View Full Version : Shattered Empath Stats

06-29-2010, 06:58 PM
What should I put my stats at that will Maximize my Hunting till 20ish. Should I have strength up so I can carry a lot and hit harder and what do should I put in so I absorb faster. New to all this again.

Some Rogue
06-29-2010, 07:23 PM
Max Strength to increase AS, max logic for the absorption. I usually go with a 2 hander for the first 30 days so a decent agi/dex bonus helps keep your RT down.

06-29-2010, 07:38 PM
Max Strength to increase AS, max logic for the absorption. I usually go with a 2 hander for the first 30 days so a decent agi/dex bonus helps keep your RT down.

^^ This. What I have been doing is to dump all my points into logic, discipline, strength, agility, constitution, and dexterity in that order. For the remainder of the points, you can toss them whenever. Max out two handed weapons and physical fitness for HP quickly. Then, dump the rest of your training points in combat manuevers or dodge. Just get yourself a claidh or whatever and cut things to pieces.

Once you get closer to the end of your migration period, you can just reassign your stats to what you want them to be and adjust your training to your training path.

06-29-2010, 10:19 PM
Something Like this?

Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 90 (30) ... 90 (30)
Constitution (CON): 72 (21) ... 72 (21)
Dexterity (DEX): 71 (10) ... 71 (10)
Agility (AGI): 91 (25) ... 91 (25)
Discipline (DIS): 91 (20) ... 91 (20)
Aura (AUR): 25 (-12) ... 25 (-12)
Logic (LOG): 91 (10) ... 91 (10)
Intuition (INT): 25 (-12) ... 25 (-12)
Wisdom (WIS): 62 (1) ... 62 (1)
Influence (INF): 62 (1) ... 62 (1)

Some Rogue
06-29-2010, 10:45 PM

I'd also tank Inf and Con over Aura. Also, I'd put more in Dex.

07-14-2010, 09:28 AM
What level do you switch from Swinging to Casting? I'm guessing you use boneshatter only since it's the most cost efficient? Heal isn't that great of a killing spell is it?

07-14-2010, 11:13 AM
What level do you switch from Swinging to Casting? I'm guessing you use boneshatter only since it's the most cost efficient? Heal isn't that great of a killing spell is it?

Personally, swinging for an empath stays pretty easy for a long time. You can have an easy go of it with boneshatter by 40 in my experience. Harm is good skinning for coin, in shattered, meh..

07-14-2010, 11:22 AM
Ugh, I'm just having difficulty I guess at level 16 because there are no really good places to underhunt.. I'm doing Manticore(8)/Thraks(9)/Boar(10) which is fine, but the damned Puma (15) is there and it kills me. If they hit with an above 50 roll it's like 5 round stunn. They pounce and just kill me, I have it set that I leave when more than 1 person is there. Swinging a Claid with only 98 DS in Offense and I have 4x Double Leathers on.. I just wanna hunt in safety.

07-15-2010, 03:48 PM
What level do you switch from Swinging to Casting? I'm guessing you use boneshatter only since it's the most cost efficient? Heal isn't that great of a killing spell is it?

Harm is probably one of the most mana-efficient offensive spells in the game, from what I've seen. That being said, I don't hunt with it.

Ugh, I'm just having difficulty I guess at level 16 because there are no really good places to underhunt.. I'm doing Manticore(8)/Thraks(9)/Boar(10) which is fine, but the damned Puma (15) is there and it kills me. If they hit with an above 50 roll it's like 5 round stunn. They pounce and just kill me, I have it set that I leave when more than 1 person is there. Swinging a Claid with only 98 DS in Offense and I have 4x Double Leathers on.. I just wanna hunt in safety.

Have you considered crystal golems? Or dark orcs in the smuggling tunnels?

07-16-2010, 10:46 AM
Well I'm about to run afloat on my 30 days and I was wondering. How people are fix stating. Is doing it for growth really the best way or should I still buff up my Logic/Disc and Strength/Dex/Agi so I can get to cap in a hurry and just do a fixstat potion.

Rather, I'll probs be casting so what would I need to buff up Wisdom/Aura instead.

Any shattered Empaths who Bone Shatter Hunt or Heal wanna post their stats up?

07-16-2010, 04:06 PM
Specifically bone shattering empaths would probably focus on Manipulation Lore. You'll need a high wisdom/influence stat bonus, otherwise your CS will blow. But that'll hurt your longer-term growth, since prime stats grow the fastest.

