View Full Version : Enough of this nonsense

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07-01-2010, 08:05 AM
Anyways - enough with the religion bullshit. You can spout off with 'allah say, allah say' responses all you like, but NO ONE here is reading them. And frankly, allah hasn't said a fuckin' thing - only Muhammud had something to say. And that's only because he murdered enough people to make them scared enough to repeat it.

One would think after saying "enough with the religion bullshit", you wouldn't follow up with the next part.

Strange that the title of this thread still applies to the tangent it has spun off to.

07-01-2010, 08:07 AM
Basically what Cel and Cth said. Now fuck off, yeah?

Stanley Burrell
07-01-2010, 08:43 AM
it's a shame you think this. and by the way, America has its racists. look - pretty much in the history of any people, if you want to paint them as saints, there is the history to do so, and if you want to paint them as lustful killers, there is the history to do so.

secondly, i'm not going to use the forum for a base to continually argue with you about religion and pressure you to believe. The Qur'an says: "There is no compulsion in religion." But personally, I consider your "disbelief" in my view, clearly a lack of understanding and a lack of desire to understand, stemming from an incredible amount of arrogance and ignorance. You have a LONG way to go in life and I hope it is an enlightening journey.

It's not racism or bigotry. It's the same fucking crap when Hari Krishna or Jehovah's Witnesses start handing out fliers. If Allah met with you and declared you the 13th disciple, you're still doing yourself a disservice by hammering religion-religion-religion posts. Plus you're having the audacity to take Allah's name in vain. Practice what you've been preached, not visa-versa.

07-01-2010, 08:47 AM
it's a well established fact I've spent roughly 30 hours this last year having drilled into me at my unit.

This says it all.

And no - no one will mock the Prophet and then hear nothing in response. No one objected to the highly offensive cartoons. But you object to me trying to subsequently bring clarity to the issue of Islam. It shows the double standard of morality. Now, why isn't anyone mocking Kevin Cosner? Or Miley Cyrus?

Because mocking them isn't going to draw any reaction. They mock, and instead of firing back, I simply post information for those who may not be so blinded.

And honestly, you'd think from my post history that nothing anyone can say is going to "stop" me from posting whatever I like, day in, and day out, so just give up on telling me to stfu. Thx!

07-01-2010, 09:07 AM
Moar useless bullshit being spewed.

And day in, day out people tell you that you should stop being a preachy fucktard. Seriously, nobody cares what you have to say in defense of the Quran. We're still going to make fun of it and you no matter how much you post on how 'gud is 2 b ok wid muchamed'. Nobody cares about you or your faith. So please, do us all a favor and GTFO these boards.

You ass wipe.

07-01-2010, 09:08 AM
What are you so upset about? I think you need a tall glass of lemonade, a good novel, and a soothing summer day under the shade of tall trees.

(or is this the first time you've found people you vehemently disagree with on the Internet? If so, welcome! Remember to clear your cache and cookies once a week or your computer will slow down.)

07-01-2010, 09:11 AM
I'm not upset, I'm stating fact. Nobody cares for you, your religion, your wife, the fact that you're here or not. Quick show of hands, how many people give a rats ass about this guy?

...Nobody. Not even your prophet. Snap, looks like you really are trash.

07-01-2010, 09:16 AM
yeah i'm trash. gosh, everybody hates me nobody likes me, guess I'll go eat worms!

but I think you missed the point. I'm not here to win friends and influence people. I'm here to troll this damn message board and have fun doing it. And you're being the most helpful assistant I've had lately. THANK YOU! What's your e-mail? I'll wire you 20$ so you can go refill your prescription to Prozac, and when you run out of medicine and crash again, we can do it all over! <SQUEAL!!>

07-01-2010, 09:18 AM

Fixed so it fits your standard.

Now anyways, back on topic...wait, what's the topic again?

07-01-2010, 09:19 AM
no Ribbons - don't get off track. our bickering needs to fill this thread with another 30 pages! weee!!!

07-01-2010, 09:21 AM

Now that's odd, I'm not an expert but aren't those defenses incredibly low?

07-01-2010, 09:27 AM
Now that's odd, I'm not an expert but aren't those defenses incredibly low?

Some are. Thats the trick to the game though, is to lower your enemies defenses to a point where it is easy to hit them. You can do this in several ways. CMAN FEINT, for example, stances your enemy so that they put themselves in a more vulnerable position, depending on the roll of course. CMAN TRIP can lay a target out on the ground, making it so they cant get away and lowering their defenses further. I only posted the Kill Shot, not everything that came before...

07-01-2010, 09:29 AM
Some are. Thats the trick to the game though, is to lower your enemies defenses to a point where it is easy to hit them. You can do this in several ways. CMAN FEINT, for example, stances your enemy so that they put themselves in a more vulnerable position, depending on the roll of course. CMAN TRIP can lay a target out on the ground, making it so they cant get away and lowering their defenses further. I only posted the Kill Shot, not everything that came before...

Eh, but even 10 DS seems incredibly low. Feint a nub?

07-01-2010, 09:29 AM
I only posted the Kill Shot, not everything that came before...

Like the brisk walk into the Wehnimer's catacombs.

07-01-2010, 09:32 AM
Eh, but even 10 DS seems incredibly low. Feint a nub?

Yes. Some are noobs. Its what happens when you camp outside the gate...Characters of all levels happen on by!

07-01-2010, 09:36 AM
Yes. Some are noobs. Its what happens when you camp outside the gate...Characters of all levels happen on by!

Not really something most people would be proud of but then again it is you we're talking about.

Either way, when I'm able to play I'll be sticking to Prime till I get more money coming in.

07-01-2010, 09:43 AM
Not really something most people would be proud of but then again it is you we're talking about.

Either way, when I'm able to play I'll be sticking to Prime till I get more money coming in.

Told you people would complain guys. Im like a prophet!

07-01-2010, 09:45 AM
Told you people would complain guys. Im like a prophet!

Not a complaint, it's what's becoming known fact. Come to think of it, do you know what a complaint is? Are you a customer service rep? You seem to interpret plenty of things into complaints.

07-01-2010, 09:54 AM
Not a complaint, it's what's becoming known fact. Come to think of it, do you know what a complaint is? Are you a customer service rep? You seem to interpret plenty of things into complaints.

Ok sorry. Complaint might have been the wrong word. Snarky Ignorance from someone not in the actual game would have been a better term! :)

07-01-2010, 09:56 AM
Ok sorry. Complaint might have been the wrong word. Snarky Ignorance from someone not in the actual game would have been a better term! :)

Eh, it'll do.

Anyways, was kinda funny what I just thought up.

Guy: Hi, yeah, I have a problem with my stereo. It's not turning on.


Funny to me anyways.

07-01-2010, 09:59 AM
Eh, it'll do.

Anyways, was kinda funny what I just thought up.

Guy: Hi, yeah, I have a problem with my stereo. It's not turning on.


Funny to me anyways.

More accurate:

Guy: Hi, yeah, I have a problem with my stereo. It's not turning on.

Mordechai: <kills guy> Oh geez man yer stereo huh? That sucks. I'll fix it for you and make sure that it doesnt break again


07-01-2010, 10:00 AM
Eh, it'll do.

Anyways, was kinda funny what I just thought up.

Guy: Hi, yeah, I have a problem with my stereo. It's not turning on.


Funny to me anyways.

Interesting. That's the analogy I would use for the majority of this board.

07-01-2010, 10:02 AM
More accurate:

Guy: Hi, yeah, I have a problem with my stereo. It's not turning on.

Mordechai: <kills guy> Oh geez man yer stereo huh? That sucks. I'll fix it for you and make sure that it doesnt break again


Even more accurate:

Mordechai: <kills AFK scripter 15 levels below him>

Guy: <AFK because he's an AFK scripter>

Mordechai: LOOK HOW AWESOME WE ARE LULZZZZZ! HAY PC! Look at the evenings of these bitches which I ruined!

PC: Satisfying kills, surely. Congrats, douche.

07-01-2010, 10:06 AM
Even more accurate:

Mordechai: <kills AFK scripter 15 levels below him>

Guy: <AFK because he's an AFK scripter>

Mordechai: LOOK HOW AWESOME WE ARE LULZZZZZ! HAY PC! Look at the evenings of these bitches which I ruined!

PC: Satisfying kills, surely. Congrats, douche.

You must've missed the part where these were requested. :yes:

07-01-2010, 10:09 AM
No, this is the most accurate:

Guy: Hai, can I haz cheeseburger plz with fries.

Mordechai: Coming right up sir! Remember at GrilleyFry we are here to serve you!

<Mordechai begins to think at how crappy his job and life is>

Later, when he logs into GSIV after a hard day at work...

Noob: Lalala keelin rats is funs stuff! Huh? What's happening?? NO!!1!!1!1 WHY DID YOU KILL ME?

Mordechai: Because in GSIV I R Cool! I'm like...a prophet here. Pay me 5k silvers!

07-01-2010, 10:11 AM
I loled at all of the examples.

07-01-2010, 10:14 AM

07-01-2010, 10:27 AM
You say, "Pay up or die."

Gotta take yourself so seriously? Why not, "Cake or death?"

