View Full Version : Why I can never be a mentor.

04-05-2004, 08:04 PM
Names changed to protect the innocent. AOL chat rooms are a scourge on the populace!

You are completely overtaken by a sense of vertigo. Try as you might, you are unable to focus on any single object or person. The world around you spins in a disarray of lights and color!
Roundtime: 36 sec.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Thank you very much."
You are completely overtaken by a sense of vertigo. Try as you might, you are unable to focus on any single object or person. The world around you spins in a disarray of lights and color!
Roundtime: 20 sec.
You nod.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "U die?"
PR>look at SnertLOLBoy
You see SnertLOLBoy.
He appears to be a Giant.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has bloodshot ale-brown eyes and alabaster skin. He has a bald head. He has a broken nose and a small goatee.
He appears to be DEAD!
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, and some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm.
He is holding a claidhmore in his right hand.
He is wearing some reinforced elk hide leathers, an elk horn headdress, a pair of elk hide breeches, some fringed deerskin boots, a quilled deerskin backpack, a small bone-beaded pouch, a crystal amulet, and a leather sheath.
You feel more refreshed.
Your head aches and you feel nauseated.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
PR>'Me? Die?
Speaking knowingly in Guildspeak, you ask, "Me? Die?"
PR>speak common
You are now speaking Common.
PR>'Me? Die?
You knowingly ask, "Me? Die?"
You knowingly say, "Never."
You recover somewhat from your nausea.
PR>'Ditch that "U" habit.
You knowingly say, "Ditch that "U" habit."
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Lol ok what lvl r u?"
PR>'And lol.
You knowingly say, "And lol."
PR>'and "R"
You knowingly say, "And "R"."
You hoot.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Ok y thoe?"
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Why*."
You feel more refreshed.
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy Talk like you are writing a book, not using a cell phone.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Talk like you are writing a book, not using a cell phone."
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy So people don't think you are an idiot.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "So people don't think you are an idiot."
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Lol ok i will."
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy There is a lol again.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "There is a lol again."
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Lol im just use to chating online."
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy Repeat after me. No LOL.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Repeat after me. No LOL."
P>appr SnertLOLBoy
You glance at SnertLOLBoy and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 7, and is currently preserved for 988 seconds.
You also notice that he has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, and some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm.
He is also quite dead.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Hit i said lol again."
P>prep 308
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Well of Life spell...
Your spell is ready.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Shit* lol."
P>cast SnertLOLBoy
You gesture at SnertLOLBoy.
A silvery translucent thread extends from you encompassing SnertLOLBoy's corpse.
For one fleeting moment as your soul touches SnertLOLBoy's soul, you feel an overwhelming sense of fright and desperation. Then a wave of blissful calmness settles upon you as you sense your souls have linked together.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You feel more refreshed.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, "No lol."
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy Shit works. Just not LOL. GS is not a chat room. I
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Shit works. Just not LOL. GS is not a chat room. I."
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy Hence why if you treat it like one. people will think you are an idiot.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Hence why if you treat it like one. people will think you are an idiot."
You hoot.
The ghost of SnertLOLBoy whispers, " ."
P>'If you want to laugh
You knowingly say, "If you want to laugh."
You knowingly exclaim, "Laugh!"
You laugh out loud!
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "People get mad if i talk like that?"."
P>'If you want to giggle...
You knowingly say, "If you want to giggle..."
You giggle.
You feel more refreshed.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Lol"."
P>nod SnertLOLBoy
You nod to SnertLOLBoy.
P>thump SnertLOLBoy
You thump SnertLOLBoy but he just lies there, quite dead.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Shit*"."
You frown.
P>'Don't say that either
You knowingly say, "Don't say that either."
P>'Family game.
You knowingly say, "Family game."
You chuckle.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Lol ok"."
P>'We'll beat yah till yah talk straight
You knowingly say, "We'll beat yah till yah talk straight."
P>thump SnertLOLBoy
You thump SnertLOLBoy but he just lies there, quite dead.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Lol"."
P>thump SnertLOLBoy
You thump SnertLOLBoy but he just lies there, quite dead.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Grrr"."
You fold your arms over your chest.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "I cant stop"."
You feel more refreshed.
P>'I think you need therapy then.
The ghostly laughter of SnertLOLBoy echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.
You knowingly say, "I think you need therapy then."
P>appr SnertLOLBoy
You glance at SnertLOLBoy and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 7, and is currently preserved for 838 seconds. Upon closer examination, you sense a translucent thread linking SnertLOLBoy's soul to you.
You also notice that he has some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, and some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm.
He is also quite dead.
P>rub s sym
As you rub your slit-eye symbol it briefly gives off a silvery glow.
P>prep 318
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Life Restoration spell...
Your spell is ready.
P>cast SnertLOLBoy
You gesture at SnertLOLBoy.
Roundtime: 40 sec.

