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06-29-2010, 10:01 AM
You're going to get shit, for intentionally being an asshole. How is this news to you? People are going to think poorly of someone who goes out of their way to piss off other people. Shocker.

It comes down to this statement here Khariz. You have to accept that there are consequences for stealing, robbing, murdering and otherwise intervening in other's lives in a negative way.

People are going to get upset and take it personally. To you it's a game, to them, you are ruining their game. Hey tough, that's life, that's shattered. That said, you can't expect people to somehow think highly of you for what you're doing. Especially the way you are (to some) gloating and inciting riot outside the realm of Shattered.

Had you kept your identity a secret or perhaps created a different persona it might mask some of the criticism you are taking "as a person." Although I agree that your in-game behavior has zero reflection on what kind of person you are outside the game, you have brought this negative attention on yourself, seemingly intentionally.

Not sure why you're surprised people are reacting poorly...

06-29-2010, 10:10 AM
I most definitely believe it reflects upon the players behind this group. Whether the rules allow for it or not, they are negatively impacting the enjoyment of other people in the game. They don't care. For many, that seems to be a large point of what they are doing. Just because you CAN do it, doesn't make it right.

Case in point: In Prime, when a creature loots your corpse/disarms you for whatever reason (aside from purposely setting up the character to be looted), you are free to collect the gear that you remove from that creature, and keep it free and clear. The aggrieved party cannot even repeatedly kill you over it. They get at most a day to exact "revenge" by killing you.

Just because you CAN do it, doesn't make it right, or you, the player, any less inconsiderate for doing it. Honestly, though, it is Shattered, and that type of behavior is expected. It just is disappointing to see those who you thought were not capable of being such dicks, and ruining other people's fun gleefully engaging in such practices.

It appears Madmountain/Khariz was a player seen by some as having more consideration for his fellow players than his current behavior shows. That assumption was incorrect.

06-29-2010, 10:59 AM
It appears Madmountain/Khariz was a player seen by some as having more consideration for his fellow players than his current behavior shows. That assumption was incorrect.

Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.

06-29-2010, 11:06 AM
Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.
Now here's the start of the tantrum we've all been waiting for.

06-29-2010, 11:11 AM
I decided I'd throw my two cents in, though I don't play Shattered, and probably won't. It just seems to me that some people in this thread, the OP included, are being willfully obtuse (or else have a serious case of denial). I'll start here:

I most definitely believe it reflects upon the players behind this group. Whether the rules allow for it or not, they are negatively impacting the enjoyment of other people in the game. They don't care.
This is exactly right. "This is my RP" only goes so far as a response. First, it holds no water whatsoever for the people who have logged-in their alts to kill people in response to posts on the forums. Second, it doesn't hold water for those who have sought out and killed other players' alts (having acquired knowledge of the alts by OOC means), even if they do try to use the absurdly weak justification that one alt appears when the other disappears, and so the two can be assumed to be in cahoots. Since characters don't actually disappear from the world (IC) when they are logged out, the IC evidence is that they are both in the world at the same time but are never together, ever. Rather than being a reason to think that they are associated, this is (again, from an IC perspective) reason to think that they do not associate. Taking the fact that they never appear together as evidence that they are associated requires using OOC knowledge about how the game works -- specifically, about the fact that two characters on the same account cannot be logged in at the same time.

But suppose that you play the game as Khariz says he plays -- you don't purposefully seek out and kill alts based on OOC knowledge, and you don't log in your own alts to kill other characters based on OOC knowledge either. Rather, you just RP the "mobster" who kills and extorts. The thought that your manner of playing in this case doesn't reflect on you, as a player, is still ridiculous. You still have the option of being considerate of the other players behind the other characters or not. If you're being considerate, you'll flesh out the RP in a way that allows both players to have maximum enjoyment (it won't be just "I kill you, you don't pay, I keep killing you, etc."). If you're not, you won't. Now, sure, you can always try to use the excuse, "Well, my character is a nut-case or something and doesn't do anything other than kill and extort, so this is my RP." Fine, that's a legitimate option, as far as RPing itself goes. But you can still be a douchebag, as a player, for choosing that option. To see this, imagine that you were doing some sort of tabletop RP with friends, but you kept choosing to be the character who goes insane and kills his companions. It's obvious that, after a while, this would disrupt the game for everyone else, be inconsiderate, etc. It would ruin every campaign, and, eventually, no one would want to play with you anymore (and rightfully so). The reason is that, though this is an acceptable RP option as far as RPing goes, you're still being a jackass.

06-29-2010, 11:12 AM
Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.


06-29-2010, 11:15 AM
Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.

But bro it's a message board, don't get mad or take it personal AMIRITE?!

06-29-2010, 11:19 AM
No emotional investment what-so-ever eh?

PS. Don't come at me in shattered cuz what I says on a message board bro!

Drunken Durfin
06-29-2010, 11:27 AM
Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. We are very proud of you.

06-29-2010, 11:29 AM
Wow. Fuck you too.

I give up. I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am. It'll make it easier on all of us.

I won't have to ever explain myself again, and you can go on living in your fantasy worlds of thinking you know me.

I'm done with this thread, and this issue. Enjoy dying if you play Shattered.

And there's the truth. Next time stop beating around the bush and get to the fucking point.

06-29-2010, 11:29 AM
I hope none of you bitch on these forums when he griefs the fuck out of you in the future. He came here with a relatively mature attitude and language which was not incendiary (at least in the OP). All of that was ignored.. You've created your own monster in this case. Why would any of the Marlus want to follow any kind of code or ethics now when this is the response they'll get?

Personally I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy watching the chaos.

06-29-2010, 11:31 AM
Why would any of the Marlus want to follow any kind of code or ethics now when this is the response they'll get?

Because the 'ethics' was non-existent to begin with. From what I gathered.

06-29-2010, 11:34 AM
I hope none of you bitch on these forums when he griefs the fuck out of you in the future. He came here with a relatively mature attitude and language which was not incendiary (at least in the OP). All of that was ignored.. You've created your own monster in this case. Why would any of the Marlus want to follow any kind of code or ethics now when this is the response they'll get?

Personally I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy watching the chaos.

That is like pissing on somebody's back and calling it rain. If anything, the Marlus are the one that created a monster.

I give them a two weeks, considering there are only like 10 of these "Marlus" (lol at the attempt to RP it), and they are taking on some of the best scripters around. Once there is about 5 people 10-15 levels over them, they're fucked.

06-29-2010, 11:35 AM

06-29-2010, 11:39 AM
Because the 'ethics' was non-existent to begin with. From what I gathered.

No, they actually were adhering to some codes of conduct, like not killing people who paid them. If you guys badgered Madmountan into killing anyone anyway, then you've done what I said above...

06-29-2010, 11:40 AM
I hope none of you bitch on these forums when he griefs the fuck out of you in the future. He came here with a relatively mature attitude and language which was not incendiary (at least in the OP). All of that was ignored.. You've created your own monster in this case. Why would any of the Marlus want to follow any kind of code or ethics now when this is the response they'll get?

Personally I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy watching the chaos.

If you're going to be a dick, be a dick. Don't try to act like a dick, then cover it up. Half-measures don't really count for much. You're just being LESS of a dick. In Shattered, you can be the biggest dick you can be, and some will even congratulate you on the fact. That's all well and good. To try to claim that it doesn't reflect on the player behind the character is just poor form. Own up to it, revel in it. You'll like life better, and you wont be lying to yourself.

06-29-2010, 11:44 AM
No, they actually were adhering to some codes of conduct, like not killing people who paid them. If you guys badgered Madmountan into killing anyone anyway, then you've done what I said above...

Mm. Yes, because they role played every minute of those murders and didn't AFK kill. I digress, I'm merely a spectator, as are you.

06-29-2010, 11:44 AM
No, they actually were adhering to some codes of conduct, like not killing people who paid them. If you guys badgered Madmountan into killing anyone anyway, then you've done what I said above...

They're totally the victims here.

06-29-2010, 12:13 PM
That is like pissing on somebody's back and calling it rain. If anything, the Marlus are the one that created a monster.

I give them a two weeks, considering there are only like 10 of these "Marlus" (lol at the attempt to RP it), and they are taking on some of the best scripters around. Once there is about 5 people 10-15 levels over them, they're fucked.

People have been saying we are done for since we started.

Anyway guys! Your whole thrust of 'You are a big meanie if you don't play your character how we say you should' is silly in the extreme.

Which, when you get past all the BS 'reasons' you guys have, such as 'Just because you can doesnt mean you should' and 'A characters actions reflect poorly on the player' or what have you, is the real reason most of you are mad.

He's decided to play in a way you disapprove of. When this happened in prime, you were able to whine to the GM's or each other and get people to change the actions you didn't like.

Now, here on shattered, you can't do that. And this upsets you greatly. How dare they not do exactly as you say!


06-29-2010, 12:16 PM
bla bla fucking bla

Choke on a cock.

06-29-2010, 12:18 PM
Wasn't there another thread where people bitched at Khariz for burning their GoS camps, and he basically said that he doesn't care, because he's proud to be a dick? I think I'm remembering that right.

06-29-2010, 12:21 PM
People have been saying we are done for since we started.

Anyway guys! Your whole thrust of 'You are a big meanie if you don't play your character how we say you should' is silly in the extreme.

Which, when you get past all the BS 'reasons' you guys have, such as 'Just because you can doesnt mean you should' and 'A characters actions reflect poorly on the player' or what have you, is the real reason most of you are mad.

He's decided to play in a way you disapprove of. When this happened in prime, you were able to whine to the GM's or each other and get people to change the actions you didn't like.

Now, here on shattered, you can't do that. And this upsets you greatly. How dare they not do exactly as you say!


Yes, please condescend to everyone. It'll change the situation entirely and will make people forgive you.

06-29-2010, 12:23 PM
Yes, please condescend to everyone. It'll change the situation entirely and will make people forgive you.

Not here to change the situation or ask for forgiveness. Im quite happy with the current state of affairs!

