View Full Version : New feet.

Stanley Burrell
07-09-2010, 08:09 PM
I need new feet.

Well, I've been to the podiatrist, like, maybe fifteen times now? Each and every single one of them looked at my feet and went, "Oh hell no." When I had, I guess, normal foot problems, they would pour acid, or liquid nitrogen, or use a torch to incinerate my foot, but now it's like "fuck."

The podiatrists just facepalm. They're going to make some custom inserts for my shoes, but the amount of wartage, which you can't even really see for the most part (because the plantars amongst like three other types of warts) are like a centimeter deep into the ball and heel of each foot.

I'm getting pissed because I was going for four mile jogs. Then four mile power-walks or whatever, then 2 mile walks. Now a one mile walk. When I'm heading back, it looks like I was raped by whale penis. At least that's the best image I can give you. At least a humpback or a blue whale. Like, with a history of chronic rape being implemented by cetacean species.


Oh yeah, I am at my wit's end. Going to the gym just to bicycle is homo. I want to be able to go for jogs and hike without whale penis rape symptoms.

Alright, anyone else who's had really seriously not cool foot problems tell me what to do. I'm trying to wear 2 pairs of socks, with a tremendous amount of foot powder between them, with Dr. Scholl's blue inserts and it is a drop in the bucket. So, just like, anyone here who has had severe foot shit fuck disease, help a brother out.


Edit: Also, I am not doing anything cardiovascular that is not walking or hiking, because everything else sucks. Thanks.

07-09-2010, 08:13 PM

Stanley Burrell
07-09-2010, 08:15 PM
I am not buying another special person tricycle just to have a certain stereotype occur again. Good day sir.

07-09-2010, 08:37 PM
Sport and dress orthotics. Not cheap ($400'ish per pair from your friendly neighborhood podiatrist).

Stanley Burrell
07-09-2010, 08:45 PM
Sport and dress orthotics. Not cheap ($400'ish per pair from your friendly neighborhood podiatrist).

Yeah: My insurance covers 50% for a pair of dress. Or sports. Or boots. Or clogs. But always or and not and.


07-10-2010, 12:21 AM
I'm not sure what specifically is wrong with your feet but I have flat feet and wearing the wrong running shoes gave me fractures. You should look into that....might be a simple problem.

Edit: The solution is wearing sprint shoes with practically no midsole.

07-10-2010, 12:25 AM
.. not sure?..

he has growths all over the bottom - i would suggest cutting off the soles of your feet, laying in bed for a few months while it heals ... ... ... .?

red goo is better then white goo?

07-10-2010, 02:57 AM
Go barefoot.


I interviewed that guy, he lives around here, and he converted me. Fuck shoes, bra.

Unless your horrible foot disease will dominate even in the open air. In that case, good luck!

07-10-2010, 07:07 AM
You can't just jump into barefoot running though, you have to build up distance slowly or you will injure your feet, which are used to shoes. The muscles and bones aren't automatically ready to go the same distance you are. And, if you have certain foot problems doctors advise against it altogether. "Just go barefoot!" doesn't work for everyone.


Google suggests natural remedies for warts to be banana peels, vinegar, aloe vera, and duct tape. Clearly you need to soak a banana peel in vinegar, slather it with aloe vera, and duct tape it to your feet for ten days.

This is one of those "how desperate are you" situations, just like the elimination diet. Only not advised by a doctor. And weird, gross, and painful.

If I get a wart, I do the vinegar thing. I soak a tiny bit of cotton in vinegar (apple cider or regular white) and bandaid it to the wart before I go to sleep. In the morning I have a pickled finger and I'm afraid it's never going to be normal again, but there are already black flecks under the wart. After a second night of this the wart comes right off.

Maybe try that on a section of one foot and see if you notice any difference?

07-10-2010, 07:18 AM
Plantar warts need to be treated by a podiatrist. They will not go away with any home remedy.

07-10-2010, 07:22 AM
Weellll, then he either needs to podiatrist shop (I know he said he has seen several that will not help) until he finds someone who will help.

Or cut off his feet and get those cool metal running flipper feet.

07-10-2010, 10:24 AM
Plantar warts need to be treated by a podiatrist. They will not go away with any home remedy.

I had a plantar wart that sprouted into 2 (they will spread) and I treated them with a freeze kit for plantar warts from the local drug store. I actually went through 2 kits before I finally killed them. Its key to remember - no pain no gain when you're applying the freeze part.

Thats some funky shit. Oh and thanks for not posting pics Stan!

07-10-2010, 10:44 AM
Stan, haven't you posted about your feet before and actually put up pictures?

07-10-2010, 10:49 AM
Stan, haven't you posted about your feet before and actually put up pictures?


07-10-2010, 11:58 AM
(scroll down to the bold, left the rest for context)

A genre of medical writing intended as an alternative to the exclusively Greek-based medical systems derived from Galen was that called at-tibb an-nabawi or "Prophetic Medicine." The authors were clerics, rather than physicians, who advocated traditional medicine as mentioned in the Qur'an and as practiced during the life of Prophet Muhammad. It concerned the medical ideas assimilated from Hellenistic society, thereby producing a guide to medical therapy acceptable to the religious.

Therapy consisted of diet and simple medications (particularly honey), bloodletting and cauterization, but no surgery. Topics covered included fevers, leprosy, plague, poisonous bites, protection from night-flying insects, protection against the evil eye, rules for coitus eruptus, theories of embryology, proper conduct of physicians, and treatment of minor illnesses such as headaches, nosebleeds, cough and colic. It was prohibited to drink wine or use soporific drugs as medicaments.

The treatises also provided numerous prayers and pious invocations to be used by the devout patient, with the occasional amulet and talisman, as they were particularly popular between the 13th and 15th centuries. Some are still available today in modern prints.

In contrast to many writers on this topic, the historian and theologian adh-Dhahabi, who died in 1348 (748 H), keenly attempted to combine the traditional medicine of Arabia and the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad with the ideas and terminology from the Greek-based system. He frequently cited Hippocrates and Galen as well as medieval Islamic physicians.

