View Full Version : I pledge allegiance ... (obviously political)

10-29-2004, 11:56 AM
Let me preface this by saying that I know Slate is a liberal publication.

This scares me...


I will pledge allegiance to my country. I will not stand up and pledge allegiance to the president, nor anyone who is running for president.

Also from the article...

I know the Bush-Cheney campaign occasionally requires the people who attend its events to sign loyalty oaths,

I've never heard this before, and am a bit wary of believing it. Anyone know anything more?


Carl Spackler
10-29-2004, 11:58 AM
Is it really required, or just suggested?

10-29-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Carl Spackler
Is it really required, or just suggested?

I haven't a clue. That's why I said I'm wary to believe it.

If you read the article, the spoken pledge did occur.


10-29-2004, 12:03 PM
Either way it's stupid.

I can't believe people would fall for this shit.

Carl Spackler
10-29-2004, 12:05 PM
Also consider this, most people who are probably attending the Bush-Cheney events are probably already voting for them. So to them, signing something or pledging something isn't a big deal.

10-29-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Carl Spackler
Also consider this, most people who are probably attending the Bush-Cheney events are probably already voting for them. So to them, signing something or pledging something isn't a big deal.

And that is what scares me.
