View Full Version : Ponderings of the day.

04-05-2004, 01:57 AM
I'm punching the next person who says, "I'm Rick James, bitch," right between the eyes.

If you're wearing butter Timberlands, don't drag your feet. Nothing is more annoying than that *thump thump*, I understand that they cost $135, but it doesn't give you the right to be a jackass.

If you're one of those guys that walks around jingling change in your pockets, stop it.

Women's basketball is not a sport.

Mud wrestling is a sport.

The sole reason North Face is still in business is because rich southern white kids eat up that Denali fleece.

I will do almost anything to further put off writing my paper. Expect more to come later.

04-05-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
If you're one of those guys that walks around jingling change in your pockets, stop it.

What about a jingling keychain hooked onto a belt-loop?

04-05-2004, 02:15 AM
I can't stand when people don't pick up their feet when they walk. Girls here were those platform soled foamy flip-flips...I believe Rocketdog is a popular brand.



Men who are old enough to be my father who whip out their money-clip full of 100 dollar bills and proceed to flirt with the next set of boobs...should be robbed, and then kicked in the balls.

04-05-2004, 02:35 AM
Corn beef and cabbage is 100% disgusting.

Everyone bashing the opposite sex, including myself... why? It's old.

Kosher orange juice. Interesting and delicious.

Also, I strongly agree with the old man/boob thing. Gross.

04-05-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Men who are old enough to be my father who whip out their money-clip full of 100 dollar bills and proceed to flirt with the next set of boobs...should be robbed, and then kicked in the balls.

I'm not old and I don't use it to flirt with boobs, but I do make sure my biggest bill is on the outside of my money clip.

Not trying to impress, just don't want to look like a dumbass with a moneyclip full of $1's

04-05-2004, 02:39 AM
As my father would say, "That's how you get robbed."

04-05-2004, 02:40 AM
I think I probably annoy others more than I am bugged by stuff but I have to say I hate, hate , hate people that are so into cell phone conversations that they completely ignore the person standing in front of them. Where I work I have had entire financial transactions without any interaction verbally. Person with cell phone throws the payment down and doesnt say anything while I ring the purchase up and then they grab and go without one word spoken to me. Rudeness irritates me.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Tisket]

04-05-2004, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Tisket
I think I probably annoy others more than I am bugged by stuff but I have to say I hate, hate , hate people that are so into cell phone conversations that they completely ignore the person standing in front of them. Where I work I have had entire financial transactions without any interaction verbally. Person with cell phone throws the payment down and doesnt say anything while I ring the purchase up and then they grab and go without one word spoken to me. Rudeness irritates me.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Tisket]

I work in a video store that's in a college town. I know exactly what you're talking about. It drives me nuckin' futs.

04-05-2004, 02:53 AM
ROFL, just something random that just happened about 10 minutes ago.

My roommates and I have this spreadsheet on Excel that keeps track of a number of things, like funny quotes and names of person who originated said quotes. One of the other things is a rating system for girls we know, ex girlfriends, girls we're dating, etc.

One of their girlfriends was proofreading his paper, and under recent documents up pops the STATS file. She was not happy to be rated as a "6."

04-05-2004, 02:59 AM
Hehe, I wanna be rated, I think it would be funny.

Oh and the cellphone thing...I hate them. I rarely use mine. We have this bus system that will take you around the campus and there will be people on it, practically screaming into their phone about the stupid pointless shit they did today. One of these days I'm going to rip the phone out of their hand and say, "Stop, the people on the other line don't care about the mundane shit you have to say."

04-05-2004, 03:01 AM
I'd be pissed if that happened. If someone gave me a 6 I'd outright dump their ass. It would have to at least be an 8.

04-05-2004, 03:06 AM
Speaking of which...on what sorts of things do you guys rate on?

If I were rating a guy I think it would go something like this.