On the other hand, the popular treatise by the religious scholar Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti, who died in 1505 (911 H), was based almost exclusively upon what was known of medical practices during the time of the Prophet. It was derived from the Qur'an, traditions of the Prophet known as Hadith, and the practices of the early Muslim community.

Although a considerable number of Prophetic Medicine treatises were written, we do not have the name of any medical practitioner known for practicing this type of medicine. The reason for this, of course, may well be that our written sources are for the most part skewed towards the Greek-based system and have omitted details of other practices.

The treatises on Prophetic Medicine appear to have been addressed to the same audience as the Islamic tracts on the plague. Both types of writings were especially popular in the 13th and 14th centuries, and later. The plague tracts have as their primary focus the collection and interpretation of various hadith that were considered relevant to the concept of infection and the appropriate social reaction to contagious diseases. They also attempted to offer some medical explanations and remedies for the plague, and sometimes a historical documentation of the plague up to that time . They, like the treatises on Prophetic Medicine, were mainly written by religious scholars, although a few were composed by writers trained both as physicians and theologians.

Most Commonly Documented Prophetic Remedies


Henna (scientifically known as lawsonia inermis) has been well known for a long time in the Muslim world. It is extensively grown in India and Sudan, and is used mainly for cosmetic purposes. The plant is sometimes called the "Magic Plant" because it has a great healing effect, contains many healing substances like tannine and other glue-like substances, and it has an anti-microbial and an anti-viral effect. It is natural, inexpensive, and has no known sides effects when taken orally. Indications for its use are as follows:

1. Burns: It is very effective when applied to a first or second degree burn. It:
-reduces pain.
-reduces fluid loss from the burn site, which is important if the area is large.
-has an anti-microbial effect, and so reduces the risk of infection.
-sticks on the wound site until healing is complete.
-is easy to apply either in paste or powder form.
-is inexpensive and easily available.
2. Healing Properties: Henna promotes wound healing, especially chronic wounds and ulcers. The main cause of this is not known, but it may be its nourishing effect on the wound and its anti-microbial properties.
3. Anti-Hemorrhage Effect: Henna has proven to be efficient in the management of nose bleeding (epistaxis), providing a long-lasting cure. One dose is generally sufficient. It is more successful than cauterization, which normally has to be repeated and cannot guarantee that there will not be a recurrence of bleeding. The only side effect of henna here is that it can cause slight sneezing. Henna can be used at other sites like a bleeding duodenal ulcer or oesophageal varicose veins, with no known side effects. Its anti-bleeding effect may be due to its coagulation or local burning properties.
4. Anti-Viral Effect: Henna has an anti-viral effect. This is evident in its treatment of warts (particularly those that are resistant to liquid nitrogen treatment), Herpes Simplex (applied as a powder, it dries the vesicles at the site, prevents ulceration and crust formation, and prevents secondary infection). This benefit of henna is very promising, and should be explored further.

07-10-2010, 12:35 PM
maybe we should just start a prayer group.

07-10-2010, 12:40 PM
(scroll down to the bold, left the rest for context)

Thanks for posting what you want us to read and then posting a large wall of text right before.

Stanley, go with IW's suggestion. Use henna. Science and medicine have not advanced much since the Quran was written.

When I get ill, my doctor normally cuts me all over the place and applies leeches for blood letting due to an excess of evil humors that my body has built up.

Stanley Burrell
07-10-2010, 12:44 PM
I'm not sure what specifically is wrong with your feet but I have flat feet and wearing the wrong running shoes gave me fractures. You should look into that....might be a simple problem.

Edit: The solution is wearing sprint shoes with practically no midsole.

Nah, the X-rays show I have really arched feet, so a lot of the pressure is being applied to the ball and heel of my foot instead of being distributed evenly and whatnot.

I'm getting really mad about this for some reason.

07-10-2010, 12:45 PM
pics or it didn't happen.

Stanley Burrell
07-10-2010, 12:46 PM
Stan, haven't you posted about your feet before and actually put up pictures?

Yeah, even Daniel ducked out and commented that I won ... AT SHITFOOT, when that happened. Good memory, man. There's no way that image is still around. I don't think anyway.

But it's like the BP oil spill where the surface is a fraction of what's really going on :(

07-10-2010, 12:47 PM
Use henna. Science and medicine have not advanced much since the Quran was written.


07-10-2010, 12:49 PM
Nah, the X-rays show I have really arched feet, so a lot of the pressure is being applied to the ball and heel of my foot instead of being distributed evenly and whatnot.

An abnormal arch of any kind just makes you prone to foot problems. :(

07-10-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm just going to assume they look something like this.. Or is it more internal?

07-10-2010, 12:53 PM
Also, you probably sinned too much, or perhaps it's the sins of your ancestors that caused you to be cursed by the lord our god.

Stanley Burrell
07-10-2010, 01:02 PM
I'm just going to assume they look something like this.. Or is it more internal?

Actually, my heel looks like that except more. The ball of my foot has gotten to the point where almost all the plantars are covered by skin, so almost all of the colonies don't show, which is actually much worse. I have like 3 other non-HERPES warts too. I'm hoping they're also foot STDs, so I can pretend I've been with a thousand supermodels and had raunchy (unprotected?) footseckz.

Annnnd I'm on a lot, like, "Why aren't you a carrot yet?" amounts of Beta-Carotene now for some sort of skin healing properties. If the Podies decide to go Mona Lisa in-depth on repairing this shit, I don't even know if they can do it in one, or even two operations :banghead:


i would suggest cutting off the soles of your feet, laying in bed for a few months while it heals ... ... ... .?

red goo is better then white goo?


It is cool because I can stick a sharp object more than 1cm into my foot before I feel any sort of pain. Also, any sort of white goo = impossible at this point, because it would have to seep through the fucking boulder of alien mutation. I am certain, though, that I will need to have a cauterization again, except this time they will need to shave off large chunks of my foot before the flame is applied. W00t.