07-01-2010, 11:33 AM
Gotta take yourself so seriously? Why not, "Cake or death?"

Ive never been a Cake fan. I found their music to be kinda dull.

07-01-2010, 11:35 AM
Ive never been a Cake fan. I found their music to be kinda dull.

You're just finding new and unique ways to be a horrible human being.

07-01-2010, 11:36 AM
You strike me as more of a Waylon Jennings fan.

07-01-2010, 11:40 AM
my question is: why is Mordechai and Cthulu logged out?!

well ok Mordie is back but was gone all morning...

07-01-2010, 11:47 AM
In an attempt to halt the drastic decline of my IQ due to reading Iorake posts, I'm fucking out of here.

Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.

07-01-2010, 11:48 AM
looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the altar this morning :/

07-01-2010, 11:50 AM
my question is: why is Mordechai and Cthulu logged out?!

well ok Mordie is back but was gone all morning...

I noticed that too. And then Calidus/Maldric was gone as well. So I drive into work, takes 30 minutes, log in and guess what?

ZOMG Calidus AND Maldric are logged in now.

07-01-2010, 12:09 PM
I noticed that too. And then Calidus/Maldric was gone as well. So I drive into work, takes 30 minutes, log in and guess what?

ZOMG Calidus AND Maldric are logged in now.

What a coincidence!

You mean to say that you, Madlric, and myself all were logged in during the same hour?!

I wonder who else logged in around that time!

07-01-2010, 12:11 PM
In an attempt to halt the drastic decline of my IQ due to reading Iorake posts, I'm fucking out of here.

Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.

We care about your sister...

07-01-2010, 12:14 PM
In an attempt to halt the drastic decline of my IQ due to reading Iorake posts, I'm fucking out of here.

Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.

Wow I think a Pabst Blue Ribbon telling me its too classy for me is definately a new low in my life.

07-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Wow I think a Pabst Blue Ribbon telling me its too classy for me is definately a new low in my life.

Well there was that one time with the midget wrestler, the clown porn, the wheel barrow full of blue jello, and the pitching wedge...

07-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Our PC Hipster Quotient (PCHQ) just decreased by about 3.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-01-2010, 12:18 PM
Gotta take yourself so seriously? Why not, "Cake or death?"

I thought the best part about that one was he was stunned, couldn't answer, and then dead. Why bother saying that? The whole thing seems retarded to me, as I stated in another thread somewhere. Oh well, it's not like I play, and I love the drama as a result of it.

07-01-2010, 12:19 PM
Our PC Hipster Quotient (PCHQ) just decreased by about 3.

There's always Back.

07-01-2010, 12:20 PM
Our PC Hipster Quotient (PCHQ) just decreased by about 3.

I think this and the decline of the Park Bandit Three Friend Index(PBTFI) is going to lead to the Player Corner Apocolypse(PCA).

07-01-2010, 12:25 PM
What a coincidence!

You mean to say that you, Madlric, and myself all were logged in during the same hour?!

I wonder who else logged in around that time!

Yep, and I am sure it is a coincidence that you end up coming to Maldric's body a few seconds later when he doesn't announce his location on LNET.

07-01-2010, 12:28 PM
Yep, and I am sure it is a coincidence that you end up coming to Maldric's body a few seconds later when he doesn't announce his location on LNET.

Believe what you want about what characters I play, but I assure you I've been afk scripting since last night and my script does not have "find dead maldric and help him" code in it.

Once again, as I keep requesting when I'm accused of shit: Show me the log of what you're referring to.

07-01-2010, 12:32 PM
Believe what you want about what characters I play, but I assure you I've been afk scripting since last night and my script does not have "find dead maldric and help him" code in it.

Once again, as I keep requesting when I'm accused of shit: Show me the log of what you're referring to.

It's not about last night. It's when I killed you. I'll be sure to log next time to clear the fog away. You sure seem to be suffering from that a lot.

I put you in the lower left corner btw.

07-01-2010, 12:33 PM
This says it all.

And no - no one will mock the Prophet and then hear nothing in response. No one objected to the highly offensive cartoons. But you object to me trying to subsequently bring clarity to the issue of Islam. It shows the double standard of morality. Now, why isn't anyone mocking Kevin Cosner? Or Miley Cyrus?

Because mocking them isn't going to draw any reaction. They mock, and instead of firing back, I simply post information for those who may not be so blinded.

And honestly, you'd think from my post history that nothing anyone can say is going to "stop" me from posting whatever I like, day in, and day out, so just give up on telling me to stfu. Thx!

Dude my mouth is full of this delicious cereal - please stop trying to cram words in it.

07-01-2010, 12:34 PM
Dude my mouth is full of this delicious cereal - please stop trying to cram words in it.

I loled.

07-01-2010, 12:34 PM
Dude my mouth is full of this delicious cereal - please stop trying to cram words in it.

It's full of Mordies spikes...

07-01-2010, 12:34 PM
Not that anyone cares


Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass.

07-01-2010, 12:35 PM

Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass.

That's how my friend got into anal. True story.

07-01-2010, 12:35 PM
It's not about last night. It's when I killed you. I'll be sure to log next time to clear the fog away. You sure seem to be suffering from that a lot.

I put you in the lower left corner btw.

When did Buddy kill me?

07-01-2010, 12:35 PM

Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass.

They always come back. It's like some sickness. Once you play GS you're hooked for life!

07-01-2010, 01:09 PM
Our PC Hipster Quotient (PCHQ) just decreased by about 3.

Just to clarify. I'm a redneck, not a hipster.

07-01-2010, 01:11 PM
Calidus don't forget when I spike thorned you in ogres you cried and wailed so hard that you convinced me and I gave you 75k for your deed/potions. Then I realized you were just bullshitting so I owned you again. So he will deny it hard until he is caught red handed. Is he Maldric? I've seen them conducting themselves in different ways, so it was a hunch but the EVIDENCE!! might not be addin up lol

07-01-2010, 01:16 PM
Calidus don't forget when I spike thorned you in ogres you cried and wailed so hard that you convinced me and I gave you 75k for your deed/potions. Then I realized you were just bullshitting so I owned you again. So he will deny it hard until he is caught red handed. Of course he is Maldric.

I think I found Calidus on the interwebs:


07-01-2010, 01:20 PM
Found Cthulu:


07-01-2010, 01:28 PM
Just to clarify. I'm a redneck, not a hipster.

Keep saying it, it'll be true.

"I was into Lich before Lich was popular, dudes."

07-01-2010, 01:32 PM
Keep saying it, it'll be true.

"I was into Lich before Lich was popular, dudes."

Don't forget "GUI sucks, command line is the future"

07-01-2010, 01:41 PM
Don't forget "GUI sucks, command line is the future"

Dreamcast, Betamax, and HD-DVD 4tehwin

07-01-2010, 01:42 PM
Well there was that one time with the midget wrestler, the clown porn, the wheel barrow full of blue jello, and the pitching wedge...

Are you sure you're not confusing him with SotT?

07-01-2010, 01:44 PM
Dreamcast, Betamax, and HD-DVD 4tehwin

At least Dreamcast was awesome. And 3DO. But not Virtual Boy.

07-01-2010, 01:47 PM
At least Dreamcast was awesome. And 3DO. But not Virtual Boy.

The 3DO is an amazing system! It's actually the only system I have currently. I'm trying to decide if the Wii would be a good choice for a second one.

07-01-2010, 01:50 PM
The 3DO is an amazing system! It's actually the only system I have currently. I'm trying to decide if the Wii would be a good choice for a second one.

Get Monster Hunter Tri. It's God.

07-01-2010, 01:53 PM
Get Monster Hunter Tri. It's God.

Wow. Must be really good too.

07-01-2010, 01:54 PM
Get Monster Hunter Tri. It's God.

I just looked it up on IGN. I'm officially sold on the Wii. That looks freaking amazing.

07-01-2010, 01:58 PM
Wow. Must be really good too.

It's pretty amazing. Almost as good as sex, but without the shame and loathing afterwards.

I just looked it up on IGN. I'm officially sold on the Wii. That looks freaking amazing.

I liked Tri but the ones on PSP had so much more content.

07-01-2010, 01:59 PM
At least Dreamcast was awesome. And 3DO. But not Virtual Boy.

The 3DO is an amazing system! It's actually the only system I have currently. I'm trying to decide if the Wii would be a good choice for a second one.

Dreamcast was awesome. 3DO was, too. Gex, Crash'n'Burn, Captain Quazar, The Horde for the win. :P 3DO didn't have any copyright protection--I got my console out of storage a few months ago, found a bunch of torrents and went to town. Oh, memories.

Only played VirtualBoy once. Gave me a headache.

07-01-2010, 02:00 PM
Power Stone for Dreamcast such an awesome game.

07-01-2010, 02:01 PM
Crazy Taxi.

07-01-2010, 02:01 PM
Power Stone for Dreamcast such an awesome game.

They ported that to the PSP. I almost jumped up and down when I found it.

07-01-2010, 02:02 PM
The 3DO is an amazing system! It's actually the only system I have currently. I'm trying to decide if the Wii would be a good choice for a second one.

My 3DO broke. Then I bought another one off eBay. That one also broke.

