View Full Version : Crossbone Vanguard
06-29-2010, 06:47 PM
This thread is for a philosophical discussion in order to define the goals of Crossbone Vanguard. Leave specific tactics and details out. The more I think about the organization, the further it evolves in my mind.
Here are my current thoughts:
The organization is forming largely in response to consistent griefing from Clan Marlu (a working designation since they seem to have no set name). My character is tempted to simply make up a conflicting guild to blow them to smithereens under the aegis of Luukosian roleplay, but that's not really going to address the problem. Griefing will continue, others will still be driven to quit and leave, and there generally will be a lot of escalating strife.
The goal of the organization cannot be simply to take down the Clan; that's too short-sighted. Instead, we need to focus this organization in response to the things we don't like about the Marlus. That means that we need to define "griefing." A working definition might be "consistent and unreasonable infliction of harm or death on a player character, which may include a lack of roleplay and a transfer of OOG issues to the game."
If the Vanguard's role, then is to try to prevent griefing, we're setting ourselves up as a sort of player-conflict enforcement board. It's a large and unwieldy goal, but it's possible. Our specific goals would be something like:
Maintain the integrity and cohesion of the Shattered community.
Ensure that conflicts are kept in-game.
Foster cooperation among players.
Prevent the unreasonable disruption of others' enjoyment by other players.
To foster roleplay and CvC as a means to these ends.
The nature of the Vanguard would be to settle disputes between players and to police griefing. To that end, it would employ all necessary tactics.
By its nature, Crossbone Vanguard would have to be something of a meta-guild, bridging both the game and the forums. It would not prevent membership in other guilds, but it would require a dedication to its principles and a willingness to stand up for them, even if they go against the activities of your other guild.
Crossbone Vanguard would not be dedicated to eradicating "bad" characters, or even necessarily to eradicating the Marlu clan. Instead, it'd try to bring them into agreement with some basic rules - and yes, it'd kill them until they cry if they don't agree. A character could not come running to the Vanguard complaining about extortion and get help, but a character could come running about one-sided roleplay, consistent murder, and other activities that lessen that player's enjoyment to an unreasonable degree.
One goal of the organization might be to establish and enforce a "safe area" in the game for players to relax - any players, as long as they followed the rules. Think of it as Switzerland, violently neutral.
I know that this conception of Crossbone Vanguard will not please everyone, and that in particular it does not satisfy (immediately) a desire for revenge, but the more I think about it, the more I believe this is the sort of organization Shattered needs.
06-29-2010, 06:52 PM
I dig the above. With such structure and organization I would hope that eventually we can petition some GMs to give us a house or something. I just want a bigger locker, but yeah all the free booze and whatnot is rather nice too.
06-29-2010, 06:53 PM
Can I join?
06-29-2010, 07:00 PM
Can I join?
Yes, if you follow the principles of the Vanguard. Members will be policed even more forcefully than outsiders.
06-29-2010, 07:07 PM
For those who do want revenge, I don't see a problem with one group devoted to obliterating the Marlus, under the aegis of CV. We just couldn't go overboard.
06-29-2010, 07:10 PM
Oh, a base of operations might be something like the Elven Village in tree spirits. If we wanted to take over a town, then Cysaegir or perhaps Zul would make sense.
06-29-2010, 07:11 PM
Yes, if you follow the principles of the Vanguard. Members will be policed even more forcefully than outsiders.
OK! As my first order of business Puffy is a member of the cult of Marlu, and Im off to kill him. He hunts in the abandoned inn, Orc side.
Ifor has been seen in thunder trolls / ogre warriors in the wehntoph / Northern slopes. He is a confirmed alt of mordechai himself.
06-29-2010, 07:19 PM
OK! As my first order of business Puffy is a member of the cult of Marlu, and Im off to kill him. He hunts in the abandoned inn, Orc side.
Ifor has been seen in thunder trolls / ogre warriors in the wehntoph / Northern slopes. He is a confirmed alt of mordechai himself.
06-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Crossbone Vanguard:
"Grief the griefers"
06-29-2010, 07:38 PM
I dig it.
06-29-2010, 07:46 PM
I'm digging it as well. A conflict is so much more fun when it's not really one-sided. I'm hoping this is just the start of many more guilds within Shattered regardless if they take this stance or a more roguish approach such as Clan Marlu. For a world that has no rules or restrictions regarding PvP, more and more opposing groups will only increase the amount of conflict and potentially bring some amazing RP to the table. It was only a matter of time until things began to organize like this.