06-29-2010, 12:25 PM
Not here to change the situation or ask for forgiveness. Im quite happy with the current state of affairs!

You, yes, but as everyone has grown tired of pointing out not everyone. You and your group might be fine with the ability to do whatever but it's coming back to bite your ass, hard. Failing to realize this you'll condescend and pretend that you're somehow 'winning' all of this. The reality of the situation appears to elude you.

But whatever, you'll eventually find out how terrible things are going to become.

06-29-2010, 12:29 PM
You, yes, but as everyone has grown tired of pointing out not everyone. You and your group might be fine with the ability to do whatever but it's coming back to bite your ass, hard. Failing to realize this you'll condescend and pretend that you're somehow 'winning' all of this. The reality of the situation appears to elude you.

But whatever, you'll eventually find out how terrible things are going to become.

People keep telling me this, but it has yet to materialize.

It has given us new members though so I guess the advertising is appreciated :)

This is also funny coming from someone who is not actually in the game and is just reading enraged people on the forums talking big talk.

06-29-2010, 12:35 PM
yeah its not out of the ordinary what Mordie is doing, but the response is out of the ordinary - just walk the walk.. things will even out in the end if you have the balls to take revenge

06-29-2010, 12:35 PM
People keep telling me this, but it has yet to materialize.

It has given us new members though so I guess the advertising is appreciated :)

This is also funny coming from someone who is not actually in the game and is just reading enraged people on the forums talking big talk.

It's bound to happen, you've already got people rallying under the idea to hand you your ass with a side of your head.

What's funnier is the fact that you go on and on about your growing numbers but upon further investigation your group is about ten to thirteen. If the numbers are wrong do inform me. I'm not afraid to admit a mistake where I've made one.

I'm not talking big. Stating future fact. It happens to everyone who attempts to bend a community to their will. You and a select few decide to take advantage of a game with no GMs or rules but over looked the fact that there were still rules of etiquette and decency still around.

You can boast and boast but the sad reality is you'll be kicked off your high horse and sent crashing to the floor with the other swine.

Does it matter to me? No. As stated before, I'm merely a spectator.

06-29-2010, 12:38 PM
It's bound to happen, you've already got people rallying under the idea to hand you your ass with a side of your head.

What's funnier is the fact that you go on and on about your growing numbers but upon further investigation your group is about ten to thirteen. If the numbers are wrong do inform me. I'm not afraid to admit a mistake where I've made one.

I'm not talking big. Stating future fact. It happens to everyone who attempts to bend a community to their will. You and a select few decide to take advantage of a game with no GMs or rules but over looked the fact that there were still rules of etiquette and decency still around.

You can boast and boast but the sad reality is you'll be kicked off your high horse and sent crashing to the floor with the other swine.

Does it matter to me? No. As stated before, I'm merely a spectator.

People, again, have been telling me this from the moment I started the group.

Im still waiting boys.

06-29-2010, 12:39 PM
It's bound to happen, you've already got people rallying under the idea to hand you your ass with a side of your head.

What's funnier is the fact that you go on and on about your growing numbers but upon further investigation your group is about ten to thirteen. If the numbers are wrong do inform me. I'm not afraid to admit a mistake where I've made one.

I'm not talking big. Stating future fact. It happens to everyone who attempts to bend a community to their will. You and a select few decide to take advantage of a game with no GMs or rules but over looked the fact that there were still rules of etiquette and decency still around.

You can boast and boast but the sad reality is you'll be kicked off your high horse and sent crashing to the floor with the other swine.

Does it matter to me? No. As stated before, I'm merely a spectator.
One could really get to like you, you know that?


Im still waiting boys.
::glances down:: Hey now! That's a low blow!

06-29-2010, 12:41 PM
::glances down:: Hey now! That's a low blow!

Ok. And Girls :P

06-29-2010, 12:42 PM
Ok. And Girls :P
Thank you.

06-29-2010, 12:42 PM
People, again, have been telling me this from the moment I started the group.

Im still waiting boys.

In one eye and out the other.

One could really get to like you, you know that?

And not just the molesters?

Lester the Molester
06-29-2010, 12:47 PM
You've got a purtty mouth.

06-29-2010, 12:49 PM
Ribbons managed to bust L The M out of retirement.

06-29-2010, 12:51 PM
That's just how purtty I is.

06-29-2010, 12:52 PM
All right, I'll take the bait (for now, anyway).

Anyway guys! Your whole thrust of 'You are a big meanie if you don't play your character how we say you should' is silly in the extreme.
It would be silly if that were the substance of what we actually said, but it isn't. We're (or at least I'm) not saying that you're a "meanie" because you're not playing as we say you should, in and of itself. We're saying that you're a "meanie" (i.e., you're behaving like a douchebag) because you're behaving in a way that's blatantly inconsiderate of, and over-the-top detrimental to the enjoyment of, other players. That is, what you're doing isn't douchebaggery because we say it is; it's douchebaggery because it's blatantly inconsiderate, etc. You haven't said anything to show that this is mistaken. And what's silly about calling you a douchebag if you're behaving like a douchebag, exactly?

Which, when you get past all the BS 'reasons' you guys have, such as 'Just because you can doesnt mean you should' and 'A characters actions reflect poorly on the player' or what have you, is the real reason most of you are mad.
Calling them "BS 'reasons'" doesn't make them so. Is it false that "just because you can doesn't mean you should?" No, it isn't. Is it false that a character's actions (can) reflect poorly on the player? Nope, not that I can see, and you haven't given us any reason to think otherwise. Your psychological claim that the "real reason" that most of us are "mad" is simply that you're not doing what we tell you to is just that: a psychological claim that's so far unsubstantiated (and that's false in my case).

this upsets you greatly. How dare they not do exactly as you say!

Again, the shame isn't in refusing to do what we say, in and of itself. The shame is in behaving like a douchebag, plain and simple.

06-29-2010, 12:57 PM
All right, I'll take the bait (for now, anyway).

It would be silly if that were the substance of what we actually said, but it isn't. We're (or at least I'm) not saying that you're a "meanie" because you're not playing as we say you should, in and of itself. We're saying that you're a "meanie" (i.e., you're behaving like a douchebag) because you're behaving in a way that's blatantly inconsiderate of, and over-the-top detrimental to the enjoyment of, other players. That is, what you're doing isn't douchebaggery because we say it is; it's douchebaggery because it's blatantly inconsiderate, etc. You haven't said anything to show that this is mistaken. And what's silly about calling you a douchebag if you're behaving like a douchebag, exactly?

Calling them "BS 'reasons'" doesn't make them so. Is it false that "just because you can doesn't mean you should?" No, it isn't. Is it false that a character's actions (can) reflect poorly on the player? Nope, not that I can see, and you haven't given us any reason to think otherwise. Your psychological claim that the "real reason" that most of us are "mad" is simply that you're not doing what we tell you to is just that: a psychological claim that's so far unsubstantiated (and that's false in my case).

Again, the shame isn't in refusing to do what we say, in and of itself. The shame is in behaving like a douchebag, plain and simple.

Question: What, specifically, do you believe we are doing that qualifies as Douchebaggery. Its a serious question. Im curious.

06-29-2010, 12:59 PM
Question: What, specifically, do you believe we are doing that qualifies as Douchebaggery. Its a serious question. Im curious.

If you have to ask that question you're a fucking idiot and should remove your testicles because I fear for our species as a whole if you are allowed to procreate.

06-29-2010, 01:04 PM
Question: What, specifically, do you believe we are doing that qualifies as Douchebaggery. Its a serious question. Im curious.
I posted about this earlier in the thread, here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1126154&postcount=261

I've seen claims, with evidence, that you do the first thing I mention there, though you may deny it. Same goes for the second thing I mention there, except with the addition that I'm pretty sure I saw you admit to doing this (here on the PC) and attempt to give the very justification that I discuss there. The third thing I mention appears to apply to you and the rest of your group generally, based on what I've seen. I don't play Shattered, though, so it's possible -- though I think unlikely, given the number of people claiming otherwise, and the logs that I've seen -- that there's much more RP and much less griefing going on than I suspect.

And like Spiffy said, there's a lot of material in this thread saying similar things. Fallen's posts in particular seem to be right on the money.

06-29-2010, 01:11 PM
I posted about this earlier in the thread, here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1126154&postcount=261

I've seen claims, with evidence, that you do the first thing I mention there, though you may deny it. Same goes for the second thing I mention there, except with the addition that I'm pretty sure I saw you admit to doing this (here on the PC) and attempt to give the very justification that I discuss there. The third thing I mention appears to apply to you and the rest of your group generally, based on what I've seen. I don't play Shattered, though, so it's possible -- though I think unlikely, given the number of people claiming otherwise, and the logs that I've seen -- that there's much more RP and much less griefing going on than I suspect.

And like Spiffy said, there's a lot of material in this thread saying similar things. Fallen's posts in particular seem to be right on the money.

This is what we do.

We kill people. AFK, Not AFK, we dont check. We then tell them, that the world is a dangerous place and if they paid a fee, we'd 'protect' them.

If someone targets are members a whole lot and keeps trying to kill us, we kill them whenever we see them.

If this is Douchebaggery to you then I guess I just cant help you and we're never going to agree on this.

06-29-2010, 01:11 PM
And.... this is why I won't play. A group going around killing people for money and "protection"? Yeah right. Instant lack of fun for me.

06-29-2010, 01:12 PM
And.... this is why I won't play. A group going around killing people for money and "protection"? Yeah right. Instant lack of fun for me.

THIS! A million times this!

06-29-2010, 01:13 PM
And.... this is why I won't play. A group going around killing people for money and "protection"? Yeah right. Instant lack of fun for me.

Active Players: 149

Hrm, I just noticed we seem to be down about 60 people. Maybe it's because of the server crash yesterday...

06-29-2010, 01:19 PM
Active Players: 149

Hrm, I just noticed we seem to be down about 60 people. Maybe it's because of the server crash yesterday...

The server is still new and people are indeed exploring the possibilities of a fresh start but can you, honestly and unbiased as possible, say that it'll last given the current circumstance? Do you believe that people won't just pay off Mordechai and his gang just so they can quickly out level and crush the shit out of them?

