View Full Version : Dr.Pepper and Morphine

07-21-2010, 09:01 PM
So I got out of the hospital yesterday, completely doped up on morphine and in pain. Apparently all these years that I've had continuous stomach pain was always my appendix. I guess every other time I took some anti-inflammatory it helped a bit, and the pain went away--but not this time. I was lucky it didn't burst.

Since Saturday night I had lower abdomen pain, Sunday I couldn't walk anymore and I thought my pain was something completely different. I sucked it up, cause I really hate doctors (Which is ironic cause my boyfriend is going to medical school). On Monday morning that pain was horrendous, and it came and went in full blows. Even drinking water burned, it sucked. I thought I was just dehydrated. I was at work too, and Scott (boss) kept telling me to go home, but I didn't cause I hate missing work. After that, my mother took me to the hospital were it took 6 hours to confirm that I had appendicitis and I needed surgery. The doctor was all, "All your appendix belongs to us!", I laughed and it hurt. :(

Now it's day two out of the hospital, all I've been doing is sleeping and drinking water and some Dr.Pepper. I have some norco, doesn't really do much. I have this unbearable pain in my neck and shoulders, which I was told was from the air they used to pump my stomach so they can see inside better. Oh yeah, and now I have three extra holes. Hurrah.

So have any of you guys had an appendectomy? Or any other surgery and what did you guys do in bed rest? Cause I'm literally dying of boredom and pain.

07-21-2010, 09:02 PM

07-21-2010, 09:04 PM
posted boob pics.

But really, hope you're feeling alright.

07-21-2010, 09:17 PM
Uhm.. I've had more then one colonoscopy, but never any actual surgery. And having extra air up inside of you really hurts. Really really hurts.
Have ice cream, I heard it helps.

07-21-2010, 09:18 PM
< Oh yeah, and now I have three extra holes. >

Somewhere in the world, a pervert just said "Giggity".

07-21-2010, 09:25 PM
Did you ever consider that drinking all that Dr. Pepper might be the cause of this?

07-21-2010, 09:26 PM
< Oh yeah, and now I have three extra holes. >

Somewhere in the world, a pervert just said "Giggity".

I did :-/

07-21-2010, 09:33 PM
I did :-/

You're a great man.

07-21-2010, 09:44 PM
Did you ever consider that drinking all that Dr. Pepper might be the cause of this?

Appendicitis != kidney stones

07-21-2010, 09:46 PM
Appendicitis != kidney stones

No shit? Took you 4 years at Auburn to figure that one out?

07-21-2010, 09:48 PM
Quite the comeback there, kid. Did it take you 2 years at that community college to figure that out?

07-21-2010, 09:49 PM
Auburn? No fucking wonder..

07-21-2010, 09:53 PM
Auburn? No fucking wonder..

Weren't you the one talking about falling in love with some toothless scag in East Tennessee?

Go back to Erwin.

07-21-2010, 09:55 PM
So have any of you guys had an appendectomy? Or any other surgery and what did you guys do in bed rest? Cause I'm literally dying of boredom and pain.

Had my gal bladder removed via lathroscopic surgery 8 years ago. Just recently I had hernia surgery. Basically one of the small incisions from my lathroscopic surgery was the culprit. For pain I had hydrocodone. The pain if you still have it will probably last 3 to 5 days. Spent time watching netflix but that did get boring.

07-21-2010, 09:56 PM
Everyone shut up and get me Dr.Pepper--also, no. Dr.Pepper was not the cause for appendicitis. Since I was a little tot I've always had stomach problems.

07-21-2010, 09:57 PM
Had my gal bladder removed via lathroscopic surgery 8 years ago. Just recently I had hernia surgery. Basically one of the small incisions from my lathroscopic surgery was the culprit. For pain I had hydrocodone. The pain if you still have it will probably last 3 to 5 days. Spent time watching netflix but that did get boring.

I still don't know why they'd only give her norco for post-op

07-21-2010, 09:57 PM
Everyone shut up and get me Dr.Pepper--also, no. Dr.Pepper was not the cause for appendicitis. Since I was a little tot I've always had stomach problems.

Besides Dr. Pepper in TX is about as nutritious as OJ around the world. Well that is what my Boss use to tell me. He would drink cases of that stuff.

07-21-2010, 10:01 PM
I still don't know why they'd only give her norco for post-op

I don't know much about pain killers.

"NORCOŽ (hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen) is supplied in tablet form for oral administration."

If the dosage is not helping. Call your surgeon. He/She can adjust your meds for you.

07-21-2010, 10:01 PM
I still don't know why they'd only give her norco for post-op

I think they got mad I abused their morphine in my IV. Man, that shit was good. I have vicodin, but that doesn't really do much for me neither.

07-21-2010, 10:02 PM
Weren't you the one talking about falling in love with some toothless scag in East Tennessee?

Go back to Erwin.