Cthulu, this is what you all wanted as well right? After all, it makes what you all are doing so much more fun when you get some opposition, eh?
These are comments from a currently neutral party enjoying the development of things in Shattered. The streets will be filled with blood! Woot!
06-29-2010, 08:00 PM
I'm digging it as well. A conflict is so much more fun when it's not really one-sided. I'm hoping this is just the start of many more guilds within Shattered regardless if they take this stance or a more roguish approach such as Clan Marlu. For a world that has no rules or restrictions regarding PvP, more and more opposing groups will only increase the amount of conflict and potentially bring some amazing RP to the table. It was only a matter of time until things began to organize like this.
Cthulu, this is what you all wanted as well right? After all, it makes what you all are doing so much more fun when you get some opposition, eh?
These are comments from a currently neutral party enjoying the development of things in Shattered. The streets will be filled with blood! Woot!
This is what *I* personally wanted, because I like affecting people. Them bringing it to the forums to trash talk me (I'm very trash-talkeable!), threatening to murder me repeatedly, kill rezzers/draggers, steal my weapons - make me quit means I've gotten to them. They will, naturally, espouse how ambivalent and apathetic about it all they are on the forums - generally while creating thread after thread and hundreds of posts dedicated to the subject, while promising scorched earth policies to make my (our) lives hell.
I'll ruin someones day because I want to see them turn into a monster. So hell yeah, this is *precisely* what *I* want.
The others however, have a less bloodthirsty approach for the most part, and I'm sure they'd rather not have an enemy whose purpose is to make us quit the game.
Call us griefers - call us what you want. None of us - not even I, want anyone to quit over our actions. We *WANT* you to have fun, and we *WANT* you to have your villains - and I want you to become a monster.
06-29-2010, 08:10 PM
This is what *I* personally wanted, because I like affecting people. Them bringing it to the forums to trash talk me (I'm very trash-talkeable!), threatening to murder me repeatedly, kill rezzers/draggers, steal my weapons - make me quit means I've gotten to them. They will, naturally, espouse how ambivalent and apathetic about it all they are on the forums - generally while creating thread after thread and hundreds of posts dedicated to the subject, while promising scorched earth policies to make my (our) lives hell.
I'll ruin someones day because I want to see them turn into a monster. So hell yeah, this is *precisely* what *I* want.
The others however, have a less bloodthirsty approach for the most part, and I'm sure they'd rather not have an enemy whose purpose is to make us quit the game.
Call us griefers - call us what you want. None of us - not even I, want anyone to quit over our actions. We *WANT* you to have fun, and we *WANT* you to have your villains - and I want you to become a monster.
Cthulu, I had a quick question just to make sure we are on the same page. When you say I, you’re referring to the character you play in Shattered right? The blending of actions in the game and actions on the forums is starting to confuse me , especially since I’m used to having an obvious line separating IG and OOG actions.
Is it too much to go out on a limb and ask if this is just the role that you like to play, and that you really don’t want to piss them off and cause bad feelings OOG? As someone that has played a pretty nasty villain in various roleplaying games, I understand how much fun it is to be a monster and to try and turn the characters around you into monsters as well. I’ve played a demon before and loved preying off the despair and suffering of my victims. I’ve played a serial killer that relished in the thought of finding a new arm for a lamp or entrails to create makeshift blinds. Of course, a few people misunderstood what I was doing some and even resorted to OOG comments about my roleplay and sanity (hah!). However, they were the minority. I never once stopped respecting the players I played with. It’s entirely possible to be hated and despised as a character and respected as a player for being able to roleplay something so diabolical and twisted. For me, my actions in those roleplays in no way reflected how I am outside of them.
The only reason I’m asking is that there are some posts where you seem like you care about the players you’re playing with and want to be that type of villain, but then there are other posts where it seems you’re rather antagonistic towards the players you’re affecting. I’m horrible at reading people and just wanted to read your thoughts on it.
The last part of your post is what I agree with. It’s hard to perceive tone in text, and I can’t tell if you’re just messing around on the forums or not.