It is simply a matter of time before two things happen;

The novelty wears off and people locate back to prime where they won't be threatened or killed (without reason).

People stop paying Mordechai and his gang and join the 'fuck him and his group with this spiked, gnarled, splintered club'.

I vote the second option, but that's just me.

06-29-2010, 01:34 PM
And.... this is why I won't play. A group going around killing people for money and "protection"? Yeah right. Instant lack of fun for me.

Appropriate name.

06-29-2010, 01:36 PM
Appropriate name.

Awww Calidus dont give her a hard time. Shes doing what the others who are upset at us SHOULD be doing. Staying in Prime.

Shattered isnt for everyone.

06-29-2010, 01:41 PM
Wow, except that I don't play prime either because I don't have the time. People have been coaxing me to play Shattered and I was considering it. But if there is a group that kills first and then tries to roleplay later, then no that does not interest me. If it were limited to an area that I could avoid I'd consider it some more, but that doesn't seem to be the case either.

The fact that neither of you understand everyone's concern with how you're "roleplaying" this mob speaks to how you're behaving now.

06-29-2010, 01:44 PM
Wow, except that I don't play prime either because I don't have the time. People have been coaxing me to play Shattered and I was considering it. But if there is a group that kills first and then tries to roleplay later, then no that does not interest me. If it were limited to an area that I could avoid I'd consider it some more, but that doesn't seem to be the case either.

The fact that neither of you understand everyone's concern with how you're "roleplaying" this mob speaks to how you're behaving now.

No, we understand their concerns. We just think that they are full of shit. Its been demonstrated time and again, and if you have a couple hours with nothing to do you are free to scroll through the conversations and see for yourself.

06-29-2010, 01:45 PM
No, we understand their concerns. We just think that they are full of shit. Its been demonstrated time and again, and if you have a couple hours with nothing to do you are free to scroll through the conversations and see for yourself.

I'm really not touching that one. I'm going to continue to focus on that cloud over there. Maybe I'll set it on fire with my mind.

06-29-2010, 01:50 PM
No, we understand their concerns. We just think that they are full of shit. Its been demonstrated time and again, and if you have a couple hours with nothing to do you are free to scroll through the conversations and see for yourself.
I've been reading all these threads and that is why I came to the conclusion that it's not worth my time playing because there are people who have a mob mentality of not caring how it's affecting anyone else.

Is there any reason why you can't restrict the extortions to certain areas so that the people who don't mind being involved can be part of your missions, and the people who want to be left to their own vices get what they want?

The point of all of this is that you're FORCING people to play your way. Shattered was not designed to be strictly PvP or to let one group dominate how the game is to be played. You're not willing to find a compromise, and that's what sad.

06-29-2010, 01:52 PM
I've been reading all these threads and that is why I came to the conclusion that it's not worth my time playing because there are people who have a mob mentality of not caring how it's affecting anyone else.

Is there any reason why you can't restrict the extortions to certain areas so that the people who don't mind being involved can be part of your missions, and the people who want to be left to their own vices get what they want?

The point of all of this is that you're FORCING people to play your way. Shattered was not designed to be strictly PvP or to let one group dominate how the game is to be played. You're not willing to find a compromise, and that's what sad.

EN is, thus far, untouched by us. With one specific exception.

So they have plenty of places to go. We're just in the Landing/Solhaven area.

06-29-2010, 01:54 PM
I always thought Khariz was a douche for his conservative political beliefs, but now I know he's a douche because it's in his inherent nature. Glad I don't play GS any more.

P.S. Isn't he a lawyer too? Why don't we get the negative lawyer stereotypes about his douche ass?

06-29-2010, 01:54 PM
The point of all of this is that you're FORCING people to play your way. Shattered was not designed to be strictly PvP or to let one group dominate how the game is to be played. You're not willing to find a compromise, and that's what sad.


Yet he won't acknowledge it because he's too wrapped up in his own ego to realize that he's ruining something people play for fun.

Now on a serious note, how long until you decide to expand Mordechai? Assuming people let you, of course.

06-29-2010, 01:55 PM
I've been reading all these threads and that is why I came to the conclusion that it's not worth my time playing because there are people who have a mob mentality of not caring how it's affecting anyone else.

Is there any reason why you can't restrict the extortions to certain areas so that the people who don't mind being involved can be part of your missions, and the people who want to be left to their own vices get what they want?

The point of all of this is that you're FORCING people to play your way. Shattered was not designed to be strictly PvP or to let one group dominate how the game is to be played. You're not willing to find a compromise, and that's what sad.

As if it's any great surprise that you weren't going to play. You knew that days ago but just wanted attention.

06-29-2010, 02:01 PM
As if it's any great surprise that you weren't going to play. You knew that days ago but just wanted attention.
Please don't talk to me as though you know me.

06-29-2010, 02:03 PM

Yet he won't acknowledge it because he's too wrapped up in his own ego to realize that he's ruining something people play for fun.

Now on a serious note, how long until you decide to expand Mordechai? Assuming people let you, of course.

Well, honestly and seriously, I've no idea!

As to your first point though:

Im no more forcing people to play my way than they are trying to force me to play theirs

They are just upset because they CANT force me to play theirs. Back on Prime, they all had invinca-capped characters and could shun and snob whomever they wished. Now that they have a sizeable group of folk who just ignore them and do what they please, they are having issues and claiming I 'ruin their fun'.

They arent the only ones allowed to have fun, despite what they might insist :P

06-29-2010, 02:11 PM
Well, honestly and seriously, I've no idea!

As to your first point though:

Im no more forcing people to play my way than they are trying to force me to play theirs

They are just upset because they CANT force me to play theirs. Back on Prime, they all had invinca-capped characters and could shun and snob whomever they wished. Now that they have a sizeable group of folk who just ignore them and do what they please, they are having issues and claiming I 'ruin their fun'.

They arent the only ones allowed to have fun, despite what they might insist :P

... the "subtle" point that your fun comes at others' expense, and not vice versa, somehow being lost on you. They're not saying you physically can't, but that you shouldn't, and people are forming methods to stop you. Why are you even posting? You don't care about pissing other people off. We get it. So have fun in-game, and we'll see you, overlooking Mordechai's corpse.

06-29-2010, 02:14 PM
Well, honestly and seriously, I've no idea!

As to your first point though:

Im no more forcing people to play my way than they are trying to force me to play theirs

They are just upset because they CANT force me to play theirs. Back on Prime, they all had invinca-capped characters and could shun and snob whomever they wished. Now that they have a sizeable group of folk who just ignore them and do what they please, they are having issues and claiming I 'ruin their fun'.

They arent the only ones allowed to have fun, despite what they might insist :P
It's no longer fun when you're required to pay up or die. That's not fun for people. Might be for you and it might be for the people you keep under your wing but not for everyone. You can't seem to grasp the concept. Or you're just simply ignoring it.

The point of an RP based game is to have that freedom to ignore or shun those you dislike. You on the other hand, not entirely your groups fault as it's the GMs who said 'fuck this' to their duties, are ignoring their freedom and simply forcing your will on anyone who just so happens to be dropping by. They might leave, sure, but you've killed a persons RP experience with your blatant disregard.

Will this post have any affect on you? Not likely. You'll sit there and have a cheap laugh, C(old)thulu will join in with his one liner and you'll go back to doing what you've been doing.

06-29-2010, 02:17 PM
Well, honestly and seriously, I've no idea!

I don't know why, but everytime you post things like this go through my head:


06-29-2010, 02:17 PM
It's no longer fun when you're required to pay up or die. That's not fun for people. Might be for you and it might be for the people you keep under your wing but not for everyone. You can't seem to grasp the concept. Or you're just simply ignoring it.

The point of an RP based game is to have that freedom to ignore or shun those you dislike. You on the other hand, not entirely your groups fault as it's the GMs who said 'fuck this' to their duties, are ignoring their freedom and simply forcing your will on anyone who just so happens to be dropping by. They might leave, sure, but you've killed a persons RP experience with your blatant disregard.

Will this post have any affect on you? Not likely. You'll sit there and have a cheap laugh, C(old)thulu will join in with his one liner and you'll go back to doing what you've been doing.

I dont play shattered but the post makes it sound like you want GM's to protect you. They do that in prime and you chose to go over to shattered if you are dealing with these people. Shattered is specifically not suppost to protect people. I think as gamers gemstone people are just thin skinned from years of playing in a padded room. Everyone in halo or world of warcraft just assumes they will be griefed, corpse humped, camped and generally destroyed to the full ability of the guy playing on the other computer. Shattered is emulating that enviornment I feel like you guys are pulling into a KFC drive through and then complaining that your getting fat.

06-29-2010, 02:21 PM
Everyone in halo or world of warcraft just assumes they will be griefed, corpse humped, camped and generally destroyed to the full ability of the guy playing on the other computer. Shattered is emulating that enviornment I feel like you guys are pulling into a KFC drive through and then complaining that your getting fat.
If GS didn't have the death stings from hell, or cause such heavy experience losses, people wouldn't be having this argument at all.

Getting ganked repeatedly in WoW is tolerable... getting ganked repeatedly in GS sucks balls.

06-29-2010, 02:22 PM
I dont play shattered but the post makes it sound like you want GM's to protect you. They do that in prime and you chose to go over to shattered if you are dealing with these people. Shattered is specifically not suppost to protect people. I think as gamers gemstone people are just thin skinned from years of playing in a padded room. Everyone in halo or world of warcraft just assumes they will be griefed, corpse humped, camped and generally destroyed to the full ability of the guy playing on the other computer. Shattered is emulating that enviornment I feel like you guys are pulling into a KFC drive through and then complaining that your getting fat.

Protip: Read my other posts.

On a serious note, I've never played GemStone. Indeed, I'm guilty of being one of those assholes that likes to cast a premature judgement. Is a GM meant to save your ass from everything? No. Do they in Prime? Seems like it. I'm not saying to do what they do in prime. Hell, remove the warn system from Shattered. Just make them enforce the role play requirements as best they can in a scripting environment.

