View Full Version : Let them judge between me and thee, and reward thee according to thy deeds
07-19-2010, 11:37 PM
So we've been working privately with Dan to get a few things sold to us on the sly, with a substantial discount. All was well and good. Someone found out, and Vanguard folks were mad IG. So far pretty understandable. Then today we had a small talk, I'll share it as it kinda demonstrates the difference in the type of people we have working for both groups. I asked if I could share this and he said it was ok.
-Dan: "Hey there. Fair warning and all that, I'm throwing in with the Vanguard. Mostly for RL reasons, not IG ones, dealing with RL friendships. IG, I was pretty concerned about being 'outed' as a supplier for you, and that happened. You've been pretty standup, and I do appreciate it, so I wanted to be fair and give you a heads up. Go ahead and KOS me if you'd like. I'd rather be up front than backstab you guys."
To: Dan: "Nah I understand. Unlike our Vanguard counterparts, we keep it in game. Kinda sucks they wont still be your friend for actions you take in a game /shrug. Mind if I let the others know?"
Dan: "By all means. I wanted to be aboveboard with you guys."
To Dan: "Ok! Hope we are the same. If you start targetting our members, we'll have to kill you. But its all in good fun! :)"
Dan "Very much the same on my end. I'll probably come for you guys, and expect nothing but the same. You won't get any butt-hurt out of me. :)"
Just a little bit of a contrast I think in styles. Now, this happened with Khariz too. His RL friendships turned his back on him because of choices in a, he was KILLING folk though so while I dont understand it, its in the realm of feasability in my mind. Dont agree with it, but there you go.
But Dan wasnt even killing folks. Just had an arms deal with us. Probably with the Vanguard too. He was playing the role of Weapons Dealer, and they traditionally supply both sides in a conflict.
So, RL 'friends' of Dan, well played. Forcing your friends to do something they aren't necessarily interested in is one way of going about fighting your war. I only hope for your sake that Dan is more mature than you and won't let this hurt your friendship with him.
Best of luck to everyone involved. Dan, no hard feelings and we look forward to meeting you on the battlefield.
07-19-2010, 11:48 PM
Cool story bro.
Congratulations for making another thread to clog with this. The next 500 penis-waving posts will only make the boards a better place.
07-19-2010, 11:50 PM
This is bullshit, and will continue to be bullshit no matter how many times you say it. It is kind of like Katze reiterating ad nauseum that he is a good rp'er. To quote you, saying it doesn't make it true.
Did you, um, not read the above post at all?
Talk to Dan if you dont believe me.
07-19-2010, 11:52 PM
So we've been working privately with Dan to get a few things sold to us on the sly, with a substantial discount. All was well and good. Someone found out, and Vanguard folks were mad IG. So far pretty understandable. Then today we had a small talk, I'll share it as it kinda demonstrates the difference in the type of people we have working for both groups. I asked if I could share this and he said it was ok.
-Dan: "Hey there. Fair warning and all that, I'm throwing in with the Vanguard. Mostly for RL reasons, not IG ones, dealing with RL friendships. IG, I was pretty concerned about being 'outed' as a supplier for you, and that happened. You've been pretty standup, and I do appreciate it, so I wanted to be fair and give you a heads up. Go ahead and KOS me if you'd like. I'd rather be up front than backstab you guys."
To: Dan: "Nah I understand. Unlike our Vanguard counterparts, we keep it in game. Kinda sucks they wont still be your friend for actions you take in a game /shrug. Mind if I let the others know?"
Dan: "By all means. I wanted to be aboveboard with you guys."
To Dan: "Ok! Hope we are the same. If you start targetting our members, we'll have to kill you. But its all in good fun! :)"
Dan "Very much the same on my end. I'll probably come for you guys, and expect nothing but the same. You won't get any butt-hurt out of me. :)"
Just a little bit of a contrast I think in styles. Now, this happened with Khariz too. His RL friendships turned his back on him because of choices in a, he was KILLING folk though so while I dont understand it, its in the realm of feasability in my mind. Dont agree with it, but there you go.
But Dan wasnt even killing folks. Just had an arms deal with us. Probably with the Vanguard too. He was playing the role of Weapons Dealer, and they traditionally supply both sides in a conflict.
So, RL 'friends' of Dan, well played. Forcing your friends to do something they aren't necessarily interested in is one way of going about fighting your war. I only hope for your sake that Dan is more mature than you and won't let this hurt your friendship with him.
Best of luck to everyone involved. Dan, no hard feelings and we look forward to meeting you on the battlefield.