06-29-2010, 08:46 PM
Cthulu, I had a quick question just to make sure we are on the same page. When you say I, you’re referring to the character you play in Shattered right? The blending of actions in the game and actions on the forums is starting to confuse me , especially since I’m used to having an obvious line separating IG and OOG actions.
Is it too much to go out on a limb and ask if this is just the role that you like to play, and that you really don’t want to piss them off and cause bad feelings OOG? As someone that has played a pretty nasty villain in various roleplaying games, I understand how much fun it is to be a monster and to try and turn the characters around you into monsters as well. I’ve played a demon before and loved preying off the despair and suffering of my victims. I’ve played a serial killer that relished in the thought of finding a new arm for a lamp or entrails to create makeshift blinds. Of course, a few people misunderstood what I was doing some and even resorted to OOG comments about my roleplay and sanity (hah!). However, they were the minority. I never once stopped respecting the players I played with. It’s entirely possible to be hated and despised as a character and respected as a player for being able to roleplay something so diabolical and twisted. For me, my actions in those roleplays in no way reflected how I am outside of them.
The only reason I’m asking is that there are some posts where you seem like you care about the players you’re playing with and want to be that type of villain, but then there are other posts where it seems you’re rather antagonistic towards the players you’re affecting. I’m horrible at reading people and just wanted to read your thoughts on it.
The last part of your post is what I agree with. It’s hard to perceive tone in text, and I can’t tell if you’re just messing around on the forums or not.
The forums are an extension of the game, and thus - to me, a tool for the game. This forum account is specifically for the character - hence the name.
And It's like I said, I enjoy watching people go bad, and I love being the reason why.
And no, I don't particularly care about the players beyond my friends and those who amuse me/earn my respect. I care about the game, very much so - and want what's best for the game.
06-29-2010, 09:02 PM
Shattered sounds fun.
06-29-2010, 09:09 PM
The forums are an extension of the game, and thus - to me, a tool for the game. This forum account is specifically for the character - hence the name.
And It's like I said, I enjoy watching people go bad, and I love being the reason why.
And no, I don't particularly care about the players beyond my friends and those who amuse me/earn my respect. I care about the game, very much so - and want what's best for the game.
Well said. That definitely clears up a lot for me, especially in regards to you using the forums as a tool for the game and creating your forum account specifically for your character. I never really looked at your posts in that light, but it does make more sense now. Thanks for the clarification!
Shattered sounds fun.
Why not join the madness? ;)
06-29-2010, 09:21 PM
I really think you should take more suggestions for the name. Xyelin's hurricanes I thought was a pretty good one. I might also suggest "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday" as a name, because it's recognizable.
06-29-2010, 09:25 PM
I really think you should take more suggestions for the name. Xyelin's hurricanes I thought was a pretty good one. I might also suggest "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday" as a name, because it's recognizable.
That's a villain group name.
06-29-2010, 09:27 PM
It's a tentative name. Once I finish compiling an email list, we'll chat it over, among other things. I've gotten a rather avid response, and I have a lot of RL responsibilities, so it takes me a few to sort things out. I should be sending out an email later tonight.
06-29-2010, 09:31 PM
I can't wait until someone comes up with GS-rules for group PvP, and we have PvP ladders with teams like "Lunn's Slaves" and "Xyelin's Hurricanes", fighting 'First-to-Dequarter' matches.
06-29-2010, 09:37 PM
Washington, Washington
Six-foot-two-hort weighs 500-fucking stone.
Opponents beware, opponents beware.
He's coming, he's coming, he's coming.
06-29-2010, 09:39 PM
I can't wait until someone comes up with GS-rules for group PvP, and we have PvP ladders with teams like "Lunn's Slaves" and "Xyelin's Hurricanes", fighting 'First-to-Dequarter' matches.
Someone needs to roll up Xyelin, and get a GM to deck them out. Feature alters of broken nose and both eyes blackened, arm in a cast, an empty quarters sack, I'm sure the PC could come up with some great suggestions.
06-29-2010, 09:57 PM
Washington, Washington
Six-foot-two-hort weighs 500-fucking stone.
Opponents beware, opponents beware.
He's coming, he's coming, he's coming.
06-29-2010, 09:58 PM
Wheelchair-plated armor would be pretty pimp, in my opinion.
Also, TWC sock of quarters and a HSN handbag offhand.