Fucked up logic, eh?

06-29-2010, 02:26 PM
If GS didn't have the death stings from hell, or cause such heavy experience losses, people wouldn't be having this argument at all.

Getting ganked repeatedly in WoW is tolerable... getting ganked repeatedly in GS sucks balls.

I think a better conversation to have would be lessening the effects of death sting to adapt to a full blown pvp enviornment rather than complaining about GM's not protecting people from pvpers on a pvp server. Im just saying while I think alot of the people in the extortion group are clearly being dicks about it....thats how pvp gamers act. I mean if you think HJFudge is bad fire up your xbox 360 and go play halo3, watch a 14 year old from kansas call you a faggot while he puts his characters ass in your face. This is what pvp gaming is all about, taunting hatred and aggression.

06-29-2010, 02:27 PM
g++ is just stirring up shit because it's Tuesday maintainance in WoW. ;)

06-29-2010, 02:30 PM
And to belabor the point, in WoW you can go to carebear servers where there is no PvP, or you can stay in faction friendly zones where you need to flag yourself to be killed by enemies (IE, attack first). Plus, the guild system makes it much easier to respond to idiots corpse camping you.

06-29-2010, 02:33 PM
Bitches do not fuck with HoR.

06-29-2010, 02:35 PM
g++ is just stirring up shit because it's Tuesday maintainance in WoW. ;)

Tuesday maintenance never effects me because I have this place I go to between the hours of 9 and 5pm Monday to Friday.

I have just been following this thread here and there and been kind of suprised how alot of people I thought would shrug off the griefing are checking in to say they think the people pvping are awful human beings. Well I disagree as a gamer even though I dont play shattered. I mean dont get me wrong they might still be awful human beings I just think many people are over reacting to what in any other games and now gemstone is pretty typical behavior in a pvp enviornment. Just because you log onto a game kill a bunch of people and tell them they suck doesnt mean the person doing it is a dickhead in real life, thats what pvp is.

06-29-2010, 02:38 PM
Protip: Read my other posts.

.... I just did...Why did I do that? None of them are any different then the post I quoted. You have lied to me sir.

06-29-2010, 02:38 PM
Tuesday maintenance never effects me because I have this place I go to between the hours of 9 and 5pm Monday to Friday.

I have just been following this thread here and there and been kind of suprised how alot of people I thought would shrug off the griefing are checking in to say they think the people pvping are awful human beings. Well I disagree as a gamer even though I dont play shattered. I mean dont get me wrong they might still be awful human beings I just think many people are over reacting to what in any other games and now gemstone is pretty typical behavior in a pvp enviornment. Just because you log onto a game kill a bunch of people and tell them they suck doesnt mean the person doing it is a dickhead in real life, thats what pvp is.
I don't think they're terrible people. I've been in a PvP environment and have done griefing, corpse camping, and even tea-bagging. That shit's fun. Does that mean I go around and PvP the living shit out of people, demand protection money, then pretend it's never happened. Float around like I'm some asshole politician making excuses and pretending I'm the only motherfucking thing that matters?

Nope. I'll cop to being an asshole if I'm one. I'll cop to pretty much everything I do, if not everything.


06-29-2010, 02:39 PM
I just think many people are over reacting to what in any other games and now gemstone is pretty typical behavior in a pvp enviornment. Just because you log onto a game kill a bunch of people and tell them they suck doesnt mean the person doing it is a dickhead in real life, thats what pvp is.
Death in pvp games means FAR less than it does in GS. What do you lose when you get ganked in wow? 60 seconds running back to your corpse? Maybe 10 whole minutes, if you and the ganker decide to trade deaths back and forth for a bit? There's not even any repair costs. You run back, rez, and go on with your business. Death's sting, as has been stated by many people, makes you lose a lot more. That's why we care. If dying in GS meant as little as it does in WoW, I'd care as little as I do in WoW.

06-29-2010, 02:40 PM
Tuesday maintenance never effects me because I have this place I go to between the hours of 9 and 5pm Monday to Friday.

I have just been following this thread here and there and been kind of suprised how alot of people I thought would shrug off the griefing are checking in to say they think the people pvping are awful human beings. Well I disagree as a gamer even though I dont play shattered. I mean dont get me wrong they might still be awful human beings I just think many people are over reacting to what in any other games and now gemstone is pretty typical behavior in a pvp enviornment. Just because you log onto a game kill a bunch of people and tell them they suck doesnt mean the person doing it is a dickhead in real life, thats what pvp is.

The difference of course is that Gemstone has death penalties that suck balls much worse than any other PvP game out there.

06-29-2010, 02:42 PM
(Some people have already said most of what I say here at this point, so feel free to ignore the bulk of it. I'm posting it anyway, though, since I took the time to write it.)

This is what we do.

We kill people. AFK, Not AFK, we dont check. We then tell them, that the world is a dangerous place and if they paid a fee, we'd 'protect' them . . . If this is Douchebaggery to you then I guess I just cant help you and we're never going to agree on this.
All right, first, you didn't address a large part of what I said. Look, here is your own post where you admit that you do one of the things that I discussed in my previous post (the one that you're replying to in the post I just quoted): http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1125703&postcount=129. You get information about peoples' alts based on OOC knowledge (knowledge that the game is programmed in such a way that two characters cannot be logged in at the same time on the same account, together with knowledge that one character has just been logged out and another has just been logged in) and then use that knowledge to specifically target them in-game. You attempt to give some absurdly weak justification for this as RP, but it's a justification that (as I explained in my post) doesn't really make sense. Even if it did make sense from an IC perspective, though, you can "make sense from an IC perspective" of the idea that your character is a lunatic murderer who just kills everyone he sees over and over again, too, or that derives insane pleasure from griefing one person over and over again. While that could make sense IC, it would still be douchebag behavior to play that sort of character, for the reasons I also already mentioned. You're not the only player playing the game. Not being a douchebag doesn't require not killing other characters, but it does require having a modicum of respect for the other players of the game. (I think this last point applies to Khariz as much as it applies to you.)

In a way, this relates to your method. From what I can tell, it goes like this:

1. If the encountered character has undergone this process and paid the fee, do nothing. Otherwise, kill immediately, indiscriminately and without prior RP required.
2. Tell the character to pay you if he doesn't want to be killed again. Maybe say something about Marlu.
3. Return to step #1.

But suppose my friends and I set up an RP campaign of some kind, and when we get together, I have my character do this, without any prior RP or discussion:

1. Immediately and indiscriminately kill the other characters (no need to check if they've undergone this process before, since this is our first interaction).
2. Tell them all to worship my character as a god, or be killed again.
3. If they accept, do nothing. Otherwise, return to step #1.

In this scenario, the other players are forced to play their characters in the way that I want them to play, or they are griefed repeatedly until they finally do so. While they do technically "have a choice," and this all "makes sense IC" (since my character is a lunatic who thinks he's a god, say), it's still, obviously, douchebag behavior. I'm griefing them until they do what I want them to do. They probably wouldn't want to play with me anymore, and understandably; my behavior would have shown a lack of respect for them as players and for their enjoyment, and might have ruined their entire experience, especially if I were to continue doing it even after we had discussed it and its affect on our ability to enjoy the game.

Your method basically has the same results. While it perhaps requires a less significant choice (the characters are forced to pay a bribe to a gang of criminals, rather than worship a character as a god), it's still a choice that will, in most cases, force the player to alter the way they play the game, without consideration for them or their enjoyment. It gives them two "options:" either play the way you want them to play (i.e., paying you for safe hunting) or be griefed until they do so, whether they, as players, like it or not. While the actions can be made sense of IC, you're still being a jerk.

Others have suggested viable ways for you to do something like this while respecting other players. In another thread, someone suggested that you broadcast over the thought-net that your group has taken over a certain area, and that you will kill "poachers." This allows you to limit your group's effect to a specific location (so that players can choose not to enter that location if this isn't their style of play), it gives (at least most) others preemptive knowledge of what will happen to their characters if they perform certain actions (thus giving them a third option, i.e., not to enter into the "choice" scenario described above), and, if you target poachers only, it also gives you the option of RPing with people who are hunting before immediately killing them. You can threaten them while they are hunting, before striking. Sure, they may run away, but this won't prevent your character from being the way he or she is to any others who enter the area. And allowing this is what respect for other players is all about.

As for the claim that this will force you to play in a way you don't want to play, that's true, to a certain extent. But the way you want to play involves griefing others unless they play the way you insist they do. That style of play just shouldn't be respected, because it doesn't respect others in the first place. It's a bit like the way things work in the US with certain laws/rights. Everyone has a general right to free speech (analogous to the right to play as you want to play). No one can (lawfully) impinge on others' rights. But, even so, you can be stopped from shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater, even though this forces you not to use your speech in a certain way. The reason is that there are certain uses of speech that cause harm to others and so aren't protected, and shouldn't be respected. Analogously, there are certain behaviors in game that are disrespectful of other players and so needn't be accommodated.

I'm wasting too much time typing about this, so I'm not gonna say more. Some of this stuff should just be obvious, and people of reasonably good character ought to have some grasp on it without needing to have it explained, I think.

06-29-2010, 02:43 PM
Wow, that was a long post. :(

06-29-2010, 02:44 PM
Wow, that was a long post. :(

No kidding!

06-29-2010, 02:44 PM
I *am* confused as to why people think there needs to be an IC explanation for what they do. Even if it's completely OOC, it's still acceptable by Shattered standards.

06-29-2010, 02:44 PM
Well ill just re-state I think the problem lies more with the mechanic for death than it does with the way people are behaving. To my mind the whole gang thing fits pretty well into shattered and when other gangs pop up it will make it even more fun.

06-29-2010, 02:45 PM
Wow, that was a long post. :(


06-29-2010, 02:45 PM
(Some people have already said most of what I say here at this point, so feel free to ignore the bulk of it. I'm posting it anyway, though, since I took the time to write it.)