Funny they are.
Grooming habits.
Good teeth-I know, should fall into grooming habits but teeth have to be straight and clean, with no foul breath, needs to be in a class of its own.
How entertaining they can be.
How good they are in the sack.
Dressing habits.
Getting along with friends and family.

These, mind you, are not in any order of importance seeing as how they would be numerically rated on their own. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

04-05-2004, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Speaking of which...on what sorts of things do you guys rate on?

One score is for technical merit and the other for artistic merit.

Or maybe not.


04-05-2004, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Speaking of which...on what sorts of things do you guys rate on?

If I were rating a guy I think it would go something like this.


Funny they are.
Grooming habits.
Good teeth-I know, should fall into grooming habits but teeth have to be straight and clean, with no foul breath, needs to be in a class of its own.
How entertaining they can be.
How good they are in the sack.
Dressing habits.
Getting along with friends and family.

These, mind you, are not in any order of importance seeing as how they would be numerically rated on their own. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

Since we're completely shallow, these ratings are based solely on the following 10 appearance/performance factors.

- Hair. We agreed that anything past a few inches below the shoulder is starting to get too long.
- Exotic factor. Flava wins points.
- Body. This is where it sort of falls into a grey area, and we take an average. Some of my roommates like skinny anorexic girls, I like girls whose waists aren't smaller than my hands put together.
- Clothes. Need a sense of fashion...ie, no K-mart or Sears clothing, heh. Denali fleece is minus points for me.
- Makeup. When you buy it in industrial size pound containers, minus points.
- Friend factor. Hot friends = more points.
- Good dancer. Must make up for our incapability to hold a beat.
- Ability to converse. If she can't go more than 10 minutes without mentioning her sorority, stock plummets.
- Ability to man up. Need someone to go out/drink with (this isn't as important to me as it is to my roommates, but it doesn't hurt).
- Hookup potential. The X factor, makes the difference in a pinch. If there's no potential, your stock goes down.

04-05-2004, 04:43 AM
Wow. I fail.

04-05-2004, 04:54 AM
On Tijays post about the cell Phones....

I was at an intersection the other day (suprise suprise!)

I'm sittin there in the turnin left lane....and a guy right next to me in the straight through lane is busily yappin away on his cell, Some guy in the vehicle right behind him gets out and proceeds to walk up to the SUV beside me, He knocks on the window, the guy in the SUV (early 90's explorer before the auto locks) looks over and doeant miss a beat in his conversation......

So the guy at the window of hit SUV proceeds to open the door and grab his cell phone and chuck it across the four lane intersection....LOL, THere were about a half dozen cars that all honked there approval when this accured, apparenty the idiot had managed to piss off a few motorists...or at the very least....more than a few motorists empathised with the guy that felt the need to alleviate said driver of his distractions while driving...

Driving while on the phone = Stupid


Feh, lotsa spelling erros, just read through em...

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Snowman]

Miss X
04-05-2004, 07:47 AM
I'm currently pondering;

1.) why old people think its great to drive at 30mph in a 60mph zone, causing me to get extremely pissed off and drive as close to them as possible so they get the hint. Please, if you are old and/or like to drive REALLY slow, take the back roads, not the motorways for the sake of your fellow drivers.

On the other hand, this has me thinking about people that drive too fast. I'm driving on the M25 (its the London Circular motorway, I'm not sure what you would call them in the US) and I'm going maybe 80mph and some dude comes flying past at probably 100mph and I'm thinking WTF? Where are these people going that they need to get there that fucking quickly, and is it worth risking their own and other peoples lives? Same goes for people that talk on their phones while driving. Its not big and its certainly not clever.

On a lighter note, I feel the urge to share with people the stupid thing I just did. So.. I'm sitting here at work with nothing to do and I figure il shred all the forms etc that have been building up in my "needs to be shreded drawer". I do it, and feel all pleased with myself then my boss comes out of his lil office and asks if anyone has his April duty list sheet, hes frantically searching round the office for it on everyones desks and I know I just shreded it. I'm trying to look helpfull and innocent but he will never find it! Mwhahaha

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-05-2004, 09:49 AM
Should you be saying 54 KPH? Darn Metrics!

