. In response, I formed the Vanguard, which exploded with members almost immediately.

In the last few weeks, the Vanguard has infiltrated your organization, slaughtered your members repeatedly, prevented you from gaining experience wherever possible, manipulated your own attempts at moles to make you look foolish, capitalized on opportunities to sway your members to our side, raided your table, and made you incredibly paranoid. Many of its actions are not visible on the surface of things, but the posts on the forums the couple of days and the Marlus' responses are the results. Where Vanguard actions are not the direct cause, they are significant contributing factors. When everything calms down, I'll post a story of exactly what went on behind the scenes if anyone's interested.

I am utterly flabbergasted that after weeks of stating this "point," you still don't see how hypocritical it is. You want to dictate where others can hunt, how much they have to pay not to die, who they can sell things to, and more. Your problem is that you're a failure at it, and when faced with that prospect, you whine that others are telling you how to play.

On to this comment:

Pandin, the guy who wrote sloot, srogue, sammu, slib, and more only so he could release them to the community to improve their gaming experience is supposed to be mad because he couldn't withhold his scripts? That's like saying the lunch lady is mad that she couldn't eat all the food herself. Also, the insult to his scripting abilities might mean something if it came from someone with the ability to judge a good script from a bad one.

As for me, if I'd wanted to sniff my nose and ignore you, I could have gone to Teras. I wanted you to stop being a solipsistic jackass, but finding that goal futile, I decided to do my damnedest to dismantle your organization.

As for the rest of your post, which is mostly full of posturing, denial, and instances of a selective memory, I'll say that you still don't understand why people are pissed off at you, but some of your members do, and they're showing it. Good for them. They don't deserve a leader like you, and they're realizing it.

On a final note, conflict is a good thing. It keeps the game fun and exciting. The tactics you used with the Marlus are not fun. People do not enjoy them. When you start repeatedly pissing off the players and ignoring what they want, you're griefing. A "New Marlu" group devoted to being evil and whatnot would be awesome, and I'm glad to see that some of the Marlus are going to try to create one. I hope you join them. It is not, however, the Vanguard or anyone else's job to "provide a way where [you] can have what [you] want." Our only "job" is to keep on killing you if you keep on griefing. If you want conflict, then create some without pissing off other people. It really isn't all that hard.

I was writing another big long post going through, point by point, and exposing your Bullcrap for being Bullcrap...

But I realized something. All you will do is go "NUH UHHHH!!!!!111 UR JUST LYING/DENYING/SPINNING".

So I will just sum up my feelings with the following appropriate phrase:


07-23-2010, 05:54 PM
The spike in town was post 5 deaths. I think the original beef was I was making fun of Flamer for being gay. But it's ok Mord I've had a rather good time toying with you and it forced me to learn bigshot so all-in-all I'd say you helped me more than hurt me.

The reason I didn't just say fuck everyone and do my own thing is my compassion for the younger players.

07-23-2010, 05:54 PM
And frankly even if I had, you had already initiated an attack with no previous interaction in any way. Which violates your little premise here and here.

Re-read my premise.

I dont extort interact BEFORE the kill. I do that AFTER. IF the person seems to be at the keyboard at the time.

07-23-2010, 05:56 PM
Unless that person is in Vanguard, which I do not believe he is, that makes you a fucking liar. Everything you say is manufactured to make you look like a poor misunderstood rp'er who just gets grief for trying to make the fun for everyone.

Oh God this argument again. When have I ever, EVER interacted with people who arent at their keyboard? I dont. Its not fun. Its a waste of time.

How can I tell if they are at the keyboard? IF they fight back or say ANYTHING AT ALL I know they are there. If they dont, I dont stick around to chat.

Your just pulling shit out of your ass.

07-23-2010, 06:05 PM
Re-read my premise.

I don't slap his ass BEFORE I cum. I do that AFTER. IF he's awake enough to feel it at the time.


07-23-2010, 06:08 PM
Unless that person is in Vanguard, which I do not believe he is, that makes you a fucking liar. Everything you say is manufactured to make you look like a poor misunderstood rp'er who just gets grief for trying to make the fun for everyone.

This. Fuck what Mord says, he's 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. Just destroy his character until he's forced to reroll into a burghal gnome female empath that hides out in Cysaegir.

07-23-2010, 06:11 PM
I was writing another big long post going through, point by point, and exposing your Bullcrap for being Bullcrap...

But I realized something. All you will do is go "NUH UHHHH!!!!!111 UR JUST LYING/DENYING/SPINNING".

So I will just sum up my feelings with the following appropriate phrase:


I see your LOL and raise you a :rofl: I can back up any point in my post with relevant facts; I challenge you to do the same.

Liberi Fatali
07-23-2010, 06:11 PM
The spike in town was post 5 deaths. I think the original beef was I was making fun of Flamer for being gay. But it's ok Mord I've had a rather good time toying with you and it forced me to learn bigshot so all-in-all I'd say you helped me more than hurt me.

The reason I didn't just say fuck everyone and do my own thing is my compassion for the younger players.

What happened to Flamer?

...Rambo as well? He was the first guy to kill me in rats, and I was waiting for the right time for retribution. I think that little wissy-tailed wig-wog ran off and quit.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2010, 06:14 PM
I didn't take kindly to them continuing to kill and insult me

You mean when people retaliate against you for killing them, you don't like it when you want to do your own thing now and they won't stop?

Have you ever heard the saying Reap what you sow?

07-23-2010, 06:17 PM
I see your LOL and raise you a :rofl: I can back up any point in my post with relevant facts; I challenge you to do the same.

Yet, suprisingly, you've yet to do so. Ever. :P

07-23-2010, 06:17 PM
Re-read my premise.

I dont extort interact BEFORE the kill. I do that AFTER. IF the person seems to be at the keyboard at the time.

I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

The only person Male has killed without any attempt to extort are Vanguard and Fornicator. And Fornicator should know damn well why hes being killed :P

I fail to see anywhere where you specify when you interact or any specification on whether they need to be (or seem to be) at the keyboard. Had you even pulled a Madam and said "Pay us for protection and this won't happen again.", after you finally managed to succeed, I wouldn't have said anything.

You stated something. I challenged it. You asked for proof. I provided. Now you're trying to re-write the original premise after being proven wrong.

This is a text-book example of why what I think you're doing adds nothing to the general enjoyment of the game and is a giant waste of time.

07-23-2010, 06:18 PM
I fail to see anywhere where you specify when you interact or any specification on whether they need to be (or seem to be) at the keyboard. Had you even pulled a Madam and said "Pay us for protection and this won't happen again.", after you finally managed to succeed, I wouldn't have said anything.

You stated something. I challenged it. You asked for proof. I provided. Now you're trying to re-write the original premise after being proven wrong.

This is a text-book example of why what I think you're doing adds nothing to the general enjoyment of the game and is a giant waste of time.

My bad. adds: "And AFK people" to the list of people I kill and dont extort.

But really, you guys will believe what you want. I will continue to do my thing. :P

07-23-2010, 06:20 PM
Yet, suprisingly, you've yet to do so. Ever. :P

... I'm just going to leave you to the tender mercies of the PC. Enjoy.