She had teeth!

No offense to you, my brother from another mother, but Forest Gump wasn't retarded, he was just from around here.

Folks from around here can't fucking drive.. or make complete sentences.. and this whole "I'm fixin to" shit is killing me..

07-21-2010, 10:04 PM
I had a laminecomy/discectomy at the end of March. Blew out a vertebrae because I lift extremely heavy things in a jerky, twisting motion.

Shit sucked for like three days. Then I could move about painfully. I had been on narcotics (vicoden to oxycodone to oxycontin to morphine and oxycodone) for months before the surgery due to the omghurt. The stuff they gave me after surgery, a half dose of the morphine I had been on before, did nothing due to my tolerance.

This is getting to be TL;DR.

In the unlikely fact that an appendectomy is similar to a laminectomy/discectomy in recovery time, you'll be mobile in three days.

07-21-2010, 10:05 PM
What really sucks is now you have to be crazy cautious about what you eat.

07-21-2010, 10:05 PM
I think they got mad I abused their morphine in my IV. Man, that shit was good. I have vicodin, but that doesn't really do much for me neither.

How about icing the three incisions? I would lie on the couch watching some dumb movie on Netflix and I had an Ice pack resting on the incision.

07-21-2010, 10:06 PM
I think they got mad I abused their morphine in my IV. Man, that shit was good. I have vicodin, but that doesn't really do much for me neither.

So jealous you had IV Morphine. My pill form sucked dick. IV Morphine is supposed to be like 100000% better than pill.

Rhett, give us the science.

07-21-2010, 10:08 PM
So jealous you had IV Morphine. My pill form sucked dick. IV Morphine is supposed to be like 100000% better than pill.

Rhett, give us the science.

They gave me that when I had a kidney stone. After the shot they asked me if I felt any pain. I said....

"Yes but I really don't care."

07-21-2010, 10:11 PM
Hah, after I got put out and came out of the surgery I could barely speak, and I looked around and I started coughing and it hurt like a bitch, and I was like, "Give me drugs...give me drugsss..!"

I heard them chuckling and then shooting morphine in my IV, and then I passed right the hell out. Shit was cool bro.

07-21-2010, 10:11 PM
I guess it all goes back to pharmacokinetics/dynamics and the opioid chart, Peamis.

And yea... at work... unless it's 240 Norco 10, it's kind of a joke.

Sylvan Dreams
07-21-2010, 10:11 PM
So I got out of the hospital yesterday, completely doped up on morphine and in pain. Apparently all these years that I've had continuous stomach pain was always my appendix. I guess every other time I took some anti-inflammatory it helped a bit, and the pain went away--but not this time. I was lucky it didn't burst.

Since Saturday night I had lower abdomen pain, Sunday I couldn't walk anymore and I thought my pain was something completely different. I sucked it up, cause I really hate doctors (Which is ironic cause my boyfriend is going to medical school). On Monday morning that pain was horrendous, and it came and went in full blows. Even drinking water burned, it sucked. I thought I was just dehydrated. I was at work too, and Scott (boss) kept telling me to go home, but I didn't cause I hate missing work. After that, my mother took me to the hospital were it took 6 hours to confirm that I had appendicitis and I needed surgery. The doctor was all, "All your appendix belongs to us!", I laughed and it hurt. :(

Now it's day two out of the hospital, all I've been doing is sleeping and drinking water and some Dr.Pepper. I have some norco, doesn't really do much. I have this unbearable pain in my neck and shoulders, which I was told was from the air they used to pump my stomach so they can see inside better. Oh yeah, and now I have three extra holes. Hurrah.

So have any of you guys had an appendectomy? Or any other surgery and what did you guys do in bed rest? Cause I'm literally dying of boredom and pain.

Ask for pain medication. If you already have some, tell them it's not working.

Watch TV, rent movies, play video games, play games online, read, do an arts&crafts project, write a letter to someone - just off the top of my head.

07-21-2010, 10:14 PM
Ask for pain medication. If you already have some, tell them it's not working.

Honesty really is the best approach in that respect. Tell your doctor, "Hey... it's just not adequate for the pain. Can we go up a notch with a small quantity."

07-21-2010, 10:17 PM
Honesty really is the best approach in that respect. Tell your doctor, "Hey... it's just not adequate for the pain. Can we go up a notch with a small quantity."

Especially if you have a pet and they decide to jump on you!!!!!!!!!! My cat ended up across the room.

07-21-2010, 10:17 PM
Honesty really is the best approach in that respect. Tell your doctor, "Hey... it's just not adequate for the pain. Can we go up a notch with a small quantity."

Why won't you prescribe me something already? Tsk tsk.

Edit: I get to see the doctor next Thursday. How the hell am I supposed to wait till then?! He also said, I'd be good in a week. I'm not sure about that man.

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2010, 10:20 PM
I have no idea what to say.

A) Feel better.