07-10-2010, 02:31 PM
just try the henna its cheap and if it doesnt work ill give you the silvers in game if you're a stinge-ball

07-10-2010, 03:24 PM
Try henna. Paint an ancient anti-wart symbol on your foot with the henna. You should be able to find one of these symbols on the boarder of the Qu'ran. That, or just paint threats to the warts on your feet and recite them a dozen times in your head with your forehead pressed against the ground in the direction of an anti-fungal symbol 5 times a day (morning, mid-day, noon, mid afternoon and night). To tell if it's night time and dark enough, use a black thread and a white thread. When you can't tell which is which, it's late enough for you final prayer.

If this is your "feet" that has the warts, try this:



Stanley Burrell
07-10-2010, 03:26 PM
I knew it.

07-10-2010, 03:50 PM
Try henna. Paint an ancient anti-wart symbol on your foot with the henna. ..

This is an extremely offensive post and I urge you to edit it.

Henna has no use in Islam except for an optional decoration. It's a neutral item and it wasn't even used as medicine in the time of Mohammad. (to my knowledge, salalaahu alayhi wa sallam)

it's really not funny to be racist just because you dislike someone. 1/4 of people on Earth follow the Islamic religion. and you mock it in such a cavalier manner. I reported your post. (my first report ever)

07-10-2010, 04:04 PM
may allah grant your reporting!

07-10-2010, 04:19 PM
This is an extremely offensive post and I urge you to edit it.

Henna has no use in Islam except for an optional decoration. It's a neutral item and it wasn't even used as medicine in the time of Mohammad. (to my knowledge, salalaahu alayhi wa sallam)

it's really not funny to be racist just because you dislike someone. 1/4 of people on Earth follow the Islamic religion. and you mock it in such a cavalier manner. I reported your post. (my first report ever)

Is this guy serious or is he like ClydeR, mocking through extreme exaggeration of religiousness? I can't tell, but I hope it's the latter.

07-10-2010, 04:29 PM
no im serious unfortunately

07-10-2010, 04:44 PM
Please read the quote in my sig.

That is all.

07-10-2010, 04:53 PM
it's really not funny to be racist just because you dislike someone. 1/4 of people on Earth follow the Islamic religion. and you mock it in such a cavalier manner. I reported your post. (my first report ever)

Mocking 25% of the Earth's population in one post is pretty weak. While I may not always hit a goal of Mel Gibson-like heights, I routinely aim for at least 50%.

07-10-2010, 05:51 PM
nah he mocked the prayer man, f that. love the prayer.

07-10-2010, 06:23 PM
Salicyllic acid.

I got a wart for the first time ever (on my hand (probably from fapping too much)). I bought these little discs that the active ingredient in which was salicyllic acid. Within a few days of use that fucker was burned off, never to be heard from again.

Granted, I understand the skin on your feet is likely thicker and will take more time for the chemical to do the trick.

If you've already tried this, then disregard and accept my condolences. That all sounds like it sucks real bad.

07-10-2010, 06:53 PM
no im serious unfortunately

I think it might even be more unfortunate for us than for you.

I had some warts on my hand and had a very nervous and incompetent doctor burn them off with liquid nitrogen... which he proceeded to spatter all over the back of my hand. The warts themselves have no feeling, but the wonderful burning sensation all over the rest of my hand made up for it. Whatever you get done, I advise some serious pain killers ahead of time, just in case. I tried the salicylic acid myself, but only freezing them ever worked. I think I just discovered one on my thumb, either that or it is the weirdest burn scar in existence. I keep trying to convince myself it is the latter, because I am not really looking forward to the skin of my hand turning black and falling off again.

Uh... good luck, I guess. I'd try freezin' em... apparently they have kits you can use at home now.

Stanley Burrell
07-10-2010, 10:59 PM
Salicyllic acid.

I got a wart for the first time ever (on my hand (probably from fapping too much)). I bought these little discs that the active ingredient in which was salicyllic acid. Within a few days of use that fucker was burned off, never to be heard from again.

Granted, I understand the skin on your feet is likely thicker and will take more time for the chemical to do the trick.

If you've already tried this, then disregard and accept my condolences. That all sounds like it sucks real bad.

Salicylic acid did work for me (using a pumice stone) when I had non-plantar warts ... and I only had three of the bastards. I think I was ... eight? Come to think of it, something has always been up with my feet for a really long time. I've had three ingrown toenail surgeries and a chronic weirdness of the feet for almost two decades.

The plantars ... man, I remember when I started to first get them in '00: And the podiatrist (right before cauterizing them) shaved my foot a few times -- and showed me how every tiny drop of blood within, like, two millimeters of the next tiny blood speckle was a single plantar wart. And, within a half-inch radius, I had roughly fourteen of them.

I'm imagining there isn't an actual surgical procedure or medical method that can guarantee there won't be a recurrence.


07-11-2010, 12:11 AM
nah he mocked the prayer man, f that. love the prayer.

I dunno.. I was laughing pretty hard at Showal's post. I feel I have sinned in my heart, even though I'm not the one who posted it.

07-11-2010, 12:48 AM
Engineer a foot removing accident, I guess. You'll be glad you did when you have robo-feet.

07-11-2010, 05:46 AM
This is an extremely offensive post and I urge you to edit it.

Oh sorry.


Henna has no use in Islam except for an optional decoration. It's a neutral item and it wasn't even used as medicine in the time of Mohammad. (to my knowledge, salalaahu alayhi wa sallam)

If you didn't want the post tied to Islam or Muhammad, I suggest you edit the first part of your other post. Otherwise, your post is very misleading.

A genre of medical writing intended as an alternative to the exclusively Greek-based medical systems derived from Galen was that called at-tibb an-nabawi or "Prophetic Medicine." The authors were clerics, rather than physicians, who advocated traditional medicine as mentioned in the Qur'an and as practiced during the life of Prophet Muhammad. It concerned the medical ideas assimilated from Hellenistic society, thereby producing a guide to medical therapy acceptable to the religious.