07-23-2010, 06:20 PM
... I'm just going to leave you to the tender mercies of the PC. Enjoy.

Believe me, this is HIGHLY entertaining :D

I also notice and choose to point out that, once again, you claim to be able to 'back everything up' and then, when called upon to actually do so, fail to deliver.

07-23-2010, 06:25 PM
Believe me, this is HIGHLY entertaining :D

I also notice and choose to point out that, once again, you claim to be able to 'back everything up' and then, when called upon to actually do so, fail to deliver.

Hey, Tron, you didn't actually ask for any facts. You just made an assertion that I didn't have any. Feel free to pick something.

07-23-2010, 06:34 PM
The Cult is all about letting people do what they enjoy and providing a group of players to provide them protection to do and act how they please without them getting shouted down by the collective force of the assholes who like to tell others how they have to play.


07-23-2010, 06:36 PM
Hey, Tron, you didn't actually ask for any facts. You just made an assertion that I didn't have any. Feel free to pick something.

More LOL :P

07-23-2010, 06:37 PM
i seriously wonder if anyone has anything better to do than to argue with fucking MORDECHAI

yes, you can argue with a schizophrenic and use amazing facts and consistent, objective analysis to PROVE that the Government is not hiding in his attic..

..but will he listen!

07-23-2010, 06:39 PM
i seriously wonder if anyone has anything better to do than to argue with fucking MORDECHAI

yes, you can argue with a schizophrenic and use amazing facts and consistent, objective analysis to PROVE that the Government is not hiding in his attic..

..but will he listen!

Oh the fucking irony.

07-23-2010, 06:39 PM
stfu rebbons you are more wet behind the ears than an elephant in a monsoon

07-23-2010, 06:41 PM
stop making fun of me ribbons you're hurting my feelings BAAAAAAW


07-23-2010, 06:45 PM
3. You guys ALL have different ideas of what Griefing is. Plenty of Vanguard members have told me they just signed up to have a good fight :P Others have told me Im Unchristian and am Evil Incarnate for killing their character <rolls eyes>. Unfortunately, most of you believe that anything my character does to your character that you personally do not like is Griefing. Which is a silly, silly definition and incorrect.

Ok! Now! Onto a general point I'd like to make!

I (Me personally) don't grief. I never HAVE griefed. I've never disarmed. I've never killed/rezzed/killed/rezzed/etc. I have killed people. First only once (unless they pissed me off or acted all hardcore or began coming after me). Second, we began extorting people because a) certain members didnt like the kill only once rule and b) people on the PC were bitching about us Not RPing our kills so I came up with an RP reason for it.

I've mostly been staying out of any PC debate, although I do read these boards daily. This post by Mordecai, however, I feel I have to reply to because it touches on some of the issues that I feel are important

First, let's try to get clear on what griefing means. While there's not going to be any black and white source that'll define the term, if we check Wikipedia we find it defined as follows:

"A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game that purposely irritates and harasses other players."

Under that definition killing a person against their will would be griefing. I think most of us that object to having our characters killed use that broad definition to describe what you and the Marlu clan are doing, and even Katze as well. It is an irritation to me to have to pay for flasks to remove death's sting, lose exp from dying, lose time from the things I enjoy doing, etc. Griefing someone more than once it becomes harassment. It becomes even more irritating if I'm afk and lose hours that would have been hunting.

I also feel compelled to add that during the time you were publicly claiming that you only killed people one time, you and your group killed my cleric 5 times (6 if we include the death he incurred from one of your new member initiation killings in the sewers) in one evening. He never complained publicly about it nor attempted retaliation. I also moved his hunting route so it avoided the north gate, yet the kill team moved to the west gate and continued the killing. I'm only pointing this out because I've seen several strident posts from Mordecai claiming this only kill once thing, yet now and even early on it was simply not true.


07-23-2010, 06:46 PM
stfu rebbons you are more wet behind the ears than an elephant in a monsoon

Ya, and you're like school in July.
No class.


07-23-2010, 06:47 PM

07-23-2010, 06:48 PM
yes tissue plox

07-23-2010, 08:34 PM
First, let's try to get clear on what griefing means. While there's not going to be any black and white source that'll define the term, if we check Wikipedia we find it defined as follows:

"A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game that purposely irritates and harasses other players."

Under that definition killing a person against their will would be griefing. I think most of us that object to having our characters killed use that broad definition to describe what you and the Marlu clan are doing, and even Katze as well. It is an irritation to me to have to pay for flasks to remove death's sting, lose exp from dying, lose time from the things I enjoy doing, etc.


I can't speak for the Marlu Clan, however I feel I have to say the following: Just a bit of advice....if you can't write one...have someone make a script to open your group when you die and close it when one of two things occurs. You get raised or you rot. I drag my kills and I actually only kill once, unless it is completely accidental and you were one of my first, or you are actually like an enemy to me for whatever reason. I'm sorry if your one death is irritating.....so then, what do you do when you get killed by creatures two or three times in a day? Beat on small children? Throw rocks at animals? Come on it's a game! If you actually plan to play shattered you will eventually cap regardless of rotting a few times here and there, or dropping a 100K on some death sting potions. I agree, bad form though on the over and over kills, not my style. There are way too many of you making new characters everyday for me to waste my time killing you more than once! So I say to you, Good Luck to you in the future and move it along. I have others to slay!

Katze Darkshot, Assassin King of the Luukosian Deathguard

07-23-2010, 10:13 PM
Well, if your goal is to gain game power, obtain level 100 and gather the most money the fastest, Marlu isn't the way to go. A peaceful co-operative group full of plenty of spells, healing, and pickers is.

If any group in any super-node just did for everybody else, they'd all benefit greatly. As a part and main script supplier of one such group, I can say it's extremely beneficial.

Just look at Marlu. Who's their highest guy? An empath who hides behind a table mechanic all day... and their next highest people are ones that don't do the griefing. The griefers are all stuck at sub 40s.

So it only makes sense.

One could look for several hours on these boards and find precious few things that are funnier than this comment. Kudos.

Correct. As much as I love conflict - the protection payments are no longer worth the difficulty in leveling. I'm not going to post a bunch of gushy shit - that's not my deal, but I'll toss in with the sedentary crowd.

07-23-2010, 10:28 PM
Correct. As much as I love conflict - the protection payments are no longer worth the difficulty in leveling. I'm not going to post a bunch of gushy shit - that's not my deal, but I'll toss in with the sedentary crowd.

Y'know, I'm 99% sure afk scripting would garner far more coin than your protection payments. You're making the right choice.

07-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Almost sad how fast the Marlu Cult is falling.

07-23-2010, 10:49 PM
Almost sad how fast the Marlu Cult is falling.

Talk to Mordechai. They're gaining more and more power everyday. He's fucking delusional. At least the other members can see reality when it smacks them in the face.

07-23-2010, 10:55 PM
Talk to Mordechai. They're gaining more and more power everyday. He's fucking delusional. At least the other members can see reality when it smacks them in the face.

We actually did pull in a few new members, and we all pretty much unanimously wanted Madam, Katze, and Kaseopea gone for weeks.