Pretty crappy of you to drag this to the boards. I doubt many people will be fooled by your spin tactics here. Way to use people Mordiepoo! You get a cookie.
07-19-2010, 11:53 PM
I'm about ten beers in, but lemme give a shot at straightening a couple things out.
People I've known and respected for a long time IG were on one side, and I was on another. That didn't sit real well, but there you go.
Initially, I paid the Marlu folk, in the interest of being left alone. Then, as a stray thought, I contacted Mordechai and entered into a deal to play arms supplier for them in exchange for amnesty. It was a win-win, as I had customers for my wares, and I got left alone (which was my goal from the beginning). My side of the deal was that my involvement be secret, to which he agreed.
I was kinda enjoying RPing the 'arms dealer', the indiscriminate person who'll sell to both sides, and is all about the profit. Worked for a bit, but then word got out about my arrangement with the Marluites. I have a few RL friends, and a lot more people I know and respect, who were annoyed by this. Made me do some thinking.
I made the decision to switch sides mainly because I wanted to ally, voluntarily, with those people. That and I was a little butt-hurt about the 'secret' getting out so quickly. Also, I liked the idea of getting involved, actively, and wanted to do it on the side of the "good guys".
Wanna make one thing perfectly clear, though. Mordechai and Madmountan (and some of the others) were nothing but honorable with me. They communicated well, warned me off when necessary, and I have had zero personal issue with them. This is not a personal affront that I'm trying to avenge. This is a choice as to which side I want to be on, RP-wise, and a choice about the people who I want to associate with. It's not meant as a personal attack on anyone from the Marlu side.
Best of luck to everyone involved. Dan, no hard feelings and we look forward to meeting you on the battlefield.
My thoughts exactly, Sir. :medieval:
07-19-2010, 11:54 PM
Pretty crappy of you to drag this to the boards. I doubt many people will be fooled by your spin tactics here. Way to use people Mordiepoo! You get a cookie.
Did it partially at the request of Dan, as he said it would be good advertisement for his side switch.
So I will TAKE that cookie sir!
07-20-2010, 12:14 AM
So, RL 'friends' of Dan, well played. Forcing your friends to do something they aren't necessarily interested in is one way of going about fighting your war. I only hope for your sake that Dan is more mature than you and won't let this hurt your friendship with him.
It's so unfortunate that Dan doesn't have a mind of his own. He is but a slave to the whims of his friends. Such woe and tragedy!
This is not a personal affront that I'm trying to avenge. This is a choice as to which side I want to be on, RP-wise, and a choice about the people who I want to associate with.
But, but, but...I thought your evil RL friends twisted your arm until you were force to switch sides!
That would mean that HJFudge is a:
07-20-2010, 12:35 AM
For someone who clearly doesn't give a crap what everyone says about you or your clan you certainly do like to make public spectacle of how wrong the other side is.
Before you start with the whole 'LOL U NOT IN GAME YET U DONT KNOW SHIT', it's getting tiresome. I get that I might be missing pieces but the fact that you claim you're not being bothered at all by the things going on is about as believable as you trying to convince everyone here you're a six time heavyweight MMA champion.
Seriously, condescend all you want and try to prove you're not bothered but you coming here and saying 'Let the crowd judge' is like a nail in the coffin.
07-20-2010, 01:24 AM
Did it partially at the request of Dan, as he said it would be good advertisement for his side switch.
So I will TAKE that cookie sir!
No! I take back my cookie offer. All your cookies are belong to MEH.
Sean of the Thread
07-20-2010, 04:33 AM
Cool story bro.
Congratulations for making another thread to clog with this. The next 500 penis-waving posts will only make the boards a better place.
07-20-2010, 04:50 AM
07-20-2010, 05:49 AM
I was kinda enjoying RPing the 'arms dealer', the indiscriminate person who'll sell to both sides, and is all about the profit. Worked for a bit, but then word got out about my arrangement with the Marluites. I have a few RL friends, and a lot more people I know and respect, who were annoyed by this. Made me do some thinking.
If you were RPing your character as neutral and were selling to both sides, then your RL friends are fags for giving you shit over it imo.
That's like playing Horde and getting mad at your RL friend for rolling Alliance, even if they weren't ganking you. Sort of.
07-20-2010, 06:43 AM
07-20-2010, 11:46 AM
If you were RPing your character as neutral and were selling to both sides, then your RL friends are fags for giving you shit over it imo.