My issues are WAY to engrossing to start posting here, so I'll give you just one.

When I say "Good Morning", or answer your question of "How are you" with "I'm doing great, how about you?", this should illicit a response, you rude motherfucker!

04-05-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
When I say "Good Morning", or answer your question of "How are you" with "I'm doing great, how about you?", this should illicit a response, you rude motherfucker!

I, on the other hand, have the opposite problem. Just because I say "Hey Rick, What's up?" when I'm passing by your desk does not mean I want to hear about every detail of your day. In fact, I'd be happy if I got a "not much" or a "not much, you?"

Yes I realize I need to stop saying "What's up", it's a bad habit of mine and I don't need to worry since the offender has since been laid off.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-05-2004, 10:03 AM
LOL, Not much is a response. My bitch is the people who completely ignore you.

04-05-2004, 10:16 AM
I hate when people insist they need paper bags instead of plastic.

I hate when people write checks.

Is there anything more annoying than people standing there while you ring their shit up, and then, once you're done, THEN they go for their wallet/checkbook/whatever.

I also really hate it when you're standing there with your 'Register Open' light on and all of that... and they walk up and go, "Are you open?" No, dumbshit. I'm standing here for my amusement.

Oh, and people that load up th e heavy shit (24 packs of soda, big ass containers of water)... when they don't need to. There's a reason we have buttons for that stuff, it's so we dont have to lift it. but I always end up lifting it anyway.

A bad day is when it's busy and I can't catch people as they walk up to tell them to leave that shit in their cart, if I can't do that I know my back's gonna be hurting.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Maimara]

04-05-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Should you be saying 54 KPH? Darn Metrics!

My issues are WAY to engrossing to start posting here, so I'll give you just one.

When I say "Good Morning", or answer your question of "How are you" with "I'm doing great, how about you?", this should illicit a response, you rude motherfucker!

Haha, at work I say hi and stuff and ask people how they are, they usually ignore me. Sometimes I'm just too engrossed in what I'm doing to try and small talk with them, I'm not that good at multitasking.

I think it's more rude to expect to chit-chat people up when they're trying to accomplish something. But it's nice when genuinely friendly people come through and I can get a little social interaction with them.

04-05-2004, 10:51 AM
People that try to talk to me while I'm eating need to get a clue. I've seriously contemplated taking their food and eating it for them.

04-05-2004, 11:12 AM
If you happen to walk into the restroom at the same time as I do at work, don't fucking talk to me. If we meet at the sink, that's one thing, but don't talk to me while I'm taking a piss/shit.

I need to concentrate.

04-05-2004, 11:17 AM
So the hundred dollar bills are supposed to be on the outside?

Damn, I knew I was doing something wrong. Damn my dad for teaching me to fold it so the big bills were on the inside, only exposing the small bills.

I rate women with a very complex equation. It's like a source code ... No lookie.

I hate stupid people who don't know they're stupid. They never fail to demonstrate that there is no limit to stupidity. Case in point was this morning's department meeting. After explaining a change in testing and the resulting change to statistics for future comparison, I get the same fucking question asked over and over and over again. Same question, just phrased differently as if the new wording is going to give them a different answer. I move on to quarantine procedures. We now have four different areas for quarantine as opposed to the original general quarantine. X product goes into QA-1, Y product should be moved to QA-2, EVERYTHING else gets placed in QA-3. QA-4 is for sorting and re-work staging.

"What about C product?" If X goes into 1, Y goes into 2, and everything else goes into 3, what do you think?

"Say it's Tuesday and production team 1 ran X product on Monday, but on Tuesday they're making Y product .... Where does that go?"

I kid you not... it happens.

I hate people that call you and insist on talking with food in their mouth. I could understand if I called THEM, but no ... they called me.