All right, first, you didn't address a large part of what I said. Look, here is your own post where you admit that you do one of the things that I discussed in my previous post (the one that you're replying to in the post I just quoted): http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1125703&postcount=129. You get information about peoples' alts based on OOC knowledge (knowledge that the game is programmed in such a way that two characters cannot be logged in at the same time on the same account, together with knowledge that one character has just been logged out and another has just been logged in) and then use that knowledge to specifically target them in-game. You attempt to give some absurdly weak justification for this as RP, but it's a justification that (as I explained in my post) doesn't really make sense. Even if it did make sense from an IC perspective, though, you can "make sense from an IC perspective" of the idea that your character is a lunatic murderer who just kills everyone he sees over and over again, too, or that derives insane pleasure from griefing one person over and over again. While that could make sense IC, it would still be douchebag behavior to play that sort of character, for the reasons I also already mentioned. You're not the only player playing the game. Not being a douchebag doesn't require not killing other characters, but it does require having a modicum of respect for the other players of the game. (I think this last point applies to Khariz as much as it applies to you.)

In a way, this relates to your method. From what I can tell, it goes like this:

1. If the encountered character has undergone this process and paid the fee, do nothing. Otherwise, kill immediately, indiscriminately and without prior RP required.
2. Tell the character to pay you if he doesn't want to be killed again. Maybe say something about Marlu.
3. Return to step #1.

But suppose my friends and I set up an RP campaign of some kind, and when we get together, I have my character do this, without any prior RP or discussion:

1. Immediately and indiscriminately kill the other characters (no need to check if they've undergone this process before, since this is our first interaction).
2. Tell them all to worship my character as a god, or be killed again.
3. If they accept, do nothing. Otherwise, return to step #1.

In this scenario, the other players are forced to play their characters in the way that I want them to play, or they are griefed repeatedly until they finally do so. While they do technically "have a choice," and this all "makes sense IC" (since my character is a lunatic who thinks he's a god, say), it's still, obviously, douchebag behavior. I'm griefing them until they do what I want them to do. They probably wouldn't want to play with me anymore, and understandably; my behavior would have shown a lack of respect for them as players and for their enjoyment, and might have ruined their entire experience, especially if I were to continue doing it even after we had discussed it and its affect on our ability to enjoy the game.

Your method basically has the same results. While it perhaps requires a less significant choice (the characters are forced to pay a bribe to a gang of criminals, rather than worship a character as a god), it's still a choice that will, in most cases, force the player to alter the way they play the game, without consideration for them or their enjoyment. It gives them two "options:" either play the way you want them to play (i.e., paying you for safe hunting) or be griefed until they do so, whether they, as players, like it or not. While the actions can be made sense of IC, you're still being a jerk.

Others have suggested viable ways for you to do something like this while respecting other players. In another thread, someone suggested that you broadcast over the thought-net that your group has taken over a certain area, and that you will kill "poachers." This allows you to limit your group's effect to a specific location (so that players can choose not to enter that location if this isn't their style of play), it gives (at least most) others preemptive knowledge of what will happen to their characters if they perform certain actions (thus giving them a third option, i.e., not to enter into the "choice" scenario described above), and, if you target poachers only, it also gives you the option of RPing with people who are hunting before immediately killing them. You can threaten them while they are hunting, before striking. Sure, they may run away, but this won't prevent your character from being the way he or she is to any others who enter the area. And allowing this is what respect for other players is all about.

As for the claim that this will force you to play in a way you don't want to play, that's true, to a certain extent. But the way you want to play involves griefing others unless they play the way you insist they do. That style of play just shouldn't be respected, because it doesn't respect others in the first place. It's a bit like the way things work in the US with certain laws/rights. Everyone has a general right to free speech (analogous to the right to play as you want to play). No one can (lawfully) impinge on others' rights. But, even so, you can be stopped from shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater, even though this forces you not to use your speech in a certain way. The reason is that there are certain uses of speech that cause harm to others and so aren't protected, and shouldn't be respected. Analogously, there are certain behaviors in game that are disrespectful of other players and so needn't be accommodated.

I'm wasting too much time typing about this, so I'm not gonna say more. Some of this stuff should just be obvious, and people of reasonably good character ought to have some grasp on it without needing to have it explained, I think.

(Just because it's mandatory)

Cool story Bro.

06-29-2010, 02:45 PM
I *am* confused as to why people think there needs to be an IC explanation for what they do. Even if it's completely OOC, it's still acceptable by Shattered standards.

There doesn't. The Marlu clan came up with some lame excuse because they were getting shit for being douchebag griefers.

06-29-2010, 02:46 PM
And to belabor the point, in WoW you can go to carebear servers where there is no PvP, or you can stay in faction friendly zones where you need to flag yourself to be killed by enemies (IE, attack first). Plus, the guild system makes it much easier to respond to idiots corpse camping you.

Gemstone prime man.

06-29-2010, 02:46 PM
Well ill just re-state I think the problem lies more with the mechanic for death than it does with the way people are behaving. To my mind the whole gang thing fits pretty well into shattered and when other gangs pop up it will make it even more fun.

Exactly! It's still in the lawless phase right now. I'm confident more and more groups will form and there will definitely be plenty of opportunities for heated conflicts and lots of fun in the future.

The death mechanics should be different in Shattered though. In an open PvP environment, people will be dying a lot. Death was a lot less common in Prime, and the sting was perfect for that environment.

06-29-2010, 02:48 PM
Well ill just re-state I think the problem lies more with the mechanic for death than it does with the way people are behaving. To my mind the whole gang thing fits pretty well into shattered and when other gangs pop up it will make it even more fun.

We all agree that if death's sting wasn't a part of Shattered then there would be no problem what-so-ever.

06-29-2010, 02:49 PM
I *am* confused as to why people think there needs to be an IC explanation for what they do. Even if it's completely OOC, it's still acceptable by Shattered standards.
Yeah, that's true. The issue for me is the lack of respect for other players. That's why I mention that even if an IC explanation can be given for certain actions, you can still be a douchebag while doing those things. The absence of an IC explanation, though -- and especially the involvement of OOC information like forum posts -- is some additional evidence that this a player-vs.-player thing rather than CvC, and so is indirect evidence for the lack of respect for players of the game themselves.

06-29-2010, 02:49 PM
I agree. Reading about the stings makes me never want to die in GS.

06-29-2010, 02:50 PM
We all agree that if death's sting wasn't a part of Shattered then there would be no problem what-so-ever.

Pretty much. I highly doubt removing death sting in Shattered would be met with any objections by its playerbase.

06-29-2010, 02:50 PM
(Just because it's mandatory)

Cool story Bro.

Thanks, I was gonna do it to myself, but that seemed wrong. :)



06-29-2010, 02:51 PM
Thanks, I was gonna do it to myself, but that seemed wrong. :)



The sad, sad irony in that is I've been up for nearly 24 hours. LOL.

06-29-2010, 02:51 PM
Pretty much. I highly doubt removing death sting in Shattered would be met with any objections by its playerbase.

Don't remove it, just don't let it activate if killing blow was from a character. Then you get to have more fun like in WoW where you whittle someone down and let a mob finish them off so they take durability.

06-29-2010, 02:52 PM
That would suck dick.

06-29-2010, 02:53 PM
Yeah, that's true. The issue for me is the lack of respect for other players. That's why I mention that even if an IC explanation can be given for certain actions, you can still be a douchebag while doing those things. The absence of an IC explanation, though -- and especially the involvement of OOC information like forum posts -- is some additional evidence that this a player-vs.-player thing rather than CvC, and so is indirect evidence for the lack of respect for players of the game themselves.

I respect a lot of folks who play.

There are those, however, whom you are right: I don't respect.

High up on that list is those turning against Khariz, the player, for what his character decided to do in game. Way to be assholes guys, way to be assholes.

Also, folks who cant keep their personal selves out of a game. I had some guy questioning my Christianity because I killed his character. And not like...joking haha im being facetious. But 'YOU KILLED ME IN GEMSTONE. THUS. YOU ARE NOT CHRISTIAN!'


06-29-2010, 02:53 PM
Don't remove it, just don't let it activate if killing blow was from a character. Then you get to have more fun like in WoW where you whittle someone down and let a mob finish them off so they take durability.

Hah, that would be awesome! I was always a huge fan of PvP and definitely enjoyed doing just that. ;) I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to code so that it wouldn't activate upon death from another player. That's one rare thing WoW got right as far as PvP is concerned. It was nice spending an entire day in BGs while not having to worry about spending outrageous amounts of gold on repairs.

06-29-2010, 02:55 PM
Psh, damn it. False alarm.

06-29-2010, 03:11 PM
High up on that list is those turning against Khariz, the player, for what his character decided to do in game. Way to be assholes guys, way to be assholes.

Let's be honest here...there is no "IC" in Shattered. Actual sustainable RP went out the window before anything else. You have Rambo and Jack Bauer running around, trading blows with and healing GOATSE, for fuck's sake. There is no IC justification to hide behind.

In other words, there is no (meaningful) separation of player and character in Shattered. Your behavior is you, the player, deriving your enjoyment from the detraction of other players' enjoyment. And I'm sure you're going to deny that, but really, that's like claiming you didn't eat the last donut while wiping jelly and powder off your face: no one with a functioning brain is buying it.

If you're okay with that, so be it. But it's utterly disingenuous of you to act all indignant and self-righteous with other players when you shit all over their fun in order to have your own.


On another note, I actually don't think getting rid of PvP sting would solve the problem. What it all boils down to is that people are upset about the lost time, more than anything else. Even without sting, getting killed costs you time, especially if it happens while you're afk scripting.

The problem with Shattered is that they've made a place that is the only refuge for two different groups of people who don't necessarily mix well: AFK scripters, and PvP griefers.

06-29-2010, 03:15 PM
Let's be honest here...there is no "IC" in Shattered. Actual sustainable RP went out the window before anything else. You have Rambo and Jack Bauer running around, trading blows with and healing GOATSE, for fuck's sake. There is no IC justification to hide behind.