Therapy consisted of diet and simple medications (particularly honey), bloodletting and cauterization, but no surgery. Topics covered included fevers, leprosy, plague, poisonous bites, protection from night-flying insects, protection against the evil eye, rules for coitus eruptus, theories of embryology, proper conduct of physicians, and treatment of minor illnesses such as headaches, nosebleeds, cough and colic. It was prohibited to drink wine or use soporific drugs as medicaments.

I got to stop it here and emphasize the point of the "evil eye". This is a look from another that can cause, among other things, diarrhea. Really? I need to master this look. My dog had diarrhea last week, perhaps I should have tied a ribbon around her wrist, like they do it Latin America to protect against the evil eye. Or, as is traditional in Iran, I should have put seeds on charcoal and, once they've "popped", wafted their fumes all around her head. I wonder if these treatments would have worked better than the Pepto I forced down her throat.

In some Mexican cultures, they make children wear a talisman that resembles an eye to ward off the evil eye. I'm going to get one for my dog so I don't have to come home to diarrhea again and clean up the floors.

My point is, I understand the value of ancient and more holistic medicines. I really do. Sometimes, however, science has shown there are better treatments and that your diarrhea or vomiting is not a result of someone else giving you a bad look.

The treatises also provided numerous prayers and pious invocations to be used by the devout patient, with the occasional amulet and talisman, ....

In contrast to many writers on this topic, the historian and theologian adh-Dhahabi, who died in 1348 (748 H), keenly attempted to combine the traditional medicine of Arabia and the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad ....

On the other hand, the popular treatise by the religious scholar Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti, who died in 1505 (911 H), was based almost exclusively upon what was known of medical practices during the time of the Prophet. It was derived from the Qur'an, traditions of the Prophet known as Hadith, and the practices of the early Muslim community.


I assure you, however, that I did not make my comments because I don't like you or Islam. I actually have studied Islam and find it fascinatng. Something tells me my post would not have been your first report if I said Stanley should post a picture of a cartoonized wart on an ancient device of torture and wear it around his neck and pray to it.

For someone who says they are on this board solely to have fun and allow others to take out their aggression on them, it's shocking that you take so much offense to what I posted.

yeah, i said some crazy shit. yeah, i asked some dumb questions. but, people were continually and excessively rude and mean, so i just decided that i didn't give a fuck what anyone thought anymore ... I really don't take any "flaming" type comments that seriously, even if its in response to something absolutely fucking retarded that I said.

Seriously, you got in an argument about what the Qur'an says about wiping your ass and with which hand to hold your penis. These sort of posts make it obvious you're not expecting serious or even respectful responses about your religion.

I guess my post is just an example of how we're alike.

I like it :)

but like.. you ever get tired of being the good guy and just wanna let loose? i guess thats my crime. sorry!

If you are still offended, take your own advice.

god I was jk man take a percoset or something heh

What are you so upset about? I think you need a tall glass of lemonade, a good novel, and a soothing summer day under the shade of tall trees.

(or is this the first time you've found people you vehemently disagree with on the Internet? If so, welcome! Remember to clear your cache and cookies once a week or your computer will slow down.)

And above all, remember that

I'm rubber, you're glue.. lol


07-11-2010, 07:11 AM
Sir Stanley!

I was a football player for many years, and locker rooms are GRODY as hell.

That said.

I too ended up with somewhere on the order of 10-20 plantar warts on each foot. I would pick them up in the showers, on the floor, wherever, and they would spread through contact with my socks. Sweating and the like into cleats helps to open pores and let the virus spread ridiculously fast, so I know what your'e going through. It used to be white-faced knee-buckling agony when I landed just the right way on a certain spot or two.

A lot of the information given here will NOT help you with a plantar wart in any way, since it is an altogether different animal to try to get rid of. The typical plantar wart that starts to result in pain of any kind is usually about the size of a dime, and probably a good quarter, or half inch tall.

The problem with them is that they're like icebergs, they've submerged into your feet (Due to the pressure of walking on them), to the point where salycillic acid, and freezing will do more damage to surrounding skin than they will the wart.

Here's how I was eventually (So far at least, after about 7-8 years) cured. The skin on the bottom of your foot is supremely regenerative, just like your palms. Scars don't form, or if they do, are usually minute.

The podiatrist I visited (A female doctor in Boston) cut out the visibly infected tissue, laying it open one layer at a time and peeling it back. You have to imagine this like a series of pancakes or something, layered one atop the other, where she cut a circle out of each one that got as wide as it needed to go when she got deeper. She then gave me one treatment of an EXTREMELY potent salycillic acid compound (I can tell you right now that you will scream through this. It hurts like nothing I've ever experienced. I was given morphine.) that lasted for about 30 minutes. When she was finished, she used an electrical cauterization thingermabobber to burn the interior wounds closed, and showed me how to pack the incisions with antibiotic-soaked surgical gauze (It seemed different than the stuff I normally use when I get a random cut, it didn't fall apart).

After about 6 weeks (Which thanks to painkillers and special insoles I could walk through), as welll as some more run-of-the-mill salycillic acid treatments for the smaller warts that weren't quite as impacted, I was left with some slightly toughened scar tissue, especially on the balls of my feet under the pinky toes, and along the heel. However, there's no visible markings to speak of, and now, no pain.

For further reference, I have relatively normally structured feet. They're not flat, or overarching, nor am I pigeon toed. Except for the addition of the warts, I was fortunate to be given good natural feet.

I don't know if it'll help in any way. What I do know is that warts are tenacious as shit, and it's a rough process to get rid of them.

Now that I think about it, there was a story about a guy who had a LOT of work done on something that sounds very similar to you...lemme go hunt around.

Either way, good luck.

07-11-2010, 12:02 PM
I find it hard to believe that podiatrists just aren't willing to try to help you. What are their reasons?

Ask if they can suggest a doctor who WILL help you. There has to be a specialist for this sort of thing (or a podiatrist with a lot of experience).