07-23-2010, 11:00 PM
how were the marlu clan made anyways...?

07-23-2010, 11:03 PM
We actually did pull in a few new members, and we all pretty much unanimously wanted Madam, Katze, and Kaseopea gone for weeks.

And your so called "leader" didn't have the balls to do what everyone wanted done?

07-23-2010, 11:03 PM
Go look at FortyBox's signature. That explains it. (Not really)

07-23-2010, 11:04 PM
Sounds like you guys should change your name to Clan Lumnis...

07-23-2010, 11:06 PM
We actually did pull in a few new members, and we all pretty much unanimously wanted Madam, Katze, and Kaseopea gone for weeks.

Emagine It -- Mordechai
Well ideally, what would you like to see happen? First things first: I simply CANNOT grant table access. Its not MY table. I cant do that

Emagine It -- Mordechai
gah play.net down for me too
Well it gives us time to discuss things
and I want to discuss things
Emagine It -- Mordechai
because I agree with you. Your position in the cult is untenable. And as far as Im concerned its EVERYONES fault, including mine

[LNet]-GSF:Calidus: "is there a 3rd group out there? one that isnt tied to the lazy assholes in Malur nor the Social Retards of Jaeden/Necen/Buddy/and co?"

07-23-2010, 11:26 PM
And your so called "leader" didn't have the balls to do what everyone wanted done?

That's a harsh way of putting it, but pretty much. The responsibility is not fully his, however, as we didn't press the issue and instead took a somewhat apathetic approach to it.

It's cute you hate mordechai, but trying to drive a wedge between us all is a dead end. We know and we don't care. We like playing together.

07-23-2010, 11:27 PM
That's a harsh way of putting it, but pretty much. The responsibility is not fully his, however, as we didn't press the issue and instead took a somewhat apathetic approach to it.

It's cute you hate mordechai, but trying to drive a wedge between us all is a dead end. We know and we don't care. We like playing together.

Bros before ho's.

07-24-2010, 12:48 AM
I can't speak for the Marlu Clan, however I feel I have to say the following: Just a bit of advice....if you can't write one...have someone make a script to open your group when you die and close it when one of two things occurs. You get raised or you rot. I drag my kills and I actually only kill once, unless it is completely accidental and you were one of my first, or you are actually like an enemy to me for whatever reason. I'm sorry if your one death is irritating.....so then, what do you do when you get killed by creatures two or three times in a day? Beat on small children? Throw rocks at animals? Come on it's a game! If you actually plan to play shattered you will eventually cap regardless of rotting a few times here and there, or dropping a 100K on some death sting potions. I agree, bad form though on the over and over kills, not my style. There are way too many of you making new characters everyday for me to waste my time killing you more than once! So I say to you, Good Luck to you in the future and move it along. I have others to slay!

You are missing the point. The point is one kill or 1000 kills it’s still griefing. If it bothers you to be lumped into the group called griefers…then don’t grief players! Pretty simple. I doubt that’ll happen since you seem to enjoy posting those peoples deaths and gloat over them pretty frequently. Just don’t ask me to be “OK” with it.

07-24-2010, 01:23 AM
It makes me laugh that Mordechai is claiming some grand, noble purpose here. You bullied others because it made you feel good. It's bullshit to claim you were doing it for the good of the server. Your whole schtick was the very definition of self-serving behavior.

07-24-2010, 01:30 AM
I just want to say once again that I am Marlu. So I love this thread so much.

07-24-2010, 01:32 AM
I had a character called "Lolmarlu" for a little while. I used it a few times to try and enter their sacred table. Then I got bored and deleted the character.

07-24-2010, 02:47 AM
You are missing the point. The point is one kill or 1000 kills it’s still griefing. If it bothers you to be lumped into the group called griefers…then don’t grief players! Pretty simple. I doubt that’ll happen since you seem to enjoy posting those peoples deaths and gloat over them pretty frequently. Just don’t ask me to be “OK” with it.

Because I feel there are alot of us in shattered not represented , Heres my opinion.

To your point as I have said before constant threats if griefing too. It is the same thing. It gets done all around from vanguard members, from marlu.

Do you guys actually think its fair to peer pressure or treat people like shit just because they are friends of some of these guys also no matter what side they may be on?

I have been accused of being a member of Marlu like i am some war criminal (never killed a friggin sole)(Never went on a hunting party)(Never took extorted or even ask for a silver) made and treated like crap simply because I am a friend of some of the members and would help them if they were killed just like i would others which brings my character experience.

Like there were backroom deals between me and Mord to run out and rescue him. You force people to pick sides.

I heard comments like "If you help them i will be forced to kill you (By the way can you heal my effing bleeding back Id be asked later, thanks Rofl)". Fuck all you all, My mom didnt pick my friends when I was in High School, be damned if e-mom is going to do it."

Have your fun with the ones that want to be part of your fight. Quit griefing everyone else with your BS, like getting everyone to refuse to sell them shit because they are a so called 'Marluette'. Well why treat the ones who are just being friendly to everyone and trying to avoid both your groups shitstorms in the process by having a little fun. (Wait is that why I play GS? cant remember?)

Your constant fucking bickering is god damn annoying between the both of sides. That is why everyone as soon as possible moves to other towns with our characters. Keep it to these boards, private lnet chat or private messages, You guys are ruining lnet chat with your Marlu and Vanguard bull shit.

Heres a god damn Idea why dont both Necen and Mord meet some friggin where and talk other than on lnet. Personally it is exhausting. You guys are forcing people to take sides. I hated the killing personally glad you guys stopped it. But everyone pays there money to play this shit so who am I to say how or what they do.

Listen to prime, they cant even stand hearing about the BS. Thats all I got to say. :nono:

07-24-2010, 02:52 AM
Because I feel there are alot of us in shattered not represented , Heres my opinion.

To your point as I have said before constant threats if griefing too. It is the same thing. It gets done all around from vanguard members, from marlu.

Do you guys actually think its fair to peer pressure or treat people like shit just because they are friends of some of these guys also no matter what side they may be on?

I have been accused of being a member of Marlu like i am some war criminal (never killed a friggin sole)(Never went on a hunting party)(Never took extorted or even ask for a silver) made and treated like crap simply because I am a friend of some of the members and would help them if they were killed just like i would others which brings my character experience.

Like there were backroom deals between me and Mord to run out and rescue him. You force people to pick sides.

I heard comments like "If you help them i will be forced to kill you (By the way can you heal my effing bleeding back Id be asked later, thanks Rofl)". Fuck all you all, My mom didnt pick my friends when I was in High School, be damned if e-mom is going to do it."

Have your fun with the ones that want to be part of your fight. Quit griefing everyone else with your BS, like getting everyone to refuse to sell them shit because they are a so called 'Marluette'. Well why treat the ones who are just being friendly to everyone and trying to avoid both your groups shitstorms in the process by having a little fun. (Wait is that why I play GS? cant remember?)

Your constant fucking bickering is god damn annoying between the both of sides. That is why everyone as soon as possible moves to other towns with our characters. Keep it to these boards, private lnet chat or private messages, You guys are ruining lnet chat with your Marlu and Vanguard bull shit.

