View Full Version : California Residents Protest City Manager’s $800,000 Salary

07-20-2010, 01:10 PM
By Christopher Palmeri

July 20 (Bloomberg) -- Hundreds of residents of one of the poorest municipalities in Los Angeles County shouted in protest last night as tensions rose over a report that the city’s manager earns an annual salary of almost $800,000.

An overflow crowd packed a City Council meeting in Bell, a mostly Hispanic city of 38,000 about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles, to call for the resignation of Mayor Oscar Hernandez and other city officials. Residents left standing outside the chamber banged on the doors and shouted “fuera,” or “get out” in Spanish.

It was the first council meeting since the Los Angeles Times reported July 15 that Chief Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo earns $787,637 -- with annual 12 percent raises -- and that Bell pays its police chief $457,000, more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck makes in a city of 3.8 million people. Bell council members earn almost $100,000 for part-time work.

City Attorney Edward Lee said the council members couldn’t discuss salaries in public without advance notice. The council then adjourned for a private session. About an hour later, the council members returned, and Hernandez read a statement saying the city would prepare a report on the salaries and seek public comment at the next council meeting, scheduled for Aug. 16.

Residents shouted in protest. Lee said he would have the room cleared if people continued to speak out of line. Police Chief Randy Adams said the fire department wanted to end the meeting because the crowd outside was blocking the door.

Easing Tensions
Then, in what appeared to be an effort to ease tensions, Hernandez announced that the meeting to discuss salaries would be held instead on July 26.

After the meeting, Bell resident Ali Saleh read a statement from a newly formed group called the Bell Association to Stop the Abuse. He called for an independent audit of city salaries and contracts.

On July 1 Bell took control of many of the city functions of neighboring Maywood, a city whose council members voted to contract out almost all services. Saleh also asked that Bell stop that process until the city’s salary investigations were resolved.

Bell has sold two general obligation bond issues totaling $50 million in the past six years, according to prospectuses for the bonds and information in the city’s annual financial statement for 2009. In that time, its debt has risen to $1,972 per capita in 2009 from $599 in 2004, according to its annual financial statement.

Inquiry Under Way
The city’s personal income was $24,800 per capita in 2008, according to the city’s financial statement. That compares with an average of $32,819 nationwide, according to 2010 figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has begun an inquiry into Bell council member pay, according to Dave Demerjian, head of the office’s Public Integrity Division. He said Bell council members were receiving $8,083 a month, mostly by serving on city-related commissions.
“We’re reviewing the council member salaries to see if they conform to state law,” Demerjian said in a telephone interview.

California law limits the salaries of council members to several hundred dollars a month, depending on the size of the city, according to Hector De La Torre, a state assemblyman from nearby South Gate, who sponsored legislation in 2005 that limits how much council members can get paid from other city-related assignments to $150 a month.

‘Obscene Pay’
De La Torre said that after his bill was passed, Bell’s City Council voted to operate under its own charter, rather than adhere to state laws on how cities should be run.

“It seems obscene to me,” De La Torre said in a telephone interview. “People making $30,000 a year are paying taxes so that their council members can make $80,000.”

Adams, Bell’s police chief, said in an interview after the council meeting that he had retired as chief of police in the much larger city of Glendale, California, when Bell officials approached him.

“I told them they would have to pay me what I was making in retirement and the $165,000 I would make as chief of police,” Adams said.
Adams said he had been brought in to end corruption in Bell’s police department.

“Some of the former members of this force are in the federal penitentiary,” he said.

‘Streets Are Cleaner’
Hernandez, the mayor, defended the salaries in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

“Our streets are cleaner, we have lovely parks, better lighting throughout the area, our community is better,” Hernandez said, according to the newspaper. “These things just don’t happen, they happen because he had a vision and made it happen.”

Carmen Avalos, the city clerk in South Gate, said she attended the Bell council meeting to help educate people about the political process.
“This is what we are trying to avoid,” she said in an interview at the meeting. “The lack of fiduciary responsibility, the lack of transparency.”



07-20-2010, 02:03 PM
Since they're protesting in Spanish, they must be here legally.

07-20-2010, 02:31 PM
I came across this on Fark today. Can't wait to see how this one resolves itself.

How did no one notice this before?

07-20-2010, 02:40 PM
@ Rinualdo

See Methais' post

07-21-2010, 07:30 AM
Damn, that's a hell of a tax base to pay those salaries. I had no idea fruit picking and tee-shirt manufacturing was THAT lucrative!

07-21-2010, 09:42 AM
Looks like the gravy train just came to a stop.

07-21-2010, 12:00 PM
Looks like the gravy train just came to a stop.

I hope the gravy train turns into:


07-21-2010, 12:00 PM
I hope the gravy train turns into:



07-21-2010, 12:25 PM
Government waste and corruption??? Whaaaaat?

The thing to do here is to simply raise taxes and everything will be kosher.

07-21-2010, 12:35 PM
Government waste and corruption??? Whaaaaat?

The thing to do here is to simply raise taxes and everything will be kosher.


07-21-2010, 01:00 PM
Government waste and corruption??? Whaaaaat?

The thing to do here is to simply raise taxes and everything will be kosher.

Obama's and Pelosi's solution =(

07-21-2010, 01:03 PM
Government waste and corruption??? Whaaaaat?

The thing to do here is to simply raise taxes and everything will be kosher.

Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

07-21-2010, 01:09 PM
Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

Both parties indulge in wasteful spending.