In other words, there is no (meaningful) separation of player and character in Shattered. Your behavior is you, the player, deriving your enjoyment from the detraction of other players' enjoyment. And I'm sure you're going to deny that, but really, that's like claiming you didn't eat the last donut while wiping jelly and powder off your face: no one with a functioning brain is buying it.

If you're okay with that, so be it. But it's utterly disingenuous of you to act all indignant and self-righteous with other players when you shit all over their fun in order to have your own.


On another note, I actually don't think getting rid of PvP sting would solve the problem. What it all boils down to is that people are upset about the lost time, more than anything else. Even without sting, getting killed costs you time, especially if it happens while you're afk scripting.

The problem with Shattered is that they've made a place that is the only refuge for two different groups of people who don't necessarily mix well: AFK scripters, and PvP griefers.

If it was all afk scripters the game would not even be a game. Shit I could charge you 40 dollars a month to connect to a server that incrememented to 100 on a 1 year time line.

06-29-2010, 03:15 PM
Honestly, if they stay out of the EN 99% of the time, and areas like Icemule, Teras, and RR, then it's your fault if you want to AFK script and run into them. The problem is people won't be able to get together, and hang out when they are actually playing without dealing with griefers.

06-29-2010, 03:18 PM
The problem with Shattered is that they've made a place that is the only refuge for two different groups of people who don't necessarily mix well: AFK scripters, and PvP griefers.


100% this. Clearly, concisely, and accurately stated.

Well done.

06-29-2010, 03:20 PM
Let's be honest here...there is no "IC" in Shattered.

The problem with Shattered is that they've made a place that is the only refuge for two different groups of people who don't necessarily mix well: AFK scripters, and PvP griefers.

Firstly, Mordechai stated he was IC when this all happened. If he had just coughed up to being a dick, then the situation wouldn't have devolved so quickly to what it is.

Secondly, that's incredibly true.

06-29-2010, 03:25 PM
Remember when Khariz did the whole thing where he bought the Meureii shaalk claid from Brute after Meureii lied about it just to make good? I think Khariz is a good guy just having some fun here.

Speaking of, Meureii's in game a lot recently--anyone ever grief him about that whole deal?

06-29-2010, 03:29 PM
On another note, I actually don't think getting rid of PvP sting would solve the problem. What it all boils down to is that people are upset about the lost time, more than anything else. Even without sting, getting killed costs you time, especially if it happens while you're afk scripting.
I agree with all of your post but this point. If there was no sting, I really wouldn't care much about the time. Losing a few minutes if I was at the keyboard would barely bother me at all, losing a few hours if I got hit overnight would be mildly annoying, but little enough that I could chalk it up to the cost of playing Shattered.

There's an idea... Mordechai, cart a cleric and empath around with you. Heal and raise everyone you kill, regardless of payment. If they pay up, don't kill them anymore. If they don't, the next time you cross paths, they die again. I'd immediately get off your ass, if you did this and stuck to it. You're still collecting fees and being a mobster, but we're not screwed with a lot of sting (as long as we're smart enough to buy deeds).

06-29-2010, 03:30 PM
I agree with all of your post but this point. If there was no sting, I really wouldn't care much about the time. Losing a few minutes if I was at the keyboard would barely bother me at all, losing a few hours if I got hit overnight would be mildly annoying, but little enough that I could chalk it up to the cost of playing Shattered.

There's an idea... Mordechai, cart a cleric and empath around with you. Heal and raise everyone you kill, regardless of payment. If they pay up, don't kill them anymore. If they don't, the next time you cross paths, they die again. I'd immediately get off your ass, if you did this and stuck to it. You're still collecting fees and being a mobster, but we're not screwed with a lot of sting (as long as we're smart enough to buy deeds).

We do this already, except for our KOS list, and people who curse and swear a lot. Or just immediately depart.

06-29-2010, 03:35 PM
Let's be honest here...there is no "IC" in Shattered. Actual sustainable RP went out the window before anything else. You have Rambo and Jack Bauer running around, trading blows with and healing GOATSE, for fuck's sake. There is no IC justification to hide behind.

I'm calling bullshit.

You see Goatse.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He is in the prime of life and all that shit.
He is wearing a painfully distended anus, and a simple wedding band.

Goatse turns around.

Goatse picks at a painfully distended anus.

Goatse just tried to pull a painfully distended anus.

Goatse stretches.

Tell me with a straight face that that isn't some l33t RP.

06-29-2010, 03:37 PM
I miss Rambo.

06-29-2010, 03:40 PM
If it was all afk scripters the game would not even be a game. Shit I could charge you 40 dollars a month to connect to a server that incrememented to 100 on a 1 year time line.

AFK scripters aren't AFK all the time. They optimize their "downtime" with scripts, but they still like to enjoy the fruits of those labors with actual gameplay and interaction with other (non-griefer) PCs.

Honestly, if they stay out of the EN 99% of the time, and areas like Icemule, Teras, and RR, then it's your fault if you want to AFK script and run into them. The problem is people won't be able to get together, and hang out when they are actually playing without dealing with griefers.

I see that as a significant problem, personally.

06-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Tuesday maintenance never effects me because I have this place I go to between the hours of 9 and 5pm Monday to Friday.

I have just been following this thread here and there and been kind of suprised how alot of people I thought would shrug off the griefing are checking in to say they think the people pvping are awful human beings. Well I disagree as a gamer even though I dont play shattered. I mean dont get me wrong they might still be awful human beings I just think many people are over reacting to what in any other games and now gemstone is pretty typical behavior in a pvp enviornment. Just because you log onto a game kill a bunch of people and tell them they suck doesnt mean the person doing it is a dickhead in real life, thats what pvp is.

I used to play a really super fun smaug mud. PK can be a LOT of fun.

06-29-2010, 03:44 PM
I used to play a really super fun smaug mud. PK can be a LOT of fun.

That is so true. Lensmoor, a heavily modified ROM mud, had a great PK system as well. For the longest time, they had a PK noteboard that players were required to make a post on after killing another player detailing their reasons behind it and such. Needless to say, the PK noteboard was like a Jerry Springer episode with death. It was awesome. Even with the removal of the PK board, the fights were epic and could easily last upwards of 20-30 minutes as each player struggled to find a weak spot in their opponent's defenses. Lensmoor was a classless MUD though, so it pretty much just relied on optimizing which skills you learned (there were literally thousands of skills/spells).

06-29-2010, 03:45 PM
Holy fuck this thread updates fast O.o

I agree with all of your post but this point. If there was no sting, I really wouldn't care much about the time. Losing a few minutes if I was at the keyboard would barely bother me at all, losing a few hours if I got hit overnight would be mildly annoying, but little enough that I could chalk it up to the cost of playing Shattered.

How annoying would it be if it happened once a week? Twice a week? Seven times a week?

How much time is too much?

06-29-2010, 03:45 PM
AFK scripters aren't AFK all the time. They optimize their "downtime" with scripts, but they still like to enjoy the fruits of those labors with actual gameplay and interaction with other (non-griefer) PCs.

To what end? Why bother leveling against an arbitrary(Easy) enviornment. Why not just log off when your done interacting if your never going to fight each other? I saw shattered as a place for exactly whats going on now, pvp and scripting to make said pvp interesting. If you think most of the afk scripters are going to hit 100 and say "Oh well now im all powerful I guess ill just keep scripting so I can level up wand use on my warrior toon" I think your going to be suprised when at least half of them start slaughtering everybody in sight and joining gangs.

06-29-2010, 03:52 PM
To what end? Why bother leveling against an arbitrary(Easy) enviornment. Why not just log off when your done interacting if your never going to fight each other?

To test out new char types? To reach cap if you've never done it before?

I saw shattered as a place for exactly whats going on now, pvp and scripting to make said pvp interesting. If you think most of the afk scripters are going to hit 100 and say "Oh well now im all powerful I guess ill just keep scripting so I can level up wand use on my warrior toon" I think your going to be suprised when at least half of them start slaughtering everybody in sight and joining gangs.

PvP with actual challenge seems like fun to me. I expect capped chars are going to duke it out with each other quite frequently...but who cares about gangbanging one dude at a time, who's ten levels below you? There's no challenge or fun in that.

The Capped Club will be all about PvP, I'm sure.

06-29-2010, 04:01 PM
...I really think the distinctions you are making are kind of arbitrary. So your beef is that they are not waiting for you to get to 100? Are you claiming you wont kill the members of this gang repeatedly once you script 10 level past them because it would be boring?

06-29-2010, 04:06 PM
We do this already, except for our KOS list, and people who curse and swear a lot. Or just immediately depart.
You've said yourself, on more than one occasion, that people get dragged/healed/raised if they pay up, otherwise you just move on.

How annoying would it be if it happened once a week? Twice a week? Seven times a week?

How much time is too much?
There is some level of time that would be "too much," but I don't know what it is, honestly. If Mordechai & co. actually did heal/raise everyone they killed, I could fix my scripts to resume hunting after an appropriate period (stat recovery + time for him to move to another area for his extorting). If that was the case, I honestly wouldn't mind too much. I'd go hunt him down later and trade deaths, but it would be more in the fun spirit he says he wants, rather than anger over his disruption of so many people's play.

06-29-2010, 04:06 PM
...I really think the distinctions you are making are kind of arbitrary. So your beef is that they are not waiting for you to get to 100? Are you claiming you wont kill the members of this gang repeatedly once you script 10 level past them because it would be boring?

Read the RAGE thread briar posted. They are just the same as us - just like I said. Hell, briar murders people he SUSPECTS of being friends with us. Makes the game a lot more interesting for me, though to see the white knights become monsters themselves :)

06-29-2010, 04:10 PM
...I really think the distinctions you are making are kind of arbitrary. So your beef is that they are not waiting for you to get to 100? Are you claiming you wont kill the members of this gang repeatedly once you script 10 level past them because it would be boring?

Just to avoid this particular bit of confusion, I won't be doing anything, since I'm not in Shattered. My biggest beef with Shattered is that it's an other population sink for Prime :(

But I digress.