Heres a god damn Idea why dont both Necen and Mord meet some friggin where and talk other than on lnet. Personally it is exhausting. You guys are forcing people to take sides. I hated the killing personally glad you guys stopped it. But everyone pays there money to play this shit so who am I to say how or what they do.

Listen to prime, they cant even stand hearing about the BS. Thats all I got to say. :nono:

Oh and last thing. Because no one is doing so. I would like to thank Tillmen, Spiffy, Sheilk and Everyone else who make the scripts on Lnet and hours you spent helping everyone get set up. Shattered scripting would suck without you....

07-24-2010, 02:57 AM
Does every thread have to explode into a yelling match between people who have indentical conflicts in 5 other threads, 2-3 of which at the same time?

Are people just flatly unable to resist the chance to respond negatively to the others here? Has it turned into some self reinforcing addiction to rival a 30 year drinking problem that leaves the user in physical distress if it goes unanswered for longer then a few hours?

I've not taken sides in this debate, other then trying to be helpful privately to some individuals, but this is getting to the point its silly.

I HATE YOU and I HATE YOU MORE posts are fine in and of themselves but I'd be willing to bet over 70% of this folder are made of up those types of exchanges. If its not clear by now that the other side isn't going to agree with you just by talking more I'm at a loss as to what could ever convince you people of that truth.

Taluric the Krolvinbane, Player of.

07-24-2010, 03:09 AM
Absolutely has.
If thats how it sounded when i posted all I was trying to say is I think the majority of players would appreciate it if this was kept off of Lnet chat.

I was also asking to stop being griefed simply from being a friend.

Also I think that anyone can have their conflicts just don't bring every waking character that happens to walk by into it. Alot of us could care less and just want to script to 100. Afk most of the time.

The last thought was that I wanted to make sure that i said thankyou to tillmen and everyone who wrote the scripts because IMO there wouldnt be much of a shattered without the scripts. I also remember the first week and a half when those guys were constantly helping people over...over... and over again.... why doesnt my bigshot do this ect..
Hopefully i said that more calmly this time... Im just stressed and I appologize if I sounded rude.

07-24-2010, 03:18 AM
Nostradamus, my post most certainly wasn't directed at you. Well, not unless your a side handle for some of the other more vocal members around here. I'd just got off work and decided to catch up on these forums here and was amazed at the content of most of what I read. Especially in a topic that started out with Madmountain putting himself in a position that almost no one is upset about.

Tal, player of.

07-24-2010, 06:14 AM
Refer to my above post. They kill Krissta because they want to hurt and get at me and you because we didnt play the game the way they wanted and largely ignored/killed them :P

Otherwise they wouldn't kill Krissta who doesnt even do anything but provide good entertainment!

Seems like a good strategy to me. Why NOT do to new people joining your group the same thing that the core of the very group they chose to be associated with do to others? Give them a little insight into what they're getting into and all.

You mean when people retaliate against you for killing them, you don't like it when you want to do your own thing now and they won't stop?

Have you ever heard the saying Reap what you sow?

There seem to be a good deal of things of this nature that some in that group have yet to figure out.

First, let's try to get clear on what griefing means. While there's not going to be any black and white source that'll define the term, if we check Wikipedia we find it defined as follows:

"A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game that purposely irritates and harasses other players."

Under that definition killing a person against their will would be griefing. I think most of us that object to having our characters killed use that broad definition to describe what you and the Marlu clan are doing, and even Katze as well. It is an irritation to me to have to pay for flasks to remove death's sting, lose exp from dying, lose time from the things I enjoy doing, etc. Griefing someone more than once it becomes harassment. It becomes even more irritating if I'm afk and lose hours that would have been hunting.

For what it's worth...

Everyone knows what they signed up for. I think we all expected random deaths here and there from people. Even were that not the case, I don't think I'd classify one death as griefing. KOS listing people for the most illogical reasons I've ever seen, however, is griefing. You might even manage to call the "gate takeovers" griefing, but that isn't something that seems to persist constantly, so I personally just shrug that off.

I was also asking to stop being griefed simply from being a friend.

Also I think that anyone can have their conflicts just don't bring every waking character that happens to walk by into it. Alot of us could care less and just want to script to 100. Afk most of the time.

The whole problem with hanging out with these guys is that they're pathological liars. Some are even a tad delusional. So, with that in mind, it's hard to trust that people associating with them are in fact "just friends" and aren't doing the other crap the group is responsible for. There are other reasons that should be quite obvious if you understand what the Vanguard is looking to accomplish. Here's a hint: Onion.

As to the second part... heh. You oughta try talking to your friends. They are, afterall, the ones that stirred the nest.

07-24-2010, 06:34 AM
Its as if you guys dont know how to read.

The little exchange between Pandin me and Calidus in the middle of the thread, where he claimed he killed Krissta because I belittled women (still waiting on the quotes of me belittling women) then turned around and claimed he DIDNT say that not a few posts later is a minor example of Who is and is not Lying and Delusional :P

But its cool. You will believe what you will believe despite any and all evidence to the contrary.

07-24-2010, 07:45 AM
For what it's worth...
Everyone knows what they signed up for. I think we all expected random deaths here and there from people. Even were that not the case, I don't think I'd classify one death as griefing. KOS listing people for the most illogical reasons I've ever seen, however, is griefing. You might even manage to call the "gate takeovers" griefing, but that isn't something that seems to persist constantly, so I personally just shrug that off.

I do overall agree with you and and Katze's player that ultimately the single death from Katze is trivial compared to the dozens of deaths I’ve had from creatures, power outages, game lag, etc. Even the multitude of times I died at the hands of the Marlu clan is not so bad by comparison to creature deaths. However, I still stand by the definition of griefers though; it’s not a matter of degree, especially when that behavior is happening in a serial manner.


07-24-2010, 11:19 AM
What did you guys do to Maldric? He just sits at the table all day now and raises Chivalry every 5 minutes.... Pathetic.

07-24-2010, 11:28 AM
We killed him. Alot. It's the price of being Marlu.

07-24-2010, 11:38 AM
The daggerbeaks need to come back to the tables...

07-24-2010, 12:15 PM
We killed him. Alot. It's the price of being Marlu.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html)

07-24-2010, 01:40 PM
Seems like a good strategy to me. Why NOT do to new people joining your group the same thing that the core of the very group they chose to be associated with do to others? Give them a little insight into what they're getting into and all.

There seem to be a good deal of things of this nature that some in that group have yet to figure out.

For what it's worth...

Everyone knows what they signed up for. I think we all expected random deaths here and there from people. Even were that not the case, I don't think I'd classify one death as griefing. KOS listing people for the most illogical reasons I've ever seen, however, is griefing. You might even manage to call the "gate takeovers" griefing, but that isn't something that seems to persist constantly, so I personally just shrug that off.

As to the second part... heh. You oughta try talking to your friends. They are, afterall, the ones that stirred the nest.

Well as I see it everyone I interact with IG I try to respect their points of view.And I expect them to respect mine. After all I am not 12, most of us come from prime and are probally old returning players and existing prime players who pretty much paid the 5 bucks because they can script and dont want to manually spend the time it takes to cap.