That's like playing Horde and getting mad at your RL friend for rolling Alliance, even if they weren't ganking you. Sort of.
totally agree. anyone who was giving Dan shit about that is a massive cocksucker. You nerds take this stuff too seriously.
07-20-2010, 12:11 PM
My favorite part of this story are the people who claim they are "roleplaying" and those who claim they have the uncanny ability to keep their IG 'persona' separate from their RL 'persona'
Wait... there are people who actually believe they are dark elves in RL?
07-20-2010, 12:12 PM
I'm a Tauren Druid in RL, fuck you!
07-20-2010, 01:53 PM
My favorite part of this story are the people who claim they are "roleplaying" and those who claim they have the uncanny ability to keep their IG 'persona' separate from their RL 'persona'
Wait... there are people who actually believe they are dark elves in RL?
Not just dark elves, but sometimes ninja dark elves.
07-20-2010, 01:59 PM
Did the Bible inspire the topic title? Or was that just something to grab attention?
07-20-2010, 02:02 PM
Did the Bible inspire the topic title? Or was that just something to grab attention?
He's the FL state laser tag champion, he doesn't need to do anything to grab attention.
07-20-2010, 02:03 PM
Right, right. Well damn, guess he is a Champion. We should call him Eagle Eyes.
07-20-2010, 02:07 PM
He's the FL state laser tag champion, he doesn't need to do anything to grab attention.
Did he really say this in a thread? Rofl, link please.
07-20-2010, 02:10 PM
Did he really say this in a thread? Rofl, link please.
Emagine It (2:00:41 AM): Im also the state laser tag champion for what thats worth
07-20-2010, 02:11 PM
LMAO! Jesus Christ, that's never something you brag about. Oh man...I can only feel pity for him now.
07-20-2010, 02:14 PM
I was more hoping it'd be something like, "I am better than you because I am state laser tag champion. PEW PEW PEW." Congrats to him for having a real life.
07-20-2010, 02:48 PM
Let them judge between me and thee, and reward thee according to thy deeds
I thought for a moment this was going to be another I'm a Muslim convert and a little on the radical side thread...
07-20-2010, 03:15 PM
Its not from the Bible, but it is a religious quote and I found it appropriate to the subject at hand.
And I didnt brag in the forums about being Laser Tag anything. It was a private conversation that the person I had it with got a stick up her butt about me and decided to try and embarrass me with it.
But I wouldnt have said it if I was embarrassed about it. Much like the videos of me playing guitar I posted on youtube that, and Im betting its the same person, decided to put in someones Rep Comment. If they were embarrassing, I wouldnt have put it on the youtubes.
Its fun. Don't be jealous at my skills? :P
07-20-2010, 03:19 PM
Its fun. Don't be jealous at my skills? :P
Marine > Laser Tag Champion.
Eh, good for you though. Not being ashamed of who you are. Even if it's a little awkward.
07-20-2010, 03:23 PM
I at one point considered joining the armed services (probably not as a marine, Im more of an Air Force kind of guy)
But, as an armed serviceman, you only get one life. No respawn, alas!
07-20-2010, 03:30 PM
Its not from the Bible, but it is a religious quote and I found it appropriate to the subject at hand.
And I didnt brag in the forums about being Laser Tag anything. It was a private conversation that the person I had it with got a stick up her butt about me and decided to try and embarrass me with it.
But I wouldnt have said it if I was embarrassed about it. Much like the videos of me playing guitar I posted on youtube that, and Im betting its the same person, decided to put in someones Rep Comment. If they were embarrassing, I wouldnt have put it on the youtubes.
Its fun. Don't be jealous at my skills? :P
I was the Killer Game Dorm Champion 1985-1987 of Broome Hall.
I even had a "Golden" gun on a plaque.
What now?!?!?!
07-20-2010, 03:34 PM
Marine > Laser Tag Champion.
Eh, good for you though. Not being ashamed of who you are. Even if it's a little awkward.
Thank you for fighting for our country. Semper Fidelis.
(No, I'm not a Marine, but my brother is and I respect all of our armed forces for their courage and willingness to do what I am unable to do)
07-20-2010, 03:35 PM
Its fun. Don't be jealous at my skills? :P
Racquetball > Laser Tag! :medieval:
07-20-2010, 03:35 PM
Thank you for fighting for our country. Semper Fidelis.
(No, I'm not a Marine, but my brother is and I respect all of our armed forces for their courage and willingness to do what I am unable to do)
Thanks man.
07-20-2010, 03:54 PM
I actually think that is pretty cool. I suck at lazer tag but it is damn fun.