Now I'm sad because I can't play Twisted: The Game Show starring Twink Fizzdale. :(

07-01-2010, 02:04 PM
Power Stone for Dreamcast such an awesome game.

They desperately need to make an online-enabled PowerStone game for the 360/PS3. I enjoyed PowerStone 2, but I think it lost something in trying to be too smash-bros-like.

07-01-2010, 02:07 PM
I liked Zero Punctuation's take on Monster Hunter Tri. Thanks again to Drew for showing me that guy. He's the best.

07-01-2010, 02:07 PM
I just looked it up on IGN. I'm officially sold on the Wii. That looks freaking amazing.

Not so fast! At least one critic didn't like it (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1732-Monster-Hunter-Tri)!


07-01-2010, 02:08 PM
Not so fast! At least one critic didn't like it (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1732-Monster-Hunter-Tri)!


Hah! In JUST before you. In the game's defense, Zero Punctuation is the pickiest critic in the world. He hates everything.

07-01-2010, 02:09 PM
I was one of those douches who had a Turbo-Grafx 16... and the cd player...

07-01-2010, 02:09 PM
Eh...IMO he probably played for about 20 minutes, got bored and did the review. It's slow in the beginning but when you're able to fight shit like Jhen Mohran in groups, it's intense.

I love the game, like Yahtzee but in the end the game wins.

07-01-2010, 02:15 PM
Hah! In JUST before you. In the game's defense, Zero Punctuation is the pickiest critic in the world. He hates everything.

That is true. He's like those two movie reviewers (can't think of their names) that think everything produced is scum.

07-01-2010, 02:19 PM
Hah! In JUST before you. In the game's defense, Zero Punctuation is the pickiest critic in the world. He hates everything.

Damn you, Evarin! ;)

Yahtzee is the man. You don't really watch him for the game review, you watch him for the humor.

Really, he has valid stuff to say, but I've found that you have to watch one of his reviews tear apart a game you really like/admire, to understand how to put his reviews in the proper perspective.

Regardless, he's top-quality entertainment each week!


Eh...IMO he probably played for about 20 minutes, got bored and did the review. It's slow in the beginning but when you're able to fight shit like Jhen Mohran in groups, it's intense.

I love the game, like Yahtzee but in the end the game wins.

In his defense, he's usually completely up-front about it if he didn't finish a game.

07-01-2010, 02:30 PM
I was one of those douches who had a Turbo-Grafx 16... and the cd player...

I loved my TG-16, it was l33t. Then I sold it one day so I could buy a Super NES.

Only console I ever sold too, and I am ashamed for doing so.

07-01-2010, 02:31 PM
I loved my TG-16, it was l33t. Then I sold it one day so I could buy a Super NES.

Only console I ever sold too, and I am ashamed for doing so.

Ys Book 1 and 2 rocked. That and Bonk were the only games I enjoyed.

07-01-2010, 02:31 PM
In his defense, he's usually completely up-front about it if he didn't finish a game.

True but I don't think there's a way to 'finish' Monster Hunter. The only way you could finish it would be to become so utterly bored that you've collected all the weapons and armor.

07-01-2010, 02:35 PM
True but I don't think there's a way to 'finish' Monster Hunter. The only way you could finish it would be to become so utterly bored that you've collected all the weapons and armor.

Well, in a situation like that, how much of the game do you think a reviewer is obligated to play before being qualified to review it?

ETA: Maybe "justified" is a better word than "qualified"?

07-01-2010, 02:38 PM
The first dragon, or at least the 'Great' lesser monster mini-bosses. But eh, that's just me...with my 74+ hours logged.

07-01-2010, 02:52 PM
Calidus don't forget when I spike thorned you in ogres you cried and wailed so hard that you convinced me and I gave you 75k for your deed/potions. Then I realized you were just bullshitting so I owned you again. So he will deny it hard until he is caught red handed. Is he Maldric? I've seen them conducting themselves in different ways, so it was a hunch but the EVIDENCE!! might not be addin up lol

I didn't cry or whine, I asked you why you randomly attacked me. I didn't even know who you were, and was basically just running around trying to level at the time.

Again with this crying and whining stuff. It's getting old. Try something new.

07-01-2010, 02:56 PM
Yahtzee's videos shouldn't be taken as a legit analysis of the quality of the game; they are for entertainment.

07-01-2010, 02:59 PM
I didn't cry or whine, I asked you why you randomly attacked me. I didn't even know who you were, and was basically just running around trying to level at the time.

Again with this crying and whining stuff. It's getting old. Try something new.


07-01-2010, 03:07 PM
Yahtzee's videos shouldn't be taken as a legit analysis of the quality of the game; they are for entertainment.

I know, I know. Rabid fanboy. Go fig.

07-01-2010, 05:03 PM
Believe what you want about what characters I play, but I assure you I've been afk scripting since last night and my script does not have "find dead maldric and help him" code in it.

Once again, as I keep requesting when I'm accused of shit: Show me the log of what you're referring to.

Care to explain?

* Maldric just bit the dust! [12:08 PM]
* Calidus just bit the dust! [12:15 PM]


* Calidus just bit the dust! [2:47 PM]
* Maldric just bit the dust! [2:49 PM]

We should have Yollia calculate the statistical chance that 2 characters die within 7 minutes apart and 2 minutes apart on the same day with ~180 characters logged in. Then calculate the statistical chance that this happens twice on the same day.

07-01-2010, 05:07 PM
Care to explain?

* Maldric just bit the dust! [12:08 PM]
* Calidus just bit the dust! [12:15 PM]


* Calidus just bit the dust! [2:47 PM]
* Maldric just bit the dust! [2:49 PM]

We should have Yollia calculate the statistical chance that 2 characters die within 7 minutes apart and 2 minutes apart on the same day with ~180 characters logged in. Then calculate the statistical chance that this happens twice on the same day.


07-01-2010, 05:21 PM
thats me owning them

07-01-2010, 05:23 PM
They hunting in the same areas?

07-01-2010, 05:25 PM
I've been wondering, do houses such as Twilight Hall or Paupers exist in Shattered? I figured it would be a little difficult to have them with a clean slate and all.

07-01-2010, 05:26 PM
I've been wondering, do houses such as Twilight Hall or Paupers exist in Shattered? I figured it would be a little difficult to have them with a clean slate and all.

Nope and I don't think we will get one. Plat people would whine if we did.

07-01-2010, 05:28 PM
Nope and I don't think we will get one. Plat people would whine if we did.

Good point. I wonder if "official" clans and such will form. Or, is that specifically a Prime thing as well?

07-01-2010, 05:31 PM
[Temple, Tapestry Room]
A large candle burns with a steady flame in each corner of this room. Various forms of artwork adorn the walls of this chamber, each representing one of the Gods of Elanthia. One particular object, a long black tapestry, attracts your attention. A small chair sits next to the tapestry and seated in this chair is the hooded figure of a man. You also see a black arch.
Also here: Calidus
Obvious exits: none

get those deeds

07-01-2010, 05:32 PM
Platinum players are dumb.

Can we collectively treat those people like shit so they stop whining and crying long enough for the rest of us to get enjoyable shit?

I'm clueless since I have never tried Plat and just returned from a few year hiatus. Is it basically a "I spend $50.00 a month, I want moar!" mentality? I never really looked too closely at Plat since there wasn't anything in the features that I could justify spending that much money on.

07-01-2010, 05:33 PM
I'm clueless since I have never tried Plat and just returned from a few year hiatus. Is it basically a "I spend $50.00 a month, I want moar!" mentality? I never really looked too closely at Plat since there wasn't anything in the features that I could justify spending that much money on.

It's a nice atmosphere but not enough people. Some people like that I guess but I don't. I like interaction.

07-01-2010, 05:35 PM
It's a nice atmosphere but not enough people. Some people like that I guess but I don't. I like interaction.

I'm the same way. I didn't like it when it was 3000+ players though. The lag and constant screen scroll made it a pain to interact in public areas. I like the current population levels much better. It's not dead, but it's still busy enough to find people to interact with.

07-01-2010, 05:39 PM
It's not a nice atmosphere, it's an empty atmosphere.

Yes, people will talk to you, the one or two other people playing.... Hooray?

If we just put forth some effort to say Hi to one another in prime, we've got platinum.... for $35 less per month.

Oh, definitely. The ironic thing is I've seen more interaction in Shattered than I have in Prime even with all the scripting. I guess people feel like socializing more since it's more relaxed?

07-01-2010, 06:03 PM
Murder murder murder

07-01-2010, 06:06 PM
Kill kill kill.

07-01-2010, 06:08 PM
Redrum. Redrum. Redrum.

Some Rogue
07-01-2010, 07:06 PM
Kill kill kill.

What makes the grass grow?

Blood blood blood

07-01-2010, 07:10 PM
What makes the grass grow?

Blood blood blood

Also nitrogen and especially water

Some Rogue
07-01-2010, 07:21 PM
lern2classic movie tard

07-01-2010, 07:22 PM
lern2classic movie tard

It was a standard phrase in the marine corps long, long, LONG before AN, special guy.

07-01-2010, 07:24 PM
It was a standard phrase in the marine corps long, long, LONG before AN, special guy.

Wait wait wait, you're in the Marines? Small world.