What do I really feel. I think that Mord started something which he really planned for good intentions to be fun and different and exciting. Instead blew up into this big epic saga.. And lets not lie, alot of us encouraged it in the beginning...
Some who died repeatedly got pissed and naturally formed a group and retaliated but are going overboard now too. Doing the very things they were pissed about themselves... I seen the Marlu kill list posted it was like 15 people out of the what 200 that play shattered. So to say they affected the majority is false, griefed a few by constant kill and went overboard... yeah....

But dont stereotype all chars who hang with people. Have some evidence before you act... hell in my case (which I was a little bit suprised by) I wasnt even in the damn friends list of the Marlu scripts. Not listed as a member either. And I was still getting harrased by vanguard members Because of the rumors which were spread..Put on kill lists ect... Get the facts before you act....

Why be an empath if you dont intend to heal.. Isnt the whole shattered empath thing to Vulture wounds and heal as much as possible? when I seen the post and I have probally publically stuck up for Mord more than anyone.
But that was because I was hoping this would of turned out to be something exciting and fun. I have stated that in my very first post even. Jaeden even agreed with me. It ended up turning out to be something much worse and went out of control.
It has been documented that only what 6 people out of the entire Marlu clan members even actively participate in the killing.(So kill the hell out of them if you want to get even. put them on a KOS list) if your looking to peel back an Onion, then don't try to intimidate or piss off the most inactive of the clan friends and members with the same tactics you formed or joined a group stating you would defend! I dont think the behavior of griefing people by association should be accepted either.... Well I moved to EN now for peace and sanity and all I ask is the griefing towards my empath stops and understand I will heal anyone from anyside why? Because you may be able to fry my character. There now you know ,,,, simple personal greed....

07-24-2010, 01:47 PM
What did you guys do to Maldric? He just sits at the table all day now and raises Chivalry every 5 minutes.... Pathetic.

Maldric isn't killed all that often. Main reason he's table-leveling is due to lack of time IRL right now. That, and he is raising for exp for the same reason all the empaths sit at table with bleed bots. It's safe, effective, and hassle-free.

Are they all pathetic, too?

07-24-2010, 01:59 PM
table raise is genius for Shattered

why would he hunt with Maldric when sooner or later Jaeden is gonna pop out of hiding and blast his ass? it's the smart move.

07-24-2010, 02:57 PM
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html)

God damn. Why can I never rep you?

07-24-2010, 02:59 PM
God damn. Why can I never rep you?

You need to rep alot more people.

07-24-2010, 02:59 PM
how were the marlu clan made anyways...?


07-24-2010, 03:00 PM
You need to rep alot more people.

I get tired after repping three or four people and I need to rest.

07-24-2010, 03:10 PM
I'm pretty sure Buddy was doing that well before Shakira was.

You stupid idiotic piece of corn filled poo. I only did this once to Cthulu's corpse. I was not doing it to annoy and irritate a vast amount of people like Oblivion/Shakira (you know, the idiot who MADE a script to grief the whole server through cursing items). Don't you dare associate me or put me on the level of that douche.

Keep Maldric at that table because I will not let up on Maldric/Calidus for as long as I play this game. I am totally going gangsta on you, foO I'm from Chicago.

07-24-2010, 03:25 PM
Keep Maldric at that table because I will not let up on Maldric/Calidus for as long as I play this game. I am totally going gangsta on you, foO I'm from Chicago.

this is how i feel about him and calidus. the only people i feel like leaving alone are Madmountan and POSSIBLY Cervina/Bleeder. But she spells them up/heals them so why let up on her? We all need to talk this over. Madmountan made a sincere attempt at friendship and reform, and these other buggers just bandwagoned on. Madmountan backs his claim with a lot of social credibility. The others have zero credibility.

To me, they are on probation. What the hell that means I'm not sure yet, but there's no get out of jail free card in my book except for Madmo cuz he's the fucking man.

07-24-2010, 03:34 PM
this is how i feel about him and calidus. the only people i feel like leaving alone are Madmountan and POSSIBLY Cervina/Bleeder. But she spells them up/heals them so why let up on her? We all need to talk this over.

Madmountan's post is full of crocodile tears. If these people want any relief from me at all in this game, they need to stop assisting their clan members. If you guys are friends, I can see you hanging out in a chat channel etc., but many of these people assist the douchebags behind the scenes through locates, silvers, and other methods.

You may say you want to stop the douchebaggery, but I don't think you are willing to give up your assistance through indirect methods.

This goes for Dart/Cervina. If you are locating people for Marlu Clan members to kill, it is as if you stuck a dagger in the person too.

07-24-2010, 03:41 PM
Necen wants to give them the opportunity to reform, which I like. It's not a "NO FUN ALLOWED" thing but I think our efforts boil down to protecting noobs. any noob needs to be able to script and walk around freely without a concentrated effort to own them like a gate party or a Mordie catacomb killing spree every night.

once people get to level 25 or so they can put these fucks in their script so that when they show up in a room our bigshot just blasts them. but my whole thing was "why let these fuckers become dominant and own me? lets get a group together and pwn them."

maybe we can start a reimbursement fund where they will pay and we will use the cash to reimburse noobs?

07-24-2010, 03:44 PM
or maybe have people who completely quit the group show their disloyalty through murdering their former compadres?

07-24-2010, 03:44 PM
Necen wants to give them the opportunity to reform, which I like. It's not a "NO FUN ALLOWED" thing but I think our efforts boil down to protecting noobs. any noob needs to be able to script and walk around freely without a concentrated effort to own them like a gate party or a Mordie catacomb killing spree every night.

once people get to level 25 or so they can put these fucks in their script so that when they show up in a room our bigshot just blasts them. but my whole thing was "why let these fuckers become dominant and own me? lets get a group together and pwn them."

maybe we can start a reimbursement fund where they will pay and we will use the cash to reimburse noobs?

I think reforming would be great. Vanguard is not against any organizations. It is against the griefing that these idiots did to the server.

Kick Mordechai to the curb (he's nothing more than a poster child and provides no value to your team anyways) and take up leadership Madmountan. Kick Oblivion to the curb also (that guy has some serious RL issues).

07-24-2010, 03:51 PM
yeah i say let obliv and mordie have their own little circle jerk griefer clan and we'll see how they do. they really seem a different breed than the others.

07-24-2010, 04:02 PM
yeah i say let obliv and mordie have their own little circle jerk griefer clan and we'll see how they do. they really seem a different breed than the others.

Agreed. I still love youuuuuuu Jaedawg. Please come on AIM moar!

07-24-2010, 04:10 PM
lol i will tonight

100k bounty on oblivion if anyone is game for that

07-24-2010, 04:54 PM
lol i will tonight

100k bounty on oblivion if anyone is game for that

he says:

"I bought 10 deeds at level 10. I still have 4 of those. I've been hunting untouched and unslammed for three days, am a week and a half out of my 30 day period and almost level 40. Vanguard fails."

edit: he also says "They hate me so much because I can kill them in my sleep, and ruin them whenever they group up to make an offensive. I'm the only member they don't try to convert because I've humiliated them over and over and over, and in response have been killed twice while I was AFK since Shattered begun."