06-29-2010, 10:01 PM
Why not join the madness? ;)
Not enough time :(
06-29-2010, 10:25 PM
So, wait, do people actually RP in Shattered? Even semi-consistently? Most of what I've seen from it so far involves people named "Cunt" and "Sluttywhore," or people with non-vulgar but still out-of-genre alters/names.
06-29-2010, 10:32 PM
So, wait, do people actually RP in Shattered? Even semi-consistently? Most of what I've seen from it so far involves people named "Cunt" and "Sluttywhore," or people with non-vulgar but still out-of-genre alters/names.
No. Its probably 75% afk scripting, and the people that are awake are Rambo, Bonquisha, and Matt (holding the Master Sword, Mirror Shield, and Zora Tunic).
The RPers are rare.
06-29-2010, 10:37 PM
Matt (holding the Master Sword, Mirror Shield, and Zora Tunic)
That's pretty awesome, though.
06-29-2010, 10:38 PM
This is highly entertaining. Consider Jaeden an ally of the Vanguard. :)
06-30-2010, 01:56 AM
They're script-killing people outside the west gate right now. Do your worst.
06-30-2010, 02:22 AM
They're script-killing people outside the west gate right now. Do your worst.
Sanctify power, GO!
06-30-2010, 02:40 AM
I think your goals are just a little too broad. Maybe narrow things down a little, rather than being the police of the entire planet. Also, defining crime and appropriate punishment might be good.
06-30-2010, 03:02 AM
Sanctify power, GO!
Heh. Cthulu's way of saying I shut down their griefing at the gates with one simple spell. I attempted to save the four corpses at the North Gate, but they were all AFK with their groups closed. Also, as soon as I sancted and started a conversation, they just ran off. Awesome RP.
06-30-2010, 03:03 AM
I think your goals are just a little too broad. Maybe narrow things down a little, rather than being the police of the entire planet. Also, defining crime and appropriate punishment might be good.
This is exactly the sort of feedback I wanted. Let's get some ideas for specifics out.
06-30-2010, 03:06 AM
This is exactly the sort of feedback I wanted. Let's get some ideas for specifics out.
I, for one, actually like the concept.
I would like the term 'griefing' better defined though!
06-30-2010, 03:11 AM
I, for one, actually like the concept.
I would like the term 'griefing' better defined though!
According to them, it's anything they don't like.
06-30-2010, 03:25 AM
I wouldn't join a group with rigorous rules and shit. If I still played I mean. I think most people, from what I've read in the Shattered folder, just want to pay the killers in kind. You don't need to fancify it. At least not at first. Worry more about being effective instead. And giving away all your plans in a public thread on a public board is not effective.
06-30-2010, 03:33 AM
I wouldn't join a group with rigorous rules and shit. If I still played I mean. I think most people, from what I've read in the Shattered folder, just want to pay the killers in kind. You don't need to fancify it. At least not at first. Worry more about being effective instead. And giving away all your plans in a public thread on a public board is not effective.
No plans here, just concepts. They're more important in the end, and a group like this one would not work without this sort of input. The plans and tactics come later.
06-30-2010, 08:35 AM
You don't need an intense set of rules. If people come to you with the intent of stopping ill-will they'll most likely have the same agenda as you. It's the punishments that need to be intense for breaking a set of rules.
06-30-2010, 08:38 AM
I think the group should simply be for two reasons:
1. To enforce a "pick on a guy your own size" mentality where if much higher level players are repeatedly harassing younger ones, the higher level players get some intimidation from the Vanguard, letting them know that they're pushing the limit.
2. To document those that steal gear, their reasons why, and to enact justice with regards to the issue. For example: Big sorc running around itchy fearing newbs, the Vanguard steps in and kills him and lets him know he is gonna have a rough time if he continues that trend.
06-30-2010, 08:51 AM
I think the group should simply be for two reasons:
1. To enforce a "pick on a guy your own size" mentality where if much higher level players are repeatedly harassing younger ones, the higher level players get some intimidation from the Vanguard, letting them know that they're pushing the limit.
2. To document those that steal gear, their reasons why, and to enact justice with regards to the issue. For example: Big sorc running around itchy fearing newbs, the Vanguard steps in and kills him and lets him know he is gonna have a rough time if he continues that trend.
1,2. I believe they're doing that with Mordechai's group. The only difference is they're demanding a disband of the group.