I hate people that call me and ask "Who's this?". Not, "May I inquire as to whom I am speaking to?", but rudely demand to know "who dis?". Fuck off... die.

I hate people that hear information 2nd or 3rd hand and confront you with crap info convinced that I in fact said they were a slut, or fat, or worthless.

I hate, absolutely ... HATE people that love to flash their new "hip hop" 300-dollar outfit. Take off work to go see a Ludicrous concert, all the while leaving their GF at home (The home of a relative that they are imposing on) with 3 kids.

Want to impress me? Take care of your girl friend and 3 kids, pay your fucking bills, stop dressing like a chump, and get your own fucking place to live.

I'm done.

04-05-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
If you happen to walk into the restroom at the same time as I do at work, don't fucking talk to me. If we meet at the sink, that's one thing, but don't talk to me while I'm taking a piss/shit.

I need to concentrate. Or even worse, address you as someone else while you're trying to take a crap. Now I have to think, wait, there's no one else in here, now what the hell do I say? And it's not like I'm wearing distinctive footwear, no, everyone wears black boots around here, oh wait they're a bunch of freaking hippies wearing sandals while it's snowing out.

New pondering: U.S. Grant (President, General, all around badass) was anti-Semitic. That threw me for a bit of a loop.

04-05-2004, 11:46 AM
My rating system:


Read more here (http://www.intellectualwhores.com/masterladder.html).

04-05-2004, 12:24 PM
Ad executives. Aren't there any good ones any more? I've never seen a car commercial I've liked.

Old Navy. If I see another one of their commercials, I might gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty, blunted spoon.


04-05-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Ad executives. Aren't there any good ones any more? I've never seen a car commercial I've liked.

Old Navy. If I see another one of their commercials, I might gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty, blunted spoon.


The commercial with Morgan Fairchild (AKA plastic surgery poster girl) and all those other people doens't even feature things they sell in their store.

Way to advertise.

YOU boys are a TWENTY!

I hope she dies. Soon.

04-05-2004, 12:47 PM
Ugh, that commercial in particular pisses me off. But I hate even more the "Spring Break Check-In" commercial.


04-05-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Ugh, that commercial in particular pisses me off. But I hate even more the "Spring Break Check-In" commercial.


Me too!

The surfboard guy needs to be pu t out of his misery, seriously!!!!

I like Geico commercials though, particularly the one with the dogs.

04-05-2004, 01:35 PM
Wezas, totally sympathize with you on that. Not enough people know about urinal etiquette.

04-05-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Wezas, totally sympathize with you on that. Not enough people know about urinal etiquette.

An addition (because it just happened). If you don't regularly wash your hands, please at least wash your hands if there's someone else in the bathroom. They know you didn't wash your hands and they (I) need to use a paper towel to open the friggin door to leave.

04-05-2004, 01:46 PM
<<- Hair. We agreed that anything past a few inches below the shoulder is starting to get too long.>>


<<I hate people that call me and ask "Who's this?". >>

I hate that so much...

And Urinal etiquette is key.. I think it's a 1 credit class here next semester.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Hulkein]

04-05-2004, 01:56 PM
If there is one thing worse than stupid drivers with or without cells, its complaining about them. The law of averages applies here, most people are stupid.

04-05-2004, 02:47 PM

1). Worrying psychotically about the future is pointless cuz it's coming... no matter how much you worry or don't.

2). Black velvet really is a fashion category all of its own.

3). I like guys.

4). I like guys a lot.

5). Writing six novels in chunks at a time probably isn't the most productive way to go about it, but it's fun.

6). I don't like editors.

7). If I could be anyone else from this planet, living or dead, I'd still be me.
Realizations from this thread:
7). I would hope most women aren't impressed by a man's money and have the confidence to realize they can make money themselves.

8). I don't look at a man's cock when I talk to him, so I don't expect him to stare at my boobs, which is why I make it overtly obvious when he's doing this, by crouching down til he's looking in my eyes.