07-24-2010, 04:58 PM
he says:

"I bought 10 deeds at level 10. I still have 4 of those. I've been hunting untouched and unslammed for three days, am a week and a half out of my 30 day period and almost level 40. Vanguard fails."

One sec, let me ask Fortybox something...


Yeah he says STFU.

07-24-2010, 05:01 PM
One sec, let me ask Fortybox something...


Yeah he says STFU.


07-24-2010, 05:04 PM

You're crazy:


07-24-2010, 05:07 PM
if it will help you focus on the content of what I'm saying i'll pretend to be all of them for you.

unfortunately for you what i said was true, so you just made a really stupid attempt at deflection. :lol2:

07-24-2010, 05:08 PM
lol Oblivion doesnt need to make anyone look dumb.

They look dumb all on their own :P

07-24-2010, 05:14 PM
if it will help you focus on the content of what I'm saying i'll pretend to be all of them for you.

unfortunately for you what i said was true, so you just made a really stupid attempt at deflection. :lol2:

Wow you're so cool. You totally beat Fortybox. One sec, let me ask him:


Fortybox: Hello?
NotFortybox: ZOMG, this townkiller dude totally beat you up brah.
Fortybox: Crap, help me out of this situation man!
NotFortybox: Ok I'll think of something then!
Fortybox: Thanks man, I really don't want the PC forums to know that I'm Fortybox. Thx!
Notfortybox: NP!!!!


Whoa sorry for the pause there. I have decided that Townkiller is not real. Thus, you're previous posts are null and void. Oh and I'm not Fortybox either.

Activating forum deflection:. Eat butt!:


07-24-2010, 05:19 PM
lol Fortybox, sounds like your Mad bro! Better go run to Necen and have him tell you its all gonna be better :P

If you had a competent leader, wouldnt you guys be able to deal with one man? :P

07-24-2010, 05:27 PM
lol Fortybox, sounds like your Mad bro! Better go run to Necen and have him tell you its all gonna be better :P

If you had a competent leader, wouldnt you guys be able to deal with one man? :P

Mad for you baby!

Why would I need to run to the individual who has spearheaded your downfall? Oh wait, I forgot...it was all part of your plan to have your highest level clan members defect from you and to allow the table to get taken over.

Move over poster boy, it's time for someone competent to take your spot.


07-24-2010, 05:31 PM
hehe you guys try SO HARD! :P

07-24-2010, 05:33 PM
he says:

"I bought 10 deeds at level 10. I still have 4 of those. I've been hunting untouched and unslammed for three days, am a week and a half out of my 30 day period and almost level 40. Vanguard fails."

edit: he also says "They hate me so much because I can kill them in my sleep, and ruin them whenever they group up to make an offensive. I'm the only member they don't try to convert because I've humiliated them over and over and over, and in response have been killed twice while I was AFK since Shattered begun."

yeah i hear he buys glass amulets in bulk from Costco

07-24-2010, 05:37 PM
4 deaths in one day? ok the challenge is on :)

07-24-2010, 06:23 PM
this is how i feel about him and calidus. the only people i feel like leaving alone are Madmountan and POSSIBLY Cervina/Bleeder. But she spells them up/heals them so why let up on her? We all need to talk this over. Madmountan made a sincere attempt at friendship and reform, and these other buggers just bandwagoned on. Madmountan backs his claim with a lot of social credibility. The others have zero credibility.

To me, they are on probation. What the hell that means I'm not sure yet, but there's no get out of jail free card in my book except for Madmo cuz he's the fucking man.

Excuse me? Do you or do you not intend to honor the terms your clique has laid out?

07-24-2010, 09:15 PM
Maldric isn't killed all that often. Main reason he's table-leveling is due to lack of time IRL right now. That, and he is raising for exp for the same reason all the empaths sit at table with bleed bots. It's safe, effective, and hassle-free.

Are they all pathetic, too?


07-24-2010, 09:24 PM

Yup, that must be it! Simutronics sure appreciates the extra count.

Active Players: 196

Staff on duty:

Use WHO HELP for more options.


07-24-2010, 10:35 PM
Excuse me? Do you or do you not intend to honor the terms your clique has laid out?

i'd like to keep you guessing on this one. remember, you're the one that said they don't like me anyway :)

plus, a Prophet Muhammad item? mocking my religion? yeah, we could say i owe you a little more grief. maybe the flying spagetti monster will protect you.

i killed Madmountan because I fear him. I kill you because you're a toolbag :)

07-24-2010, 10:44 PM
i'd like to keep you guessing on this one. remember, you're the one that said they don't like me anyway :)

plus, a Prophet Muhammad item? mocking my religion? yeah, we could say i owe you a little more grief. maybe the flying spagetti monster will protect you.

i killed Madmountan because I fear him. I kill you because you're a toolbag :)

Gotta agree with this. IMO you took it too far Cthulu.

07-25-2010, 12:47 AM
i'd like to keep you guessing on this one. remember, you're the one that said they don't like me anyway :)

plus, a Prophet Muhammad item? mocking my religion? yeah, we could say i owe you a little more grief. maybe the flying spagetti monster will protect you.

i killed Madmountan because I fear him. I kill you because you're a toolbag :)

I'm upholding the terms on my end, I suggest you do the same.

07-25-2010, 01:04 AM
I'm upholding the terms on my end, I suggest you do the same.

Until you get higher level.

Some Rogue
07-25-2010, 01:10 AM
he used song of noise once to force a decay of Jefferydahmer because he attacked him multiple times unprovoked.

Complete and utter bullshit. I attacked Oblivion. Keep your characters straight.

Also, you did try to force my decay, but you fared about as well in that as you do hiding your identity. Oh, and you fed me that line of bullshit about the DoS attacks then too but you were still able to log in for weeks. I just fucking posted this log a few days ago ffs.

07-25-2010, 01:22 AM
Complete and utter bullshit. I attacked Oblivion. Keep your characters straight.

Also, you did try to force my decay, but you fared about as well in that as you do hiding your identity. Oh, and you fed me that line of bullshit about the DoS attacks then too but you were still able to log in for weeks. I just fucking posted this log a few days ago ffs.

Damn, why such anger? Calm down bro! Just a game! No need to get all red in the face :P

Some Rogue
07-25-2010, 01:30 AM

Who's mad? I'm laughing that Monotonous I mean Townkiller is keeping up his charade that he never plays. It's funny how he has intimate knowledge of everything concerning so many different characters.

It's odd...why did Monotonous stop posting again? Did he think a new account would fool someone?

07-25-2010, 03:58 AM
Isn't that the same dude that claimed to be a PC mod?

No, I will not reveal my source(s).

edit: townkiller aka Oblivion deleted the post before this one. It's Oblivion that was bragging about being a PC mod.

07-25-2010, 04:12 AM
Hot avatar there.

07-25-2010, 04:13 AM
hahaaha Oblivion deleted his post.