Some Rogue
07-01-2010, 07:51 PM
I know it was Maldric and I wasn't even referring to that movie.

07-01-2010, 08:22 PM
Wait wait wait, you're in the Marines? Small world.

Army, though I wish I was in the marines.

Drunken Durfin
07-01-2010, 08:24 PM
Its a highly religious culture, one of whom homosexuality is deeply forbidden sin. Sorry, previous posts are full of shit.

My sister-in-law was a guard at GitMo. They had a lot of what they called "waffle butts" in the compound. They would drop their pants and back up to the chain link fence so that other detainees could nail them in the ass.

Forbidden, sure. Happens, yes.

07-01-2010, 08:24 PM
Army, though I wish I was in the marines.

Ah, I was a Marine. For about 3/4ths of a year.

07-01-2010, 08:35 PM
Army, though I wish I was in the marines.

You traitorous fuck! Never say such a thing again!

07-01-2010, 08:51 PM
You traitorous fuck! Never say such a thing again!

I would rather be in the marines than the 6 years Ive spent in the army ANY FUCKING DAY.

07-01-2010, 09:09 PM
BriarFox, add Mooch to the Marlu clan list.

Mooch says, "What are you doing out here little girl, all by yourself, noone to protect you..."
Mooch looks thoughtfully at you.
Mooch chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
Mooch channels at you.
A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses you.
CS: +143 - TD: +45 + CvA: +25 + d100: +88 - -5 == +216
Warding failed!
A massive beam of blue-white energy engulfs you in a luminous column of light!
You are hit for 22 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Intense beam of plasma shears away large chunks of your forearm!

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!

...departing in 10 mins...
[group_ajar]>group open
Your group status is already open.
Mooch says, "Should get someone to watch your back."
Mooch nods to you.
Mooch just went down the northeast path.
You say, "WTF."
You sigh softly, your ghostly voice a mere breath on the wind.
Mooch just arrived.
You say, "Asshole."
You ask, "What was that for?"
Mooch says, "I was trying to deomonstrate..."
Mooch says, "How unsafe the world is."
Mooch nods to you.
You say, "Demonstrate what, that you can kill a level 5? Oooooh, you're so strong."
You laugh, the sepulchral sound echoing through the room.
Mooch says, "It was an object lesson."
The opalescent aura fades from around Mooch.
Mooch says, "I'll leave you to think about it."
Mooch grins at you.
You say, "Not much else I can do."
You ask, "Are you at least going to raise me?"
Mooch asks, "Want a raise?"
DEAD>l mooch
You see Mooch the Life Giver.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She is shorter than average and appears to be wizened with age. She has milky blue eyes and ashen skin. She has long, wispy white hair worn in a tight bun with her scalp gleaming faintly through the sparse strands. She has a large fleshy nose. Her liver-spotted hands are twisted and gnarled with arthritis and she has thin cracked lips over toothless gums. She has a pair of withered and faded brown wings.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a vultite round shield in her left hand.
She is wearing a bonnet, a fine grey fleece shawl, a neat black pack, a purse, a bone-inlaid brass flask, and some ora-chased double leather.
Mooch ponders.
Mooch raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Mooch gestures at you.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 13 minutes and 30 seconds.)
Mooch appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
Mooch is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Mooch grabs you and drags you northeast.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Mooch
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
Cthulu just came through the wooden gates.
Cthulu just went up the southwest path.
Mooch is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Mooch just went through the wooden gates, dragging your dead body with her.
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
Vigilant night guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gateway spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing. The cluttered streets of the city to the south are a far cry from the deceptively calm expanse of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see a wooden barrel and a white marble frame surrounding a pale glowing red portal.
Also here: Mooch, Calidus
Obvious paths: south
Mooch waves to Calidus.
You ask, "You're with them?"
Calidus just went through the town gates.
Mooch says, "Little extracurricular activity."
Mooch laughs!
Mooch is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Mooch grabs you and drags you south.
[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see a placid monk.
Also here: Mooch
Obvious paths: north, east, west
You say, "Nevermind, don't want the raise. Fuck off."
Cthulu just arrived.
Cthulu just went east.
>unlink confirm
You unweave your spirit from the bonds of preservation that hold it to the earth.
DEAD>depart confirm

The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...

07-01-2010, 09:11 PM

Well...he kinda attempted to RP? Beware of the Mordechai 'LOL U WHINE' speech coming.

07-02-2010, 07:11 AM
10/10 would read again.

07-02-2010, 10:54 PM
Recruitment is continuous, by the way. If the Mordechai douchefest is pissing you off, just send me a note and I'll get you a place in the Vanguard and allies, and send you back out with friends to get revenge.

07-04-2010, 10:32 AM
Army, though I wish I was in the marines.

Ah, I was a Marine. For about 3/4ths of a year.

Cthulu it's Marines. And holy hell Ribbons 3/4th a year....3 months of that is boot camp, then MCT/SOI, and then MOS school so you spent all of 0 time in the fleet? WTH happened?

Some Rogue
07-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Don't ask, Don't tell.

I keed. :D

07-04-2010, 12:12 PM
In an attempt to halt the drastic decline of my IQ due to reading Iorake posts, I'm fucking out of here.

Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.


You should dedicate an entire thread to you leaving imo...

Also, a "good bye" post is more effective if you actually leave.

07-04-2010, 12:36 PM

You should dedicate an entire thread to you leaving imo...

Also, a "good bye" post is more effective if you actually leave.

I was wondering if I was the only one to catch this post.

07-04-2010, 12:45 PM
Yeah, I cancelled my accounts. Got bored for a moment and looked around here. Its okay Nachos. You'll find someone else, I promise. Your dick isnt that small. If you really love me, you have to let me go..

Oh ... missed this. When you leave, you can come back when you're bored.

07-04-2010, 02:16 PM
Cthulu it's Marines. And holy hell Ribbons 3/4th a year....3 months of that is boot camp, then MCT/SOI, and then MOS school so you spent all of 0 time in the fleet? WTH happened?

Med discharge I'm betting.

07-04-2010, 02:17 PM
I signed up for Shattered, and even created a character, I just don't know if with all this..craziness, if it's worth it to play. Seems like a whole lot of silliness going on there. Maybe I'm wrong though, as I haven't really played.

07-04-2010, 02:23 PM
I signed up for Shattered, and even created a character, I just don't know if with all this..craziness, if it's worth it to play. Seems like a whole lot of silliness going on there. Maybe I'm wrong though, as I haven't really played.

You should have followed suit with everyone else and started a NEW thread about it. It could have gone into several hundred posts arguing the exact same thing we've read about in a dozen other threads!

07-04-2010, 02:32 PM
You should have followed suit with everyone else and started a NEW thread about it. It could have gone into several hundred posts arguing the exact same thing we've read about in a dozen other threads!


07-04-2010, 03:04 PM
That's how my friend got into anal. True story.

I blame you for the pepsi sprayed upon my keyboard. K? THX.

07-04-2010, 03:31 PM

Urinal Poops
07-05-2010, 06:49 AM
Ask Bloodninja. I saw your boy Calidus playing with her altered weapon in TSC, then when confronted, he completely denied having it, and then finally admitted he did have it but intended to give it back. If I did provide the log, you guys would just claim it was doctored. I don't know why anyone would believe anything you or any of your monkeys would say at this point.

I realize I'm a little behind the times here, but Calidus did not give Bloodninja his/her claid back. Bloodninja took it back after he/she killed him in the alchemist.

07-05-2010, 10:08 AM
Current list of Marlu members:

Maldric - Readded. Constant association and participation with Marlu clan.
Oblivion (the curse bomber)
Mooch - ADDED.
Madam - ADDED.

Who the hell came up with this list? I have never killed anyone in shattered. But I have indeed been slaughtered by Cthulu, Mordechai and Maldric many times. Maybe you better check your source (or your logs) before you just start posting names of "the bad guys". Now I am getting killed by the Marlu guys as well as a bunch of new people.

I think that getting killed in Shattered (while afk scripting or not) is a legitimate part of the game and people are bitching too much about the Marlu clan. I am not bitching. If you are killing me while I am afk scripting because you think it's fun or want to extort money from me, carry on (and do expect some retaliation in the future). But if you think you are the "knight in shining white armor" eradicating the bad out of Elanthia by killing one Marlu member at a time, please learn to kill (and publicly post) the names of the correct individuals.

07-05-2010, 10:42 AM
Who the hell came up with this list? I have never killed anyone in shattered. But I have indeed been slaughtered by Cthulu, Mordechai and Maldric many times. Maybe you better check your source (or your logs) before you just start posting names of "the bad guys". Now I am getting killed by the Marlu guys as well as a bunch of new people.

I think that getting killed in Shattered (while afk scripting or not) is a legitimate part of the game and people are bitching too much about the Marlu clan. I am not bitching. If you are killing me while I am afk scripting because you think it's fun or want to extort money from me, carry on (and do expect some retaliation in the future). But if you think you are the "knight in shining white armor" eradicating the bad out of Elanthia by killing one Marlu member at a time, please learn to kill (and publicly post) the names of the correct individuals.