My main in Prime, though, focuses on Transformation since it's useful for healing (reducing healing RT) and also increases the DF of 1110. Once she's high enough level (currently almost 40), I'm probably going to fixskills out of Transformation, since RT will be reduced via level, and I hunt more with 111 and 1106 these days, anyway.

07-30-2010, 09:05 AM
Okay folks. My 30 days is only 2 days Away and I'd like to get this out of the way now.

I'm only going to be healing / Cast hunting. I'd prefer a high CS in the beginning without crippling anything major and I can just fixskill later.

Here is what I got, if you see any Major mistakes or minor one just tell me.

Name: Drizzy Drake Race: Half-Krolvin Profession: Empath (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 754241 Level: 25
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 75 (22) ... 75 (22)
Constitution (CON): 72 (21) ... 72 (21)
Dexterity (DEX): 76 (13) ... 76 (13)
Agility (AGI): 68 (14) ... 68 (14)
Discipline (DIS): 72 (11) ... 72 (11)
Aura (AUR): 77 (13) ... 77 (13)
Logic (LOG): 88 (9) ... 88 (9)
Intuition (INT): 42 (-4) ... 42 (-4)
Wisdom (WIS): 95 (17) ... 95 (17)
Influence (INF): 93 (16) ... 93 (16)
Mana: 106 Silver: 500

Drizzy (at level 25), your base skill bonuses, ranks and goals are:
Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Armor Use..........................| 40 8 8
Physical Fitness...................| 96 22 22
Arcane Symbols.....................| 105 25 25
Magic Item Use.....................| 105 25 25
Harness Power......................| 150 50 50
Mental Mana Control................| 105 25 25
Spirit Mana Control................| 105 25 25
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 148 48 48
Climbing...........................| 90 20 20
Swimming...........................| 58 12 12
First Aid..........................| 175 75 75

Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 25 25

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 6 6

Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 25 25
Training Points: 69 Phy 0 Mnt (594 Phy converted to Mnt)

294 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2011.

You started this migration period on Friday, 7/2/2010 at 15:40:19 EDT. You have 2 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes remaining in your current 30 day migration period.

07-30-2010, 09:18 AM
Personally, I don't think influence should be that high.

07-30-2010, 10:02 AM
I just put it high cause it's one of the prime stats and does our starting mana. How much should I take out and where would I put those points.

08-02-2010, 03:57 PM
I just put it high cause it's one of the prime stats and does our starting mana. How much should I take out and where would I put those points.

Influence is currently not a factor for Empath starting mana. Only the level 0 wisdom bonus is used to calculate it.

(Wisdom bonus / 2) round down.


08-06-2010, 01:07 PM
Is there any point in 1x PF or just getting it to where the health cap is?

08-06-2010, 01:48 PM
Is there any point in 1x PF or just getting it to where the health cap is?

Maneuver Attacks.

08-06-2010, 01:55 PM
You naturally regain hit points faster with more PF, and if you're in GoS you'd benefit from the stamina. The faster HP regen is nice if you're looking to save mana while healing, but really not worth training for.

08-06-2010, 02:44 PM
Maneuver Attacks.

A major role? Would my points be better placed in something else instead of PF to combat MA's.

08-06-2010, 02:51 PM
A major role? Would my points be better placed in something else instead of PF to combat MA's.

Physical fitness is the most important factor in defense against creature maneuvers, which use what people call the "standard maneuver roll". No one knows exactly (cause the rolls are hidden) but from my own experience and what others have said, there is a pretty big benefit going from 1x to 2x. As an empath you have an incredible advantage in TP cost over other pures. I'd 1.5x if I weren't in GoS, and 2x if I was.

08-06-2010, 02:53 PM
Physical fitness is the most important factor in defense against creature maneuvers, which use what people call the "standard maneuver roll". No one knows exactly (cause the rolls are hidden) but from my own experience and what others have said, there is a pretty big benefit going from 1x to 2x. As an empath you have an incredible advantage in TP cost over other pures. I'd 1.5x if I weren't in GoS, and 2x if I was.

Seconded. Good advice Ryvicke.

08-06-2010, 03:18 PM
Seconded. Good advice Ryvicke.

Alright, sounds like a plan!

Thanks a lot Ryvicke/Tordane.

Edited to Add: Does PF help with player CM's?

08-06-2010, 03:26 PM
Alright, sounds like a plan!

Thanks a lot Ryvicke/Tordane.

Edited to Add: Does PF help with player CM's?

The answer for an empath: not really. Unless you were not normal and got redux from it.