07-25-2010, 04:20 AM
On a somewhat unrelated note, have you ever found yourself reacting and responding to a person or a situation that you absolutely swore to yourself you would not react to? Why is it that I allow myself to become so affected by stuff that I respond when I know I should just keep my mouth shut? Why? It is like some convoluted form of Turettes. I know I am talking, I know I need to stop, yet I keep on talking. Or maybe it's just me.

Because you're human, sweet-tits.

07-25-2010, 10:53 AM
Mordechai, Calidus and Cthulu have each engaged in extreme cases of purposeful griefing without reason; let alone without being griefed first themselves.

I don't see how any amount of alleged reform could ever change this fact.

Furthermore there are explicit cases where the first two have blatantly lied about their own activities on this OOG forum (lies which no amount of definition skewing could turn into truths). Being dishonest on the Internet?!?! oh the horror. However, it certainly shows the measure of a 'man'.

Mordechai, Calidus and Cthulu are you willing to completely admit what you have been doing for months now? Are you capable of being honest?

In a cease-fire, you have to give the benefit of the doubt sometimes.

07-25-2010, 10:58 AM
my whole thing is that Madmountan has credibility so his reform attempt carries weight, but the other guys have been complete assholes and I think they need to be on afk griefer probation.

07-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Mordechai, Calidus and Cthulu have each engaged in extreme cases of purposeful griefing without reason; let alone without being griefed first themselves.

I don't see how any amount of alleged reform could ever change this fact.

Furthermore there are explicit cases where the first two have blatantly lied about their own activities on this OOG forum (lies which no amount of definition skewing could turn into truths). Being dishonest on the Internet?!?! oh the horror. However, it certainly shows the measure of a 'man'.

Mordechai, Calidus and Cthulu are you willing to completely admit what you have been doing for months now? Are you capable of being honest?

Hush, plebe. I offer no excuses or condolences. My aggressive activities have ceased, but I'll do nothing to assuage your feelings.

07-25-2010, 11:29 AM
just keep killing him for fun fuck him lol

07-25-2010, 12:52 PM
Waaaah Waaaah Boo Hoo you guys are meanie heads!


07-25-2010, 12:58 PM
him too

07-25-2010, 04:06 PM
Hahahah Chivalry rerolled into Die? Make up your mind, i gotta squelch that string now. Or is this a fourth account?

07-25-2010, 04:30 PM
Hahahah Chivalry rerolled into Die? Make up your mind, i gotta squelch that string now. Or is this a fourth account?

That would make me sad.

Chivalry made me chuckle.

07-25-2010, 04:48 PM
WTF, now chivalry is Die? Are you actually capable of coming up with a good name?

Be creative. Do something like Fortyboxsuxvanguardballz or something. Make our death windows WRITHE with delight.

Die? ZOMG you must be socially inept.

07-25-2010, 04:48 PM
dont post his mom n pops man cmon

07-25-2010, 04:52 PM
Speaking of socially inept...

07-25-2010, 05:01 PM
we know you are but its ok man we still love ya

07-25-2010, 05:49 PM
I fail to see any inkling of 'cry' or 'whine' in any of my posts. I have been simply asking for honesty, a concept you seem unable to grasp.

Howard Jason Fudge, you still don't get it, do you?

Continue to grief, and we'll see the results.

I cannot imagine that you make ----- and ---- proud parents.

So you found my parents names eh? Oooook thats a little creepy!

But I mean, are you gonna like...tell on me?

Do you know what there reaction will be?

"So...my son is killing you in a game....and your upset enough that you found out our contact info and decided to tell us about it? Im gonna call the police now kthx"

07-25-2010, 05:50 PM
yeah i wanna defend Mord here thats fucking gay to look up his rents

how bout we trace your IP and start looking up and posting your shit and see how you feel? fuck that.

all of that nonsense of people doing that needs to end now. this is the internetz, not the damn playground.

07-25-2010, 05:51 PM
I fail to see any inkling of 'cry' or 'whine' in any of my posts. I have been simply asking for honesty, a concept you seem unable to grasp.

Howard Jason Fudge, you still don't get it, do you?

Continue to grief, and we'll see the results.

I cannot imagine that you make ----- and ---- proud parents.

Congrats. Now you're 'that' guy.

07-25-2010, 05:52 PM
Fornicator is the law. He's CIA and had a hand in blowing up the towers.

07-25-2010, 05:53 PM
WTF, now chivalry is Die? Are you actually capable of coming up with a good name?

Be creative. Do something like Fortyboxsuxvanguardballz or something. Make our death windows WRITHE with delight.

Die? ZOMG you must be socially inept.

Who are you talking to?

07-25-2010, 06:02 PM
I fail to see any inkling of 'cry' or 'whine' in any of my posts. I have been simply asking for honesty, a concept you seem unable to grasp.

Howard Jason Fudge, you still don't get it, do you?

Continue to grief, and we'll see the results.

I cannot imagine that you make ----- and ---- proud parents.


07-25-2010, 06:04 PM

07-25-2010, 06:20 PM
Howard Jason Fudge, you still don't get it, do you?

Continue to grief, and we'll see the results.

I cannot imagine that you make ----- and ---- proud parents.

If you think the only way to win a game in a make-believe world is to post personal information about your opponent on a message board then you...


07-25-2010, 06:21 PM
dude if you want to stop the griefing contact the Vanguards we will help, but dont fucking pull his personal life into it because that's crossing the fucking line. I hate Mord but I will defend him wholeheartedly on this issue.

07-25-2010, 06:31 PM
I thought everyone on here used their real name as their handle.

07-25-2010, 06:32 PM
I am pretty much as anti-Mordechai as you can get, I often have fantasies of his characters all being corrupted and him waking up in the morning to find they are all level 1 female burghal gnomes. But e-stalking is fucked up and wrong, and it is very much crossing the line. Especially bringing someone's parents into it. Just plain wrong.

That said, Mordechai, you are a fucking idiot for using your real name on anything that has to do with a video game.

Having used this tag for 10+ years in multiple games and forums, this never has been an issue before.

Only here, in Gemstone's PC corner, have people been special enough to try to bring my personal life into things because I killed them in a game :P

I just called my folks and let em know not to answer any strange numbers, weird messages, etc.

07-25-2010, 06:41 PM
Let's be clear, no phone numbers were posted.

True, but prepare for the worst and all that.

Posting names is creepy but if you had posted the number that would've been a different story altogether. Either way, whether you'd be the type to actually try to harrass them or ANY of my friends or family or not? I dont know. So I assume the worst and just made a few quick calls and sent out a few quick emails.

To be fair, Im also a little creeped out about Buzzo having dreams and fantasies about my characters untimely demise. Way too much emotional investment in a game there lol

07-25-2010, 06:45 PM
...you are a fucking idiot for using your real name on anything that has to do with a video game.

Bah, that's only a mild-mannered expendable secret identity for his alter ego:

07-25-2010, 06:52 PM
Prepare for the worst? You mean more than killing me on a daily basis?

Don't worry too much about me, that post was probably the creepiest thing I've ever done, so you should feel honored or something.

No i meant *I* was preparing for the worst.

07-25-2010, 06:58 PM
Trolls Remorse?