No one from the non-marlu group explained why they were attacking you, or were you always AFK and either auto-departed, or don't log your time in game? They should all be giving a spiel on why they are killing you, unless they're targetting Mordechai or something.

07-05-2010, 11:15 AM
I can say that the Vanguard would prefer to remove all names from the list. Once I get clearance from leadership I can reimburse you for 1 deed/ the necessary potions.

07-05-2010, 11:16 AM
Who the hell came up with this list? I have never killed anyone in shattered. But I have indeed been slaughtered by Cthulu, Mordechai and Maldric many times. Maybe you better check your source (or your logs) before you just start posting names of "the bad guys". Now I am getting killed by the Marlu guys as well as a bunch of new people.

I think that getting killed in Shattered (while afk scripting or not) is a legitimate part of the game and people are bitching too much about the Marlu clan. I am not bitching. If you are killing me while I am afk scripting because you think it's fun or want to extort money from me, carry on (and do expect some retaliation in the future). But if you think you are the "knight in shining white armor" eradicating the bad out of Elanthia by killing one Marlu member at a time, please learn to kill (and publicly post) the names of the correct individuals.

To be fair, a list of this type is typically better safe than sorry. If you feel you shouldn't be on it, I'm sure BriarFox is more than happy to listen to the argument against being on the list.

There's bound to be more false positives on the list than false negatives off the list.

Some of you may remember the Jant invasion several years ago. The skinny was just that there were GM controlled PCs that were enemies. Before they invaded, they even came in and got spells in TSSW and nobody noticed. There was a thoughtnet list circulating of suspected Jant members. Several false positives were on it, and they lost a lot of deeds because of it

The Jants would simply decay once killed and come back moments later. So one of the strategies was to travel with 10 or so clerics and a power-killer. The killer would kill the Jant, then the clerics would speed-raise & kill him. (this was before the spirit linking process). You could get 10 or so kills in before they decayed this way.

Enough being side-tracked ... Anyway...

Would be easier if all the marlu clan would just do a last name or a CHE (or whatever... MHO? - too many TLA's) or something so we could all know who they were.

07-05-2010, 11:32 AM
Who the hell came up with this list? I have never killed anyone in shattered. But I have indeed been slaughtered by Cthulu, Mordechai and Maldric many times. Maybe you better check your source (or your logs) before you just start posting names of "the bad guys". Now I am getting killed by the Marlu guys as well as a bunch of new people.

I think that getting killed in Shattered (while afk scripting or not) is a legitimate part of the game and people are bitching too much about the Marlu clan. I am not bitching. If you are killing me while I am afk scripting because you think it's fun or want to extort money from me, carry on (and do expect some retaliation in the future). But if you think you are the "knight in shining white armor" eradicating the bad out of Elanthia by killing one Marlu member at a time, please learn to kill (and publicly post) the names of the correct individuals.
You can't weasel out of it: You're a member if you deny it and you're a member if you don't. All we needed was your name on a random list. The "protectors" use the same retard-logic and tactics that the Marlus use, so why bother posting? Enjoy being griefed with social engineering and Sheeple mentalities.

07-05-2010, 11:41 AM
You can't weasel out of it: You're a member if you deny it and you're a member if you don't. All we needed was your name on a random list. The "protectors" use the same retard-logic and tactics that the Marlus use, so why bother posting? Enjoy being griefed with social engineering and Sheeple mentalities.

Or maybe that person just made up an SN and is joking? Hasn't responded since that 1 post.

Some Rogue
07-05-2010, 12:00 PM
You can't weasel out of it: You're a member if you deny it and you're a member if you don't. All we needed was your name on a random list. The "protectors" use the same retard-logic and tactics that the Marlus use, so why bother posting? Enjoy being griefed with social engineering and Sheeple mentalities.

Says one of the Marlu members.

07-05-2010, 12:28 PM

Some Rogue
07-05-2010, 12:30 PM

Thanks for that list you sent me man. It really helped out with who I should highlight.

07-05-2010, 12:42 PM
Says one of the Marlu members.

LOL really? I dissent, so I MUST be a member too! Hell, I bet I'm another one of Calidus's alts!

Unlike the Marlus and Vanguard I'm mentally capable of separating OOG and IG conflict.

07-05-2010, 01:08 PM
To be fair, a list of this type is typically better safe than sorry. If you feel you shouldn't be on it, I'm sure BriarFox is more than happy to listen to the argument against being on the list.

Those names came from a former mole in the Marlu organization and they've been confirmed by sightings, association, and more. However, one of the goals here is reform, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt once, Espere. If you're seen associating with the Marlus in the future, I'll put you back on the list as a priority kill.

On a broader note, the Marlus have constantly tried to cast doubt on that list and several members who've claimed to be unassociated have now outed themselves in contradiction of their own words. Your single post count is highly suspicious, and so I expect it's just a smear campaign against us. Why post here publicly only, rather than PMing me or posting here *and* PMing me? Though I have constantly invited people to chat with me if there's a problem, I have had zero people actually contact me personally about getting off the list -- zero.

07-05-2010, 01:11 PM
Those names came from a former mole in the Marlu organization and they've been confirmed by sightings, association, and more. However, one of the goals here is reform, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt once, Espere. If you're seen associating with the Marlus in the future, I'll put you back on the list as a priority kill.

On a broader note, the Marlus have constantly tried to cast doubt on that list and several members who've claimed to be unassociated have now outed themselves in contradiction of their own words. Your single post count is highly suspicious, and so I expect it's just a smear campaign against us. Why post here publicly only, rather than PMing me or posting here *and* PMing me? Though I have constantly invited people to chat with me if there's a problem, I have had zero people actually contact me personally about getting off the list -- zero.

What about the names of people you added on to the list yourself - like Espere?

07-05-2010, 01:21 PM
What about the names of people you added on to the list yourself - like Espere?


07-06-2010, 02:10 AM
Or maybe that person just made up an SN and is joking? Hasn't responded since that 1 post.

Ooooo good one! Espere is clearly a TROLL because he ONLY HAS ONE POST!

Or maybe Espere is a member of old school gemstone from the early 90's, and has come back to play Gemstone for Shattered. Maybe you've noticed that he can't play for shit anymore? And his hunting scripts are... hm.... OLD and BAD and not part of Lich?

Just signed up guys -- cut me some slack please. And I'm glad there's a mole in the Marlu organization ratting me out. Note to the "good guys": your mole sucks monkey balls. I'd volunteer to replace the man for his post, but I suppose these couple of forum posts will eliminate all possibility of that happening.

And about the "Hasn't responded since the 1 post = TROLL": wow, just wow. Like, c'mon man, it's 4th of July weekend. I just drove across both Nevada and California in roughly 10.5 hours. I'm not addicted to this shit enough reading and posting to the forums both in the morning AND the evening? No? I gotta post post post during the day as well?

07-06-2010, 02:12 AM
LOL really? I dissent, so I MUST be a member too! Hell, I bet I'm another one of Calidus's alts!

Unlike the Marlus and Vanguard I'm mentally capable of separating OOG and IG conflict.

Espere = Calidus. Obviously. Oh wait, Calidus tried to kill me. But maybe it was just a clever facade (pronounced fu-KAYDE)?!

07-06-2010, 02:15 AM
I can say that the Vanguard would prefer to remove all names from the list. Once I get clearance from leadership I can reimburse you for 1 deed/ the necessary potions.

In all sincerity, that's both cool and honorable of you, but there's really no need. You (and Jaeden sp?) have given me more laughs than any other person on this site. You, sir, are one of the funniest posters alive. Often your humor is so advanced that it even goes over my head.

Please keep it up. I can only hope to be a comedian like you one day.

07-06-2010, 04:03 AM
Why post here publicly only, rather than PMing me or posting here *and* PMing me? Though I have constantly invited people to chat with me if there's a problem, I have had zero people actually contact me personally about getting off the list -- zero.

Honestly, seems like kind of a sissy move. Someone told me to check out this posting, so here I am, posting publicly. /shrug

I can send you a PM if you want.

07-06-2010, 11:57 AM
Honestly, seems like kind of a sissy move. Someone told me to check out this posting, so here I am, posting publicly. /shrug

I can send you a PM if you want.

If you want to chat about things, sure. You are off the list barring association with the Marlus, though.

07-06-2010, 12:05 PM
If you want to chat about things, sure. You are off the list barring association with the Marlus, though.


07-06-2010, 12:59 PM

That's a were-kitty.

07-06-2010, 01:54 PM
That's how my friend got into anal. True story.

Hahahaha best post in this thread. Lawls.

07-06-2010, 02:25 PM


07-06-2010, 06:59 PM
No, this is the most accurate:

Guy: Hai, can I haz cheeseburger plz with fries.

Mordechai: Coming right up sir! Remember at GrilleyFry we are here to serve you!

<Mordechai begins to think at how crappy his job and life is>

Later, when he logs into GSIV after a hard day at work...

Noob: Lalala keelin rats is funs stuff! Huh? What's happening?? NO!!1!!1!1 WHY DID YOU KILL ME?

Mordechai: Because in GSIV I R Cool! I'm like...a prophet here. Pay me 5k silvers!


07-06-2010, 07:03 PM
In an attempt to halt the drastic decline of my IQ due to reading Iorake posts, I'm fucking out of here.

Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.


07-06-2010, 07:08 PM
Fuck GS. Later PC. Lich4life.

Not that anyone cares but it's time for me to move on.

Moving on from GS and PC to a chat addon within GS...


07-06-2010, 07:13 PM
Moving on from GS and PC to a chat addon within GS...


I don't get the caption... I mean, I understand why he's staring, that looks like a great view, but why the irony? Is that supposed to be his sister? It could be a babysitter, it needs clarification ... and a view from the boy's perspective.

Edit: Oh wait, she's jailbait and it's legal because he's way young. Okay I get it. Rock on little kid.

07-06-2010, 07:19 PM
Emagine It (2:00:41 AM): Im also the state laser tag champion for what thats worth


I won back to back Mortal Kombat II and Super Street Fighter II tournaments back in the mid 90s, and they canceled the NBA Jam tournament the following week because nobody would sign up when they saw me on the list.


07-06-2010, 07:20 PM
The fantasy:

Vs. The Reality:

He is the Laser Tag Champion. Beware.

Fuck yeah I am! www.hardknocksorlando.com Come on by and play :)

07-06-2010, 07:29 PM
Fuck yeah I am! www.hardknocksorlando.com Come on by and play :)

I heard you saved the world from UFOs once with your lasertag gun.


Confirm/deny pl0x.

07-06-2010, 07:32 PM
I heard you saved the world from UFOs once with your lasertag gun.


Confirm/deny pl0x.

Nah I save other peoples braincells by keeping Buzzo the Clown raging on the internets :)

07-06-2010, 07:33 PM
Fuck yeah I am! www.hardknocksorlando.com Come on by and play :)

You should seriously consider changing your avatar. I've seen better heads on a urine sample.

07-11-2010, 02:47 AM
No, this is the most accurate:

Guy: Hai, can I haz cheeseburger plz with fries.

Mordechai: Coming right up sir! Remember at GrilleyFry we are here to serve you!

<Mordechai begins to think at how crappy his job and life is>

Later, when he logs into GSIV after a hard day at work...

Noob: Lalala keelin rats is funs stuff! Huh? What's happening?? NO!!1!!1!1 WHY DID YOU KILL ME?

Mordechai: Because in GSIV I R Cool! I'm like...a prophet here. Pay me 5k silvers!

Mordechai? Yo, I didnt know you worked at Grilley Fry...

Some Rogue
07-11-2010, 03:08 AM
Mordechai? Yo, I didnt know you worked at Grilley Fry...

Saw you suckin Mord's cock at the gate tonight? You good enough with tongue to join yet?

07-11-2010, 03:16 AM
Saw you suckin Mord's cock at the gate tonight? You good enough with tongue to join yet?

Whaaaat? That cant be. Our numbers are dwindling and were so close to breaking up as a group according to you guys! New members? NO WAI

07-11-2010, 08:35 AM
nostradamus is cool

07-11-2010, 02:08 PM
Saw you suckin Mord's cock at the gate tonight? You good enough with tongue to join yet?

I was trying to prove a point. I didn't do shit until Rada came by and imploded (unsuccesfully twice, but still pissed me off)while I was innocently walking by because Mord was outside there. Who I talk with and did not even try recruiting me I might add.

And then a few minutes after I got killed by Katze outside so he can claim me as a number. So yeah now im gonna fucking kill off a few to get even. Besides the only person I killed was a fuckbag who went to the gate named Mordeghai or some shit like that.

I think its insane how people bitch that Mord's out killing people who are quote,innocent.(And in the same breath implode at the gate) and then somewhere in the twisting of the same delusion think it is quite ok for Katze to kill you just once. Then the same individuals are out recruiting as a movement of some sort for an opposing team.

Does the hypocracy have any end? I think not.....

07-11-2010, 02:08 PM
Saw you suckin Mord's cock at the gate tonight? You good enough with tongue to join yet?

I was trying to prove a point. I didn't do shit until Rada came by and imploded (unsuccesfully twice, but still pissed me off)while I was innocently walking by because Mord was outside there. Who I talk with and did not even try recruiting me I might add.

And then a few minutes after I got killed by Katze outside so he can claim me as a number. So yeah now im gonna fucking kill off a few to get even. Besides the only person I killed was a fuckbag who went to the gate named Mordeghai or some shit like that.

I think its insane how people bitch that Mord's out killing people who are quote,innocent.(And in the same breath implode at the gate) and then somewhere in the twisting of the same delusion think it is quite ok for Katze to kill you just once. Then the same individuals are out recruiting as a movement of some sort for an opposing team.

Does the hypocracy have any end? I think not.....

07-11-2010, 02:35 PM
dont worry Nos everyone is just havin an itchy trigger finger because the marluettes are flamebags

Some Rogue
07-11-2010, 03:02 PM
Whaaaat? That cant be. Our numbers are dwindling and were so close to breaking up as a group according to you guys! New members? NO WAI

I said that where? Oh, you're making shit up again to stroke your ego? Typical

Some Rogue
07-11-2010, 03:08 PM
And then a few minutes after I got killed by Katze outside so he can claim me as a number. So yeah now im gonna fucking kill off a few to get even. Besides the only person I killed was a fuckbag who went to the gate named Mordeghai or some shit like that.

I think its insane how people bitch that Mord's out killing people who are quote,innocent.(And in the same breath implode at the gate) and then somewhere in the twisting of the same delusion think it is quite ok for Katze to kill you just once. Then the same individuals are out recruiting as a movement of some sort for an opposing team.

Does the hypocracy have any end? I think not.....

I don't think I've ever seen Rada post on the subject so I don't know what you're talking about "how people bitch that Mord's out killing people who are quote,innocent.(And in the same breath implode at the gate)". It's not like he's even part of the Vanguard.

And I've never said it's ok for Katze to kill just one either so you're making that up too I guess?

Justify your joining however you like but at least get your facts straight.

07-11-2010, 03:16 PM
I present this pin to Fudge, it's been well earned.


07-12-2010, 07:11 PM
I don't think I've ever seen Rada post on the subject so I don't know what you're talking about "how people bitch that Mord's out killing people who are quote,innocent.(And in the same breath implode at the gate)". It's not like he's even part of the Vanguard.

And I've never said it's ok for Katze to kill just one either so you're making that up too I guess?

Justify your joining however you like but at least get your facts straight.

Rada gestures.
Rada casts into the air above his head and a rip appears in the sky! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
Nostradamus is knocked over by the wind!
Nostradamus scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
You are knocked over by the wind!
You scramble to keep from being sucked into the void!
Mordechai is knocked over by the wind!
Mordechai scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!


Rada gestures.
Rada casts into the air above his head and a rip appears in the sky! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
Nostradamus scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!
You scramble to keep from being sucked into the void!
Mordechai scrambles to avoid being sucked into the void!


Well i was not sure if he is a part of Vanguard I'll take your word for it , I did assume he was however part of that group (which I thought was doing the same thing as Mord's group, except that they Justify it though as protecting the population and getting even vigilanty types )Then I got pissed when Rada ran by the gate and open imploded. Thats where I was saying hypocracy. Because I thought he was part of that group.
If you don't like what Mord is doing, then it should be taken up with Mord, Not bystanders that are going by or having polite conversation or It's the same thing... See my point?
That will cause someone to get pissed and say, damn i might as well start killing some people too. And it might work in reverse. But my facts are in the log.

Some Rogue
07-12-2010, 10:18 PM
The word is hypocrisy.

07-13-2010, 01:03 AM
The word is hypocrisy.

Pardon my ignorance you are correct.... I have been schooled and will pass the spelling B next time =)


07-13-2010, 01:15 AM
Pardon my ignorance you are correct.... I have been schooled and will pass the spelling B next time =)


Spelling bee.


07-14-2010, 02:01 AM
The story of a birch-handled vultite war mattock:

Once there was a mattock that belonged to Dan. He sold it to Madmountan. Madmountan killed level 10 AFKers with it. I took it away and told him he'd been a bad boy. He refused to stop killing level 10 AFKers, so I threw it in the well. Sploosh.

Shattered]-You: Ahh, wells. Wells, and mattocks. Perhaps you should have taken my deal, Madmountan.

You hear a quiet "sploosh" as your mattock hits the water and sinks out of sight.


You stride away, moving south.

07-14-2010, 02:08 AM
The story of a birch-handled vultite war mattock:

Once there was a mattock that belonged to Dan. He sold it to Madmountan. Madmountan killed level 10 AFKers with it. I took it away and told him he'd been a bad boy. He refused to stop killing level 10 AFKers, so I threw it in the well. Sploosh.

Shattered]-You: Ahh, wells. Wells, and mattocks. Perhaps you should have taken my deal, Madmountan.

You hear a quiet "sploosh" as your mattock hits the water and sinks out of sight.


You stride away, moving south.

[Private]-GSF:Splat: "You glance down to see a birch-hafted vultite war mattock in your right hand and a Wehnimer's promissory note in your left hand.

07-14-2010, 02:14 AM
Splat is me and I just borrowed the mattock. Gave it right back to Necen. It is WELL and truly gone. hardeehardeehar.