I had two minor plantar warts and shit they were painful.

After reading Parker's post, I'm a little scared to shower at the gym without sandals. I was only thinking that athletes foot was the worst of my worries!!

07-11-2010, 12:45 PM
I always wear flipflops or crocs when showering at the gym. That's where I believe I got my plantar wart way back when. I have not had one since.

07-11-2010, 01:39 PM
Oh sorry.


If you didn't want the post tied to Islam or Muhammad, I suggest you edit the first part of your other post. Otherwise, your post is very misleading.

I got to stop it here and emphasize the point of the "evil eye". This is a look from another that can cause, among other things, diarrhea. Really? I need to master this look. My dog had diarrhea last week, perhaps I should have tied a ribbon around her wrist, like they do it Latin America to protect against the evil eye. Or, as is traditional in Iran, I should have put seeds on charcoal and, once they've "popped", wafted their fumes all around her head. I wonder if these treatments would have worked better than the Pepto I forced down her throat.

In some Mexican cultures, they make children wear a talisman that resembles an eye to ward off the evil eye. I'm going to get one for my dog so I don't have to come home to diarrhea again and clean up the floors.

My point is, I understand the value of ancient and more holistic medicines. I really do. Sometimes, however, science has shown there are better treatments and that your diarrhea or vomiting is not a result of someone else giving you a bad look.

I assure you, however, that I did not make my comments because I don't like you or Islam. I actually have studied Islam and find it fascinatng. Something tells me my post would not have been your first report if I said Stanley should post a picture of a cartoonized wart on an ancient device of torture and wear it around his neck and pray to it.

For someone who says they are on this board solely to have fun and allow others to take out their aggression on them, it's shocking that you take so much offense to what I posted.

Seriously, you got in an argument about what the Qur'an says about wiping your ass and with which hand to hold your penis. These sort of posts make it obvious you're not expecting serious or even respectful responses about your religion.

I guess my post is just an example of how we're alike.

If you are still offended, take your own advice.

And above all, remember that


wow you worked hard on this let me go ahead and read it

07-11-2010, 01:41 PM
ok if you find Islam fascinating why would you mock it in such a horrid fashion? I don't buy it.

you know, some people let loose by having a beer by the pool or smoking a joint or playing with their wife in bed. but putting together a detailed post mocking a great religion is abrasive and has nothing to do with what i said.

i don't really have the energy for this. you win! gg 1-0 you. keep hitting me with those zingers, you fountain of wits, you!

07-11-2010, 02:02 PM
this all started because I wanted to help a guy who was a complete jerk to me in the past. oh well. but yeah dude, as for your fun little post about the prayer, it's like this: imagine if i was black and you started making fun of slavery. like, haha! some things just really aren't appropriate no matter the setting.

also I love the pic you used because the guy who said that in the rap got knocked out like 5 seconds later ROFL

07-11-2010, 02:59 PM
oh well. but yeah dude, as for your fun little post about the prayer, it's like this: ... like, haha! some things just really aren't appropriate no matter the setting.

Did you really wait almost an hour just to add this one line?

07-11-2010, 03:22 PM
I reported your post. (my first report ever)

According to Kranar, if you can't handle some offensive content on a message board, then don't read them.

Good luck with that report.

it's really not funny to be racist just because you dislike someone. 1/4 of people on Earth follow the Islamic religion.

Why do you keep equating Islam hate to racism? Are all Muslims pasty little crackers like you or something? Or do they consist of people of multiple races?

07-11-2010, 03:48 PM
That really sounds horrid. I've had to have a few warts removed from my feet in the past but nothing like that. I hope you find a doctor willing to help you. I don't understand why they didn't do something when it was first becoming a problem. :(

Stanley Burrell
07-11-2010, 04:21 PM
I find it hard to believe that podiatrists just aren't willing to try to help you. What are their reasons?

They're willing to help me as far as one pair of molded inserts to ease the pain. An actual surgical procedure means that I will barely be able to be mobile -- And due to the nature of some of things I do, I have to strategically plan for when I won't have work....

...And since I have to work at least seven days a week (even if it means not actually going into HQ) I still have to be on-call and ready to be mobile on a 24/7 basis: I am expected, at any time, to go from point A-B without a tremendous amount of in-between time to pamper my festering shit with a plethora of festering shit-friendly aid that will delay me :(

I was a football player for many years, and locker rooms are GRODY as hell.


I stepped on a tiny piece of glass, took it out of my foot, went to what looked like a quasi clean-ass public restroom + shower after swimming. And then ... yeah.

07-11-2010, 04:57 PM
hey man if you try henna make sure you get the real deal shit not some fake me out 21st century fancy brand. usually the indian / paki store in your town will have it. ask them for the raw stuff and apply it daily and see how you're doin after a week or so.

07-11-2010, 07:19 PM
Why do you keep equating Islam hate to racism? Are all Muslims pasty little crackers like you or something? Or do they consist of people of multiple races?

Muslims are an entire race of people. Just like other races are the Christians and the h-mo-sexuals.

07-11-2010, 07:31 PM
Muslims are an entire race of people. Just like other races are the Christians and the h-mo-sexuals.

dont forget the jews, we wouldnt want them to feel ...jew'd out of anything here.

07-11-2010, 07:42 PM
usually the indian / paki store in your town will have it.


07-12-2010, 06:20 PM
My son had a bar-like formation of plantar's warts across the ball of his foot. It somewhat resembled the picture someone posted. Town swimming pools = nasty.

My father-in-law said wrap the warty part of his feet in duct tape, for as much of the day and night as possible.

It worked, I kid you not. AND, you're out nothing if it doesn't, and you can wear the duct tape inside shoes and go on with life. My kid - who was 10 at the time - said it was a little weird at first but totally painless.

It took about two weeks, and they haven't come back and that was like three years ago.

07-12-2010, 06:25 PM
I have heard the duct tape thing before, always with the "I can't believe it worked".