07-20-2010, 04:27 PM
I actually think that is pretty cool. I suck at lazer tag but it is damn fun.
Being a champion at anything has merit but I place activities that involve more strenuous physical activity higher on the totem pole.
07-20-2010, 04:34 PM
Being a champion at anything has merit but I place activities that involve more strenuous physical activity higher on the totem pole.
Bringing up merits on the internet, especially irrelevant to the topic ones, is asking to get trolled.
07-20-2010, 04:35 PM
Being a champion at anything has merit but I place activities that involve more strenuous physical activity higher on the totem pole.
Whilst not exactly a full body workout, there is a lot of running around and wielding 10-12 pound metal guns involved. If you just still you die. All the ducking and crouching and jumping up and sprinting gets the blood pumping.
07-20-2010, 04:36 PM
Well, I would rather someone point out they are lazer tag champion than a level 100 __________ in Gemstone. As much as I :heart: GS.
Not that you have done that, but some here have. OMGIRUBERCAPPEDCHAR followed by "MOM GET ME A BEER!" always makes me lawl. Mostly at the mom.
07-20-2010, 04:54 PM
You know what's weird? The reason I posted that log is because I thought the embarrassing part was the video game that you and your friends created that turned into a card game that you were considering employment since you had lost your dayjob. That log was in response to someone saying something about you working at McDonalds or some such. I really didn't even think of the laser tag as being embarrassing. Guess that goes to show... something. Not sure what.
And no, it wasn't me who repped the youtube video.
Ah yes! My project! Its going well, we have a workable prototype and are going forward from there. If nothing comes of it? /shrug. But if it works out, huzzah.
Hmmm then I wonder who did? Maybe just another case of internet stalkings.
07-20-2010, 05:27 PM
Whilst not exactly a full body workout, there is a lot of running around and wielding 10-12 pound metal guns involved. If you just still you die. All the ducking and crouching and jumping up and sprinting gets the blood pumping.
Erm hrm. About as much pumping of the blood as a 30 minute treadmill walk. At least paint ball is real projectiles...
I won a paintball tournament once. Scenario games. Gotta scar from the putz using frozen paintballs too.
07-20-2010, 06:01 PM
I won a paintball tournament once. Scenario games. Gotta scar from the putz using frozen paintballs too.
I just saw that movie "The Fan". SPOILER ALERT!!! That scene at the end with the paintball gun in the bathroom had me laughing my ass off. Though, if someone did that to me, I'd likely try and kill them.
07-20-2010, 06:02 PM
I won a paintball tournament once. Scenario games. Gotta scar from the putz using frozen paintballs too.
Paintball was fun when I tried it, but its way too expensive to get into, imho.
07-20-2010, 06:20 PM
What was the game before Lazer Tag got the 80s...Photon I think. Jebus I'm old.
Hah...Here it is. "You have been chosen to be the ULTIMATE LASER WARRIOR!"
07-20-2010, 07:51 PM
Dear Mordechai.
Stop trying to act like you're a good guy.
07-20-2010, 08:14 PM
Marine > Laser Tag Champion.
Eh, good for you though. Not being ashamed of who you are. Even if it's a little awkward.
Bullshit. I play every chance I get with my buddies in the military on MWR days, and we invariably get beaten by children.
Laser tag isn't IRL rambo, rambo.
And for the record - laser tag is fun. Not as fun as paintball - but still fun.
07-20-2010, 08:16 PM
Being a champion at anything has merit but I place activities that involve more strenuous physical activity higher on the totem pole.
Find a place that does it and try it. You will be surprised - trust me. A few 15 minute games WILL kick your ass.
07-20-2010, 08:24 PM
we invariably get beaten by children.
Dang man. Even with my gimped out leg I could beat a bunch of kids. Plus, paintball is the shit. I'm so glad we have a paintballing place out in Arizona. Dunes are epic for paintballing.
07-20-2010, 08:35 PM
Dang man. Even with my gimped out leg I could beat a bunch of kids. Plus, paintball is the shit. I'm so glad we have a paintballing place out in Arizona. Dunes are epic for paintballing.
Have you ever played lasertag? I gaurantee you will get your ass handed to you. I'm extremely proficient in CQB and fairly fit, and like I said - kids kick my ass a lot of the time. Fuckers don't get tired, and playing with lasers leads to a lot different tactics than playing with painballs or real bullets. It's just a different game, pure and simple.