9). I'm hungry. General Tso's chicken sounds good. Yep. See you guys later.


#1 revelation of this thread... Goth Girls Do it better.


04-05-2004, 02:49 PM
I don't look at a man's cock when I talk to him

You should start.

04-05-2004, 02:50 PM
I do.

and WTF Old Navy commercials are hot.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Tayre]

04-05-2004, 02:58 PM
My thoughts/bitches for the day:

People who talk in class, please shut the fuck up.

Cable company, I damn you to Hell for automatically assuming I want the most expensive cable package available, when your rates changed. $155 cable bill this month!

Thanks to my habits of not balancing my check book, I paid $30.90 for a soda.

04-05-2004, 03:01 PM
- Having a buddy that's the same size as you that works at Abercrombie does amazing things to your adamant refusal to submit to trends and buy clothes that look like they're 4 years old.

- There are no unattractive female employees at Abercrombie, and it's safe to say that they only hire meatheads.

- There's a reason why dining hall lunches are basically all you can eat for $4.75. <spew>

- When you leave for the weekend, it is always a good idea to remember to turn off your alarm clock, lest your roommates decide to cover your doorway with empty beer cans and duct tape.

- Writer's block is a bitch. It took 2 hours for me to get down half a page.

04-05-2004, 03:04 PM
Complaint of mine? Hispanic Music!! (will hince forth be refered to as "Umpa Lumpa Music")

1. The music ain't that great! EVERY friggin song has the same friggin beat! Arrrrg!

2. If I wanted to hear your shitty music (this goes for you rap freaks too) I'd turn my radio to that station. OK? Just because YOUR ASS likes the music 50x louder then needed to be does not mean *I* should have to hear it. Turn the shit down!

3. I firmly belive that the local hispanic population has NO communications skills. They Buy $300 cars. Put $30, 10 year old tires on them. Prime it for paint (but never paint), then add a $1000 speker system and blare said Umpa Lumpa music at max volume while driving with their Girlfriend to where ever they are going. Common? Talk to your woman? Have a MEANINGFUL conversation!

4. Your music sucks, I don't want to here it at 6am on a sunday. Thats great that you get up to go to church and all, but not everyone does. SHUT THE SHIT OFF!

4a. PS, you have a very, very, VERY shitty voice, stop singing while combing your hair.

-Adredrin, the sleep deprived.

Miss X
04-05-2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Fengus
If there is one thing worse than stupid drivers with or without cells, its complaining about them. The law of averages applies here, most people are stupid.

Yes, I can see how complaining about bad drivers is WORSE than bad drivers (who, in case you didn't know tend to cause RTA's that can be fatal where as complaining about them does not.)


04-05-2004, 06:36 PM
I hate those Old Navy commercials. The one with those two twin boys, who obviously have no acting skills, is awful.
They really ~don't~ have anything in that commercial that's in the store.

Toes on the nose bros- this has to stop.

Abercrombie is crap. It's old fisherman clothes. Take a good look next time you pass the store. Fisherman! The only plus side to it is that they don't test on animals.

04-05-2004, 07:17 PM
Here is another music complaint: neighbors who play their heavy bass music at two in the morning when I have to get up at six should be launched into space. It's like a giant heartbeat in my apartment because all I hear is the bass: thump...thump....thump...ARRRRGHHH.

04-05-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Tisket
Here is another music complaint: neighbors who play their heavy bass music at two in the morning when I have to get up at six should be launched into space. It's like a giant heartbeat in my apartment because all I hear is the bass: thump...thump....thump...ARRRRGHHH.

I had this problem, when I first moved into my apartment. Luckily, my subwoofer is much more impressive and my music much more volatile. The war lasted about three nights.

04-05-2004, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by peam

Originally posted by Tisket
Here is another music complaint: neighbors who play their heavy bass music at two in the morning when I have to get up at six should be launched into space. It's like a giant heartbeat in my apartment because all I hear is the bass: thump...thump....thump...ARRRRGHHH.