You just managed to recap what their extra goals were.
06-30-2010, 08:54 AM
1,2. I believe they're doing that with Mordechai's group. The only difference is they're demanding a disband of the group.
You just managed to recap what their extra goals were.
If thats their plan...well...they really better pick up their game...
How'd the whole 'Stopping us from 'griefing' go last night boys?
06-30-2010, 08:59 AM
How did collecting 10 kills go? I still don't see boobs damn it!
06-30-2010, 09:01 AM
How did collecting 10 kills go? I still don't see boobs damn it!
Well I dont know which of our kills are in and which arent?
Near as I can tell they got 4 members, Buddy, Garrett, Necen and Sephiroth.
Of which we got 3. Seph and Garrett twice
But he was going on and on about how many had rallied to his cause, Im SURE that some of the others were members. I just dont know which :(
06-30-2010, 09:06 AM
So...out of this entire time, you killed three, one of which twice...
You can't kill 4 members 10 times? With your allegedly growing numbers?
06-30-2010, 09:07 AM
So...out of this entire time, you killed three, one of which twice...
You can't kill 4 members 10 times? With your allegedly growing numbers?
Three, TWO of which twice. Buddy kept getting away with his song of escape.
So, thats 5 right there. Thats...half! I have 2 more days to just get 5 more.
06-30-2010, 09:09 AM
Er, even so. You can't really brag about it when you're struggling to kill 4. Most of which I'm sure were scripting.
I'm not seeing much of an excuse. I mean, it's not like they're logging out to avoid death...
*cough cough*
06-30-2010, 09:11 AM
Er, even so. You can't really brag about it when you're struggling to kill 4. Most of which I'm sure were scripting.
I'm not seeing much of an excuse. I mean, it's not like they're logging out to avoid death...
*cough cough*
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Alaska I'd like to sell you :)
Oh, and 3 of them havent even been ONLINE most the night. Cant kill them if they are offline all night :\
06-30-2010, 09:13 AM
Is it made of ice? I could use an ice bridge to Alaska. Be a sweet escape route.
Excuses. Man up and get those titty pics.
06-30-2010, 09:48 AM
Someone needs to roll up Xyelin, and get a GM to deck them out. Feature alters of broken nose and both eyes blackened, arm in a cast, an empty quarters sack, I'm sure the PC could come up with some great suggestions.
You need to roll your ass in here! Sign up already! If you are busy just afk script all the time so at least you aren't behind when you do decide to play!
06-30-2010, 09:53 AM
Three, TWO of which twice. Buddy kept getting away with his song of escape.
So, thats 5 right there. Thats...half! I have 2 more days to just get 5 more.
Wha wha wha? I don't have a song of escape. I knew Calidus was stalking me (saw you more than once BTW). So I did ;go2 a couple of times for fun and to e-wave (although I don't think I could have when I think about it because he is stalking and in my group). He tried to cutthroat me like 5 times that night and missed. On the actual time that he hit me, I was stunned for 5 rounds and took a feras hit to my left arm (go go sigil of major protection!).
And then...EVEN then I let him try to ambush me while I was stunned and he missed me again. I then did sigil of escape. All in good fun!
So no, I did not keep getting away with a song of escape.
I count kills when people slam if it was reasonable that I would have killed them. So far I have:
Shakira (hit for over 100 dmg, one more hit would have done it but slammed)
Madmountan (dead and props to him for not slamming even though I got lucky on a sonic crit!)
Mordechai (hit for over 100 dmg plus a nice sonic hit but slammed)
Maldric (dead and who is Calidus btw, Calidus magically knew how to get to Maldric's body like 10 seconds after I killed him yet he denies it)
06-30-2010, 09:58 AM
You guys should start camping for roughly ten minutes to an hour randomly. If they need to start making it a standard to stay out for up to an hour to avoid being killed, you will make slamming much harder to deal with. Also, if you wait until they are in battle, then make them slam, the chances are high if they're stunned the creatures will finish him/her off.
06-30-2010, 09:59 AM
Wha wha wha? I don't have a song of escape. I knew Calidus was stalking me (saw you more than once BTW). So I did ;go2 a couple of times for fun and to e-wave (although I don't think I could have when I think about it because he is stalking and in my group). He tried to cutthroat me like 5 times that night and missed. On the actual time that he hit me, I was stunned for 5 rounds and took a feras hit to my left arm (go go sigil of major protection!).