A brilliant glow forms around SnertLOLBoy, lingers for a moment, then fades.
Your surroundings grow dim...you lapse into a state of awareness only, unable to do anything...

Your spirits lift as a feeling of nobility runs through you.
SnertLOLBoy seems slightly different.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You recover somewhat from the strain of the spiritual ordeal, taking great comfort in the thought that you had the opportunity to sacrifice part of yourself in the service of your god.
You feel more refreshed.
SnertLOLBoy stands up.
SnertLOLBoy says, "Thank you!"."
You nod.
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy Everytime you type LOL I want you to type laugh
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Everytime you type LOL I want you to type laugh."
You laugh out loud!
SnertLOLBoy whispers, "How do i get rid of injuries ?"
Your bright green betta swims towards the snail on the surface of the fishbowl and cruelly knocks it over on its shell.
P>whisper SnertLOLBoy See a healer in town.
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "See a healer in town."
SnertLOLBoy says, "Lauphs"."
You feel less drained.
Llaurina just arrived.
You knowingly say, "Close."
You feel more refreshed.
Llaurina just went northwest.
P>'Do it without talking.
SnertLOLBoy says, "Close"."
You knowingly say, "Do it without talking."
You laugh out loud!
You chortle.
You giggle.
You sense the link to SnertLOLBoy's soul slip peacefully away.
SnertLOLBoy says, "Lauphs"."
P>'just laugh
You knowingly say, "Just laugh."
SnertLOLBoy says, "Lol ok"."
You laugh out loud!
SnertLOLBoy says, "Awww"."
P>thump SnertLOLBoy
You can't quite reach SnertLOLBoy to do that.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
SnertLOLBoy says, "Laughs"."
R>'No, laugh
You knowingly say, "No, laugh."
SnertLOLBoy says, "I did stand up"."
>'without talking
You knowingly say, "Without talking."
You laugh out loud!
SnertLOLBoy says, "Laughs"."
You feel more refreshed.
>'without '
You knowingly say, "Without '."

The brilliant aura fades away from you.
You feel at full magical power again.
>'just laugh
You knowingly say, "Just laugh."
You feel less confident.
The dim aura fades from around you.
SnertLOLBoy says, "Laugh"."
>whisper SnertLOLBoy Are you using stormfront?
You quietly whisper to SnertLOLBoy, "Are you using stormfront?"
SnertLOLBoy whispers, "Yes is that bad?"
SnertLOLBoy says, "Hi"."
SnertLOLBoy says, "Hi"."
SnertLOLBoy says, "Im gonna go now than you"."

Edit: Removed more identity evidence.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Electrawn]

04-05-2004, 08:16 PM
Yeah, you shouldn't even try. Just shut up the next time you hear something like that.

I know you were doing your best, but that cat seemed to really be interested in why something he said might be a bad thing. That's more than I've seen from a lot of people who've been playing this game for years.

I'd hate for you to be running off potential roleplayers before they get a chance to cut their teeth.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by SiKWiDiT]

04-05-2004, 08:21 PM
Good attempt, but whisper to him instead of saying that crap outloud.

04-05-2004, 08:22 PM
Poor guy can't type so I am not surprised he resorts to chatroom abbreviations. I thought you were fairly patient with him myself. There seems to be an influx of new players in Vaalor that use lol all the time. I am not as patient as you though :grin:

04-05-2004, 08:28 PM
LOL OMG U R so kewl tho, U helped him out still!

04-05-2004, 08:28 PM
Might want to work on your use of tones a little bit.

You knowingly ask, "Me? Die?"

But yeah, that kid was something else, LOL, LOL shit, lauph

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by Hulkein]

04-05-2004, 08:48 PM
As for talking out loud, We were in an isolated area. Working with all the new ones in Vaalor sometimes is easier with just saying it, since you hope it will rub off on some other newbie in the room. The challenge is just bringing them to talk normal, then we can worry about roleplay and proper ways to do things. Argh.

I think Vaalor is getting all the new ones with the release of Maps in Stormfront. It's really wearing me out. Someone start a new character on Basic and test this, please?!

Better I remind him how to talk than some level 50 dhe'nar who just kills him on sight for that.


With the Aspirin bottle.

04-05-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Electrawn
As for talking out loud, We were in an isolated area. Working with all the new ones in Vaalor sometimes is easier with just saying it, since you hope it will rub off on some other newbie in the room. The challenge is just bringing them to talk normal, then we can worry about roleplay and proper ways to do things. Argh.

I think Vaalor is getting all the new ones with the release of Maps in Stormfront. It's really wearing me out. Someone start a new character on Basic and test this, please?!

Better I remind him how to talk than some level 50 dhe'nar who just kills him on sight for that.


With the Aspirin bottle.

Vaalor has absolutely been inundated with newbies. I had three in tow a couple of days ago and they knew NOTHING. It wore me out. Simu needs to spread them out more. Poor Vaalor.