07-12-2010, 06:26 PM
We need to submit that to mythbusters!

07-12-2010, 11:50 PM
I tried duct tape. It was unsuccessful.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2010, 12:20 AM
I tried the duct tape thing on my genital warts.

Now I just have a grey sticky cock ring.

07-13-2010, 01:00 AM
I tried the duct tape thing on my genital warts.

Now I just have a grey sticky cock ring.

And that probably wasnt even the worst thing that happened to you this week.

07-13-2010, 01:02 AM
And that probably wasnt even the worst thing that happened to you this week.

We can hope.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2010, 01:06 AM
And that probably wasnt even the worst thing that happened to you this week.

Lol you guys exaggerate my misfortunes. Besides it's only Monday/Tuesday A.M. Lots of time left for exploding cars and getting my ass kicked randomly etc.

Tomorrow I go to the surgeon let's not wish me too much ill will. I'm scared shitless of going under. (not to be confused with going down ladies.)

07-13-2010, 01:07 AM
I'm scared shitless of going under. (not to be confused with going down ladies.)

I'm sure they'd love to learn your deepthroating technique.

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2010, 01:08 AM
I'm sure they'd love to learn your deepthroating technique.

Show me a clit big enough and I'll choke on it.

07-13-2010, 01:09 AM
Show me a clit big enough and I'll choke on it.

What's pussy taste like?

07-13-2010, 01:10 AM
Show me a clit big enough and I'll choke on it.

Your dedication is admirable. You show me a clit that big and I'll be showing myself the door.

07-13-2010, 01:10 AM
What's pussy taste like?

Ask your mother. See how I went retro there?

07-13-2010, 07:14 AM
Show me a clit big enough and I'll choke on it.

I was going to say the next step is a guy with an undersized cock, but I think a chokeable clit surpasses that.

Gross. I'd hit the road if a chick had a boner.

07-13-2010, 08:04 AM

Just read the bible and then attempt to walk on water that should do the trick. If you make fun of this post I will report you.

07-13-2010, 08:17 AM
Man, this thread went haywire.

Sean, you should like that sex tape that came out years ago with that female wrestler (whatever her name is) and Xpac. That clit was probably as big as Iorake's cock. Damn, that video was worse than two girls one cup.

On topic, I've been walking around with a broken ankle because I'm stupid like that. Last night I went to go to bed and heard my ACL tear. I'm going to buy a new pair of New Balances at the mall. Those always make me feel better.

07-13-2010, 08:19 AM

Just read the bible and then attempt to walk on water that should do the trick. If you make fun of this post I will report you.

This is extremely offensive and I urge you to edit it. You're mocking Jesus. F'ing love that man.

I have reported this post (my first report ever).

Sean of the Thread
07-13-2010, 09:42 AM

Gnome Rage
07-15-2010, 08:46 PM
barefoot? I think not! (http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/)

My cousins both swear by these things. Its the same as walking barefoot without having to damage your feet. It creates the same "feeling" without risking the injury that could come from actually going barefoot...

07-15-2010, 09:50 PM
barefoot? I think not! (http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/)

My cousins both swear by these things. Its the same as walking barefoot without having to damage your feet. It creates the same "feeling" without risking the injury that could come from actually going barefoot...

A friend of mine is a runner and she loves 'em. She inspired me to run, where I promptly hurt myself and remembered oh yeah, I'm too out of shape for running.

07-15-2010, 10:20 PM
barefoot? I think not! (http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/)

My cousins both swear by these things. Its the same as walking barefoot without having to damage your feet. It creates the same "feeling" without risking the injury that could come from actually going barefoot...

I hate these things even more than crocs.

EDIT: Not wearing them, since I've never worn either. They might be marvelous and cause foot-orgasms with every step. I just hate seeing people wearing them.

07-15-2010, 10:51 PM
They're willing to help me as far as one pair of molded inserts to ease the pain. An actual surgical procedure means that I will barely be able to be mobile -- And due to the nature of some of things I do, I have to strategically plan for when I won't have work....

...And since I have to work at least seven days a week (even if it means not actually going into HQ) I still have to be on-call and ready to be mobile on a 24/7 basis: I am expected, at any time, to go from point A-B without a tremendous amount of in-between time to pamper my festering shit with a plethora of festering shit-friendly aid that will delay me :(

Duct tape. Lots of duct tape.

07-15-2010, 10:55 PM
barefoot? I think not! (http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/)

My cousins both swear by these things. Its the same as walking barefoot without having to damage your feet. It creates the same "feeling" without risking the injury that could come from actually going barefoot...

I wish they had these when I ran XC in high school and college. Ive seen some info on them and they look legit. Id wear em when I ran if I still had the motivation to do it.

07-15-2010, 11:47 PM
I wish they had these when I ran XC in high school and college. Ive seen some info on them and they look legit. Id wear em when I ran if I still had the motivation to do it.

I have two pair, one for running, and one for misc situations. I love them. I wouldn't run without them. For me, they've transformed running from a pain and shin splint filled fuckfest, into something that is fun to do.

However, if you're stuck on heel striking, they aren't the shoes for you. You have to run on the balls of your feet. They have no support, and no padding, so if you insist on heel striking, you'll destroy your feet. But as long as you run on the balls of your feet you're gold; so to speak.

Running on the balls of your feet is a lot more calf-intensive however. Most people when they switch to Vibrams don't realize this, go running the same distance they're used to, and end up not being able to walk for days. :)

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 02:18 AM
They apparently are a foot-gasm. I don't think I could pull them off in any sort of social situation, but if it were my feet aching all the time versus wearing funny looking shoes, I'd take the funny looking shoes. I'm fortunate enough to be able to wear normal shoes without pain. But I don't run.

07-16-2010, 08:34 AM
I want a pair for the pool.

07-16-2010, 09:46 AM
But I don't run.

I only run when chased.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 10:44 AM
I only run when chased.

I don't think I'd even run then. I'd probably titty slap the person in the face before I ran.