I had this problem, when I first moved into my apartment. Luckily, my subwoofer is much more impressive and my music much more volatile. The war lasted about three nights.

Heh, I've yet to loose a radio war with the Umpa Lumpa Music around here. But I cheat. I play the most disturbing music I can find, to mentally abuse their kids.

Like, More Human then Human..Or Pussy by Lords Of Acid..Or even Kiss me Where it smells funny. Always a classic.

04-05-2004, 07:32 PM
Play Necrophilia by Suicide Commando a few times...they'll be frightened into submission.

04-05-2004, 07:55 PM
Can't stand close minded people. Then I start worrying if I'm being close minded about close minded people. It's a vicious circle.

The way lettuce smells when it goes bad. And it happens so fast!

Trying to get my husband to get rid of his junk so we will have more room for my treasures.

My daughter thinking that I can't find guys younger than 30 hot. (I'm not touching... just looking... geeze)

Running out of Popsicles.


04-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Georgia Tech blows, and Schensher is the goofiest bastard alive. That is all.

04-06-2004, 02:13 AM
1) The only sports worth watching are hockey and soccer; action all the time and every bit's important. Football is 5 seconds of grunting then 30 seconds of screwing around, baseball is 2 guys doing something and 8 others standing and watching, and basketball is pointless until the last 5 minutes.

2) The legal penalty for driving and using a cellphone should be the cell phone flipped open, jammed into the perp's ass, and rotated 45 degrees.

3) The assholes who say a dozen facial piercings or 20 tribal tats "speak about who they really are." Yer damn right, they say you're going with the latest fad because the kewl people do it, get over yourself. No one did that shit 20 years ago and no one'll do it 20 years from now.

4) Doctors and lawyers. And auto mechanics.

5) There's about 3 GMs I wanna choke out and use for fertilizer.

6) Get this straight, everyone who runs a restaurant: I don't need to fucking know the waitress's name. I'm also real good at flagging someone down if I got a problem. The second time I get asked "Is everything alright?" mid-entree I lower the tip 5%.

7) When I say I'm busy every other Sunday between 12:30 PM and 8:30 PM, I frigging mean it. Don't call me!!!

8) I hate being sick an dnot being able to sleep.

9) Republicans who say their party's about getting government out of people's lives. Fuck you, you liars. Try these issues out for size: abortion. Gay marriage. Religion. Obscenity. Teaching "abstinence."

10) The fuckwads around here who treat women like brainless toys. I hope they all die screaming.

04-06-2004, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Galleazzo

2) The legal penalty for driving and using a cellphone should be the cell phone flipped open, jammed into the perp's ass, and rotated 45 degrees.

10) The fuckwads around here who treat women like brainless toys. I hope they all die screaming.

Why did I ever dislike you? Well, aside from the language. And get better soon.

04-06-2004, 02:29 AM
Eh, I hope so, Mint, thanks. I hate being sick.

Seriously, I was on the bus heading home Friday and we got cut off TWICE by asshats driving SUVs on cell phones. Die on your own time, willya!

04-06-2004, 02:42 AM
So my question is, for all the people who hate people who drive with cell phones... Should we also shove radio's out peoples asses. You know, when people are playing with their radios and listening to music so that they can't hear anything going on around them? I mean both cause the same problems, the driver not paying attention to actually driving?

04-06-2004, 02:54 AM
A phone conversation requires active participation, while a radio does not. There's a clear, defined difference between listening to the radio and actively conversing on the telephone.

04-06-2004, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by peam
A phone conversation requires active participation, while a radio does not. There's a clear, defined difference between listening to the radio and actively conversing on the telephone.

However pushing buttons on the radio is not. So is working the air conditioner, the heater, the sun roof, etc. They all require you to do something. This isn't to say I think talking on the cell phone while driving isn't a bad idea. But I guess if you are going to start outlawing stuff while driving, I guess you need to pull over to the side of the road to change the station.

