View Full Version : Killing Rarr..again

04-06-2004, 12:07 PM
You channel at Rarr.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Rarr.
CS: +286 - TD: +220 + CvA: +12 + d100: +70 - -5 == +153
Warding failed!
The violet haze quickly swirls around the Rarr, and the velocity causes large pieces of Rarr's skin to peel off.
Rarr is hit for 48 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Intense beam of plasma shears away large chunks of Rarr's forearm!
She is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Roll result: -103]
Hevinsbane hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.
.channel hev

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>channel hev

[Script finished!]
You channel at Hevinsbane.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Hevinsbane.
CS: +286 - TD: +119 + CvA: -18 + d100: +84 - +5 == +228
Warding failed!
The violet haze chaotically swirls around the Hevinsbane, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself!
Hevinsbane is hit for 116 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
A raw, red hole is drilled in Hevinsbane's chest by a powerful bolt!

* Hevinsbane drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Hevinsbane just bit the dust!
.channel rarr

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>channel rarr

[Script finished!]
You channel at Rarr.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Rarr.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
.channel rarr

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
The ghostly voice of Hevinsbane says, "That was a big mistake."
[Script]>prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>channel rarr

[Script finished!]
You channel at Rarr.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Rarr.
CS: +286 - TD: +220 + CvA: +12 + d100: +55 - -5 == +138
Warding failed!
The violet haze eddies and swirls around the Rarr, lashing out at Rarr's skin with ethereal tendrils.
Rarr is hit for 36 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blistering bolt of energy causes Rarr's eyelid to burn to a crisp!
She is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
.channel rarr

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>channel rarr

[Script finished!]
You channel at Rarr.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Rarr.
CS: +286 - TD: +220 + CvA: +12 + d100: +36 - -5 == +119
Warding failed!
The violet haze eddies and swirls around the Rarr, lashing out at Rarr's skin with ethereal tendrils.
Rarr is hit for 28 points of damage!

* Rarr drops dead at your feet!

A golden aura fades from Rarr.
The light blue glow leaves Rarr.
Rarr appears less secure.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Rarr suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The deep blue glow leaves Rarr.
The air calms down around Rarr.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rarr.
The powerful look leaves Rarr.
The white light leaves Rarr.
The very powerful look leaves Rarr.
The dim aura fades from around Rarr.
Rarr appears less confident.
The brilliant aura fades away from Rarr.
The opalescent aura fades from around Rarr.
A white glow rushes away from Rarr.
Rarr seems hesitant.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rarr.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rarr.
Rarr becomes solid again.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
The Rarr disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
* Rarr just bit the dust!
You say, "Obviously."

Miss X
04-06-2004, 12:09 PM
Wow, could Rarr have any more spells on?

04-06-2004, 12:17 PM
Nice work for whatever the reason.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-06-2004, 12:17 PM
Heh, should see me when I die.

Miss X
04-06-2004, 12:21 PM
Nooooo. Chica can't bare to watch other halflings die! ;)

04-06-2004, 12:22 PM
Nice Fumble. Bwahahahaha!

04-06-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Nice Fumble. Bwahahahaha!

It's sad when you fumble in the middle of attacking someone and you still kill them.

04-06-2004, 02:38 PM
What's so surprising? You look to have at least 20 levels on her. PvP is pretty one dimensional in GS, even moreso when you out level the person by such a margin.


04-06-2004, 03:05 PM
<3 Rarr.

04-06-2004, 03:12 PM
Without the context it's kinda hard to say anything about it. Although I do enjoy seeing Rarr die. I find her character very annoying.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Tijay]

04-06-2004, 03:45 PM
[quote]Hevinsbane hurls himself at you, but he sails by and lands in a heap on the ground.[quote]

Too funny.
Nice to see them both toasted.

04-06-2004, 04:14 PM
The ghostly voice of Hevinsbane says, "That was a big mistake."

He either had the sudden realization that he shouldn't have performed a dumb ass move by jumping, or more talking out of the ass.


04-06-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
What's so surprising? You look to have at least 20 levels on her. PvP is pretty one dimensional in GS, even moreso when you out level the person by such a margin.


I didn't find it boring. She's a dumb cunt. I told her when she threatened me with death, for no reason, that she didn't stand a chance. Even after I had killed her once she thought to me and said to come try it again. So I took her up on the offer.

04-06-2004, 04:20 PM
<<She's a dumb cunt.>>


04-06-2004, 07:22 PM
I like how Hevinsbane attacked you and when you dared kill him he was all "you'll regret that". What an idiot.

04-06-2004, 10:48 PM
Do people really go out hunting and dueling spelled to the teeth?

04-06-2004, 10:49 PM

And Rarr pwnz.

04-06-2004, 10:55 PM
Is dueling really about pwning and do whatever it takes? or going against someone of the same train with but your own spells and capabilities?

04-06-2004, 11:02 PM
I only duel with my own skills Shalla, Rarr isn't a dueler though, she's a moron who if she cannot BANE ya or wave an implode rod at you, half of her family will just show up and attack you. This is mainly Alarke, he's a fucking idiot.

04-06-2004, 11:11 PM
I have nothing against rarr, since I have never encountered her before.. I have never dueled or have any enemies in game either. But I think it's cowardly for someone to challenge others.. or duel someone.. and have outside spells and others aiding you. If you're going to duel.. fight with your own capabilities.

I think there is something wrong with someone who goes around killing others with an implosion rod either.. If you're going to kill someone.. kill them with your own spells.

04-07-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I only duel with my own skills Shalla, Rarr isn't a dueler though, she's a moron who if she cannot BANE ya or wave an implode rod at you, half of her family will just show up and attack you. This is mainly Alarke, he's a fucking idiot.