07-14-2010, 02:15 AM
Yeah, she just wanted to taunt you with it for a few. I'm sure you were planning to find and disarm her, and saw the mattock just within your reach again ... until it sank out of sight.

07-14-2010, 02:17 AM
Was well worth the loss of my lance while I was afk.

07-14-2010, 08:19 AM
Was well worth the loss of my lance while I was afk.

El oh el, oh snaps.

07-15-2010, 10:47 AM
Don't you guys really think you are all taking this too far? I mean all of you. Yeah sure i got mad and killed a couple people after being killed like 4 times in a row in one day but i dropped it 30 mins after really. Also thought Rada was part of that vanguard group but it was good to find out he wasnt.

It isnt like anyone is at the gate killing people anymore but I can honestly say when I paid the coins they wanted they didn't mess with my characters anymore. Although i paid alot of coins.

You guys are sucking the fun out of the game. Unless maybe you have been killing each other back and forth for quite sometime now and no one really knows how to let it go.

Either way I think you guys should just drop it and move on. In a few levels your all going to be on different playing areas of the game anyways.:wtf:

Meet up when your 100 and have it out then. Im friends with people on both sides , but this is my last post to this. It is getting old. Like kids fighting. I was following the threads but i won't associate with any of you guys if you cant let this childish thing go.

Some Rogue
07-15-2010, 11:05 AM
And when you stop paying, they start killing again.

07-15-2010, 11:21 AM
It isnt like anyone is at the gate killing people anymore but I can honestly say when I paid the coins they wanted they didn't mess with my characters anymore. Although i paid alot of coins.

you shouldn't have to pay them a fee to play the game. the Vanguard group is defending the right for people not to pay. Me? I just like anyone who hates the Marlu group and I participate as much as I can. but don't expect me to follow some shining code of conduct :)

07-15-2010, 11:21 AM
One of the main reasons the Marlus haven't been at the gate is because we've kept them so disrupted that they haven't been able to organize for it. Don't take an induced lull in douchebaggery for reform. It's been beaten into them.

07-15-2010, 11:34 AM
I've actually seen them every day outside the gates....don't fool yourself into thinking any attempt at distracting them has worked.

Try Harder! You aren't defending right! :club:

07-15-2010, 11:38 AM
I've actually seen them every day outside the gates....don't fool yourself into thinking any attempt at distracting them has worked.

Try Harder! You aren't defending right! :club:

Posts: 2


07-15-2010, 12:04 PM

I already stated in the "Share your Alters" thread that I was a first time poster. Thanks for stating the obvious.

07-15-2010, 12:17 PM
I already stated in the "Share your Alters" thread that I was a first time poster. Thanks for stating the obvious.


07-15-2010, 12:43 PM

07-15-2010, 12:46 PM

geez guys don't scare away all the fucking new people. Portu-guese, I am Jaeden in Shattered, Deron in Prime. Welcome to the boards. Most people here get mad if you steal the limelight or blink an eye wrong. If they do so, either ignore it completely or troll them like it's a warcamp. PM me on Lich if you need any help.

07-15-2010, 12:46 PM
I've actually seen them every day outside the gates....don't fool yourself into thinking any attempt at distracting them has worked.

Try Harder! You aren't defending right! :club:

Show me logs of them at the gates for the last few days. I know for a fact they were too busy getting their asses handed to them last night to be there.

Some Rogue
07-15-2010, 01:01 PM
Portu-guese, I am Jaeden in Shattered, Deron in Prime and Douche Magoo on the PC.


07-15-2010, 01:16 PM
see haha

07-15-2010, 02:03 PM
I manned the gates for quite some time last night. Disarmed some weapons, killed some folks. I manned the broken tower for a while too, killing and taking weapons from everyone who came through there.

Most of our people were afk last night besides Calidus, Cthulu and Oblivion. We kind of woke each other up for the GM, and weren't around for anything else.

Some Rogue
07-15-2010, 02:44 PM
Except the slaughter in Noman's land. :)

07-15-2010, 02:48 PM
Sorry to be AFK, but this cracked me up...actual message in game

Less than an hour until the lolbrielus drawing. Swing by TS:NW to get your ticket!

07-15-2010, 02:58 PM
Sorry to be AFK, but this cracked me up...actual message in game

Less than an hour until the lolbrielus drawing. Swing by TS:NW to get your ticket!

What's being raffled?

07-15-2010, 03:01 PM
Sorry to be AFK, but this cracked me up...actual message in game

Less than an hour until the lolbrielus drawing. Swing by TS:NW to get your ticket!

I hate you. This post is worse than Jaedawgs youtubes.

07-15-2010, 03:16 PM
>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
This raffle is for a lolbrielus. If you are unsure of what this is, please don't bother entering.

07-15-2010, 03:30 PM
chuckle, must be a 10x db

07-15-2010, 03:41 PM
>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
This raffle is for a lolbrielus. If you are unsure of what this is, please don't bother entering.


07-15-2010, 04:55 PM

I thought you left in a fit of rage?

07-16-2010, 12:09 AM
chuckle, must be a 10x db

What else would a lolbrielus be?

07-16-2010, 06:22 PM
I thought you left in a fit of rage?

Nope. Just got tired of GS for a while. Started playing Fallout Online. I was a bit annoyed with IW's thread spam, but I ignored him and its all good now.

If I really left in a fit of rage, I would have sabotaged herbheal.lic with something truly awesome.. There are some easter eggs in that script.. if you can catch them.

My name is Inigo Montoya! Prepare to die!

07-16-2010, 06:35 PM
Nope. Just got tired of GS for a while. Started playing Fallout Online. I was a bit annoyed with IW's thread spam, but I ignored him and its all good now.

If I really left in a fit of rage, I would have sabotaged herbheal.lic with something truly awesome.. There are some easter eggs in that script.. if you can catch them.

My name is Inigo Montoya! Prepare to die!

Its a wonder someone hasn’t snuck in a script that makes everyone withdraw all their silver and give the coins/notes to a slave bot who then deposits it.

07-16-2010, 06:36 PM
Its a wonder someone hasn’t snuck in a script that makes everyone withdraw all their silver and give the coins/notes to a slave bot who then deposits it.

Oh.. I've thought of something much much worse than that.. it would however, only target a few individuals. But, meh.

07-16-2010, 07:47 PM
Oh.. I've thought of something much much worse than that.. it would however, only target a few individuals. But, meh.

Because tricking people into using harmful software released under the guise of public open source to damage their/Simutronics digital property wouldn't open yourself to potential legal action at all, right?

I already know what your responses to this post will be, and I'll preempt it with: Any ambulance-chasing chud of a lawyer would have a field day with this. It would be no different than releasing a virus disguised as free virus protection, except that people know who did it to them.

Some Rogue
07-16-2010, 08:46 PM
Do you know what my response will be?


07-17-2010, 12:31 AM
You'd have to prove that simutronics digital property was worth something. You'd fail.

07-17-2010, 01:06 AM
You'd have to prove that simutronics digital property was worth something. You'd fail.

gemstones free now?

07-17-2010, 01:22 AM
I believe the content of the game is the property of Simutronics though, not of the user. It would be a tricky situation. You would have to be able to prove a monetary or tangible loss in order to have a basis for a lawsuit. Even then, since there was no contract of any kind, verbal, written, or even implied, for using lich or any of it's scripts, I think you would have a hard time laying the foundation for a lawsuit. That said, if you can afford the lawyer, you can sue for just about anything these days. I think that the actual end result of any kind of legal action regarding lich would end up with Simutronics banning it.

(Edited for a typo.)

I wasnt arguing about that, but cases of this merit have a history of winning. Malicious software is malicious - regardless of the context. Injecting code into your script to specifically target someone in a malicious manner is a crime. period.

07-17-2010, 01:37 AM
I actually agree, malicious software is illegal. I just think that it would have to be Simu that takes action, not the user. It would also depend on what kind of script it was. Is it a script that is blatantly stealing game currency and items, or is it a script that just causes your character to not be able to heal themselves (ie breaking herbheal). I guess I just think that the line of legal/illegal (malicious/non-malicious) when it comes to this kind of thing is not as black and white as downloading a keylogger malware or other kind of "virus" online.

Im no lawyer so I cant make a comment on that, though I'm not so inclined to think that simu has to be involved - especially since its not simu's software that facilitated the malicious programming.

In this context, simply disabling herbheal is not what the author was insinuating he might do - rather something more 'insidious' or whatever the hell he said. My guess is retire the character.

Now, this sort of code could certainly be acceptable on a private script as a protection, but if it were ever made mass accessable - problems would arise.

07-17-2010, 01:52 AM
I don't think you have much of a leg to stand on. No one forces you to run a script. You have every chance to review the code to make sure there isn't anything in there. You didn't pay for the service. Neither party is being held to a contract. Just because it doesn't operate how you WANT it to, doesn't mean it isn't operating how it was meant to.

07-17-2010, 02:42 AM
I don't think you have much of a leg to stand on. No one forces you to run a script. You have every chance to review the code to make sure there isn't anything in there. You didn't pay for the service. Neither party is being held to a contract. Just because it doesn't operate how you WANT it to, doesn't mean it isn't operating how it was meant to.

I've never spent money to buy a virus before - are you saying that made it legal?