04-06-2004, 03:00 AM
And listening to the radio doesn't take a hand off the wheel.

Now the car radios that piss me off are the ones with custom speakers turned all the way to the max, and the assholes drive with the windows down in January. Small buildings shake when they pass by. Everyone like that should have their ears filled up with cement.

04-06-2004, 03:01 AM
Breathing requires you do something too but it doesnt take concentration to do so. Driving safely does.

04-06-2004, 03:01 AM
I have a new found like for Galleazzo.

04-06-2004, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Lady Satira
I have a new found like for Galleazzo.

Rough around the edges but kinda grows on you, sorta like fungus I think. Just teasing...

04-06-2004, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I hate people that hear information 2nd or 3rd hand and confront you with crap info convinced that I in fact said they were a slut, or fat, or worthless.


For Christ's sake..if I was going to tell you you were a worthless slut, I'd come right up to you and tell you.

Damned people need to get their facts straight before jumping my shit.

04-06-2004, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Complaint of mine? Hispanic Music!! (will hince forth be refered to as "Umpa Lumpa Music")

1. The music ain't that great! EVERY friggin song has the same friggin beat! Arrrrg!

2. If I wanted to hear your shitty music (this goes for you rap freaks too) I'd turn my radio to that station. OK? Just because YOUR ASS likes the music 50x louder then needed to be does not mean *I* should have to hear it. Turn the shit down!

3. I firmly belive that the local hispanic population has NO communications skills. They Buy $300 cars. Put $30, 10 year old tires on them. Prime it for paint (but never paint), then add a $1000 speker system and blare said Umpa Lumpa music at max volume while driving with their Girlfriend to where ever they are going. Common? Talk to your woman? Have a MEANINGFUL conversation!

4. Your music sucks, I don't want to here it at 6am on a sunday. Thats great that you get up to go to church and all, but not everyone does. SHUT THE SHIT OFF!

4a. PS, you have a very, very, VERY shitty voice, stop singing while combing your hair.

-Adredrin, the sleep deprived.

<pees self laughing>

I feel your pain. I live in little Mexico and the people across the street do this constantly. Problem is, they're relatively decent people but some day I know I'm going to go over there with my baseball bat.

As for the cars...that is SOOO sad but true. I love it when they got that shit car with this fin on the back, like it even has the CAPACITY to get over 100mph where it would NEED something like that. The best is when the bass is turned up so high that everything viberates on the car and things eventually start to fall off due to the constant jiggling.

Miss X
04-06-2004, 06:10 AM
I'd like to say a big HAPPY hello (not) to all supermarkets that don't date check their food. I had a really fun time last night vomiting for three hours. I feel GREAT.

04-06-2004, 06:15 AM
Aww that sucks. I was really sick like that a while ago. What did you get sick off of and how are you doing now?

Ponderings at 5:13 for me...

Walgreens makes a brand of tooth whiteners that are like putting wax lips on your teeth. The bleach slides off so you swallow most of it. They are gross and whoever came up with them should be forced to wear them 24 hours a day. That is all.

04-06-2004, 06:18 AM
Yes, always be careful, and when in doubt, ask for the manager and ask for some sort of verification cause when they are pressed, they can't really outright lie to you as much as they hope you make an incorrect assumption when shopping.

I worked in a supermarket and I can tell you that at the least, the one I worked in would use alcohol swabs to wipe off the date on some meat products and then sell them in clearance bins so the consumer didnt know what they were really buying.

Sorry you had such a bad night Chica!

Miss X
04-06-2004, 06:19 AM
I think it was the sandwich I had yesterday lunch time. I feel ok now, just strained my stomach muscles and have a sore throat from the stomach acid (nice, I know). I won't be eating today either, in fact I may give up food completly. ;)

04-06-2004, 06:23 AM
I hate expired food with a passion. I won't eat most foods if they are even near the expiration date.

