View Full Version : Vindictus

07-19-2010, 10:33 AM
Jesus Christ, has anyone seen this trailer yet? This is an MMO. A step up, actually. Saddly, it's in closed Beta in a week or so. They're choosing accounts via sign up, shame it ends today.


07-19-2010, 01:46 PM
Looks like more lame shit? ZOMG I R HAMMER LEFT MOUSE UNTIL JOO DEAD.

Seems like the Carebear Deluxe version of Demon's Souls with prettier sparkles and EVEN LESS story elements/character development.

07-19-2010, 01:53 PM
It's run by Nexon so I doubt that it'll be easy to play if you don't use a cash shop. Still, worth a shot in my book.

07-19-2010, 03:31 PM
The market could use a good hack 'n' slash MMO that plays like an action game instead of an RPG.

WTB God of War MMO pl0x.

07-19-2010, 03:53 PM
Well, it's free and I can only pray that I get into the CB, otherwise it's another month or two of boredom.

07-19-2010, 03:56 PM
Yeah, really reminds me Demon's Souls. Though, that chick with the soccer ball thingy at the end was pretty funny.

07-19-2010, 04:08 PM
That was pretty funny. Knowing Nexon, all the gag weapons will be Cash Shop and only last 30 days for 50$. It looks like it should've been a Console game.