07-25-2010, 07:00 PM
Yeah, that's pretty fucked up, sorry.

Apology accepted.


07-25-2010, 07:31 PM
Trolls Remorse?

07-25-2010, 07:32 PM
Let's be clear, no phone numbers were posted.


This is the guy who spent like 3 nights straight spamming fucked up shit about mord in TSC, and now here he is posting personal information about him on the forums. When the entire community tells him to fuck off - all of a sudden he's remorseful and we're to take him at his word that he's not fucked up enough to call mords parents.

You have a track record of letting this game GET TO YOU. Maybe it's time you took a break and took a look at yourself. Mord is absolutely right in warning his parents about you.

07-25-2010, 07:33 PM
Having used this tag for 10+ years in multiple games and forums, this never has been an issue before.

Only here, in Gemstone's PC corner, have people been special enough to try to bring my personal life into things because I killed them in a game :P

I just called my folks and let em know not to answer any strange numbers, weird messages, etc.

Relax. Jesus. More than a few PCers know my full name. The world hasn't ended.

Mostly I am just glad none of them have called me yet because I don't want to have to pretend a friendliness I might not feel.

07-25-2010, 07:36 PM
Um, please tell me you go by Jason. Please? Howard is creepy. And I can't resist this, no offense to you.


K i got it out of my system now!

07-25-2010, 07:38 PM
Um, please tell me you go by Jason. Please? Howard is creepy. And I can't resist this, no offense to you.


K i got it out of my system now!

Middle school was an interesting time with my last name.

07-25-2010, 07:40 PM
Howard is creepy.


07-25-2010, 07:42 PM

Laff. Was thinking the same thing actually.

07-25-2010, 07:43 PM
(Why do I seem to have developed a little bit of a crush on Tisket? Weird.)

Back atcha.

07-25-2010, 07:46 PM
Yeah I was going to say something about how horrible high school must have been with that name, but since I had just posted about crossing the e-stalking line I wasn't sure if it would have been hypocritical. But yeah, that must have sucked. But it is time to move on man, we can't let our high school experiences dictate how we treat people for our entire lives!

lol I treat people fine. You guys just get SO WORKED UP when your characters in a video game die.

Im not responsible for peoples ability to handle what happens to them in a video game. Its on them

07-25-2010, 07:49 PM

07-25-2010, 07:49 PM
lol I treat people fine. You guys just get SO WORKED UP when your characters in a video game die.

We don't get worked up. And responding in kind doesn't take any more upset or emotion than it takes when swatting a fly. It's just pest control.

07-25-2010, 07:52 PM
Mordie, watch out...Fornicator's watchin joO


07-25-2010, 07:53 PM
We don't get worked up. And responding in kind doesn't take any more upset or emotion than it takes when swatting a fly. It's just pest control.

I was responding to Buzzo's inference that I kill people in gemstone because people made fun of my last name at some point in my childhood, and thus I treat people bad.

And I was explaining that no, me killing people in a video game is not 'treating people bad'. Those who assume so get way too worked up over a video game lol

07-25-2010, 07:55 PM
You always seem to think people get worked up! I won't speak for everyone, but I am actually an extremely calm and laid back person, and I really don't get sad and upset and angry about GS. I can feel strongly about something, i.e. afk killing or griefing, and not be emotional about it. Just because I post about how much of an douche you are, doesn't mean I am sitting here crying while I do it.

Getting 'worked up' is having strong feelings about something or someone aroused within oneself.

MMm. Aroused.

07-25-2010, 08:21 PM
You all need to chill out, this is just a game

07-25-2010, 08:41 PM
I do like the just chill part you all are trying to portray. We both know you guys will continue your BS when you catch up in levels (I've already lapped a few of you now).

Regardless, I think the big epic fights will be in the otf, nelemar, rift areas. I seriously doubt you guys in your current state will be able to hunt in those areas if you continue to practice the douchebaggery.

That's what I look forward to.

07-25-2010, 09:04 PM
As dumb as it may be to use your real name as an internet handle, it's pretty lame to 'out' someone's personal information (even if it's already public) over some internet rage. I'm pretty sure you dun goofed, and the consequences will never be the same.

Some Rogue
07-25-2010, 09:30 PM
As dumb as it may be to use your real name as an internet handle, it's pretty lame to 'out' someone's personal information (even if it's already public) over some internet rage. I'm pretty sure you dun goofed, and the consequences will never be the same.


07-25-2010, 09:56 PM
You always seem to think people get worked up! I won't speak for everyone, but I am actually an extremely calm and laid back person, and I really don't get sad and upset and angry about GS. I can feel strongly about something, i.e. afk killing or griefing, and not be emotional about it. Just because I post about how much of an douche you are, doesn't mean I am sitting here crying while I do it.
I agree with this, though I'd substitute "believe strongly" for "feel strongly" (which I think is probably what you meant, anyway). You can be convinced that something is true, say so, and yet not be worked up about it. The "you're getting way too worked up" response is getting way over-done.

07-25-2010, 10:27 PM
An open letter to the Vanguard regarding the Marlu "truce."

Dear Vanguard,

Some people have been concerned that we're not being hard enough on the Marlus. I respect that. Let me explain my reasoning for why I want to give the Marlus who claim to have reformed a second chance.

No community is ever built by not giving people a second chance. People make mistakes. It's the nature of the beast. They hurt others and they deserve to be punished for those actions. In that punishment, we walk a fine line between justified action and revenge and, if we indulge our anger too much, we will only make the future worse. For the sake of what could be, we need to let logic cool our passions and give the Marlus the benefit of the doubt.

Some people are concerned that the Marlus have taken a whooping and are just laying low now to catch up in levels. For some of them, I'm sure that's exactly the reason they hopped on Madmountan's band wagon, but to give the benefit of the doubt means not to prejudge.

Right now, we have what we wanted. The Marlus who are following Madmountan are behaving. They're not griefing the server and they're not trying to come after the Vanguard. If it's all a ruse, we've still created a useful period of peace and when the time comes to fight again, we'll all still be more numerous and stronger than they are. I encourage everyone to level as fast as possible in case this scenario is true. And, if they have truly reformed, then we should not continue to punish them undeservedly.

In my mind, the Vanguard is not out to stop every evil character. We're not knights in shining armor. We saw a group of players extensively griefing others and we put a stop to it. If the Marlus come back and play reasonable evil characters, then I think our job is done. We need to give them the chance to be reasonably evil without stomping all over them.

Now, I expect there are still personal scores to settle, and I've told that to the Marlus that I've talked to and I've mentioned it on the forums. I'm not trying to tell the members of the Vanguard not to get the revenge you need, but as an organization, we should respect this cease-fire. Please try not to be griefers yourselves in settling those scores.

Also, do remember that not all the Marlus have agreed to follow Madmountan. Mordechai/Malevolence, Milamber, Someone/House/Shakira/Oblivion, and so forth are still very much unreformed. There's a full list on the forums with their statuses. I killed Mordechai twice yesterday myself and I intend to keep on doing it. These unreformed Marlus make nice, big targets. Kill them until they play nice (maybe that should be our motto?).