My biggest beef with the way they're playing the game is that 1) they have no regard for, or even seem to revel in the fact that, their fun is specifically fueled by ruining other players' fun, and 2) they're not even looking for a good fight, they're ganging up on people weaker than them. Is it good "RP for a bandit"? Sure, I guess. Is it good for the overall enjoyment of the players involved? Only the ones doing the killing.

If I were playing Shattered, though, I can assure you that I would not be behaving like them. Would I kill them when I managed to script 10 levels ahead of them? Probably, but ONLY because of this shit they're pulling now. I wouldn't be extorting them. I wouldn't be starting a war with them. It'd just be a matter of karma.

I'd spend the rest of my PvP time up against those my level, where the real challenge lies.

06-29-2010, 04:18 PM
Well IF i was playing which I will not be because I simply wont pay simu that much money for a text based game I would definately be involved in the pvp one way or another and scripting every second of the day that I was not out killing people and talking about killing people. Which side you end up on is largely irrelevent imo. The players being killed are going to eventually team up and be gangs of some sort as well...whether there agenda is different they will still be a group of people who share targets and kill other players. Its going to happen its human nature.

06-29-2010, 04:21 PM
But they aren't human they are elves quit ruining the RP in VT fuck get in the cage!

06-29-2010, 04:23 PM
What the hell is VT?

06-29-2010, 04:28 PM
What the hell is VT?

It's an inverted NH with lots of hippies.

06-29-2010, 04:28 PM
The players being killed are going to eventually team up and be gangs of some sort as well...whether there agenda is different they will still be a group of people who share targets and kill other players. Its going to happen its human nature.

I think it makes all the difference in the world if their agenda is just "kill that group of douchebags that decided to have their fun at our expense, and then go back to doing our own things once they're taken care of".

You seem to assume there's some kind of power vacuum that the "new gang" will be obligated to fill once the old one is broken, and they'll become just as bad. That vacuum doesn't it exist; the perception of one is the fabrication of the Marlu clan.

06-29-2010, 04:31 PM
What the hell is VT?

I thought you had been enslaved by the Tarn militia? You don't know these things? Time to cut your tongue out. Except that isn't a punishment for the TYPIST, is it? Mmmhmm, I see where you're going with this.

06-29-2010, 04:32 PM
I think it makes all the difference in the world if their agenda is just "kill that group of douchebags that decided to have their fun at our expense, and then go back to doing our own things once they're taken care of".

You seem to assume there's some kind of power vacuum that the "new gang" will be obligated to fill once the old one is broken, and they'll become just as bad. That vacuum doesn't it exist; the perception of one is the fabrication of the Marlu clan.

Neither of them will ever go away lets get that straight right now. This is a mud not an actual war its impossible for either side to win except in the event that one side gets bored and leaves which is not likely to happen now that theres a war to be fought. That aside other groups will form people will cap and become commodities to different groups and the fighting will go on. Thats it...thats a pvp game.

06-29-2010, 04:33 PM
I think it makes all the difference in the world if their agenda is just "kill that group of douchebags that decided to have their fun at our expense, and then go back to doing our own things once they're taken care of".

You seem to assume there's some kind of power vacuum that the "new gang" will be obligated to fill once the old one is broken, and they'll become just as bad. That vacuum doesn't it exist; the perception of one is the fabrication of the Marlu clan.

This. I don't know if Crossbone Vanguard will continue to exist beyond this immediate goal, but the intention will never be to ruin other player's enjoyment, except for that of those who take that as their own goal.

06-29-2010, 04:34 PM
It's an inverted NH with lots of hippies.
:rofl: Well played

06-29-2010, 04:35 PM
Neither of them will ever go away lets get that straight right now. This is a mud not an actual war its impossible for either side to win except in the event that one side gets bored and leaves which is not likely to happen now that theres a war to be fought. That aside other groups will form people will cap and become commodities to different groups and the fighting will go on. Thats it...thats a pvp game.


This is also why I find it funny when people advise me to strike fear into our enemies hearts.

You...cant do that. Its...a game! Its not very scary!

What will happen is we will both kill each other and 'grief' each other. Only difference? We'll enjoy it :P

06-29-2010, 04:37 PM
Just to avoid this particular bit of confusion, I won't be doing anything, since I'm not in Shattered. My biggest beef with Shattered is that it's an other population sink for Prime :(

But I digress.

My biggest beef with the way they're playing the game is that 1) they have no regard for, or even seem to revel in the fact that, their fun is specifically fueled by ruining other players' fun, and 2) they're not even looking for a good fight, they're ganging up on people weaker than them. Is it good "RP for a bandit"? Sure, I guess. Is it good for the overall enjoyment of the players involved? Only the ones doing the killing.

If I were playing Shattered, though, I can assure you that I would not be behaving like them. Would I kill them when I managed to script 10 levels ahead of them? Probably, but ONLY because of this shit they're pulling now. I wouldn't be extorting them. I wouldn't be starting a war with them. It'd just be a matter of karma.

I'd spend the rest of my PvP time up against those my level, where the real challenge lies.

If you were playing shattered you would realise that it is nothing like what is being portrayed here.

The big problem is the server crashing ten minutes after I go to bed, not other players.

If you want to get griefed in Shattered, you have to work at it. Its easy enough to get retaliated on, but actually finding someone to kill you unprovoked is a real challenge.

06-29-2010, 04:44 PM
the intention will never be to ruin other player's enjoyment, except for that of those who take that as their own goal.

Rofl jesus christ. So just to be clear your only going to grief people who are griefers until there are no griefers. So once you have gotten rid of the Maarlu clan are you planning on turning on yourselves?

06-29-2010, 04:45 PM
If you were playing shattered you would realise that it is nothing like what is being portrayed here.

The big problem is the server crashing ten minutes after I go to bed, not other players.

If you want to get griefed in Shattered, you have to work at it. Its easy enough to get retaliated on, but actually finding someone to kill you unprovoked is a real challenge.

Um...you seem to have missed the last 1000 or so posts in this folder, about a gang of "Marlu cultists" doing exactly that.

06-29-2010, 04:46 PM
Rofl jesus christ. So just to be clear your only going to grief people who are griefers until there are no griefers. So once you have gotten rid of the Maarlu clan are you planning on turning on yourselves?

Um, dense much? Or just trolling?

06-29-2010, 04:48 PM
Um...you seem to have missed the last 1000 or so posts in this folder, about a gang of "Marlu cultists" doing exactly that.

To be fair, count the number of posters posting those 1000 posts. The main reason it's an insane number of posts is it's literally the same thing over and over again. The only difference is the way it's stated.

06-29-2010, 04:53 PM
Rofl jesus christ. So just to be clear your only going to grief people who are griefers until there are no griefers. So once you have gotten rid of the Maarlu clan are you planning on turning on yourselves?

Ding ding!

06-29-2010, 05:00 PM
To be fair, count the number of posters posting those 1000 posts. The main reason it's an insane number of posts is it's literally the same thing over and over again. The only difference is the way it's stated.

Yes, and in 400 posts worth of stating and re-stating the same thing, it's been admitted by pretty much everyone involved that what's happening is exactly what Gnomon said "it is nothing like".

I was pointing out that his claim that the griefing isn't happening is even overturned by the admissions of the people accused of doing the unwarranted griefing. Even they're admitting they're doing it, without discriminating between AFK or non-AFK targets, or any other criteria, really. They just claim they're justified.

06-29-2010, 05:13 PM
Yes, and in 400 posts worth of stating and re-stating the same thing, it's been admitted by pretty much everyone involved that what's happening is exactly what Gnomon said "it is nothing like".

I was pointing out that his claim that the griefing isn't happening is even overturned by the admissions of the people accused of doing the unwarranted griefing. Even they're admitting they're doing it, without discriminating between AFK or non-AFK targets, or any other criteria, really. They just claim they're justified.

I get that to a certain extent. I think the extortion idea is brilliant and has the potential to evolve into something amazing in terms of gang-style RP. I expected things like that to happen when reading the description of what Shattered would be.

Shattered is almost like a sandbox game. The criminals of the lands rose to power rather quickly, and it's up to players to form a resistance and counteract their oppression. It will most likely be an endless source of conflict as various groups try to rise to power and compete against one another.

In fact, it reminds me a lot of EVE Online. There were some neutral safe zones in high security sectors, but it was insanity once you left the protection of your faction. In Gemstone, the cities are definitely safer than outside simply because a person with a criminal mind would rather kill someone outside of the gates and not suffer incarceration or a fine.

I do disagree with some things related to how they're handling the situation, but it's going to provide a basis for more groups to form and conflict to continue. I just hate seeing actions in game as a result of posts on a forum. The forum is about the game. It's not the game. IG actions for OOG comments are just bad form. Listening to feedback from other players about the bandit roleplay would also help build respect and cause it to flourish even more. Beyond that, it's pretty much to be expected in a freeform roleplay environment with literally no rules.

Please note that I'm in no way part of either side of the conflict. It's just fun to read the forums while working and offer my two cents here and there.

06-29-2010, 05:14 PM
Grand Theft Shattered 4

This shit just got real expansion.

06-29-2010, 05:16 PM
Grand Theft Shattered 4

This shit just got real expansion.

Haha! That's what it's starting to remind me of. I was going to say, it's like GS fucked GTA and popped out Shattered.

06-29-2010, 05:17 PM
Yes, and in 400 posts worth of stating and re-stating the same thing, it's been admitted by pretty much everyone involved that what's happening is exactly what Gnomon said "it is nothing like".

I was pointing out that his claim that the griefing isn't happening is even overturned by the admissions of the people accused of doing the unwarranted griefing. Even they're admitting they're doing it, without discriminating between AFK or non-AFK targets, or any other criteria, really. They just claim they're justified.

They just admit they are doing it. Since they admit they are doing it, it is pretty easy to avoid them if you want.

If I choose to make a wolverine killing script that has to run through greaters to get there and back, and I get offed by a greater while I am afk, thats because I wrote a dumb script.