07-16-2010, 10:52 AM
I don't think I'd even run then. I'd probably titty slap the person in the face before I ran.

I think this would only encourage people to chase you.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 10:54 AM
I think this would only encourage people to chase you.

You would think... My boyfriend avoided girls with bra sizes bigger than B cups for years out of fear. You don't forget getting a black eye from a DD at 14, and apparently black eyes hurt so...

I'm pretty sure I could do some serious damage; maybe even break a nose. Especially if you throw in a swift kick to the boys at the end.

07-16-2010, 10:59 AM
You would think... My boyfriend avoided girls with bra sizes bigger than B cups for years out of fear. You don't forget getting a black eye from a DD at 14, and apparently black eyes hurt so...
Well yeah, you don't forget but... in a good way. I didn't stop playing little league because I caught a grounder with my face.

I'm pretty sure I could do some serious damage; maybe even break a nose.
I'm sure you could get a volunteer to test that theory..

Especially if you throw in a swift kick to the boys at the end.
.. other than this part.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 11:02 AM
Well yeah, you don't forget but... in a good way. I didn't stop playing little league because I caught a grounder with my face.

I'm sure you could get a volunteer to test that theory..

.. other than this part.

lol. I stopped playing soccer because I stole the ball from another kid, (a boy) and he thought it would be fun to kick me in the balls, which I don't have. But it hurts pretty damn bad... I'm sure a titty slap to the face might deter someone.

07-16-2010, 11:06 AM
lol. I stopped playing soccer because I stole the ball from another kid, (a boy) and he thought it would be fun to kick me in the balls, which I don't have. But it hurts pretty damn bad... I'm sure a titty slap to the face might deter someone.

Getting cunt punted is quite a bit different than getting titty slapped. Basically you're motorboating them and they don't have to do any of the work.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 11:12 AM
Getting cunt punted is quite a bit different than getting titty slapped. Basically you're motorboating them and they don't have to do any of the work.

its not motorboating if you get two tits right to the side of the face...

07-16-2010, 11:19 AM
Like this?


07-16-2010, 11:20 AM
its not motorboating if you get two tits right to the side of the face...

I guess it's more like Kayaking, first one side, then the other.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 11:29 AM
I guess it's more like Kayaking, first one side, then the other.

I like kayaking...

07-16-2010, 02:03 PM
What's going on in this thread? Who is Gnome Rage? Why is she proving she exists? Why do I have this sword of Damocles feeling about her? Celephais, I need a full report.

07-16-2010, 02:10 PM
What's going on in this thread? Who is Gnome Rage? Why is she proving she exists? Celephais, I need a full report.

Just tell him I sent you, and the fact that I exist!
http://www.blogto.com/upload/2009/01/20090131_AzizAnsari.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpgmVqWikqM)
(Click for link)

Um, I don't know why she's proving she exists, I didn't see anyone say "That's not you". But yeah, she had some avatar which I did not see, someone asked her what it said, then she posted another avatar of herself, and then people realized she's a chick and started asking for tits. Yup, I think that sums it up.

PC threads aren't really so much threads as they are interwoven between all the threads. If you're not reading them all, you'll miss out on all the details.

07-16-2010, 02:13 PM
I don't need the link, I know all about Aziz hanging out in his fat nephew's school forum. I did see her first avatar that had a female face with boobies hang low beneath it. I thought she was kind of cute but this being the PC I did not fall for it.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 02:23 PM
I was proving myself because of my reputation comments; and comments I've received often whenever someone sees my picture.

- And I say cautionary because you're probably a 400lb dude.
- I am skeptical of your claims even with photographic "evidence," but whichever site you're getting these photos from, I approve of you posting them
- you're hot if you're not a bot

I'm not a bot. I'm not a fake. I'm a real human (gnomish?) girl from the good ol' US of A.


And thats that.

07-16-2010, 02:25 PM
I don't need the link, I know all about Aziz hanging out in his fat nephew's school forum. I did see her first avatar that had a female face with boobies hang low beneath it. I thought she was kind of cute but this being the PC I did not fall for it.

Aww, I missed that one. Yeah, there really isn't much more to the story than that. She's adamant that she's of legal age, thinks guys don't like being slapped with boobs, doesn't carry a purse, either misunderstood the euphemism bacon wallet, or understood it all too well, enjoys kayaking, and thinks IW is an idiot. I think that about sums it up.

07-16-2010, 02:28 PM
Aww, I missed that one. Yeah, there really isn't much more to the story than that. She's adamant that she's of legal age, thinks guys don't like being slapped with boobs, doesn't carry a purse, either misunderstood the euphemism bacon wallet, or understood it all too well, enjoys kayaking, and thinks IW is an idiot. I think that about sums it up.

She sounds decent enough if she posts real topless photos we'll induct her into the club and give her the password.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 02:28 PM
Aww, I missed that one. Yeah, there really isn't much more to the story than that. She's adamant that she's of legal age, thinks guys don't like being slapped with boobs, doesn't carry a purse, either misunderstood the euphemism bacon wallet, or understood it all too well, enjoys kayaking, and thinks IW is an idiot. I think that about sums it up.

I understood the bacon wallet thing... after I posted my response. BUT it did register... eventually.

And I totally said they dont like being slapped with titties AND THEN kicked in the balls.

07-16-2010, 02:41 PM
I understood the bacon wallet thing... after I posted my response. BUT it did register... eventually.

And I totally said they dont like being slapped with titties AND THEN kicked in the balls.

Sometimes it's a sacrifice worth taking... I've been punched in the balls for less. (close enough)

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 02:44 PM
Sometimes it's a sacrifice worth taking... I've been punched in the balls for less. (close enough)

Its okay, I've sat, kneed, smacked, leaned, squashed and a few other verbs... my boyfriend's sack a million times (accidentally), he just keeps comin' back... The tits, they're magical.

07-16-2010, 02:54 PM
Its okay, I've sat, kneed, smacked, leaned, squashed and a few other verbs... my boyfriend's sack a million times (accidentally), he just keeps comin' back... The tits, they're magical.