04-05-2004, 08:53 PM
I'm pretty sure they are ALL forced to Vaalor, unless they're premium and then they can choose... I don't think many brand new players choose premium, or even know to choose anything else when they do. I'd say around 90+% of new players are in Vaalor.

04-05-2004, 09:15 PM
I've got a basic subscription and whenever I was rolling up new characters and deciding which I wanted to play, about two thirds of them went to the Landing and the other third went to Icemule. I didn't have a single one transfered to Ta'Vaalor out of about ten.

04-05-2004, 09:35 PM
When was this? Was this before StormFront The Maps were released about a week ago.

Although by your forum reg date this could be a valid.


04-05-2004, 09:46 PM
It was before the maps were released. At least a month ago.

I only have one character slot too, so maybe someone else can roll up a character and test it out.

04-05-2004, 09:50 PM
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Lol"."
You thump SnertLOLBoy but he just lies there, quite dead.
The ghostly voice of SnertLOLBoy says, "Shit*"."

Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Hilarious.

04-05-2004, 10:44 PM
It's even funnier if you think of the Blues Brothers scenewhile doing it. "Shit" Penguin whacks jake! "Jesus" Penguin whacks elwood! "Son of a bitch" Penguin whacks jake again! etc...


04-05-2004, 10:56 PM
The only thing I could think of is he had the stormfront thing where anything you type on the command bar is said.

Everyone has to learn. The transition is easier for some than others.

04-05-2004, 10:58 PM
I've had almost all my characters gen in Ta'V, but I get them the hell out of there asap.

04-06-2004, 12:00 AM
I've seen worse. At least he seemed willing to learn.


04-06-2004, 02:25 AM
The deal with Vaalor is that Simu's pushing this free trial subs hard. New gens from those accounts ALWAYS go to Vaalor, you can't go anywhere else. That's why Vaalor's getting hammered with clueless noobs.

And yeah, that's what mentors get all the time.

Miss X
04-06-2004, 06:16 AM
Thats what we are there for though right? We get that a lot but you just gotta keep on trying, some get it, some dont. I wouldn't let that put you off ever becoming a mentor! :)

04-06-2004, 06:18 AM
I don't want to be a Mentor because I'd hate to be assosicated with someone who is retarded like Deevareerereeaerereeesreeeeereee.

I have lead newcomers through gemstone without being a mentor. I don't need a title to help people.

Miss X
04-06-2004, 06:24 AM
No one is saying you do Nakiro. Its not for everyone, I care more about helping the new comers than I do about the reputations of the other mentors, having said that, I get along well and have a great respect for almost all of them. :)

04-06-2004, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
No one is saying you do Nakiro. Its not for everyone, I care more about helping the new comers than I do about the reputations of the other mentors, having said that, I get along well and have a great respect for almost all of them. :)

I'm glad you enjoy the community '':oD

Also, I have little time to schudule around much of anything else. So I couldn't do meetings, events, duty requirements, etc.

To each their own.

04-06-2004, 06:28 AM
That is the funniest log I've seen in awhile. That kid needs some serious work before he's released into other cities.

On the mentor subject - I'd become a mentor if I thought I'd do more helping than killing... but somehow I think it would be the opposite. So I'll leave the mentoring up to the professionals.

04-06-2004, 10:57 AM
Don't you know Mentors have a VAPORIZE command to instantly fry-o-late novices who are too much to deal with? ;)

And I was just kidding, no they don't. And if they did, I wouldn't of even brought up the topic.


Miss X
04-06-2004, 11:30 AM
:lol: We have been asking for a vaporize command for ages, no joy! ;)

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-06-2004, 11:38 AM
I think, based on the way the person responded, it was a kid. Any adult would have gotten pissed off at unsolicated advice probably.

Good job trying to help him out, he seemed to genuinely want to get better.

04-07-2004, 04:17 AM
Biggest problem with the Mentors ain't the time -- if you can't log six hours a month unscheduled, the heck with you. It's that frigged up pacifism policy.

04-07-2004, 04:20 AM
Aha, I now know how Electrawn deals with the newbies in Vaalor:

You quietly whisper to Electraw, "You really do have more patience than I."
>Electraw whispers, "Drugs, my lady."
>You laugh out loud!

04-07-2004, 06:37 AM
You quietly whisper to Electraw, "You really do have more patience than I."
>Electraw whispers, "Drugs, my lady."
>You laugh out loud!

(Paxil you dopes, Not the dope!)

Update: As for the case of LOLBoy, Serikahn has taken him under his wing and he is much better than that log. Maybe one day he will be able to see the log and go "Wow? That was me? I would have thumped me too!"


Your personal fame is 8634312.
You are a level 34 Sylvankind Cleric.

04-07-2004, 10:23 AM
I didn't come into GS knowing how to roleplay. I didn't play another game before, so I had to learn. My only advantage was I had read a lot of historical books (okokok.. soft porn for housewives, historical romances) and knew some about medieval times and speech patterns.
I had to learn and I'm still learning.