Milk is a prime example. I can't drink the last inch of milk from a milk carton. It just makes me sick to consider.

Miss X
04-06-2004, 06:26 AM
haha, thats spooky, Im totally the same with milk! I always leave the last bit because I'm convinced it must contain gross germs and be nearly out of date.

04-06-2004, 06:34 AM
My pondering of the day: Why do they always test the emergency broadcast system when there is a good song or show on? ALWAYS. Never during the shitty ones or during the commercials.

It always seems to go like this; turns up radio quite loud to listen to a good song and then during the middle of it BEEEEEEEPP BEEEEEPPPPPPPPP.

04-06-2004, 07:30 AM
- Women automatically assume that if you're not talking, you're upset with them. That's only with women, because they're insane. I can go 3 or 4 hours sitting in the same room as one of my buddies without saying a word, because there's nothing to talk about and we're watching a game or something. Or we can be talking the whole time, doesn't make a difference.

04-06-2004, 11:01 AM
Sintik, it already IS illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving, in NY.

No one enforces it any more (for awhile after the law was passed, $50 tickets were being handed out left and right), but it's on the books.


04-06-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
haha, thats spooky, Im totally the same with milk! I always leave the last bit because I'm convinced it must contain gross germs and be nearly out of date.

Hmm, not me, just finished the last of the milk last night actually. Good to the last drop, especially after dipping chocolate in the peanut butter. Now I need more milk darnit.

I am that way with deli sliced cold cuts though, especially turkey. I can never be sure if it smells right after like the second day.

04-06-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Snowman
On Tijays post about the cell Phones....

When did I post about cell phones?

04-06-2004, 11:12 AM
Cell phone hater.

04-06-2004, 11:20 AM
I think I'm probably being confused with jesae .. because my names in her sig .. if thats not why I fear that soon wezas might start commenting on my rack.

04-07-2004, 01:21 AM
Have you ever felt like you just finished a marathon?

I just spent 6 hours working on ONE fucking budgeting problem, and we just finished.

04-07-2004, 01:44 AM
Ya expend more physical energy from strenuous brain activity then playing football.... or running a marathon, heh. You probably have heard that. Weird, isn't it?

I talk on the cellphone when I'm driving... not that I talk a lot on the phone so it isn't usually a problem, but when I do I'm no more distracted then I am when someone is driving with me and I'm talking to them.

Sintik, I know exactly what you mean about messing with the radio or getting a CD or something, I've swerved or find myself not paying attention much more from that then I ever have with a cellphone.

I feel bad for the people who work at fastfood or some other store, and when you give them a nickle or a dime to get an extra dollar back, stare at the change in their hand for a minute because they already typed in how much they thought you gave them, and their register already did the math for a solid bill. I've actually had to explain a few people exactly how much to give back and why.

Baseball rain delays or cancellations, especially when you're at the game.

Soccer fans who live in the US.

04-07-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
haha, thats spooky, Im totally the same with milk! I always leave the last bit because I'm convinced it must contain gross germs and be nearly out of date. Finishing a gallon a day is a good way to alleviate this. Also good for calcium. :)

04-07-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Lady Satira
As my father would say, "That's how you get robbed."

No shit. When i was a kid if i had cash i'd stash it in several increments on various parts of my body, so if the unthinkible happened i only gave up a portion of the cash. Then again i never got robbed so whatever. Do what the fuck you want.

I still plan on financing a trip to spring break by robbing drunken dumb fucks some time in the near future.

04-07-2004, 04:13 PM
After reading this I feel obligated to add a few.

1) Why don't people check food themselves before they eat. What the fuck would you have done before modern science provided expiration dates.

2) Why do whiny bitches whine about other people. Like you don't do shit that other people find annoying as fuck.

04-07-2004, 07:39 PM
<---Remembers when there were no expiration dates on food. If you didn't smell that milk first... that's all I will say.<gags>