Think before you type.

07-17-2010, 03:08 AM
Because tricking people into using harmful software released under the guise of public open source to damage their/Simutronics digital property wouldn't open yourself to potential legal action at all, right?

I already know what your responses to this post will be, and I'll preempt it with: Any ambulance-chasing chud of a lawyer would have a field day with this. It would be no different than releasing a virus disguised as free virus protection, except that people know who did it to them.

Nawp. Its called GNU. Eat shit.

07-17-2010, 03:12 AM
Because tricking people into using harmful software released under the guise of public open source to damage their/Simutronics digital property wouldn't open yourself to potential legal action at all, right?

I already know what your responses to this post will be, and I'll preempt it with: Any ambulance-chasing chud of a lawyer would have a field day with this. It would be no different than releasing a virus disguised as free virus protection, except that people know who did it to them.

I'll preempt this with, you are a fucking retard. Nice avatar, though.

07-17-2010, 03:21 AM
I don't think you have much of a leg to stand on. No one forces you to run a script. You have every chance to review the code to make sure there isn't anything in there. You didn't pay for the service. Neither party is being held to a contract. Just because it doesn't operate how you WANT it to, doesn't mean it isn't operating how it was meant to.
Both parties are engaging in a contract by using Lich and public software on the repository, but even if they weren't that doesn't stop a lawyer from proving that A) digital property can hold value and, B) the script was released with malicious intent which damaged that property's value.

Nawp. Its called GNU. Eat shit.
Where in GNU does it say you can release malware and be immune to lawsuits? Also didn't you rage quit? Normally when people storm off in a tantrum they don't slink back in a few days later without some sort of apology.

07-17-2010, 03:45 AM
Both parties are engaging in a contract by using Lich and public software on the repository, but even if they weren't that doesn't stop a lawyer from proving that A) digital property can hold value and, B) the script was released with malicious intent which damaged that property's value.

I'm not some super important lawyer like E or Keller, but I'm pretty sure that the fact that the script would have to be manually activated nullifies your argument.

07-17-2010, 04:37 AM
I'm not some super important lawyer like E or Keller, but I'm pretty sure that the fact that the script would have to be manually activated nullifies your argument.

If I hand you an application and tell you that running it will do something helpful, but it formats your hard drive, how does the fact that you had to click on it to start it avail me of responsibility? That's like saying I'm not responsible for poisoning someone because I didn't forcefully shove my arsenic-laced cupcake down their throat instead of just offering it to them with a friendly smile.

The point I'm making here is that you'd have to be a moron to consider releasing harmful scripts for Lich. It doesn't matter if you think it's okay -- any half-assed lawyer is going to rape you and make you eat your own shit in court, and anyone you fuck over that way is going to make it very personal.

07-17-2010, 04:49 AM
If I hand you an application and tell you that running it will do something helpful, but it formats your hard drive, how does the fact that you had to click on it to start it avail me of responsibility? That's like saying I'm not responsible for poisoning someone because I didn't forcefully shove my arsenic-laced cupcake down their throat instead of just offering it to them with a friendly smile.

The point I'm making here is that you'd have to be a moron to consider releasing harmful scripts for Lich. It doesn't matter if you think it's okay -- any half-assed lawyer is going to rape you and make you eat your own shit in court, and anyone you fuck over that way is going to make it very personal.

"Yes your honor. As a result of this script, my client unwillingly handed over his 10x crit weighted self-mana haste vultite falchion to a level 10 rogue named Lolgearz along with 10 million silvers he had in the bank."

"You're in contempt, gtfo!"

Sean of the Thread
07-17-2010, 04:57 AM
This shit has become entertainingly retarded.

Like in a bunch of retards fighting over a sears catalog of the bra section on a twinky bus retarded.

07-17-2010, 05:05 AM

Sean of the Thread
07-17-2010, 05:12 AM

07-17-2010, 05:47 AM
Nothing in game has a legal value out of game, Simutronics covers their ass with this by saying that everything in game belongs to Simu, otherwise you could actually go to court over things like being banned, because they would be depriving you of your property.

07-17-2010, 01:09 PM
Nawp. Its called GNU. Eat shit.

Damn. I dont even know what this means.


07-21-2010, 01:01 AM
Current list of Marlu members - There's only about a dozen of them once you get rid of the silly number of alts.

Calidus - 30 rogue?
Maldric - Calidus's alt, ~30 cleric.
Cervina -Table-Empath. 40+?
Bleeder - Cervina's blood bot.
Cthulu - Warrior. ~30.
Dart - rogue locksmith. 30?. Tablesmith. Probably an alt.
Flamer - rogue. Hasn't been around in awhile.
Fumble -
Madmountan - warrior, 40?.
Milamber - Wizard, 30?
Malevolence - Wizard. 30? Suspected alt.
Marl - No known info. Last seen hunting kobolds.
Mordechai - 35-40? Paladin, leader.
Oblivion (the curse bomber) - 35? sorcerer.
Rysrin - ~20? Hasn't been around much.
Sanity - Warrior, 20? Hasn't been around much.
Shakira - 35-40? Bard.
Someone - Table-empath. It's suspected that House/Oblivion/Shakira/Someone are all the same player.
House - cleric, 40s
Triumph -Unknown.
Mooch - Cleric, 25-30?
Madam - Empath, 40-45?
Ron - nervebot for Madam cum ranger - 10-15?
Life - Suspected alt
Kagehisa - probably a mule
Harry - 40-45? wizard, alt of Madam
Kaseopea - 25?
Katze - 35? rogue
Krissta - empath, 15-20?
Portu - 25? warrior

Marlu list updated. About a dozen of them once you get past all the alts, and only about 6 or so are active at any one time.

07-23-2010, 02:28 PM
Current list of Marlu members - There's only about a dozen of them once you get rid of the silly number of alts.

Calidus - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Maldric - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Cervina -Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Bleeder - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Cthulu - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Dart -Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Fumble -
Madmountan - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Milamber - Wizard, 30?
Malevolence - Wizard. 30? Mordechai's alt.
Mordechai - 35-40? Paladin, leader.
Oblivion (the curse bomber) - 35? sorcerer.
Rysrin - ~20? Hasn't been around much.
Shakira - 35-40? Bard.
Someone - Table-empath. It's suspected that House/Oblivion/Shakira/Someone are all the same player.
House - cleric, 40s
Triumph -Unknown.
Mooch - Cleric, 25-30?
Madam -On our side now.
Ron - On our side now.
Life - Suspected alt
Kagehisa - probably a mule
Harry - On our side now.
Kaseopea - On our side now.
Katze - On our side now.
Krissta - empath, 15-20?
Portu - Attack only if provoked. - Part of "New Marlu"
Fiddlesticks - ?

Updated Marlu list. Notice the changes in bold.

07-25-2010, 10:35 AM
Krissta can't be Marlu..

07-25-2010, 10:47 AM
24 wiz - Fumble
28 wiz - Milamber
33 wiz - Malevolence
40 pal - Mordechai
30 sor - Oblivion
?? ??? - Rysrin
32 bar - Shakira
36-55 emp - Someone *-hard to tell
40 cle - House
?? ??? - Triumph
29 cle - Mooch
15 cle - Life
?? ??? - Kagehisa
21 emp - Krissta
16 wiz - Fiddlesticks

hehe... just my guesses. Tell me how inaccurate I am. I bet I'm somewhat close...

07-25-2010, 10:48 AM
no no, Krissta's not marlu right?it can't be true >:[

07-25-2010, 11:02 AM
no no, Krissta's not marlu right?it can't be true >:[

Guilty by association rule. This was already discussed previously in a thread somewhere. She is on Marlu's friends list, hence association. Atleast thats how I took the previous posts.

07-25-2010, 11:06 AM
wtf? So all that flirting I did to her was a waste.. dang

07-25-2010, 11:11 AM
Guilty by association rule. This was already discussed previously in a thread somewhere. She is on Marlu's friends list, hence association. Atleast thats how I took the previous posts.

She was/is on the member list, not the friends list. I think that's why she's targeted by Vanguard, members are. I didn't know she was either till I saw the list posted. /shrug

07-25-2010, 11:45 AM
aww Krissta is a newb she just hangs with them for fun leave her alone lol

07-25-2010, 03:19 PM
Yeah, she is a member, not just on the friend's list. She just doesn't personally kill people so she doesn't understand why people are so mean to her, it makes her all sad and stuff.

Yeah, how dare she be friends with us. What a bitch. I heard she got raped once too.. I bet she was wearing a short skirt. What a slut, she fucking asked for it if you ask me.

07-25-2010, 03:40 PM
I don't think she knows what she's doing she's a GS newb. cut her some slack let her have some fun she shouldnt really be held very accountable.

07-25-2010, 04:03 PM
Well, the fact of the matter is packs of Watermellon aficionados were KNOWN to be hanging around, and yet she kept going out there in a short skirt. She knew what she was doing, and when she got raped it was simply her fault. She was dressed too provocatively. if she didn't want to get raped, she'd have worn her parka and this wouldn't have been an issue.

Interesting theory.

Also, cocks.

07-25-2010, 04:05 PM
Interesting theory.

Also, cocks.

ur just a creepy person lmao