And then...EVEN then I let him try to ambush me while I was stunned and he missed me again. I then did sigil of escape. All in good fun!
So no, I did not keep getting away with a song of escape.
I count kills when people slam if it was reasonable that I would have killed them. So far I have:
Shakira (hit for over 100 dmg, one more hit would have done it but slammed)
Madmountan (dead and props to him for not slamming even though I got lucky on a sonic crit!)
Mordechai (hit for over 100 dmg plus a nice sonic hit but slammed)
Maldric (dead and who is Calidus btw, Calidus magically knew how to get to Maldric's body like 10 seconds after I killed him yet he denies it)
Song of Escape, Sigil of Escape...its Escaping!
I count Calidus missing you and you continuing to go off as Getting Away. its not an insult! If you can get away, huzzah you prevented a kill or forced slam!
Still. Fact remains. We've killed 3 of 4. Yer the one we've yet to get. Is Rada with you guys? Cause if so, I think we got him 3 times last night.
06-30-2010, 10:06 AM
Anyone else find it funny that it's okay for Mordechai and crew to slam but they find it hilarious when somebody uses an ingame skill to escape?
06-30-2010, 10:07 AM
Well I dont know which of our kills are in and which arent?
Near as I can tell they got 4 members, Buddy, Garrett, Necen and Sephiroth.
Of which we got 3. Seph and Garrett twice
Song of Escape, Sigil of Escape...its Escaping!
I count Calidus missing you and you continuing to go off as Getting Away. its not an insult! If you can get away, huzzah you prevented a kill or forced slam!
Still. Fact remains. We've killed 3 of 4. Yer the one we've yet to get. Is Rada with you guys? Cause if so, I think we got him 3 times last night.
Oh, no, no~! Milamber did drop me while I was in town, because I let it happen, and it moved him one step closer to banishment. Hope he enjoyed his time in jail.
You didn't get me twice, though.. and when you next camp the gate, fun times will be had by all. :love:
06-30-2010, 10:09 AM
Song of Escape, Sigil of Escape...its Escaping!
I count Calidus missing you and you continuing to go off as Getting Away. its not an insult! If you can get away, huzzah you prevented a kill or forced slam!
Still. Fact remains. We've killed 3 of 4. Yer the one we've yet to get. Is Rada with you guys? Cause if so, I think we got him 3 times last night.
I wanted to see if e-wave would work when someone is stalking you. I don't think that it does. I only escaped once when he actually hit me! I even let him try a second ambush after he stunned me.
Stalking is the win though, I can see that now.
06-30-2010, 10:36 AM
Oh, no, no~! Milamber did drop me while I was in town, because I let it happen, and it moved him one step closer to banishment. Hope he enjoyed his time in jail.
You didn't get me twice, though.. and when you next camp the gate, fun times will be had by all. :love:
Slams are counting as kills. At least for Boobie pics. I would hope you could agree with me there :P
06-30-2010, 10:42 AM
I wanted to see if e-wave would work when someone is stalking you. I don't think that it does. I only escaped once when he actually hit me! I even let him try a second ambush after he stunned me.
Stalking is the win though, I can see that now.
It wont. If someone is stalking you, no AoE spells (other than Meteor Swarm, lol) will hit them, as they are considered the same as being in your group. Stalking can be broken by attempting to hide yourself, as well as several other means.
06-30-2010, 10:56 AM
So...out of this entire time, you killed three, one of which twice...
You can't kill 4 members 10 times? With your allegedly growing numbers?
Okay, that's it. I call shenanigans on your claim that you're "new" here. Who did you post as before?
06-30-2010, 10:58 AM
Okay, that's it. I call shenanigans on your claim that you're "new" here. Who did you post as before?
I'm new as a spring chicken. Haven't even gotten in game. Scouts Honor.
06-30-2010, 11:04 AM
I'm new as a spring chicken. Haven't even gotten in game. Scouts Honor.
Then you played DR, or you've been friends with PC people for years and have read the boards, and finally got around to creating an acct. Something. You are not new.
06-30-2010, 11:06 AM
Then you played DR, or you've been friends with PC people for years and have read the boards, and finally got around to creating an acct. Something. You are not new.