B) Did they give you a jar filled with formalin and your appendix in it so you can whip it out at parties? I like to whip it out, but I am not awesome enough to do said whipping with my surgically removed appendix.

C) I'll make you some soup.

07-21-2010, 10:25 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Stanley Burrell again.

07-21-2010, 11:36 PM
Had femoral acetabular impingement (hip) surgery and was getting PT the next day... but that was half because I was drugged up and stupid and half because these days, in the case of joints they want you to start moving it pretty quickly. For the pain I had Oxicidone(sp), which for me was pretty effective, in the sense that you are basically just out of it. I also have a high tolerance for pain/low tolerance for drugs, and stopped taking the stuff two days after surgery.

PS: I had three new holes too. Not quite the same is it? Blechity blechity?

07-22-2010, 12:00 AM
Oh yeah, and now I have three extra holes. Hurrah.

I like where this is going. Gigiddty.

07-22-2010, 01:06 PM
All the air in my shoulders is completely pissing me off. Sigh, this shit hurts man. Someone get me some tequila.

07-22-2010, 01:15 PM
What really sucks is now you have to be crazy cautious about what you eat.


07-22-2010, 03:36 PM
All the air in my shoulders is completely pissing me off. Sigh, this shit hurts man. Someone get me some tequila.

Take gas-x and walk/bounce. It gets the trapped air out.. Oh forgot, also laying on your left side.

(I've had too many surgeries for my age!)

07-22-2010, 04:21 PM
Why won't you prescribe me something already? Tsk tsk.

Edit: I get to see the doctor next Thursday. How the hell am I supposed to wait till then?! He also said, I'd be good in a week. I'm not sure about that man.Call him again. You might not get to talk to him, but nothing bad can happen from trying.

Feel better soon!!! :heart:

07-22-2010, 04:31 PM
I had half of my liver and my gallbladder removed six years ago due to a liver disease I had since birth. I was in the hospital for two weeks on IV dilaudid (one of the strongest morphines). I was bed-ridden for three months on pill-form dilaudid. I had a JP tube (a tube sticking out from my body that led to my liver to collect leaking bile in a pouch I had to pin to the inside of my shirt and empty each night) for six months.

Your puny appendectomy would make me giggle.

But seriously, the best thing to do is walk around. Do circles in your house, your bedroom, whatever. It hurts like hell, but it gets the blood pumping and makes things heal faster. And if you're bored, read or watch tv/movies or play video games. In a week you'll be back to normal.

Sylvan Dreams
07-22-2010, 04:43 PM
Sitting around too much will definitely discourage you from moving around in general for a while. Make sure you move gently and stop if you get a foreboding feeling or pain.

07-22-2010, 05:53 PM
But seriously, the best thing to do is walk around. Do circles in your house, your bedroom, whatever. It hurts like hell, but it gets the blood pumping and makes things heal faster. And if you're bored, read or watch tv/movies or play video games. In a week you'll be back to normal.


You don't want clots and you don't want pneumonia. Get moving. You're at a higher risk for developing clots after going under the knife, and if you're laying around all day and not getting any coughing or deep breathing done, the alveoli in your lungs can collapse.

07-22-2010, 05:57 PM

Well, maybe not crazily cautious, but the appendix serves a lot of little backup functions associated with digestion; as well as participating in immuno-functions within the digestive tract. So treating your guts like crap becomes a little bit riskier than usual. Doctors use it to repair other internal organs during surgery as well, so that option is now off the table too.

Most people aren't caused problems by its removal, however, because of modern sanitation and eating practices. And in her case, since she's been having problems for a while, she might be better off {assuming it was the source of said problems}.

07-22-2010, 06:05 PM
Take gas-x and walk/bounce. It gets the trapped air out.. Oh forgot, also laying on your left side.

(I've had too many surgeries for my age!)


I have had an appendectomy, ovarian surgery, back surgery, foot surgery x2, and I'm counting giving birth cause that shit hurts (x2).

Really hope you feel better soon. Be glad you are in the age of laser surgery, all of mine were right before that became popular so I have a bunch of long scars to show for it.

I tell people it is from sword fighting. :D

Funny thing is to make sure you stay hydrated for two reasons. One, you don't want your body to have a harder time healing and water really helps with that. Two, it forces you to get up and hit the bathroom. When you are in a lot of pain it is a good way to force yourself to keep moving if you are having trouble with that.

Give it a few days and you should be feeling a lot better. Hopefully you will have a better quality of life now too since you had so many problems with it.

07-22-2010, 07:18 PM
Thanks everyone for the tips. I can walk now with almost no pain. Sitting or going to lay down still hurts though. I just looked at my bellybutton and there is a staple in there! Ugh it's gonna bloody suck when they take it out.

I've been spraying this numbing mint spray on my neck and shoulders so I don't feel the pain there, it's been working. All in all, alot more movement today!