Cool, I hope Alarke comes for me again. He tried to kill me once before which consisted of him taking two swings with 117 on and missing both. It was pretty funny really.

The funniest part about the Rarr thing is that she completely started the whole thing and then continued it. I don't think it's really fair to compare our trains since she banked on being able to kill me with her implode wand and when she did implode me she gave me a hand major and no stun and then tried to implode me on another occasion but fucked up and waved an oaken wand at me. Then I killed her.

04-07-2004, 12:36 AM
The best part about Alarke is his hypocrasy when it comes down to it.. For instance, if you so much as use the PUNCH verb on a family member he'll cast at you if he can hit you.. if you butt into a conversation he'll silence you, etc. All in the name of HIS SACRED FAMILY. Well in the park one of his daughters or something killed someone, Alarke was there the whole time helping her. Once the person dies, his daughter or whatever gets sent to jail.. a man with this must principle when it comes to family, being a cleric, would never think of raising the person.. Heh, what does he do? Links and raises the second she's in jail. He's a frugazzi.

04-07-2004, 03:34 PM
Too funny. So since she is not a total loser isolationist and has family that stick together she is weak or a loser or a cunt?

I say boo fucking hoo if you get pwnd by a horde of them, if you are too simple for this to be a deterent then you get what you deserve.

04-07-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
I think there is something wrong with someone who goes around killing others with an implosion rod either.. If you're going to kill someone.. kill them with your own spells.

I told her this myself, that using other wands and spells that aren't your own is weak, and she disagreed me and told me to shut up because I don't know what I'm talking about. That using a wand is her using her own skills because she has to train in MIU to use it. Whatever.

I still think it's a cheap way to get something done that you couldn't normally do yourself.

Originally posted by Fengus
Too funny. So since she is not a total loser isolationist and has family that stick together she is weak or a loser?

It's also said that bringing in others to take care of your own problems is rather pathetic. If you started a fight, finish it yourself. You're not allowed to bring in others to handle your conflicts, whether it be family, your "brothers or sisters" or whatever. You got yourself into it, get yourself out somehow.

[Edited on 4/7/2004 by CrystalTears]

04-07-2004, 03:52 PM
She amuses me, the player. Falgrin thinks she is completely ignorant for not at least being scared of him and steals from her constantly.

And I don't agree with anyone who says it is weak to use other spells in wands. Ever been imploded by a warrior that can't harm you physically? It's humbling.

04-07-2004, 04:00 PM
If it's a duel duel... using your owns pells and skills is the traditional honorable thing to do (Yes real duels have honor involved). However if i"m trying to kill someone, I'm going to use any and all items at my disposal to do so. I'm not there to be their friend and let them have a chance, I'm there to kill them. If I wanted to fight them fairly I would challange them to a duel. Being a sorcerer however I'm not often lacking spells for kicking ass, so the only item I ever use when I'm killing someone (note not dueling them) is a glass amulet.

04-07-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
Too funny. So since she is not a total loser isolationist and has family that stick together she is weak or a loser or a cunt?

I say boo fucking hoo if you get pwnd by a horde of them, if you are too simple for this to be a deterent then you get what you deserve.

She's not a cunt because she has this tightly-knit family, as you seem to describe it. She's a cunt because she's the one that initiates conflicts then finds her friends and family to try and finish them. If you ever had any interaction with her, you would know this. Either that, or you're just another one of her cronies. Even IF she has some idiot-fuck friend that is old enough to kill me, that still won't prevent me from dropping her fully spelled ass on sight.

04-08-2004, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Is dueling really about pwning and do whatever it takes? or going against someone of the same train with but your own spells and capabilities?
You need to ask?

04-08-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

I say boo fucking hoo if you get pwnd by a horde of them, if you are too simple for this to be a deterent then you get what you deserve.

She's not a cunt because she has this tightly-knit family, as you seem to describe it. She's a cunt because she's the one that initiates conflicts then finds her friends and family to try and finish them.

Well thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind. I've only ever seen her once in game and she wasn't particularily annoying. But if that *is* what she does, all you have to do is walk away. It takes at least two to create conflict.

Anywa saying such and such action is more or less honorable is for the most part meaningless, this is an RP game, everyone isn't honorable, or even understand honor in the same way.

Honor to me is not bloodying the streets of the Landing with violence, so you see how many people seem dishonorable to me.

Edit: Fixed a quoting problem.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Fengus]

04-08-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Fengus

Originally posted by Mistomeer

I say boo fucking hoo if you get pwnd by a horde of them, if you are too simple for this to be a deterent then you get what you deserve.

She's not a cunt because she has this tightly-knit family, as you seem to describe it. She's a cunt because she's the one that initiates conflicts then finds her friends and family to try and finish them.

Well thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind. I've only ever seen her once in game and she wasn't particularily annoying. But if that *is* what she does, all you have to do is walk away. It takes at least two to create conflict.

Anywa saying such and such action is more or less honorable is for the most part meaningless, this is an RP game, everyone isn't honorable, or even understand honor in the same way.

Honor to me is not bloodying the streets of the Landing with violence, so you see how many people seem dishonorable to me.

Edit: Fixed a quoting problem.

[Edited on 4-8-2004 by Fengus]

I don't think I ever said that I was more honorable, I believe I said she's a "dumb cunt." You don't have to be free of enemies to be honorable. Regardless of whether or not she's honorable, she's still a dumb cunt.

If honor to you isn't bloodying the streets, then maybe you should be addressing the one that starts the conflicts. This started when she tried to implode me. Starting conflicts is what she does. She starts a fight, if she can't finish it with an implode wand, then she tries to get someone in her "family" to finish it. Not my fault for not backing down after some dumb cunt tries to implode me. If you want to run around and have someone threaten your characters and try to kill them and just walk away, good for you, that's your decision. I don't RP a pacifist.