View Full Version : Do you chew with your mouth closed?

07-21-2010, 10:24 AM
So I'm doing research in a library, which happens to have a nice little cafe attached to it. Quite enjoyable, right? Except that every person in here is smacking. They have the eating habits of a baboon! Maybe it's just my pet peeve, but I find it disgusting when people chew with their mouth open or talk with food in their mouth. I'm finding it more common for people to do it. Just wondering what people's thoughts are on this subject.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-21-2010, 10:34 AM
My parents were sticklers about not chewing with your mouth open so I never do.

I am really, really bad about slurping when I'm drinking though. I try not to and if I'm at a really nice restaurant I try to take tiny sips to reduce the slurpage but if I'm super hot/thirsty or just having a beer and a sandwich at a pub it happens. Thankfully no one has ever been like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU over it.

07-21-2010, 10:35 AM
smacking is absolutely disgusting. my best friend does it until i scream at him then he stops. i have a senile grandmother, and if people do it around her, she starts smacking really loud and clacking her dentures and then she stares at them and says YOU LIKE THAT?? YOU LIKE THAT HUH?? WHY DONT YA KNOCK IT OFF!!!

07-21-2010, 10:43 AM
My parents were sticklers about not chewing with your mouth open so I never do.

I am really, really bad about slurping when I'm drinking though. I try not to and if I'm at a really nice restaurant I try to take tiny sips to reduce the slurpage but if I'm super hot/thirsty or just having a beer and a sandwich at a pub it happens. Thankfully no one has ever been like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU over it.
I only slurp when I'm trying to get the waitress' attention for a refill. I know, rather juvenile but it works.

07-21-2010, 10:46 AM
My folks and grandparents really made it a point that we didn't eat with our mouths open.

"Chew with your mouth closed! You are not a cow chewing your cud!"

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2010, 10:47 AM
Certain elements of my past have made me unable to break the cycle of immediately putting my napkin on my lap, never opening my mouth when chewing food, never talking when eating at a table, never putting more than one arm over the table, finishing any and every food item provided to me ... And other silly shit.

Usually, it's not so bad if I'm eating by myself or with one person, but if I'm at any sort of fancy restaurant with a group of people my brain glitches back several years to when eating with the aforementioned demeanor was mandatory.

07-21-2010, 10:49 AM
Certain elements of my past have made me unable to break the cycle of immediately putting my napkin on my lap, never opening my mouth when chewing food, never talking when eating at a table, never putting more than one arm over the table, finishing any and every food item provided to me ... And other silly shit.

Usually, it's not so bad if I'm eating by myself or with one person, but if I'm at any sort of fancy restaurant with a group of people my brain glitches back several years to when eating with the aforementioned demeanor was mandatory.

You forgot to mention you could only chew 4 times. Which Academy?

07-21-2010, 10:59 AM
I chew with my mouth closed. A friend actually got mad at me one time when we were at a restaurant. She has three children who were all sitting across from me, my daughter was next to me.

For twenty minutes I listened to them smack their food, talk with food falling out, and just overall make me lose my appetite. She never said a word and I asked her to talk to them about it as she herself was very polite eating.

She just laughed and I finally said something myself. Personally I was very nice about it but they were ruining lunch. It really was disgusting. So I leaned over and asked them to please chew with their mouthes closed so no one saw their food (Kids were 10, 8, and 5). They nodded and... listened. No hurt feelings or anything.

Mom however was butthurt.

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2010, 11:07 AM
You forgot to mention you could only chew 4 times.

See below.

Which Academy?

lol @ Academy. Somewhere in Connecticut. That's all you need to know and more than I need to remember. Fuck them.

07-21-2010, 11:07 AM
My family (parents AND grandparents) were pretty strict about table manners. As children we were taken to a lot of social situations (restaurants, church potlucks, granddad's country club) and heaven help us if we didn't chew each bite 28 times (the magic number, worked great with jello), use our napkins, eat with mouth closed, and a few of Stanley's bugaboos.

It was a bit extreme, but I never have to worry about my table manners, it's so strongly ingrained in my inner child that I don't forget. At least I've long since talked myself out of eating pizza with a knife and fork..mostly.

07-21-2010, 11:08 AM
Fucking savages. Challenge them to a duel, assuming your blunderbuss is handy.

07-21-2010, 11:21 AM
My parents were sticklers about not chewing with your mouth open so I never do.
Same, my parents made it pretty unacceptable to chew with your mouth open.

I am really, really bad about slurping when I'm drinking though.
You don't get the title Joust Falcon for nothing.

07-21-2010, 11:58 AM
Do you chew with your mouth closed?

Yes. And it sucks when I have nasal congestion and can't breathe out of my nose.

PS. You should have made a poll.

Gnome Rage
07-21-2010, 01:27 PM
I grew up in a family that frowned upon smacking, slurping and elbows on the table. I find the sound of someone chewing repulsive. Especially if its like mac and cheese or something. eeeugh!

But my brother and I both have TMJ, him worse than me. Our jaws click when we chew. Its impossible to stop, his bugs the crap out of me because its extremely loud. I'm pretty sure only I can hear mine.

07-21-2010, 01:50 PM
My jaws click when I chew as well (TMJ), I believe its hereditary. I've had surgery on one side because it used to lock up (insert lockjaw jokes here). The click is clearly heard around the table when I eat.

07-21-2010, 01:53 PM
ClydeR doesn't chew with his mouth closed.

We're constantly getting hit by the garbage getting spat out. =(