If I choose to make a script that runs through where the cult advertises they are operating while I am afk, and I get offed by them, thats because I wrote a dumb script.

I have written some dumb scripts so far, but I haven't made either of those mistakes yet.

06-29-2010, 05:18 PM
You guys should resort to suicide bombing via trapped boxes.

Extra points if you wear a turban and yell MARLU AKBAR!!!!!!!11

06-29-2010, 05:20 PM
They just admit they are doing it. Since they admit they are doing it, it is pretty easy to avoid them if you want.

If I choose to make a wolverine killing script that has to run through greaters to get there and back, and I get offed by a greater while I am afk, thats because I wrote a dumb script.

If I choose to make a script that runs through where the cult advertises they are operating while I am afk, and I get offed by them, thats because I wrote a dumb script.

I have written some dumb scripts so far, but I haven't made either of those mistakes yet.

1) How does any of that relate to the situation that you claimed doesn't exist, when in fact everyone else involved on both sides agrees it does exist?

2) The "avoid them" solution means staying in EN, Teras, or RR, which considering the population of Shattered, means staying where there is NO ONE else.

If everyone packed up and moved as a group, you think they'd all just stay where they are? With no one to grief ("extort"...lolz)?

06-29-2010, 05:38 PM
1) How does any of that relate to the situation that you claimed doesn't exist, when in fact everyone else involved on both sides agrees it does exist?

2) The "avoid them" solution means staying in EN, Teras, or RR, which considering the population of Shattered, means staying where there is NO ONE else.

If everyone packed up and moved as a group, you think they'd all just stay where they are? With no one to grief ("extort"...lolz)?

Stop whining from ignorance. Sign up to shattered. Let your script run, and whine from a position of knowledge while your script is running.

This conflict is essentially Marlu vs. Luukos. Yet you think you have a better idea from reading their proganda on the boards of what it is possible to do in the game, than I do from my experience of what I have done in the game?

If you want communication in shattered, you install Lich, and use its global communication channels. You can talk to people just as easily from anywhere.

If there really were no people in those locations, it would just show how little the population in game is actually worried about being griefed.

Golems are dangerous, Mordechai is dangerous. There are multiple viable ways of dealing with both in game, whether you want a quiet life for your script while you moan on the boards, or whether you want to grief and be griefed.

06-29-2010, 05:40 PM
Mordechai is about as dangerous as a rabid squirrel.

06-29-2010, 05:55 PM
Stop whining from ignorance. Sign up to shattered. Let your script run, and whine from a position of knowledge while your script is running.

This conflict is essentially Marlu vs. Luukos. Yet you think you have a better idea from reading their proganda on the boards of what it is possible to do in the game, than I do from my experience of what I have done in the game?

If you want communication in shattered, you install Lich, and use its global communication channels. You can talk to people just as easily from anywhere.

If there really were no people in those locations, it would just show how little the population in game is actually worried about being griefed.

Golems are dangerous, Mordechai is dangerous. There are multiple viable ways of dealing with both in game, whether you want a quiet life for your script while you moan on the boards, or whether you want to grief and be griefed.


I have no interest in Shattered. I do, however, have Lich installed, so I'm following the conversations there.

And as for "their propaganda"...THE MARLU SIDE IS AGREEING TO EVERY ACCUSATION. They're not denying what they're doing AT ALL. They're just claiming it's justified. There's no "propaganda" to be taken in by.

Reading comprehension ftw.

06-29-2010, 06:23 PM
Mmm dense...I would say signing up for a pvp game and then being suprised and shocked that pvp happens would be pretty fucking dense personally.

06-29-2010, 06:43 PM

I have no interest in Shattered. I do, however, have Lich installed, so I'm following the conversations there.

And as for "their propaganda"...THE MARLU SIDE IS AGREEING TO EVERY ACCUSATION. They're not denying what they're doing AT ALL. They're just claiming it's justified. There's no "propaganda" to be taken in by.

Reading comprehension ftw.

You have been posting at length in a Shattered thread. You have an interest in Shattered. If you had no interest you would not be reading it let alone posting in it. Seriously, you should sign up now. It is not the griefing hellhole that it suits some players to portray it as, but it might indeed become that when the lead wave of scripters hits cap. There is a window of opportunity. It might not last.

And you think those accusations are not in any way exaggerated or invented? If you were actually in the game, you might be able to judge that more accurately.

Actually being in the game ftw.

06-29-2010, 09:27 PM
Your retort changed nothing about what I said. You are hung up on an issue that I don't agree exists in a server where my behavior is allowed. Go play prime.This quote predates the following one:
I'll just be the griefer you all are pretending I already am.I think you may be confused about what constitutes being a griefer. Going out of your way to hassle people who have done nothing to you is exactly griefing, especially when you are only doing it in scenarios where you can get away with it, and especially when you derive sufficient pleasure from it that you are morally outraged by anyone suggesting you ought to knock it off.
I hope none of you bitch on these forums when he griefs the fuck out of you in the future. He came here with a relatively mature attitude and language which was not incendiary (at least in the OP). All of that was ignored.I for one addressed all of his concerns in a detached and objective manner. I also want to point out that in the spirit of relative maturity, the criticism Khariz received was extremely tame by PC and internet standards.

06-30-2010, 05:01 AM
I think a better conversation to have would be lessening the effects of death sting to adapt to a full blown pvp enviornment rather than complaining about GM's not protecting people from pvpers on a pvp server. Im just saying while I think alot of the people in the extortion group are clearly being dicks about it....thats how pvp gamers act. I mean if you think HJFudge is bad fire up your xbox 360 and go play halo3, watch a 14 year old from kansas call you a faggot while he puts his characters ass in your face. This is what pvp gaming is all about, taunting hatred and aggression.

The difference is that in those other games, the guy pretending to be a badass mobster doesn't log out when he's getting pushed around. They take their beatings like everyone else... mostly. And if they don't, who really cares when dying in such games really means nothing at all? Dying in gemstone equates to time lost. These clowns try to pass what they're doing off as RP and then they throw out any semblance of that when you come back and smack them around. Not only is it a bitch move on their part, but it completely undermines their whole, "We r teh RPs". It's pretty weak. I want to roleplay ripping their characters apart, but they won't let me. /emocut

06-30-2010, 05:14 AM
What will happen is we will both kill each other and 'grief' each other. Only difference? We'll enjoy it :P

You can't "grief" someone that logs out. Don't be a fucking pussy.

06-30-2010, 05:22 AM
You can't "grief" someone that logs out. Don't be a fucking pussy.

Invisible + Rapid Fire + pwnage spell of your choice.

He won't have time to log out.

Fuck I wish I could handle another level grind. I'd kill all of you in the face 47373838485858484848474774 times.

06-30-2010, 05:28 AM
Invisible + Rapid Fire + pwnage spell of your choice.

He won't have time to log out.

Fuck I wish I could handle another level grind. I'd kill all of you in the face 47373838485858484848474774 times.

Yeah, I know. There is another little trick I have planned, but sadly my character 1) doesn't yet have the skill for a rapid fire imbed and 2) is missing one of the key spells. All in due time. For now, though, if he wants to be a tough guy in game, he should at least try to follow through with it.

06-30-2010, 08:22 AM
I have owned him so many times it's suprising people are having that much trouble

06-30-2010, 09:23 AM
Yeah, I know. There is another little trick I have planned, but sadly my character 1) doesn't yet have the skill for a rapid fire imbed and 2) is missing one of the key spells. All in due time. For now, though, if he wants to be a tough guy in game, he should at least try to follow through with it.

Rapid Fire cannot be imbedded.

06-30-2010, 09:27 AM
Bummer. Method numbah 2 will have to suffice then.

06-30-2010, 11:26 AM
Rapid Fire cannot be imbedded.

It does stack though, a whole minute per cast.

Cast it 10 times on your sorc, run around for 10 minutes imploding everyone, win at Shattered, collect women.

07-01-2010, 01:21 AM

07-01-2010, 08:41 AM

Since when is there girl toadstools?

07-01-2010, 08:49 AM
I thought there was one in a Mario Kart.

07-01-2010, 09:02 AM


07-01-2010, 09:29 AM


Creepy, they look like tentacles. Maybe it is the Nintendo version of CthulHu?

07-01-2010, 09:45 AM

07-01-2010, 09:51 AM
You misspelled his name Jaedawg

07-01-2010, 03:44 PM
wow man i just took a closer look at your avatar (bot left corner) and LOLed hard.

07-01-2010, 03:54 PM
wow man i just took a closer look at your avatar (bot left corner) and LOLed hard.

I added spikes onto Mordie too!

07-01-2010, 04:12 PM
I improved it. Did you look in the lower right corner too??

07-01-2010, 04:59 PM
I improved it. Did you look in the lower right corner too??

well I got Calidus once - fucked up and didnt get the log (dont worry il just do another)

got this too

Lord Maldric just went north.
[Glatoph, Ruins]
This intersection leads east, west, and south. The north wall is covered with steel for a double-armspan in either direction, beyond which point the steel gives way to dull grey stone. None of the passages has any distinguishing feature to help you select one over the other. You also see a steel golem.
Also here: Lord Maldric
Obvious exits: east, south, west
Maldric chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Maldric channels at a steel golem.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a steel golem.
CS: +130 - TD: +60 + CvA: +25 + d100: +36 == +131
Warding failed!
The violet haze eddies and swirls around the golem, lashing out at a steel golem's husk with ethereal tendrils.
The steel golem is hit for 19 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to the steel golem's weapon arm.
You are now in an offensive stance.
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a clenched Illoke fist at Maldric!
AS: +225 vs DS: +164 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +99 = +192
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Maldric's skull in, resulting in instant death!

* Maldric drops dead at your feet!

A white glow rushes away from Maldric.
The deep blue glow leaves Maldric.
The air calms down around Maldric.
The dim aura fades from around Maldric.
Maldric seems slightly different.
The powerful look leaves Maldric.
The light blue glow leaves Maldric.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
* Maldric just bit the dust!
A steel golem pounds at you with its metallic hand!
AS: +188 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +19 = +50