Only place I got a chance to play paintball in Phoenix was in some indoor warehouse. Was purely speedball but it was still pretty cool. Here in NH (where Paintball was basically invented) we have some great outdoor courses
07-20-2010, 08:36 PM
Ya know. I actually have played paintball before. There used to be a big range close to where I lived in Texas, all full of trees and hills and hidey places. It was closer to a military exercise than a game. After about 45 minutes I just found a soft patch of grass somewhere in the middle and sat down, I simply could not continue. Luckily I was found by a team mate rather than an enemy, who valiantly defended me until the game was over. It was very, very difficult.
The perks of breasts, eh?
07-20-2010, 08:40 PM
Have you ever played lasertag? I gaurantee you will get your ass handed to you. I'm extremely proficient in CQB and fairly fit, and like I said - kids kick my ass a lot of the time. Fuckers don't get tired, and playing with lasers leads to a lot different tactics than playing with painballs or real bullets. It's just a different game, pure and simple.
Never played but I always figured it was simple enough. Hm. I dunno, it seems hard for me to imagine a kid beating me.
Only place I got a chance to play paintball in Phoenix was in some indoor warehouse. Was purely speedball but it was still pretty cool. Here in NH (where Paintball was basically invented) we have some great outdoor courses
Paintballing at the dunes is sick. I remember a friend of mine hiding under the sand and popping up right behind me and just flat out owning me. I had so many welts on my back. The only thing that sucks is you have to find a decent time of year. When it's not so hot or not so cold.
07-20-2010, 08:44 PM
Never played but I always figured it was simple enough. Hm. I dunno, it seems hard for me to imagine a kid beating me.
Paintballing at the dunes is sick. I remember a friend of mine hiding under the sand and popping up right behind me and just flat out owning me. I had so many welts on my back. The only thing that sucks is you have to find a decent time of year. When it's not so hot or not so cold.
Are you talking Yuma or somewhere near Phoenix? I never heard of this place, but sounds like a blast. We used to do CQB and open terrain/village cordon training with 5.56 sim rounds at White Sands when I was stationed at Fort Bliss. That shit was a riot, but the open terrain was gay. Although I suppose with Dunes the LOS is pretty easy to break.
In all seriousness you should give lasertag a try. It's fairly cheap and the games are only like 15 minutes, but it's a good workout. Best way to describe it is speedball, but you don't die - you just get a few seconds to find some cover when you get nailed.
07-20-2010, 08:44 PM
Double post
07-20-2010, 08:55 PM
Are you talking Yuma or somewhere near Phoenix? I never heard of this place, but sounds like a blast. We used to do CQB and open terrain/village cordon training with 5.56 sim rounds at White Sands when I was stationed at Fort Bliss. That shit was a riot, but the open terrain was gay. Although I suppose with Dunes the LOS is pretty easy to break.
Outskirts of Yuma. We have a place called Paintball Paradise but it's mostly barrels and such. The dunes outside of Yuma are perfect if you take the time to find a nice group or go far enough out. Just gotta remember water.
In all seriousness you should give lasertag a try. It's fairly cheap and the games are only like 15 minutes, but it's a good workout. Best way to describe it is speedball, but you don't die - you just get a few seconds to find some cover when you get nailed.
Eh...I don't know. We don't have a place like that in Yuma. If I ever do get the chance I'll give a shot though. I could use the work out.
07-20-2010, 08:59 PM
Are you talking Yuma or somewhere near Phoenix? I never heard of this place, but sounds like a blast. We used to do CQB and open terrain/village cordon training with 5.56 sim rounds at White Sands when I was stationed at Fort Bliss. That shit was a riot, but the open terrain was gay. Although I suppose with Dunes the LOS is pretty easy to break.
In all seriousness you should give lasertag a try. It's fairly cheap and the games are only like 15 minutes, but it's a good workout. Best way to describe it is speedball, but you don't die - you just get a few seconds to find some cover when you get nailed.
The place I play at, you DO die. You have a certain number of lives, between 6-8, depending on the gun. Lower the lives, the faster they shoot. Limited ammo too.
We play scenario missions...Detonate, Overthrow, etc. Its pretty sweet. Trying to get the suitcase bomb to the enemies base before they steal it and defuse it...
07-21-2010, 11:16 AM
Its not from the Bible, but it is a religious quote and I found it appropriate to the subject at hand.
lol Mormon (
07-21-2010, 12:14 PM
Great, Jaedawg is rubbing off on Mordie now.
07-21-2010, 12:47 PM
guys, if this little message board continues to generate this amount of lulz, we could possibly break the internetz
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