In all seriousness a friend introduced me to the PC and then GS. The time you see on my join date is the actual time I've been around here. It's time well-spent reading through various topics and catching onto the mood of the PC. Is that what you were referring to? If not, I can't think of anything else you might be.
06-30-2010, 11:09 AM
He isn't new to message boards of this like, is all.
06-30-2010, 11:09 AM
You need to roll your ass in here! Sign up already! If you are busy just afk script all the time so at least you aren't behind when you do decide to play!
It's tempting... thankfully my indecision about what to play is working in my favor to keep me away.
06-30-2010, 11:10 AM
What Fallen said.
06-30-2010, 01:04 PM
In all seriousness a friend introduced me to the PC and then GS. The time you see on my join date is the actual time I've been around here. It's time well-spent reading through various topics and catching onto the mood of the PC. Is that what you were referring to? If not, I can't think of anything else you might be.
I'll bet money that you're Widgets
06-30-2010, 01:04 PM
I'll bet money that you're Widgets
Where can I collect your money?
06-30-2010, 01:10 PM
Where can I collect your money?
Why is your name Ribbons?
06-30-2010, 01:11 PM
Why is your name Ribbons?
It's a name I started playing games with. And it's not Ribbons, Re-Bons is how it's pronounced.
06-30-2010, 01:16 PM
I haven't noticed anyone around Shattered that rp's like any of the Widgit characters. I do so love his rp, and wish/or hope he was/is around. Si
06-30-2010, 01:17 PM
It's tempting... thankfully my indecision about what to play is working in my favor to keep me away.
Listen brah, roll yourself up a Cleric and me and you can just group together and save peoples lives.
06-30-2010, 01:23 PM
Listen brah, roll yourself up a Cleric and me and you can just group together and save peoples lives.
Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
06-30-2010, 01:26 PM
Fuck that speech is a walking hard on.
06-30-2010, 01:33 PM
Yeah that speech may have been the convincing I needed...
06-30-2010, 01:42 PM
While not the same type of speech. I prefer this one:
While not the same type of speech. I prefer this one:
And here I was thinking it would have been this one:
It is appropriate to a number of people posting in the Shattered topic.
06-30-2010, 02:16 PM
Well I dont know which of our kills are in and which arent?
Near as I can tell they got 4 members, Buddy, Garrett, Necen and Sephiroth.
Of which we got 3. Seph and Garrett twice
But he was going on and on about how many had rallied to his cause, Im SURE that some of the others were members. I just dont know which :(
Heh. Garrett is at best level 5. Between just Buddy and myself, our count in the last 36 hours or so is:
Madmountan - 2
Mordechai - 1
Maldric - 2
Calidus - 2
Shakira - 1
What were you proud of again?
06-30-2010, 02:28 PM
Add Shakira
06-30-2010, 02:29 PM
Add Rambo, he's with us too
06-30-2010, 02:39 PM
No, I meant add Shakira to those who died/slammed.
06-30-2010, 02:45 PM
No, I meant add Shakira to those who died/slammed.
Done, and let's not forget that I seriously interfered with your (i.e. the Marlus) griefing at the gates with one simple spell, and that when I tried to talk with you for the sake of RP, you just ran off.
06-30-2010, 02:48 PM
Done, and let's not forget that I seriously interfered with your (i.e. the Marlus) griefing at the gates with one simple spell, and that when I tried to talk with you for the sake of RP, you just ran off.
This is true. We had to move 3 rooms to the other gate each time.
Our night was pretty much ruined.
06-30-2010, 02:49 PM
This is true. We had to move 4 rooms to the other gate each time.
Our night was pretty much ruined.
That reminds me that I need to bring another sancter next time. <3
Drunken Durfin
06-30-2010, 04:05 PM
Slams are counting as kills. At least for Boobie pics. I would hope you could agree with me there :P
Counting slams as kills is the same as counting masturbating as getting laid.
As for Rambo, I thought he quit due to RL complicaitons.
06-30-2010, 04:08 PM
Counting slams as kills is the same as counting masturbating as getting laid.
As for Rambo, I thought he quit due to RL complicaitons.
Second tour of duty. Rambo 2, coming soon.
06-30-2010, 04:28 PM
Rambo was one ruthless dude.
Last I saw him he was running all over town killing those griefers, Aragorn and Arwen, with a helicopter blade.
I figured he got banished.
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