Now you're catching on. Careful though, after all those claims Rocktar might come after you.

07-16-2010, 02:56 PM

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 02:59 PM
Now you're catching on. Careful though, after all those claims Rocktar might come after you.

I'd say I'll beat him off with a whip, but he might like that.

07-16-2010, 02:59 PM
I have two pair, one for running, and one for misc situations. I love them. I wouldn't run without them. For me, they've transformed running from a pain and shin splint filled fuckfest, into something that is fun to do.

However, if you're stuck on heel striking, they aren't the shoes for you. You have to run on the balls of your feet. They have no support, and no padding, so if you insist on heel striking, you'll destroy your feet. But as long as you run on the balls of your feet you're gold; so to speak.

Running on the balls of your feet is a lot more calf-intensive however. Most people when they switch to Vibrams don't realize this, go running the same distance they're used to, and end up not being able to walk for days. :)

Sorry for derailing the thread away from titties...

I had switched to running barefoot for practice and would wear my lightweight spikes for races before I stopped. I always hated the way sneakers felt when I ran and theyd give me terrible shin splints. Removed the shoe from the equation and it was much better. The only reason I ran competitively was to keep in shape for Lacrosse so the injuries did me no good.

Carry on with the titties now please...

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 03:14 PM
Sorry for derailing the thread away from titties...

I had switched to running barefoot for practice and would wear my lightweight spikes for races before I stopped. I always hated the way sneakers felt when I ran and theyd give me terrible shin splints. Removed the shoe from the equation and it was much better. The only reason I ran competitively was to keep in shape for Lacrosse so the injuries did me no good.

Carry on with the titties now please...

My feet always come out of sneakers... They don't really like being in shoes, which is why I wanted to try the monkey shoes but I can't justify buying them because I don't run.

07-16-2010, 03:18 PM

07-16-2010, 03:36 PM
My feet always come out of sneakers... They don't really like being in shoes, which is why I wanted to try the monkey shoes but I can't justify buying them because I don't run.

Yeah Im a sandle/flip flop person myself. Looked into these fingered shoes to see if I could muster up the motivation to start running again but the largest size they carry is equivalent to a 12.5 so Im SOL unless they come out with a 14 sometime soon... Exercise crisis averted.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 03:39 PM
Yeah Im a sandle/flip flop person myself. Looked into these fingered shoes to see if I could muster up the motivation to start running again but the largest size they carry is equivalent to a 12.5 so Im SOL unless they come out with a 14 sometime soon... Exercise crisis averted.

Personally, I believe you should always wear closed toed shoes unless you have clean toe-nails... I went to highschool (so long ago) in southern Connecticut, yes thats right by Greenwich and shit. The guys had a bad habit of wearing "Nantucket red" shorts and rainbows, but then having the grodiest toes I've ever seen in my life...

So clean your toes? I don't really know where that came from. lolol.

07-16-2010, 03:53 PM
Im more of a reef person myself but I have clean toes! Sorta have finger toes though but shit happpens when you have big feet.


Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 03:55 PM
Im more of a reef person myself but I have clean toes! Sorta have finger toes though but shit happpens when you have big feet.


omgosh! I have finger toes too! but I'm only an 8.5/9...

07-16-2010, 04:35 PM
If you live in South Florida and you wear sneakers and aren't playing a sport then you're a twat, it's that simple. You can either wear sandals or some other sort of casual shoe. Sandals ftw.

Also I have the finger toes.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 04:37 PM
I was just in FL, by tampa but not really.

I ruined a very nice pedicure that I gave myself, so I wont be wearing sandals til that gets fixed.

07-16-2010, 05:09 PM
I bought the Vibram 5-finger shoes. Waste of a lot of money. Let's face it, there's no generic shape for toes, and the bottom of each toe is molded in hard rubber, so unless your toe fits that mold perfectly they are ridiculously uncomfortable. I quickly went back to barefoot.

07-16-2010, 05:42 PM
I was just down in Davie/Ft. Lauderdale and then down to the keys over July 4th. Ive decided im moving to southern Florida asap.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 05:46 PM
The area I just got back from describes itself as a Fishing Village with a Drinking Problem. Its a cute area, near Venice so if you want the city feel you can pop in there but its wayy nicer and more relaxing. Its about an hour outside of Tampa and two hours from Orlando. I don't think I could live there but I'd like to visit more often.

07-16-2010, 05:48 PM
You sure that's not a drinking village with a fishing problem?

Oh wait, that's down in the Keys.

Gnome Rage
07-16-2010, 05:50 PM
You sure that's not a drinking village with a fishing problem?

Oh wait, that's down in the Keys.
lol no, you're right. I fucked that up.

07-16-2010, 05:59 PM
You sure that's not a drinking village with a fishing problem?

Oh wait, that's down in the Keys.

heh yeah we were going to go out on the boat and get some fishing in one day while we were there but it ended up being hey lets see how many bottles we can finish while we sit by the pool and do nothing.... good times.

07-16-2010, 06:34 PM
I don't think I'd even run then. I'd probably titty slap the person in the face before I ran.

I volunteer to take the full brunt of your tits to the face. I'll let the rest of these guys know how bad it is so that they leave you alone.

07-16-2010, 07:01 PM
I only run when chased.


Stanley Burrell
07-31-2010, 03:12 AM
So, I have two medications I'm using now for my feet. One of them is prescription antiperspirant; made out of roughly 95% ethyl alcohol and 25% aluminum chloride as the active ingredient, that I put on before bed. I'm getting a little bit hypochondriacal about it because the podiatrist said nothing about wrapping your feet after you apply it -- and there's a huge warning label that says to cover your feet up.

In the morning, hooray, I'll be using a very strong formaldehyde + acid compound to further exorcise the demons beneath me.

07-31-2010, 03:16 AM
I have a book I picked up (it was too funny not to buy) called prayers that rout demons. I will send it to you and you can say prayers over them too.