Congressional Democrats have the history of pushing for raised taxation to keep the status quo, and Congressional Republicans have the history of shifting resources from other projects (usually social programs) to keep the status quo.

If Congress was Republican controlled, and were looking to raise taxes instead of cutting spending (wasteful or not), I would be "F no, *lower* my taxes and cut spending!".

07-21-2010, 03:42 PM
Okay, this was hilarious ... in regard to my response to PB's post:

(Red) California Residents... 07-21-2010 01:04 PM A whole eleven posts to go from a clear cut example of local corruption to baseless accusations against the federal gov't. Bravo!

I fail to see how it is a "baseless accusation" when there *are* discussions about raising taxes to pay for the spending.

07-21-2010, 03:45 PM
There are discussions about raising federal taxes to pay for this local spending?

07-21-2010, 03:55 PM
Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

Where did I ever say I was talking about Democrats? I clearly posted "GOVERNMENT WASTE AND CORRUPTION".

Guilty conscious?

07-21-2010, 03:58 PM
Government waste and corruption??? Whaaaaat?

The thing to do here is to simply raise taxes and everything will be kosher.

Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

Where did I ever say I was talking about Democrats? I clearly posted "GOVERNMENT WASTE AND CORRUPTION".

Guilty conscious?

Rinualdo, you have to admit that you fell for the trap.

07-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Rinualdo, you have to admit that you fell for the trap.

Sad part was... it wasn't intended to be a trap.

07-21-2010, 04:32 PM
Atlanteax might deserve an assist for the setup.

07-21-2010, 04:48 PM
I thought the sad part was that Rinualdo could not recognize that what Parkbandit said applies to all levels of government ... I merely made a reference to the Federal level of "ppssffttt, we'll just raise taxes and everything will be kosher!".

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-21-2010, 05:23 PM
You have to bring in a half million dollar sheriff to clean up a corrupt police department for a town of 28,000 people?

Holy shit we cannot afford to clean up our government :(

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-21-2010, 05:24 PM
And 12% annual salary raises? I need to work for the government.

07-21-2010, 05:43 PM
Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

This was meant to be a general statement about our public discourse.

Not everything needs to be spun or defended as a political jab or talking point.

07-21-2010, 05:46 PM
Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?

This was meant to be a general statement about our public discourse.

Not everything needs to be spun or defended as a political jab or talking point.

You conveniently left off the first part of your first quote. For obvious reasons...

07-21-2010, 05:47 PM
Erm, what's the problem? The first statement was a response to the Obama/Pelosi comment, and then a general statement was made about how Americans react with political fervor.

07-21-2010, 05:54 PM

07-21-2010, 05:57 PM
Well that clearly sums it up. Thank you for yet another intellectually stimulating exchange of ideas.

07-21-2010, 06:13 PM
Erm, what's the problem? The first statement was a response to the Obama/Pelosi comment, and then a general statement was made about how Americans react with political fervor.

Ok, follow the breadcrumbs here. First, read post #12 and think about the response you posted. Now pay attention to the post you quoted (PB's #9) in your response. Then see Antlanteax's post (#11).

Now follow the exchange below, which appeared after your post (#12).

Rinualdo, you have to admit that you fell for the trap.

Sad part was... it wasn't intended to be a trap.

Atlanteax might deserve an assist for the setup.

I thought the sad part was that Rinualdo could not recognize that what Parkbandit said applies to all levels of government ... I merely made a reference to the Federal level of "ppssffttt, we'll just raise taxes and everything will be kosher!".

The take a look at your attempt to cover your tracks (see post #24.)

Because Republicans never, ever are wasteful or corrupt?

Can't we simply call bullshit where we see it and not try and label it as representative as one party or another?This was meant to be a general statement about our public discourse.

Not everything needs to be spun or defended as a political jab or talking point.

You're the only person taking a definite political jab (and you were baited into it.) Grats. You fell for the trap and then had to be called out when you attempted to cover with hypocrisy.


07-21-2010, 06:18 PM
You're the only person taking a definite political jab

I bow to your infinite wisdom. As such, perhaps you can help me reconcile how the below quote isn't a political jab?

Gosh, it would seem your other statement may be erroneous, but I'm sure you can help clarify that for me and show me the error of my ways??

Obama's and Pelosi's solution =(

07-21-2010, 06:21 PM
You're the only person taking a definite political jab (and you were baited into it.) Grats. You fell for the trap and then had to be called out when you attempted to cover with hypocrisy.

Thats absolute bullshit. The only person you are fooling is yourself.

07-21-2010, 06:22 PM
Thats absolute bullshit. The only person you are fooling is yourself.

And the court jester trolls in for show.

07-21-2010, 06:23 PM
I bow to your infinite wisdom. As such, perhaps you can help me reconcile how the below quote isn't a political jab?

Gosh, it would seem your other statement may be erroneous, but I'm sure you can help clarify that for me and show me the error of my ways??

If that were the case you would have quoted Atlanteax instead of PB.

Nice try.

07-21-2010, 07:24 PM
Erm, what's the problem? The first statement was a response to the Obama/Pelosi comment, and then a general statement was made about how Americans react with political fervor.

Unfortunately for this story to be accepted by the reader, you would have had to quote the Obama/Pelosi comment..

Instead, you quoted my post and from there, tried to defend your very stupid comment instead of just accepting it was indeed a very stupid comment and move on.

Well done... as usual.

07-21-2010, 07:26 PM
Thats absolute bullshit. The only person you are fooling is yourself.

{Insert "Are you Ganalon or are you a retard" poster here.}